“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
Discussion about the update 26/02 [Merged threads]
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
This new Update have given new life too the game
Stuff to do with guildies
we got a new Goal to go after (new missions)
Buq fix (always nice) still need to fix warrriors rush.
More rares in the game giving the opstion to grind faster / easy the mats you need for things
Better drop at Dragoons and so on
more new gear to get
Guild mission= endgame for me :p so nice finnaly having some endgame in this game.
- Guild missions are currently broken. Right off the bat, they’re not working.
- Dragon Drops increased, but decreased to 1 chest per world event a day. (If you’d seen past posts, this was initially a bug where Chests from World events would not spawn – I don’t even think you get bonus karma for helping like on Hearts you’ve already completed)
The only good thing was they fixed their loot tables across the board. I’ve still not tried with champions and vets yet, but I can only assume it’s fixed.
This is the first real content patch so far except for Southsun which was terrible (and no, events do not count, every single MMO does events and they dont count as content, they are fun fillers), anyway new content and a large section of players cant even participate…“you could if you really wanted to” i hear you say, yes i could join a large guild, i could grind influence, i could grind gold to buy it…but lets quote GW2’s motto “play it the way you want”….doesnt sound at all like what i want, so im effectively excluded from the content.
This is one of the worst instances and implementations of gated content i have ever seen, its not to late to turn it around, but its kitten close.
As further evidence….2 threads…
“This patch is awesome.”
“This patch is awful.”Guess which one got locked .
Okay, so what I hear you saying is that you are frustrated that with this update and the new guild event system, particularly the fact that because you are not in a large guild it is excluding you from content. I can definitely understand that point and I cant imagine how frustrating it would be to put so much time and energy into a game you care about to find out that you are being excluded. The one thing I would just ask to do is give it a little time to see how things actually play out. If this does end up creating a long term gated content system, that is a problem and may need to change. If not, no harm done. Everyone should provide feedback but feedback after taking some time to see what repercussions, if any, the changes have had. At that point, we can all formulate a constructive criticism and hope that A-net (1) sees that we care and (2) takes it into consideration.
But I do feel for you man with regards to guild content. I am in a larger guild now (it has grown since it was a new guild my friend formed with a few of us following her from another guild) but can see where your concerns lie
Dude its not just the new patch…there is a very definite pattern forming here of broken and unfinished content right from launch…take the ranger for example, people have been saying how bad it is right from release, yet not a single thing has been done to address it…the class imbalance in this game is just terrible, there really is no other word for it, and rather than taking steps to correct it, it seems they only shift the imbalance around.
As i said, there is a pattern here and we’ve seen it before, and i can tell you it doesnt end well….if it was just this patch i wouldn’t be concerned at all, but it isn’t, and i am.
This new Update have given new life too the game
Stuff to do with guildies
we got a new Goal to go after (new missions)
Buq fix (always nice) still need to fix warrriors rush.
More rares in the game giving the opstion to grind faster / easy the mats you need for things
Better drop at Dragoons and so on
more new gear to get
Guild mission= endgame for me :p so nice finnaly having some endgame in this game.
- Guild missions are currently broken. Right off the bat, they’re not working.
- Dragon Drops increased, but decreased to 1 chest per world event a day. (If you’d seen past posts, this was initially a bug where Chests from World events would not spawn – I don’t even think you get bonus karma for helping like on Hearts you’ve already completed)
The only good thing was they fixed their loot tables across the board. I’ve still not tried with champions and vets yet, but I can only assume it’s fixed.
- Dragon Drops increased, but decreased to 1 chest per world event a day
i dint know that … ;( it makes sense
- Guild missions are currently broken. Right off the bat, they’re not working.
yeah thats a shame but on the other hand im sure they are working hard to make it work.
The good:
Easy to tag enemies for loot. Best part of the update.
Better chest drops.
The bad:
Nerfing on-crit foods like Omnomberry Ghosts, some ruining some food-based builds.
Completely disabling every niche consumable in WvW, the game mode has lost quite a bit of spice/flavour as a result (though items like gears/spikefruit definitely needed it, but seriously, every one?)
