Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sakri.7234


What happened to “no more grind?”

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


The problem is the Dragon Kick.

It’s so kitten slow that there’s just no time between you seen someone activating it and you activate it, so you will always hit after anyone finishes activating anything, so the achievement is all about luck and nothing but luck.

If anyone tells you they can consistently interrupt with that skill, they are lying.

Temporary achievements that require dumb luck to get them should never exist.

I would go as far as removing any achievement basedo n luck and nothing but luck.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vincent.7452


Yup this achievement is ridiculous. By the time I finished every other achiev from this event I had about 5 interupts. I’m averaging 1 every 2 or 3 games by playing normally (and I’m usually top score on my team). I’m currently sitting at 43 after about 100 games.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koviko.3248


My strategy has been to interrupt skill #1 spam. After they throw one, use the skill. You’ll interrupt the next one and leave them locked out of all of their skills while you mow them down.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


What happened to “no more grind?”

You should read the post of theirs that states what kind of grind they were referring to.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The problem is the Dragon Kick.

It’s so kitten slow that there’s just no time between you seen someone activating it and you activate it, so you will always hit after anyone finishes activating anything, so the achievement is all about luck and nothing but luck.

If anyone tells you they can consistently interrupt with that skill, they are lying.

Temporary achievements that require dumb luck to get them should never exist.

I would go as far as removing any achievement basedo n luck and nothing but luck.

Players spam the auto attack so it’s fairly easy to time it once you know the interval between their attacks and how long it takes from activating the skill until it makes contact. Players also spam the other attacks once they’re off cool down such as the #2 skill. If you know that cool down then you can determine when they’ll use it next. I’ll also state that I’m not saying this is 100% effective but timing is critically important if you want to complete the achievement with relatively no stress.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZilentNight.5089


I think they added an extra 0 by mistake, would make sense to either change it to 10 interrupts or increase the achievement points it rewards to more like 20. (Currently only 5)

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957



That’ll work in the magical fairy land of perfect latency, but with a latency as low as just 100ms, that won’t work. It’ll be random.

Also, you have to GET the kick in the first place. And most of the time it won’t spawn even if you camp the spots.

No exceptions!

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396



That’ll work in the magical fairy land of perfect latency, but with a latency as low as just 100ms, that won’t work. It’ll be random.

Also, you have to GET the kick in the first place. And most of the time it won’t spawn even if you camp the spots.

If your connection is unstable then of course you’d have issues just like everything that requires timing. For most people, it’ll work with no magical fair land requirement necessary.

Getting the kick hasn’t been an issue. It spawns after so many seconds once the match begins and has a set respawn timer as well.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


100ms is not an unstable connection. Up to 250ms any online game should be more than fully playable.

And so far I’ve seen them 5 times.

FIVE. And I’m always at the top looking at both spots. They never spawn.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


100ms is not an unstable connection. Up to 250ms any online game should be more than fully playable.

I was referring to constant fluctuations that were noticeable rather than the numbers you specifically gave.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I’ve been logging my latency. 90-110ms all the time.

That doesn’t matter.

100 interrupts it’s insane for a skill that is so unreliable and scarcely obtainable.

No exceptions!

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I started playing dragon ball knowing what the achievements were. after like 2 games I realized that one would take forever, so I focused on it every chance I could; went for all the kick powerups, kicked whenever they were in range, etc. I’ve won 30 games so far, completed every other DB achievement, and currently have 5/100 on this one.
Just focusing on it is not enough, you need someone on the other team to stand there attacking the wall constantly so that you can interrupt them.
I think that part of the problem is that every skill has like a 1/4s charge time and >3s cool down. so only 1/12 of the time are they actually susceptible to interrupt, then you have to be close enough, have this powerup, and not die.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I’ve been logging my latency. 90-110ms all the time.

That doesn’t matter.

100 interrupts it’s insane for a skill that is so unreliable and scarcely obtainable.

Unreliable and scarcely obtainable is a matter of opinion. I can tell you that it is possible to use proper timing and reading the players to complete the achievement with relatively minimal stress. I actually plan to complete the achievement tonight as I have the time.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Urosh Uchiha.9732

Urosh Uchiha.9732

Hating this achievement so much, but I’m still gonna finish it. Sorry for my team though cause I am not even trying to kill people, just chasing for an interrupt.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957



And I can tell that you haven’t actually tried to get the achievement, and that you are either lying or talking in theory without experiencing the arena in practice, that o you are doing the the “It’s fine be me so make it harder” trolling that some trolls do to kitten off people for kicks when there’s a balance issue or bug in the game.

