Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


People’s only leg to stand on here is apparently Anet’s promise that legendaries won’t be exclusive for hardcores only… but at the same breath they did say that they expect only 5% of the community to have them.
With your silly little quests and challanges you’ll have 99%, so no, it won’t happen.

Now imagine yourself as the owner, knowing that if you drastically change the gain of legendary weapons you result in less people bringing in more revenue to the company.

The players that actually quit the game because of the current situation are minimal, that don’t bring in money anyway, but guess what?
This game is B2P, and you or anyone that “quit” will keep buying expansions and whatever else comes out in the future.

But keep the optimism, it’s a good thing, a drive to keep you going.

1+1 = potato

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many Pesky Monk.3140

Many Pesky Monk.3140

ANet have obviously never played MMO’s like WoW where acquiring legendary weapons actually have you out doing a raid and a legendary quest line instead of simply grinding 24/7 oh and having DR in the game just immediately makes me think they want us to just bot and afk and the other obvious motive getting us into the gem store.

If you want to craft a Legendary weapon you have to play every aspect of the game. WvW, dungeons, events …

In WoW all you have to do is RAID … nothing else

So first think about what you post WoW example is really bad …

Everyone who thinks Legendary weapons are about grind are unpatient players who wants their Legendaries in 3 months. Legendary weapons are supposed to be long term goal (1+ year) IF YOU GRIND FOR IT, ITS ONLY YOUR CHOICE !!! Not anets

Who would you blame for working 2 jobs a day just because you are unpatient to wait few more months to buy a car and you want it now? YOURSELF.

DR is there to prevet grinding They want you to enjoy game and simply play whats fun for you, but when you still want to grind because your are unwilling to wait few more months till you craft your Legendendary, its only your choice and you cant blame anyone but yourself … So please, act like an adult and take responsibility for your actions.

Ehhh…that’s actually not true. That you have to only raid to get the legendaries in WoW. Yes, before in vanilla and BC getting some of the legendaries just required raiding. Now though, you have to do some crafting and it has become a guild effort where every guildie needs to pitch in. Blizz atleast is learning and adapting, making it more challenging.

The actual playing of the game in GW2, dungeons, wvw, exploration etc. Is not hard and it takes like…a week. Then comes the massive grind, grinding for karma…grinding gold and the rest of the mats. It’s a big grindfest, doesn’t even have a storyline behind it which would make it more bearable or fun.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kain.9127


So what happens when everyone has a legendary? We change the name to ordinaries and then just… All be happy and dance in the sunshine together? You’ll find something else to whine about. Give it a break. I think they’re great the way they are now. You have to do a little bit of everything to get one. I dont know what this grind you’re talking about is. I’ve been saving everything I found since I started playing this. I’m almost halfway to a legendary. Its been fun.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


The problem with legendaries isn’t the notion that everyone “deserves” to have one.

It’s that you’re expected to behave entirely differently than the rest of the game to earn your Legendary.

I went from 1 to 80 on my ranger without grinding, just playing through the vast depth of content as the developers intended. And yet in order to take even a swing at a Legendary, I’m expected to grind the game so hard that my eyeballs will pop out of their sockets from the extended pressure of so much play time.

Obtaining a Legendary should be in the same vein as the rest of the game: a journey of epic adventure. NOT a “Race to the Top” grindfest in which I’m expected to collect 250 of every animal in Tyria and load it onto an arc before the rainstorm starts.

It’s stuff like this that makes people say things like “ANet has abandoned the manifesto”, because really, that’s what it is: a total departure from the manifesto’s promise of a grind-free game.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


Conncept.7638, tell all the current, legit owners of Legendary weapons that the road was unreachable. Let me know what happens.

You are here, trying to be anti-elite, yet you blanket term Legendary owners as having “so little life”, like you are somehow better than them, not even knowing if they got theirs the hard way…No, you swathe them all with your broad strokes, all of us are RMT gold buyers, all the evil that is ruining this great (I said it, I really do LOVE this game) game of ours.

Seems like you are interested in getting a legendary of your own, but you fear doing the work for it, otherwise you wouldn’t be as heated about this. I do to, only difference is that I am not QQ’ing about how hard it is on the boards, I am in the game, walking the path towards it.

I am half way there, and have no plans of stopping. No need for goodbyes, I am not going anywhere.

(edited by Aoshi.4785)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

So you want primarily quests/achievements in order to get a legendary.

That makes it SOOOO easy that everyone would be carrying around a Twilight. and that would bring down the allure of holding a legendary, won’t it.

Unless you like the skin on its own merits, in which case nonsense like “allure” doesn’t factor into it.

You have to do a little bit of everything to get one

Actually, you need to do a little bit of actually playing the game and a lot of either grinding gold, paying for gold, or playing robber baron on the TP.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


Conncept.7638, tell all the current, legit owners of Legendary weapons that the road was unreachable. Let me know what happens.

You are here, trying to be anti-elite, yet you blanket term Legendary owners as having “so little life”, like you are somehow better than them, not even knowing if they got theirs the hard way…No, you swathe them all with your broad strokes, all of us are RMT gold buyers, all the evil that is ruining this great (I said it, I really do LOVE this game) game of ours.

Seems like you are interested in getting a legendary of your own, but you fear doing the work for it, otherwise you wouldn’t be as heated about this. I do to, only difference is that I am not QQ’ing about how hard it is on the boards, I am in the game, walking the path towards it.

I am half way there, and have no plans of stopping. No need for goodbyes, I am not going anywhere.

Agree with this guy

All I see is jealousy here … players complain how Legendary weapon is grindy, too expensive, not fun to craft .. but they want that Weapon and they are not willing to do anything to have craft it, they are too lazy so they are creating these topics and tryeing to make them look like some unreachable goal which is no point doing and wait till it got nerfed.

Well I tell you guys something. Thousands of players already have Legendary weapons .. THOUSANDS. And thats more than enought so I am telling you, I hope there wont be any nerf or big change to it. So either you work for it, or you can just complain for another 10 years but nothing is going to change just because there are few whining individuals

Wish you happy new year guys and no Legendaries for complaining players :P

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Inb4 legendaries won’t scale with your level once they increase the level cap so all of this was just for a skin/ego points.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaxon.5392


And finally, the average player of GW2 will just never get a legendary weapon.

And they shouldn’t. The same as the average person won’t own a penthouse apartment with a roof top pool.

I mean, how do you people not get this.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


So either you work for it, or you can just complain for another 10 years but nothing is going to change just because there are few whining individuals

Except that ANet has already admitted that they don’t like the way Legendaries are currently obtained and are going to make changes to the system.

Whoops. Guess you’d better stop whining about how other people are whining, then.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


So either you work for it, or you can just complain for another 10 years but nothing is going to change just because there are few whining individuals

Except that ANet has already admitted that they don’t like the way Legendaries are currently obtained and are going to make changes to the system.

