re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
Slim to none. A new race,weapons, etc, would come with an expansion, not as a living story update.
I wonder when they’ll bring actual content
meanwhile > playing defiance
Aleglast, you do realize that we got that patch two months ago, right?
The “really big feature patch” was the april 15 feature patch.
Lol i can gurantee you we are going to get something huge on july first, and then i get to say i told you so.
what would you care to wager?
If you honest to god believe they are going to drop something bigger than what the feature patch on april 15 did, you are delusional.Its going to be a simple LS addition… similar to what we have been seeing since the release of the bi-weekly LS cycle lol… you make it sound like anet is about to add xpac like content as in new skills/weapons/races/dungs…. just gonna be a nice little zone with some achievements and events to go zerg surfing, maybe a few cosmetics..
I will take enough pleasure in saying i told you so.
The interview you quoted was Colin talking about the April 15 feature patch. It literally has feature in how they referred to it. But if you want to hold your breath, then by all means…
That interview talked about a heck of alot more than just april patch pal, and you can believe what ever you want, i dont rlly care, the point is, I am right. And you will find out, and i will laugh.
that interview isnt my only source….hehe…..nuff said.
…and you can believe what ever you want, i dont rlly care, the point is, I am right.
Its funny when people try to end differences of opinions by trivializing their opponents’ and just say “I’m right, you’re wrong.”
Thank you for that laugh.
…and you can believe what ever you want, i dont rlly care, the point is, I am right.
Its funny when people try to end differences of opinions by trivializing their opponents’ and just say “I’m right, you’re wrong.”
Thank you for that laugh.
ok then, ill say you are right, im wrong, i have no idea what im talking about, i dont have any info on what is coming up. you win
Aleglast, you do realize that we got that patch two months ago, right?
The “really big feature patch” was the april 15 feature patch.
Lol i can gurantee you we are going to get something huge on july first, and then i get to say i told you so.
what would you care to wager?
If you honest to god believe they are going to drop something bigger than what the feature patch on april 15 did, you are delusional.Its going to be a simple LS addition… similar to what we have been seeing since the release of the bi-weekly LS cycle lol… you make it sound like anet is about to add xpac like content as in new skills/weapons/races/dungs…. just gonna be a nice little zone with some achievements and events to go zerg surfing, maybe a few cosmetics..
I will take enough pleasure in saying i told you so.
The interview you quoted was Colin talking about the April 15 feature patch. It literally has feature in how they referred to it. But if you want to hold your breath, then by all means…
That interview talked about a heck of alot more than just april patch pal, and you can believe what ever you want, i dont rlly care, the point is, I am right. And you will find out, and i will laugh.
that interview isnt my only source….hehe…..nuff said.
How can you be so sure Anet will come with something big on July 1st? Also what do you see as ‘something big’?
I’m not saying it won’t happen. But I do believe that atm, there is no way to tell.
Aleglast, you do realize that we got that patch two months ago, right?
The “really big feature patch” was the april 15 feature patch.
Lol i can gurantee you we are going to get something huge on july first, and then i get to say i told you so.
what would you care to wager?
If you honest to god believe they are going to drop something bigger than what the feature patch on april 15 did, you are delusional.Its going to be a simple LS addition… similar to what we have been seeing since the release of the bi-weekly LS cycle lol… you make it sound like anet is about to add xpac like content as in new skills/weapons/races/dungs…. just gonna be a nice little zone with some achievements and events to go zerg surfing, maybe a few cosmetics..
I will take enough pleasure in saying i told you so.
The interview you quoted was Colin talking about the April 15 feature patch. It literally has feature in how they referred to it. But if you want to hold your breath, then by all means…
That interview talked about a heck of alot more than just april patch pal, and you can believe what ever you want, i dont rlly care, the point is, I am right. And you will find out, and i will laugh.
that interview isnt my only source….hehe…..nuff said.
How can you be so sure Anet will come with something big on July 1st? Also what do you see as ‘something big’?
I’m not saying it won’t happen. But I do believe that atm, there is no way to tell.
I dont know a thing! ask azhur, he found me out, im just a fraud!
