4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Dear Humanss — The End Approachess!
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Human guards are strict, but they understand you’re new so they just give you a small time-out. I don’t think that was the throne room though…
Maybe better ask one of us take a photo of the throne room?
Lol Little quaggan, how did you get yourself into a room with so many crates?
If a krait is alone in a forest, do humans get enslaved?
Also meet common krait krait http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Bungarus_caeruleus_ewart.jpg
Awwww, this is such a cute thread! I loled =3
Dear Krait,
What camera are you taking all these selfies on?
Is it Asuran?
Krait better stay on the right track, there are lot of people who wants to hurt you in prison. Especially those in the prisonshower.
Having heard first of a mermaid in Lion’s Arch and now a krait in Divinities Reach it has set me to thinking. As my fellow necromancers know, we have yet to manage to create a flesh golem that can survive underwater. My theory is that the problem may arise as we have been using terrestrial creatures to donate the various parts that make up the golem. Therefore I believe that if we include the respiratory system from an amphibious creature such as a mermaid or a krait this might be the answer we are looking for.
I would therefore, politely request, that if anyone does happen to obtain said organs, they would consider donating them for the betterment of our necromantic understanding
Yumiko drawn her daggers and attuned to fire ready to make Krait sushi out of him.
Why, pray tell, would you attune to fire to make sushi? everybody knows that sushi is raw fish….
Yumiko drawn her daggers and attuned to fire ready to make Krait sushi out of him.
Why, pray tell, would you attune to fire to make sushi? everybody knows that sushi is raw fish….
Actually, Sushi does have some raw fish, but it must always include rice…
Sashimi on the other hand…
Not that I would want to have krait sashimi after trekking all the way through LA, DR and Queensdale looking for him on the behalf of the Shiverpeaks branch of the Tyrian Welcome Wagon…
All Ele’s should use Healing Rain to rejuvenate our friendly Krait out of water during those sunny afternoons in DR. Those bricks and cement get’s hot! Maybe even trait for the Krait by adding some soothing mist while walking beside him.
I havent heard anything from Krait recently. I hope he didnt got imprisoned again.
Data mined: upcoming patch notes for December 10th.
Ascended cooking.
Krait and clam stew. Lasts one hour.
Effects: spit poison at foes once every 5 seconds. Poison lasts 3 seconds.
Recipe: meat from one Toxic Krait. Ten clams. One powerful venom sac. Ten waters.
I’ll hide you from the hunters krait. You can trust me. ^^
(Take the krait and clam soup with one grain of salt)
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
(Would so roll a naga elementalist given half a chance…)
Dear Krait,
What can you tell us of krait history? Most of your kind are not very forthcoming.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
If a krait is alone in a forest, do humans get enslaved?
Also meet common krait krait http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Bungarus_caeruleus_ewart.jpg
Not sure if racist against krait, or…
Awwww, this is such a cute thread! I loled =3
Thank you!
[…] Therefore I believe that if we include the respiratory system from an amphibious creature such as a mermaid or a krait this might be the answer we are looking for.
I would therefore, politely request, that if anyone does happen to obtain said organs, they would consider donating them for the betterment of our necromantic understanding
Krait would politely request that Krait’s organs are put to rest, not made into new kind of underwater monster.
All Ele’s should use Healing Rain to rejuvenate our friendly Krait out of water during those sunny afternoons in DR. Those bricks and cement get’s hot! Maybe even trait for the Krait by adding some soothing mist while walking beside him.
Krait would appreciate it! Krait’s scales are getting cracked and dry from spending so much time out of water.
Krait and clam stew. Lasts one hour.
Effects: spit poison at foes once every 5 seconds. Poison lasts 3 seconds.
Recipe: meat from one Toxic Krait. Ten clams. One powerful venom sac. Ten waters.I’ll hide you from the hunters krait. You can trust me. ^^
(Take the krait and clam soup with one grain of salt)
Krait soup is not for the faint of heart.
…Wait, this krait soup USES krait in it??
I havent heard anything from Krait recently. I hope he didnt got imprisoned again.
Krait has been spending the weekend with a nice human family. They insisted Krait EAT AND EAT AND EAT, which Krait feared was a sign that they were trying to fatten Krait up, so Krait quietly slithered out the back door between courses.