Nerfing ranger (guard was an awesome utility in WvW, now you cant even send your pet outside a keep, I dont think anyone will ever use that skill again). Again, causing WvW to lose its wild-west flavour.
Guild missions. Looks good on paper other than how expensive they are for a small guild, wait and see on these.
This patch is so awesome that im contemplating uninstalling the game.
I already did, Anet is hell bent on taking GW2 down the same path as every other mmo that has been released in the last 10 years. Sorry Anet but this kitten isn’t what I payed for.
so we’ve heard alot of complaining and disapointment for this patch. but what did you guys feel good came out of it.
I became awesome at polling
Guild Founder
Polling will be how I post topics from now on.
Guild Founder
It didn’t completely and utterly destroy any of my builds. I keep reminding myself that it could have been a lot worse.
i can view weapons in the store XD thief with the twilight awesomeness
“commander can i have a word”
I do like the new daily system, but i still believe it needs work.
I like the concept of having guild events. But the way it is now hurts smaller guilds.
I like preview in TP, and the new preview window.
[DW] Dynasty Warriors, [TNA] The Northern Assembly
(edited by Moderator)
The door blocking access to the cabbage farm in Harathi Hinterlands should no longer block access when opened.
When I first encountered this place, I really thought I needed to find a key or hidden switch to get pass the invisible wall blocking this mysterious room full of mouthwatering cabbages. Thank god it was just a bug.
I can now farm more cabbages. I am so happy
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Other than the TP preview (Which should have been up long ago) everything else was garbage.
This patch is as big a fail as the infamous Nov patch.
I respectfully disagree. Nothing will ever remove 11/15 as the day of infamy. As bad as 2/26 may be, 11/15 remains #1.
At least they didn’t touch CoF path 1. Instead of giving us more things to do, they’ve just narrowed our choices some more. Dailies + CoF path 1 gold runs will net you the items you want fastest. Thank you anet.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
This patch is as big a fail as the infamous Nov patch.
I respectfully disagree. Nothing will ever remove 11/15 as the day of infamy. As bad as 2/26 may be, 11/15 remains #1.
I do think that anet is capable of surpassing how bad 11/15 was they just need a little more time.
So far (still early days) I like…
The new dailys…whats not to like…Anet are giving CHOICE to the player over exactly what you want to do…the ability to choose your own path is good in any game. Also, it allows Anet to put 1 or 2 really hard dailys in for the players who want the challenge. I hope Anet does the same with monthlies in the future…
The new stuff to buy for laurels, although 50 ecto…might be abit over the top…just imagine what ascended weapons will cost at this rate…don’t put them beyond the reach of casual players who can only play 10 or so hours a week, mainly on there days off from work…
Bug fixes, quite alot, always good…
Necro love…
TP preview…
Errm…thats it so far…the rest I have not tried or I don’t like.
(edited by Meglobob.8620)
This patch is as big a fail as the infamous Nov patch.
I respectfully disagree. Nothing will ever remove 11/15 as the day of infamy. As bad as 2/26 may be, 11/15 remains #1.
I do not know what 2/26 means but the 26/2 patch is pretty good imho.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I have more disliked thing than liked. Even like that: most of thing are disliked for me.
Maybe I like only Flamethrower#2 remake and... that’s all.
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Maybe ArenaNet uses their own RNG to make decisions…
Make a “loot table”, roll some dice…
Odds of something really cool happening? 0.0000000001216
Why the heck does ascended accessories cost 40 laurel AND 50 ectos… while guild merchant sells it for like 5g? (or was it 10?) the price of 50 ectos is like 20g atm… what the heck..
At least they didn’t touch CoF path 1. Instead of giving us more things to do, they’ve just narrowed our choices some more. Dailies + CoF path 1 gold runs will net you the items you want fastest. Thank you anet.
CoF has almost always been the go-to path of any dungeon for farming since launch and they can’t be arsed to fix that for some reason but they sure do have the time to make everything else worse.
What do I take from this as a player? They want us to do CoF all day every day.
Not counting bug fixes, good things about this patch:
…sorry, I got nothing.
