(edited by UnderdogSMO.9428)
Camera Smoothing
You have every right to ask for an optional return of camera smoothing. I’d like it back myself for no other reason than I just prefer it.
I just wouldnt expect a slider/toggle anytime soon. That will take a lot of time that Arena Net didnt have for this problem… when the playerbase is up in arms about it (and the Game Designer himself was suffering from it as well)
I sympathize, but if this thread is any indication, the removal of smoothing is going over very well… a much smaller minority of players dislike the new camera, and there’s no way this is going to be reverted.
Ask for it and express your opinion all you can… but realistically unless Anet’s been working behind the scenes for an option like this for a while already, you are likely going to have to deal with it for quite a long time. I am.
I don’t know that much about cameras. I do know that I have been playing since release and only got motion sick when doing jumping puzzles. Last night I was not doing them, but experienced motion sickness playing the game for the first time. I didn’t realize what had changed, only that I felt sick when and had to stop playing early. Will try to make changes to increase fps to see if that will help, but would prefer a button to put it back!
MajorMelchett.6042I do love it, we are asking for a choice and your acting like we are trying to force it back to how it was.
You like the new way (good for you), well I don’t like the new way and i want the OPTION to have the old way – so what exactly is your issue with that?.
Don’t start directing me questions if you can’t even answer mine. Did you just now get overly sensitive to motion after the patch, or are you using some b.s. excuse (like I know some of these others are) about getting sick with a relatively normal camera system?
Oh and FYI, I already said I wasn’t against perhaps having a slider. Please read all my posts before accusing me of saying certain things, okay? K.
ButtonMasher.8245Different people are different. Why is this hard to understand?
First, this is an MMO, not an FPS, and I kind of doubt that the CounterStrike camera is the same as the WoW camera. Second, I don’t know what the difference is, I just know that it is not good for some of us.
Lol. Okay – I guess I need to break it down for some people. It’s not that I don’t understand that different people are different. I actually understand how a high latency camera (i.e., the “old” camera) could make people sick. The camera rotation didn’t coincide with their physical motions (their hand movements), and this in turn can cause sensory confusion in a select few people, resulting in nausea or “motion sickness.”
What I do not understand, is how a person that had NO prior illness, even using the old high latency camera can now claim to be physically affected by a camera that has little to no latency – the same type of low latency camera system found in nearly every other game in the market – yet doesn’t have issues with any other game, just GW2s “new” camera. If you truly had issues with low-latency, high-response camera systems, then you would have issues playing almost every game on the market.
I don’t actually care about camera smoothing or acceleration, or the camera in WoW or any other game. The only point I was trying to make is that people who were not experiencing problems with the old camera are now experiencing problems. An option to change it back would have been nice, but you’re right, EverythingXen — those of us complaining are in the minority and I doubt ANet will do anything about it.
My understanding is that there are other problems with the camera besides smoothing. Hopefully ANet will address those problems soon, and maybe that will resolve the dizziness issue some of us are experiencing.
I don’t know that much about cameras. I do know that I have been playing since release and only got motion sick when doing jumping puzzles. Last night I was not doing them, but experienced motion sickness playing the game for the first time. I didn’t realize what had changed, only that I felt sick when and had to stop playing early. Will try to make changes to increase fps to see if that will help, but would prefer a button to put it back!
Motion sickness is not caused by camera smoothing, it is caused by having a too low FoV, this is a fact. Maybe the smoothing somehow dampened the effect, but the cause is FoV, nothing else. Let’s fix the real problem behind motion sickness instead of trying to blame it on something else.
We just need the option to toggle smoothing on and off, is that so hard to make? No! As a hobby programmer I know this for a fact as well.
Motion sickness is not caused by camera smoothing, it is caused by having a too low FoV, this is a fact.
Not my motion sickness. I don’t have problems in GW2 unless I’m a giant Norn attempting a jumping puzzle inside a cave which cause my camera to jump around out of my control. The camera has gotten better and I may be able to turn my speed up from having it all the way down.
I do have problems with first person games even with a large FOV and it all comes down to erratic camera movement and bad rendering on the outer edges of the screen while I’m moving. I can’t read as a passenger in a moving car either. It has nothing to do with FOV for me.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
i think i analysed why i prefer the old camera.
from what i understand, the old camera has an acceleration feature, which means it slowly turns up to speed.
the new camera is already up to speed, and has no acceleration.
since my fps is low, and that there is no acceleration, each of the early frames as i turn the camera is now vastly different, as compared to the previous camera.
maybe thats why i feel that the graphics are jerky.
What I do not understand, is how a person that had NO prior illness, even using the old high latency camera can now claim to be physically affected by a camera that has little to no latency – the same type of low latency camera system found in nearly every other game in the market – yet doesn’t have issues with any other game, just GW2s “new” camera. If you truly had issues with low-latency, high-response camera systems, then you would have issues playing almost every game on the market.
