Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Bump too.
This achievement encourages bad game-play.
Also the chances of getting it is so low and the duration of the event is so short.

It’s the same as the last year trolly Winters-day Ap which you need to play 150 snowball games (around 20 hours of snowballing), finish the jumping puzzle 90 times. (WHILE REMOVING THE SAVE POINT FROM LAST YEAR, WTH) and such.

For snowball, you just encourages people to afk to make games quickly ended because of the tremendous requirement. For the Jp, it is not hard, just that the 2nd half of it is way too rng that you can fall due to numerous bugs on the disappearing platform.
Also doing the same JP 90 times is not fun at all.

I don’t know who’s the AP designer, but I notice that this designer keeps on adding some of the most tedious and boring AP in games, that are not productive, waste of time, and ruin other people’s game experience.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sakri.7234


Anet always says, there won’t be anymore grind in this game yet their actions always contradict them. Would it kill them to make a game with interesting content that doesn’t depend on endless grind to get achis and nice skins?

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: agfachrome.7230


one of the worst achievements in the game
if ANET wanted to make an achievement that will have a long time to perform, it is better to do “play 400 games” or something. it would be honest

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Anet always says, there won’t be anymore grind in this game yet their actions always contradict them. Would it kill them to make a game with interesting content that doesn’t depend on endless grind to get achis and nice skins?

I was under the impression, because it has been stated kitten, that Anet intended that there would be grind for cosmetics.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yasi.9065


My five dailys today were: camp both sides kick buff and brainlessly farm any that run straight there. Needless to say, I won every game because of that.

Range 2500 plus enough jumping → players make it with about 30% health left to buff and then die after getting it. Kinda funny. Its like farming lemmings.

So my guess is… THIS was how anet wanted that game to be played? I have to say, its way easier this way.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Anet always says, there won’t be anymore grind in this game yet their actions always contradict them. Would it kill them to make a game with interesting content that doesn’t depend on endless grind to get achis and nice skins?


Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sakri.7234


Anet always says, there won’t be anymore grind in this game yet their actions always contradict them. Would it kill them to make a game with interesting content that doesn’t depend on endless grind to get achis and nice skins?

I was under the impression, because it has been stated kitten, that Anet intended that there would be grind for cosmetics.

Since cosmetics is the end game content of this game, grind is really necessary in this game if you want to play it.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rotsono.9176


I just gave up on the achievement.
It’s to hard and to RNG based sadly.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mar.4839


I just gave up on the achievement.
It’s to hard and to RNG based sadly.

I’m sure you’ll have other chances once DB arena comes back around again. Since they’ve started Lunar New Year I can’t possibly see why it would be canceled when next year comes around.

Also personal update again, 74/100, with over 100 games played though. It’s doable just requires reading your opponent and button timing.

EDIT: Just played some more and now have 86/100. So really I’m thinking it doesn’t take that long if you are consciously going for it. It was also through playing regularly but keeping my eye out for the power-up.

(edited by Mar.4839)

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Anet always says, there won’t be anymore grind in this game yet their actions always contradict them. Would it kill them to make a game with interesting content that doesn’t depend on endless grind to get achis and nice skins?

I was under the impression, because it has been stated kitten, that Anet intended that there would be grind for cosmetics.

Since cosmetics is the end game content of this game, grind is really necessary in this game if you want to play it.

Odd, I play the game and yet grinding for cosmetics has not yet been necessary for me. Perhaps it is not necessary, but rather optional.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thanathos.2063


I haven’t read anything about it here, so I’ll ask:

Considering that these achievements got a new category under “Competitive”, wouldn’t it be logical that they aren’t going in the “Historical” tab after the event but stay there for future upcomings of Dragonball in other events? It would, at least, reduce the time pressure a bit.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deborah.7248


I haven’t read anything about it here, so I’ll ask:

Considering that these achievements got a new category under “Competitive”, wouldn’t it be logical that they aren’t going in the “Historical” tab after the event but stay there for future upcomings of Dragonball in other events? It would, at least, reduce the time pressure a bit.

I would not make any assumptions that any achievement will return. I made this mistake the first year with the halloween and wintersday jumping puzzles. Being new to this type of movement and coming from console only games I figured I could get them in year 2. Like how you could work on lucky rings or w/e from various festivals in GW1 from year to year, to my surprise they did not return. So now my account is forever -20 potential AP despite having done the wintersday one in particular the 150 times it required this year. If you’re going to make an assumption about achievements in this game; past experience tells us that once they are gone they stay that way. If they change it through this new category, that is great, but do not count on it unless they come out and say this is how it will work because everything up until now says otherwise.