Its a bad patch of Mythic proportions.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem
Would you have rather waited 6 more months and be contented with what we had pre-flame and frost for an expansion instead of getting this half-baked patches? YES. Anet, please stop releasing content after content after content that nobody wants and start working on a proper expansion.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
- Dragon Drops increased, but decreased to 1 chest per world event a day
i dint know that … ;( it makes sense
- Guild missions are currently broken. Right off the bat, they’re not working.
yeah thats a shame but on the other hand im sure they are working hard to make it work.
I understand on guild missions – but lets be honest…this was the one major thing people were interested in doing…and arguably the most hyped up thing in this patch. To find after all that, it’s broken only shows they have a constant reputation of releasing broken updates.
It’s the equivilant of having your PC serviced/upgraded every few months and finding an upgraded OS, but none of your new features work at all, or your new PC case looks awesome, but non of the fans work.
In regards to the dragon drops. You’re also forgetting this was actually noted as a bug earlier last month after the jan patch. (chests not spawning for people)…this attached with DR and RNG means a whole host of issues could crop up (just as they have in the past)…
It’s not even that the reasoning behind single chest drops with increased drops was because of flooding the market with gear…it was ~“To encourage people to explore more of the world”
Very disappointed that they overkilled nerfing those bundles, finding event npc’s selling those is half the reason I was going for world completion, I know I’m probably not in the majority on this but, I personally kept 20-30 inventory slots dedicated to bundle items.
Now I may as well delete half of them, since I can’t resell them and stocked up on hundreds, to thousands of the different ones.
Congratulations to them, they’ve given a 3 second stealth a 60 second cooldown, this feels like a burp from the crap diablo 3 fed me.
Since bundle items aren’t worth going for anymore, AT ALL, I’m currently stuck trying to find something else that interests me in this game, I don’t care about guild raid crap, WvW is only mildly interesting for me at the moment and it seems there is less and less solo content in this game the more I play it..
Hate to say it after just a month but, I’m now considering quitting this and finding something else, just not sure what yet. Oddly enough, this game lately has left me with the same feeling I got from Diablo 3, not a good thing.
Oh yeah, thanks for nerfing the healing signet, wouldn’t have thought my build would ever feel underpowered in level 1-15 zones.
If we’re really meant to play this the way we want, as I see people saying all over the place, quit nerfing crap and add more content. SOLO AND GROUP, NOT JUST GROUP.
..now back to trying to find something else in this game that interests me, only to fear that they’ll nerf the hell out of it.
Probably not going to be with this game much longer, as I’m hearing the quality of this update matches their track record, it gives me absolutely zero hope for the future of this game.
As much as I am loathing the direction arenanet is taking, here are my positives and negatives of this patch as I feel both are justified and warranted:
-I like the new dailys
-I like the ability to select dailys I want to do(although the choices last night were kind of poo)
-The preview in Trading Post is a fantastic-must have addition. Good job!
-Guild Missions sound great on paper to immerse people in a zone, give guilds something to do together and to work for. However, my guild won’t be seeing it for a little while.
-Unsure about the mob loot drop changes(if there were any) but it seemed improved.
-I like that the dragon chests and world boss chests FINALLY drop stuff worthwhile.
-Haven’t really focused on class changes because changes are going to happen regardless, but I saw something for the necro that I liked that I think benefits my build.
-Not sure how I like the fact that I can only do each boss once a day. As it was, I only did a boss maybe twice a day anyways. Do people really farm the same dragon 10x a day?
-Including 50 globs of ecto along with 40 laurels for ascended accessories is way too much and I wish this would be changed before even one person is able to purchase. (probably too late). Why you place a crafting material for the cost of an item is beyond me.
-Adding yet MORE currencies to the game is watering down the game, much like SWTOR. Merits and commendations? I really do not like having to keep track of nearly a dozen currencies(gold,karma,dungeon tokens,laurels,commendations,merits,fractal relics, pristine fractal relics, skill points). You need a currency page in the character sheet if you are going to continue to water down your game.
-Guild missions, eventually, will impact smaller guilds. Forcing us to rely on the community is lazy and terrible design. Eventually we might not be able to do all the missions(unlockability aside) just because we chose to be in a smaller guild.
