DR is killing this game more then the bots (for me)
And thats just awesome, cause i currently have only 3 days a week that i can really play (farm). And after just an hour of farming in orr i am getting screwed with DR… :@
How is that fair? Dusk is on the kitten TP for 150gold! Do you want me to buy gold from the bots or something? Cause i am sure as hell not spending my money on gems unless they go down in price, allot.You get rid of bots by making gems so cheap that its no longer worth for them to bot. Now you are just screwing your playerbase.
I am rather annoyed and bored with this game right now, witch is really ashame, its been a great start, but after getting a full t3 cultural gear set, and doing world completion, now what am i supposed to do?
Dont like pvp, cant play wvw cause obviously you dont like my amd cpu, wont do dungeons cause i keep getting the permanent dr bug, cant even dream of affording a legendary… :@So now what?
/rant over
Ummm you could stop playing so much. An hour a day at most, wait a week an only play on the weekends a few hours 3 max.
I’ve been playing since the start and I’m still only level 38.
More fun taking it slow and enjoying the ride instead of pressing the gas peddle to the floor at 100mph or more.
Umm, you could stop telling me how quickly or slowly I play the game. Not everyone experiences or wants to experience a game the way you do.
To push the way you play on other people, is never a good idea.
If you want to take it at a leisurely pace. That’s fine. I’m not going to tell you to change. I’d appreciate if you left my style of play alone too.
All these critiques on “playstyle” take a backseat to the massive problems that are in the game.
All evidence of this is right here in this forum. If you’re all too lazy to dig these examples out for, I can do it for you! This post is going to get very long, very fast with quotations from other gamers.
“Playstyle” is the least of everyone’s concerns and is just a distraction.
Take a look at the real issues. It’s also your game they’re affecting.
Thing is chum no game can be patterned JUST FOR YOU. There’s MILLIONS of players out there and a developer must meet what the MAJORITY of players will like. Not what YOU like or what I LIKE though for me most of them hit what I LIKE because I PLAY SLOW.
Fast players will not always be satisfied and nor will most developers try to even satisfy them because they require TOO MUCH in content and developers can only program so much content in a given amount of time. If one could just THINK it and it be done of course then they could keep up with fast players, but, since all thought REQUIRES PROGRAMMING and INPUTTING of CODE it will take much much longer and there’s just no way to keep up with YOUR style of play.
For you best go play another MMO or one you’ve seen that can keep up with your PLAY STYLE. This ain’t the one for you.
The game is set up to support my style of play.
The game is not set up to support min/max style of play.
If you want to play min/max you will be disappointed.
I’m not telling you that you can’t do it, I’m telling you that you will be disappointed with the results.
And I’m telling you it’s going to have to change as you won’t have a game left to play.
Fortunately YOU aren’t the MAJORITY of players out there playing this game.
The game is set up to support my style of play.
The game is not set up to support min/max style of play.
If you want to play min/max you will be disappointed.
I’m not telling you that you can’t do it, I’m telling you that you will be disappointed with the results.
And I’m telling you it’s going to have to change as you won’t have a game left to play.
I don’t give a kitten.
If the servers shut down tomorrow I’d look for a new game to play. I’ve already gotten my money’s worth ($60 for dinner and a movie is a pretty cheap date, this one’s going on a month now) and until that happens I will enjoy playing the game.
Oh, and a $60 present to my wife, she has her own copy and pretty much does the same things I do, except for coming to the forums to read this drivel. And she’s having a blast!
(edited by tolunart.2095)
Fortunately YOU aren’t the MAJORITY of players out there playing this game.
roflol you came to this determination based on what data? Care to cite a source?
If you want the rules to work one way and I want them to work another, one of us is going to lose out.
So, if I want a game with DR and you want a game without DR, one of us is not going to get what we want. At that point, it’s not helpful to start telling me I’ve “dictated the way you play” because the only way to get what YOU want is to dictate the sort of game I am playing in to me.
So we need to keep this discussion on the merits and methods of DR, and try to leave out all the “Stop telling me how to play” comments, which are redundant.
^I’ve done some research and I agree.
If you want the rules to work one way and I want them to work another, one of us is going to lose out.
So, if I want a game with DR and you want a game without DR, one of us is not going to get what we want. At that point, it’s not helpful to start telling me I’ve “dictated the way you play” because the only way to get what YOU want is to dictate the sort of game I am playing in to me.