Another reason I don’t see it making a return is how disproportionate this 1 achievement is compared to the rest. If they had intended us on working on these on multiple festivals I would of expected bigger numbers across the board and maybe even more categories like trap triggers. All that said I would love to be proven wrong on this instance but I learned my lesson and will not make that mistake again.

(edited by Deborah.7248)

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mar.4839


I haven’t read anything about it here, so I’ll ask:

Considering that these achievements got a new category under “Competitive”, wouldn’t it be logical that they aren’t going in the “Historical” tab after the event but stay there for future upcomings of Dragonball in other events? It would, at least, reduce the time pressure a bit.

Yes exactly, although I believe an achievement doesn’t enter Historical until it really becomes available no longer, such has the Hints achievement.

That’s the same thing some of us have been saying, especially since it’s also in the category “Seasonal Activities.” Which would beg the question, why would you call something Seasonal if it only came around once?

Also personal update, 100/100 ;_; what a burden off my shoulders.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yasi.9065


I mean… if you think about it… its rather funny.

Anet designs a fast paced minigame. But then is unable to make skills that can keep up with it.

Typical sunday lags → not a single interrupt thanks to skill being just way too latancy sensitive.

Congrats anet, to again highlighting your own incompetency.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


The problem isn’t as much latency as the MASSIVE aftercast delays on the skills, and that they do not override each other’s aftercast delays.

Pres #1 twice, and you will queue the the dragon sphere twice, and none of the other skills will override the queue.

So if you use #1 twice and then press kick, your character will not interrupt itself to kick, it will throw two balls, then kick 2 seconds after that, and that will make it look like it’s lagging.

Imagine if buring retreat waited for Meteor Shower to end before it starts and instead it waited for thenentire activation, then the aftercast, then played. It’ll become useless.

This is the same.

No exceptions!

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koviko.3248


I’m at 64/100 with 135 wins. It just seems to come from natural play, for me. I mean, I try hard to get the buff, but I don’t go out my way to get the kicks. Winning is still very valuable IMO.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calyptica.6758


So Europe has a huge problem with latency problems for some months now… The lag spike seems to be heavier in the Dragon Ball Arena… How should we be able to make this achievement? It’s almost impossible like that. You can just play and hope for the best. Which seems more than 18 hours of grinding like Koviko.3248… Please fix it…

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eruanga.1892


I guess the only players that are not lagging are the ones from North America, since Europe lagging bad and Asia as well, even Aussie lagging bad…

We are doing fine in every corner of the game, wvwvw even spvp… but when it comes to dragon ball the lag is massive… every skill and movement has a delay… to get 1 interrupt in is so so so hard…

not to mention 100 interrupts…

and whats strange the lag wasnt there on the previous/last year dragon ball…

and win or lose, the game only reward for the 1st win of the day… so its not rewarding to waste time making attempts for hours just to get an interrupts in… especially with the lag making it worse…

(edited by Eruanga.1892)

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


I got this achieve at a rate of 2 interrupts for every three games.. So probably 180 games. I got this by trying to camp the kick orb as much as possible.

I was probably hurting my team. I wasn’t running with my teammates if an orb might be available, and I was trying to get interrupts, passing up certain kills in order to do so. As a result, I probably cost my teammates a bunch of wins.

Nobody was easier to kill that opponents who were doing the same things I was doing.

1 bad achievement ruins gameplay entirely.

If they wanted a second, grind achievement it should have been something like games played, dodges, or kills/points scored.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yasi.9065


Or just simply: 100 dazes landed.

Because thanks to lag, dodge and bad skill behaviour, thats a feat in itself already

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yasi.9065


This is soooooooo ridiculous.

Dragon ball itself is already latency sensitive, but this achievement even more so. Change it already to 100 dazes or reduce amount by 50% at least.

Not to mention: those dragon ball skills? They are on beta level in developement, right? Because they are just plain horrible with HUGE aftercasts, and that only so they can look fancy. Tbh, they dont even look fancy, they just look badly designed.

huge aftercast btw = 3-4 seconds

(edited by Yasi.9065)

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


There was never a delay such as 3-4 seconds.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


That’s an exaggeration.

