Coil Event Fail Toxicity

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skoigoth.9238


Probably because it is exploiting game mechanics for profit.

Who are you to judge where exploiting game mechanics begins? This is something only a-net has to decide, so stop throwing words like that around.

Btw, I was curious how bad the “toxic” behavior at coiled really is and did a couple of hours farming there today.
The group I joined was well organized, friendly and very good at quickly finding empty maps so that no one felt disturbed by us. The farm went on for hours without any serious interruption or people complaining much. However, at some point several random players came by and were seemingly confused because they didn´t understand what was going on. The most aggressive thing said to them was “get out of the circle” followed by an explanation about how the farm works. Not a big deal if you ask me.

I also had a lot of nice chitchat with people in my group and in local chat. One guy said he came to coiled three days ago to advance his LS and then ended up joining the farmers =D He also said that he was able to complete his LS step very easily afterwards because the group he joined changed map eventually.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


This is what happens when ANet nerfs everything and refuses to have designated farming spots. Farmers can’t farm without interrupting people who want to complete the event. Although, the only toxicity I’ve seen is mostly from the griefers. Example below… Three appropriately named commanders showed up to grief the farmers. They don’t care about coiled watch; nobody did until it became a popular farm. Same thing with Blix. The ones that screamed “omergerd exploit!111” were actually trolls who get a kick out of ruining other players’ fun. I bet they don’t even hang around Orr anymore.

Uh. You do realize that there is a champion farm rout in that EXACT SAME AREA that is run regularly right? But I guess that’s not good enough for you.

But nono, you have to farm an event that is needed for not only several achievements, but for progressing living story as well, like you have the god given right to do so. And incidentally those things are by design, unlike fail farming it.

FGS train isn’t as good though. One champ box nets 1s, plus some junk stuff. Subtract the WP fee from that and you’re left with very little profit. Also it’s boring. Coiled trash mobs drop heavy icy bags, greens, blues and lots of copper/silver. Why do you think people farmed Blix instead of the champ train in Orr?

And I never said I have the god given right to farm there. I’m just pointing out that we need farm spots to be separated from LS content or whatever, else there will be conflict. Still, you can’t blame or stop people for farming a profitable event.

Firstly, your screenie shows nothing at all.. was there a point to showing it.
Ssecond there are legitimate farm spots all over the game.. in fact the poster you responded to you even mentioned the FG champ farm was right at the end of your nose, which you choose to push aside in preference to not having to do anything other than stand in the same spot and exploit a reset timer.
What you want is a never ending exploitable farms to satisfy your greed, jut like BLIX and in doing so it plants the seed in the developers mind on how to restrict any kind of loot flow in the game going forward.. so they will undoubtedly make another attempt to patch the event but it may now also make them consider how loot is distributed within events and outside in openworld trash mob kills… going all the way back to “all I get is porous bones, wtf that champ no drop looty… etc”

Fact is farming loot and mats in GW2 isn’t the issue, there are a plethora of events that can be scaled for better loot chances, there are many champs on respawn timers with a variety of champ trains running them all the time, there are larger openworld events such as temple chains and then there is world boss timer rotations.. where in all that is there no opportunity for farmers to enjoy their fun fix (I also like to farm btw) – nah what your expressing is the enjoyment of exploiting event mechanics 24/7 without any effort purely to satisfy one’s greed – and you will do/say anything you can to try to protect that… but if ANET’s way of dealing with the issue is to just ignore it or at best patch the hole rather then rooting it out at its core then the game will no longer require any content development or direction because it has everything it needs in one exploitable spot where we can farm all the mats we need for our legendary our crafted Ascended gear, our lvls, our karma and our “FUN”.

NOTE TO ANET – Please don’t bother developing anything else for the game, instead please focus all effort on resizing the standing room area at the Coil event so that every man and his dog can crowd in there. Additionally please consider raising the map cap to conveniently allow tenfold the amount of players to congregate there in an effort to make it a proper ingame community.. maybe add some butterflies for us all to count while we hug each other during the momentary rest time before we once again set upon grabbing mooar phat loot 24/7.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


And the farmers will just find another event. What does nerfing coiled solve? If ANet’s game design doesn’t naturally pull players to farm where they’re supposed to, then the design has failed.

I’ve been to CS plenty and got a truck load of porous bones to show for it.

Gee such an obvious response for someone who I guess doesn’t see before their own phat loot bags… of course you have a truck load of bones.. how do you think they try to rebalance the game economy and loot distribution when players are walking away with stupidly over the top amounts of loot from a single event that’s being exploited24/7.. of course they will adjust the loot drops for “ALL” and alter the DR.. but as long as your happy with that all is good…

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Another album –

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nia.3964


In an effort to reduce the flaming and ‘toxicity’ I started searching for unfarmed megaservers, then offering a taxi for those wanting to finish their Living Story. Besides the usual problems(…getting Spamblocked by ArenaNets Filters), it worked nice. So I encourage everyone with some spare time to do the same, as a workaround until ArenaNet comes up with a change.

PS: To all thoses farmers. It would also be nice if you’d not abuse this ‘service’ by using the taxi and then declaring the not-farmed server as your new farmserver. Just…find another one!