Whoops. Guess you’d better stop whining about how other people are whining, then.

Gimme link, thank you And if you think the scavanger hunt, thats only because of high precursor prices, nothing new

They also said that players are reaching their legendaries faster than expected, so lets hope that they make it 2x harder than now

And btw I am not whining about other people, I am saying that fact that Legendaries are okey? If you can say that they are not, I can say that they are ok U mad?

If players like me werent posting on forums, players like you would cry out loud for everything to be changed and we would see Guild Wars 2 become something that no one would play.

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I have seen so many people running around with Legendaries. Everyone and their mother runs around with Twilight or Sunrise, it’s so kitten common at the moment.

Legendaries seems to become so common I usually think it’s something wrong with me thinking it will be impossible for me to get a legendary.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


So either you work for it, or you can just complain for another 10 years but nothing is going to change just because there are few whining individuals

Except that ANet has already admitted that they don’t like the way Legendaries are currently obtained and are going to make changes to the system.

Whoops. Guess you’d better stop whining about how other people are whining, then.

Gimme link, thank you And if you think the scavanger hunt, thats only because of high precursor prices, nothing new

The scavenger hunt, yes. That is “new” because it’s entirely different than the existing way of obtaining a precursor: sacrificing animals to the RNG.

They also said that players are reaching their legendaries faster than expected, so lets hope that they make it 2x harder than now

They won’t. The players are obtaining them faster than expected because the devs underestimated some people’s grinding ability. They’re still completely inaccessible for any average player as was intended.

And btw I am not whining about other people, I am statig that fact that Legendaries are okey? If you can say that they are not, I can say that they are ok U mad?

No, I’m not mad, you’re just being childish and I’m pointing that fact out.

If players like me werent posting on forums, players like you would cry out loud for everything to be changed and we would see Guild Wars 2 become something that no one would play.

Actually, players like me are perfectly happy with SOME aspects of the game and don’t want them changed. I just don’t think that the game is perfect as it is, and am not going to blindly defend bad game design like you are right now.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

(edited by critickitten.1498)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


So either you work for it, or you can just complain for another 10 years but nothing is going to change just because there are few whining individuals

Except that ANet has already admitted that they don’t like the way Legendaries are currently obtained and are going to make changes to the system.

Whoops. Guess you’d better stop whining about how other people are whining, then.

Gimme link, thank you And if you think the scavanger hunt, thats only because of high precursor prices, nothing new

The scavenger hunt, yes. That is “new” because it’s entirely different than the existing way of obtaining a precursor: sacrificing animals to the RNG.

They also said that players are reaching their legendaries faster than expected, so lets hope that they make it 2x harder than now

They won’t. The players are obtaining them faster than expected because the devs underestimated some people’s grinding ability. They’re still completely inaccessible for any average player as was intended.

And btw I am not whining about other people, I am statig that fact that Legendaries are okey? If you can say that they are not, I can say that they are ok U mad?

No, I’m not mad, you’re just being childish and I’m pointing that fact out.

No one here knows what Scavanger hunt will be? It might take more time/cost more than actual prices on TP. And thats only about precursor, they are not changing anything else, they are simply adding NEW way to obtain precursor and you bet these ways will be on pair. It wont be easyer to obtain precursor, you will be dissapointed if you think it will.

And what makes you think Legendary weapons are for avarage players?

They were luxury weapons from the start, not something that every players will have

Is bentley for avarage person, is Louis vuitton for avarage person? NO .. THERE ARE SIMPLE THINGS which are not for avarage players/people.

You should get used to it or you will be reallly dissapointed in your life.

Ye as you said, bad design .. I would also welcome 3x harder or longer way to craft legendary weapons (triple the mats required). So they are trully rare as promised.

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


So either you work for it, or you can just complain for another 10 years but nothing is going to change just because there are few whining individuals

Except that ANet has already admitted that they don’t like the way Legendaries are currently obtained and are going to make changes to the system.

Whoops. Guess you’d better stop whining about how other people are whining, then.

Gimme link, thank you And if you think the scavanger hunt, thats only because of high precursor prices, nothing new

The scavenger hunt, yes. That is “new” because it’s entirely different than the existing way of obtaining a precursor: sacrificing animals to the RNG.

They also said that players are reaching their legendaries faster than expected, so lets hope that they make it 2x harder than now

They won’t. The players are obtaining them faster than expected because the devs underestimated some people’s grinding ability. They’re still completely inaccessible for any average player as was intended.

And btw I am not whining about other people, I am statig that fact that Legendaries are okey? If you can say that they are not, I can say that they are ok U mad?

No, I’m not mad, you’re just being childish and I’m pointing that fact out.

And what makes you think Legendary weapons are for avarage players?

Is bentley for avarage person, is Louis vuitton for avarage person? NO .. THERE ARE SIMPLE THINGS which are not for avarage players/people.

You should get used to it or you will be reallly dissapointed in your life.

I never said they WERE for average players. You really need to learn how to read.

What I said earlier in this thread is that their design is poor not because they are so restricted, but because in order to obtain one, I have to willfully choose to play an entirely different game than the one I was playing from 1 to 80.

I seem to recall a game dev staff that said “we don’t feel like we need to make grindy games”, yet that’s precisely what they’ve done with Legendaries. I don’t like that the entire game changes at Lvl 80 (like they said it wouldn’t) and that in order to obtain this one item, I’m forced to radically adjust my mentality and grind the kitten out of a game that was promised to have no grinding in it.

No matter how you spin it, that’s bad game design: expecting players to suddenly be okay with grinding when you said there would be none.

That’s why, instead of going on some epic journey to craft a Legendary, I’m playing my non-maxed characters instead, because that’s actually fun. Finding 250 of ten different highly expensive items? Not fun.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


So either you work for it, or you can just complain for another 10 years but nothing is going to change just because there are few whining individuals

Except that ANet has already admitted that they don’t like the way Legendaries are currently obtained and are going to make changes to the system.

Whoops. Guess you’d better stop whining about how other people are whining, then.

Gimme link, thank you And if you think the scavanger hunt, thats only because of high precursor prices, nothing new

The scavenger hunt, yes. That is “new” because it’s entirely different than the existing way of obtaining a precursor: sacrificing animals to the RNG.

They also said that players are reaching their legendaries faster than expected, so lets hope that they make it 2x harder than now

They won’t. The players are obtaining them faster than expected because the devs underestimated some people’s grinding ability. They’re still completely inaccessible for any average player as was intended.

And btw I am not whining about other people, I am statig that fact that Legendaries are okey? If you can say that they are not, I can say that they are ok U mad?

No, I’m not mad, you’re just being childish and I’m pointing that fact out.

