Can someone explain this to me?
Marketing / Supply and demand
Prices do not stay the same with auctions. You could try to see if someone wants to sell it without going thru the TP but I would not recommend it as it’s an easy way to get scammed and ANet did the TP as a way for players to trade without the possibility of scams with person to person trading also it stops the chat box from being full of WTS and WTB orders.
The price was probably kept low because people were holding off in case the 5th birthday gift included that dye. Now that it has been revealed to not contain that dye, people are more willing to buy/invest in it.
First thing to know: the Trading Post is shared across all servers in both North America and Europe – so there’s a lot of people using it and therefore a lot of activity. It’s not at all unusual for things to change much faster than you’d see in other games trade systems, or to see large numbers of buy and sell orders.
In this case however there is something unusual going on, but it’s not some nefarious plot by gold sellers (of any nationality).
Permafrost Dye was only available as part of the Jormag dye kit, which is the newest one to be added to the game but which is now unavailable.
A lot of people expected that the 5th birthday gifts – which players started getting on the 24th when the oldest possible characters turned 5 – would offer the Jormag dyes as one of the choices from the Exuberant Dye Kit (which unlike the gem store packs allows you to choose a specific dye). So they were holding off on buying it and similarly many people who got one from the Jormag kit were trying to sell it before the expected drop in price when the birthday gifts hit.
Then the 24th came and everyone found that wasn’t the case – you can’t get any Jormag dye from the Exuberant Kit. So people who wanted one had no reason to keep waiting and put bids in to buy it. Which of course caused the price to jump up.
The price might dip again once the initial rush of demand dies off, but it’s unlikely it will go back down to what it was unless the dye is made available another way or a brighter white is released. (White dyes, along with black, are almost always among the most in-demand.)
I think your best bet is to get a cheaper white dye like Celestial or Eternal Ice.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
(edited by Danikat.8537)
The auction house prices aren’t set by Anet. They’re set by players. As long as players are willing to pay more for it, the price will cotinue to rise.
What you’re doing is picking what is essentially an end game dye, the most expensive dye in the game, and saying I want that one at a couple of weeks into the game.
I don’t know about you but when I start playing any game, I don’t look at the most exepensive thing on the trading post and say that’s what I’m going for.
MMOs are particularly a progression. If you got that much gold in the sthort time you’re playing, think of how much gold you can have in a year.
Prices aren’t decided based on new or old players, only on supply and demand.
First thing to know: the Trading Post is shared across all servers in both North America and Europe – so there’s a lot of people using it and therefore a lot of activity. It’s not at all unusual for things to change much faster than you’d see in other games trade systems.
In this case however there is something unusual going on, but it’s not some nefarious plot by gold sellers (of any nationality).
Permafrost Dye was only available as part of the Jormag dye kit, which is the newest one to be added to the game but which is now unavailable.
A lot of people expected that the 5th birthday gifts – which players started getting on the 24th when the oldest possible characters turned 5 – would offer the Jormag dyes as one of the choices from the Exuberant Dye Kit (which unlike the gem store packs allows you to choose a specific dye). So they were holding off on buying it and similarly many people who got one from the Jormag kit were trying to sell it before the expected drop in price when the birthday gifts hit.
Then the 24th came and everyone found that wasn’t the case – you can’t get any Jormag dye from the Exuberant Kit. So people who wanted one had no reason to keep waiting and put bids in to buy it. Which of course caused the price to jump up.
The price might dip again once the initial rush of demand dies off, but it’s unlikely it will go back down to what it was unless the dye is made available another way or a brighter white is released. (White dyes, along with black, are almost always among the most in-demand.)
I think your best bet is to get a cheaper white dye like Celestial or Eternal Ice.
Yeah this explained it to me in many ways. Mostly the part that worries me the most is the “no longer available” part of the Jormag kit that it came from.
Also there’s no way I can do that vayne lol, I’m the type that studies what I want aesthetically before doing anything else in a game. I didn’t choose it because it was expensive, the look I want just doesn’t work for me with Celestial. It’s so….greyish. Plus now that I know you can’t even get this dye anymore I really do have to get it as fast as possible.
I’m not risking waiting around hoping they plan to release it some other way and then finding it to be the price of a legendary when Christmas rolls around. Honestly I don’t mind farming, I haven’t done twisted yet and the dragon’s stand meta just didn’t feel worth the time. But AB every 2 hours with mining in between + world bosses got me 400g in a week.