So the chances of a new race are equal to the drop rate of a precurser? hmmm interesting :P
No, that would imply there’s at least some chance, no matter how small. The chances of us getting a new race are equal to the chances we’ll get precursor crafting in 2013, as originally promised.
I’m torn because I want to see the Kodan and Tengu become playable but surely the Tengu would become a pivotal race for if/when we return to Cantha. Seeing as how way back a little after GW1, the Empire exiled all non-canthans from Cantha so seeing the Tengu rise up, getting to see how their government operates, maybe an excuse to see them reclaim their once sacred lands.
Fat chance and no chance tbh.
I wish the ritualist made a return, but I doubt it’ll ever happen.
I can just hope that after LA was invaded right next to them, the Tengu will finally step outside and ally with the other playable races. It’s like, what are they waiting for at this point? Are they gonna sit there and wait for Scarlet 2.0 to knock on their doors next? And what is Anet waiting for? The Tengu were almost included from the start as a playable race, surely they still have all their customization and cities/maps.
The chances they haven’t hyped to the theoretical limit of hype a NEW RACE with less than 14 days left until the patch aren’t just low… they’re perhaps the most mathematically perfect representation of the number 0 you will ever see.
I dont think this gona happen.. as long the LS still there’re NO expansion will add on to it..
so NO expansion = NO new race and No new class will add on
I won’t be expecting a new race until Season 3.
Season 2 will most likely focus, if not simply begin with, the new threat of Mordremoth (if it doesn’t focus on Mordremoth it’ll be because another Elder Dragon fed from key line tampering and pulled a fast one while we’re focused on the new threat – Jormag is most likely in such a case, Primordus second).
Unless we suddenly go after Jormag, Primordus, the deep sea Dragon, I do not see us getting a new race simply because: what plot element would the most likely races to become playable add for going after Mordremoth? Simply, none to little. The most likely, objectively, being kodan, largos, and tengu (the last having been considered already), and those only because of model, lore, and location.
But I don’t see us suddenly going after someone other than Mordremoth before season 2 ends. Maybe Jormag, but then… Why add a race halfway into a season for story purposes? No. Most likely at the end of the season, or with season 3’s beginning.
So don’t expect a new race until 2015.
I would argue the same for a new profession but for different -but shared – reasons. Mainly that they seem to separate features from story content now and thus the most likely time would have been the April 15th feature pack. But since nada there, seems weird for middle of a season for such a huge thing, thus most likely in a feature pack between future seasons. So that players can make a new character and level it before the season comes, since all LW content is now for level 80.
I dont think this gona happen.. as long the LS still there’re NO expansion will add on to it..
so NO expansion = NO new race and No new class will add on
They want the living story to replace the need of expansions – this is not only for story but features too. And if we consider all of Season 1 together if it were permanent content (excluding holiday story content), then it was – even character progression in the form of Ascended gear.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
As much as I’d like to see a new race (Tengu! Or Naga/Krait! Or Skritt!), I HIGHLY doubt we’ll be getting one next month. As others have said, there’d be a lot more build-up and a lot more hype if a new race was coming.
Not happening. Might we something new on July 1? Even something big? Sure. Nothing’s out of the question. But as much as I’d like to see ANet pull a Beyonce (and even she was subject to plenty of evidence-based rumors and speculation prior to the surprise album release), that kind of expectation just isn’t reasonable.
I can’t find it in myself to muster the effort to explain why this kind of stunt is unlikely (in large part due to eye-roll worthy posts from the likes of Aleglast), but the dire predictions in this thread so far all hearken to the fact that surprise releases are completely counter-intuitive. I want a Tengu Ritualist as much as the next guy, but dropping something like that in the next patch cycle means that either the devs have been lying about their development processes (e.g., statements along the lines that creating a map from scratch takes a year) or, less likely, they have the most secure and air-tight development installation in the industry.
So plenty of zeroes between the decimal and the one. Not impossible, but not likely at all. What’s considerably more likely is that some time in the next thirty days there will be an announcement about upcoming content (which also probably won’t include a new race or profession, but here I’ll admit I’m just being pessimistic). And it’s a lot more likely that the announcement(s) will be consistent with prior statements rather than contrary. I do expect those new maps over the next few months, probably permanent and probably mostly geared for 80’s. I also expect some balance work and, sure, even a few surprises, hopefully some completely out of left field.
