Easiest Overall Profession

Easiest Overall Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


For solo i would say Guardian you never die in pve (i have an 80 Guardian and 80 Ele Guardian was first then Ele opened my eyes to how hard mobs hit lol). For a team i am not sure its less about the class more about team work.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Easiest Overall Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Do you want to easily win at PvP and PvE with the most overpowered class? That’s a no brainer… roll a Warrior. Also they will never get nerfed. Ever.

Really, are warrior’s considered overpowered now?

Maybe in PvE, but I keep hearing how terribad they are in PvP.

You heard wrong. Very wrong.

Easiest Overall Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slyder.9215


The gameplay of Engineers and Elementalists revolves around switching skillsets a lot. As such, these classes have a particularly high player skill cap involved since they have so many skills (due to weapon kits and elemental attunements). Playing them effectively means knowing all of their skills and on-the-fly decision making of knowing when to switch to use them (all while staying on the move).

So you might want to stay away from these if you’re a beginner to the game.

Wrenchy Mcboomboom

(edited by Slyder.9215)

Easiest Overall Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


That would be warrior. If you are looking for ezmode, initially go with a Greatsword/Rifle, signet build. Most people suggest changing the build at level 40 or so, but I kept it till 80 before changing over to shouts so I would be a little more useful in groups. I’ve got all the professions and Warrior is definitely the easiest to level.

Easiest Overall Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Why is this in general discussion? Move this topic to the warrior forums.

Just because the answer to his question is undoubtedly Warrior, it doesn’t mean that the topic belongs in the Warrior forum. He is asking a general question.

Easiest Overall Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638



Every thief player will say otherwise, apparently lying is just as much a part of their class as stealing.

Easiest Overall Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khristophoros.7194



My first character was a Warrior. I didn’t pay any attention to my gear, just equipped random garbage I picked up until level 80. Didn’t have any problems and leveled fast. After hitting 80 I actually started thinking about which stats I wanted and got my exotics.

My alts are boring to me because I have to worry about their gear during pre-80 levels… feels too much like an RPG. Warrior made this into an action game and that was more enjoyable.

Easiest Overall Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pants.8315


i would say thief.

you can go to the thief forum right now and see a p/p video where all the guy does is spam 3-3-3-3 and he still does well.

it doesnt get much easier than that.

I have also heard however that thief dies really fast if you are not paying attention.

I do like the medium armor aesthetic best; but I am apprehensive to play a really twitch class when I am already having a hard time keeping up with the pace of the game.

Fritz does not play a thief, guarenteed. he’s the type that sees a ‘Cheese’ PvE/PvP thief video and screams NERF.

If you are a beginner, stay away from thief until you get comfortable with the dodge commands. Thief gameplay is one that’s constantly on the move, about situational awareness, and yes, they have lower survivability than most when it comes to armor.

However, there are some nice skills that help with survivability in PvE. We have a variety of invisibility inducing skills that can be chained together as long as we stay out of combat. (Makes it nice for bypassing some tough, clustered areas)

We also have amny tools for a quick escape when we’re about to be wtfpwned by a big monster. However, using these skills appropriately, managing initiaive, and knowing monster animations is a big part in whether or not you’ll survive.

Once mastered however, thief is a blast to play.

sin is the type who likes to make things sound more dramatic than they really are, guaranteed.

every class has to dodge and stay on the move, it is not unique to the thief class, not even a little bit.

it just happens that thieves can spam 1 button for their damage rotation while everyone else has to use multiple skills for their damage rotation.

everyone uses 1 heal, 3 utilities, and 1 elite.

most classes also need to use 5 attack skills, except thieves who can get by spamming 1 button.

logically this makes the thief the easiest to play.

I can only assume your talking about the dagger dagger condition build. Which relies on the following.

Initiative – You can only pull off 2 and a half in a row until you get the traits to support it. Prior to gaining the traits to support it, your initiative consumption is almost solely used for this, which leaves you spending the rest of the time dodging around.

With traits, you gain initiative for stealing and roll for initiative and extra initiative points, meaning whilst you can perform them fairly regularly, the initial relatively low damage 3 hits aren’t enough to kill most mobs.

Whilst Death Blossom evades during the animation, you must be aware that you don’t land somewhere you don’t want to be during the move (in mid air on a cliff is always bad). Thus timing becomes important, playing the build well vs. tough mobs + groups + other players requires effective management of your initiative whilst avoiding being hit as much as possible as Thief’s are particularly squishy.

Being in this build also requires you to build all your traits and support skills around conditions and regaining initiative, thus you won’t have many (if any/depending on what heal you equip) stealth abilities and or support abilities.

Whilst anybody can stand on a mob and jump backwards and forwards performing Death Blossom, in reality against something challenging it requires a lot of forethought.

Easiest Overall Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Northlander.4619


I’d say it depends on your playstyle. I favor ranged professions because they are rather hard to kill in PvE if you keep the range. However if you are the type of player that can’t move and attack at same time then I’d pick a warrior.

Especially since even as a warrior you can switch to a ranged weapon and there are even situations where it is necessary.