I do and actually I think somewhere in the first months when asked about an expansion they did flat out saying they’re not working on one but not 100% sure. That being said I cant exclude they were already working on expansion content with the intention of releasing it in the future through the living story hence the statement not working on an expansion. Of course all of it this is purely speculation on my part for I lack the ownership of a crystal ball
different people value different things. The dungeons were cool and I enjoyed them too, marionette was amazing in itself but I love story more so for me every living story release during season 1 was like a cake with cherries and all. Season 2 is like a buffet of sweets
That being said while season 2 has much better story telling it feels like it has less world impact than season 1 did and biggest reason for that I feel is the change from temporary content to permanent.
would go against the idea of the LS? not at all. I think the issue here is you’re threating the LS as all there is. The living story can just easily be the thread that binds stuff together. It doesnt have the be everything just like the personal story wasnt everything at launch. actually no need to look outside of the living story itself. Dry Top wasnt created exclusively to service the Living story, in fact only small parts of it service the living story the majority of it was meant as new content for players to enjoy. Why cant that same thing happen on a larger scale?
Yeah that was about around the same time they started talking about the Living Story (half year after release) and it was also around the same time I got more active here because for a B2P model to work they should have been working on that back then so thats when I did foresee also all the cash-shop approach and everything that comes with it. Exactly what we did see this half year.
But that was then and they said “if we do this (LS) right there will never come an expansion”. Then later explaining content that you expect from an expansion would be released with the LS. Now we can conclude they failed at that so if they made the turn to that LS approach back then maybe it’s now time for them to see they did fail and have to look at other solutions.
Also not sure how you think I see the LS as all there is. I did say we had less as 50% of what we would normally see in an expansion. That means there is stuff added during the LS like some improvements to the world and like Dry Top and a new dungeon path and fractals and a new world boss. There are things added outside of the LS but all that compared is equal to what you would expect from a expansion that you would expect to have been released by now if that would have been the approach.
The LS story itself (the story I mean not the content) does not do anything for me personally, I haven’t even finished the PS yet. So I do not act as if that’s all there is. There is more, just not the same amount as what we would expect from an expansion what should have been the case by now.