But a new race? My 5g says no (because I’m poor, not because I’m not confident). Any takers?
i wouldn’t even bet on a new zone to explore during season 2 (new dungeon/fractal more likely).
What all the complaints about armor clipping? I hardly see that and IF – I don’t care. It’s such a minor issue, really. Other MMOs clip the hell out of you, it’s just an MMO thing. Get used to it…
New races requires work… is hard….. so let’s just do some more cantha skins for the gemstore.
I wasn’t making a commentary on what might be released, I’m just saying that particular interview was referencing the April 15th Feature patch.
I don’t believe there’ll be new races, but there might be build templates.
Just templates for gemstore skins
Chances of a new race on July 1st?
Chances of new gemstore items?
After we are past Public Beta.
We really know nothing of the next LS.
People got tired of a net hyping stuff, so now it seems they are just going to keep us in the dark till the patch comes.
I agree more with the no crowd but Anet does like to keep there mouth’s shut until about a week before it happens. I think getting new class’s and skills in general should be prioritized atm. Along with a new zone to explore though personally.
And a way to get precursor’s that doesn’t involve a horrible drop rate. Something you can do to at least craft it like the other gifts which do take a significant amount of time. Hell they can even make the crafted one’s soulbound on aquire and Id be happy with that.
MMORPG devs do not keep new playable races a secret just so they can surprise players at the day of release. They would want people to know about this well ahead of time, and know that major new content is coming for the game.
Chances = low to nonexistent
Chances are as low as a precursor drop.
Somewhere between zero, and zero percent.
New race? HELL TO THE NO!
Where do you even get that kind of idea, have you ever seen some new “playable” content the last 2 years?
Chances are 0.
If they were going to do a new race, they would hype the kitten out of it, attending E3 and screaming from the rooftops.
So… nope, no new races, just yet.
New race? Probably not. I would suspect more along the lines of setting the stage for a trek towards Cantha, given the saltspray dragon motif of the Ancestral Outfit, Dragon Coffers & Dragon’s Jade weapon skins. My predictions for LS2 is that Mai Trin may make a reappearance along with Canach, we’ll get them trying to pick up where Scarlet left off with the awakening of Mordremoth which’ll take us away from Tyria proper (trying to minimize collateral damage) and “cross paths” with a emissary from a deep-sea-dragon-besieged Cantha.
At least, that’s my 2 cents, for what it’s worth
I think because the next season will focus on mordremoth, it is possible the Tengu might join as a playable race because of their presence in Maguuma, and because, wouldn’t that giant burst of dragon energy have gone right under their home city?
But, I would say IF that happens, it will be after some build up, definitely not on the first day of the new season.
chances of new things that are not gemstore related?
Hmmm likeliness of a new race at launch of LS2?
I’m thinking a snowflake has a better chance in hell than seeing that happen, honestly.
I’m sure at some point we’ll see them introduce a new race, but not at this point in the ballgame. Thinking probably close to another year, maybe. (Although I’d be quite pleased to be proven wrong and get one sooner )
The chances of a new race on July 1st are the same as me having any money left in my steam wallet by the 1st of July.
Hint: I’m already down to 50%
I’m not expecting anything game changing. They were very busy with the China release and I wonder if they really had time to develop such big things. A new race would require a lot of work because they would need to adapt every single piece of clothing, create a new capital city, create a new personal story…
Everything is relative…soon two years in and no new class or weapons. Seems like the “SoonTM” is here. =)
Again, consider that China is now their big money making market. How long has the game been out in China? Nowhere near that long. They would be shooting themselves in the foot to bring out a new race right away.
The chances of a new race on July 1st are the same as me having any money left in my steam wallet by the 1st of July.
Hint: I’m already down to 50%
So, what you’re saying is… if you save your money for another week and a bit, we can all have a brand new race in GW2!? OMG, dude! Help us out! Pleeeeease!!! XD
Wouldn’t a new race also mean a new permanent city for that race plus zones? I don’t see that happening during a standard living story update.
