Approximately 15-20 hours in into the champ train, my total mats for T5 was about 450+ across the board, while T6 was reasonably scarce and distributed, maybe 5-10+ each for all of them. Gold gain was at the very least 1.5 g per hour, while frostgorge proved to be a 2.5g-3.5g per hour, excluding sales of t6 mats.
Everything aside, about 40g was made + 23g (cobalt) = 63 g with 450 mats etc, which really isn’t a lot. I know some users got more with crystal guardians/precursors/entropy, but that’s RNG.
Now besides the call for COF p1 rerun nerf, here’s the list of other things users find an issue with.
1) Dynamic Events take a hit in completion.
Back then, Lyssa farm got hit with the nerf stick because some users wanted to complete the event (?) getting a chest. Which was incomprehensible to me, because I completed all that daily chest events in total of 100 times for the past few months. And we (majority of players who stay behind) all know we are doing the events for a reward, and not for fun’s sake.
Now, I’m not saying the users are wrong, it’s simply because GW2’s loot is completely and utterly dismal. I won’t be able to run around doing dynamic events because it rewards me. I have done that event one too many times, to be even remotely interested in it being fun.
I would think half of the players that stay behind in GW2 is because they want to have a certain shiny weapon or legendary, not because gw2 devs produced something that’s fun.
Now, I personally like completing events, but again, the loot is utterly rubbish. If anet devs actually rewarded completing events with the rewards of the current champ train, everyone will praise the generous system and balanced rewards. But that’s probably undoable with the bots.
2) Economy meltdown
Yes and no. Prices are dropping for T5 because the champs reward it a lot. T6 mats hardly broke a sweat, save for the rare lodestones where the unshakable 3g lodestones finally went to 2.15g. Powerful bloods remain at 30 silvers, armored scaled remained at 25 silvers.
There will be no change in T6 mats.
In my mind, it was a chance that ANet devs didn’t get to do. Imagine mini-legendaries. Instead of a direct weapon drop like entropy, it should be a craftable weapon in your weaponsmithing/huntsman/etc.
In example
Dark orb of X (Description of dark orb: This orb seems to pulse with malice and can be melded into a weapon, account bound) + 250 T5 mats + 25 T6 mats (putrid essence) + 25 T6 mats (powerful blood) = Entropy.
Balanced way of solving economy issue, and making use of your profession.
But for the most part, churning out events every 2 weeks is an overwhelming rush, and it’s just a suggestion on my part for future weapons, if any. I also don’t think the intake of 2-3 gold per hour will break the economy as well.
3) Disgruntled players.
Oh god, yes so much. Let me just say the whining on both ends irk me. Some of the most incredulous talk about time gating the champs, 1 chest per day, makes me think that this bugger has legendary weapons and doesn’t want to share on the wealth.
Then again, some of the champ train players who accuses dynamic event players of disrupting the gold farm with profanities doesn’t please me either.
I want this loot system. But I don’t want to see such irritating talk in map chat where it breaks the fun element.
4) Champ train is darn boring.
So after that southsun cove sweatshop farming, we gain another sweatshop crown pavillion. I am not pleased to be stuck in 6 farm areas that’s not even disguised as a sweatshop farming. Jesus. So ANet refuses to put back the CS events, and instead come up with all sort of enticing things like 150% mf in the area.
This is about as farmy as you can get. Entire thing is a grind. I see no difference in going to deadeye spamming 5 gambits and then beating the crap out of him with cof p1 warrior.
Champ train boring? I did about 20 hours of almost amicable train loop where we are both envious and happy for those who got their exotic drops they wanted. I doubt the farmers are bored with what they get. Even casuals can stop any time they want to.
Do I think champ train should be nerfed? Yes.
Unfortunately, this is just getting silly. Going around to do 6 champs day in day out, goes to show how utterly terrible Anet loot system is. One darn fine day after the respawn timer is changed, some ingenious commanders will go around the entire Tyria map leading a guild zerg to do all the champs.
This can’t be the solution either. DEs has to be more rewarding. If ANet manages to combine DEs + Champ loop = current state of loot drops, Tyria will be more lively, instead of the stagnant farm train going about.
My 2 coppers.