Does anyone actually like this game?
at all? even a little bit?
Reading this forum as a new player, I get the impression that this is one of the worst MMOs on the market.
I understand what you said about the negative feeling in this forum. I came by just to check new comments, tips, etc.. but indeed, there are tons of negative thoughts.
Just as commented by other players, play a bit at your own pace and in your playstyle. GW2 is indeed different, and every mmo player should try it.
For instance, if I’ve started do look some posts here before playing, I don’t know if I’d buy the game… That’d be awful, because I would miss the chance to enjoy the best mmorpg out there in my opinion. I will not stress all well know features, but only tell that in my case it’s perfect since I can play on my own and still enjoy so much content, without the need to level cap asap to reach “now that you reached level cap, the game really begins..”.
Check if it gives you fun.. that’s the key-word. If so, you won’t regret.
Best wishes you all!
Well I did, until max level anyway.
they have some serious work to do right now because they’ve neglected giant bugs since launch and need to re-allocate their focus to fix many of them that are preventing this game from even being a casual experience.
there are serious imbalance issues where they might as well call this game Guild Warriors 2 because it seems that’s the only class they want us to actually play and be successful at easily.
There are loot issues that haven’t even been commented on.
There are bugs in the classes on some of them have been since before launch that WERE reported that were never patched and some of these classes have even gotten worse because new bugs have popped up since then making these classes even more difficult to play.
It’s just bad time/priority management really.
And most of what you’ll see is end game references, you wouldn’t experience many of these things until you reach level 80. Up until that point the game is fine.
For the loot thing it’s like they are particularly interested in punishing people for reaching level 80.
Loved the game when it came out. Sent a buddy the free invite during the lost shores event and after that experience—won’t buy.
Personally, the game has changed so much for me from when it was released, I am developing a love hate realtionship—-still love the game but the changes that Anet is making to the game, in the long run, is destroying the love.
I love this game! It’s amazing.
Play it.
All MMO forums have a large group of people who do nothing else than throw smack against the game and devs.
There are 2 millions of players in GW2, and it’s easily the best MMO on the market for now – just don’t pay attention to complainers.
Their “MMO” is creating a character in a forum and level by crying, insulting, etc. Seriously don’t mind them.
I like it, i loved it a lot more before the last event, but that’s just me.
The game is pretty fun, but also has a number of serious issues such as poor voice acting/storytelling, many missing features ( PvP observer, ranked matchs, forgotten WvW to name some), a considerable amount of bugs and a tendency to introduce bugged content.
The game shines in other aspects, so I tended to ignore those downsides… untill the recent shift in direction, with the addition of more and more grind and many deluding patches. Now I’m not that willing of thinking positively.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Simply put.
The more angry people are at the game, the more they care.
No one makes page-long threads about something they don’t care about.
Other MMOs, people just leave.
GW2 people just complain and complain and complain and never go anywhere
Over hyped game, that’s all you really need to know. Yes, yes i know infracted, so before you delete my post GM let me do the jig.
Simply put.
The more angry people are at the game, the more they care.
No one makes page-long threads about something they don’t care about.
Other MMOs, people just leave.
GW2 people just complain and complain and complain and never go anywhere
If you don’t think a chunk of the playerbase jumped ship during the november patch you are incorrect.
Yes we care, because we once enjoyed this game and seeing it go down this path leaves us rather disappointed, but saying none of us have stopped playing this game is absurd.
Myself, my gf and at least 5 guildies dropped the game like it was hot the moment we realised item treadmill was coming. Saying that though, we were all part of a PvP community on the server so we would be biased against these kind of changes.
The question is, did this direction get enough new players to compensate for those that quit?
I love the game. It’s great fun to run around and explore. My typical day is leveling alts and climbing things.
I don’t like that my ranger is pretty much a level 80 good for hardly anything She’s kinda lame.
I don’t like that the game has added a new tier of gear (they say it was supposed to be there in the first place). Plus the new fractals dungeons makes LA map chat annoying and lessens what people actually do in other maps.
I love that new content is added regularly. I like that the holiday events are so big. They don’t just toss decorations on things and leave it at that. I like that i am always in awe of the world when i walk around. How detailed it is and how many new things i find every day.
