Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Hi guys,

Just wanted to let ANet know that my camera features reset when I logged out and back in.

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Hey, folks, can I ask for a check on this from others? I’d like to pass it along, but mrauls is the only one who mentioned it, so I’d like feedback from others, if you’d care to share it.


Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Southern.8973


Not seeing it on my client Gaile. All settings retained.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaboSoul.1204


Yes, it’s true. I have experienced this as well, at least with zooming in and out. To elaborate my settings appear changed but the camera returns to it’s normal state after logging in even though it still shows that I changed my camera settings. To fix this I just change it to something else and then back to what I want it to be.

(edited by CaboSoul.1204)

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stale.9785


Didn’t happen when I logged out and in.

Tried alt-F4 and restarting, still didn’t happen.

What does happen is my level of zoomout is back to the default. Perhaps the OP is experiencing that?

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strategy.3786


If you log out normally it seems to save them, just had a crash and it reset back to default.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Death Slayer.1468

Death Slayer.1468

I can mention I have this issue
I think this thread is also better placed on bug section but anyways

1) how to reproduce this is simple start your client
2) change FoV setting to max
3) close client fully and restart it, once back in you should notice default FoV, but the slider remains maxed, change it down one step to see the camera change

(edited by Death Slayer.1468)

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edell.1286


Restarting the game does reset my FOV setting.

Even though the FOV slider is shown at the proper position, the actual FOV is reset.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stale.9785


Edell – that’s… odd. Didn’t happen with me.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow.2048


I seem to have no problems

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stale.9785


These are before and after relogging. Everything is good here.


Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


My settings were the same after my adjustments and exiting and restarting, though my FoV is right in the middle. The only settings I really change are:

Adjust Camera to Character Height [off]
Rotation Speed ~25%
Zoom Sens – 2 notches to the left of totally right
FoV – 50% (I think the default is slightly right of center)


(edited by notebene.3190)

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saucermote.9140


I had the same issue where it returned me to the default (old) settings even though the FoV slider showed it was max after restarting the game. Fiddling with it caused the camera to correct itself.

You don’t win friends with Salad.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blackbeard.4356


Yep same thing for me. I exit the game and when I back in, camera settings are set as I put them last time but camera is reseted on default settings.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kallandra.2610


Anyone else noticed you run slower when FoV is set to minimum? Also, it resets for me when I log out and back in again.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: acey.6142


Seems to be working great for me

Aceskyy- 80 Ranger Cmd- 80 Warrior Cmd- 80 Engineer
Guilds affiliations – Imtl, CoS, HIGH, & DOLO
Ehmry Bay Raider with unicorn bow!

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lasss.8169


I too have it!

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Monkey Fritz.9052

Monkey Fritz.9052

Anyone else noticed you run slower when FoV is set to minimum?

Changing the field of view alters the “size” of the game world, visually, in relation to you. It is an optical ilusion, as the size doesn’t change. Due to this change in perspective, your character’s movement through the game world will appear to be faster, or slower, depending on the FOV you set.

Nothing actually changes though.

A lot of shooter games abuse this illusion when sprinting with a character, changing the FOV so that it “feels” like you are running much faster, when the reality is you are hardly moving any faster at all.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KingPuki.1075


I’m having the same problem. Camera options resets after relog.

Plants VS Zombies – Sylvari in Orr

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: purecontact.1680


Got the same problem here.
When I quit the game and come back, the max distance (when I scroll) is closer than it was before.
I have to go to the fov option and push it one step to the left and set it back to max to reach the “real” max distance.

img 1: max distance, scroll out max
img 2: max distance -1, scroll out max


(edited by purecontact.1680)

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manifibel.8420


Same problem here (Just went online again to check) My sliders and all stay as I put them, but the FoV zooms in close (Probably as if my slider was 50%) If I then try and move the FoV slider it zooms all the way out (100% out, to where I put it to).

The other sliders seem to not change to default tho.

Dungeons being about how fast you clear then compared to being able to clear them makes me sad.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mea.5491


It is true (in Field of View’s case, that’s the one I noticed). The slider stays but the camera resets back to normal.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Mine reset also. Even though the sliders were in the same place I had to go back in and move the FOV slider to the left then right again to be able to scroll back.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


My PoV resets after entering any PvP map….every time…

But another list of bugs for you to pass on:

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Still having this issue. I normally exit my game by exiting the browser (I play in browser mode)

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I had the same issue where it returned me to the default (old) settings even though the FoV slider showed it was max after restarting the game. Fiddling with it caused the camera to correct itself.

Having this happening to me too.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vpulse.2195


Same Here….i Maxed the FOV and it resets on PvP Maps and also if you log out….