And what makes you think Legendary weapons are for avarage players?

Is bentley for avarage person, is Louis vuitton for avarage person? NO .. THERE ARE SIMPLE THINGS which are not for avarage players/people.

You should get used to it or you will be reallly dissapointed in your life.

I never said they WERE for average players. You really need to learn how to read.

What I said earlier in this thread is that their design is poor not because they are so restricted, but because in order to obtain one, I have to willfully choose to play an entirely different game than the one I was playing from 1 to 80.

I seem to recall a game dev staff that said “we don’t feel like we need to make grindy games”, yet that’s precisely what they’ve done with Legendaries. I don’t like that the entire game changes at Lvl 80 (like they said it wouldn’t) and that in order to obtain this one item, I’m forced to radically adjust my mentality and grind the kitten out of a game that was promised to have no grinding in it.

No matter how you spin it, that’s bad game design: expecting players to suddenly be okay with grinding when you said there would be none.

That’s why, instead of going on some epic journey to craft a Legendary, I’m playing my non-maxed characters instead, because that’s actually fun. Finding 250 of ten different highly expensive items? Not fun.

1-80 is easy journey, for casuals, avarage, hc .. its easy

Legendary weapons are not some end-game content, they are the most expensive crafted weapons and you have to decide if you want to craft it or dont.

If you decided yes, you have to work for it and dont expect it just comes to your inventory like levels or be really patient because it might take you year or more

If you find more fun leveling, doing casual stuff, thats your choice. But Legendary weapons are for HC players that are willing to put the kitten big effort into it and blindly follow their dreams.

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


1-80 is easy journey, for casuals, avarage, hc .. its easy

Legendary weapons are not some end-game content, they are the most expensive crafted weapons and you have to decide if you want to craft it or dont.

If you decided yes, you have to work for it and dont expect it just comes to your inventory like levels or be really patient because it might take you year or more

If you find more fun leveling, doing casual stuff, thats your choice. But Legendary weapons are for HC players that are willing to put the kitten big effort into it and blindly follow their dreams.

It seems you bought an entirely different game than I did.

See, I bought this game that promised “no grind”, that told me “the entire game is the endgame”. A game that said it would be all about skill, rather than who has the biggest wallet.

Does anyone in this forum still remember buying a game that promised these things? Okay then, so why are we defending Legendaries, which (while optional) are a violation of every single design aspect that was promised?

Hardcore? “Following your dreams”? Bah! You’re romanticizing something that has no romance at all. There are two ways to obtain a Legendary: having an excessive amount of gold, or being INCREDIBLY lucky. And sometimes both. Neither of these things implies that you’re the “uberleet best player evar”. It boils down to whether you’re lucky enough to get the drops or else able to grind hard enough to get them.

Doesn’t sound like a “Legendary” event to me.

Legendaries always should have been a journey of epic scale and proportion. Earning the pieces to forge this super-amazing, ultra-rare item through epic quests and adventure. That’s not what we have right now. What we have right now is the parts being sold for insanely high prices in the TP, and people grinding non-stop to get lucky with their drops.

I don’t think Legendaries should be more common, in fact I think they should be more rare if anything. But the problem here is that we’re looking at two fundamentally different games: you’re perfectly content with a game that promises you no grind and then delivers a grind far worse than almost any other game on the market. I’m the guy saying “hey, why don’t you make this into a truly epic journey of some sort” rather than relying on a terrible RNG and TP system for everything.

Again: There’s nothing epic about collecting 250 of several different items and tossing them into a big glowy cup. Legendaries should always have been about more than that, and the fact that they rely on grinding when the rest of the game doesn’t? That’s bad game design of the most indefensible sort.

There are plenty of ways to fix them, to make them truly worthy of their name. I’d be happy to offer my thoughts on the subject if you’re actually willing to listen. But right now there’s nothing Legendary about Legendaries, except the amount of time and money you were forced to waste grinding for them in a game which promised no grinding. If we can’t even agree on that, then any further discussion with you is wasteful.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

(edited by critickitten.1498)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


Legendary weapons are just tier above exotic. They are still JUST Crafted weapons. They are not ment to be aquired by some legendary quest chain or whatever you want it to be.

As someone said .. you can find Excalibur in trash but the weapon is still Legendary no matter how did you obtain it.

They are called Legendary weapons only because of awesome super skin and effect, not because you had to do some Legendary journey. Again .. they are crafted expensive weapons. Thats all.

And yes guild wars dont require you to grind like in other mmorpgs to be powerful as eveyone

No one promised you Legendary without grind .. in fact you always have to collect material for crafted weapons, in every mmorpg ive played.

So ye… this was my last post in here, just wasting my time here anyways. And you are wasting your also.

Get used to it and either work for it or give up.

Bye and I whish you happy new year.

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


Legendary weapons are just tier above exotic. They are still JUST Crafted weapons. They are not ment to be aquired by some legendary quest chain or whatever you want it to be.

As someone said .. you can find Excalibur in trash but the weapon is still Legendary no matter how did you obtain it.

They are called Legendary weapons only because of awesome super skin and effect, not because you had to do some Legendary journey. Again .. they are crafted expensive weapons. Thats all.

Wrong. According to the dev team:

Legendaries are supposed to be “allowing you to show off your accomplishments and symbolize all the things you’ve been doing”. They are intended to be the pinnacle of accomplishment in GW2, something that only the best can ever hope to reach.

But right now they’re just a symbol for grind and gold. They’re utterly meaningless. This is something that needs to change.

Also, I love how you’ve totally 180’d on your original opinion. Before they were supposed to be just for the uber-leet which is why they were supposed to be so rare, but now “they’re just expensive crafting items” that anyone can get if they put their mind to it. Bravo.

And yes guild wars dont require you to grind like in other mmorpgs to be powerful as eveyone

Yet you are required to grind to obtain Legendaries. Which is precisely my point. You’re playing two entirely different games, which is not the idea. Which is precisely why the devs have already said that they’re looking into changing the system from what it is now.

No one promised you Legendary without grind .. in fact you always have to collect material for crafted weapons, in every mmorpg ive played.

So basically you’re saying it’s okay for GW2 to be just like every other MMO, when GW2 was sold on the premise of NOT being like every other MMO.

You really don’t understand anything, do you?

So ye… this was my last post in here, just wasting my time here anyways. And you are wasting your also.

Good to know you have nothing of value to contribute to this discussion. You can go away now.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

(edited by critickitten.1498)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Gimme link, thank you :) And if you think the scavanger hunt, thats only because of high precursor prices, nothing new

It was in the announcements. Read before you post if you please.