The sPvP is fun. I have yet to experience WvW. It seems like a waste of time the way it’s set up now. Plus i do NOT want to have to waypoint so darn far and have to walk forever. Repair bills also keep me out of there. I don’t farm much so i like to keep the gold i have.
Other than those couple complaints i love it. Play it all the time.
I hate this game. But I keep playing it because its free. But its soooo boring. Im 80 and I don’t know what to do. Whats the point in gearing up? To sit in Lions Arch and try and look cool? Pathetic system. Give us more to do at 80 please.
You’re playing it wrong, i’m sorry i had to say that it’s a joke, just like that company’s who shall not be named unless you like being infracted for it, decision making.
Atleast everyone seems to like the forums.
Atleast everyone seems to like the forums.
We’re all here because we care(d) about this game ^^
Read through the Guardian forums. They seem to maintain a relatively high level of happiness.
at all? even a little bit?
Reading this forum as a new player, I get the impression that this is one of the worst MMOs on the market.
thank you for showing how whiney & misrepresentative the forums are. Forums are, first and foremost, a place to whine. the word “complain” doesn’t even cover it any more. judging a game by its forum is worse than judging a book by its cover.
and to me this game is the best MMO hands down.
at all? even a little bit?
Reading this forum as a new player, I get the impression that this is one of the worst MMOs on the market.
The mood around here was generally much more positive before Nov 15 and the terrible patch.
First MMO? Every MMO forum on the internet is exactly the same as this one, these people move form game to game in an attempt to mold it to there own wishes and desires, many times killing those games.
I have a feeling GW2 will be just fine though, ignore the trolls Because that is all most of them are.
No. been playing MMOs since Everquest. I understand this.
This forum is a bit worse with it, than some other MMOs I’ve played, though.
was just an observation on the tone of this particular sub-forum.
I’m new to MMOs — this is my second, after SWTOR.
The tone in the SWTOR forums seemed to me to be much more negative than here, and I don’t give all the credit to our heavy-handed moderators. I got the impression that many of the SWTOR players were WoW veterans who were quite upset about SWTOR not being WoW.
I love this game, especially WvWvW.
(edited by Obed.7629)
There’s a fairly long list of things I like about the game.
There’s also the list of things I dislike.
Problem is, many of the things I dislike were superbly handled in GW1…and I cannot fathom why GW2 fails in areas where GW1 was superb. I do intend to kitten about it until they get fixed. A couple got fixed today.
Love it, can’t get enough of it. Best mmo ever. Looking forward to a what the future brings to this fantastic game.
It’s a keeper.
What i love about GW2:
—the graphics
—the leveling system is unique
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in
—the personal story quests
—no subscription fee
—the choices of races and professions
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr)
—beautiful characters
—easy to use map and UI
what i don’t like is in other posts i hope the game can evolve to be even more fun!
It’s certainly my favorite online multiplayer game of all time.
Yes. A little bit.
The problem is GW2 was billed as skill based, no vertical progression, easy stat cap, and “everything is endgame”
This entices a lot of people, because they were looking for something different in an MMO.
However with one of the recent updates, Anet took a massive dump all over the promises they’ve made, and having not fixed any of the serious issues players are having, within a month of them being made, has started to drain any goodwill Anet has.
The game was, and possibly still is fun, but it’s not what it used to be, and quite a few of us are very disappointed in the route Anet has decided to take.
There should be an ‘in my opinion’ somewhere in there. This is not fact, I don’t agree with it, and in my opinion, I don’t think most players do either.
Dont look at the actual content in forum posts, because generally there is rarely a need to post things on a game forum other then when ur upset about something. General questions will usually get answered in game, and just like real life Good news isnt real news…
What you should look at is the mass amount of posts on forums…What I have learned from my mmo experience is if a forum is dead, the games most likely dead as well…if a forum page has the same posts from the same users for weeks on end on the front page then theres something wrong lol
at all? even a little bit?
Reading this forum as a new player, I get the impression that this is one of the worst MMOs on the market.
The mood around here was generally much more positive before Nov 15 and the terrible patch.