-Gating the guild missions via an insane amount of influence gives insight into your design direction, yet again. Eventually my guild of 30 members will have enough influence to unlock whats needed to do all. But not for a long time.
-Introducing another ascended item one month after the previous is a direct contradiction to what Chris Whiteside said in his AMA, that new items will not be available month after month. Did everyone forget about this little tidbit? A lot of us just finished getting our ascended amulet. No time to rest, we must GRIND for the ascended accessories.
Overall, a lot of good changes, a lot of iffy ones for me. The biggest negative I see, is the design direction.
I bought the game and bought into the hype that a developer was finally not going make the game into an item grind. Play the way you want to, max stat items(exotics at the time) will be all you need and eventually you’ll just grind for cosmetics. There will be no grind. Everything arenanet has done since November 15th has been completely, 110% against what I thought I was getting into…what I bought into, what I thought that Colin and Mike and all those guys were saying in their interviews and webcasts.
This game is a grind. This game has a bigger grind than WoW, than Rift, than SWTOR. In my opinion, this is the grindiest game on the market. This is funny because avoiding grind is exactly what arenanet set out to do and they have given us the most grindiest MMO to date.
This game teeters on item/gear progression. We all thought this to be a cosmetic game.
This game is exactly like every other MMO out there now. Get to max level, game changes. Grind for dungeon set, grind for ascended, grind out WvW progression(soon), grind for legendary, grind out influence for Guild Missions. Other than features, the core of this game is exactly like WoW and every other game. Grind for max stats. This is not the game I wanted to buy and play. But I have a lot of time invested, so I’ll cautiously see where it goes. I’ll say it again, this game is exactly like every other game out there now. Theres no difference. I thought I was playing a unique and special game.
To everyone that says “But noone is forcing you to grind for a legendary, or grind out ascended pieces”. Are you that naieve? In WoW, no one forced me to raid. But I did because what else was there to do besides acquire best in slot gear? Sure, I could have just gotten to 80, run some dungeons and get some mediocre lower ilvl epics that way withing the raid grind. But is that any different than GW2? Get to max level, grind out a dungeon set and be done? Same thing. GW2 is no different, its no special snowflake(not anymore).
Quite frankly… I am happy with the patch.
The Bad :
I main a Ranger (non-dps) so this patch is nada for me.
Overpriced Guild Missions and overpriced earrings.
Seriously, not only does this patch gate to big guilds but it gives them the ability to get extremely easy rewards. I’m fine with 50 silver and 2 in-game dollars, but giving everyone on a big guild multiple shots on precursors is too much. Even 2 rares is too much given the current state of the in-game economy. Sure old grinders might stay, but new players will leave as soon as they hit ~80.
The new ascended gear is a joke, I’m sorry but it is insulting to even consider that I’ll waste so much time and in-game dollars on the most hilarious item in the game. I’m just going to stick with exotics, given that I can customise them with gems to my liking. Those Earrings are a joke only comparable with the +5 stat infusions. Come on Obsidian armor was at least an item with an actual in-game model… NEXT!
CoF and other easy dungeons are still killing any attempt at doing the rest.
Redundant Living Story Content. Much like doing Story mode dungeons and anything with story invloved in this game this new content isn’t personal and doesn’t involve any real story telling. I actually support you guys I really do. I live in Bulgaria the poorest place in Europe, but I buy your kitten cause I liked GW1 and I really like you. I got both GW2 books on my shelf next to Song of Fire and Ice (actually infront), but your in-game story telling is so hirrible even my little nephew and niece think it sucks.
The Good :
Chests and more Chests. I LOVE what you did with those events. Chests should have provided those rewards since launch and should have been once per day per character too. Now the Destroyer and Behe events will not be “16 events out dated” on gw temple. Kitten, even at 6 am this morning when I checked out the patch there was a noticeable change in player activity across the zones. Other might hate this, but I love it. No more “6 Blues Brothers” combos from chests.
