[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive
Those who say “we wouldn’t have bought 800 gems”, stop saying like this was the first and last time you ever use gems. “After this, it was the last time !”, see you in a year and let’s see if you never used gems.
And if this makes you stop playing the game, it was simply the last thing that pushed you over. Sooner or later you would have left the game even if nothing was done.
I rolled a human for many reasons including t3 armor etc, people who are calling people who dislike the human cult armor being sold at the cash shop and calling them “kittenes” are morons. The set costs less than half of actual armor. That’s crap, how would you like it if something you paid hard time or money for, had to pick a certain race to get it and suddenly it’s for everyone?
It’s not fair to anyone who rolled a human for the armor because they cannot race change. So stop calling people who complain selfish, you kittenes are the ones being selfish because it’s all benefits for you.
10 real life dollars > make believe money
Your mistaken thought the armor did not cost 10 real life dollars. The armor cost 800gem’s which technically have no real monetary value since there backed by no governments.
Anet made true on there promise when you gave them 10 dollars they gave you 800 gem’s to spend.
don’t speak on subjects that you have no clue on.
Actually he does have a point and let me rephrase you (can’t remember it literally) something that was posted somewhere else: If you buy a plane ticket to assist a museum and, when you arrive, the museum is closed; nobody will refund you the plane ticket.
Im absolutly gutted.
I have bought the set, used it on my already t-muted humanT3 set and now found out Im going to lose it. So, now I have lost my T3 set, will lose my new T3 lookalike Flamekissed set and have wasted the 170 ish gold that it cost me to get them. : (
I know I can get the 800 gems back if I don’t like the new skin they bring out but thats not the point, what were they doing in the first place bringing out a set using that T3 skin. Also, I wouldn’t have bought the gems in the first place for any other skin (literally! he’s my main and T3 is the best in game imo and he had it already). Like, what could be better than a human T3 set other than a T3 lookalike set but that burns and glows.
I bought the set (even though I though Anet had messed up big time by using a T3 skin for a new armour set) because I thought it would be one of those things that we’d just have to “deal with” so I might as well get over it and buy it. Especially seeing as how I do actually love the T3 skin enough to have got it already and this new one was the same and so much better.
Im absolutly gutted.
P.S. Just look at what I’ll be losing. : (
17 level 80 characters, all races, all professions.
(edited by Titan Cronus.9216)
Those who say “we wouldn’t have bought 800 gems”, stop saying like this was the first and last time you ever use gems. “After this, it was the last time !”, see you in a year and let’s see if you never used gems.
You’re being a little disingenuous here.
While there may be people who state they will never again buy gems, which in a lot of cases we all know won’t hold, there are distinctly people who did buy gems specifically for this armour, and potentially would not have were it to look like something else.
I rolled a human for many reasons including t3 armor etc, people who are calling people who dislike the human cult armor being sold at the cash shop and calling them “kittenes” are morons. The set costs less than half of actual armor. That’s crap, how would you like it if something you paid hard time or money for, had to pick a certain race to get it and suddenly it’s for everyone?
It’s not fair to anyone who rolled a human for the armor because they cannot race change. So stop calling people who complain selfish, you kittenes are the ones being selfish because it’s all benefits for you.
10 real life dollars > make believe money
Your mistaken thought the armor did not cost 10 real life dollars. The armor cost 800gem’s which technically have no real monetary value since there backed by no governments.
Anet made true on there promise when you gave them 10 dollars they gave you 800 gem’s to spend.
don’t speak on subjects that you have no clue on.
No need to attack me because you don’t like the point I made. The bottom line is the only thing you payed real money for is 800 gem.
I rolled a human for many reasons including t3 armor etc, people who are calling people who dislike the human cult armor being sold at the cash shop and calling them “kittenes” are morons. The set costs less than half of actual armor. That’s crap, how would you like it if something you paid hard time or money for, had to pick a certain race to get it and suddenly it’s for everyone?
It’s not fair to anyone who rolled a human for the armor because they cannot race change. So stop calling people who complain selfish, you kittenes are the ones being selfish because it’s all benefits for you.