So we need to keep this discussion on the merits and methods of DR, and try to leave out all the “Stop telling me how to play” comments, which are redundant.
I’ve seen a few posts saying they don’t mind DR and really I suppose I actually fall into that category myself.
It doesn’t affect me if I circumvent or play in a way I don’t want to. I can get around it, yes.
The problem is, it’s not that simple. The DR is the reason bots are in DEs right now.
I don’t see how you could deny this.
Either way, how many times do I have to say read your own forums for cases of people actually being ‘punished’ by the DR system and just how bad the bot problem is getting.
The argument, forums aren’t a representation of the gaming community’s opinion is the argument of someone with no argument left to give. It’s the last resort. Like invoking Hitler.
Infact, it is, exactly a representation of exactly what’s happening to gamers and their opinions. Seeing as they are posting their experiences.
I’ve bothered to quote people in this thread, even if you can’t be bothered to read for yourself.
When you read (and I mean extensively read) the problems I have, that are multitudinous, you can’t avoid it. It’s right there – in black and white.
If you choose to ignore this, so be it. It won’t make the problems go away and the the voices will get more numerous and loud.
It’s that kind of bury-your-head-in-the-sand and make-it-all-go-away attitudes that end up having the worst effects.
It’ll get to a stage that the damage starts to get too great and can’t be reversed. Mainly because everyone’s choosing to look and not see the massive pink elephant in the room.
The dainty little arguments about play style should stop, you’re quite right.
There’s infinitely more pressing problems than how other people want to play this game.
How about being able to actually play the game before I apply any style to it? How about I’m allowed to do that?
And no I don’t mean farm at break-neck speed, have a legendary yesterday and get my T3 Cultural g-string – I mean I’d like to enter a DE in the Cursed Shore area that isn’t totally infested with bots.
Telling me to just move from that area, go explore or leave the game entirely isn’t a reply I’ll even bother warranting with a response.
It’s part of the game I should be allowed to play. I’d take it with the DR right now.
The fact is, on the 3 servers I have tried, I can’t.
I won’t log in until this is fixed.
People seem to continuously accuse me of wanting the game to fail. You can be a critic and genuinely have the game’s best interests at heart.
The reason I talk so much about it, is because I really like what it’s trying to do.
The other reason is that I’ve seen big titles die in months. More than once. The signs you have here right now with bots and their impact on the game, is getting very serious.
The DR and botting will change, whether you tiny remainder of supporters want it or not. One causes the other and makes the problem worse right now.
If you want to tackle botting, you’re going to have to tackle DR.
(edited by Ronin.8095)
Sorry, not sure why you have quoted me in your reply.
My post neither supported nor opposed DR. It just said we need to talk about its merits and methods, which this time around you have done for the most part.
I quoted you as I agreed that we need to stop “playstyle” discussions and forcing other people to bend to our will when it comes to playing a game. It’s not a good idea. You’re right.
I then went on to discuss the method and pitfalls of DR (there are no merits.)
I also talked about how it’s relevant to botting and how the two are inextricably linked.
If you don’t like me quoting you to agree with you and elborate on your point and add other points of my own, I don’t have to. If that’ll make you feel better.
I didn’t say you either opposed or supported it and frankly, I don’t really care.
Someone said this.It’s from another thread but it’s a great opener for my post.
“Please tell me how you lie and cheat to 80? This games leveling system is so easy that you can be 80 in a week with a modest amount of play time. They practically force you to 80, the higher level you are the faster the leveling gets!”
I got the last 2 levels entirely from crafting!!!
It seems that Anet wanted everyone to get to 80 asap.
So you got to 80,and now you want all the cool gear,but prices are high and currency is hard to get.Well not hard.Normal.But compared to the exp gain rate…….
So if you are impatient,you have to farm and buy gold.. Wanted that also.
And then along with the casual farmers and potential gold buyers,
also come the gold sellers and their bots;)
No one wants that.
So Anet gets DR to balance the situation,a bit.
But by reducing the currency gain rate,you make players even more impatient.
So the demand for gold seller gold goes up.
Also the demand for bots goes up,since everyone is 80 within the first month in the game,and they can’t wait till they get their cool gear.But grinding and farming is so boring.It’s not gaming.
And it’s not that you can’t get decent r80 gear at a reasonable price.
But everyone wants the exotics,and the legendaries.
Players that come from other MMOs know that getting top end gear from the 1st month is impossible.
Even if you play 24/7,there is the random drop factor,there’s lockouts.