Drops and tagging. I hoped you’d nerf AoE… Anytime I tried to farm Orr, I’d get nothing because the ranged AoE dudes were instagibbing all the mobs. Well it’s not as good but now I can at least get some drops. I can also dance behind the Claw of Jormag and hit it 2 times to get the chest, but that’s another story…
Melee Mesmer. You buffed my PvE alt, thank you !
Necro and Engi love. More plox, thank you !
Item preview + Visible effects. Thank You !
PvP. I think PvP in this game is doomed or has long ways to go (at least most of my 20 active guildmates do PvP 50% of the time now), but still… thank you !
You buffed my celestial items, thank you !
You made black lion chests worth it(I don’t care about the bags but getting ~300 gems out of a 100 gems item is a lot), thank you !
Changes to invisibility items and abilities. Not as great as I hoped, but still superb. Thank You !
Nerfing the fast food chains, Thank You !
Daily Achievements. You did really well here, especially with the tooltips, if you add more of these new players might as well play more. Still… please, bring back the 5 events one.
Fixed the Ride-the-Squid-Beam-o-Doom bug. Thanks, now sightseeing in fractals is even easier !
Verdict :
Keep it up, just… no more in-game dollars… We got nuf grind as it is.
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.
(edited by Wayfinder.8452)
there is nothin good in this patch. new fractals or a new dungeon would be good. a reward to make dungeons runs worth it. the citadel of flame path 1 situation is not acceptable……. and with the changes they even made it worth….
its new content but its not easy to access….
latest 2 patches r just horrible….
u did a rly bad job!!!!!
- -Not sure how I like the fact that I can only do each boss once a day. As it was, I only did a boss maybe twice a day anyways. Do people really farm the same dragon 10x a day?
They’re masking the issue here – its not about farming…or getting people to check other areas. It’s (from what I gather) about curbing rewards because this used to be a bug. Chests randomly stopped spawning correctly for a lot of people after the jan patch. It was flagged. Next thing we know, it’s now a game feature.
1.)Nothing fixed on the Ranger? Ugh…
2.)Daily that includes playing in the Mystic Waste of Time and group events that no groups show for and catching kegs with a camera that inhibits actually seeing things sometimes. Double ugh! With 10 choices to chose from I missed my daily for the first time in a month.
3.)And making AC harder… um, isn’t it a level 35 dungeon?
4.)And regarding “Group Events” – limiting a player from being rewarded when helping out other players or his/her guild/friend/whatever by not allowing them to partake in a chest reward does not promote team play. It promotes “why-should-I-chance-needing-to-pay-for-repairs-and-portal-costs-if-I-die-when-I-don’t-get-any-reward-for-my-effort” play. I believe that was not the best of ideas.
While the above had me shaking my head, the following are pretty darn good:
A.) Preview in Trading Post. WINNING!!
B.) Guild events – I hope these will be amazing.
C.) Champion dropped a GREEN! <dancing!> Perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
D.) Removing the crossed swords in WvW unless there are at least 25 attackers. THANK YOU!! Nothing worse than trying to participate in WvW and get zerged by 50 players when they see you and your three guildmates attack a supply caravan. Perhaps a bit of normalcy shall be regained in there.
So there was good and there was not so good – but I don’t think anything was “bad”.
You keep workin’ and I’ll keep playing!
i can’t think on ony other thing…
in this patch… they just take of the pew pew laser sound on the predator…
rly?… thanks anet… is the saddest day on my gw2 life.
Gotta love the loud, obnoxious minority. Oh no, you’re leaving the game? Don’t worry-you’ll be replaced by significantly better quality people in short order. I have no problem with the chests (I will miss it)-it was being borderline exploited and you all know it. What it does is give a reason to explore the rest of the world-go do the world events in the other zones (which is one of the reasons I think they made that change)
The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.
I’d have liked to see some actual improvements for Rangers. Ya know, like the devs have been talking about for 4 months.
Game as a whole? Great patch.
My favorite profession? Craptastic.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
All I will say is patch by patch, the game gets worse and worse. It’s still kind of fun to play, but at this rate I have to wonder for how much longer. I really think they need some actual players to give feedback on some of the proposed changes before they make them. Maybe look through the logs for players that play daily, then invite them to a private forum and ask what they think? It can’t hurt to get some feedback from people outside your group before making sweeping changes that annoy a lot of players.