They increased the drop rates for legendary components and/or lowered the requirements here:

And they did so again, stating they would continue to do so in the future, here:

Additionally they stated that precursors will be getting a scavenger hunt, a method of obtaining them that will not be affected by the economy, here:

They don’t make this game for people like you, the one percent that has the time to sit and mindlessly grind for days at at time, or be connected and ready at any moment to take advantage of the newest exploit as soon as it is discovered. You can still play if you want to, but they make it for people like us, the ninety-nine percent, who have jobs and families and other pursuits in their lives; with only have a few hours a day (at most) to spend in the world of Tyria. Legendaries were meant to be a long-term goal for everyone, not a quick grab for the one and impossible for the ninety nine, and as stated by the devs this IS going to change no matter what the one percent says.

Don’t like it? Play something else. There are plenty of games for people like you, this isn’t one of them and will become increasingly less ‘one of them’ as time goes on.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


It keeps coming back to this magic scavenger hunt. Realistically, when do you think this will be implemented? I am guessing maybe 1/2 way through 2013, or not at all. So many other things that they should be fixing, and said they wold fix, but haven’t come around to launching yet.

So, scavenger hunt is on it’s way? Good. SO what is all the QQ about again then?

I’ll keep moving along the path that is already outlined, and OBVIOUSLY working for other folks, thank you.

Also, Conncept.7638 I am really tired of you calling out players working towards Legendary as not having lives, or are 1% with absolutely nothing else to do.

I have TWO jobs.
I am taking 18 credit hours in college.
I have a wife.
I have a 4 year old daughter.
I own my own home.
I have two cars, and just finished a 2jz engine swap into my zenki S14 (1995 240sx)
I am the artist for an upcoming online manga.
I play anywhere from 30min to 3 hours a day, sometimes skipping a few days.

And I am crafting a legendary with the methods that have already been established. You talk about “read before you post”, maybe you should learn that just because YOU can’t/won’t do what is required to get what you want (but instead bash those that do, and beg to have the process nerfed to your liking) doesn’t mean the rest of us are going to sit around waiting for life to wash over us.

Grow up.

(edited by Aoshi.4785)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arc.5862


As it stands the only thing a Legendary tells you about someone at present is that they have a credit card, not that they’ve done a lot.

Soul bind precursors and I think you’d solve a lot of problems with different parts of the game.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


As it stands the only thing a Legendary tells you about someone at present is that they have a credit card, FOR SOME FOLKS, while others got them legitimately not that they’ve done a lot.


Though I do agree they should soulbound on pickup, same with legendaries. I don’t think they should be sold, but Anet had stated that it is part of the system they developed, otherwise they would be that way already.

(edited by Aoshi.4785)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Icecat.4528


Legendary is nothing but a gold and time sink. The price for mats is insane, getting a precursor is a major pain, clovers are all RNG – all for something that is basically a skin.

I don’t see the point. And I refuse to waste time chasing after these.

GW2 mods can fuck it up their cock sucking asses – Sieg heil you nazi fuckers

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


You have no idea how frustrating making those clovers are, lol.

But yes, that’s the beauty of it all. You CAN refuse to waste your time on making one, and it will affect you and your game ZERO. I just wish others could get around to figuring that out.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terkov.4138


Stop with this bullkitten about grinding all day. I made my legendary 2 days ago: it took me 1 day of real grind (lost patience at the end) and 4 months of normal playing.
~800h played for FUN, just didn’t waste gold.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banjal.7328


Legendary weapons should be a long quest.It’s really dumb that you can just buy most of the matts and make a socalled Legendary weapon without even knowing the story behind the weapon.

Back in the days of EQ1 when you saw someone with a Legendary weapon you knew they put the time in to get that,now when you see someone in GW2 with one you just say lol gold buyer.A-net really dropped the ball on this one.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


You know it’s cute how everyone says “make it skill-based” or “challenging” but no one provides specific ideas.

As far as I’ve seen, developers are never interested in specific ideas from the community, so it’s pointless to even discuss it. All they’ll respond to is a critical mass of sentiment, and even then you’re left hoping they makes the right decisions on their own (again, because they’ll totally ignore any suggestions players make).

You CAN refuse to waste your time on making one, and it will affect you and your game ZERO. I just wish others could get around to figuring that out.

I had no intention of working on one until they introduced Ascended, and it became obvious that it’s a waste of my time to focus on anything else in the game besides a legendary.

(edited by Ansultares.1567)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


To all the people saying Legendries are supposed to be a long term goal that includes playing all aspects of the game please stop talking. Your argument went right out the window when Legendries were allowed to be sold on the trading post.

(edited by skotie.2614)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greg.5973


I think legendaries should be not able to obtain through TP as well as precursors, to avoid getting it by size of ur wallet, it should be even harder to obtain with more work ,not gold , like achievements ex.dungeon master or sth like that. I like how the game is done , because after leveling 80 and finishing story mode , exploring all world i have always target to achieve , and come back to game. In future legendaries maybe will be a step to even better gear , who knows. I love the game and Arenta make me stay with u as long as possible.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


To the op……hi there, as someone working towards my legendary wep can you please stop making generalizations about me or others? To me you simply look like a whiny child who does not want to work towards a legendary, but wants it lol…aside from the gs they aren’t really that expensive…..I prob have more gold than you but I didn’t throw my wallet at the screen like you seem to think. I only started working towards it around October and I should hopefully have it in a week or two (depending on if I can find a eve map to get my 100%). It’s not like you tried and failed you are just plain complaining. Try to gather the materials and save your precursor for last and when you get there come back and make a thread

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Honestly these legendary weapons have Gold Farmer and RMT written all over them, i’ve played so many MMO’s in my time, i’ve never come across such a blatant tease of use RMT to win, no wonder so many Botters and Gold Farmers exist in this game, its because of mechanics like these legendaries.

Basically screams use illegal methods to win in my opinion. Which i don’t agree with, but can totally understand seeing the above why people do.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SadieDeAtreia.8912


First off, this isn’t the first time I’ve posted something like this and I will continue posting until the developers finally realise the current process for making Legendarys isn’t fine, its actually contributing to even more BOT problems, and is making the game very un-attractive for new players to join, because of the general state of the TP market place, alot of my ex-hardcore friends from various other MMos refuse to even touch GW2 because of the insane grind for any legendary.

So, lets break it down for new players, and anyone else ~ The cheapest Legendary is probably Kraitkin, however the gold requirements alone are still pretty insane really. Lets not even factor in > DR < which complicates matters even more!!

