[Community Discussion] Sub Classes P1

[Community Discussion] Sub Classes P1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swish.2463


This is another vague attempt to have the Community here on the Forums attempt their own version of a CDI minus the Anet dev OP. The main idea being threads to cohesively talk about specific Ideas without devolving to the typical Flame warring.

To help keep things more Focused here is the Topic and the Current questions/limitations to your answers or conversations.

Topic : Sub Classes


1. Would you like to see Subclasses implemented in some fashion to Gw2?
2. What should / would constitute as a Sub Class?
3. How many Sub Classes Per Profession should there be?
4. Should there Remain an option to Not choose a Sub Class and still Remain Viable in every aspect of the game?

Ultimate Goal for Step one:

Feel out what the Majority View (from the forums) on Sub Class basic’s.

Things to Avoid!
To much detail
Detailing sub classes
throwing out ideas about traits or skills
naming your sub classes
calling someone else an idiot
Trolls, don’t feed them (aka don’t answer their posts)
non-constructive posting

Example to get you all started!

This example is also my personal view..

I believe Sub Classes should be implemented into Gw2! I would love to see this happen and open up a new level of both horizontal and semi-vertical progression. Let’s just call it Diagonal…

Anyway, I feel that Subclasses means Multiple options to customize how a class plays, they should feel individual and separate from one another whilst still existing inside of the same class “sandbox” of limitations. Basically, a Necro should still look and feel like a necro, while carrying a short lived mystery of what Kind of necro it is. Mystery solved as soon as it melts your face off and proceeds to wear it as a mask… or something else.. etc..

I feel that Each class should receive at least 2 Sub classes While retaining the right to remain a “basic” version of the class and still be on par with their sub classes. However I am concerned that remaining viable against more specialized or advanced options may become a serious balance issue.

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

[Community Discussion] Sub Classes P1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


1. I would have liked to see the game come out with subclasses, but I don’t think it’s really feasible to do it this far in. As for what I would have liked to see, something like..

2. Guardian could have subclasses like Cleric, Paladin, Inquisitor, each focusing on mastering a particular aspect of the Guardian’s playstyle, and each featuring unique skills inaccessible to the others.

That would be pretty dope if they did it right, but again, I’m kind of skeptical of trying to introduce something like that so far into the game’s lifetime. It would have to be a lot more simple than it otherwise could have been if the game were released that way, or else there will be too much confusion.

3. I think 3 is quite many to come up with for each of the 8 professions, so maybe only 2 subclasses for each

4. It wouldn’t make sense to not specialize if given the option, so I don’t think there should be a no-subclass option, rather, there could be 2 new subclasses for each profession, and the existing professions become the 3rd subclasses of their respective groupings.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

(edited by Andred.1087)

[Community Discussion] Sub Classes P1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Labjax.2465


1. Would you like to see Subclasses implemented in some fashion to Gw2? I have never really yet about it, but I could see them working in some fashion.

2. What should / would constitute as a Sub Class? I imagine specializations first thing (not dissimilar to the trait system). But because we already have traits, I think it’d need to be something more static. Perhaps something that you choose at a later level and is a permanent choice for the character. I know GW2 is not into the “trinity,” so imo, it can’t be too specialized in the dps/heal/tank kind of way.

The first concept for it that occurs to me is giving extra utility bonuses. Things like movement speed, for example. Essentially, I think it would work best if it stays in the “you are still viable if you don’t utilize your sub class” territory. So I guess that’s my answer to question 4.

3. How many Sub Classes Per Profession should there be? I would say no more than 3 and 2 may be plenty. It’s hard to say without getting more into the conceptual aspect of how a sub class would work and to what extent it would be a part of your chosen profession.

Or words to that effect.

[Community Discussion] Sub Classes P1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ferever.7014


Ahh I love this thread now to answer your questions.

1. Yes I would like to see sub-classes or as I became to call them (specializations) be implemented as a form of optional progression.

2. What should constitute a sub-class..well I believe that it should focus on the 2 of the 4 aspects of the base class like for example one of the warrior sub classes should focus on Shouts/Banners traits and skills and such while the other focuses on Physical/Stances skills and traits.. Also introducing a new class mechanic as well.

3. I feel two is the magic number here in my opinion.

4. Yes it should be optional in that case you don’t want the specializations to overpower the base class.

(edited by Ferever.7014)

[Community Discussion] Sub Classes P1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swish.2463


Three replys isn’t enough to get a reliable total so let’s bump this lol

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

[Community Discussion] Sub Classes P1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ferever.7014


Three replys isn’t enough to get a reliable total so let’s bump this lol

Yea normally topics like this get overlooked ,but there was a sub classes thread made before you can get more information.

(edited by Ferever.7014)