A good amount of the gold comes from master disenchanting all the leather armors I get. For some reason the 6th level leathers that come from them are worth a ridiculous amount. Something I’m not gonna bother looking up quite yet till I finish my look. I’m guessing it has to do with end game gear.
Thanks for answering me everyone. I shall continue farming a very large amount and pray I get to it before it hits 1.5k
Yeah this explained it to me in many ways. Mostly the part that worries me the most is the “no longer available” part of the Jormag kit that it came from.
It’s not that it’s no longer available anymore, it’s just not available right now. ANet does bring things back onto the TP so it will probably show up again, no one but ANet knows when then.
It has been unusual this anniversary year for them to post what is being put into the TP and on what day, even if it is just a week out. Usually we don’t know what is being added for a short time until it shows up at 9am Seattle time. That is why in the sticky area there is a sticky that most keep an eye on everyday before logging in to see what is new on the TP for that day.
Alternatively, you could wait for Jormag dye kits to go on sale. I believe those are the ones that have permafrost dye available? In the mean time, a far less costly dye might do the trick to give you close to the look you want. Have you looked into celestial dye? It’s not pure white like permafrost dye, but on many gear sets it shows up as a bright white color anyway.
Just FYI, the gem store appears to be running new sales almost daily the past few weeks. There’s a chance those kits might go on sale if you wait a bit.
Also, it’s not a single use item. Once unlocked you can use it everywhere and with all characters.
The auction house prices aren’t set by Anet. They’re set by players. As long as players are willing to pay more for it, the price will cotinue to rise.
What you’re doing is picking what is essentially an end game dye, the most expensive dye in the game, and saying I want that one at a couple of weeks into the game.
I don’t know about you but when I start playing any game, I don’t look at the most exepensive thing on the trading post and say that’s what I’m going for.
MMOs are particularly a progression. If you got that much gold in the sthort time you’re playing, think of how much gold you can have in a year.
Prices aren’t decided based on new or old players, only on supply and demand.
this is very true and the fact the prices are set by players . it can be set higher or lower demand on the market for it and the demand for it .
case in point nodes that you farm iron node goes for ball park right now of 10,000.00 gold
while some of the other nodes can be gotten from 400 gold to 900 gold give or take on the markets at that time
same goes for minis and dyes too as well as skins and armor weapons
so the prices your seeing really is not that high for the market demands
heck some of the stuff you buy from npcs for crafting and so forth goes for 50 gold just from the npcs with out any market to them at all . and other items are sold for 15 to 25 gold from npc,s
its just that market order buying demand very normal and conmen practice here in this game
I know we all do more damage and have more fun when our characters look great… but as a new player, I’d recommend just, well goofing around and having fun with the game itself.
Go with a discount white for now and build up to be able to afford the fancier dyes. In the meantime, put in a buy order for your favorite dye at … let’s say 133 gold. If it drops down that much, great; you got the color for cheaper. If not? well, you can cancel the offer and replace it with a higher bid… when you’ve got more to spend.
A great resource for finding more affordable variations is the dye picker at GW2BLTC.
- Eternal Ice is slightly pinker and retails for 190g
- Celestial is an 82% match and under 30 gold.
- White is a greyer 73% match, but under 7 gold.
Caveat: colors are typically mapped in three dimensions (e.g. Red|Green|Blue or Hue|Saturation|Brightness), but the matcher uses a single number to determine “match”. Particularly for whites & blacks, you’ll see lots of off colors, so a “worse match” might actually suit your needs better.
I believe you guys didn’t get the issue here.
Look at the picture again. There is a `200 Order` for 850G in the top row of order.
1- if someone has the money to place order, most probably put order for 850g 2s and 12c and next person 13c and so on. (look at previous orders or in fact any other order transaction in TP)
2- obviously this order placed by one person who didn’t care to cause suspicion.
3- assuming it is single order from one person and it is legit, that person already put 170K gold in reservation to buy that many dye which obviously will not use.
I played the game for 2.5 years and did great in TP and still my total gold transaction is about 7000g in total.
I’ll let you to come to conclusion.
I’m sorry but I still call it Anet’s fault, in a way or another.
If everything is legit about this order game money sinks is not functioning as expected.
How it would be possible to have that amount of money after so many money sinks in place.
and if this is not a legit order, how Anet didn’t notice people earning money in that rate.
supply & demand. also, i don’t go up by coppers, if i am buying a big ticket item i go up by g’s often 100+g or similar on an item like that, it stops you from being uppercut. also that person probably bought up all the supply to that number, then tried buying out the rest so they could make money later on. happens often with dyes
This price spike is actually the result of this year’s birthday gift NOT including the jormag dyes. Some TP barons probably didn’t want to risk investing into these dyes untill they knew whether it would be included or not. As they are not included the price has spiked dramatically as they quickly bought out a bunch of the stock. Unconvenient timing on your part but that’s most likely what happened as many veterans are getting their 5th year character birthday gifts this week.
If you still haven’t noticed, It is 170,000 GOLD (count the zeros) in one single buy order which is only 1 copper above the previous buy order.
And just as quick, the buy order is gone. Stuff like that happens, it seems to me more likely to be speculation than market manipulation.
I believe you guys didn’t get the issue here.
Look at the picture again. There is a `200 Order` for 850G in the top row of order.
1- if someone has the money to place order, most probably put order for 850g 2s and 12c and next person 13c and so on. (look at previous orders or in fact any other order transaction in TP)
2- obviously this order placed by one person who didn’t care to cause suspicion.
3- assuming it is single order from one person and it is legit, that person already put 170K gold in reservation to buy that many dye which obviously will not use.I played the game for 2.5 years and did great in TP and still my total gold transaction is about 7000g in total.
I’ll let you to come to conclusion.
I’m sorry but I still call it Anet’s fault, in a way or another.
If everything is legit about this order game money sinks is not functioning as expected.
How it would be possible to have that amount of money after so many money sinks in place.
and if this is not a legit order, how Anet didn’t notice people earning money in that rate.
Truth is anyone with a credit card can have that much money if they wanted. Doesn’t mean anything is broken.
Market stuff happens in every game. I’d like to see any game where it doesn’t happen. No matter what precautions you put into place, someone will find a way around them.
Well, talking about new leggies, you can’t avoid playing the game anymore.
Even if it were “only” 600g, it would be too much. There are so many cheaper and better looking dyes than this ugly texture-killer one. As a newbie, you should spend your Gold on useful things like Ascended gear or Copper-fed salvage-o-matic. (No offense, just an advice).
I don’t get the hype for Permafrost other than it’s super-expensive and hard to get. As Mea said, it’s a texture killer. When I did a preview with it, all I see is a blinding glare that washes out textures. IMO Celestial is much more beautiful.
I get it; you want what you want. But please don’t let one dye spoil your fun in the game.
It’s not spoiling my fun don’t worry. I’m up to 620 now so I’m almost there. I listen to podcasts or family guy/south park etc. comedy stuff while farming and it never gets old.
I get what you guys are trying to say, I suppose the normal outlook is that I’m wasting my time and should be going for ascended gear and whatnot. But this is just how I play. I spend hours previewing outfits and dyes in an mmo, acquire them, THEN play the game. This is just how I operate and it doesn’t bug me at all. <— this is what I’m going for btw, I tried previewing it with celestial. Doesn’t work for me. Gonna have it shortly so I need to decide between Necro and Mesmer soon.
When I think about it this thread was basically just me complaining about the surprise price jump. I been playing mmos since EQ and that’s never happened overnight before so it really panicked me, thinking it wasn’t gonna stop there.
Newb question but how do I upvote you guys? When I click the +1 by your names it makes the +1 disappear instead. Does that mean the thread creator is automatically upvoting all posts?
Newb question but how do I upvote you guys? When I click the +1 by your names it makes the +1 disappear instead. Does that mean the thread creator is automatically upvoting all posts?
I’ve had this question in mind for years. I believe I read that this forum is no longer under ANet’s control. Everytime I “+1” a post, the next time I log in I realize it was not saved.
I believe you guys didn’t get the issue here.
Look at the picture again. There is a `200 Order` for 850G in the top row of order.
1- if someone has the money to place order, most probably put order for 850g 2s and 12c and next person 13c and so on. (look at previous orders or in fact any other order transaction in TP)
2- obviously this order placed by one person who didn’t care to cause suspicion.
