|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Changes to the BL Chests
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Okay, so i had spare 100 gems im my wallet, i bought 25 more saying to myself well lets get nothing again, worst i can get is a ticket scrap. So i opened a bl chest and got that warderobe thingy, had no idea what it was, i opened it and got fused mace worth 830 gold. Wow just wow.
So the one thing we had to show we where ’old timers" has been taken away, good job I still have my GW2 launch baseball cap………
I don’t.
I tried, but Support gave me the brush-off when I tried to reclaim it after the wardrobe shift. I didn’t even care for it that much, it’s just a “I had it when..” for me.
but it was town clothes…..
It was! And I rolled through every character and talked to the Black Lion armor vendor guy with all of them. Never showed up. No festive hat for me…
But I digress.
As many have said about the chests, a step forward (a beautiful step forward), and a step back. I’m still not comfortable dropping real money on keys. Maybe as a Birthday/Christmas present to myself, maybe. If I do, maybe I’ll swing by the thread again and let y’all know what I get. :P
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I thought wasting one slot on a ToT bag was very bizarre thinking. I’ve played other MMo’s that use lockboxes correctly and at least give a reasonable chance at decent items. TSW even does a better job with lockboxes – I have 100% of the time got something decent from them – whether it is currency, tokens for upgrading gear, social items or crafting mats.
I’m not saying they should repeat that, but there should be a system in place so that you don’t buy a key and get 1 transmutate charge, 1 level tome, 1 ToT bag. That should never once be happening, especially if you want to entice players to buy more regularly. Why would you buy a key for a very high chance at a trans charge or a tome when you can get those from logging in or buy from the gem store (charges).
A guaranteed scrap would at least entice players to buy more.
The only way these boxes will ever truly change if those ppl who hate the boxes, stop buying keys. I find it amazing how many ppl who abhor them, still keep dumping gold/cash into the system.
Black Lion Chests were ALWAYS from the very beginning, a gem shop sampler with a chance of a higher value gem shop item. That’s why the notion the player base got that somehow they are required to have something of significant value in them is weird to me.
This is the first time in the history of the BL Chests that we know with absolute certainty what drops in the 1st slot as well as which of six items can drop in the 2nd and which of six items can drop in the 3rd. We also know there is a fix chance for a 4th slot with the uncommon/rare/super rare item, from a published list of items, and that account bound dups will transform into keys.
If with all this knowledge you still get annoyed with what you got from opening up X chests, then that’s on you mate.
RIP City of Heroes
Let me get this straight sure they cut out a slot in the chest by making the third slot a holiday only slot but if you can preview every chest you open before opening one can’t you ensure that you only open chests that have favorable conditions; that sounds like a win win situation to me.
The preview is for what is possible to get from any chest, not for what you will get with your specific chest.
Okay, so i had spare 100 gems im my wallet, i bought 25 more saying to myself well lets get nothing again, worst i can get is a ticket scrap. So i opened a bl chest and got that warderobe thingy, had no idea what it was, i opened it and got fused mace worth 830 gold. Wow just wow.
Yea, I think the wardrobe unlock makes the chests more interesting. Of course you have a bigger chance of getting some really common thing you just haven’t happened to unlock yet – especially if you’re a newer player. The wardrobe unlock is most valuable for those players who have either been playing a long time or who like to unlock everything. The items they have left for the Wardrobe Unlock to unlock will be fewer and more rare.
But I’m still not going to buy keys until the Festival item is gone. The Wardrobe Unlock isn’t a guaranteed drop.
This is the first time in the history of the BL Chests that we know with absolute certainty what drops in the 1st slot as well as which of six items can drop in the 2nd and which of six items can drop in the 3rd. We also know there is a fix chance for a 4th slot with the uncommon/rare/super rare item, from a published list of items, and that account bound dups will transform into keys.
Not strictly accurate. You don’t know what list will be used for the 2nd or 3rd slots. It could be the Common for all 3 slots as we have seen from many reports of what people have received. And this is the issue for many of us: if there is the possibility of 3 items from the Common list, we don’t want one of those possibly-useless items to be an item that it’s almost impossible to AVOID getting in game they are so common. At least boosters were something that didn’t end up in my inventory every other second. I’m not going to pay money for a chest that 1/3 of the contents is something that common.
I, and most other people I’ve seen, aren’t saying all items in the chest need to be great, or not-Common, its just silly for us to pay money for something it costs us no effort to get in-game.
So if the Iron, Hard Wood, and Flaxseed harvesting nodes which were previously only available through the Black Lion Chests, and are now no longer available in these chests, how are we supposed to get them now?
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
So if the Iron, Hard Wood, and Flaxseed harvesting nodes which were previously only available through the Black Lion Chests, and are now no longer available in these chests, how are we supposed to get them now?
There’s a MF recipe that requires you to put in Twilight, Sunrise, Eternity, and Bolt… and you have a 33% chance at getting one of the nodes… otherwise you’ll get 10-40 amalgamated gemstones.
So if the Iron, Hard Wood, and Flaxseed harvesting nodes which were previously only available through the Black Lion Chests, and are now no longer available in these chests, how are we supposed to get them now?
There’s a MF recipe that requires you to put in Twilight, Sunrise, Eternity, and Bolt… and you have a 33% chance at getting one of the nodes… otherwise you’ll get 10-40 amalgamated gemstones.
Hopefully the exclusion of these nodes is an oversight.
(edited by CMM.6712)
Hopefully the exclusion of these nodes is an oversight.
That’s what I assume it is. *shrugs
(edit: that, or they’ll be movin’ to the gem store soon)
So if the Iron, Hard Wood, and Flaxseed harvesting nodes which were previously only available through the Black Lion Chests, and are now no longer available in these chests, how are we supposed to get them now?
There’s a MF recipe that requires you to put in Twilight, Sunrise, Eternity, and Bolt… and you have a 33% chance at getting one of the nodes… otherwise you’ll get 10-40 amalgamated gemstones.
0/10 troll attempt.
Hopefully the exclusion of these nodes is an oversight.
I didn’t take this as a “troll attempt”. I took it as humor particularly since the “recipe” was so over the top.
Hopefully the exclusion of these nodes is an oversight.
That’s what I assume it is. *shrugs
Sometimes I wonder though. At times it feels like they like to troll their customers, vets especially.
This is the first time in the history of the BL Chests that we know with absolute certainty what drops in the 1st slot as well as which of six items can drop in the 2nd and which of six items can drop in the 3rd. We also know there is a fix chance for a 4th slot with the uncommon/rare/super rare item, from a published list of items, and that account bound dups will transform into keys.
Not strictly accurate. You don’t know what list will be used for the 2nd or 3rd slots. It could be the Common for all 3 slots as we have seen from many reports of what people have received. And this is the issue for many of us: if there is the possibility of 3 items from the Common list, we don’t want one of those possibly-useless items to be an item that it’s almost impossible to AVOID getting in game they are so common. At least boosters were something that didn’t end up in my inventory every other second. I’m not going to pay money for a chest that 1/3 of the contents is something that common.
I, and most other people I’ve seen, aren’t saying all items in the chest need to be great, or not-Common, its just silly for us to pay money for something it costs us no effort to get in-game.
But we do. Look at the preview of what you find in the chests and look at the Commons section.
First item in the first row is the guaranteed seasonal item. The remaining six items on the first row are the “convenience item” that shows up in the 2nd slot. The 2nd row contains the six items that “will progress your account in some way” which shows up in the 3rd slot. It’s very apparent if you watch vids of players opening the new chests.
RIP City of Heroes
This is the first time in the history of the BL Chests that we know with absolute certainty what drops in the 1st slot as well as which of six items can drop in the 2nd and which of six items can drop in the 3rd. We also know there is a fix chance for a 4th slot with the uncommon/rare/super rare item, from a published list of items, and that account bound dups will transform into keys.
Not strictly accurate. You don’t know what list will be used for the 2nd or 3rd slots. It could be the Common for all 3 slots as we have seen from many reports of what people have received. And this is the issue for many of us: if there is the possibility of 3 items from the Common list, we don’t want one of those possibly-useless items to be an item that it’s almost impossible to AVOID getting in game they are so common. At least boosters were something that didn’t end up in my inventory every other second. I’m not going to pay money for a chest that 1/3 of the contents is something that common.
I, and most other people I’ve seen, aren’t saying all items in the chest need to be great, or not-Common, its just silly for us to pay money for something it costs us no effort to get in-game.
But we do. Look at the preview of what you find in the chests and look at the Commons section.
First item in the first row is the guaranteed seasonal item. The remaining six items on the first row are the “convenience item” that shows up in the 2nd slot. The 2nd row contains the six items that “will progress your account in some way” which shows up in the 3rd slot. It’s very apparent if you watch vids of players opening the new chests.
I see what you’re saying but I’m not sure what your point is. We’re still just as likely to get the Common items as we were before – they just gave us the preview so those who are easily tempted could see the Uncommon and Rare items that they aren’t likely to get.
We are now more likely to get the common items. It used to be possible to get no common items (except for the booster). Now, you always (yes always!) get 2 common items.
This is the first time in the history of the BL Chests that we know with absolute certainty what drops in the 1st slot as well as which of six items can drop in the 2nd and which of six items can drop in the 3rd. We also know there is a fix chance for a 4th slot with the uncommon/rare/super rare item, from a published list of items, and that account bound dups will transform into keys.
Not strictly accurate. You don’t know what list will be used for the 2nd or 3rd slots. It could be the Common for all 3 slots as we have seen from many reports of what people have received. And this is the issue for many of us: if there is the possibility of 3 items from the Common list, we don’t want one of those possibly-useless items to be an item that it’s almost impossible to AVOID getting in game they are so common. At least boosters were something that didn’t end up in my inventory every other second. I’m not going to pay money for a chest that 1/3 of the contents is something that common.
I, and most other people I’ve seen, aren’t saying all items in the chest need to be great, or not-Common, its just silly for us to pay money for something it costs us no effort to get in-game.
But we do. Look at the preview of what you find in the chests and look at the Commons section.
First item in the first row is the guaranteed seasonal item. The remaining six items on the first row are the “convenience item” that shows up in the 2nd slot. The 2nd row contains the six items that “will progress your account in some way” which shows up in the 3rd slot. It’s very apparent if you watch vids of players opening the new chests.
I see what you’re saying but I’m not sure what your point is. We’re still just as likely to get the Common items as we were before – they just gave us the preview so those who are easily tempted could see the Uncommon and Rare items that they aren’t likely to get.
You said we don’t know what drops in the 2nd and 3rd slot. My point is we do.
RIP City of Heroes
This is the first time in the history of the BL Chests that we know with absolute certainty what drops in the 1st slot as well as which of six items can drop in the 2nd and which of six items can drop in the 3rd. We also know there is a fix chance for a 4th slot with the uncommon/rare/super rare item, from a published list of items, and that account bound dups will transform into keys.
Not strictly accurate. You don’t know what list will be used for the 2nd or 3rd slots. It could be the Common for all 3 slots as we have seen from many reports of what people have received. And this is the issue for many of us: if there is the possibility of 3 items from the Common list, we don’t want one of those possibly-useless items to be an item that it’s almost impossible to AVOID getting in game they are so common. At least boosters were something that didn’t end up in my inventory every other second. I’m not going to pay money for a chest that 1/3 of the contents is something that common.
I, and most other people I’ve seen, aren’t saying all items in the chest need to be great, or not-Common, its just silly for us to pay money for something it costs us no effort to get in-game.
But we do. Look at the preview of what you find in the chests and look at the Commons section.
First item in the first row is the guaranteed seasonal item. The remaining six items on the first row are the “convenience item” that shows up in the 2nd slot. The 2nd row contains the six items that “will progress your account in some way” which shows up in the 3rd slot. It’s very apparent if you watch vids of players opening the new chests.
I see what you’re saying but I’m not sure what your point is. We’re still just as likely to get the Common items as we were before – they just gave us the preview so those who are easily tempted could see the Uncommon and Rare items that they aren’t likely to get.
You said we don’t know what drops in the 2nd and 3rd slot. My point is we do.
I was responding to your initial post. That post is what I’m wondering about.
We are now more likely to get the common items. It used to be possible to get no common items (except for the booster). Now, you always (yes always!) get 2 common items.
We don’t know that’s true because we had no idea what the various drop rates were in the old chests. All we knew was that either slot seemed be able to drop any rarity but not what the rarity was other than what got crowd sourced.
RIP City of Heroes
Black Lion Chests were ALWAYS from the very beginning, a gem shop sampler with a chance of a higher value gem shop item. That’s why the notion the player base got that somehow they are required to have something of significant value in them is weird to me.
This is the first time in the history of the BL Chests that we know with absolute certainty what drops in the 1st slot as well as which of six items can drop in the 2nd and which of six items can drop in the 3rd. We also know there is a fix chance for a 4th slot with the uncommon/rare/super rare item, from a published list of items, and that account bound dups will transform into keys.
If with all this knowledge you still get annoyed with what you got from opening up X chests, then that’s on you mate.
is it a gem store sampler if it has tomes, bags of crafting mats, festival bags or other non gemstore items in it? If it’s a gemstore sampler then keep it gem store items. Not add low value in game items to our gem purchase.
ANet may give it to you.
Black Lion Chests were ALWAYS from the very beginning, a gem shop sampler with a chance of a higher value gem shop item. That’s why the notion the player base got that somehow they are required to have something of significant value in them is weird to me.