What can you tell us of krait history? Most of your kind are not very forthcoming.
Krait people used to live in the Unending Ocean, until driven out by undersea elder dragon. That was 50 years ago, so Krait has never seen the undersea dragon personally.
Krait hopeful that one day krait will be able to return to the Unending Ocean, where they will not have to fight with landwalkers.
Hello, Krait
Abaddon will feast on your eyes.
Love ~ A Zealot of Secrets
Human soldier has been released out of hospital, but armour got taken off! Priestess said something about continuous brain damage. Does krait know what priestess means? Human soldier got new clothes. Thinks it looks good with seraph soldier.
Human soldier brought before good ol’ Logan, Logan concerned with soldier: “You are in need of a vacation.” Does Krait know where soldier should go on vacation?
Soldier thinks Krait is very good at posing. Little bit curious how krait gets up the statues all the time though. Do you climb with 2 krait-clawed-hands? Is the tail part of it? Reveal your secret climbing method!
Hello, Krait
Abaddon will feast on your eyes.Love ~ A Zealot of Secrets
Wait, what?
Krait does not like how many humans are wanting to eat krait lately.
Soldier thinks Krait is very good at posing. Little bit curious how krait gets up the statues all the time though. Do you climb with 2 krait-clawed-hands? Is the tail part of it? Reveal your secret climbing method!
Krait are spectacular climbers. No tricks, just tails!
Does Krait know where soldier should go on vacation?
Krait would also like to go on a vacation! Krait Deeps are not great vacation spots.
Anyone else have a suggestion?
I dont know what kind of vacation you like, so here are a few suggestions:
1. If you like war, blood and gore you should take the next caravan to the Harathi Hinterlands. Its a complete warzone inclusive prisonercamps and slavery (may remind you of home).
2. Want something cold? Then go to Hoelbrak and the Shiverpeak Mountains. The local Norn are really friendly and they will probably welcome you with a Gallon of beer. (No idea how Krait are affected by alcohol)
3. Rata Sum could be a option for you. Currently Motos Super Adventure Box is closed but maybe he will open it for you if you ask nicely. Also relax in 1 of the famous Asuran nightclubs after a exhausting day. Just ask 1 of the local authorities and if you are lucky they will show you the way instead of taking you into custody.
4. To discover your spiritual side you should travel to the Grove, home of the sylvari. (well most part of them) Meditate next to a beautiful landscape and in the middle of the nature. You got a “special fetish”? You love getting your kitten whipped? Then you maybe should visit the Nightmare Court. They are always looking for people who love pain.
5. To visit other individuals of your race visit Mount Maelstrom. The Krait there got a real big city.
6. Not recommended but also a look worth: The Black Citadel, home of the Charr. Lot of steam and fire, but there is a possibility that they wont react very friendly.
And to your question “Who is Abaddon?” He is also called Abbadon the trolled one, former God of secrets (Now its Kormir). He tried to troll the humans and they trolled back resulting in his final defeat. Since he was responsible for many disasters most people dont even dare to mention him or even to speak out his name.
To give the more detailed explanation:
Abaddon was one of the six gods that lived in Orr over a thousand years ago, and was the god largely responsible to distributing magic to the mortal races through retuning the Bloodstone. When the attention of the other gods was brought to the fact that most of the recipients of this magic was using it to wage war on a massive scale, they decided – without consulting Abaddon – to place limitations on this magic.
This angered Abaddon so much that he declared war on the other gods. He was ultimately defeated and bound, along with his followers, into a pocket dimension called the Realm of Torment, while the other gods, appalled at the destruction caused by their war, left the world in order to spare it from another divine war. Their last act before leaving was to attempt to excise all knowledge of Abaddon – as knowing or speaking his name granted him power to weaken his prison and influence the world.
Not all of this knowledge was successfully purged, however, and Abaddon steadily regained power and influence over the course of a millenium, until, with the aid of corrupt mortal rulers, he made a bid to break out of his prison two and a half centuries ago. He was successful in opening a number of portals, but adventurers succeeded in infiltrating his realm through one of those portals and slew him, raising Kormir as a new god through the assumption of his power. Some of the divine mandate not to speak of him likely remains in the priestly traditions, however, possibly explaining your reception at the temple.