And a new first half of the personal story, and a new set of racial skills, racial armour, racial weapons.
If they didn’t do it properly, a lot of people would be upset.
The chances of a new race on July 1st are the same as me having any money left in my steam wallet by the 1st of July.
Hint: I’m already down to 50%So, what you’re saying is… if you save your money for another week and a bit, we can all have a brand new race in GW2!? OMG, dude! Help us out! Pleeeeease!!! XD
just 3 words for you my friend.
Steam Summer Sale.
Yeah, not gonna happen, soz.
Every time I see cries for a new playable race(s), it’s for an immediate release, as if no one is taking into account the volume of content that would entail:
This would be massive. A simple screenshot of a portal would not herald the addition of new allies (probably a city’s silhouette of semi-recognizable architecture). Can we finish exploring Tyria first, please.
And a new first half of the personal story…
An entire Personal Story. Zhaitan is dead.
They’re opening new zones past the Maguuma that are all already confirmed as lv80 zones. So a new character couldn’t survive there.
Even if they add a new race what our options:
1) south of deldrimor
2) southwest of maguuma
3) far north shiverpeaks
4) north ascalon
The tengu are no longer a viable option because the dominion of the wind is squeezed between LA and the Grove. There is a small sector that could be a lv 1-15 zone for the tengu and that zone would be 85% underwater
I think because the next season will focus on mordremoth, it is possible the Tengu might join as a playable race because of their presence in Maguuma, and because, wouldn’t that giant burst of dragon energy have gone right under their home city?
The tengu don’t really have a presence in the Maguuma. No more than they do in Kryta – less, really, than Kryta. And their home city is well east of where Mordremoth would be, and no indication of any dragon energy moving anywhere (ley line magic != dragon energy; and still, no indication that the ley line goes under the Dominion of Winds).
They’re opening new zones past the Maguuma that are all already confirmed as lv80 zones. So a new character couldn’t survive there.
Even if they add a new race what our options:
1) south of deldrimor
2) southwest of maguuma
3) far north shiverpeaks
4) north ascalonThe tengu are no longer a viable option because the dominion of the wind is squeezed between LA and the Grove. There is a small sector that could be a lv 1-15 zone for the tengu and that zone would be 85% underwater
Actually, with the size of a standard city, the DOminion of Winds would be no further west than Kessex Hills. If Wizard’s Tower is turned into part of the new zone, then you can easily fit a lvl 1-10 zone between the Dominion of Winds/Kessex Hills and Lion’s Arch (accessed via the closed gate in Garrenhoff, the Shuttered Gate in LA, and a new portal in Dominion of Winds). Caledon Forest can thus be the lvl 10-15 area and Kessex Hills made to share with tengu too.
Alternatively, if they were to make Claw Island part of the tengu starter zone(s), then you’d have enough space for a lvl 1-15 and a lvl 15-25 zone (the latter being between Dominion of Winds and Southsun Cove – it’d be a thin zone that’d reach from Caledon to Bloodtide). Or they can make a zone that’s underground (destroyer invasion and all), or a zone that is more vertical based akin to Labyrinthine Cliffs and has its world map space be much smaller because of such.
The content would be mostly underwater because of this, however, or all high up in the air above lots of water, so the chances are still slim. But full plausible.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
Every time I see cries for a new playable race(s), it’s for an immediate release, as if no one is taking into account the volume of content that would entail:
- New starter zone
Not strictly required, but it would be nice.
- New Personal Story
I don’t play the one we have now on my alts. I give slightly less than a mouldy skritt’s lopped off tail. Needless make-work to do one if you set up the new races as a thing for veteran players.
- New City
Again optional and largely irrelevant – its not like the cities we have now are anything more than a way to take load off of Lions Arch – a function rendered meaningless by the mega-sharding. A slightly more service oriented village on the starter map would fulfill the need as well as a whole city map would.
- Free pizza
Now, you realize any pizza will have to be bought through the gem store . They gotta make some money somewhere in this process.
- New racial Skills
Which can and even should be as defective/sub-par as the existing ones.