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sins.4782


Having the same issue. FoV is set to max, close client, login, options show FoV at max, but FoV is clearly not maxed. Changing the setting to the left 1 and back fixes it. It’s kind of a pain to do so often, though.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: madhat.7610


There is a problem after each loading screen, not just logging out. For example, I adjusted FoV to max value while in the Mists, then I entered Custom Arena (or just left the Mists) and FoV seemed to be default again. But in the settings it was still adjusted to max. Touching the slidebar solves the problem until next loading screen.

However, I don’t have this problem after logginf out

Ps: Wanted to report this bug ingame yesterday, but “Repot bug” is a little bit broken too


(edited by madhat.7610)

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Demonzu.4215


My settings didn’t reset, but the effect of them did if that makes sense. When I relog my FOV setting is maxed out, but it doesn’t appear that way. If I lower it then max it out again then my FOV appears the way it should at max setting.

EDIT: madhat’s screenshots above this post is exactly the issue I am having.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mighty Assasin.3816

Mighty Assasin.3816

For me the settings are in the same spot when I relog, but the zoom goes back to “normal” (the fov pre-patch).

The Prestige [pTg]

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragon Ruler X.8512

Dragon Ruler X.8512

Same issue – settings NOT retained.
As others have said – I have FoV maxed – log out – and i’m defaulted, but 1 step down and up and then FoV extends out back to normal.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Makovorn.1706


This happens only when I exit the client entirely (not just logging out to the character screen) and only the FOV setting seems to be affected. All other settings are retained on my side.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celeras.4980


Here to confirm. When I exit to desktop and re-enter, the FOV is not retained. My FOV slider will still be at max, but the camera clearly is not until I move the slider once again (a single tick down and back up seems to do the trick).

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Same issue, but the framerate drop is the real problem, its about 60% what it was before the patch

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lekyii.9856


im having the same problem, the setting is like i left but the camera stays like default everytime i get in game.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


My FoV saves slider position, but it has no effect when I relog. I must pull slider to the left then set back to maximum for it to work. It looks like when logging in that slider isn’t take into account, it works only when you change it AFTER logging in.

Attempts at ele specs:

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ratzing.5084


I have max FoV, max vertical, centered on head, medium collision and centered horizontal; my FoV resets with login even though the slider shows that it’s set on max; have to wiggle it to make FoV go back to being awesomesauce.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noelm.3091


I have several accounts and I did experience my zoom being reset. Though I didn’t make a note of what my sliders were at.
It would be nice if there was a check box to “Lock” your camera(the sliders, and where you have set your zoom). I noticed also, to have the zoom where I want it, I have to make the slider extra sensitive but the problem is when I bump the slider outside my inventory or something it takes me to long to hone in that same zoom.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quothrone.8615


Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: neneza.6954


Restarting the game does reset my FOV setting.

Even though the FOV slider is shown at the proper position, the actual FOV is reset.

Yes. This is happening to me too. Slider is shown at the position that i put it but FOV is reset.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miss Lana.5276

Miss Lana.5276

Definitely reset for me. Didn’t even realise it until I saw this thread and played with the settings again.

48 Characters|Necro|Raider|Fractaller|PvPer|Singer
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bekkr.6192


This thread probably doesn’t need anyone else chiming in by now, but same issue here.

Would have rather waited another week or two for a patch without a thousand bugs, tbh.

The problem with the youth of today is that one is no longer part of it.
-Salvador Dali

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vehzz.2345


Yeah im getting the same issue. My camera resets to default after logging out, but the sliders stay where i changed them.

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mea.5491


When will this get fixed? It’s annoying…

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bekkr.6192


Super annoying. Not game-breaking though, by any means, which is probably why it hasn’t been fixed yet.

The problem with the youth of today is that one is no longer part of it.
-Salvador Dali

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lagg.3960


Same problem here.

Hey, I just bash you, and this is frenzy,
But here’s my Wammo, so heal me maybe?

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electro.4173


Don’t know how much more confirmation is needed, but I’ll go ahead and throw mine in as well I suppose.

The slider stays where it should after a complete log-out (AKA shutting the game completely off, and restarting it), but the actual FOV does not. Opening the options menu and fiddling with the FOV slider, even moving it one notch in either direction, will cause the FOV to snap back to where it “should” be.

(edited by Electro.4173)

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SamuelV.7486


Same problem here too!

Camera Settings Reset Upon Logout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack Daniels.5270

Jack Daniels.5270

Still happening. Fov, clock, rotation speed, targeting, camera shake all get reset to defaults ocasionally when I exit to desktop.