Bad Elementalist
Choosing The Best Players to Listen To
Bad Elementalist
probs because about 75% of players that played 2 years are elitists that are like " berserker only " " stack in dungeon or scrub " they’ll do anything to make their mains overpowered
Duration of play does not alter the credibility of someone’s suggestion.
You will find just as many “narrow-minded” (as you say) suggestions from those who have played a profession for 1,000+ hours, as from those who have played it for 3 hours.
As for invitational CDI’s, those would not be fair; everyone should be free to have their own input to how they feel a profession should be changed. It seems elitist itself to prevent someone from suggesting if they have only a few hours of play time.
Yeah man, that’s not true for the most part. Not all the specilizations were made for pve.
Bad Elementalist
Listening only to people who have already stuck around for years isn’t how you expand a game’s audience, it’s how you create a stagnant and elitist community that is so off-putting to new arrivals that the game can’t grow. The second an MMO stops growing it starts dying.
Time doesn’t make an opinion right. That said, most of Guild Wars 2’s players aren’t two-plus-year veterans. Those have moved to other pastures or aren’t beta testing. Again, time doesn’t make an opinion right or more accurate.
I’d rather listen to the ideas of phantaram or wakkey than an ele that has played for like 6 months. They have a much deeper understanding of the class as a whole than others.
Bad Elementalist
Fortunately, we have Devs interested in whole game health.
The WTS finals were exciting to watch, yesterday, but if those kids were the end-all to game design, they would have been hired as designers rather than making ~$5000/tourney, once or twice a year.
We all play this game, we all have ideas what brings us enjoyment. =)
sometimes new players bring fresh perspective; sometimes they just see this game and say, “it should be like all the other games”
sometimes older players have played long enough to have a good idea where the problems lie and what could be done to fix them; others have learnt to play the system effectively and don’t want to have to relearn a new system.
Lol. I’ve played since beta, have way too many thousand hours and I’ve hardly missed one day, even if all I did was log in to do the daily. This longevity of playing doesn’t mean that my ideas are worth diddly squat and suggesting that means you are placing more value on time played rather than someone who is a newcomer but has thought deeply about his profession.
ANet may give it to you.
Point taken everyone. Hopefully a dev will read all 27 pages of merged forums posts and take into consideration at least one of the good ideas.
Bad Elementalist
Point taken everyone. Hopefully a dev will read all 27 pages of merged forums posts and take into consideration at least one of the good ideas.
Well, isn’t that one of the reasons why they selected the forum specialists? To read the forums and pass on the good ideas?
ANet may give it to you.
Point taken everyone. Hopefully a dev will read all 27 pages of merged forums posts and take into consideration at least one of the good ideas.
Well, isn’t that one of the reasons why they selected the forum specialists? To read the forums and pass on the good ideas?
This gets into a problem though….
Specialist though they may be, that doesn’t make them beings capable of determining whose idea is good.
After all they are no different than you, me or Colin at the end of the day. Human and capable of making errors in judgement.
Point taken everyone. Hopefully a dev will read all 27 pages of merged forums posts and take into consideration at least one of the good ideas.
Well, isn’t that one of the reasons why they selected the forum specialists? To read the forums and pass on the good ideas?
This gets into a problem though….
Specialist though they may be, that doesn’t make them beings capable of determining whose idea is good.
After all they are no different than you, me or Colin at the end of the day. Human and capable of making errors in judgement.
No doubt. But ANet did do what the OP was asking for. They asked for people with lots of experience in part of the game to apply for a position to forward good ideas in the area they know about. The “best players” to listen to.
ANet may give it to you.
I find it funny this game has only been out 3 years (almost) and people start calling themselves “vets”. This game is not old enough for anyone to call themselves a vet, well that’s my opinion….
Heck in Runescape you were not called a vet until the 10 year mark when you got your special cape for it…
I must say, that without the long(er) playing ‘vets’ who made video’s and walkthroughs of JP’s/dungeons/Fractals and the likes, it would be hard(er) for other players to find out stuff or figure things out.
That being said, it’s not always optimal to only listen to what vets have to say, a new player, although with less experience, can have more insight and logic than someone who’s ‘rusted’ into a certain mindset.
As an example, and i’m not by any means an expert, i made my guardian build without looking at any vids or forum suggestions wanting to see if i had the gameplay i desired right (max dps). Turns out that even a nub like me hits it right on the spot in all of it when i see that it matches the ‘meta’ for max dps perfectly. So logic and some common sense can bring you a long way.
You can see that some people still break ‘records’, by learning what others did before them and improving on it, even ‘newer’ players. So i wouldn’t just discard the newer players that offer a fresh and inspiring view.
Point taken everyone. Hopefully a dev will read all 27 pages of merged forums posts and take into consideration at least one of the good ideas.
can confirm, devs have done exactly this multiple times. its even always 27 pages of merged posts, pretty big coincedence if you ask me.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Point taken everyone. Hopefully a dev will read all 27 pages of merged forums posts and take into consideration at least one of the good ideas.
Well, isn’t that one of the reasons why they selected the forum specialists? To read the forums and pass on the good ideas?
This gets into a problem though….
Specialist though they may be, that doesn’t make them beings capable of determining whose idea is good.
After all they are no different than you, me or Colin at the end of the day. Human and capable of making errors in judgement.
So there for, no one can really spot a good idea.
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Point taken everyone. Hopefully a dev will read all 27 pages of merged forums posts and take into consideration at least one of the good ideas.
Well, isn’t that one of the reasons why they selected the forum specialists? To read the forums and pass on the good ideas?
This gets into a problem though….
Specialist though they may be, that doesn’t make them beings capable of determining whose idea is good.
After all they are no different than you, me or Colin at the end of the day. Human and capable of making errors in judgement.
So there for, no one can really spot a good idea.
Or every idea is good…the implementation and feasibility is something else entirely
Yes, ANet should only use the best suggestions. Only… how do they determine “best”?
- Veterans often don’t remember what it was like to start the game, so their suggestions often are unhelpful or worse for newbies.
- Elite players see little challenge while the majority might find it tough going.
- The players with the most time in-game often forget how much time they spend, and how easy it is to accumulate stuff (mats, coin, whatever) just by spending more time playing.
- Players with more money than time (and frequently convert gems to coin) have a different set of concerns than those who have more time than money.
The best way to determine the best ideas is to let everyone post their ideas, let everyone comment on those suggestions, and moderate the forums so the discussions remain productive.
Which is pretty close to what we have now.
If you want more good ideas on the forum you need to raise the level of discussion. Way too often people simply start railing against some strawman of what people saying for three pages instead of actually discussing anything. They are always more interested in telling people why they are wrong than learn about why they think the way they do.
The biggest hindrance to productive discussion is all the people who want to stop the discussion from taking place at all.
I’ve been playing since the first day of headstart and have over 1,500 hours on my ranger but if Anet asked me to be part of their brainstorming or whatever for new mechanics I’d refuse.
How long someone has been playing is a horrible way to determine how much they know about balance and profession design. My usual reaction to balance changes is to skim through it, decide I don’t care if a skill takes an extra second to activate or does 1.5 seconds more of poison and go back to the same build I used before. I am not the person who should decide these changes
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”