10 real life dollars > make believe money
Your mistaken thought the armor did not cost 10 real life dollars. The armor cost 800gem’s which technically have no real monetary value since there backed by no governments.
Anet made true on there promise when you gave them 10 dollars they gave you 800 gem’s to spend.
don’t speak on subjects that you have no clue on.
No need to attack me because you don’t like the point I made. The bottom line is the only thing you payed real money for is 800 gem.
Which was intended for a product Anet was offering. Said product was removed. Now people have spent $10 when they potentially may not have.
This is not a difficult concept.
Anet you need to work with people who went out and bought the flamekissed armor on the first day before you pulled it. you NEED to get their input and work with them since you are screwing them over.
my suggestion is send out a poll with a screenshot or render of the new armor look to ONLY those that bought the flamekissed armor to make sure they like the new concept. Anyone who didn’t buy this armor already should have no right or say in the matter as they don’t have the investment in the armor that those that bought it do.
I’m not a fan of reskins, myself. I don’t really see the point.
The other issue is why all the flame gear? We’ve got a dungeon flame set, 3 pieces of fire gear from AP, and now 3 new sets of flame themed gear in the gem store?
The steampunk stuff was at least unique and looked pretty cool. But these new flame-skins add literally nothing new to the game.
Here are some other theme ideas to get the ANet fashion staff started on a brainstorming session:
*Precious Metals
*Animal Skins
*Lacquered Woods
*Unfinished Woods
That’s just the first 20 ideas that popped into my head that aren’t fire.
Please, ANet. The fire stuff is cool, but we’ve got enough of it already. Something else next time, maybe?
I rolled a human for many reasons including t3 armor etc, people who are calling people who dislike the human cult armor being sold at the cash shop and calling them “kittenes” are morons. The set costs less than half of actual armor. That’s crap, how would you like it if something you paid hard time or money for, had to pick a certain race to get it and suddenly it’s for everyone?
It’s not fair to anyone who rolled a human for the armor because they cannot race change. So stop calling people who complain selfish, you kittenes are the ones being selfish because it’s all benefits for you.
10 real life dollars > make believe money
Your mistaken thought the armor did not cost 10 real life dollars. The armor cost 800gem’s which technically have no real monetary value since there backed by no governments.
Anet made true on there promise when you gave them 10 dollars they gave you 800 gem’s to spend.
don’t speak on subjects that you have no clue on.
No need to attack me because you don’t like the point I made. The bottom line is the only thing you payed real money for is 800 gem.
Which was intended for a product Anet was offering. Said product was removed. Now people have spent $10 when they potentially may not have.
This is not a difficult concept.
That 10 dollars was spent to buy 800 gem’s not the armor. Anet does not sell any item’s other then gem’s for real life money. Also to top it off when you buy something on Anet’s gem store you don’t own it. The only thing you do is rent the rights to use it.
Those who say “we wouldn’t have bought 800 gems”, stop saying like this was the first and last time you ever use gems. “After this, it was the last time !”, see you in a year and let’s see if you never used gems.
You’re being a little disingenuous here.
While there may be people who state they will never again buy gems, which in a lot of cases we all know won’t hold, there are distinctly people who did buy gems specifically for this armour, and potentially would not have were it to look like something else.
Im one of those people.. I wont buy gems any with cash i know that for sure, and many in my guild and others have informed me of the same thing..
This is like walking into walmart, buying a Tshirt, and just before you get to the door an employee says “Sorry sir you cant have what you bought, to many members of another store chain bought that shirt and its for their members only so im gonna have to take your shirt and give you a refund and this ugly pink shirt in exchange”
This is what it looks like is happening.
The way i look at it if the new skin stinks i want a refund for my old T3 which is 120+ i want a refund on my 5 trans stones, along with a refund on my 6 scholar runes. So i can Re-make my T3 Armor!
(So basically i would need about 160G on top of the 800Gems to make me happy or they can forget money from me again)
Otherwise this company WILL not see any more cold hard cash from me and many others i know. I really dont care what anyone thinks or even anet devs think. Its really easy not to spend Real life cash on this game… and after this fiasco it will become much easier for me or others NOT to spend cash in this game.