Bullkitten. This place became toxic as soon as the hardcores hit 80 in a few days and began complaining about nothing to do. Its gone downhill ever since. The good thing though, is the mods put a halt to the endless repetition of complaint threads.
Now we only have a to read a few of them. At least most are well written these days.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Yeah forums aren’t a good measure of what the entire community thinks about the game. Personally, I do like the game conceptually and I think they pull off something well, but there are definitely areas in need of vast improvement.
Although, I don’t play the game anymore, I feel that the game easily surpasses most other MMOs (inlcuding WoW) in terms of content, replayability, etc.. WoW and other MMOs did not have this much content initially, had many bugs, and definitely wasn’t as fun. The art work in GW2 is top tier.
Sorry, sir, but I have to disagree. This game surpasses many MMO and I agree even WoW. But not in terms of content. WoW has (since release) much more content than GW2. Same for replayability, for the very same reason. WoW had WAY more content initially than GW2 has. GW2 has about the same ammount of bugs WoW had back there, but Blizzard used to fix them (they dont do it anymore though) while Anet really dont seem to care about fixing bugs while they are working on getting more money from people. WoW, for its time, was way more fun than GW2 for its time. If you play both today for the 1st time, well, then GW2 will be more fun. But considering WoW is 8 years old, Id say GW2 had to bring way more to players to be considered “better than WoW on it’s release”.
WoW got really boring later, when they started to change the game. That was 3 years after the release, while GW2 is taking the same path 3 months after its release. The art in GW2, well, I agree with you. It is the second best graphics Ive seen, only behind TSW, which has a very different purpose (It is a MMO designed for adults, with a modern day set up, very different from the fantasy MMOs like WoW, FF, GW, Lotro, and so on).
Another difference between WoW’s and GW2’s releases (note: I dont play WoW for 3 years and I dont even think about comming back to it, it is just not my game) is the difficulty. WoW was a hard game when it was released, specially the end game content. You could easily level to max level by questing, but the end game dungeons and raids were hard as hell.
GW2 is much more a casual game. Anyone can beat the end game content if they have the proper armor or a group who can carry them. There is nothing even close to WoW raids or end game dungeons, specially if you think that was released 8 years before.
Is GW2 better than WoW? For today, much better. For the launch, well, if you prefer easy games, yes. If you prefer challenges, no. All a matter of taste. And GW2 is better than WoW mostly because WoW now sucks, because it lacks real challenges and it got boring, not because GW2 brings something really new, because it doesnt. It is a more polished version of Lotro, with better dungeons, better graphics and an easier “build” system.
I enjoy it and have gotten my money’s worth, though I wish it was more of a sandbox game rather then the PvE theme park style.. but it will fill in my time untill Everquest next comes out.
Simply put.
The more angry people are at the game, the more they care.
No one makes page-long threads about something they don’t care about.
Other MMOs, people just leave.
GW2 people just complain and complain and complain and never go anywhere
Thats true. 26 real life friends of mine quit the game without making a single post on forums. Their guild is dead (I am the only one logging in), even though Im pretty pissed of with a lot of things. But I liked GW so much that I am still trying to believe GW2 will be as good as GW. So far, it doesnt seem it will be.
All MMO forums have a large group of people who do nothing else than throw smack against the game and devs.
And another large group who thinks everything is great. Haters vs Fanboys. All forums are about the same. The people who have construtive critics about the game are usually so annoyed by the fanboys that they end up to turn to haters.
There are 2 millions of players in GW2
Where did you take this number from?
and it’s easily the best MMO on the market for now
I disagree, but it is a good game. Worth the 60 bucks.
The question is, did this direction get enough new players to compensate for those that quit?
Game has no sub. New players = new money. Old players leaving = we have new money and dont need better servers. So, yes, it will work.
at all? even a little bit?
Reading this forum as a new player, I get the impression that this is one of the worst MMOs on the market.
The mood around here was generally much more positive before Nov 15 and the terrible patch.
Thats because people were still hyped.
at all? even a little bit?
Reading this forum as a new player, I get the impression that this is one of the worst MMOs on the market.
