Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) Yes
5) No
6) Yes
7) No
8) Yes
9) Yes
10) No (RMT is the problem)
11) No
12) No

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


The Dirty Dozen:
1) Meh
2) Meh
3) Meh
4) Yes, you are a player facing another player, that makes it PvP.
5) Yes
6) Yes
7) Redundant question because I answered Yes on number six.
8) Yes
9) Yes
10) Some items have literally inflated by several THOUSAND percent, the only people that like the economy as it is now are those exploiting it, and those who know jack-squat about economics. Post WWI Germany was doing better. In other words, no.
11) I trust the devs more, theys have shown they have the integrity to make up for their mistakes, an incredibly valuable (and unfortunately very rare) quality. The only thing I don’t have ANY faith in is their economists… seriously, where did they find these people? I knew more about economics in high-school, and was less stubborn.
12) I do indeed

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Striker.9413


1. No, exotic should be the highest
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. No
5. Maybe, nice for balance but will require more dev time
6. Don’t care, players should be offered free gear of equal rarity of their stat choice if it is removed
7. Don’t care
8. Yes
9. Yes, if you mean overall higher droprates of rarer items
10. Hard for me to say
11. No
12. No

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
I don’t know. (Depends on how long it takes to get them.)
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
No (Don’t need another crappy Diablo 3.)
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bogartan.2756


1) No
2) I don’t know
3) No
4) No
5) No
6) No
7) Yes
8) No
9) Yes
10) I don’t know
11) Yes
12) Yes

Sorrow’s Furnace
{SN} Sentimental Nightmares
Darsveth, Warrior – Dexter Oliver, Thief

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FateZero.8536


This thread is intended to serve as a straight yes-or-no [I don’t know is also acceptable] poll on many of the discussions currently on going. This thread is not intended to continue those discussions, please visit the relevant threads and participate. Also, as a subset of the community I [the compiler] and you [the participant] are/should be aware that our percentage numbers may not reflect the community as a whole. This is strictly informative to the people currently participating. Pending sufficient responses, I will periodically update with current percentages.

The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

1) Yes.
2) No.
3) Yes.
4) No.
5) No.
6) No.
7) Yes.
8) No.
9) Yes.
10) No.
11) Yes.
12) Yes.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lemonader.6482


1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?

2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?

3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
Yes. Unless you find a way to continue the personal stories.

4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?

5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?

6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?

7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
No, party members can share.

8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’

9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
Materials are a little bit too rare.

10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
Some things are overpriced, but that’s economy.

11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?

12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?
Maybe, game companies keep their stuff secret so I don’t know.

Fort Aspenwood.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

1. yes
2. no
3. no
4. no
5. no
6. no
7. no
8. no
9. What’s RNG?
10. Is the trade post a positive thing? Yes. Did the snowflake exploiters, etc, made the economy better? No. Trade post is the economy of the game really, so what knid of question is that?
11. yes
12. yes

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


9. What’s RNG?

RNG stands for Random Number Generator.
Basically, things being randomized.
“Too much” RNG would mean that there’s not really much progression in whether or not you get the things you want, you can get it immediately or never get it, because it’s random. Instead of, say, dungeon tokens, where time investment is guaranteed to get the rewards.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Angelus.1042


They have mentioned many times that expansions will include many things and a level increase being part of that.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doomsayer.8250


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) No
5) Yes
6) Yes
7) Yes
8) Yes
9) Yes
10) No
11) No
12) No

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asuka Shikinami.5462

Asuka Shikinami.5462

1) Yes
2) No
3) Yes
4) Yes
5) No
6) Yes
7) Don’t know
8) Yes
9) Yes
10) No
11) Yes
12) No

After I’m elected, bribing me will be considered a “gold sink”
- John Smith

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Altair.8402


This thread is intended to serve as a straight yes-or-no [I don’t know is also acceptable] poll on many of the discussions currently on going. This thread is not intended to continue those discussions, please visit the relevant threads and participate. Also, as a subset of the community I [the compiler] and you [the participant] are/should be aware that our percentage numbers may not reflect the community as a whole. This is strictly informative to the people currently participating. Pending sufficient responses, I will periodically update with current percentages.