I want those who got it to keep it. I’m human, not THAT many people bought it, its not that big of a deal that some other race gets to wear a reskinned version of the oh-so-precious human cultural (seriously?), people spent MONEY on this, and its a very bad and untrusty move for ANet to take what they let us buy. Let us keep ours, reskin it and just let it go, but don’t screw over those who paid for it.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Those who say “we wouldn’t have bought 800 gems”, stop saying like this was the first and last time you ever use gems. “After this, it was the last time !”, see you in a year and let’s see if you never used gems.
You’re being a little disingenuous here.
While there may be people who state they will never again buy gems, which in a lot of cases we all know won’t hold, there are distinctly people who did buy gems specifically for this armour, and potentially would not have were it to look like something else.
Yes some players might have bought gems specifically for this armor. But that doesn’t change the fact that in the future they have 800 gems they can use to buy something else they want.
And honestly, I’m pretty sure that for most buyers, this wasn’t their first time using their credit card to buy gems. When Anet releases a new skin, they will probably buy it. Or the one released after. Or after.
Point is : they aren’t going to lose those 800 gems. There’s nothing disingenuous about that.
I have a solution that should make the people who are upset about losing the armor happy. Since its the same solution they propose to the people who are happy to see the armor go.
Anyone who is unhappy with the solution ANET suggested could have there accounts rolled back to the day before the patch went live and there money refunded. Problem solved they will have never had the armor to transmute over there stuff. They will have there money.
Those who say “we wouldn’t have bought 800 gems”, stop saying like this was the first and last time you ever use gems. “After this, it was the last time !”, see you in a year and let’s see if you never used gems.
You’re being a little disingenuous here.
While there may be people who state they will never again buy gems, which in a lot of cases we all know won’t hold, there are distinctly people who did buy gems specifically for this armour, and potentially would not have were it to look like something else.
Yes some players might have bought gems specifically for this armor. But that doesn’t change the fact that in the future they have 800 gems they can use to buy something else they want.
And honestly, I’m pretty sure that for most buyers, this wasn’t their first time using their credit card to buy gems. When Anet releases a new skin, they will probably buy it. Or the one released after. Or after.Point is : they aren’t going to lose those 800 gems. There’s nothing disingenuous about that.
No. The Point is – Some people may not have bought those 800 gems at all.
Not sure if bold and caps will help here, and sorry if it breaks any rules.
And for those who spent gems “for the sole purpose of buying this skin” yes you are at loss even though you will be refunded the gems, you are a minority and they have to please the majority if they want to fix this issue, specially when the only fix you want is to keep the armor unchanged, and that simply won’t happen.
Not sure if bold and caps will help here, and sorry if it breaks any rules.
And for those who spent gems “for the sole purpose of buying this skin” yes you are at loss even though you will be refunded the gems, you are a minority and they have to please the majority if they want to fix this issue, specially when the only fix you want is to keep the armor unchanged, and that simply won’t happen.
And point us to where a dev has said this please.. not just you in caps?
Not sure if bold and caps will help here, and sorry if it breaks any rules.
And for those who spent gems “for the sole purpose of buying this skin” yes you are at loss even though you will be refunded the gems, you are a minority and they have to please the majority if they want to fix this issue, specially when the only fix you want is to keep the armor unchanged, and that simply won’t happen.
I think this is /thread guys this pretty much throws 99.99% of people complaints about losing the armor away. As far as spending the money Anet is giving you what you promised you 800 gem’s they made no other promises.
I want those who got it to keep it. I’m human, not THAT many people bought it, its not that big of a deal that some other race gets to wear a reskinned version of the oh-so-precious human cultural (seriously?), people spent MONEY on this, and its a very bad and untrusty move for ANet to take what they let us buy. Let us keep ours, reskin it and just let it go, but don’t screw over those who paid for it.
I think growing up we called that Indian Giving! LOL Anet is now Indian Giving items on the Gemstore and Non-Discounted Prices…. Hurry while supplies are not being complained about !