Venom ~ 12g current TP prices

[Gift of Kraitkin]
Gift of Energy
250 Pile of Crystalline Dust ~ 13g 68s
250 Pile of Incandescent Dust ~ 60s
250 Pile of Luminous Dust ~ 1g 84s
250 Pile of Radiant Dust ~ 79s

Total: 16g 91s

1 Eel Statue
250 Orichalcum Ingot – 13g 17s
250 Cured Hardened Leather Square 3g 20s
250 Armored Scale) Approx cost 13g 27s
Gift of the Forgeman (500 Sorrows Embrace)

Total: 29g 64s

100 Icy Runestones ~ 100g

1 Superior Sigil of Venom (12s)

[Gift of Fortune] ~ Impossible to put an accurate price on Clovers due to RNG
77 Mystic Clover (Every knows how notorious these are)
250 Glob of Ectoplasm ~ 68g 67s
1 Gift of Magic
250 Vial of Powerful Blood ~ 32g 46s
250 Powerful Venom Sac ~ 40g 67s
250 Elaborate Totem ~ 39g 54s
250 Pile of Crystalline Dust ~ 13g 68s

Total: 195g 2s —-> ??? because of clovers

1 Gift of Might
250 Vicious Fang ~ 12g 64s
250 Armored Scale ~ 13g 27s
250 Vicious Claw ~ 16g 58s
250 Ancient Bone ~ 4g 4s

Total: 46g 89s

1 Gift of Mystery (free, just time consuming)

Total approx cost ~ 400g 76s (not counting the cost of clovers)
With approx cost of clovers assuming 1/5 chance ~
Minimum Approx cost ~ 30s 21s (highly unlikely you’ll get that lucky though)
Maximum Approx cost ~ 141g 27s
So, theoretically one of the ‘cheapest’ Legendary weapons will cost you approx 541g obviously, that is assuming you are buying all the mats and not farming, but still that is really an insane amount of farming required, plus having to deal with DR makes it really stupid.

This is why there are so many bots out there ~ If you think the game is more bot free these days? Your dead wrong, there all under the surface of the map, literally hundreds of them ~ both multi-boxers and gold farmers alike.

Legendarys right now, especially with them appearing on the TP raise many serious questions, and right now ~ anet are being quiet on this subject, and its about time the players was given some responses, its high time for some changes. There needs to be multiple-ways to acquire these items, agreed ~ they shouldn’t be easy to get, but the current requirements are just insane and is whats breeding a very unhealthy hacker/bot population fueled by greed.

And finally, the average player of GW2 will just never get a legendary weapon, pure and simple because of the stupid requirements, the non-hacker players will just more or less give up and go quit, which hurts the game in general. Lets face it, the average player, heck even totally LEGIT players probably have less than 200g even if they played from launch, especially considering an unfavorable RNG.

While I do agree that the system is not perfect I cannot see how you could possibly change it to keep things fair towards people who already put in the grind to get their legendaries legitimately.

Regarding your statements about average players… this is simply not true.

As an example: I am a fairly casual player, saved up most mats etc since launch and I try to save gold where I can (travelling via the mists to LA etc). I did farm plinx when the farming was good and I’m still farming Shelt/Pent for about 1.5-2 hours per day on average. Apart from that it’s been normal (?) gameplay and not a lot of TP action.
4 months later: Clovers are already in the bank and I got my gifts of Magic and Might done yesterday.

Yes, there is still a lot of gold to be farmed and a lot of things to complete (badges of jumping, etc) but the ‘average player’ can do it, it just takes time.

IMO: the only real issue here is with the availability and costs associated with obtaining a precursor. Unfortunately I missed the Karka final event and a chance at a lucky drop because of timezone and I didn’t have enough gold at the time to buy a bargain precursor either bla bla bla (</qq>). Point is, market manipulation, DR and various other factors are contributing to this being the most frustrating part of obtaining a legendary weapon.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Also, Conncept.7638 I am really tired of you calling out players working towards Legendary as not having lives, or are 1% with absolutely nothing else to do.

I have TWO jobs.
I am taking 18 credit hours in college.
I have a wife.
I have a 4 year old daughter.
I own my own home.
I have two cars, and just finished a 2jz engine swap into my zenki S14 (1995 240sx)
I am the artist for an upcoming online manga.
I play anywhere from 30min to 3 hours a day, sometimes skipping a few days.

And I am crafting a legendary with the methods that have already been established. You talk about “read before you post”, maybe you should learn that just because YOU can’t/won’t do what is required to get what you want (but instead bash those that do, and beg to have the process nerfed to your liking) doesn’t mean the rest of us are going to sit around waiting for life to wash over us.

Grow up.

Do you have one yet? By your post, I would wager the answer is no. I never said anything about anybody who is working towards one; but I make no assumption in saying that anybody who has one currently either purchased it, did an obscene amount of farming, used an exploit, or got lucky.

Have you checked the price of the precursor you want yet? Better hope you get lucky and one randomly drops for you, a near impossibility at current drop rates, because it is a fact that you do not earn enough a day to beat inflation at three hours a day. You will not ever be able to get one unless you purchase gems to gold. I can work towards it too, and in 9 to 12 months I’ll have the money to buy what it costs now, except that the price will have more than quadrupled in that same amount of time. You cannot win a race where the finish-line retreats faster than you advance.

I’m not asking for it to be made easy, and if you had read my posts as you claim to have you would know that I’m okay if it takes a year of casual play to obtain, but it needs to become possible by means of casual in spite of however much time it takes.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothirieth.3408


ISeriously, 450g for a legendary? Man thats actually cheap as kitten. Stop killing zombies in orr and learn how to play the market. When the trading post isnt busy glitching, eating your money, or just being downright stone-age garbage to interface with (always) , you can make a ton of gold barely trying.

I didn’t buy this game so I could learn how to be a part-time economist whilst playing. I have absolutely zero desire to try to learn how to play the TP and I don’t think that should be a requirement of getting a legendary. It’s not a legendary activity at all. I’m lucky if I can earn a couple gold a day through gathering and dungeon running.. so yeah, the monetary cost of this is quite daunting.

They’re LEGENDARY. You’re sposed to have to work for it [personal attack removed].

I completely agree. These should take loads of work. But what I don’t like is so much of it being tied to what other players feel like pricing items at, especially those that are so rich they can use all that money to make more money. The world completion, pvp badges, dungeon tokens, karma.. that’s the easy part. I’m not concerned about it at all as I know I’ll eventually get there. But this fighting against inflation and RNG isn’t fun. I just want to have a bit of a road map, not just: grind out piles of money. I’m like others, I’d rather there be more story elements to it or more earning different badges or completing some really hard achievement to get more of the elements. I think that would be a hell of a lot more satisfying than buying stuff off the TP.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


Also, Conncept.7638 I am really tired of you calling out players working towards Legendary as not having lives, or are 1% with absolutely nothing else to do.

I have TWO jobs.
I am taking 18 credit hours in college.
I have a wife.
I have a 4 year old daughter.
I own my own home.
I have two cars, and just finished a 2jz engine swap into my zenki S14 (1995 240sx)
I am the artist for an upcoming online manga.
I play anywhere from 30min to 3 hours a day, sometimes skipping a few days.