- Re-fitting armors
True, but also why skeleton-based animation exists.
I think because the next season will focus on mordremoth, it is possible the Tengu might join as a playable race because of their presence in Maguuma, and because, wouldn’t that giant burst of dragon energy have gone right under their home city?
The tengu don’t really have a presence in the Maguuma. No more than they do in Kryta – less, really, than Kryta. And their home city is well east of where Mordremoth would be, and no indication of any dragon energy moving anywhere (ley line magic != dragon energy; and still, no indication that the ley line goes under the Dominion of Winds).
Well logically speaking, the burst of energy went through Queensdale, Thaumanova, through a barren stretch of what is presumably the maguuma wastes, and in to the jungles of the Magus Falls. That would be north west then southwest. They didn’t show it going under the wall in the cinematic, but the entire west side of Lions Arch is covered by it. Logically, it would have had to cleanly and perfectly go 90° direct northward, and then turn nearly a full circle in the opposite direction in order to pass under no part of the wall.
And Caledon is already part of Maguuma, and there are dozens of Tengu NPCs in it, at least one story step with a Tengu NPC in the area, and even an event. By lore, they have been in the Maguuma area as long as the Asura. They can even be found in surrounding areas as far as bloodtide coast, though curiously enough, not in Metrica. Maybe they don’t get along with the Asura? Anyway. If there is a story in that area, it’s just as likely they would be a part of it as the Asura and Sylvari. As for being dragon energy, fair point, but the Tengu don’t allow intrusion by anyone of any kind, dragon or not they would react somehow.
I’m not saying ANet absolutely will involve the tengu, especially to the point of being added as a playable race. But with their proximity, if they don’t, it will be nearly as big a plot hole in season two’s story line as the F&F alliance was in season one’s.
PS: And for the love of all that is good do not use ‘!=’, that is NOT considered by any scholarly source as a substitute for ‘?’. Sorry to harp but that is a completely incorrect, unclear, and nonsensical use of punctuation. In what world does ‘!’ or even ‘/’ mean ‘not’? In absolutely none.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
Aleglast, you do realize that we got that patch two months ago, right?
The “really big feature patch” was the april 15 feature patch.
Lol i can gurantee you we are going to get something huge on july first, and then i get to say i told you so.
what would you care to wager?
If you honest to god believe they are going to drop something bigger than what the feature patch on april 15 did, you are delusional.Its going to be a simple LS addition… similar to what we have been seeing since the release of the bi-weekly LS cycle lol… you make it sound like anet is about to add xpac like content as in new skills/weapons/races/dungs…. just gonna be a nice little zone with some achievements and events to go zerg surfing, maybe a few cosmetics..
I will take enough pleasure in saying i told you so.
The interview you quoted was Colin talking about the April 15 feature patch. It literally has feature in how they referred to it. But if you want to hold your breath, then by all means…
That interview talked about a heck of alot more than just april patch pal, and you can believe what ever you want, i dont rlly care, the point is, I am right. And you will find out, and i will laugh.
that interview isnt my only source….hehe…..nuff said.
You were saying….
…and you can believe what ever you want, i dont rlly care, the point is, I am right.
Its funny when people try to end differences of opinions by trivializing their opponents’ and just say “I’m right, you’re wrong.”
Thank you for that laugh.ok then, ill say you are right, im wrong, i have no idea what im talking about, i dont have any info on what is coming up. you win
Told ya so, It may not have been a huge new map but i told you I had info on a new map. And there it is, a new small map. I had the leak on the map, just not the size.
…and you can believe what ever you want, i dont rlly care, the point is, I am right.
Its funny when people try to end differences of opinions by trivializing their opponents’ and just say “I’m right, you’re wrong.”
Thank you for that laugh.ok then, ill say you are right, im wrong, i have no idea what im talking about, i dont have any info on what is coming up. you win
Told ya so, It may not have been a huge new map but i told you I had info on a new map. And there it is, a new small map. I had the leak on the map, just not the size.
Not picking a side here, but this isn’t really a discussion anyone can win. If I understand correctly, the whole debate was about ‘something big’ coming on July 1st. And ‘something big’ is entirely subjective.
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