Can we have Chinese language support added ?
Im pretty sure the chinese people living in EU or NA are able to speak and or read english perfectly fine…That would just be a pretty huge waste of time for anet tbh.Also,english is not even my main yet you dont see me asking for my own language being added..You start with chinese,then you got the french..and the spanish..and the germans…and the russians…You see where im going yet ?
(edited by Caedmon.6798)
Im pretty sure the chinese people living in EU or NA are able to speak and or read english perfectly fine…That would just be a pretty huge waste of time for anet tbh.Also,english is not even my main yet you dont see me asking for my own language being added..You start with chinese,then you got the french..and the spanish..and the germans…and the russians…You see where im going yet ?
Except the Chinese client already has the ability to play the game in Chinese, so it would be that hard to just transfer that over to the NA and EU clients which is what the OP is asking for.
I actually agree with Danyier in that the Chinese language voices, text and interface language should be ported over and made available for the NA and EU clients. I mean they already have the necessary digital assets in Mandarin, and the NA client, does in fact, have support for French, Spanish and German, so don’t think it’ll be too hard to add another option.
But hey, I’m not a programmer.
I would love to see a universal translation system like in ff11 where some important phrases are translated to every one. This could be done in an emote system where you add in more useful emotes say point North South East or an emote that say your waiting on @ person maybe a emote that commands an attk on mob or commands to run away from the mob etc.. They do not all need animation but it would be nice to have some type even if its just a reused animation just as long as every one knows what your emote is trying to say.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA