Charr Tail please fix it already PLEASE !
charr are the reason we dont have capes…
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild
They are collecting information about character art in the following thread so you might want to move your feedback over there to make sure the team that is working on this sees it.
Then give charr a arm cape like raziel from soul reaver ? idk id be willing to not have a cape as long as they fix the tail. If a dev want’s to move it im fine with it. ( Or a Tabard lioncloth See Heavy T3 leg part only make it cloth with guild symbol there problem solved)
But blaming charr for not having capes while problaly is accurate sorry I rather have charr than cape’s though just saying.
(edited by Ominous.7583)
At least you have a tail. My Sylvari doesn’t get a vine tail.
^ Sorry you misclicked when you made your character :O
Whatever you do, don’t tone down the amount of tail wagging.
Tail holes: yes
Weak tail wagging: no
Well if they toned it down ( not to the point it’s static looking) It would not clip through light armor coats and weapons I mean Realisically They would not wag there tail if they are packing a giant sharp greatsword on there backs as it would be cut. A new animation for the tails that is more cat like and less cow like would be better. (cats don’t wag there tails like dogs)
^ Sorry you misclicked when you made your character :O
I like being made of soft wood.
charr are the reason we dont have capes…
Who cares. I personally played gw1 with my cape turned off all the kitten time unless I was in pvp and was forced to wear it. I know many people who did the same thing.
Before I deleted my ranger, I noticed that they swished their tail for every shortbow shot which looked ridiculous (especially given the rof on the auto attack.)
I think that overall they’ve said that charr aren’t popular enough to warrant the effort needed to fix most of the armour/tail issues. The T3 light cultural is a good example, it’s made only for charr but they either forgot charr have tails when they were making it or decided it doesn’t matter.