The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

1. yes
2. no
3. no
4. no
5. no
6. yes
7. yes
8. no
9. yes
10. yes
11. no
12. yes

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lothefallen.7081


1. Yes.
2. Yes, but then it marginalizes FoTM. FoTM was an incredibly stupid idea. I have no idea where they’re going with agony, but it’s cheap, gimmicky, and doesn’t add anything to the game. It was a huge mistake to implement this gear only in FoTM.
3. I don’t care, people like big numbers though.
4. This question needs clarification. I’d prefer an arena much like Alliance Battles in GW1, but i realize the shallow skill / class systems wouldn’t really allow for an enjoyable experience. People want direct healers back, not bunkers. It doesn’t cause interesting splits, it causes snooze-fests.
5. Yes, in the long run, i think this must happen. They were foolish to try and blanket balance completely different game modes.
6. Yes, absolutely. It’s a ridiculous mechanic.
7. I don’t want it in the game at all, fix the drops, get rid of Magic Find. Take Down State with it while you’re at it.
8. Legendary weapons aren’t necessary and Ascended gear’s usefulness remains to be seen. The rewards systems are terrible and completely imbalanced, so yes, the game can sometimes feel grindy otherwise.
9. Yes, the Mystic Forge is a poor excuse for lack of creative design, world-story building, content personality, etc.
10. No
11. No
12. Absolutely not, they have no clue what they even need to address. GW1 didn’t have all these carebear reward systems and it got people to play it just fine. Because the combat / group role dynamic was inherently fun and rewarding, deep, and engaging. This game is casual city with nothing but shallow, boring features.

The Ardent Aegis

(edited by lothefallen.7081)

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
I DON’T KNOW, it depends how they handle Agony and the Ascended tier in future.
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
I DON’T KNOW what you mean by that.
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
YES, in some cases
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosine.1786


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) No
5) Yes
6) Yes
7) Yes
8) No
9) No
10) Yes
11) No
12) No

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robocafaz.9017


1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?

2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
In it’s current state, yes. But since they’ve announced plans to add Ascended gear rewards to all gameplay modes, no that won’t be necessary.

3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?

4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?

5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
Yes, I think that’s necessary. In fact, we already see it with confusion: a change I felt was very much appropriate.

6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
I would prefer that it would be removed from gear. I have no problems with it being a consumable buff, though.

7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
Interesting idea, but no. I feel like that’d result in people advertising “LF1M MF MONKEY FOR FOTM10”

8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
With FotM, yes. But other than that, no.

9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
Yes. But the RNG stuff doesn’t need to be removed. They just have to introduce alternatives.

10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
The TP is fine. I just have regrets for it being so flooded all the time. Any negative things about it will stabilize over time.

11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
No. I haven’t lost faith, but I have been questioning ANet’s motives lately. One day they’ll be super awesome and release a big post about EXACTLY what they’re doing (i.e., that dev post about culling a few weeks ago.) Other days they’ll just say “We’re going to do these things eventually! We have no time frame! Here’s a patch that ‘fixed some bugs.’”

12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?
Early 2013? Not all of them. But many of them.

Deany Kong – #magswag
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) Yes
5) No
6) No
7) No
8) Yes
9) Yes
10) No
11) No
12) No

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yandere.9176


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) If that means PvP gear, being immediately level 80, having acess to all builds and paying no repair cost? I probably wouldn’t leave WvW ^^
5) Not really
6) No
7) Yes
8) A bit
9) Yes
10) Hard to tell without the metrics
11) No
12) No

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordByron.8369


1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?

2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?

3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
Absolutely YES

4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
No, WvW is pvp for casuals, despite many people thinks its some way to prove your skills, is just for chill with ppl.
I wouldn t care btw if it had pvp equipment/skill system

5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
PvP for sure, i m quite tired to see broken PvE classes getting so much love :| (see guardian/warriors) and Others getting nerfs making pve too difficult

6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?

7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?

8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
YES and NO.
Legendary requires an insane amount of grinding like some exotics…..and i really didn t care before 15 November….Now i think everyone should be able to have legendaries with little effort….i don t care if for someone its a status symbol…its also the only equipment guaranteed to not become obsolete…

9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
On precursor/lodestones yes for sure……

10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
NO it is damaging the game a lot, taking away part of the game from many players….

11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
My enthusiasm/faith vanished on november 15…….they are gaining some back……but i still cannot trust them, they didn t even said ascended was a mistake….

12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?
maybe few…..

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


Ty for making such post OP.

As mentioned above by a participant I agree with him that Anet should conduct a similar pole to the OP’s pole here.