So what you dont understand it so its not true? But to be honest neither do I. I never had problems with games and i played a lot (especially FPS). Yet after the patch when i started the game ( i actually dindt even know that there was a patch ) i almost instantly felt sick while playing and the camera felt strange – so to be honest i have no clue why the game makes me feel sick playing now (no other game before did that before), but since the only thing that really changed is the camera its highly likely that that is the problem.
Now anyhow i dont see the problem with me having a problem knowing the likely cause but not beeing able to explain it scientifically?
Lowering all settings to get higher FPS makes things a bit better still not perfect also its rather unpleasant when i cant play the game on settings that were perfectly fine before anymore. (had about 30-50 FPS before now thats unplayable for me since i expirience every FPS-Drop instantly in camera-movement)
Again thx for the camera smoothing fix. Game is much more enjoyable now. Don’t know why anybody would want the old camera, who wants to move with a delay? Having responsive controls is pretty much the right way of doing things not just for pve but for pvp as well, you cant have PVP and call it an esport with unresponsive controls.. Best patch so far imo.
How did smoothing become part of the game to begin with is my question. Thanks for removing it! My brain thanks you and I am no longer nauseous. For those that like laggy camera’s please add an option for them and name is “laggy camera feature”.
Can we get an option to turn off Camera Smoothing?
This is all I need.
Indeed, finally something I can appreciate. Well done ANet, but this is just 0.0001% of the things you need to fix/implement in GW2. I hope you can work fast enough.
I placed a post and included my DXDIAG report. The post can be found here (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Camera-Seems-Jerky-now).
Essentially the camera in-game seems jerky. Only since this most recent update that made changes to the camera. Wasn’t a problem before and my resource usage in the game is in the Goldilocks zone (not high and not low).
Ok after trying it I can say that I was right in my assumption, it is still horrible. It’s better, but it’s still bad.
What I do not get is why we don’t get an option to disable it completely. I mean we have an option for Camera Position which apparently is much more crucial than Mouse Smoothing and a FoV slider…
To me, after disabling HPET in my bios, and then later this patch, the camera feels absolutely fantastic.
I want the ability to zoom out further, please. Being a large character makes the insanely clingy camera frustrating rather often. Jumping puzzles immediately come to mind.
Yes, they really really need to let us zoom out more. As a Norn melee character (one guardian, one thief) mass combats are a nightmare. Everything is pushed in so close and the effects are so overwhelming, it’s really awful.
I have a problem with Guild Wars 2, and I think it might fit under this topic. I really don’t want to start a new thread for this so it doesn’t make unnecessary waves in case it’s completely unrelated.
I took like a two week break from Guild Wars, and now when I started playing again (like a week ago) my head constantly hurts. Or it’s not really a headache but I just feel nauseous after playing GW for a few hours. Did ArenaNET change something in the camera or adjust something? Is anyone else feeling this? I did have to download some files before being able to play.
The first few days after GW2 launched a played more than I care to admit and I didn’t feel anything like this. Can anyone help me with this?
The most worrisome problem for me is the camera clipping. We need a no clipping option camera. It would help with the jumping puzzles tremendously. If a platformer performed like this it would get low review scores. You guys have platformer style things in your game. It should be addressed as well.
I have been playing this game every day since beta, and have been pretty vocal about the FoV. At some point between the last beta and release, I felt things had become fairly playable for me finally — no chronic headaches or nausea within 20 minutes of gameplay… that is until this last update. I can surely tell the difference between camera smoothing and no camera smoothing, and I can assure you Jon that it was never camera smoothing that was the problem, in fact it actually put a damper on the problem (the FoV problem that is. And yes I know you guys don’t think it’s a problem, but it is a problem for some people.) and I was able to find a way to play (albeit with breaks inbetween). Since the update to the camera, I now notice a juttering and jerkiness to the camera and sure enough those.. chronic headaches? Well those are back with a vengance — every single day since now. My FPS ran in the 25-30 range, and that is acceptable to me (a delay therefore in camera smoothing was not an issue), but now there is a noticeable jerking of frames..it quickly causes disorientation. I can’t keep popping tablets for long lasting headaches that barely go away during sleep (as I type this my eyes feel like they’re pounding into my skull), so my only option is to stop playing until there’s a solution. Sorry to everyone that’s feeling just as poorly too..
Yup, I have also been experiencing pretty hefty headaches after anywhere between 20 minutes and 2 hours of play. No idea what’s going on, but it started after the 7/10 patch.
Seen it ages ago,so how does this fix gw2’s fov again?
GW2’s fov is designed to be low. You only get sickness if you sit to close to your screen. Sit further away, problem solved.
? I dont get sick from a low FOV , It annoys the hell out of me but i dont get sick because of it it since i do not suffer from motion sickness. Tts just very inpractical and impairing.
Sadly Anet already stated that they will not adjust the FOV.
PLEASE make the new camera setting optional.