If you press #1 twice and then a third skill right after the dragon sphere flies, it may take over 2 seconds for a third skill to activate while the first skill that fired the first sphere finishes its aftercast, the second that got queued fires and also finishes its aftercasts, and finally the third skill activates.

But not as much as 3-4 seconds.

No exceptions!

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yasi.9065


Actually, I get a delay of 3-4 seconds, which makes landing any kind of interrupt extremely difficult.

If I used skill1 first, then using daze, after seeing fireball leave hands I can count to 3 or 4 and THEN skill 4 gets executed.

Im actually happy if target didnt get out or range during that time.

How I know it has to be aftercast or some kind of queue kitten up? Well, all my recent interrupts I got by stupidly running around doing nothing, waiting for perfect timing and then using daze. Even then, thanks to lags, it sometimes doesnt hit. But after that Im actually “allowed” to use other casts and contribute.
Atm Im trying to get 1 interrupt per game, so as to not cause my team to loose.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yasi.9065



Primetime EU, from EU country (Germany) with a great internet connection and computer setup.
Pingtest showed: 15-120ms, every lagspike coincides with ~900 ms
Tracert showed: connection perfect (~13ms) until it reaches anet servers

Anyone want to explain to me how to get 100 interrupts under those circumstances? Id prefer the guy that thought that up in the first place, but actually any non-american player or anet dev will do.

Granted, usually I play during late night/early morning. But even then with a latency of about 12 to 120 skill 4 misses most of the time because:
a) skill delays activation for 3-4 seconds
b) skills 2nd animation part (the kick) has a second delay (fitting…) of about half a second, after rushing, character stands still for that long and after pause finally kicks

This results in enemy being somewhere else entirely in worst case, and most of the time skill player used already way done → only daze effect, timing interrupt is impossible.

Making this whole achievement 70% latency dependent and 30% luck dependent. 0% skill, 100% grinding. Also thanks to this achievement, anet once again treats at least 70% of its customer as 2nd class citizens.

I’ll remember this frustration next time Im tempted to fork money over for gems.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koviko.3248


I’m an NA player and have been experiencing some awful lag in Dragon’s Gaze (and a few sPvP matches) these past two days. I feel your pain, now. Getting interrupts with lag is nearly impossible.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I got them all by sheer luck. Never once the kick hit when I intended. Most of them were desperado spam while having low health, that just happened to hit.

Getting the achievement felt more like a relief than an achievement.

No exceptions!

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rotsono.9176


1 week over..i think they wont do anything sadly.. :/

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


They likely won’t since it’s an optional achievement worth 5 AP designed to give people something to do who choose to complete it. It’s a rarity that they adjust achievements but you can hope that they’ve seen this thread, understand your complaints, and perhaps design achievements that are slightly more latency friendly for those with slower computers and/or bad connections.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koviko.3248


Stuck at 82/100… This lag is unbearable.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ztepam.9327


Finished after 1 week, with 15-20 matches / day, it’s an annoying achievement

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubi.7942


I just gave up on the achievement.
It’s to hard and to RNG based sadly.

It has nothing to do with RNG.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


This just proves that Anet doesn’t test their kitten before release. I bet they didn’t even played it once with new achievements in play.

I wouldn’t even mind 100 interrupts if game wasn’t laggy as kitten and if skill response time wasn’t so kittening terrible. Being hit while my shots are obstructed is so kittening fun.

Pls Anet, do everyone a favor and test your kitten out before you put it out in the open.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warherox.7943


I just gave up on the achievement.
It’s to hard and to RNG based sadly.

It has nothing to do with RNG.

It does because most skills have the same cast time except the auto and reflect.

Doctor Beetus – Burst Engi Maguuma

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koviko.3248


That’s not what RNG is. Whether or not your interrupt is successful is based on:

  • You being in range of your opponent,
  • Your opponent casting something, and
  • You timing your cast correctly (including lag).

None of those things are RNG. All of them are dependent on the actions of you and your opponent. RNG doesn’t factor in at all.

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yasi.9065


Well… you having no lag and server having no lag are sure luck based

Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


That’s not what RNG is. […]

They mean “randomness”, not “random number generator”.

When people flaunt words and acronyms around like that without really knowing what they mean their meanings get all blurry and you get misuses like that.

No exceptions!