E: As the spamfilter is more mighty than me, I’d appreciate any help. If you willing to do some good, PM me ingame to try and create another safe haven for those who want to do the Living Story =)

(edited by Nia.3964)

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faereilos.5106


Firstly, your screenie shows nothing at all.. was there a point to showing it.
Ssecond there are legitimate farm spots all over the game.. in fact the poster you responded to you even mentioned the FG champ farm was right at the end of your nose, which you choose to push aside in preference to not having to do anything other than stand in the same spot and exploit a reset timer.
What you want is a never ending exploitable farms to satisfy your greed, jut like BLIX and in doing so it plants the seed in the developers mind on how to restrict any kind of loot flow in the game going forward.. so they will undoubtedly make another attempt to patch the event but it may now also make them consider how loot is distributed within events and outside in openworld trash mob kills… going all the way back to “all I get is porous bones, wtf that champ no drop looty… etc”

Fact is farming loot and mats in GW2 isn’t the issue, there are a plethora of events that can be scaled for better loot chances, there are many champs on respawn timers with a variety of champ trains running them all the time, there are larger openworld events such as temple chains and then there is world boss timer rotations.. where in all that is there no opportunity for farmers to enjoy their fun fix (I also like to farm btw) – nah what your expressing is the enjoyment of exploiting event mechanics 24/7 without any effort purely to satisfy one’s greed – and you will do/say anything you can to try to protect that… but if ANET’s way of dealing with the issue is to just ignore it or at best patch the hole rather then rooting it out at its core then the game will no longer require any content development or direction because it has everything it needs in one exploitable spot where we can farm all the mats we need for our legendary our crafted Ascended gear, our lvls, our karma and our “FUN”.

NOTE TO ANET – Please don’t bother developing anything else for the game, instead please focus all effort on resizing the standing room area at the Coil event so that every man and his dog can crowd in there. Additionally please consider raising the map cap to conveniently allow tenfold the amount of players to congregate there in an effort to make it a proper ingame community.. maybe add some butterflies for us all to count while we hug each other during the momentary rest time before we once again set upon grabbing mooar phat loot 24/7.

Screenie showed who was fueling the toxicity in the first place? Someone even asked the griefers if they were helping peopled do their LS (which is fine), but they didn’t respond to that. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I do temple chains and open world bosses, too. Unfortunately, temples are always open and world events are largely unrewarding, not to mention boring. If I’m lucky I’ll get 5g a night oh wow I can totally buy Twilight in five more years, while people who farm dungeons or manipulate the market has 8k gold, all ascended gear, and 10 legendaries. Of course I’m going to defend the only place where I can have fun while getting decent loot for once (lol you don’t get that many T6, dragonite/empyreal or karma for doing Coil quit exaggerating). I mean, would you still do events again and again if they reward absolutely nothing? People complained that LS mobs don’t drop loot, when the whole point of doing the LS is for achievements and the story. We’re all greedy and selfish to some extent.

ANet needs to make succeeding an event actually rewarding and penalize failure. That’s all.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


Anet does nothing. I have asked them, they responded with we can’t do anything, try guesting on a low-pop server.

I call BS on Anet then. They have done things in the past. Problem is they don’t want to do anything because that will just incite the farmers to make more posts in visible places about Anet taking away stuff, and Anet is keen on not having that happen. Instead it seems like the “go to a different instance” argument is in play. Prob with that is that if you are in a low enough pop map to get this event done, you are also probably in a low enough pop map to be bounced from it as well. :/

[OTR] – Greck Howlbane – Guardian
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

ANet needs to make succeeding an event actually rewarding and penalize failure. That’s all.

….and bingo! The loot distribution is designed to be poor to enhance monetization and the backlash to that is the need to farm. They have created the perfect catch 22, the rewards are terribly underwhelming, the cost of everything is absurdly high because the economy is built around a TP so people need to farm to get the things they want in a reasonable amount of time.
You want to fix this, start adding more content geared to reward people for doing it; things like absurdly low drops of precursors and the insane amount of materials needed to craft legendries or any meaningful items are all tied to farming due to the abhorrent drops of these materials which is done to increase the overall time it takes to build one. Not everyone needs one, or wants one but those that do are left behind a wall of obstacles leaving them very little choice but to farm.
Think of it this way, they can’t have everyone running around with a legendary or full ascended etc. because at that point what would the draw be to keep them here, it certainly isn’t the new content, new legendries etc.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


Actually players should be given kill rewards for any event, failed or not. Players should always have every incentive to join and attempt an event and they should never be dissuaded by a lack of reward if it fails. The actions of the farmers should not deprive the majority of the player base of beneficial design, such as rewards for assisting an event.

Clearly players shouldn’t be rewarded more for failing an event than for completing it. The root of this problem is actually the broken currency, karma, which is an undesirable reward for finishing an event.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

How about ANET makes it more rewarding to actually succeed the events?

The problem with GW2 events at the moment, are that the timers are too long. That is why players fail events.

