At the end of every fractal, you’ll find a … fractal encryption …[that might drop] new ascended aquatic-breather recipes.
I’d like ANet to reconsider this idea and replace the idea of breathers as gear with making them a skin-only component.
- Aquatic Breathers have never been needed to, you know, aquatically breathe (at least, never in the live game).
- For 3 years, fighting under water has meant reduced stats and has required buying a seventh rune for every armor set.
- For most of these 3 years, breathers were limited to sub-L80 masterwork, karma items: no rares (never mind exotics) and completely uncraftable or unsalvageable at top levels. Even now, the supply of better-than-green rarity is extremely limited.
Thus, in a meaningful sense, we’ve never really had true underwater headgear; all we’ve had is a placeholder marginally better than no gear at all (and arguably worse than nothing at times).
Accordingly, instead of adding recipes into the game to create the gear, how about if we simplify gearing up by removing this seventh, orphaned child of armor and replacing it with a skin.
- ANet can sell breather skins on the gem shop.
- There could still be “ascended” recipes for breathers with special effects.
tl;dr don’t introduce new breathers into the game; simplify the system and replace them with wardrobe-only skins that display while underwater.