DR is a sloppy measure taken on the fly,and gold prices at the TP are too high,but on the other hand it is players that drive the economy,and it is player behavior that leads Anet to take such measures.
If you go and buy gold,because you want all the gear there is to get,now,you will cause the gold prices to rise.
And if you go and farm the same dungeon all day you will cause Anet to implement DR.
I’ve earned more than 20 gold in this 1st month in the game.
So in 3 to 4 months time I will have all the gear I want.
The free ride to rank 80 maybe got a lot of players to think that top end gear would or should be equally easy to get.
It isn’t and it shouldn’t.
Not having lockouts in dungeons is meant to be for fun and not for farming.
Also what’s the big deal?
Is 200 more toughness,or vitality,or power going to make you a better player?
You will still die in a dungeon if you don’t dodge,and you will still get facerolled in WvW if you <kitten>.
GW2 is not a grindy game.
It’s not the second coming in MMOs,and it surely is not the innovation of the century.
But it is fun.
Anet took the dynamic and public quest system of older games and twisted it a bit, and based GW2 on it and the result is pure fun.
And it is as least gear based as possible.If it was less gear based it would be Hello Kitty.
If you stopped having fun and all you care about is farming then take a break.
And Anet….reducing the currency gain rate means nothing to a bot.
A boter does not spend time on the game.The bot does,and the bot couldn’t care less about your DR system.It will just keep farming.
Unless you can find a way to effectively and decisively deal with bots,no DR is going to reduce boting and gold farming.
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
(edited by Aenaos.8160)
I quoted you as I agreed that we need to stop “playstyle” discussions and forcing other people to bend to our will when it comes to playing a game. It’s not a good idea. You’re right.
I then went on to discuss the method and pitfalls of DR (there are no merits.)
I also talked about how it’s relevant to botting and how the two are inextricably linked.
If you don’t like me quoting you to agree with you and elborate on your point and add other points of my own, I don’t have to. If that’ll make you feel better.
I didn’t say you either opposed or supported it and frankly, I don’t really care.
Didn’t say I didn’t like it, I said it wasn’t sure why you did it. You could have explained and left it at that. Sometimes people just want to discuss things with you and are not looking for a fight. I know, GASP right?
As for your view of the merits, I disagree. A well implemented DR system could pave the way for a game without bots or farming, which is the game I would like to play in.
Your comments about method I do agree with. It seems this incarnation of DR is either (depending on who you believe) hurting the botters but also hurting the players, or hurting the players and just forcing the botters to bot a different way.
Bottom line is, the DR we have today is not satisfactory. We probably only disagree on how dis-satisfactory it is.
DR is BS and it shows how they think of us.
This is the same kind of crap Blizzard pulls with their games.
So disrespectful to everyone who bought this game.
How about you focus on building a great game and people will buy it. Instead you focus on how to keep your player base broke. Today’s gamers are too smart and most won’t even give you the time of day to make a post on the forums they just quit and you end up with a empty game.
Game breaking bugs/flaws Terrible culling, Lack of content.
Yet your focus is to keep everyone broke. News flash game play makes or breaks games not economy’s.
Your 1 month in and these forums look just like diablo 3 and we all see how that worked out for them.
(edited by Arson.4189)
I want the game I paid 60$ for back. I’ve had about all I can take form you Arena Net. I now spend more time on the forums then playing, whys is that, because I’m waiting for the DR to reset so I can get some kittening loot and do some DE and not get 19 god kitten karma what a kittening joke!
The bots on Borlis Pass has increased what seems 10 fold even after the DR was put in place, even though it was supposed to help with the problem. So DR is put in place botting/multi boxing increases and to top it all off I’m now being punished for playing? WTF!
(edited by Striata.6739)
Am I the only player in GW2 who does an event and doesn’t pay attention to how much karma it got me?
Frankly I would still do the event if it didn’t get me any karma at all.
Am I the only player in GW2 who does an event and doesn’t pay attention to how much karma it got me?
Frankly I would still do the event if it didn’t get me any karma at all.
I don’t even look at the rewards. The medal pops up… gold again… bronze this time, guess I found the boss too late… silver… that’s all I have time to notice, then I click it and go on playing.
Maybe I’m hit with a permanent DR bug and will never get any Karma ever again? I don’t know, and it doesn’t bother me enough to find out.