(edited by Kain Francois.4328)

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


It’s not the farming that is a problem. It’s this event in particular, which is part of a story mission.

Nah if coiled wasn’t attached to LS somebody will still scream exploit. Just like Blix.

It depends on the person. I couldn’t give a rat’s behind about Blix. I do, however, have a problem with players being unable to progress in their personal story. This has nothing to do with whether or not farming is against the rules. Make a similar event and plop it somewhere else; I could not care less.

I think we need to focus on the fact that players can’t continue their story, and not on the endless farming debate. Sad to see that Anet has no opinion yet.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


In an effort to reduce the flaming and ‘toxicity’ I started searching for unfarmed megaservers, then offering a taxi for those wanting to finish their Living Story. Besides the usual problems(…getting Spamblocked by ArenaNets Filters), it worked nice. So I encourage everyone with some spare time to do the same, as a workaround until ArenaNet comes up with a change.

PS: To all thoses farmers. It would also be nice if you’d not abuse this ‘service’ by using the taxi and then declaring the not-farmed server as your new farmserver. Just…find another one!

E: As the spamfilter is more mighty than me, I’d appreciate any help. If you willing to do some good, PM me ingame to try and create another safe haven for those who want to do the Living Story =)

That’s so backwards.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nia.3964


In an effort to reduce the flaming and ‘toxicity’ I started searching for unfarmed megaservers, then offering a taxi for those wanting to finish their Living Story. Besides the usual problems(…getting Spamblocked by ArenaNets Filters), it worked nice. So I encourage everyone with some spare time to do the same, as a workaround until ArenaNet comes up with a change.

PS: To all thoses farmers. It would also be nice if you’d not abuse this ‘service’ by using the taxi and then declaring the not-farmed server as your new farmserver. Just…find another one!

E: As the spamfilter is more mighty than me, I’d appreciate any help. If you willing to do some good, PM me ingame to try and create another safe haven for those who want to do the Living Story =)

That’s so backwards.

Well, backwards or not, I could help a few people finishing their Living Story! To me, thats worth being “backwards”. Better than waiting – no – hoping that ArenaNet changes something soon.

(edited by Nia.3964)

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


This time they insult another player trying to do the living story. Accused of being trolls, and the classic calls for mass reports. Now there’s a conspiracy of wanting to complete this event is because of bot farmers not wanting to cut into their profits or something. Some don’t understand others have motivations different than their own. Wondering why people would complete the event if it cuts into everyone’s profits.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


Happened last night while I was mapping Frostforge on one of my alts. Seems there were a couple of people attempting to do their personal story but the “farmers” were only interested in failing the event. I went over to try and help out but the event was scaled way above the 4 people that wanted it to succeed.

That can be fixed. Every time the event fails the number of Champions spawned in the next round is decreased, that is to say the scaling drops even if there are 80 people standing around waiting for it to fail so they can milk Champions. To reset it they would have to have the event succeed.

Theftwind (HoD)

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nia.3964


This time they insult another player trying to do the living story. Accused of being trolls, and the classic calls for mass reports. Now there’s a conspiracy of wanting to complete this event is because of bot farmers not wanting to cut into their profits or something. Some don’t understand others have motivations different than their own. Wondering why people would complete the event if it cuts into everyone’s profits.

As you are so eager to help people out. I have gotten a PM being asked to taxi those willing to do Living Story on US. Sadly, I play on EU.
So, if you are really not just there for creating bad atomosphere, why don’t you try helping on US? ;-)

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: culturespy.1324


In an effort to reduce the flaming and ‘toxicity’ I started searching for unfarmed megaservers, then offering a taxi for those wanting to finish their Living Story.

That’s so backwards.

But it is a much better solution than trolling and I intend to help if I can.

I’ve seen people looking to finish LS stumble across a farming map on accident and catch a ton of rage and I don’t like it at all, but I understand why: the cooperative farm maps have been disrupted by trolls time and time again, always with the excuse that they’re “just there to finish the event”. You can see it in the screenshots that started this thread. It gets old fast.

I didn’t participate in Blix farming, but from what I’ve read, it’s the same few people. I’ve also heard they’re active in EotM. These people are the catalyst that turns this whole situation “toxic”. If not for these trolls being purposefully disruptive, the community would find a way to make everyone happy.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Oh how we all miss Dhuum!!!!!

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weston.3457


This is what happens when ANet nerfs everything and refuses to have designated farming spots. Farmers can’t farm without interrupting people who want to complete the event. Although, the only toxicity I’ve seen is mostly from the griefers. Example below… Three appropriately named commanders showed up to grief the farmers. They don’t care about coiled watch; nobody did until it became a popular farm. Same thing with Blix. The ones that screamed “omergerd exploit!111” were actually trolls who get a kick out of ruining other players’ fun. I bet they don’t even hang around Orr anymore.

Uh. You do realize that there is a champion farm rout in that EXACT SAME AREA that is run regularly right? But I guess that’s not good enough for you.

But nono, you have to farm an event that is needed for not only several achievements, but for progressing living story as well, like you have the god given right to do so. And incidentally those things are by design, unlike fail farming it.