Yes some players might have bought gems specifically for this armor. But that doesn’t change the fact that in the future they have 800 gems they can use to buy something else they want.
And honestly, I’m pretty sure that for most buyers, this wasn’t their first time using their credit card to buy gems. When Anet releases a new skin, they will probably buy it. Or the one released after. Or after.
Point is : they aren’t going to lose those 800 gems. There’s nothing disingenuous about that.
No the point IS lots of folks feel bait and switched. Some of us dont spend our parents money!
No the point IS lots of folks feel bait and switched. Many of you young children cant comprehend that cause you spend your mommy and daddy’s money!
Well they are overly sensitive if they feel bait and switched. And maybe they should be more careful about how they manage their own money. You aren’t forced to buy something else with those 800 gems. You can simply wait until there’s something else you want.
If you feel pressured to buy something you desire less with those gems, realize that you are a compulsive buyer and you should be more careful with your own money.
No. The Point is – Some people may not have bought those 800 gems at all.
Huh ? How did you get those gems ?
LOL… I’m sorry, this is just getting out of control. So now … wait …. you want only certain players to decide what new armor is going to look like even though it will be for everyone’s consumption?
Seriously, this whole thing is completely ludicrous at this point. Although I give kudos to ANet for responding in a timely and fair fashion on the whole problem, I do hope they’re learning a valuable lesson here. Think before acting. What you do has consequences and sends ripple effects (apparently for eons) within the entire community.
Personally, I have had enough of this topic. There was a problem. A fair solution was found. Get on with your life already.
This entire situation is an outrage. Both the creation and release, and the proposed solution are extremely unprofessional. By so blatantly re-skinning — there is no way this is an oversight — a unique item, Arena Net degraded the value of the item, and in turn devalued the time of original consumers of T3 Human armor. The consumers work and time for a unique item was now wasted, destroyed by Arena Net’s decision. Any opportunities they missed to acquire this armor are now forever gone.
Arena Net saw the harm this caused, and responded, but their offered solution is far from correct. They offer an unknown remake of the skin to the consumers, or a refund on the purchase. This solution takes no account of the work or time any consumer spent to integrate the skin to his/her character. Without knowing what the updated version will be, any consumer’s resources spent to obtain this form of the skin are devalued; as they can only act in concerns to what they know, their current skin. All time is valuable, in more than a monetary sense. The other opportunities that were bypassed to work for the skin/gems/items to go with the skin and the investments (whether intellectual/monetary/etc.) are lost with this solution. This especially affects the uninformed consumers, who are still out there working to acquire items to go with the Flamekissed skin. All of the time they spend becomes nothing with the update of the skin. The refund option does not credit consumers for any time that has been wasted, only crediting the sole purchase.
In short, Arena Net is rectifying devaluation of one party by devaluing another party. They created a devaluation of human T3 consumers by removing the unique aspect of the armor, thus the work and time of many T3 consumers is devalued and lost. The solution they present, to revalue T3 users, creates a devaluation of the Flamekissed consumer, in a very similar way to the T3 party’s devaluation. Any work or time the Flamekissed consumers invested is now lost.
No company should, in any form, devalue its consumers. To correct this wrong, Arena Net needs realize the value of both parties of consumers. First, the skin must be removed from sale, and be reworked, to prevent the continued devaluation of T3 users. This has been done, and was a correct decision. Next, any consumer who purchased the Flamekissed skin needs to be allowed the option to keep the current version. This takes into account the work and time they spent to acquire it and adapt to it, thus respecting their invested time.
For those who purchased the T3 Human skin, their armor will remain slightly devalued, an unfortunate outcome of a poor decision made by Arena Net. No solution will completely rectify this wrong, but the current proposed solution only harms the entirety of another party. Arena Net needs to take responsibility concerning this substandard decision and their devaluation of one party, and not in-turn devalue another.
In response to Rialen:
Extremely well said. Both parties have worked for the items – whether earning money in the real world, or earning gold in game – in addition to the time spent on obtaining the items and modifying their appearance, etc. They clearly underestimated the attachment some players have to the exclusivity of cultural armor, despite it belonging to the most played race in the game. Perhaps this would have led to updated armor sets from other cultural tiers? No less, Arenanet made the blunder and the players reacted.