Lol at the DR vs Time arguement…yes that is what a DR system IS…you get DIMINISHING returns the LONGER you play…
Now some people look at this and say “UNFAIR!! You are not rewarding my efforts!” Well, they are…just with diminishing returns…but these are also the same people complaining that they can’t play their “way” and that if they wanna ruin their lives (and the game) grinding the same dungeon for 18 hours a day they should be allowed to when really they just have too much free time on their hands and don’t realize that when reward is proportional to time spent and time is a colossal figure reward is blown massively out of proportion.
In other words, you put too much stress on the system and it breaks.
Also, I’m pretty sure no one intended for you to play the game more than a few hours a day (after all if that was their intent there would be legal suites out the butt about consumer health yadda yadda…“The surgeon general does not condone playing this game….”), or at the very least they didn’t intend for you to spam dungeons the whole time.
While I am not in support of the DR system, HOWEVER, I also do not support the crazies who think it is their “right” to play for an absurdly long game-breaking amount of time doing the same repetitive task over and over again. Go outside and get some fresh air. I hear the graphics are amazing. Seriously, though…why? Why would you WANT to run that many dungeons or spend that much time playing? Go outside. The game will be there when you get back. Eat something for Christ’s sake…you’re starting to look a little thin…
I prolly coulda guessed you would be one who is of a like mind on that score.
I’m actually such a “noob” as these things are counted that I wouldn’t know what to do with a ton of karma. Once I have a halfwway decent set of gear, I’m happy.
I prolly coulda guessed you would be one who is of a like mind on that score.
I’m actually such a “noob” as these things are counted that I wouldn’t know what to do with a ton of karma. Once I have a halfwway decent set of gear, I’m happy.
Level up cooking?
DR is BS and it shows how they think of us.
This is the same kind of crap Blizzard pulls with their games.
So disrespectful to everyone who bought this game.
How about you focus on building a great game and people will buy it. Instead you focus on how to keep your player base broke. Today’s gamers are too smart and most won’t even give you the time of day to make a post on the forums they just quit and you end up with a empty game.
Game breaking bugs/flaws Terrible culling, Lack of content.
Yet your focus is to keep everyone broke. News flash game play makes or breaks games not economy’s.
Your 1 month in and these forums look just like diablo 3 and we all see how that worked out for them.
You call spending $60 on a game and then walking away from it with no argument smart? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out…lol.
Also, annnnnd the conspiracy theories come out! Let’s hear ‘em people.
No really, I very seriously doubt ArenaNet is doing this to bleed every cent out of us…once again, it’s unfair to punish everyone, but it’s a measure to counter botting…it is not designed to ruin your fun or take away from your game experience. If you don’t like DR then get on an alt and continue to spam dungeons, or go do something else either in-game or out. You’re really only punishing yourself by continuing to spam the same content after DR kicks in. If they really wanted to bleed us dry they would introduce some kind of VIP item that allows us to ignore the DR.
In other words, put down the shovel…not telling anyone to bend over and graciously accept the DR system, but I am saying YOU are in control of YOUR game experience, and if YOU choose to continue throw yourself up against the wall of spikes that is the DR system then it’s your own kitten fault. Shame on Anet for implementing such a thing, but still…there are better things to do than headdesk because of an anti-botting system and then start conspiracy theories about how it’s all a ruse to steal your munnies.
I quoted you as I agreed that we need to stop “playstyle” discussions and forcing other people to bend to our will when it comes to playing a game. It’s not a good idea. You’re right.
I then went on to discuss the method and pitfalls of DR (there are no merits.)
I also talked about how it’s relevant to botting and how the two are inextricably linked.
If you don’t like me quoting you to agree with you and elborate on your point and add other points of my own, I don’t have to. If that’ll make you feel better.
I didn’t say you either opposed or supported it and frankly, I don’t really care.
Didn’t say I didn’t like it, I said it wasn’t sure why you did it. You could have explained and left it at that. Sometimes people just want to discuss things with you and are not looking for a fight. I know, GASP right?
As for your view of the merits, I disagree. A well implemented DR system could pave the way for a game without bots or farming, which is the game I would like to play in.
Your comments about method I do agree with. It seems this incarnation of DR is either (depending on who you believe) hurting the botters but also hurting the players, or hurting the players and just forcing the botters to bot a different way.
Bottom line is, the DR we have today is not satisfactory. We probably only disagree on how dis-satisfactory it is.
Can you stop interpereting literally everything I say as someone wanting to pick a fight with you.