And I am crafting a legendary with the methods that have already been established. You talk about “read before you post”, maybe you should learn that just because YOU can’t/won’t do what is required to get what you want (but instead bash those that do, and beg to have the process nerfed to your liking) doesn’t mean the rest of us are going to sit around waiting for life to wash over us.

Grow up.

Do you have one yet? By your post, I would wager the answer is no. I never said anything about anybody who is working towards one; but I make no assumption in saying that anybody who has one currently either purchased it, did an obscene amount of farming, used an exploit, or got lucky.

Have you checked the price of the precursor you want yet? Better hope you get lucky and one randomly drops for you, a near impossibility at current drop rates, because it is a fact that you do not earn enough a day to beat inflation at three hours a day. You will not ever be able to get one unless you purchase gems to gold. I can work towards it too, and in 9 to 12 months I’ll have the money to buy what it costs now, except that the price will have more than quadrupled in that same amount of time. You cannot win a race where the finish-line retreats faster than you advance.

I’m not asking for it to be made easy, and if you had read my posts as you claim to have you would know that I’m okay if it takes a year of casual play to obtain, but it needs to become possible in spite of however much time it takes.

Of course I have checked the prices, daily. Why wouldn’t I? It is an integral part of the recipe, and the question is base. And I already have my precursor (begotten by crazy magical luck as it may be), so that is behind me now. When I first started towards it, it was going for 50g. Now it’s been over 500g. Not once did I complain to have the market/game adjusted to bring down the price.

No, like I have said, I am 1/2 way to my legendary. Are things going to change when I get it? Nope. I will still have been bathed in your generalizations, so therefore, that argument is also invalid.

Look, you pine for what you want to pine for, I will do the same. But when it comes to labeling folks, try to step back a bit, scale that business down, it’s doing no one any good.

(edited by Aoshi.4785)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


sure its difficult and not impossible to get one.

it just seems so freakishly boring..

legendary. the weapon should have a story behind it, there should be some sort of story to acquiring it with its own challenges and the likes on the way. not a legendary amount of farming/doodling on the auction house. just makes the game feel more like an auction house simulator a la diablo 3.

You know it’s cute how everyone says “make it skill-based” or “challenging” but no one provides specific ideas.

If you make it skill based, the casuals will complain. And how the heck can you make something ‘skill’ based in an MMO s complicated as this one?

How are you going to make it so difficult that it won’t result in every single player having a legendary?

Easy have a starting 5v5 PVP match (shows you can work as a team or at least better then your enemy) then a solo mad king jumping puzzle style (less then 10% of the people could beat it), then add at the top of the tower a PVP match between 2 people from 2 different servers compete winner ascends while the loser gets sent back to start. Then add a mob of monsters which you have to kill. After all that you are presented with a chest which opens to give you your legendary.

I know honestly i would have a hard time completing this. NO BOT would be able to beat it and it is also very very skill based with only the best of the best achieving the legendary weapon while demostrating all possible aspects of the game.

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Of course I have checked the prices, daily. Why wouldn’t I? It is an integral part of the recipe, and the question is base. And I already have my precursor (begotten by crazy magical luck as it may be), so that is behind me now. When I first started towards it, it was going for 50g. Now it’s been over 500g. Not once did I complain to have the market/game adjusted to bring down the price.

No, like I have said, I am 1/2 way to my legendary. Are things going to change when I get it? Nope. I will still have been bathed in your generalizations, so therefore, that argument is also invalid.

Look, you pine for what you want to pine for, I will do the same. But when it comes to labeling folks, try to step back a bit, scale that business down, it’s doing no one any good.

What you claim to be ‘generalizations’ and ‘labels’ most people would call statistical facts and logical conclusion. Many many people have done the math, and it’s a fact that the average gold gain isn’t sufficient for most people to buy a precursor, and drop rates are so small one could potentially not drop for a player for the entire life of the game. Logically speaking, the only way the average player would have been able to gain one at this point would be in the ways I described. And people have them, so people have. You yourself affirm this, as you wouldn’t have one if it weren’t for dumb luck!

But congratulations to you, you’re one of the lucky ones. And I mentioned luck as one of the ways a person may have a legendary at this point. You were completely excused from any accusation. You sought to find offense, I didn’t seek to offend you. But please, go on, bathe in the self-righteousness of your illusory persecution, maybe that will comfort the imagined wounds and slights you seek to find in anything said within earshot or written within sight.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bertillec.7864


To all the people saying Legendries are supposed to be a long term goal that includes playing all aspects of the game please stop talking. Your argument went right out the window when Legendries were allowed to be sold on the trading post.

where is the facebook like buttons?

and from my point of view, legendary is not a grindfest item.but people like and willing to company have to make it with no other choices.but honestly, Where is the company balls anyway?

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorana.2468


Legendaries were messed up right from the start and it’s pretty much too little to late to change anything but the precursor issue.

what needs to be changed is the ability to earn gold from playing the game and not the TP, the difference is huge.

only thing they could probably do is make the current legendaries a stepping stone to a real legendary and add things onto the top end, like removing all the legendary special effects until you achieve a worthy goal thats actually worth the name Legendary.

not just spend 1000g and calling it legendary.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waraxx.4286



Legendary weapons are supposed to be long term goal, you should craft it in a year.

Legendary weapons are ment to be crafted by small portion of players.

There are hundereds of players that got their legendaries by legit ways.

They are not ment to be crafted by everyone. They are most unique, rare, prestigue weapons.

If you want to change anything, make them harder to obtain.


Oh, so you think its fine now?
*you think its fine that the majority of the players owning a legendary play on the tp instead of the actual game.
*you think its fine that the only thing you need for legendary is gold instead of actually having to play the game.
*you think its fine that having a legendary have nothing to do with what you’ve actually done in the game?

is that “fine”?

I can’t say I agree with OP with lowering the time needed to create the legendary for the average gamer

but I’m sure that the legendary doesn’t work as Anet intended them to work. as they were surprised by how fast people acquired there first legendary. as well as they do not full fill anything they would do “symbolize what you have achieved in this game” unless its supposed to be read like “symbolize how much gold you have made in this game” i don’t think its achieving what they said it would do.

I’m not going to go to indepth on this because I’ve already done that in another thread. so ill just put it in one sentence.

there is to much emphasis on gold and to little on actually playing the game (karma) and being skillful at it ( tokens / badges)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


sure its difficult and not impossible to get one.

it just seems so freakishly boring..

legendary. the weapon should have a story behind it, there should be some sort of story to acquiring it with its own challenges and the likes on the way. not a legendary amount of farming/doodling on the auction house. just makes the game feel more like an auction house simulator a la diablo 3.