When it comes down to it the only thing I got to say is the idea’s are good but the application of said ideas is so bad you may as well have just not bothered in the first place.
The only other thing is class imbalance but I have played MMO’s that are even more broken than GW2 so I ain’t going to whine too much.
This game is no where near as good as GW1 because of the above.
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”
Did 3 champs last night and two dropped things (Blue and green), so the patch is not working as they stated, but it seems to be a little better than it was. The champ over by where the Plinx meta starts didn’t drop anything.
As one with “perceived” drop issues, I do seem to be getting slightly better drops than usual, certainly more, even had a rare drop from Plinx event last night, but that could just be the after major release luck that typically seems to follow for a few days. I had 5 within 2 days after the January patch and nothing since. I’ll know better in a week or so if this patch has helped with my cursed loot drops.
After the full impact of the patch sunk in last night I just logged out. I played for a short time today but really don’t like farming Orr anymore. It was a regular part of my daily play but I guess Anet doesn’t support the way I want to play the game. The downhill slide started on 11/15 and continues through the latest patch.
GW2 as it was conceived was an amazing MMO. GW2 as it launched delivered on many of its promises and I was fine with the bugs to be expected in any new piece of software, what to speak of the sprawling codebase of a major MMO. What I’ve had a problem with are intentional missteps and errors in judgment as in the introduction of vertical progression on 11/15. That’s working out swell, eh? I think I have reached the end of the line and it’s time to move along.
GW2 has been one of the best games I’ve played and I’m thankful for the gameplay of the last six months. It has been amazing.There hasn’t been a day that I’ve logged in and not been stunned by the beauty of this game. Sadly, it’s come down to irreconcilable differences in terms of design philosophy and execution on that philosophy. It’s simply no longer the game for me. Cheers all!
Sorry to see you reaching the end of the line so early.
I liked this patch though… as I did for most patches (though some patches I was just “meh” about).
Would anyone care to hear it though?
In the end, it all comes down to our “taste”, so I’ll list my own personal opinions on what I liked and disliked in the patch.
Guild Missions
I find guild missions rather interesting. Although it’s a reach goal for my 5-8 man guild, we already have AOW3 despite recently transferring our guild to another server, along with Economics 3 and Politics 2. We don’t really spend our guild influences on the buffs, so it does leave us with a lot of influence, and we’re pretty casual so we don’t really care where that influence gets spent usually lol. I bet I could buy the rest of the influence with the gold on all my characters if I wanted too.
I also liked how guild missions boosted ingame activity, especially in lower level areas. It was nice running around and seeing others too and joining their guild events.
Thank goodness the dailies are more useful now… The old dailies were something I disliked because I might reach 80% of it with my normal activities. The other 20% I still have to go out of my way to do, but the problem was that it was boring and repetitive. Now, with the new dailies and laurels, dailies reward me better for my time spent. I can probably get around 60% done by doing my normal gameplay, but at least that last 40% is more interesting and less repetitive than the old dailies. I’d hate it if we went back to the old dailies even though the old dailies were technically easier to do… they were nearly pointless to me, and the reward wasn’t really worth the time and effort I put in. Did I forget to mention that they were really boring and uncreative? At least the aquatic kills and resses move me away from the same old places the old dailies made me go through.
I also liked the new varieties because sometimes you just have very little time to play, so you just log on and do dailies for a bit of fun. That was something the previous daily wasn’t. With the old dailies, you log on to do a really boring task and get rewarded with only a jug and 5s. What’s the point of a daily if it isn’t at least interesting when you want to do it for fun and avoid repeating yesterday?
Okay, so point is, I like the new dailies over the old.
I’ll just list a couple of nit-picky things I don’t really like.
-Random bugs during new patches. Although this is not easily preventable and Anet does fix them up quite quickly when people report them (though I often wonder how they manage to shift through the flaming and QQing to get to the important feedback… kudos to them for managing). It’d be nice if patches could be double checked somehow. Maybe a PTR and a special PTR client can help. I know that test driven people usually go on PTR and help out since it is something they enjoy or have a hobby of. PTR is complicated though and does take resources. So it would need careful planning.