You seems to have issues with people who “just want to discuss things with you”.
You seem to not be congniscent of what a fight is.
I’ve not been angry or losing my cool at any stage. I pride myself in that. I try to remain cool and collected and put my point across reasonably.
If you’d like to point out where I’ve been picking a fight with you, I’ll gladly address what you perceive as aggression on my part. You won’t find anything though.
I’m not tryng to do that and I’m not exhibiting the properties of someone who is trying to pick a fight.
I answered the question you asked me. I don’t have to do that. If you’re going to react like I’m trying to antagonize you every time I do try to talk to you then I’ll just stop.
People simply answering you, even if they’re agreeing or disagreeing with you, does not a fight make. I call it discourse.
You’re too hyper-sensitive and that makes me not wan’t to dicuss with you in fear of upsetting you and making you thinkg I’m attacking you.
I’m not. I’m not trying to attack anyone.
I like to think I state my case in an articulate way.
I could fling monkey poo around if you’d prefer I did that. I prefer to be stable and sane if that’s all the same with you!
If people want be touchy about everything I can’t help that.
Lol at the DR vs Time arguement…yes that is what a DR system IS…you get DIMINISHING returns the LONGER you play…
Now some people look at this and say “UNFAIR!! You are not rewarding my efforts!” Well, they are…just with diminishing returns…but these are also the same people complaining that they can’t play their “way” and that if they wanna ruin their lives (and the game) grinding the same dungeon for 18 hours a day they should be allowed to when really they just have too much free time on their hands and don’t realize that when reward is proportional to time spent and time is a colossal figure reward is blown massively out of proportion.
Traditional MMO: Time spent in game = $$$ given by players to MMO company.
B2P MMO: Time spent in game = $$$ spent on upkeep by game company.
There is nothing inherent in GW2 that makes it attractive for Arenanet to give you reasons to log more hours in their game than any other game on the market.
The cash shop means that there ARE reasons to create a more interesting world to interact with so that you are encouraged to buy gems to do more things in the game.
People are used to the “keep them logged in as long as possible” mindset, and changing your focus is a lot easier for someone like me, who doesn’t want to play that way anyway, than someone who embraces it wholly.
Arenanet tried to create an expansive, interesting world that players can continue to interact with long after reaching level cap. What happened was a minority of players rushed through this world and said “ok, I’m 80, where’s my raid?”
The rest of us are enjoying the journey. The gamble comes when we find out if there are enough of us to support the game and expand it after the first group gets bored and leaves.
(edited by tolunart.2095)
I want the game I paid 60$ for back. I’ve had about all I can take form you Arena Net. I now spend more time on the forums then playing, whys is that, because I’m waiting for the DR to reset so I can get some kittening loot and do some DE and not get 19 god kitten karma what a kittening joke!
The bots on Borlis Pass has increased what seems 10 fold even after the DR was put in place, even though it was supposed to help with the problem. So DR is put in place botting/multi boxing increases and to top it all off I’m now being punished for playing? WTF!
Let me guess…quit Diablo III in the first month after discovering the beta was MUCH better than the finished game? Uh-huh. I thought so.
But before I go about trolling you, could I please get some clarification? I think I misunderstood something…what is “the game [you] paid for” exactly? The one without DR or the one without bots? Because if it’s the latter that is exactly what Anet is trying to give you back.
And once again, anyone who doesn’t understand the meaning of moderation SHOULD be punished for playing… -_-
Although DR doesn’t affect me at all, I believe they could have came with better ideas…
Now, about you people saying DR hinders your farming experience, just remember the fact that, here, there is no ‘tagging’ of resources, be it from mobs or from nodes. Logic dictates that players can and will gather way more resources from a hour of farming here than on any other mmo where you have to compete for them.
Bear in mind this fact when making your calculations…
I have not been on this forum since launch. Been having too much fun in the game. Lots of bugs, I just move on to something else. Still a lot of areas and things to do that are not bugged. My guild stays full and our sister guild of a similar name with same tag just keeps growing. The complaints i see in guild chat are bug related and most people seem to be having fun still.
On friday i crafted my exotic ranger armour. I spent about 12 gold on stuff off the BLTC, though this was money from playing the game. Little organised farming has been done except i have run mine/log/harvesting nodes at times. I have two level 80’s which is probably why i have so many crafting materials as well.