So I’ll have to ignore you now. I’d rather have a constructive conversation here.

No exceptions!

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MegumiAzusa.2918


100ms is not an unstable connection. Up to 250ms any online game should be more than fully playable.

Looks to UT and CS and dies a little inside.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396



And I can tell that you haven’t actually tried to get the achievement, and that you are either lying or talking in theory without experiencing the arena in practice, that o you are doing the the “It’s fine be me so make it harder” trolling that some trolls do to kitten off people for kicks when there’s a balance issue or bug in the game.

So I’ll have to ignore you now. I’d rather have a constructive conversation here.

Umm… Ok. There’s difference between actively going towards the achievement and passively going towards it. I was purposely saving it for last, well near last along with the healing one. When I did may attention, and used it for interrupts rather than for the daze, I got it more often than not. What I suggested is no different than what you can do with anything in the game that has a predictable rotation.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koviko.3248


Also, you have to GET the kick in the first place. And most of the time it won’t spawn even if you camp the spots.

No, it spawns on a timer all the time. The problem is that once it spawns, it’s usually picked up by a player that recently respawned or a player fighting a recent respawn. It’s in a heavy traffic area that leaves you vulnerable if you camp it. But if you want the achievement, you gotta camp it when you need it.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koviko.3248


Personally, I’m already halfway done the achievement and we have two weeks to get it done. I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Interrupt their #1 skill spam. It means you take a bit of extra damage, usually, so keep an eye on health orb respawns.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.7523


Go read No Grind philosophy.
This is not a grind achivement.
Stop trolling arenanet

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


IMO, it should be in the realm of 10-20 interrupts, give the size of the other achievements. 100 is just too much for how the game works, and how clunky the abilities can be.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koviko.3248


Has ANet ever changed the requirements for an achievement before? If not, I can’t see this being the time they decide to change their minds.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malediktus.3740


Got 100 interrupts now, was a pain.

One of my 30 accounts (Malediktus.9250).

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Has ANet ever changed the requirements for an achievement before? If not, I can’t see this being the time they decide to change their minds.

They have adjusted some of the numbers for both permanent and temporary achievements before.

No exceptions!

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigerlily.3765


Please…. just make it 10!

Every time anet comes out with some minigame they make it super tedious for achievement point hunters to finish (looking @ you, Lunatic court and Wintersday). This one takes the cake though, since in order to get it you must specially focus on something which does not involve winning the game.

The dragon kick is not a very good skill, interrupting is barely worth it, and you cannot get 100 rupts without focusing on it. The detriment to your team is clear, as is the tediousness of the achieve. If you’re going to make a hard achievement at least make it based on playing rounds or getting wins kitten .

Please anet you still have time to change this to a more reasonable number! If you tell me it was a typo I’ll believe you!

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I found Snowball Mayhem to be more annoying. It was practically 12 hours minimum to complete it.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schneider.8615


I honestly believe that they accidently added a zero too much. It was hopefully meant to be 10. That would put it in line with the other achievements.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koviko.3248


I’m finding the hardest part about this achievement is when the enemy team gives up and refuses to cast anything for the rest of the match.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSay.1967


Please make them 20 or 10 .PLEASE

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vpchelko.4261


BUMPed! 1234567890

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shayne Hawke.9160

Shayne Hawke.9160

Finished this achievement on my 115th win. I wasn’t really focused on completing this achievement as soon as possible since I figured I would just get it as a natural part of playing for a long time. My win rate is really high, so this was only after about 12 hours; others may be able to get more interrupts per game by focusing on it and may not win as much as I do.

The key to making sure you get the interrupts is to make sure you’re targeting someone that’s using skills on you (else you have nothing to interrupt) and that you’re really close to them (kick has a very short range, still throws me off a lot).

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Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


And definitely don’t rely on auto-target as it occasional will target someone else. I will point out that the best time to use the kick when someone is spamming auto attack is immediately after their auto attack.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basket of Boxes.1976

Basket of Boxes.1976

I don’t see Anet changing this achievement although I agree with the majority of you thinking it is a ridiculous achievement. The number wouldn’t even be that bad if the kick was more reliable, the amount of wind up, short range and bugginess make it horrible for interrupts.