This is the first time in the history of the BL Chests that we know with absolute certainty what drops in the 1st slot as well as which of six items can drop in the 2nd and which of six items can drop in the 3rd. We also know there is a fix chance for a 4th slot with the uncommon/rare/super rare item, from a published list of items, and that account bound dups will transform into keys.
If with all this knowledge you still get annoyed with what you got from opening up X chests, then that’s on you mate.
is it a gem store sampler if it has tomes, bags of crafting mats, festival bags or other non gemstore items in it? If it’s a gemstore sampler then keep it gem store items. Not add low value in game items to our gem purchase.
Underlined part is my other big gripe with the chests, moreso after patch than before. Leveling tomes are only useful if I’m powering an alt, but I get daily rewards for that. Holiday fluffingstuff bags are useless, especially at a singular payout.
If a 125-gem key got me 400-gem worth of random crap, it’d at least simulate value, just not in what I expect to get.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
We are now more likely to get the common items. It used to be possible to get no common items (except for the booster). Now, you always (yes always!) get 2 common items.
We don’t know that’s true because we had no idea what the various drop rates were in the old chests. All we knew was that either slot seemed be able to drop any rarity but not what the rarity was other than what got crowd sourced.
The chance to get at least one common item in the 2nd and 3rd slots was less than 100%. I know this from experience. In fact, one of my last pre-patch chests had a ticket scrap in both 2nd and 3rd slots.
Now, we have a chance of exactly 100% to get one common item in those slots.
Going from less than 100%, regardless of the actual number, to exactly 100%, that means, as I stated, that we are now more likely to get a common item. So likely in fact that we’ll always at least get one.
(edited by Manasa Devi.7958)
But ticket scraps are a common item, as well as Wardrobe Unlocks.
Bad example, but the point stands. The rarity of items wasn’t formally defined prior to this patch anyway.
I should probably rephrase it like: “before, there was a less than 100% chance to get at least 1 ‘less desirable’ item as part of the slots 2 and 3 drops, now, there’s a 100% chance of that.”
We are now more likely to get the common items. It used to be possible to get no common items (except for the booster). Now, you always (yes always!) get 2 common items.
We don’t know that’s true because we had no idea what the various drop rates were in the old chests. All we knew was that either slot seemed be able to drop any rarity but not what the rarity was other than what got crowd sourced.
The chance to get at least one common item in the 2nd and 3rd slots was less than 100%. I know this from experience. In fact, one of my last pre-patch chests had a ticket scrap in both 2nd and 3rd slots.
Now, we have a chance of exactly 100% to get one common item in those slots.
Going from less than 100%, regardless of the actual number, to exactly 100%, that means, as I stated, that we are now more likely to get a common item. So likely in fact that we’ll always at least get one.
But now with have a 10%? chance of getting a 4th slot that is uncommon/rare or super rare. That’s where they shunted those drops to. So like Overwatch or Hearthstone which telegraphs rarity with color before the item is revealed, if you see a 4th slot on a chest as it’s opening, you know you got something that wasn’t common. Before, you had no idea unless you’ve open tons of chests or look up crowd sourced and possibly unreliable drop rate data the rarity you got from a chest.
I agree the guaranteed seasonal item is a disappointment. But I have half a bank tab of boosters that I rarely use, including boosters long since pulled. I can at least sell the ToT bag.
RIP City of Heroes
The seasonal items aren’t the worst drop.
There’s nothing that can drop in the second slot that I have any use for and only 2 out of the 6 options for slot 3 hold any interest for me. Chests are now at a point where I don’t even care to look at what’s in one that doesn’t pop a 4th slot.
All the talk about odds and figures doesn’t change the simple fact that chests feel worse to me than they ever felt before. Two guaranteed garbage items instead of the boosters some of which I use regularly, that’s simply an awful change for me.
I just opened one and got a tome of knowledge and a teleport to friend. That actually progresses my account backwards. :| I’m already drowning in tomes. Not very vet friendly.
when I see ppl saying they prefer a tot bag over a booster I lose all hope for this community
I just opened one and got a tome of knowledge and a teleport to friend. That actually progresses my account backwards. :| I’m already drowning in tomes. Not very vet friendly.
I can never have enough teleports to a friend. They’re particularly useful to vets like me.
Okay, so i had spare 100 gems im my wallet, i bought 25 more saying to myself well lets get nothing again, worst i can get is a ticket scrap. So i opened a bl chest and got that warderobe thingy, had no idea what it was, i opened it and got fused mace worth 830 gold. Wow just wow.
Yea, I think the wardrobe unlock makes the chests more interesting. Of course you have a bigger chance of getting some really common thing you just haven’t happened to unlock yet – especially if you’re a newer player. The wardrobe unlock is most valuable for those players who have either been playing a long time or who like to unlock everything. The items they have left for the Wardrobe Unlock to unlock will be fewer and more rare.