FGS train isn’t as good though. One champ box nets 1s, plus some junk stuff. Subtract the WP fee from that and you’re left with very little profit. Also it’s boring. Coiled trash mobs drop heavy icy bags, greens, blues and lots of copper/silver. Why do you think people farmed Blix instead of the champ train in Orr?

And I never said I have the god given right to farm there. I’m just pointing out that we need farm spots to be separated from LS content or whatever, else there will be conflict. Still, you can’t blame or stop people for farming a profitable event.

Firstly, your screenie shows nothing at all.. was there a point to showing it.
Ssecond there are legitimate farm spots all over the game.. in fact the poster you responded to you even mentioned the FG champ farm was right at the end of your nose, which you choose to push aside in preference to not having to do anything other than stand in the same spot and exploit a reset timer.
What you want is a never ending exploitable farms to satisfy your greed, jut like BLIX and in doing so it plants the seed in the developers mind on how to restrict any kind of loot flow in the game going forward.. so they will undoubtedly make another attempt to patch the event but it may now also make them consider how loot is distributed within events and outside in openworld trash mob kills… going all the way back to “all I get is porous bones, wtf that champ no drop looty… etc”

Fact is farming loot and mats in GW2 isn’t the issue, there are a plethora of events that can be scaled for better loot chances, there are many champs on respawn timers with a variety of champ trains running them all the time, there are larger openworld events such as temple chains and then there is world boss timer rotations.. where in all that is there no opportunity for farmers to enjoy their fun fix (I also like to farm btw) – nah what your expressing is the enjoyment of exploiting event mechanics 24/7 without any effort purely to satisfy one’s greed – and you will do/say anything you can to try to protect that… but if ANET’s way of dealing with the issue is to just ignore it or at best patch the hole rather then rooting it out at its core then the game will no longer require any content development or direction because it has everything it needs in one exploitable spot where we can farm all the mats we need for our legendary our crafted Ascended gear, our lvls, our karma and our “FUN”.

NOTE TO ANET – Please don’t bother developing anything else for the game, instead please focus all effort on resizing the standing room area at the Coil event so that every man and his dog can crowd in there. Additionally please consider raising the map cap to conveniently allow tenfold the amount of players to congregate there in an effort to make it a proper ingame community.. maybe add some butterflies for us all to count while we hug each other during the momentary rest time before we once again set upon grabbing mooar phat loot 24/7.

1. let me tell you the 2 lines exchanged before the screenie was taken. “whats happening here” “we are failing this event to farm”
2. FS champ train is literally less than half the loot
3. where are these other events that scale other than arcanist lab and toxic alchemist? we have searched for hours upon hours so we could move on to somewhere else more secluded that wouldnt bother anyone, to no avail, so please let me know and we will move there right away.
4. coiled only scales to 50 so for everyone over 50 someone misses a bag, 80 players would be silly ;]
5. its okay we normally have hearts to count from harpy pharamones rather than butterflies so its a pretty sweet deal

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow White.1842

Snow White.1842

In an effort to reduce the flaming and ‘toxicity’ I started searching for unfarmed megaservers, then offering a taxi for those wanting to finish their Living Story.

That’s so backwards.

But it is a much better solution than trolling and I intend to help if I can.

I’ve seen people looking to finish LS stumble across a farming map on accident and catch a ton of rage and I don’t like it at all, but I understand why: the cooperative farm maps have been disrupted by trolls time and time again, always with the excuse that they’re “just there to finish the event”. You can see it in the screenshots that started this thread. It gets old fast.

I didn’t participate in Blix farming, but from what I’ve read, it’s the same few people. I’ve also heard they’re active in EotM. These people are the catalyst that turns this whole situation “toxic”. If not for these trolls being purposefully disruptive, the community would find a way to make everyone happy.

Without these “trolls”, as you call them, I’d have not completed. As it was, it was scaled ridiculously high, and took a HUGE effort. With their help, I managed to complete, and managed to get the rest of it as well. I shouldn’t have to ask, to do MY LS. I shouldn’t have to change maps to do MY LS. I shouldn’t have to endure a ton of insults and ridicule to do MY LS. As a side note, I’m not going to either, EVER.

I’m not against farming. I farmed out gold runs in BB, and I STILL have over 10k queen’s gauntlet entrance tickets. I ran gold. I made gold happen. I participated with a TON of other amazing BB gold runners (Love you all, btw and when it comes back I’ll be at the front of the line to do it some more!). I’m certainly not against farming this event, even as broken of a concept as failing to profit is. Chances are, now that I’ve gotten (I believe everything I need – not sure), i’ll probably JOIN the farmers farming.

What I am against is this completely fake defense people are putting up. No, the farmers aren’t going to help you complete. This is FALSE. There might be a rare map when the majority has the integrity to do it, but its a rare exception. I did switch some maps, the same verbal abuse exists. The common phrase “Find another map” is often used, and this is completely unacceptable.