You know it’s cute how everyone says “make it skill-based” or “challenging” but no one provides specific ideas.

If you make it skill based, the casuals will complain. And how the heck can you make something ‘skill’ based in an MMO s complicated as this one?

How are you going to make it so difficult that it won’t result in every single player having a legendary?

Easy have a starting 5v5 PVP match (shows you can work as a team or at least better then your enemy) then a solo mad king jumping puzzle style (less then 10% of the people could beat it), then add at the top of the tower a PVP match between 2 people from 2 different servers compete winner ascends while the loser gets sent back to start. Then add a mob of monsters which you have to kill. After all that you are presented with a chest which opens to give you your legendary.

I know honestly i would have a hard time completing this. NO BOT would be able to beat it and it is also very very skill based with only the best of the best achieving the legendary weapon while demostrating all possible aspects of the game.

This wont ever going to happen

How would you implement this? Would you just delete every gift, precursors that players have and didnt finish yet?

This would bring 1000x bigger hate than Ascended gear because players would complain about why other players could achive their Legendaries tru solo PvE farming and now players have to be number 1 in PvP, etc.

These changes are just something that YOU would enjoy, NOT everyone. There is already established system how to create a Legendary and its working nicely.

And MMORPGs are not about skill, not in PvE atleast. If you are looking for skill based game, thats either Dota, Lol, Hon or FPS games, etc.

I like the way it is now 100x more than what you suggested. I do enjoy farming golds and materials, running dungeons and events and doing some wvw and jumping puzzle when I feel to.

YOUR suggestion is just PvP .. Which I dont enjoy in Guild Wars 2 that much and If you like it or dont, Legendary weapons are PvE CRAFTED weapons.

Legendary weapons are not supposed to show how skilled you are or how much PVP tournaments you won, it supposed to show how much you play Guild Wars 2 and that you were willing to harvest all the materials and gold to craft it.

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176



Legendary weapons are supposed to be long term goal, you should craft it in a year.

Legendary weapons are ment to be crafted by small portion of players.

There are hundereds of players that got their legendaries by legit ways.

They are not ment to be crafted by everyone. They are most unique, rare, prestigue weapons.

If you want to change anything, make them harder to obtain.


Oh, so you think its fine now?
*you think its fine that the majority of the players owning a legendary play on the tp instead of the actual game.
*you think its fine that the only thing you need for legendary is gold instead of actually having to play the game.
*you think its fine that having a legendary have nothing to do with what you’ve actually done in the game?

is that “fine”?

I can’t say I agree with OP with lowering the time needed to create the legendary for the average gamer

but I’m sure that the legendary doesn’t work as Anet intended them to work. as they were surprised by how fast people acquired there first legendary. as well as they do not full fill anything they would do “symbolize what you have achieved in this game” unless its supposed to be read like “symbolize how much gold you have made in this game” i don’t think its achieving what they said it would do.

I’m not going to go to indepth on this because I’ve already done that in another thread. so ill just put it in one sentence.

there is to much emphasis on gold and to little on actually playing the game (karma) and being skillful at it ( tokens / badges)

Ye I think its fine … Dont ask me again thanks

Legendary weapon is just expensive CRAFTED weapon. And from I know, everything craft related in MMORPGS either involved tons of gold or tons of material

You all act like IF Legendry was some story based weapon for the END GAME. And its not, Its just single weapon skin that you either choose to craft or dont. Thats all.

So ye I will say it once more. I THINK LEGENDARY WEAPONS ARE FINE AS THEY ARE NOW. I do have one and I DID enjoy the journey for it. And there are hundereds more players like me, but they now happyly play the game instead of comming here on forums.

Usually you see the minority on forums because they need to go somewhere to complain. But the majority of players are enjoying the game and not comming here.

I play with a lot of friends/guildies and almost none of them are visiting these forums and many of them are working on their Legendaries without any regrets.

How many players we can see complaining about Legendaries on the forums? 100? And how many players already have one or they are on the way for one? 100 000?

So yeee … good luck

I think Areanet has better tools to check the state of the game then reading only your whiny complains.

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zantetsuken.9051


So either you work for it, or you can just complain for another 10 years but nothing is going to change just because there are few whining individuals

Except that ANet has already admitted that they don’t like the way Legendaries are currently obtained and are going to make changes to the system.

Whoops. Guess you’d better stop whining about how other people are whining, then.

Yeah, except they aren’t going to make changes to your benefit. The smart financial move would be to give everyone their own precursor (and hence the desire to obtain their very own legendary), then strangle the supply of mats needed to craft them. Prices would rocket, and the only way most people could achieve it would be to buy gems for real money, sell them for gold and buy the mats on the TP.

In other words, expect precursors to become more common, demand for mats to soar, and prices to also rocket. And in the background, some greedy exec will be rubbing his crotch in glee at the amount of real money it generates.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoChan.1926


Legendary weapon is just expensive CRAFTED weapon.

See the thing is the moment that you said that is the moment that you’ve not only failed to understand the intent of a Legendary but that a Legendary has failed to accomplish its intended goal. While in it’s most basic of forms it IS an expensively crafted weapon, it should never be thought of that way. It should never be viewed that way. Worse, players should never be viewed as being the rich and the few but the dedicated and the few. Generalizing and stereotyping is something that is human nature (we categorize in groups) so Anet, unfortunately, missed their mark on what they originally intended to do if that is how you view it after having obtained one.

Legendary weapons are not supposed to show how skilled you are or how much PVP tournaments you won, it supposed to show how much you play Guild Wars 2 and that you were willing to harvest all the materials and gold to craft it.

Man you were SO CLOSE!

it supposed to show how much you play Guild Wars 2 and that you were willing to harvest all the materials

This ladies and gentlemen is the correct answer to what a Legendary represents. Your added “gold to craft it” is wrong and that is what the OP and supporters here have tried to explain. The moment monetary value is associated with a Legendary is the moment that it has failed its concept.

Tell me Kacigarka, when people see your Legendary how many ask you “How much did it cost you to make that?” first before any other question? I know that’s the first thing I ask. I know that’s the first thing asked in a Dungeon PUG or standing around in LA. Forget time sink it’s always a gold sink. There is no prestige associated with it at this point, just a monetary value which actually devalues the Legendary because the concept failed to be sold.

OP I agree and disagree with you for a bit. I am actually working towards a Legendary thinking that I never would, but when Ascended was announced I realized that obtaining a Legendary was much more important than not. I am finding that working my way up to a Legendary through casual play is really not that hard at all and that when I decided to go for one I was halfway to a lot of the necessary components. Now I will agree RNG is not a testament of skill nor should be a valid way to slow down Legendary progression as it’s already involved in so many ways to begin with (drops, clovers, wvw badges, ectos: all through legit play not through the TP). However, I am waiting for the scavenger hunt to see what Anet does since they have already acknowledged that there is a problem and are working towards fixing it, I am going to sit tight, continue on the already outlined path, and wait to see what happens. I suggest you do the same.