One of the common curses from Abaddon’s followers was to claim that “Abaddon will eat your eyes!”. The origin of this is not truly known, but it has been theorised that since Abaddon was a god of knowledge before his imprisonment and madness, and the eyes are a primary means for many races, particularly humans, of observing and gaining knowledge about the world, then the consumption of eyes is a symbolic gesture to deny the victim the ability to gather knowledge.
It’s also worth noting that Abaddon was a god who claimed dominion over the ocean, and the army with which he intended to invade Tyria from an extradimensional realm was one that could gain power from the souls of the dead, either consuming them or twisting their tormented souls into new soldiers. Because of this, some scholars have hypothesised a connection between Abaddon’s armies and the “Prophets” spoken of by your Oratuss. If this is true, then your Oratuss are likely to be disappointed – the time of their prophecy has come and gone, and the Prophets were defeated by the combined efforts of humans and the Forgotten (a serpentine race with similarities in appearance to your own, although we don’t know if there is any relationship between your race and theirs).
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
It’s also worth noting that Abaddon was a god who claimed dominion over the ocean, and the army with which he intended to invade Tyria from an extradimensional realm was one that could gain power from the souls of the dead, either consuming them or twisting their tormented souls into new soldiers. Because of this, some scholars have hypothesised a connection between Abaddon’s armies and the “Prophets” spoken of by your Oratuss. If this is true, then your Oratuss are likely to be disappointed – the time of their prophecy has come and gone, and the Prophets were defeated by the combined efforts of humans and the Forgotten (a serpentine race with similarities in appearance to your own, although we don’t know if there is any relationship between your race and theirs).
…Krait would appreciate it if you would leave speculation about krait Prophets out of it.
I dont know what kind of vacation you like, so here are a few suggestions:
All suggestions sounded terrifying and violent, so Krait went to the Divinity’s Reach aquarium instead!
How is beer violent?
…That is a good point. Hoelbrak still too cold.
Krait was pretty distraught over the first vacation suggestion, in Harathi Hinterlands. Sounds very terrible.
Krait sounds like a weenie behbeh! Was krait traumatized as a hatchling? Go out and kill, murder, torture, and enslave like any other normal self respecting krait. How do you plan to get a mate if you don’t have a stable of slaves to show off or don’t have a torture club you are a member of, for Wednesday night get togethers to maim and mutilate?
Until and unless you go back to the other krait with some slaves, weeping, wailing, and gnashing their teeth, you will be a failure as a krait.
Well, maybe he is a Krait from the other side of the track?
kitten it, looks like we scared Krait off. -.-
I hope Krait comes back. Krait is most entertaining.
I hope Krait comes back. Krait is most entertaining.
Krait as playable race confirmed…. because Danicia likes them. :P
What is “art”?
What does it do?
Ah so this is where the Krait have gone after being banished from the home borderland map.
I miss you, Krait. I miss swimming in the water, cueing the “Jaws” music, and hunting for angry red guys. I miss seeing you zerg up with about ten of your friends and take out a single guy trying to swim to garrison.
If you see the quaggans out there, tell them I still have a few pearls for them.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Why does the Krait glow yellow?
At base level, I think you’ve actually pretty much hit the nail on the head there: It evokes a feeling.
There are other, more technical definitions, but at heart, the purpose of art is to provoke an emotional response.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I hope Krait comes back. Krait is most entertaining.
Krait as playable race confirmed….
because Danicia likes them. :P
Zaxares also wants Krait as playable race. And Tengu. And Skritt.
I hope Krait comes back. Krait is most entertaining.
Krait as playable race confirmed….
because Danicia likes them. :PZaxares also wants Krait as playable race.
And Tengu. And Skritt.
Skritt mesmers would cause me to QQ all day.
dear krait we love you ! gime a kiss :*
I hope Krait comes back. Krait is most entertaining.
Krait as playable race confirmed….
because Danicia likes them. :PZaxares also wants Krait as playable race.
And Tengu. And Skritt.
Skritt mesmers would cause me to QQ all day.
“Quick! Kill it!”
Krait, art is something that many cultures use to express themselves and explore ideas. It can be practical like making clay plates to hold food or it can be just for it’s own sake.