While I have no issues with the farming. I would side with the “trolls” on this one. Failing to profit is not by design. Attempting to excuse it is just a veiled circular argument that goes nowhere. If any of you farmers have any dignity or ethics at all, next time you should stop typing and try helping. As someone else pointed out, even alternating wins/losses can optimize loot results by resetting diminishing returns.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weston.3457


This time they insult another player trying to do the living story. Accused of being trolls, and the classic calls for mass reports. Now there’s a conspiracy of wanting to complete this event is because of bot farmers not wanting to cut into their profits or something. Some don’t understand others have motivations different than their own. Wondering why people would complete the event if it cuts into everyone’s profits.

As you are so eager to help people out. I have gotten a PM being asked to taxi those willing to do Living Story on US. Sadly, I play on EU.
So, if you are really not just there for creating bad atomosphere, why don’t you try helping on US? ;-)

NIA i thank you for your honorable work, and i would like to say that if I am ever online and someone has whispered you for help in US i would be more than happy to oblige so long a they are courteous. I would also like to inform you that your attempts to have gedarkan help are misguided, as he has no interest at all in helping other players, as we saw with blix and as we are seeing now with coil, he ONLY wishes to disrupt the gameplay of as many others as possible.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


This time they insult another player trying to do the living story. Accused of being trolls, and the classic calls for mass reports. Now there’s a conspiracy of wanting to complete this event is because of bot farmers not wanting to cut into their profits or something. Some don’t understand others have motivations different than their own. Wondering why people would complete the event if it cuts into everyone’s profits.

As you are so eager to help people out. I have gotten a PM being asked to taxi those willing to do Living Story on US. Sadly, I play on EU.
So, if you are really not just there for creating bad atomosphere, why don’t you try helping on US? ;-)

You say that as if people haven’t whispered me already and been taxied in to get their living story achievements. Either way, if you get people whispering you then feel free to direct them to me. I don’t do the event all that often but if I’m in FGS, then I’m probably doing the event and all are welcome to come help complete it and get their achievements. I’ve been saving all three dolyaks almost every time as well for those needing that achievement.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weston.3457


I would also like to state that there is some truth to both sides of the arguement here, every time we help someone finish for LS nowadays( when we cant find them an empty map) someone calls us trolls, noobs, idiots, etc.. but these are not by any means representative of the whole farming community. it is sickening and infuriating for you to sit there and insult the entire community as a whole for the wrongdoings of a few, when there are many people out there who have spent HOURS UPON HOURS helping other people when they needed it. it is simple, those that flame or insult when you try to complete it should be reported and banned, but you shouldnt insult or berate people for playing the game how they want to play. if people sit on the sidelines quietly and watch you play your way theyve done nothing wrong. it’s the trolls, the toxic ones, and the insulters on BOTH sides that are at fault here. but more often than not if you ask nicely someone is willing to stop playing THEIR way and help you out, and if they dont, there’s normally at least 1 guild member in your specific instance that will let us know and we always come help.( so long as youre not berating us helpful ones)

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


While I have no issues with the farming. I would side with the “trolls” on this one.

Of course you would side with your friends.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weston.3457


This time they insult another player trying to do the living story. Accused of being trolls, and the classic calls for mass reports. Now there’s a conspiracy of wanting to complete this event is because of bot farmers not wanting to cut into their profits or something. Some don’t understand others have motivations different than their own. Wondering why people would complete the event if it cuts into everyone’s profits.

As you are so eager to help people out. I have gotten a PM being asked to taxi those willing to do Living Story on US. Sadly, I play on EU.
So, if you are really not just there for creating bad atomosphere, why don’t you try helping on US? ;-)

You say that as if people haven’t whispered me already and been taxied in to get their living story achievements. Either way, if you get people whispering you then feel free to direct them to me. I don’t do the event all that often but if I’m in FGS, then I’m probably doing the event and all are welcome to come help complete it and get their achievements. I’ve been saving all three dolyaks almost every time as well for those needing that achievement.

Gedekran, if you actually do help those in need i apologize for my previous comments against you, but so far all I have seen of you is intentionally disrupting farm even when noone wants it completed, and completing through yaks then leaving the ones who DO want it completed to take on the scaled up last phases themselves. please correct me if i’m wrong, i don’t like disliking other people.

(edited by weston.3457)

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


I want it completed and that for me is enough reason to complete it. When others want to complete it for achievements or any other reason, that’s also enough reason for me. Most are not going to say they want it when people are already insulting to me and others who are trying to complete it. What would be the point? Get themselves insulted as well?

People innocently standing off to the side? You mean where they can scale up the defend event and passively try to cause it to fail? Thankfully such scale range is limited and I’ve not found the last phases scaled up at all unless enough of the zerg runs in there to passively scale it up to troll those trying to complete the chain.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weston.3457


I want it completed and that for me is enough reason to complete it. When others want to complete it for achievements or any other reason, that’s also enough reason for me. Most are not going to say they want it when people are already insulting to me and others who are trying to complete it. What would be the point? Get themselves insulted as well?