-Crafting needs an update to become relevant again. I rarely craft gear now, and sometimes it is cheaper to buy the matts off TP. I mostly take crafting when leveling a character since it provides a couple of levels, and it helps my character have gear while leveling. But once you reach 80, it’s not too useful. Maybe a way to encourage crafters is to make it so that TP takes a much smaller cut for crafted items vs items you find from drops? Something like a farmer’s market (or crafter’s market lol), so crafters can avoid the fee from the usual TP. Though it should apply only to newly crafted items, not crafted items and then bought/resold by those people who by en-mass and resale high lol.
The ugly:
- Omnomberry Pies Nerfed. Let’s face it, it gave a lot of classes a decent cushion for the more difficult fights in dungeons. It was specifically targeted towards Warriors, where other modifications could have been implemented. Warriors have to pick up the DPS where the guards slack and are busy tanking/buffing the group. Why cut them down so much?
Maybe they didn’t like all the posts by the “pro” dungeon runners about dungeons being too easy and decided to remove one of the contributing factors?
As to the patch, I have mixed feelings.
- I love the preview in the TP. However, a look through coats reveals that many of the unique “named” exotic skins are the same.
- Guild missions seemed like a great idea. I like the idea of large group content; however, what the game right now needed was content for everyone, not just for large groups and not gated.
- Ascended earrings was another step in the “alternate means to acquire Ascended gear.” However, tagging a 50 glob cost on top of laurels seems excessive unnecessary unless … (see below).
- Daily choice is a good thing: having at least one per day aimed at Wv3 players is a good thing as it means they might be able to complete their dailies without leaving Wv3 if they choose not to.
- I like the new Risen that I’ve seen, except the perma Weakness applied by Vet Wizards and Nobles. The net effect of this debuff is that they have “bigger” health pools since 50% of non crits glance. Giving mobs more health does not often make them more interesting.
- AC Changes: haven’t seen all of them yet. Of what I have seen: Kohler’s adds, graveling knocks, buffs to baby spiders and the spider queen AoE; did not make them more interesting to me, just more un-fun. Constant application of conditions seems to be one of ANet’s hallmarks going back to GW1; however, changes wherein perpetual condition application or perpetual knocks are put in game are going to channel success towards parties that have the “right” class make-up to deal with these things, so I expect to see more “lfg dungeon x, class y pls” as a result of this.
A scan through each of the Class forums says that the class patches were generally well received across the board this time around – well done ANet.
There’s the usual griping about someone’s favourite bug/exploit getting fixed and about existing bugs that didn’t get fixed. Outside that normal noise, the responses are low key but positive.
Only the Engineer forum seems genuinely bothered by this patch, and even there the reaction is mixed between positive and upset over a single 10 trait that got nerfed (albeit one that seems to get used in a lot of Engineer builds).
Preview from the TP, nice, I appreciate it.
Guild missions, very interesting idea, had the potential to be great and a lot of fun. Implementation is very lackluster, totally unimaginative, and a kick in the face to small guilds (as I’ve mentioned before I have no problem with creating big content for big guilds, as long as the small guilds get something to start off with)
All in gotta call it a 1/10 on that.
Theoretical buff to chest drops, great.
My actual experience so far, nothings changed, still as crappy as ever (only been a day so I haven’t hit that many chests sure, but when I do an event now and see many of the other people posting two three rares and an exotic while I look at maybe a couple greens it doesn’t make me think, oh hey better drops, it makes me think, hey, better drops for everyone else. This does not encourage me to go out and see the rest of the world or look for other chests to get nothing from, it just pisses me off and makes me want to avoid chest events completely, which is what I’m doing)
Chests now being once a day
I traded being able to participate in an event multiple times for better odds at green stuff? Yeah I’d like a refund on that exchange please.
So now, as I understand, chests are once per day per character…per server
There’s always the chance the guy screwed up the test by guesting after daily reset, but for argument sakes lets assume he’s right.