Optee Kaal Allusion | The Evil Empire
“Kitten the yaks, so persistent about everything.” -Ebay

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


alot of my ex-hardcore friends from various other MMos refuse to even touch GW2 because of the insane grind for any legendary.

And finally, the average player of GW2 will just never get a legendary weapon, pure and simple because of the stupid requirements, the non-hacker players will just more or less give up and go quit, which hurts the game in general. Lets face it, the average player, heck even totally LEGIT players probably have less than 200g even if they played from launch, especially considering an unfavorable RNG.

a few problems with your post.

legendaries are not meant for everyone to have. with a few exceptions, i think(though i hate to say it) they are catered to the hardcore/nolifer player base. if someone who plays casually wants one, then it will take time. i believe anet didn’t think the first legendaries would hit less than a month after launch. 6mo-1yr is acceptable as a timeframe.

secondly, having a legendary is not essential to gameplay. having a maybach is not essential to living. see the analogy there?

as of today in 1h of play time, i made 7g WITHOUT using the tp. this is all i can do with the obligation i have irl, which is 1h more than the usual ZERO i get to play on the weekends. consider how much i can make in a normal 3-4h session. 200g since launch is kinda…well..laughable.

i don’t see your reasoning as effective and the threat of posting until an official answer is probably not going to go in your favor. perhaps making a suggestion in the suggestion forum is better? my 2copper for ya

How the heck do you get 7 gold an hour? Most I’ve ever gotten was 2 gold an hour, and that was tiring in itself.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


Tell me Kacigarka, when people see your Legendary how many ask you “How much did it cost you to make that?” first before any other question? I know that’s the first thing I ask. I know that’s the first thing asked in a Dungeon PUG or standing around in LA. Forget time sink it’s always a gold sink. There is no prestige associated with it at this point, just a monetary value which actually devalues the Legendary because the concept failed to be sold.

Now I am am telling the truth but no one asked me how much gold did it cost. Things players ask or say are: ‘’What hammer do you have?’’ Gratz on your Legendary’’ Or they are just jealous in funny way … Or they simply dont say anything.

As you said … first thing YOU ask is how much gold did it cost. BUT THATS YOU. Your mentality. Because you care about that aspect too much. Normal player just say gratz on your legendary, it looks awesome!!! (thats what I usually say)

But players like you just see hackers, cheaters, luckers behind the Legendary weapons. Which is not true, you just think it is because YOU didnt find a legit way to craft one yet. HERE IS SMALL SECRET, there are players who plays better than you, who are smarter than you and who plays more than you.

I see the prestigue in Legendary weapons. Maybe there is someone who bought them with gold, or whatever. But thats small percentage and I dont care about it.

So players like you are the one who should change their mentality and stop beeing jealous and just mind their business Because there are players who crafted their Legendary weapons legit way without buying it with gold, etc.!

All I read on these forums is this:
‘’I didnt craft my Legendary yet so everyone who already did had to cheat, hack or be lucky and had tons of gold, because I am the best player on the world’’

Sadly .. not true

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I know some guilds either donate to certain people, or charge their members a few to be in their guild and get the gold needed. Just yesterday I was in Lions arch and saw some Mesmer with 2 Incinerators just dancing in front of the bank. Found out she was a guild leader whose members gave her money to make them.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


So players like you are the one who should change their mentality and stop beeing jealous and just mind their business

What are you still doing here?

Instead of actually trying to submit any valid discussion here, you’re here rubbing your legendaries in everyone’s faces and saying “neener neener, I’ve got one and you don’t”, as if anyone actually cares what you think or what you own.

We don’t care if you have one or not. We really don’t.

We’re here trying to have a discussion about legendaries and what they’re meant to represent. And every single major point you have made in favor of the existing system is directly contradicted by the GW2 development team’s declared intentions for the game. You have no support in this thread primarily because your stance is 100% against what ANet was trying to create. The devs aren’t going to back you up on this because they don’t actually agree with you.

Let’s go through this systematically and dismantle your entire argument, comparing what the devs have said to what you said.

“They’re just expensive crafting items” and “they’re not meant to be anything meaningful”:
Cartwright (quoted earlier) once stated that legendaries are “meant to show off your accomplishments and what you’ve been doing in the game”. The devs have all treated legendaries with a degree of reverence and stated they will always be the best of their tier. They are clearly meant to symbolize something greater than “expensive crafting item”.

“They’re meant to be a grind”:
ANet has been quoted countless times as saying that “we just don’t feel the need to make grindy games”, yet we can all agree that Legendaries clearly violate this premise. There are only two ways to obtain everything you need: grind for it, or play the TP. They’ve been slowly taking steps to improve on the grind, make it more bearable in the long run, but it’s still a grind.

“It’s just like how other MMOs do it”:
This one is especially golden because the core selling point of GW2 is that it’s an “MMO revolution”, and that people who don’t like MMOs “will really wanna check out GW2” because of how different it is from traditional MMOs. But of course you’d think that this grind is perfectly okay, you already own a Legendary so you’re perfectly content to let the game falsely advertise its no-grind premise. Fortunately, the devs are not quite so insane, as they’ve said they intend to cut down on some of that grind not only in Legendaries but Ascended gear as well. We’ll see what happens in this regard.

“There’s nothing wrong with the system as it is”:
The devs have agreed that not only is the existing system not what they intended it to be, but they’ve also gone so far as to say that they’re working on implementing other ways to obtain Legendaries as well. So really, not only does your argument have no leg to stand on, but you’ve already lost. They’re going to be making changes eventually whether you like it or not.

I’ll repeat what I said before: if you’re just going to use this thread to brag about your own Legendary and don’t intend to contribute anything to this discussion, please do us all the favor of posting elsewhere. We don’t care if you have a Legendary or not. Really. We don’t. We’re all here to have a serious discussion about fixing an aspect of the game which is poorly designed (something the dev team has admitted).

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

(edited by critickitten.1498)

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


Tell me Kacigarka, when people see your Legendary how many ask you “How much did it cost you to make that?” first before any other question? I know that’s the first thing I ask. I know that’s the first thing asked in a Dungeon PUG or standing around in LA. Forget time sink it’s always a gold sink. There is no prestige associated with it at this point, just a monetary value which actually devalues the Legendary because the concept failed to be sold.

That actually sounds like a fun activity; gently deriding people in-game who have completed a legendary. Only problem is that almost everyone I know who has completed one has quit the game, including some with the express intent of quitting the game as soon as they finish the legendary, while others were as close as three zone completions away and still quit before finishing it.