People innocently standing off to the side? You mean where they can scale up the defend event and passively try to cause it to fail? Thankfully such scale range is limited and I’ve not found the last phases scaled up at all unless enough of the zerg runs in there to passively scale it up to troll those trying to complete the chain.

if they want to scale the event its their right as purchasers of the game. so long as they are not insulting or verbally harassing anyone in the process. what it seems many of you dont undertsand is that some people bought the game to do story content, some people bought the game to farm. nowhere in the EULA does it say you cant fail events, or that you cant farm. why are people trying to tell me that i cant play the game i payed for the way i want when i dont tell that to them?

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


You can play the game any way you want. I’m going to keep playing it the way I want without actually harassing anyone unlike the farmers who are harassing me and those wanting to complete it. It goes both ways. You keep on wanting to fail it and scale things up and we will keep completing it because it’s our right to do so. Both of our rights. For us though, we can and will keep completing it by actively playing instead of using passive effects to make it fail.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faereilos.5106


It’s fine if you want to complete it, but if you do just say something so people don’t think you’re trolling. I won’t get mad if you need to do LS (not every farmer is a big meanie head. I know some are but most don’t care). The trolls, however, complete the defend event and doesn’t help with escort or shaman. In fact, they disappear as soon as the majority of the farm leaves. They’re jerks through and through.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Why does one need to justify them-self if they want to complete an event? They are going to think you are trolling regardless. And there should not be any such events in game that puts people on both sides of it and forces you to justify wanting to complete it.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nia.3964


Okay, so instead of further argueing, I am going to suggest a workaround for the time being. If this works, we might be able to keep this farm alive longer. Everyone would have Profit. I’d like to make a guild for Taxi-ing to unfarmed worlds. But in order to make this work, I’d need full cooperation of the main farming Guild on EU(which is…[FARM]).
So far, none of them reacted to my whispers or mapchat-writings. So if anyone would be so kind and ask them if they’d be interested. The concept would be:

We’d create a guild with people willing to taxi when they go afk/semi-afk or willing to help people find an unfarmed server. If someone has time, he/she represents. If an active farming commander finds somone wanting to do the Living Story, said person gets redirected to someone currently representing, who then can hopefully help.

I know, it’s a lot of effort with almost nothing in return, but I would like to see a more peaceful solution instead of constant flaming, blaming and harassment…

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I want it completed and that for me is enough reason to complete it. When others want to complete it for achievements or any other reason, that’s also enough reason for me. Most are not going to say they want it when people are already insulting to me and others who are trying to complete it. What would be the point? Get themselves insulted as well?

People innocently standing off to the side? You mean where they can scale up the defend event and passively try to cause it to fail? Thankfully such scale range is limited and I’ve not found the last phases scaled up at all unless enough of the zerg runs in there to passively scale it up to troll those trying to complete the chain.

if they want to scale the event its their right as purchasers of the game. so long as they are not insulting or verbally harassing anyone in the process. what it seems many of you dont undertsand is that some people bought the game to do story content, some people bought the game to farm. nowhere in the EULA does it say you cant fail events, or that you cant farm. why are people trying to tell me that i cant play the game i payed for the way i want when i dont tell that to them?

Actually. It does. It’s called abusing game mechanics for profit. This is generally considered an exploit.

Now if anet chooses to do anything about it or not is a different matter. But technically speaking they can ban every single person failing events repeatedly for the purpose of farming them if they wanted to.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Okay, so instead of further argueing, I am going to suggest a workaround for the time being. If this works, we might be able to keep this farm alive longer. Everyone would have Profit. I’d like to make a guild for Taxi-ing to unfarmed worlds. But in order to make this work, I’d need full cooperation of the main farming Guild on EU(which is…[FARM]).
So far, none of them reacted to my whispers or mapchat-writings. So if anyone would be so kind and ask them if they’d be interested. The concept would be:

We’d create a guild with people willing to taxi when they go afk/semi-afk or willing to help people find an unfarmed server. If someone has time, he/she represents. If an active farming commander finds somone wanting to do the Living Story, said person gets redirected to someone currently representing, who then can hopefully help.

I know, it’s a lot of effort with almost nothing in return, but I would like to see a more peaceful solution instead of constant flaming, blaming and harassment…

Except for the part where it doesn’t need to be kept alive.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanive.3804


One thing to note – those guys were going to every instance of Frostgorge, flaming anyone who wanted to complete the event, and then screwing the people farming it as well. Every instance of the map, for hours.

It all comes down to around 3 people who were there with no other intent than to interfere with as many other players as possible. That isn’t playing the game in any sense. That’s harassment.

Yeah it is…thing is they will win in the end because anet will just lengthen the spawn times (easy fix for them) Sometimes the easy way is NOT the best way.

I honestly think anet could fix this if they just put an instance marker on the road leading up to coil and let those groups of people who want to band to together for it to succeed can and do it out of world, leaving the people who like farming in the open world alone.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanive.3804


Ill say it again


Instance road marker for the people needing story. They can group up and finish in no time.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Ill say it again
Instance road marker for the people needing story. They can group up and finish in no time.

The problem with that line of thought is that you’re saying the people playing the game as it was designed are the ones who are not playing the right way and need to have their way adjusted. When in fact it’s the exact opposite.