So now, someone with 8 toons can , say, hit the frozen maw 24 times (8 times each on 3 servers), which someone with one toon can do it 3 times (once each server)
The crazy thing is people are saying this change was good because people were “exploiting” it (nevermind if it was actually an “exploit” they’d be banning people), and it wasn’t fair and blah blah blah.
Except, at least before it didn’t matter how many toons you had you could hit it as many times as the guy with 8-10 toons, the chance for loot was exactly the same.
Now someone with more toons has a much higher chance at loot, kinda sorta getting uncomfortably close to pay 2 win, when you can increase your loot by purchasing more character slots and leveling them up to 80, which is easy, and you don’t even have to gear them out since MF doesn’t effect chests.
I don’t usually make “fairness” arguments as much as common sense arguments, but in this case limiting chests to once a day strikes me as incredibly unfair to people who don’t have a ton of alts, and I say that as someone who has a bunch of alts.
I like the change to the dailies, sure some are a bit out of the way but they’re a lot more interesting at this point (honestly I don’t expect to get 100% of a daily just doing my normal routine, that’s fine), and getting to pick which ones is so much better.
The mob tagging fix, seems to have improved drop quantity at least, I now tend to get enough porous bones to cover an occasional WP fee, but in terms of the loot quality drop from Nov, no, this made no difference.
Been into AC a couple times, changes suck, gotta be blunt.
Making something frustratingly harder =/= more interesting, and that’s all they did.
Spider queen is more of a pain and would definitely skip if possible, Kholer in his current incarnation I will never willingly fight again.
Howling King fight was slightly more interesting, and made a bit more sense for his “army” to make something of an appearance and was better than just slapping some breeders nearby.
Changes to Orr
New event scaling system is a travesty, scales difficulty Up while scaling rewards Down, if it were me I’d take the new system, put it in a paper bag, light the bag on fire and leave it on someone’s porch.
Given the changes were intended to drive people away from Orr I’d say they’re fairly successful, only thing is it’s not driving me to other areas, it’s driving me to log in less.
If that was the intent, kudos, smashing success, I’m basically at the ’I’m only here to keep up with dailies" phase. And in fact, only reason I’m still here at all is the lack of a sub fee.
Overall, for this patch I’d say 1/10, would not buy again.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
(edited by ScribeTheMad.7614)
- TP items are finally viewable. I can see how something looks before investing all the effort.
- AC revamp. I largely enjoyed it. It’s much more challenging for experienced players. This is also a con, listed below
- Additional backpiece customization, additional hair and eye options, all welcome
- New dailies offer more options and still change from day to day. Did keg brawl for the first time in months…I still got it
- New method for acquiring Ascended gear AND precursors. This is very welcome and I hope precursor prices drop because of this.
- Orange swords for WvW. Offers a little more cover for small groups. Appreciate that.
- sPvP: thanks for match making and removing paids
- Thanks for showing guardians and necros some love
- AC Revamp. This is no longer an introductory dungeon…not at ALL. Even though I enjoyed it, it took a skilled group of level 80s to get through it. Some of the level 80s I had actually ragequit. I love a challenge, but the BEGINNER dungeon is not the place for it. That said, this would be a PERFECT HARDMODE beginner dungeon. Doable with skilled pug, but harder than the normal version.
- sPvP…too much to write. Read the forums there
- Guild Mission Bug. This is inexcusable. You are becoming the Bethesda of the MMO world, people are now expecting a huge, avoidable bug on the day of release with later fixes that have smaller bugs and a final fix that makes it the way it was supposed to be in the first place. Get your skritt together.
- Rangers…need…help. Seriously. They need some life support. Now.
- Orr. After the EXCELLENT job you did last month fixing Orr, you decided to add champions everywhere. Why? I seriously want to know. You took what you did right less than a month ago, and now you do this…
- 72 hours until guild bounties…the most talked about portion of the patch…why???
- Most importantly…you’ve added another currency and linked exclusive statistical advances to them. This…needs…to…STOP. We have karma, gold, gems, dungeon tokens, laurels, commendations, badges of honor…USE WHAT WE HAVE. Stop making artificial gates. Karma is one of the most ingenious things EVER. Do whatever you want, earn karma while doing it. USE KARMA.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”