1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
I would like them to simply put 100% effort on building on the persistent world & continue to build on the gameplay (especially stuffs like dungeon mechanics, combat mechanics, and real-time world events/boss mechanics).
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
Create more weapons with unique looks and swing actions – cosmetics are meant to be cool-looking so the more it is like that the better.
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
I would prefer there being no levels and instead – they should allow zones to be unlocked based on how much achievements you have in the game (the major areas of the whole world would be unlocked to new players at once but as they progress deeper into one zone they can unlock more things for that zone. It’ll depend on what zone players like & not by what zones fit their levels at the beginning).
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
Does that mean being more equally divided? Then yes I would prefer that over the zergs.
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
Oh boy, this sounds like too big of a project for Anet… but if GW2 can indeed separate PvP from PvE completely – the game would be exponentially better off in terms of balancing for the PvP side & sufficing the amount of skill varieties for the PvE side.
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
Up to them; currently I find magic find to be a waste of stat room :S
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
Although that would make it at least somewhat useful…. it’s ‘magic’ if you actually find something good with that stat :P
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
Like combat wise in PvE; in terms of repetitively casting same skill effects on the boss and having almost every one of them static in terms of player reaction (like beating on an old rug)….. then yes,1000% yes.
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
Dunno, ’I’m just poor’.
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
Although I’ve changed my perspective on a few things about the game while still having some same thoughts about the game.
In conclusion…. the game’s meh.
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?
They’ll be addressed when Anet feels like they’re ready to.

(edited by FluffyDoe.7539)

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


This thread is intended to serve as a straight yes-or-no [I don’t know is also acceptable] poll on many of the discussions currently on going. This thread is not intended to continue those discussions, please visit the relevant threads and participate. Also, as a subset of the community I [the compiler] and you [the participant] are/should be aware that our percentage numbers may not reflect the community as a whole. This is strictly informative to the people currently participating. Pending sufficient responses, I will periodically update with current percentages.

The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

7)yes (prefer removing)
10)no idea

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

Straight up:
1 Yes
2 Yes
3 Yes
4 No
5 No
6 No
7 Yes
8 No
9 Yes
10 Yes
11 Yes
12 Yes

Clarification: WvW is an extension of PVE, it is NOT PVP. As such it should remain part of the PVE game as it is right now.
As far as MF goes, I would add this as a progression stat, just like AR. Add it to gear and your investment will return in the long run. It should not come cheap but it should also not replace other stats. Either this or sharing with the party.
GW2 certainly is not grindy and the TP works very well. I also know from GW1 that every company makes mistakes, yet is mature enough to admit those and fix those.

Closing comment: the day they add lvl 81 is the day I stop playing.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creature.4038


1) yes
2) no
3) yes
4) no
5) no
6) yes
7) no, remove it
8) yes
9) yes
10) no
11) no
12) no

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


I think Polls are against the ToS…not sure why this one has been allowed to live.

Anyways, I’ll bite.

The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2? YES
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance? YES
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2? YES
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP? NO
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities? YES
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely? NO
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members? YES, like Diablo 3
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’ YES, very.
9) Does GW2 need less RNG? YES
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy? NO
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch? NO, but still enjoy it.
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013? YES

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azmodeus.3409


1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?

2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?

3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?

4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?

5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?

6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?

7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?

8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’

9) Does GW2 need less RNG?

10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?

11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?

12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kandrick.8054


1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?

2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?

3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?

4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?

5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?

6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?

7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
If not removed then yes

8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’

9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
Yes – Definately this.

10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
No opinion

11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
Yes. They got some stuff wrong but I think it’s the best no sub game out at the moment.

12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?
No but I expect the concerns of the majority to be addressed.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Big Boss.7902

Big Boss.7902

The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?

2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?

3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?

4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
No – If I work hard for a look in pve I should be able to use it in WvW.

5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?

6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
Yes – or I’d be ok with in implemented differently, it should not be an armour stat.

7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
Yes – a few items need 250 ectos each, I can loot 1 rare a day and not get an ecto from it.(fix the loot problem, this was not an issue before november 15.)

9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
Yes and no. RNG should go hand in hand with the token system. Meaning I have a chance to loot a dungeon skin from a chest but at the same time if i don’t get it I can buy it with tokens.

10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
The trading post has failed – Many of it’s items are too easy to manipulate caps need to be imposed on how much can be bought and sold by one person. You can’t have a free market without any rules it will simply get out of hand.

11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?

12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?
No. To me they seem very out of touch, they said they would lower the grind for ascended items, they changed the skill points from 50 down to 5. No one hand a problem with the skill points, it was about the 250 ectos needed. Out of touch.