There are already farms IN Frostgorge. Anet does not need to cater to fail train farmers at all. And in the long term fail train farms are bad for the game no matter how you feel about them, don’t kid yourself.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanive.3804


Ill say it again
Instance road marker for the people needing story. They can group up and finish in no time.

The problem with that line of thought is that you’re saying the people playing the game as it was designed are the ones who are not playing the right way and need to have their way adjusted. When in fact it’s the exact opposite.

There are already farms IN Frostgorge. Anet does not need to cater to fail train farmers at all. And in the long term fail train farms are bad for the game no matter how you feel about them, don’t kid yourself.

Ok Im gonna call you out bro…

Bad how? prices on things are at an all time high and I have been here since early launch. If anything flooding the market with cheap items is a good thing. The professional botters are the ones making the money currently, not random gamer dood trying to make his 10 gold for the day.

Maybe you are part of the botter scheme and people are stepping on your toes? Cause that is what I believe the poeple who are trolling the fail trains are about. No one knows anything about who these guys are IRL (like that commander named Gr****r) so as far as I’m concerned they are part of the bot scammers trying to stop competition.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: culturespy.1324


This evening I was running a rescue-taxi service in FGS. Between farm runs checking if anyone needs LS and helping them taxi into a clean map. You sometimes have to play games with Megaserver but it can be done.

And once you find a map without a farm, there’s usually a few people standing around, asking “are we going to fail the event?” “are we here to farm?” So for those people, I let them know if we finish the event I can use friends and guildies to taxi them back into a farm map. Everyone is suddenly really cooperative once they know they’re all going to get what they want.

If you believe in the community and honestly want to help people out, stop name-calling and find a peaceful solution. Others have said it: two wrongs don’t make a right.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Ill say it again
Instance road marker for the people needing story. They can group up and finish in no time.

The problem with that line of thought is that you’re saying the people playing the game as it was designed are the ones who are not playing the right way and need to have their way adjusted. When in fact it’s the exact opposite.

There are already farms IN Frostgorge. Anet does not need to cater to fail train farmers at all. And in the long term fail train farms are bad for the game no matter how you feel about them, don’t kid yourself.

Ok Im gonna call you out bro…

Bad how? prices on things are at an all time high and I have been here since early launch. If anything flooding the market with cheap items is a good thing. The professional botters are the ones making the money currently, not random gamer dood trying to make his 10 gold for the day.

Maybe you are part of the botter scheme and people are stepping on your toes? Cause that is what I believe the poeple who are trolling the fail trains are about. No one knows anything about who these guys are IRL (like that commander named Gr****r) so as far as I’m concerned they are part of the bot scammers trying to stop competition.

You got me. I’m part of the botter scheme. lol

Honestly. I’ve said many times in this thread why it’s bad. If you still don’t get it you never will.

But maybe on the bright side anet will fix their reward mechanisms in the game so this short of kitten doesn’t continue to happen every other month.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Labjax.2465


I think I just had deja vu.

Oh wait, no, it’s just that we did this all with Blix, like a month ago or something. It’s funny how people end up going through the same exact motions and arguments, too.

I gotta say, I’m pretty proud of the players who are making an effort to taxi people into a map where they can get their story done. That’s community spirit right there. We can never have enough of it.

Or words to that effect.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


NOTE TO ANET – Please don’t bother developing anything else for the game, instead please focus all effort on resizing the standing room area at the Coil event so that every man and his dog can crowd in there. Additionally please consider raising the map cap to conveniently allow tenfold the amount of players to congregate there in an effort to make it a proper ingame community.. maybe add some butterflies for us all to count while we hug each other during the momentary rest time before we once again set upon grabbing mooar phat loot 24/7.

Screenie showed who was fueling the toxicity in the first place? Someone even asked the griefers if they were helping peopled do their LS (which is fine), but they didn’t respond to that. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I do temple chains and open world bosses, too. Unfortunately, temples are always open and world events are largely unrewarding, not to mention boring. If I’m lucky I’ll get 5g a night oh wow I can totally buy Twilight in five more years, while people who farm dungeons or manipulate the market has 8k gold, all ascended gear, and 10 legendaries. Of course I’m going to defend the only place where I can have fun while getting decent loot for once (lol you don’t get that many T6, dragonite/empyreal or karma for doing Coil quit exaggerating). I mean, would you still do events again and again if they reward absolutely nothing? People complained that LS mobs don’t drop loot, when the whole point of doing the LS is for achievements and the story. We’re all greedy and selfish to some extent.

ANet needs to make succeeding an event actually rewarding and penalize failure. That’s all.

Did I say anything about Dragonite/Emptyreals.. ..If that’s what your interested in, why on earth would you even farm Coil in the first place there are far better places for that kinda stuff.

Where does in say on the box, that its some kind of race to the top of the hill .. first to get their Legendary wins the game… trouble is you want it all now, no matter what the effect in game is. And if your only thought is on buying it for huge amounts of gold then all power to you I couldn’t give a rats how long its going to take you personally, but then it was never meant to be something that could be crafted or bought so easily.

