So here’s my point of view of why GW2 isn’t exactly hitting the spot. These days, alot of posts are referring to bad pvp designs and an increasingly poor game experiences and general boredom with playing the game (pvp and pve both). And mind, the game is only just released.
So here is the bottom line: “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it!”. All devs seem to forget this simple rule sometime(s) during their career. Gw1 in many ways had a perfect(ish) skill system from a players point of view. Gw2’s system is very very far from ok. Hence, I feel the rule has been broken. I can’t see the point in hopeing for possible future updates/expasions to fix this, since it lies in the core design of the game and most likely won’t be changed unless it is pointed out as a problem. I hope this post can help rectify this Mind that the system has indeed introduced some good things aswell. 10 skills instead of 8, locked healing skill (nessisary now that the triad is gone), and perhaps even the utility skill vs. weapon skill is a good idea… if not still very restrictive.
Problem: Locking skills into certain weapons is restrictive. End of story. Traits, weaponswap and so on does not fix this issue.
Solution: unlock the skill-bar 2-5 (and 1 to some extent)
Proposal (example):
skillslot 1. Our “autoattack”. Each weapon should have atleast 2 options per weapon in this slot. An example could be mesmer’s scepter:Either winds of chaos or the ether chain. Heck, even the GS attack could fit. And vice versa. Why? It brings diversity and lets you build your char the way you want. This is doable with neerly all “caster” weapons i belive. The “physical” weapons then? well, could do with more diversity aswell, either by adding a new chain or as I’ll discuss later, adding effects to offhands. Some chains/attacks are transferrable, if only needing abit of visual tweaking though.
So skillslot 1 is locked as a viable attack, but still customizable. This is important to ensure that all classes and builds will allways have an ablility to be somewhat effective, regardless of the situation (atleast in pve).
Skillslot 2-5: !Free those skills! Let the inspiration, feeling, group composition, desire, rp-elements, whatever, be your guide. From a players point of view, there is absolutely no -need- to restrict these. From a dev’s point of view, I see the point… control and balance. However, this is where we, as players, can involve ourselves and choose how we want to play. Support? pick support skills (you still have #1, so you can’t be completely useless), glass cannon? forsake all defence and go with dmg skills and so on… Again, the physical weapons (warrior is particularly intricate in this respect) are abit on the low side with alternatives. Obviously if you are weilding a riffle, “stab and bleed” might be abit off However, it is fairly simple to rectify. And really, why can’t a ranger use whirling defence with a GS?
Do the above and behold: Fun is back in the game… builds are back… and the world of Gw2 just got loads more interresting.
Continued in next post