The point of this is, i know about nerfing of drops, and I do notice it, but I am completely blown away by some of the hate I see due to it. I am very surprised as I don’t really have any issues, and i don’t see the same levels of frustration that some of you are facing.
If people want be touchy about everything I can’t help that.
lol, there’s nothing like denying responsibility for your part in a situation. If the house wants to burn down every time I throw a burning bottle of petrol into it, it’s not my fault!
You may find people “touchy” because your style is grating. You a flippant, dismissive and often rude. People don’t WANT to be irritated by your posts, but it’s many people’s natural and inevitable reaction to the way you put things.
You can, in fact, “help that.” Simply by being more polite and considerate when posting would help a whole lot. If you choose not to, that IS your choice, not mine.
Lol at the DR vs Time arguement…yes that is what a DR system IS…you get DIMINISHING returns the LONGER you play…
Now some people look at this and say “UNFAIR!! You are not rewarding my efforts!” Well, they are…just with diminishing returns…but these are also the same people complaining that they can’t play their “way” and that if they wanna ruin their lives (and the game) grinding the same dungeon for 18 hours a day they should be allowed to when really they just have too much free time on their hands and don’t realize that when reward is proportional to time spent and time is a colossal figure reward is blown massively out of proportion.
..Traditional MMO: Time spent in game = $$$ given by players to MMO company.
B2P MMO: Time spent in game = $$$ spent on upkeep by game company.
There is nothing inherent in GW2 that makes it attractive for Arenanet to give you reasons to log more hours in their game than any other game on the market.
The cash shop means that there ARE reasons to create a more interesting world to interact with so that you are encouraged to buy gems to do more things in the game.
People are used to the “keep them logged in as long as possible” mindset, and changing your focus is a lot easier for someone like me, who doesn’t want to play that way anyway, than someone who embraces it wholly.
Arenanet tried to create an expansive, interesting world that players can continue to interact with long after reaching level cap. What happened was a minority of players rushed through this world and said “ok, I’m 80, where’s my raid?”
The rest of us are enjoying the journey. The gamble comes when we find out if there are enough of us to support the game and expand it after the first group gets bored and leaves.
So…someone is actually agreeing with me?
I think you’re right when you say Anet is not following the “keep them logged in as long as possible” mindset. They are certainly not a company that’s interested in keeping everyone playing for as long as possible simply to make money off them. When viewed on a day-to-day basis those players logging thousands of hours more than any other player doesn’t help Anet…unless he’s also spending thousands of real dollars on gems, but the servers will still be running (hopefully) for years from now. Like you said, and I can’t agree with you more on this point, the players who have already “beaten” the game are a minority and probably the same bunch of kids who stormed through Diablo III in less than a week then ruined the game’s rep by whining about it so much on forums and through every form of media they could get their grubby hands on that it went belly up in just a month.
They probably came from 4chan.
I have not been on this forum since launch. Been having too much fun in the game. Lots of bugs, I just move on to something else. Still a lot of areas and things to do that are not bugged. My guild stays full and our sister guild of a similar name with same tag just keeps growing. The complaints i see in guild chat are bug related and most people seem to be having fun still.
On friday i crafted my exotic ranger armour. I spent about 12 gold on stuff off the BLTC, though this was money from playing the game. Little organised farming has been done except i have run mine/log/harvesting nodes at times. I have two level 80’s which is probably why i have so many crafting materials as well.
The point of this is, i know about nerfing of drops, and I do notice it, but I am completely blown away by some of the hate I see due to it. I am very surprised as I don’t really have any issues, and i don’t see the same levels of frustration that some of you are facing.
If you haven’t read the rest of the forum to see how the frustration isn’t even slighty restricted to those posting in this thread and if you didn’t read that DR and botting are inextricably linked then I can’t help you if you don’t understand when you didn’t inform yourself.
You don’t have a problem =/= No one else has a legitimate problem.
You and your guild is having fun =/= Everyone else is having fun.
As has been said ad infinitum.
I’ll post right here all the quotes I can find about guild numbers drying up alarmingly, for other people. I’ve got them here if you’d like to see them.
I’m glad you have such a lovely unaffected gaming experience. I’d like to have that too. I’m jealous, if anything.
From reading the forum and talking to people it would appear to me you’re in the minorty.
Read and see for yourself or don’t and stay uninformed. That’s your choice.
Moreover, if you’re purposely ingnoring the bots then I don’t know what else to say.
You must be 80 with your Exotic gear and all and if you can’t see the DEs in Cursed Shore is a massive massive problem than you can’t have been there recently.