Your really going to make temples being always open an excuse for just staying tied to a bungee string at Coil farm for a few gold more. The temples are common now for good reason, they are generally a decent way to farm the mob waves legitimately, you just can’t be bothered to organise and hit them yourself.. instead your put all your effort into sending LFG’s viral in order to kill a LS event for greed 24/7…
So please quit with your sadface “I cant get as much gold as others who play the game rather than exploiting it” That right there is one of the most pathetic excuses I have read for exploiting a game.. were you often upset when others in your class had 2 sweets for effort and you only got one?? – look genuinely I am sorry you feel so upset that average Joe can earn a bit more gold than you, I really am, I feel your pain, I wants moooooarrrr as well.. difference is I am prepared to go earn it the way it was intended to be earned (ooh and TP flipping is a legitimate way to do it for some, if that’s their poison then a good for them, maybe just as boring as planting yourself on a hill pressing auto attack 24/7 maybe but its not exploiting any game mechanics.. its actually exploiting the exploiters greed to be honest, so it maybe is a good thing for the game that we have a TP where it can be played out.

(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scandi.5693


What do you do, troll people to get a negative response and then run to the forums? You seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on this subject. While I agree some people get really abusive, it is also true that people intentionally try to incite that abuse. There are many instances of the map where the event is not being farmed, usually to be found using the LFG tool. Why not do that rather than worry about how others are enjoying their time?

Mistress Savant of the Asuran Dominion.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


I like completing the event.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scandi.5693


I like completing the event.

How many times do you need complete it? I don’t mean to make a personal attack but I do question why you are there if not to troll the farmers. I checked earlier and found a map within minutes that was not being farmed and had people doing the event to completion. So I think this thread a bit disingenuous.

Mistress Savant of the Asuran Dominion.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


I like completing the event.

How many times do you need complete it? I don’t mean to make a personal attack but I do question why you are there if not to troll the farmers. I checked earlier and found a map within minutes that was not being farmed and had people doing the event to completion. So I think this thread a bit disingenuous.

So you are saying there’s now a limit to how many times a person can complete events in this game? Then what happens, get labeled a troll? There should not be any event in game where a person wanting to complete it, no matter how many times, should be labeled a troll such as you are trying to do right now with me. So no, I’ll keep completing it because completing events is fun at least to me.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Whilst I don’t agree with players going out of their way to incite griefing.. ANET’s lame approach to dealing with the exploits and the perpetratiors of this abuse just allows the toxic cycle to repeat itself over and over and over.

Like I said previous I jumped into the anti fail train at BLIX a few times.. funny to see the reaction but sadly both trains are to blame but the cause is definitely laid at the feet of those exploiting.. if they weren’t then this kind of behaviour wouldn’t creep in, but until something is done it will simply keep repeating, whether ANET fire fight the event with a patch that hurts .. those same players simply move on to another exploitable event and the cycle starts over.

But as long as ANET refuse to take tougher actions and punish those accounts that keep choosing to exploit.. these threads are going to keep appearing across the forums every day/week/month/year!

Flawed event design is not a green light to exploit it.. but it is a green light for both sides of the argument to incite abuse and trolling of events… so if ANET prefer this kind of PvP rather than developing their actually PvP, then let us all know and we can all get stuck in to one an other.

(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scandi.5693


I like completing the event.

How many times do you need complete it? I don’t mean to make a personal attack but I do question why you are there if not to troll the farmers. I checked earlier and found a map within minutes that was not being farmed and had people doing the event to completion. So I think this thread a bit disingenuous.

So you are saying there’s now a limit to how many times a person can complete events in this game? Then what happens, get labeled a troll? There should not be any event in game where a person wanting to complete it, no matter how many times, should be labeled a troll such as you are trying to do right now with me. So no, I’ll keep completing it because completing events is fun at least to me.

Well this is a circular arguement and you no better than those not wanting to complete it, I wish you well but I am out of this thread.

Mistress Savant of the Asuran Dominion.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


The creation of this thread wasn’t about whether one is better than the other, only to show the toxicity that exists around this event failed or otherwise.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


I like completing the event.

How many times do you need complete it? I don’t mean to make a personal attack but I do question why you are there if not to troll the farmers. I checked earlier and found a map within minutes that was not being farmed and had people doing the event to completion. So I think this thread a bit disingenuous.

So you are saying there’s now a limit to how many times a person can complete events in this game? Then what happens, get labeled a troll? There should not be any event in game where a person wanting to complete it, no matter how many times, should be labeled a troll such as you are trying to do right now with me. So no, I’ll keep completing it because completing events is fun at least to me.

I dislike the exploitation of events as much as you seemingly do and whilst I absolutely agree that no event should be a 1 hit never to return and absolutely should have replay value for the longevity of the game… but in saying that, purposely doing it with the mindset to ignite an all ready highly flammable situation doesn’t really help .

Sure we get a fun fix but personally I would rather not be running across a map and having all the abuse light the map chat up.. to be honest it likely makes it worse because others on a different instance will suddenly get hit on by those moving to seek land claim of the event there and they then scale as high as they can to avoid you killing it again.

I admire your attempts to help others in the process and yes there is absolutely nothing wrong in completing it, but even I would have to question your motives if your running the same event for hours on end