(edited by AuTomA.2459)
Ecto's at an all time low.
Only time SW chest farm got nerfed was when there were like 20 chests spawning right outside Amber.
They nerfed it by reducing the chest amounts spawning there as well as crest drops from the chest so that it wasn’t self sustaining because people just ignored the entire map and chest farmed there.
And still it was less profitable than multiloot
Only time SW chest farm got nerfed was when there were like 20 chests spawning right outside Amber.
They nerfed it by reducing the chest amounts spawning there as well as crest drops from the chest so that it wasn’t self sustaining because people just ignored the entire map and chest farmed there.
And still it was less profitable than multiloot
more profitable you mean.
It is pretty clear that ML is becoming a real cancer in this game. It should have been removed a long time ago but for some reason they let it continue. Hopefully they will remove it soon before the damage is long lasting.
It is pretty obvious that getting 60 rares in 20 minutes is over the top.
It is pretty clear that ML is becoming a real cancer in this game. It should have been removed a long time ago but for some reason they let it continue. Hopefully they will remove it soon before the damage is long lasting.
It is pretty obvious that getting 60 rares in 20 minutes is over the top.
And what is your reasoning for this aside from “muh feels” and/or “Muh ecto hoard value”?
It is pretty clear that ML is becoming a real cancer in this game. It should have been removed a long time ago but for some reason they let it continue. Hopefully they will remove it soon before the damage is long lasting.
It is pretty obvious that getting 60 rares in 20 minutes is over the top.
And what is your reasoning for this aside from “muh feels” and/or “Muh ecto hoard value”?
Ectos are a central commodity in the GW2 economy. A substantial change in their value affects the value of nearly everything else. Ascended gear, legendaries, unique skins. You name it and ectos are involved. The devs have said multiple times over the years that they try to keep the value of ectos stable and high to keep items in the game from becoming worthless. If ectos dip much further items with prestige and long term goals will evaporate and the long term stability of the game will suffer.
It is pretty clear that ML is becoming a real cancer in this game. It should have been removed a long time ago but for some reason they let it continue. Hopefully they will remove it soon before the damage is long lasting.
It is pretty obvious that getting 60 rares in 20 minutes is over the top.
And what is your reasoning for this aside from “muh feels” and/or “Muh ecto hoard value”?
Ectos are a central commodity in the GW2 economy. A substantial change in their value affects the value of nearly everything else. Ascended gear, legendaries, unique skins. You name it and ectos are involved. The devs have said multiple times over the years that they try to keep the value of ectos stable and high to keep items in the game from becoming worthless. If ectos dip much further items with prestige and long term goals will evaporate and the long term stability of the game will suffer.
So “muh feels” it is.
Worthless is also a subjective term. What someone with 5 digits of gold in their wallet and tens of thousands in assets thinks is “worthless” is a far cry from what the average normie thinks is worthless. Even 15s ecto would still present a large effort on their part and they make up the vast majority of players and people who actually buy gems with money and not gold.
It is pretty clear that ML is becoming a real cancer in this game. It should have been removed a long time ago but for some reason they let it continue. Hopefully they will remove it soon before the damage is long lasting.
It is pretty obvious that getting 60 rares in 20 minutes is over the top.
And what is your reasoning for this aside from “muh feels” and/or “Muh ecto hoard value”?
His reasoning is a simple comparison of every other activity in the game. Unless you have incredible luck at SW chest farm you won’t get this, but its guaranteed from ML. And just forget about the rewards from any other activity (fractals, dungeons, world bosses, WvW, PvP…..). Thats a pretty kitten good reason to say that the rewards from ABML are extremely unbalanced and need to be brought in line.
It is pretty clear that ML is becoming a real cancer in this game. It should have been removed a long time ago but for some reason they let it continue. Hopefully they will remove it soon before the damage is long lasting.
It is pretty obvious that getting 60 rares in 20 minutes is over the top.
And what is your reasoning for this aside from “muh feels” and/or “Muh ecto hoard value”?
His reasoning is a simple comparison of every other activity in the game. Unless you have incredible luck at SW chest farm you won’t get this, but its guaranteed from ML. And just forget about the rewards from any other activity (fractals, dungeons, world bosses, WvW, PvP…..). Thats a pretty kitten good reason to say that the rewards from ABML are extremely unbalanced and need to be brought in line.
Totally agree with u pal
It is pretty clear that ML is becoming a real cancer in this game. It should have been removed a long time ago but for some reason they let it continue. Hopefully they will remove it soon before the damage is long lasting.
It is pretty obvious that getting 60 rares in 20 minutes is over the top.
And what is your reasoning for this aside from “muh feels” and/or “Muh ecto hoard value”?
Ectos are a central commodity in the GW2 economy. A substantial change in their value affects the value of nearly everything else. Ascended gear, legendaries, unique skins. You name it and ectos are involved. The devs have said multiple times over the years that they try to keep the value of ectos stable and high to keep items in the game from becoming worthless. If ectos dip much further items with prestige and long term goals will evaporate and the long term stability of the game will suffer.
So “muh feels” it is.
Worthless is also a subjective term. What someone with 5 digits of gold in their wallet and tens of thousands in assets thinks is “worthless” is a far cry from what the average normie thinks is worthless. Even 15s ecto would still present a large effort on their part and they make up the vast majority of players and people who actually buy gems with money and not gold.
There is also this
From the June 2013 patch notes:
“Globs of ectoplasm can now be salvaged into Piles of Crystalline Dust. This change should help Globs of Ectoplasm maintain a strong value in the economy and lower the cost of Crystalline Dust.”