By devaluing those who purchased the gemstore armor, Arenanet undermines the consumer confidence in those they depend on to financially support the game. By devaluing those who feel attached to the exclusivity of their T3 armor, they risk the satisfaction of a portion of their playerbase. There is no solution in this circumstance that will make everyone happy, and other games who have fallen into very similar blunders have made the move to allow the original to remain for those who purchased the original (like the flamekissed) set, and from that point on only offered the redesigned set for future purchases. This would be a better solution, as it doesn’t undermine consumer confidence, it doesn’t leave consumers who made additional purchases/investments in the lurch even with refunds, it pleases those who do not want modified reskins of a cultural tier set in the gemstore, and it prevents Arenanet from taking a loss with the ensuing refunds if their replacement set is not satisfactory.
Both Rialen and islarose have a very logical and reasonable response to the problem, and how it should be handled. Arena Net cannot simply fix the first wrong (devaluation of T3 consumers) with another wrong (devaluation of Flamekissed consumers). These posters’ solution is the best I have seen so far concerning what the thread has to offer, and attempts to minimize all the damage dealt.
(edited by Duke of Thorin.7425)
You know… i don`t get the whole “we need particle effects” direction.
I mean, come on. These were supposed to be the “rare” weapons. Now everyone is glowing like a christmas tree.
I know it is the season, but what happend to practical and reasonable design?
Now we get mostly show off designs.
Be more subdued, simple..
I applaud that the firekissed armor was more simpler then i though… the flames were placed reasonable…
But why do they exist? I thought everything we get would be attached to the lore and now we get this stuff out of nowhere…
Not sure if bold and caps will help here, and sorry if it breaks any rules.
And for those who spent gems “for the sole purpose of buying this skin” yes you are at loss even though you will be refunded the gems, you are a minority and they have to please the majority if they want to fix this issue, specially when the only fix you want is to keep the armor unchanged, and that simply won’t happen.
I think this is /thread guys this pretty much throws 99.99% of people complaints about losing the armor away. As far as spending the money Anet is giving you what you promised you 800 gem’s they made no other promises.
It’s not /thread. You said roll back characters? A, no that wont happen because of other progression that’d mess with. Will people get old skins back? Sure. But that doesn’t change the fact of the bait and switch that will ruin peoples’ trust in the gem store, people who spend real money versus the people crying over some ingame currencies they feel “cheated out on” (NOT EVEN LOST, ITS STILL THERE, YOU JUST DON’T FEEL AS “COOL” ANYMORE), this whole thing is an absolute joke. People complained because they don’t FEEL COOL ENOUGH anymore so people who support anet and spent real money get the short end of the stick? You REALLY think that’s okay and the better option?
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Yes some players might have bought gems specifically for this armor. But that doesn’t change the fact that in the future they have 800 gems they can use to buy something else they want.
And honestly, I’m pretty sure that for most buyers, this wasn’t their first time using their credit card to buy gems. When Anet releases a new skin, they will probably buy it. Or the one released after. Or after.Point is : they aren’t going to lose those 800 gems. There’s nothing disingenuous about that.
No the point IS lots of folks feel bait and switched.
How can you feel bait and switched thought? There offering you a refund bait and switch would be telling you we have product A then u buying Product A it being product B and us saying tough luck no refund. There offering to do the right thing? I have mentioned it numerous times. How can you feel baited and switch when you rent a product. When you rent a car if the rental company does not have said promised car in stock you get the next best thing.
How about just the armor without anything ? Or with an option to turn off effects.
LOL… I’m sorry, this is just getting out of control. So now … wait …. you want only certain players to decide what new armor is going to look like even though it will be for everyone’s consumption?
Seriously, this whole thing is completely ludicrous at this point. Although I give kudos to ANet for responding in a timely and fair fashion on the whole problem, I do hope they’re learning a valuable lesson here. Think before acting. What you do has consequences and sends ripple effects (apparently for eons) within the entire community.
Personally, I have had enough of this topic. There was a problem. A fair solution was found. Get on with your life already.
