(edited by laibros.3490)
Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]
this is exactly how i feel i sent an email to them but i could never be as eloquent as you were
i try very hard not to just be disrespectful i love this game to just want things fixed
(edited by tpriel.8517)
We’ve seen reports from players questioning the randomness of the drop mechanisms in GW2 and in particular asking if it’s been changed recently. This is not the case and we don’t think that the randomness mechanism is misbehaving, but we’re running some data to be sure there isn’t anything unexpected going on. So far nothing shows anything suspicious but we’ll keep gathering data and analyzing it. We’ve also created a thread where players can share with us their concrete data about any perceived strange drop behavior they encounter:
Thanks for your understanding and help!
… really ?!
I’m at a loss for words.
Where do we start?
Well there’s a 1200 post thread of Data that players have accumulated, in fact youlre in it. Maybe you could start with that ?
Then there’s the TP, which has been inflating at a frightening rate since november. Since we now have a lot more lvl 80 players shouldn’t there be more lvl 80 rares/exotics on the market ? This is the trend I’ve noticed with every other new AAA mmo on the market, yet for some strange reason GW2 is heading in the opposite direction.
Why did Anet feel the need to start a stickied thread, where the tone of the post.is not a little insulting ? Asking it’s customers to supply ‘concrete’ data on a problem that
started 2 months ago ?!
What ‘concrete’ baseline are we meant to be comparing this data too? You wont tell us how DR really works or how the drop rates are supposed to be, so how are we supposed to gather data on a system we know nothing about?
I for one am not going to spend my time trying to prove to you your loot system is broken. This thread did a pretty good job of it and the only responses from the Anet team has been ‘Working as intended’ and ‘Prove it’… this kind of thing makes me angry.
But the person I’m angriest with is myself. For believing that a company that produces games might have actually cared about the IP they created. After the travestys that were WAR, DCUO and SWtoR I should have known better. I just love MMO gameplay.
I’d just like one last questioned answered.
When exactly did the MMO development companies stop seeing their Customers as actual Customers and start seeing them as ignorant cash-cows who they could milk for every dime possible with broken, un-finished products ?
Well the Steam sales on, might as well go find something else to play.
Thank you for your great post Red.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. A community manager has posted, yes that’s good but let’s look at what they said:
Stephane Lo Presti.7258:
We’ve seen reports from players questioning the randomness of the drop mechanisms in GW2 and in particular asking if it’s been changed recently. This is not the case and we don’t think that the randomness mechanism is misbehaving, but we’re running some data to be sure there isn’t anything unexpected going on. So far nothing shows anything suspicious but we’ll keep gathering data and analyzing it. We’ve also created a thread where players can share with us their concrete data about any perceived strange drop behavior they encounter:
Thanks for your understanding and help!
There are two elements in the above text of note. The first being, that they do not detect anything unintended in their loot system. They are ‘continuing’ to run data – so they have been checking the numbers and nothing has jumped out at them. The timing of this post tells me they have finished collecting and running data and found themselves confident enough to answer.
The second element is about them opening another thread. Why? Nothing in her post indicates to me that it will even be read. We can only give anecdotal evidence anyway which is of no importance when they have all the numbers and data they could ever need. This move is more to show people they are doing something(anything).
What can be deduced from this is that nothing is going to be ‘fixed’.
It is my personal view that the DR system is not working over long spans of time; weeks or months. Or perhaps it is working as intended whereby not only is there an hourly DR there is also a weekly or monthly DR.
~ Big Boss
Swift| M Norn Mes Ludicrous Larry| F Norn War Tanni Wolfmaster| M Sylvari Necro Orin Storm|
M Human Thief Clint Elmwood| M Norn Guard Thor Lightning God| Desolation.
Occam’s Razor: What’s most likely? That…
a.) the game code has grown too convoluted and complex for the dev team to determine if its a bug
b.) That the change is intended and they are (forced to keep?) stonewalling us
c.) It’s all jut in the heads of a few dozen players
I’ve been following this thread closely, but not gotten involved as I felt my views were being pretty fairly expressed. After so many legitimate concerns, over such a long time period, this response could hardly be more off-putting. Could it be a poor translation? A cultural difference of which I am unaware? Is this how French customers are commonly treated? I’m grasping at straws, because at face value, this response we’ve been given is simply insulting.
Initially, I guess I was “questioning the randomness of the drop mechanisms in GW2,” but it now seems to be much more than that. I’m beginning to question this company’s competence. Possibly even their integrity. This should be given a high priority by those who are paid to investigate such matters, not the paying customers who cared enough to bring it to your attention.
I suppose if you can’t even see the problem then expecting a solution is probably asking too much. So, here’s the ticket I plan on submitting after every champ and vet fight (I would say “every champ or vet that doesn’t drop loot,” but frankly that last part is now redundant):
""…every champion should be guaranteed to drop loot."
- Studio Design Director, AMA, November, 2012
Champ Abomination, Cursed Shores, Friday 12/21/2012 6:15 p.m. No Loot (for example)
If we can’t help you nail down even this simple example, the more complex issues will truly be hopeless. We deserve better.
As this thread has been answered by Stéphane, and your concerns adressed to the dedicated team, it is now locked.
Please post in the thread provided to help us gathering information about it.
Thank you.