No we play it cause its horrible boring kitteny the most horrible game ever but we spend our useless time here
Idiots they are drastically increasing
rtommaso spam more up with your useless post you could use that energy to PUNCH Anet on the face for not giving my karka reward
When I first started in Beta, I was not sure what to expect. Once the Game loaded and I created my character and saw the Graphics I absolutely loved it and wanted more and more. Once I grew to 80 (pretty fast leveling system), I ocd’d 100% world completion. I felt pretty good about that. Although I hate crafting, I thought I would try my hand at it. Once I had the hang of it, I mastered 2 professions in about 2 days.
sPvP was not that fun to me. I am the sort to not care about the objectives, I just want to lay waste to the enemy. I love WvW as long as it is not with the mindless zerg. When I went to my first dungeon, I thought Meh it was ok I guess. After about 5-6 dungeon runs (different zones), I really started to hate it. They are not skill based and any group of noobs could zerg that as well. Only time I would go to a dungeon after that is if I was begged and had a Gi-Normous cup of coffee next to me.
I liked harvesting for rare materials and selling them on the Broker for a profit and later after maxing my trade professions, I could make Exotic gear, kitten I was happy about that! I decided to put some on the Market and low and behold, I could not make a profit lol. I was like wtfmate. That kind of killed the harvesting and making gear for me.
The Karma Zergs were a huge turn off as well. Again, a no skill based system/Mega Grind. No Thanks. I play a Mesmer and like the class. It is fun but the name kind of made me think that it would have some kind of control over something (How did I ever get that impression????) I was wrong After all of my friends quit, I joined an active guild that liked to PvP but shortly after I joined, 80% or so of the members quit the game….
I was back to solo again. Do I look for a new guild, solo or maybe hang up my Mesmer Hat? I, like my friends want more in a game. Did I get my $60 worth? Yeah i would say that I did. The game was amusing for a bit but in the end, you are stuck doing the same thing over and over again. It really lost its replay value especially w/o any real progression.
I can’t help it but I like having a toon that I built from the ground up that actually has a place, that is needed, that is Unique with Unique abilities that can make or break a group that is Dungeon Crawling… Camp to Camp. I want there to have to be some real effort involved with some-what equal rewards. This game really doesn’t have any of the above.
GW2, imho, is a Single Player Game set in an MMO atmosphere. I liked WvW for replay value but nothing else. I have not uninstalled yet, as I am waiting for the Dev’s to smarten up and figure it out. They have a Gem here but are unsure how to polish it.
Lastly w/out going into detail, I am not a fan of the Forum Moderators, they only worsen the feelings that players have and directly impact them wanting to continue playing the game.
400 Tailor/400 Weaponsmith
I beat the Game in less than 2 Months.
What i love about GW2:
—the graphics
—the leveling system is unique
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in
—the personal story quests
—no subscription fee
—the choices of races and professions
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr)
—beautiful characters
—easy to use map and UIwhat i don’t like is in other posts
i hope the game can evolve to be even more fun!
—the graphics – ok
—the leveling system is unique – what? how so? it is the very same of dozens of mmos…
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in – true
—the personal story quests – they suck
—no subscription fee – thats why the game is worth its price
—the choices of races and professions – same as every mmo
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr) – grind basically (kill 10 centaurs, but has not the centaur number, but a progression bar)
—beautiful characters – true
—easy to use map and UI – true
Thats because people were still hyped.
I guess the hype is a really big reason for all the disappointment – that entire “the MMORPG scene will be changed from the ground up” thing just isn’t realistic, you can’t just swing a magic Guild Wars 2 wand and everything is instantly awesome. I get it’s just marketing, but in my honest opinion, people shouldn’t have expected this game to be Jesus if he was a video game.
Though in all fairness, I have to admit I was pretty kitten hyped too.
What i love about GW2:
—the graphics
—the leveling system is unique
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in
—the personal story quests
—no subscription fee
—the choices of races and professions
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr)
—beautiful characters
—easy to use map and UIwhat i don’t like is in other posts
i hope the game can evolve to be even more fun!