Or let us keep what we got, since we bought it fair and square and you move on with your life already. I can play that game too.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
No human cultural armor should not be available to anyone but humans. This set is a pure rip off and should be removed. People will get a chance of refund and return of the skin they transmuted over. THE END
The majority wanted it to be removed and we succeeded. Couple of you will just have to deal with it.
(edited by Soulmyr.8094)
More bad decisions incomming instead of make more cultural armors…
GG Anet.
Yes some players might have bought gems specifically for this armor. But that doesn’t change the fact that in the future they have 800 gems they can use to buy something else they want.
And honestly, I’m pretty sure that for most buyers, this wasn’t their first time using their credit card to buy gems. When Anet releases a new skin, they will probably buy it. Or the one released after. Or after.Point is : they aren’t going to lose those 800 gems. There’s nothing disingenuous about that.
No the point IS lots of folks feel bait and switched.
How can you feel bait and switched thought? There offering you a refund bait and switch would be telling you we have product A then u buying Product A it being product B and us saying tough luck no refund. There offering to do the right thing? I have mentioned it numerous times. How can you feel baited and switch when you rent a product. When you rent a car if the rental company does not have said promised car in stock you get the next best thing.
And how are they going to fix the other things, like give people their old armor back, Money spent on Hairkits/ Dyes to match armor up. Weapons to match the new armor.. just seems many are being shortsided with there solution not realizing the problem is much larger than more complex than.. (you get your gems back whats your problem) attitude.. ANet Mods and Devs are acting the sameway.. u work for them ?
Your rent comment doesnt hold water with me… I swear i see i have bought with 800 gems .. not rent with 800 gems.
(edited by hchadw.1097)
Every time I see another fire armor piece, I think, “Rocky, I seem to be on fire!”
This is incredibly stupid.
You payed for GEMS! You did NOT pay for the armor! ArenaNet owe you nothing but your gems back, they dont need to consult you on how the new FlameKissed looks, they dont need to give you money back, you should be grateful you are getting your gems back!
Once again you spent real life money on GEMS, you did NOT spend real life money on the armor set!
People bought GEMS because they wanted to buy the armor, it’s a middle ground currency so people can turn their gold into that currency and buy stuff they’d otherwise only be able to get with real money. People BOUGHT the armor, that was the bait. We didn’t go “Oh cool lets buy gems today! And…. Oh here’s something to spend it on!” That’s not what happened.
If someone said to you Buy this rock for 100 dollars and you can have this awesome gold bar worth 5000 dollars. Then once you bought the 100 dollar rock said you’re not getting the gold bar, you’re getting a STICKER of the gold bar, its worth 25 cents, deal with it. You can go through a terrible process to get your rock back if you spend a lot of time going through our process, and no you don’t get your 100 dollars back.
That’s good? Is it? You’re kidding me.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
What they should have done is sell “enchant” type item that allows you to add the flame effect to your current armor, that way we can look how ever we like.
This would open up a hole new cash grab for ArenaNet, i would gladly buy a enchant item that made my Human Heavy Tier 3 glow with a heavenly white/gold light.
ANet already said they’d work with individual players on a case-by-case basis and restore them what is theirs based on if the players are unhappy with the results of this situation or not. If you transmuted Flamekissed over T3, they’ll send you T3 armor. If you changed weapon skins to go with it, they’ll refund those. They will do their best to support you, because that’s what their customer support does (and they do it well).
Have a little faith, don’t lose your head, and submit a support ticket when the armor is changed if you don’t like it.
Yes some players might have bought gems specifically for this armor. But that doesn’t change the fact that in the future they have 800 gems they can use to buy something else they want.
And honestly, I’m pretty sure that for most buyers, this wasn’t their first time using their credit card to buy gems. When Anet releases a new skin, they will probably buy it. Or the one released after. Or after.Point is : they aren’t going to lose those 800 gems. There’s nothing disingenuous about that.
No the point IS lots of folks feel bait and switched.