M Norn War Thror McCaw| F Norn Ele Lana Lan| M Charr Guard True Devil| F Norn Rang Shora
Swift| M Norn Mes Ludicrous Larry| F Norn War Tanni Wolfmaster| M Sylvari Necro Orin Storm|
M Human Thief Clint Elmwood| M Norn Guard Thor Lightning God| Desolation.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

1) yes
2) yes
3) yes
4) yes
5) yes
6) n/a
7) n/a
8) no
9) yes
10) no idea
11) yes
12) mostly

Gunnar’s Hold

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
NO, www is fine, visibility issues will be fixed in time
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
YES, specifically all the CC skills (cripple, immobilize, stun) should be at least twice long in PVE
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
YES, if it stays in the game
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
YES, i have no problems with farmers nor with the TP
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?
YES, I just hope for a decent grouping tool and various fixes

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
YES, they can add different stat combinations, or different abilities, that currently don’t exist, in expansions instead of adding another tier of gear.
Highly unlikely though

2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
No, however what I would like to see is the ability to UPGRADE Exotic gear into Ascended, I don’t want the new tier to make Exotics obsolete and useless.

3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
Yes, obviously. What I loved in Guild Wars 1, and hated in most other MMORPGs, is the fact that I can play an expansion without having the original first, they were “Standalone”, I would much prefer if they keep it this way in Guild Wars 2 as well. Also, raising the level cap has the unfortunate sideeffect when white gear dropped by a random bat has better stats than last tier gear you spent months making… I certainly don’t want that.

4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
Yes, not really, WvW has loot drops and progression much like in PvE. What I would like to see is Ascended gear in WvW being obtainable by playing WvW (duh) AND usable by anyone of any level.

5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
Yes, that’s certainly needed in the game, separating PvP and PvE can make balancing easier. WvW should use the PvP skill version, not the PvE version

6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
No, the game is built around very low drop chances and magic find is their way of “increasing the odds”, however, loot drops should work differently than they are now, currently you get the best drops by defeating a hoard of normal mobs, Champions/Veterans/Dungeon Bosses rarely drop anything, or drop useless gear. Instead, normal mob drops in Events and Dungeons should be reduced (or even removed completely) and instead a lot more items should be found in chest rewards, including lots of crafting materials, also these chests can contain more loot, the more “optional” bosses or optional mobs the party killed.

7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
Yes. This could work as an alternative but I prefer my option above, removing the “incentive” to use MF in dungeons instead of removing it completely or even changing it. But as an alternative, yes.

8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
No, Exotics are easy to obtain and even Ascended Rings are a joke. Ascended backpieces and Legendaries are the only items that require a grind but you don’t “need” either of them. So no it’s not grindy unless you want it to be.

9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
Yes. If I get the same Ascended Ring for a third time I’ll…. ok I’m not sure what I’d do but RNG in this game is certainly annoying.

10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
Yes The TP is a great step forward to the typical AH, however there are already “lobbies” in the game that buy anything below thier projected price to keep the prices up, especially for some ultra rare items like precursors, either adding a limit to their cost or make those items easier to obtain, see also 9.

11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
Yes, I have my disagreements with some of their decisions but that doesn’t mean I don’t like the game, I never hate something for what “it might become” and currently the game hasn’t changed a bit (even after the November patch) to how it was before. I can’t predict the future, like some other people who already left or are planning to leave, but currently there is absolutely no change to the game.

12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

(edited by maddoctor.2738)

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

01. Yes
02. Yes
03. Kitten Yes
04. Don’t Know
05. Don’t Know
06. Don’t Know
07. Don’t Know
08. Yes
09. Yes
10. Don’t Know
11. Kitten No
12. No

The table is a fable.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mille.9867


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) No
5) No
6) Yes
7) Yes
8) No
9) Yes
10) No Opinion
11) Yes
12) No

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bartas.4908


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) No
4) No
5) No
6) YES!
7) —-
8) YES x100
9) YES x11002
10) No
11) Big NO
12) lol NO

Proud member of [BOO]
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bearer of Burden.4621

Bearer of Burden.4621

1) Yes

2) Yes

3) Yes

4) Yes

5) Yes if you mean seperate PvP from WvW/PVE

6) Don’t care

7) Yes

8) Yes in respect to Ascended stuf

9) Yes

10) No
11) No
12) No, I’m even afraid it will get worse

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apolyon.6937


Here you go:


Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kagee.8470


The only answer I can give is 4. And the answer is NO.
I don’t understand why anybody would want this to change. WvW is going to be my end game. I don’t want to instantly be geared and leveld, I want to work for it. I’m sure if they change WvW so everyone is equal a lot of people will quit

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kanikani.2430


1) Don’t care, gear is not horribly important to me.
2) Don’t care
3) No
4) Yes
5) No, if things were balanced and unbugged (which they aren’t)
6) Yes (but that means DR should be removed as well)
7) No
8) Horribly yes
9) Yes
10) Yes though speculation is an issue I wouldn’t mind server specific trading posts
11) Not at all. I was a big fan in beta and release. Enjoyed it a lot and am very thankful for the hours of fun I got out of it. However this game has been run extremely poorly in my opinion. It has taken a 180 degree turn from how it was sold. It just appears to get worse every month.
12) No, not a chance. In fact I would go even further to say thing game will get worse over the next 6 months. I also see the game population furthering to decline. Its not that nothing can be done to save this game, its that with the people running it nothing will be done.

*Games come and go, so no loss as long as you have enjoyed your time/gotten your dollars worth and I have. I almost wish it was the same game as release and none of the ‘improvements’ have been done. Anyways there are many new games coming out 2013 so I am hoping we can all enjoy those (even a MMO with similar features) and hope that some of the good ideas that came out of GW2 stick in the industry and help push it forward.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
5. needed
6. yes
7. if not removed yes
8. Feels very grindy to me and i’ve played multiple Korean mmos
9. yes, its killing the game slowly
10. no, not at all
11. no not much
12. no, not really, mostly hope at this point..

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2? yes
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance? no – I don’t mind it being a tier higher, if it’s definately the last one we’ll see (and no increased stats for infusions)
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2? yes
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP? no opinion
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities? no opinion
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely? yes
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members? yes
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’ no – though it may depend on your goal. Mine isn’t a legendary, so I don’t have to grind at all
9) Does GW2 need less RNG? for the gem shop and some MF recipies, yes
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy? yes
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch? yes
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013? yes

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Bad poll, many loaded or biased questions:

1) No…..we still have years ahead of us.
2) No…..we still have years ahead of us.
3) No…..we still have years ahead of us.
4) No
5) No
6) Unsure
7) Yes
8) Loaded question, but yes and no.
9) Loaded question
10) Generally yes, but manipulations are harmful.
11) No
12) No

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skullmount.1758


1) Yes
2) IDK/C
3) No
4) No
5) Kinda
6) Yes and No
7) Yes
8) Kinda
9) Definitely YES
10) IDK
11) Not really. (but only a little, which keeps going down)
12) Yes, eventually

Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?


(edited by Meglobob.8620)

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Halanna.3927


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) No
5) No
6) No
7) No
8) No Opinion
9) Yes
10) No Opinion
11) Yes
12) No

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) No
5) No
6) Yes
7) Yes
8) More complicated than a simple Yes/No answer
9) YES
10) Yes
11) No
12) No

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

1) No
2) Yes
3) No
4) No
5) Yes
6) No
7) Yes
8) No
9) No
10) Yes
11) Yes, even more so.
12) Yes

Good day.

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Veldan.4637


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) Yes
5) Yes
6) Yes
7) Yes
8) Yes
9) No
10) Yes

11) No
(taking way too long for the game to go towards what I expected it to be at launch)

12) No
(I don’t expect them to ever be addressed)

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

1. No- progression will be stale and boring by 2014, we will need another tier
2. No- see 1
3. Yes/No- if they add a different progression system and add more abilities then i’m happy, the levels themselves aren’t a big deal to me.
4. No- I think WvW is a great mix of both worlds
5. Yes- I hate PvE nerfs to fix PvP
6. Don’t care
7. No, that just means more leeches
8. Parts of it, which I guess is the point.
9. Only for precursors, everything else is fine imo.
10. Yes
11. Yes, the 2013 improvements look very promising
12. It looks like they will, only time will tell

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Halandir.3609


1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

1: Yes
2: Yes
3: Yes
4: Yes
5: Yes
6: Yes
7: Yes
8: Yes (Without ascended gear = No)
9: Yes
10: No
11: No
12: No

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?
2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?
3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?
4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?
5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?
6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?
7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?
8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’
9) Does GW2 need less RNG?
10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?
11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?
12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Don’t care
4) No
5) No
6) Yes
7) No
8) No
9) Yes
10) Yes
11) Yes
12) No