Since the patch, the camera seems jittery. It’s jumping all over the place. Instances in tight places when the camera jumps from a few inches behind me to a meter behind me are like a stroposkope now.
I know that many like the new camera but for me, it makes everything that requires exact targeting (read: jumping puzzles) a pain. So, please make it optional so that everyone can play in a suitable mode.
EDIT It’s neither my dual-Xeon 12 core setup not the GTX670 GPU that leads to low FPS. In fact FPS is great but the camera is still jittery.
Im stunned with new camera. Though, i think it has still has a minimal smoothing. Good work.
Sadly Anet already stated that they will not adjust the FOV.
If that is true I will without a doubt start using a FoV hack, I’ve already tried one and it is glorious!
Sadly Anet already stated that they will not adjust the FOV.
If that is true I will without a doubt start using a FoV hack, I’ve already tried one and it is glorious!
They’re probably going to do a 180 on that with the outrage the actual post caused. So I’m going to wait a while longer before I commit myself to getting banned. :P
mmm … better have an option to toggle or control the smoothing amount to fit every possible taste.
Too simple?
Yes, or give as an option for that …Turn back on camera smoothing ..this is not a FPS game. We need more fluid effect with that camera to see better some things in movement, and this one is hurtinh my eyes. Beauty of the game was in that smoothnes ..we dont need so sharp and oldfashion camera gameplay like WoW ! TNX
Fix this asap
Please guys, the first thing that needs to be looked at is the camera being brought close to your avatar because of an object behind your character (and I don’t mean walls) I mean like a sack of grain or a carriage things like this that are totally crazy.
I would also think about allowing the camera to “look through” walls in PvE encounters that occur in very secluded areas.
has this actually been fixed or did it get swept under the rug? The jolting makes some areas of the game unplayable, particularly the JPs
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
Good question. I think something was done, but I’m hoping that it’s not the last camera fix we’re going to see. I just re-did Troll’s End JP in LA, which was a nightmare the first time I’d done it, and the camera was definitely less jittery, but it still got “stuck” on the stalactites in the middle of the ceiling (ie: while not blocked by the walls of the cavern itself).
Add option to have camera positioned above head.
Are we getting more camera options in january?
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
YES don’t let this topic die! Cam needs to be fixed in a lot of OBVIOUS areas! Please update us Anet!
Any new informations about the camera issue?
Hate defeated camera.
Add option to have camera positioned above head.
^^ A thousand times this!
As for the smoothing, it’s a whole lot better than it used to be after the camera tweaks late last year. I’m content with it now, although I do believe there are quite a few players out where who would want camera smoothing to disappear entirely – perhaps as a menu selectable option.
So, is this issue fix yet ? I would like to replay some guildwars 2 i’ve heard FoV is better, has anything been done to the smoothing issue or should i wait 2014 ^^ ?
Guild Wars 2 has some camera smoothing built into it. It is generally more intrusive than it needs to be, but it also has a bug with it that makes it feel really bad for people with specific mouse look styles, like mine
. This bug, and reducing the amount of smoothing is being actively looked at, but must be done carefully and tested carefully as its impact will effect every single player. Thanks for your patience.
p.s. These are not the only camera issues, but are far and away the most egregious so we will address them first.
While you are looking at the games camera mechanics, please for the sake of the game, change also something about the zoom in-mechanics of the game’s camera making it so, that we can zoom in the camera, like we could do in GW1, that it will look like “EGO VIEW”
This will be very helpful for the game, especialyl in very tight and small places where you have to jump and where you can#t see so good, where you have to jump.
When this was possible to do in GW1, it should make no problem to allows us also to zoom in the camera into ego view in GW2, or am I wrong totally??
I can’t think of any problems, that GW2 could have with an ability to zoom in the camera completely into ego view, which GW1 didn’t have had.
Necro thread from 7 months ago. >.>
Yes, they did a lot of work in fixing the smoothing issues, and they deepened the field of view.
Still wish one could pan the camera up slightly to get more sky, though.
Tarnished Coast
And i hope a more fast camera turning too, i’m unable to follow correctly a fight when opponent is always in my back or around.
I have always disliked this imposed camera smoothening feature. It does more harm than good as the camera feels very clunky. It doesn’t matter as much in PvE as it does in PvP.
I’m glad that the devs are looking into it. I suspected that disabling camera smoothening was causing some client problems because otherwise the devs would have implemented this feature some time ago heeding the concerns of the community.
I’m glad that the devs are looking into it and I’m confident that they will prevail eventually. Looking forward to it.
(edited by Geff.1930)
I’m also glad this is being looked into. But what I really want to see fixed about the camera, is how it zooms in and out when objects get in between the player and the camera. It drives me nuts! Also, allow us to change the FOV, because the default setting is horrible, and hides most of the beauty that the game has to offer. The game will look a ton better if we can set our own FOV.
Camera is still way too smooth, still no setting. =(
I guess I’ll get banned for bumping an old thread now.
^ Usually only characer that i play on