How can you feel bait and switched thought? There offering you a refund bait and switch would be telling you we have product A then u buying Product A it being product B and us saying tough luck no refund. There offering to do the right thing? I have mentioned it numerous times. How can you feel baited and switch when you rent a product. When you rent a car if the rental company does not have said promised car in stock you get the next best thing.
And how are they going to fix the other things, like give people their old armor back, Money spent on Hairkits/ Dyes to match armor up. Weapons to match the new armor.. just seems many are being shortsided with there solution not realizing the problem is much larger than more complex than.. (you get your gems back whats your problem) attitude.. ANet Mods and Devs are acting the sameway.. u work for them ?
There will still be a flame armor and their changes will still match so nothing will go to waist. In the end they customized to match the theme not the model of the armor.
So we basically can’t rely on anything we buy from you anymore. Thanks for using our trust and making this clear.
ANet already said they’d work with individual players on a case-by-case basis and restore them what is theirs based on if the players are unhappy with the results of this situation or not. If you transmuted Flamekissed over T3, they’ll send you T3 armor. If you changed weapon skins to go with it, they’ll refund those. They will do their best to support you, because that’s what their customer support does (and they do it well).
Have a little faith, don’t lose your head, and submit a support ticket when the armor is changed if you don’t like it.
We shall see. Last time i used their support system they had no log or idea what was happen on their own system.. Lets see if this new Upgraded support system is worth a Flameseekers Rear!!!!
So we basically can’t rely on anything we buy from you anymore. Thanks for using our trust and making this clear.
And thanks for using our trust cultural armor is race exclusive.
Before all the whiners kitten and moan that armor is human exclusive and I paid 120g plus transmutation stones why should you get the same look for less. Well hear out my proposal first.
Anet is going to end up giving us a new version of the Flamekissed armor no matter what. Nothing we can do about it now since the wheels set in motion and greased up. The current Flamekissed armor should be available for those that have the Human Armor Specialty achievement completed. This new skin should usable by any race as long as they are light armor users.
What about the other races why do humans and blah blah blah. When Anet gets a chance they should release one armor skin per race to even out if you have the achievement done for that race. Just like stated above these new skins should be usable by any race and have some cool particle effect for it. As for what gets chosen for race it is up to Anet.
This is a pretty interesting dilemma.
- Those who bought the armor get to keep the original skin, thus upsetting everyone who invested time and gold into the T3 cultural armor. Also makes that skin the rarest set of armor in GW2 (for a mere 80g).
- Remodel it for everyone, upset the people who bought it originally. This keeps the people who invested time and gold into the T3 cultural armor happy.
Can’t really win with this one, GL anet.
So we basically can’t rely on anything we buy from you anymore. Thanks for using our trust and making this clear.
Thats how i feel.. now i will be VERY standoffish on Gemstore purchases in the future. Who knows one day i may buy something again but no more immediate impulse buys for sure on my part.. i dont trust em anymore!
So we basically can’t rely on anything we buy from you anymore. Thanks for using our trust and making this clear.
And thanks for using our trust cultural armor is race exclusive.
Why do you care so much? That’s what I don’t get. It’s a game for people to have fun, is it specifically fun for you to make sure no one else can have what you have? That’s called ego.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Arenanet I think you can fix this mistake upgrading medium and heavy to T3..
yeah. they should just drop the whole cultural thing, cause after this im ready to shove Tyrian Cultures off a clift! LoLZ
Not sure if bold and caps will help here, and sorry if it breaks any rules.
And for those who spent gems “for the sole purpose of buying this skin” yes you are at loss even though you will be refunded the gems, you are a minority and they have to please the majority if they want to fix this issue, specially when the only fix you want is to keep the armor unchanged, and that simply won’t happen.
And point us to where a dev has said this please.. not just you in caps?
Dev Tracker, that section everyone has access to and shows what Devs have been posting.
Bolds are mine:
You know, in looking at all the situations with players and their different needs, I really believe the best course here is to wait for the introduction of the replacement armor set. From what I’ve been told, it’s going to be really nice. Please keep in mind we’ve already made it clear that Customer Support will try to resolve the individual concerns that you may have once the armor change is made. Each of you may have slightly different situations. But since the armor is not out now, and because we will be happy to address your concern after you’ve had time to appraise the new set, doesn’t it make sense to wait and see?