3- assuming it is single order from one person and it is legit, that person already put 170K gold in reservation to buy that many dye which obviously will not use.I played the game for 2.5 years and did great in TP and still my total gold transaction is about 7000g in total.
I’ll let you to come to conclusion.
I’m sorry but I still call it Anet’s fault, in a way or another.
If everything is legit about this order game money sinks is not functioning as expected.
How it would be possible to have that amount of money after so many money sinks in place.
and if this is not a legit order, how Anet didn’t notice people earning money in that rate.
Yes, there are people who have enough gold to make buy orders like that.
It is also likely that someone has placed said order to artificially fix the price in order to profit from it down the road.
Permafrost dye will be in the thousands by the end of the year, the person who placed that order likely had a stack or two of them.
The only time the price will go down is when Anet brings back the Jormag dye kit for a short period of time (whenever that is). The buy order is there so the price never goes below that level, yet when the dye kit is gone again, the price will rise back up to over 1000g, meaning that while they take a hit on the front end by buying at a higher rate, they also gain a ton when the dye kit goes away.
This is the same for a number of other items in the game. Prices are artificially inflated by people who have thousands and thousands of gold in their wallet.
The real question is whether or not Anet is fostering this activity as a means of getting people to buy gems via CC
Off track but you just started this game a week ago and already have 410g??
Off track but you just started this game a week ago and already have 410g??
Haha yeah I got up to 620 yesterday. Mostly just doing AB every time it’s up and then about 5-6 runs around bloodtide and sparkfly mining throughout the day. But then the most amazing thing happened someone sent me 500g in the mail. Nicest thing that ever happened to me that’s for sure. I think it’s best that I don’t mention his name though, he’ll get spammed for gold I bet. You know who you are though and thank you very much! <3
Put in the 850 buy order and got it a few hours later, been tossing back and forth between mesmer and necro to figure out which one to go with. I’m glad I got it, there’s no telling whether it’s gonna skyrocket in price by Christmas or have some super sale on the gem store for the jormag kit.
Now to relax on the farming and just play. So much else to learn.
I wouldn’t pay more than 100g for a dye. That’s ridiculous. Check some that are cheaper. You can do that if you have lots of gold to waste, but you are are a new player and you will eventually get the buyer’s remorse.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
But then the most amazing thing happened someone sent me 500g in the mail.
Woot?! Wow, what did you do or say to get such a generous gift?
Wait for a year, next year the dye will be included in the 6-year birthday gifts, and so the price will go down a lot.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
But then the most amazing thing happened someone sent me 500g in the mail.
Wow, what did you do or say to get such a generous gift?
They posted on the forums, and I saw their plea. :P
Really though, when I see someone working hard for a goal, I sometimes feel inclined to help. If they are willing to actually put in the work, they should be rewarded for that work.
And if people really want to spam me for gold, they can. They will just get blocked though. Begging gets you nowhere in life.
Also, Reimia, dyes are unlocked for your whole account, so no worries who to use it on. Every character will have access to it via the hero panel.
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)
(edited by Kreejaffa.3682)
But then the most amazing thing happened someone sent me 500g in the mail.
Wow, what did you do or say to get such a generous gift?
They posted on the forums, and I saw their plea. :P
Really though, when I see someone working hard for a goal, I sometimes feel inclined to help. If they are willing to actually put in the work, they should be rewarded for that work.
And if people really want to spam me for gold, they can. They will just get blocked though. Begging gets you nowhere in life.
Also, Reimia, dyes are unlocked for your whole account, so no worries who to use it on. Every character will have access to it via the hero panel.
Ooh the man himself responded in here! Really helped me out so much <3. I knew that about the dyes thankfully or I would have been even more torn on Mesmer and Necro. Now I’m just looking for a guild. Having way more fun now that I have the look I want, I knew that’s how it would be lol. It was definitely worth it.
If you still haven’t noticed, It is 170,000 GOLD (count the zeros) in one single buy order which is only 1 copper above the previous buy order.
Yes, limited availability items, especially ones that are not currently entering the market, are ripe for TP speculators who are sitting on hundreds of thousand of gold.
With such a small amount of possible inventory in the game, it makes sense to make a large offer to try and buy up all of it so that you can reprice it at a profit.
Will it work? Depends, but if you are already wealthy then the gamble is worth it when you look at the potential reward of success.