—the graphics – ok
—the leveling system is unique – what? how so? it is the very same of dozens of mmos…
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in – true
—the personal story quests – they suck
—no subscription fee – thats why the game is worth its price
—the choices of races and professions – same as every mmo
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr) – grind basically (kill 10 centaurs, but has not the centaur number, but a progression bar)
—beautiful characters – true
—easy to use map and UI – true
Orr should be scrapped horrible spammaed with useless mobs
proffs same as every mmo? maybe he means he likes the mechanics of some special race so no not same as every MMo yes all mmos have classes
(edited by Kuruptz.4782)
What i love about GW2:
—the graphics
—the leveling system is unique
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in
—the personal story quests
—no subscription fee
—the choices of races and professions
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr)
—beautiful characters
—easy to use map and UIwhat i don’t like is in other posts
i hope the game can evolve to be even more fun!
—the graphics – ok
—the leveling system is unique – what? how so? it is the very same of dozens of mmos…
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in – true
—the personal story quests – they suck
—no subscription fee – thats why the game is worth its price
—the choices of races and professions – same as every mmo
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr) – grind basically (kill 10 centaurs, but has not the centaur number, but a progression bar)
—beautiful characters – true
—easy to use map and UI – trueOrr should be scrapped horrible spammaed with useless mobs
proffs same as every mmo? maybe he means he likes the mechanics of some special race so no not same as every MMo yes all mmos have classes
Hmm uf he means “Norn, Asura, Human, Charr and Sylvari” instead of “Human, Elf, Dwarf” than ok. The races are a bit different, but the mechanics are pretty much the same.
What i love about GW2:
—the graphics
—the leveling system is unique
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in
—the personal story quests
—no subscription fee
—the choices of races and professions
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr)
—beautiful characters
—easy to use map and UIwhat i don’t like is in other posts
i hope the game can evolve to be even more fun!
—the graphics – ok
—the leveling system is unique – what? how so? it is the very same of dozens of mmos…
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in – true
—the personal story quests – they suck
—no subscription fee – thats why the game is worth its price
—the choices of races and professions – same as every mmo
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr) – grind basically (kill 10 centaurs, but has not the centaur number, but a progression bar)
—beautiful characters – true
—easy to use map and UI – trueOrr should be scrapped horrible spammaed with useless mobs
proffs same as every mmo? maybe he means he likes the mechanics of some special race so no not same as every MMo yes all mmos have classes
Hmm uf he means “Norn, Asura, Human, Charr and Sylvari” instead of “Human, Elf, Dwarf” than ok. The races are a bit different, but the mechanics are pretty much the same.
i removed the races i meant profession i got no idea why he / she said races aint much special
the proffesions is
Welcome to forums. Were the forum a christian forum that required proof you went to church that week to even log in, it would be a forum dedicated to promoting satanism and raging against the pastors.
I personally enjoy the game, though I tend to prefer playing with friends as I get alot more done that way.
The dirty truth is that everyone who actually bothered to post in this thread likes the game.
Or else they simply would not be here (unless they’re hopelessly addicted)
Best mmo on the market despite some disagreements witth the dev team. Andits free
I love this game. I love the world the developers have crafted. Overall, I think they’re doing a great job and I’m excited for the future. I play regularly and have found no shortage of things to do. I’m also taking it slow so I don’t burn out. Of course, there are things that I wish were improved but that’s normal.
Go over to the players helpin players forum if you want a much different forum experience, less volatile discussions going on there.
I love the game.
There are some things I would change about it, but it makes me very, very happy even with them.
Do not read the forums but go and play the game.
There are several things about this game I really do love (or I’d never waste my time complaining about the things I don’t love).
The game world is stunning, the active combat is challenging (not sure I should play my thief every day, though, I hear carpal tunnel is no fun), and I think the character creation is really solid.
There are some things I’m sad weren’t included. Housing for example would have been nice to have at launch.
Ascended gear and gems for gold, well, not liking those things so much.
I like this game. I’m looking forward to where it goes in the next several years. Having played several MMO’s at beta and onward I’ve seen all of this nonsense talk on the forums before. Nothing changes, people will always moan and groan because the thing they placed their faith in didn’t live up to their expectations.
(edited by Norelation.3067)