Even though I main an engineer and use rocket boots a lot I find the timing is tricky even though everyone is spamming. Then again rocket boots you don’t need to really time it just land the kick, which is hard enough in itself with that animation.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pavo.4371


3 days and im at 30… dragons life or whatever is at 85%… so i will have to do 100 more games and waste my time on this bs .. just because noone even tried out the achievement he came up with.. i hoped yesterdays update would fix this but no.. just some useless stuff.. ugh

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubi.7942


I’m surprised so many people uproar against this.

I would like to point out that it was the same with Wintersday Snowball Mayhem and Halloween Lunatic Inquisition, only then it was called “infinite achievments” and not bunched together in 1. Not many seemed to care back then, I guess it’s the wording?

150 Mayhems were unreal,
so was 80 Inquises,
so is 100 interrupts – or maybe it’s not, but seeing as we have gotten no info on how long the event lasts for some odd reason, and the sane assumption is 2 weeks, it seems so.

(edited by Bubi.7942)

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nidome.1365


I’ve played 40 games, only managed 13 wins (I’m getting fed up with it putting me into games that are already lost because your side is 200 points behind when you join) and only landed 7 kicks that actually interrupt.
1) Actually picking up the power up is difficult enough – I’ve got the invisibility one more often.
2) Landing a kick without actually be dodged is about 1 in 3.
3) When you land a kick having the luck to time it to interrupt is probably 1 in 4 at best.

I’ve asked in map chat how people are doing with this and it seems I’m about average.

I had thought the snowball mayhem achievement was ridiculous, but that is quick compared to this.

The people who claim to have got this a large number of times should be investing in lottery tickets or are exaggerating their claims.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I didn’t play as much as I had planned to last night but I did go from about 31ish to 50 in under 2 hours with a break or two. Unlike Snowball Mayhem, I can’t semi AFK and watch a movie.

The power up spawns exactly 20 seconds into the match. I haven’t tried to time the respawn yet. If the player is spamming the #1 skill, use the kick just after it connects with you. A lot of people do not use a single attack, wait, and use another attack again followed by another gap. You can also interrupt multiple people as I have seen the interrupt pop up once off two people. I had thought it was single target but I guess not. Also watch out for dodges but most people waste them right away and I also recommend not damaging them otherwise they chicken out and run away.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pavo.4371


and all the people that are “blj blj.. you are not supposed to finish all achievements in a day”..

ofc not.. look how possible and logical the dragons health achievement is, and how impossible, bugged and luck based this dragons gaze is… its unnecessarily hard, and an utter waste of time.. and it could have been prevented by just playing one match before shipping it

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


Other achievements are grindy. Grindy is ok, and fair.

This is grindy but it also encourages people to play the game Wrong.

Right now players are camping the orbs like they are stillness (and not the 2nd least useful of the skills) and then running up to mellee spamming daze in the hopes of getting progress, dying in the process. It’s because of the achievement and causing teams to lose games and it sucks.

Plus people are cheating to ease the grind too with cooperation and dummy accounts.

This is awful.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Other achievements are grindy. Grindy is ok, and fair.

This is grindy but it also encourages people to play the game Wrong.

Right now players are camping the orbs like they are stillness (and not the 2nd least useful of the skills) and then running up to mellee spamming daze in the hopes of getting progress, dying in the process. It’s because of the achievement and causing teams to lose games and it sucks.

Plus people are cheating to ease the grind too with cooperation and dummy accounts.

This is awful.

People were losing well before others started farming that achievement. You cannot reliably get dummy accounts into the same instance. They are created and fill too quickly. I have yet to see anyone cooperating in the past few days and it’s very difficult to do so unless the entire instance is onboard with it.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wakko.2078


The real problem is that the kick is just a bad skill to use, you get a cast time of 1/2s, incredibly short range, and huge CD for a skill like that.
I mean the 5 in Dragonball is OP and get the same CD.
The only good point is that it cleave, if you get 5 people in the same spot you’ll daze them all.

My strategy has been to interrupt skill #1 spam. After they throw one, use the skill. You’ll interrupt the next one and leave them locked out of all of their skills while you mow them down.

This would be the best solution but the cast time is so bad that you’ll mostly get dodge or not interrupt cause they are people who don’t have auto attack activate on skill 1.
the amount is pretty ridiculous i agree, and it should be 20 or 10, for the number of ap it give else it’s should be just touching someone with the kick.
Interrupting is really random and pretty easy to dodge.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mar.4839


I will agree that it is grindy BUT just to sorta maybe understand why it’s 100 kicks; the Kick is a kind of melee AoE skill. So it’s definitely possible that the reason you need 100 is because sometimes you’ll end up interrupting more than 1 person with a single use of the skill.