But I’m still not going to buy keys until the Festival item is gone. The Wardrobe Unlock isn’t a guaranteed drop.
I know it’s not a guarantee drop but i just wanted to share this since i almost never get any drops worth of mention through 4 years of playing, it was a really nice surprise.
I just opened one and got a tome of knowledge and a teleport to friend. That actually progresses my account backwards. :| I’m already drowning in tomes. Not very vet friendly.
I can never have enough teleports to a friend. They’re particularly useful to vets like me.
That actually progresses my account backwards. :| I’m already drowning in tomes.
(edited by Djinn.9245)
Considering how many players want Spirit Shards from Mastery Tracks to ‘progress’ their accounts, I’d guess ToKs are considered progressive.
I’m sure it is difficult for the Devs to please everyone.
Considering how many players want Spirit Shards from Mastery Tracks to ‘progress’ their accounts, I’d guess ToKs are considered progressive.
I’m sure it is difficult for the Devs to please everyone.
You get plenty of Tomes with daily login rewards and plenty of Festival Bags during Festivals, but you do not get plenty of Boosters from anywhere in-game. So I don’t understand this change. I can’t see exchanging Boosters for Festival Bags as an attempt to please players.
You get plenty of Tomes with daily login rewards and plenty of Festival Bags during Festivals, but you do not get plenty of Boosters from anywhere in-game. So I don’t understand this change. I can’t see exchanging Boosters for Festival Bags as an attempt to please players.
I suppose there’s a small chance that between festivals, the “guaranteed seasonal item” could be boosters… very small chance probably… but we’ll find out soon enough.
They probably thought it would be a good idea to remove boosters because there have been multiple topics on this forum asking for them to do exactly that.
Of course people disagreed. People also disagree with removing Tomes, and some people think adding ToT bags is a good idea. As someone else said they’re never going to please everyone, but I can see how they could have gotten the impression that the majority of people who buy keys regularly would like to get rid of boosters.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
They probably thought it would be a good idea to remove boosters because there have been multiple topics on this forum asking for them to do exactly that.
Of course people disagreed. People also disagree with removing Tomes, and some people think adding ToT bags is a good idea. As someone else said they’re never going to please everyone, but I can see how they could have gotten the impression that the majority of people who buy keys regularly would like to get rid of boosters.
Or maybe they thought that they’d try a six-month experiment to see whether people really miss boosters that much. We tend to react strongly the day something changes and then often months later, we’ve forgotten exactly what the issue was.
What I try to do when ANet changes something drastically is imagine what it would be like if that had been the status quo from the start? Or what if the change had been in the reverse direction (i.e. no boosters through October 2016 and then suddenly: boosters up the Lord Faren’s Kazoo).
I find it hard to imagine that anyone would be demanding that BL chests include boosters if they hadn’t been there in the first place. And likewise, if ANet had added boosters after 4 years without any, I doubt if people would have reacted with heaps of praise.
In contrast, adding the chance of a lot more skins seems to be popular, even if there’s criticism of the details of how that happens.
tl;dr I think the lords and ladies doth protest too much.
Hello, are the Permanent Access items ( hair contract, bank access etc.) still droppable through black lion chests? And will the Trick or Treats bags will be removed from black lion chests as Halloween ends? Thanks in advance!
I can confirm yes, because I had a Permanent Hair Contract drop
I’m sure it is difficult for the Devs to please everyone.
Not difficult, it’s impossible. People often complain on these forums even when they’ve been given 100% free items. The best you can do is mitigate the whining to something above 0%.
But on topic, a radical thought—and please don’t anyone hunt me down and skin me for this—but how about: Just let players choose one of these items from the “junk” pool? If I want a Speed Booster, which yes I do for my slowpoke characters, then I can choose that. If you want to add to your mass of Tomes, go right ahead. If you have a more than average use for Teleport to Friends as someone upthread mentioned, there ya go, it’s yours. Etcetera and so forth.
Without sitting down and picking apart the relative average gem or utility value (which is mostly subjective) of these so-called “junk” items, I don’t see any problem with this angle.
Somebody pointed out to me today that we went from a holiday slot, a booster, and two slots with random items to a holiday slot, two slots with common items and a chance at another slot with uncommon, rare and super rare items. By that analysis all we lost was the booster and it’s slot.
Sure we also had all the uncommon, rare and super rare items shunted onto their own wheel/slot that has a chance to come up rather than them showing up in either of the two slots. As long as the general drop rate is the same then it’s a wash.
RIP City of Heroes