“Don’t stay in the Cursed Shore area” is not a valid argument to this. It’s an open world where people should be able to stay and visit where they want, when they want if they’ve earned it.
(edited by Ronin.8095)
Although DR doesn’t affect me at all, I believe they could have came with better ideas…
Now, about you people saying DR hinders your farming experience, just remember the fact that, here, there is no ‘tagging’ of resources, be it from mobs or from nodes. Logic dictates that players can and will gather way more resources from a hour of farming here than on any other mmo where you have to compete for them.
Bear in mind this fact when making your calculations…
People are more interested in the effects of DR on farming dungeons, but let’s be real people, of COURSE diminishing returns hurts you when you spam dungeons all the kitten day long. The more time invested the less return you see. That is what DR means. If you’re spending an absurd amount of time farming then you will invariably be more butthurt than the rest of us.
Spend one hour on dungeons? No problem! You don’t feel DR that much.
Spend three hours on dungeons? You just wasted 2 hours of your life, knowing you would be hit with DR.
Spend more than that and I’m just going to laugh at you some more, lol.
Switch to an alt, or go find something better to do either in-game or out.
Lol at the DR vs Time arguement…yes that is what a DR system IS…you get DIMINISHING returns the LONGER you play…
Now some people look at this and say “UNFAIR!! You are not rewarding my efforts!” Well, they are…just with diminishing returns…but these are also the same people complaining that they can’t play their “way” and that if they wanna ruin their lives (and the game) grinding the same dungeon for 18 hours a day they should be allowed to when really they just have too much free time on their hands and don’t realize that when reward is proportional to time spent and time is a colossal figure reward is blown massively out of proportion.
..Traditional MMO: Time spent in game = $$$ given by players to MMO company.
B2P MMO: Time spent in game = $$$ spent on upkeep by game company.
There is nothing inherent in GW2 that makes it attractive for Arenanet to give you reasons to log more hours in their game than any other game on the market.
The cash shop means that there ARE reasons to create a more interesting world to interact with so that you are encouraged to buy gems to do more things in the game.
People are used to the “keep them logged in as long as possible” mindset, and changing your focus is a lot easier for someone like me, who doesn’t want to play that way anyway, than someone who embraces it wholly.
Arenanet tried to create an expansive, interesting world that players can continue to interact with long after reaching level cap. What happened was a minority of players rushed through this world and said “ok, I’m 80, where’s my raid?”
The rest of us are enjoying the journey. The gamble comes when we find out if there are enough of us to support the game and expand it after the first group gets bored and leaves.
So…someone is actually agreeing with me?
I think you’re right when you say Anet is not following the “keep them logged in as long as possible” mindset. They are certainly not a company that’s interested in keeping everyone playing for as long as possible simply to make money off them. When viewed on a day-to-day basis those players logging thousands of hours more than any other player doesn’t help Anet…unless he’s also spending thousands of real dollars on gems, but the servers will still be running (hopefully) for years from now. Like you said, and I can’t agree with you more on this point, the players who have already “beaten” the game are a minority and probably the same bunch of kids who stormed through Diablo III in less than a week then ruined the game’s rep by whining about it so much on forums and through every form of media they could get their grubby hands on that it went belly up in just a month.
They probably came from 4chan.
Lucky lucky tolunart. Looks like you’ve made a buddy buddy there!
Happy days!
Oh, I’ve said it more than once but it just gets shouted down by the “don’t tell me how to play! I want to griiiiind!” crowd.
Lol someone actually reported me for trolling…which I’m not. Ronin is making an kitten out of himself so yeah naturally I said “I’m not talking to you anymore, leave me alone.”
Sue me for using a That 70’s Show reference in a joking way to do so…
There, I explained it.
Anyway I’m outie like Audi before someone complains and reports me for trolling again because SOMEONE wants to tell everyone here how their posts are nothing but rambling and that all their suggestions are inconsequential and then color himself a complete hypocrite by telling US not to tell OTHERS what to do… -_-
The whole hyper-sensitive thing is getting old too, but hey apparently some people can get away with calling others brain-damaged and trolling an entire thread from page one without consequence, so meh. Whatever, the game is more fun than forums anyway, even with DR, so back to playing it.
Cheers everyone.
Community Coordinator
Due to the fact that this thread is not constructive anymore, I will now close it.
Thanks for your understanding as well as your feedbacks.