Here, this is a piece of art I made for you to express how awesome you are!
I can’t be friends with a creature that twerks so much.
Krait, it may be that the humans do not accept you because you are still a child in their eyes. They are a strange race, and my studies indicate that every one of them has undergone a bizarre rite of passage, subject of many an idle boast. But fear not! I have every confidence that you can undertake it as well- after all, so many humans have done it. How hard can it be? To gain full standing in their eyes, you need only win a race with a centaur.
The actual reason why humans dont accept you is because you are a Krait. Kraits kill humans. Krait enslave humans. Krait eat humans (ok some humans also eat Kraits). Krait steal your children. And a Krait stole the chocolate out of my Advent Calendar!!!!!
Also you are a foreigner, integrate yourself and keep a low profile and in 1 or 2 months nobody will bother you again.
Krait, art is something that many cultures use to express themselves and explore ideas. It can be practical like making clay plates to hold food or it can be just for it’s own sake.
Here, this is a piece of art I made for you to express how awesome you are!
The Community Team is squeee’ing with love over here looking at this.
Oh! Many questions today!
Dear Krait
Like Guild Wars Wunners?
Old land-dwelling Krytan krait were not the same as modern Krait from the Unending Ocean. They would occasionally turn up at krait family gatherings, eat all the food, spill drinks on photo albums, and then leave before group photo time. Krait do not like to talk about Krytan krait.
Why does the Krait glow yellow?
Krait is yellow because Krait was given a great honor in service of the Prophets! Krait has always wanted to work with other races, so Krait was one of the first to volunteer to work with the sylvari in Kessex Hills. The ceremony was…unpleasant…But very great! Krait learned to speak Krytan from sylvari after that.
dear krait we love you ! gime a kiss :*
What is a “kiss?”
To gain full standing in their eyes, you need only win a race with a centaur.
…Can it be a swimming race? Or a climbing race?
At base level, I think you’ve actually pretty much hit the nail on the head there: It evokes a feeling.
There are other, more technical definitions, but at heart, the purpose of art is to provoke an emotional response.
Krait has been looking at many arts in Divinity’s Reach. Please, what emotion is this art meant to evoke?
Here, this is a piece of art I made for you to express how awesome you are!
Thank you! That is the best art Krait has ever seen, and it fills Krait with “feelings!” Krait could not ask for better.
Krait would like to thank everyone who is so friendly. Keep asking questions or suggesting things for Krait to do, and Krait is happy to keep answering or doing them!
O.O I want a dragon balloon!
Krait has been looking at many arts in Divinity’s Reach. Please, what emotion is this art meant to evoke?
Art elicits different emotions for different people. Even the same piece of art may cause different people to feel different things.
While some art is intended to get a specific type of response by the way it is designed, others may not be. They simply may have been done as a means of self-expression by the creator, and as such the piece may evoke something slightly different in each individual that views it.
That said, when it comes to art, there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ feeling. What you feel is simply what you feel. Sometimes, you may feel nothing at all.
-snip -
That was downright disturbing….
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
Does Kraits communicates withs Drakes?
Pleasse helps poor fishershuman, tells drakes to spits him outs!
(picture taken from http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Alpha_Drake,_his_food_outside,_and_poor_Phill_inside.jpg)
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
I think Krait needs to see another side of the humans. The is an Asuran gate in the SE part of Divinities Reach. Poke your head through it and you’ll see some very different humans. They have a kind of art there called ‘posters’ that may show you what other ‘feelings’ they have…
And while you’re at it I’ll try to hunt up a big enough pile of furs that you can come visit Hoelbrak and not turn blue .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
watch yourself human we charr still have the border around ebonhawk mined, I’d suggest you keep your temper under control or you may find that we charr are not interested in sparing anyone breaking the rules set forth by the truce we signed at warrior’s crown.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Wait a minute… are “Kraits” the new “Quaggans”?
watch yourself human we charr still have the border around ebonhawk mined, I’d suggest you keep your temper under control or you may find that we charr are not interested in sparing anyone breaking the rules set forth by the truce we signed at warrior’s crown.
Uh, Norn. If I were a human living in Hoelbrak I’d already have furs to protect myself and visitors from the brisk mountain air .
(like I needed another excuse to go hunting!)
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.