I have done it a few times where I interrupted 2 people at once (another time maybe 3 i’m not sure) so I know it’s definitely possible.

Now with that said, I am still only 17/100 because I don’t have as much time to play everyday, so it definitely still feels grindy.

I would be happy if they did a reduction but also notice that this achievement lies within the competitive tab where other activities like keg brawl and crab toss are also available. So maybe the achievement is lengthy because we will have more chances to play dragon ball arena at another given time. Just like the crazy 500 kills costume brawling achievement.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keneth.6490


After 3 days, I got a total of 4 interrupts. It feels like someone put an extra zero on the achievement and no one cares to notice. Then by the time they do, they realize people have invested far too much effort into it and they don’t want to devalue that effort even at the expense of all the others who shouldn’t need to put in as much.

I think it’s nice that there are achievements that other people can’t complete.

Great. I bet you’re one of those people who loves RNG with super low chances so that you can have “rare” things because you have more time/gold to invest.

I hate kittens who get their rocks off on denying stuff to others. Anet needs to start seeing them for what they are and stop listening to their unreasonable wishes so that the rest of us can enjoy the game.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


After 3 days, I got a total of 4 interrupts. It feels like someone put an extra zero on the achievement and no one cares to notice. Then by the time they do, they realize people have invested far too much effort into it and they don’t want to devalue that effort even at the expense of all the others who shouldn’t need to put in as much.

I think it’s nice that there are achievements that other people can’t complete.

Great. I bet you’re one of those people who loves RNG with super low chances so that you can have “rare” things because you have more time/gold to invest.

I hate kittens who get their rocks off on denying stuff to others. Anet needs to start seeing them for what they are and stop listening to their unreasonable wishes so that the rest of us can enjoy the game.

This achievement is not RNG.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I’m surprised so many people uproar against this.

I would like to point out that it was the same with Wintersday Snowball Mayhem and Halloween Lunatic Inquisition, only then it was called “infinite achievments” and not bunched together in 1. Not many seemed to care back then, I guess it’s the wording?

150 Mayhems were unreal,
so was 80 Inquises,
so is 100 interrupts – or maybe it’s not, but seeing as we have gotten no info on how long the event lasts for some odd reason, and the sane assumption is 2 weeks, it seems so.

They were not that unreal. Wintersday lasted a long time, so there was time to do them if you forfeited other stuff.

But here’s the thing. They were unconditional. You participated in the match, you get progress. And every 30 matches, you got a loot bag.

With this one, what we get is people ignoring the game just for kicks, and after all that trouble only 3 measly envelopes and 5AP, just so they can avoid the nagging sensation of having unfinished temporary achievements, like a splinter in the back of your brain.

Here temporary being the key word. Either you do them now, or you may never do them. Who knows if next year they’ll have some other activity or bring different achievements?

No exceptions!

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

My 2 cents
What anet say : “no grind”
What anet do : “more grind”

Guild Wars is a really great game, but saying that it has no grind is just…laughable. There are grinds in this game that would make a medieval grain mill jealous.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

This would be a good starting venue for one of those “forum specialists” to provide feedback to the devs, seeing how it’s overwhelmingly one sided of opinion.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


This achievement is not RNG.

It may not be “RNG”, but it is completely random.
You cannot predict if it’ll interrupt. I’ve tested it with some guy late at night.
We were alone in the arena, so we could test if we could interrupt each other every time.

There was no freaking way. The same timing with the same skills would get us both different random results all the time.

I can consistently interrupt with most skills in the game like shield bash, kick, diversion, gale and comet.

But there’s no freaking way to hit every time with the kitten Dragon Kick. It just doesn’t work as it seems it would. Whatever it’s actually doing, the results are random.

No exceptions!

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


This achievement is not RNG.

It may not be “RNG”, but it is completely random.
You cannot predict if it’ll interrupt. I’ve tested it with some guy late at night.
We were alone in the arena, so we could test if we could interrupt each other every time.

There was no freaking way. The same timing with the same skills would get us both different random results all the time.

I can consistently interrupt with most skills in the game like shield bash, kick, diversion, gale and comet.

But there’s no freaking way to hit every time with the kitten Dragon Kick. It just doesn’t work as it seems it would. Whatever it’s actually doing, the results are random.

You can. If they’re constantly spamming the #1 attack then it can be interrupted with almost every attempt. I’ve normally had the greatest success when they’re on a ledge firing down and don’t see me. Reduces the odds of them moving or throwing a dodge between attacks.