The thing is, we can’t make it an either/or situation, and the devs feel that the best course is to change the armor. It would be nice to say “Change if you want” but that’s not feasible. So the Flamekissed Armor Skin will be reworked. And when it is, you guys are welcome to share your thoughts and to let Customer Support know what they can do for you. (No, “a new car and a couple of free pizzas” isn’t going to be on the table.
I understand this is sort of a hot topic right now, but again, there’s nothing to lose by waiting for a look-see at the new armor set, and there may be something to gain! It’s certainly what I would do and I encourage you to think of doing the same.
Before you jump saying they are not talking about already transmuted pieces: read the context, Gaile is replying to people who posted about similar problems.
No human cultural armor should not be available to anyone but humans. This set is a pure rip off and should be removed. People will get a chance of refund and return of the skin they transmuted over. THE END
The majority wanted it to be removed and we succeeded. Couple of you will just have to deal with it.
You’re aware some people will also be losing their armor, yes? There are several people who bought and spent the 120 gold for human T3 light as a skin for their exotic armor. They then reskinned the armor with flamekissed as an upgrade. Last I heard, Anet has already said if they dislike the new flamekissed that they aren’t getting their T3 armor back – it’ll revert to the original exotic armor. Skin is lost. Forever. They have to rebuy it.
So there are human characters who bought human T3 cultural who are going to be kittened over by this – it’s not a fair solution. At all.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Yes some players might have bought gems specifically for this armor. But that doesn’t change the fact that in the future they have 800 gems they can use to buy something else they want.
And honestly, I’m pretty sure that for most buyers, this wasn’t their first time using their credit card to buy gems. When Anet releases a new skin, they will probably buy it. Or the one released after. Or after.Point is : they aren’t going to lose those 800 gems. There’s nothing disingenuous about that.
No the point IS lots of folks feel bait and switched.
How can you feel bait and switched thought? There offering you a refund bait and switch would be telling you we have product A then u buying Product A it being product B and us saying tough luck no refund. There offering to do the right thing? I have mentioned it numerous times. How can you feel baited and switch when you rent a product. When you rent a car if the rental company does not have said promised car in stock you get the next best thing.
And how are they going to fix the other things, like give people their old armor back, Money spent on Hairkits/ Dyes to match armor up. Weapons to match the new armor.. just seems many are being shortsided with there solution not realizing the problem is much larger than more complex than.. (you get your gems back whats your problem) attitude.. ANet Mods and Devs are acting the sameway.. u work for them ?
I hate to break this to you but that’s not there problem. Lets say you decide to go out to a fancy restaurant to eat. Make reservations to go to said restaurant you go buy a new suit/dress get your hair done rent a car etc. When you get there the restaurant is closed even thought you had reservations. There not responsible for your other transactions. That was your call to spend all your gold/cash on those item’s. They already said they will be returning items you transmuted over to you.
Its the exact same kitten thing… What do you mean it doesn’t make sense. I took the same scenario and put in a different “useless currency” and you get a new lesser reward instead, and instead of getting your money back you get the useless currency back.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
So we basically can’t rely on anything we buy from you anymore. Thanks for using our trust and making this clear.
And thanks for using our trust cultural armor is race exclusive.
Why do you care so much? That’s what I don’t get. It’s a game for people to have fun, is it specifically fun for you to make sure no one else can have what you have? That’s called ego.
No it’s called race diversity and it contributes to immersion, most people like that and Anet messed up and they acknowledged that. I would have the same opinion if it was T1, deal with it.
That’s not the same thing. That’s two different businesses. This is a more realistic interpretation of what happened. (IE this became a scam)
“If someone said to you Buy this rock for 100 dollars and you can have this awesome gold bar worth 5000 dollars. Then once you bought the 100 dollar rock said you’re not getting the gold bar, you’re getting a STICKER of the gold bar, its worth 25 cents, deal with it. You can go through a terrible process to get your rock back if you spend a lot of time going through our process, and no you don’t get your 100 dollars back.”
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)