In which they put in a way to salvage ectos. Thus lowering the supply of ectos that are on the trading post and keeping the price up.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
It is pretty clear that ML is becoming a real cancer in this game. It should have been removed a long time ago but for some reason they let it continue. Hopefully they will remove it soon before the damage is long lasting.
It is pretty obvious that getting 60 rares in 20 minutes is over the top.
And what is your reasoning for this aside from “muh feels” and/or “Muh ecto hoard value”?
Ectos are a central commodity in the GW2 economy. A substantial change in their value affects the value of nearly everything else. Ascended gear, legendaries, unique skins. You name it and ectos are involved. The devs have said multiple times over the years that they try to keep the value of ectos stable and high to keep items in the game from becoming worthless. If ectos dip much further items with prestige and long term goals will evaporate and the long term stability of the game will suffer.
So “muh feels” it is.
Worthless is also a subjective term. What someone with 5 digits of gold in their wallet and tens of thousands in assets thinks is “worthless” is a far cry from what the average normie thinks is worthless. Even 15s ecto would still present a large effort on their part and they make up the vast majority of players and people who actually buy gems with money and not gold.
There is also this
From the June 2013 patch notes:
“Globs of ectoplasm can now be salvaged into Piles of Crystalline Dust. This change should help Globs of Ectoplasm maintain a strong value in the economy and lower the cost of Crystalline Dust.”In which they put in a way to salvage ectos. Thus lowering the supply of ectos that are on the trading post and keeping the price up.
As well as provide a “minable” source of T6 dust which was in very short supply. Went from under 5k @ 39s to 20k @ 14s in a day. The bump in ecto price, 18 to 21s, was gone in two weeks. Significant ecto price movement didn’t happen that year until the last 3 weeks of August when the price doubled.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
It is pretty clear that ML is becoming a real cancer in this game. It should have been removed a long time ago but for some reason they let it continue. Hopefully they will remove it soon before the damage is long lasting.
It is pretty obvious that getting 60 rares in 20 minutes is over the top.
And what is your reasoning for this aside from “muh feels” and/or “Muh ecto hoard value”?
His reasoning is a simple comparison of every other activity in the game. Unless you have incredible luck at SW chest farm you won’t get this, but its guaranteed from ML. And just forget about the rewards from any other activity (fractals, dungeons, world bosses, WvW, PvP…..). Thats a pretty kitten good reason to say that the rewards from ABML are extremely unbalanced and need to be brought in line.
It’s evidence that the rewards from AB Multiloot far exceed that from any other farm. It is not a reason that they “need to be brought into line.” That would require explaining why imbalance is bad for the game in general and in this specific case.
Market destabilization happens all the time — there’s nothing special about this one, other than it was created by the genius of players working together to efficiently farm an event chain rather than the genius of the folks at ANet.
ANet doesn’t seem to think it’s urgent — the farm’s been available for ~six months already. The game is still running fine, the marketplace still works efficiently at trading goods from those who don’t want to those who do, and lots of items that people found expensive are cheaper.
I believe ANet will change the mechanics, but only because they have done similar things in the past, not because I think they must.
I totally agree,never seen ecto price going so low,i don’t get why this Multiloot it’s not nerfed yet,i remember when it popped up sw cf it got nerfed like 1 hour later when people jumped from map to map and it was no less profitable than multiloot.Multiloot instead is going on for MONTHS and nobody in Anet takes action against it,it’s breaking the ecto price,the sigil/runes price/the rare items price/the materials for ascends etc,it’s just destroying the market.
So if some item’s price drop that mean " destroying the market " . Wow , such wow . Let’s me tell you what exactly destroy the economy , that’s is RAW GOLD , and do you know where’s it come from ? Daily ( 2 gold ) , Sell item to NPC , TEQ ( 1 gold ) , open chest ( few Silver ) , Convert gem to gold …
Now , looking back at AB/ML , does it generate any RAW gold or just items that you can sell on TP for gold ? And each times you sell somethings on TP , 15% gold vanished from game forever ? Is it good or bad ?
Do you remember when gem price was 150 gold / 400 gem ? Now it’s 100 gold / 400 gem . Your game is saved by AB/ML . So stop blaming and sell all your stack of ectos , you greedy skirt .
it’s just opinions right?everyone comes here talking about opinions,what i’ve saw so far is that since multiloot is up important materials dropped drastically in price and i don’t like that,now about the RAW gold,let’s say i farm 50s of junk items i sell to the merchant doing the multiloot and multiplied for thousands of people doing it daily,where’s ur god now?
The thing is my dear “skirt” that multiloot isn’t helping at all the whole economy,but HEY that’s just my opinion.Edit : and i didn’t quite mention the amount of RAW gold you get by selling green/blue/white to merchant.
The salvage cost is much more than raw gold you received from AB/ML . You only receive “raw gold” from chest ( Noxious Pod ,Heirloom …. ) , and it’s just few silver . Now answer me , What’s kind of junk item which you can sell for 50 silvers from AB/ML ? Because the last times i checked on wiki , there’s no junk item drop from " Grand Exalted Chest " .
Oh , i forgot . You can create a huge amount of " Raw gold " by selling everything you received to NPC , sell White , Blue , Green , Yellow items , sell ectos after salvage yellow item , sell exotics item , sell Orb , Diamon …. SELL EVERYTHINGS TO NPC . What’s a smart ideal . I suggest that you should sell your ascended gear and legendary weapon to NPC , it will make our game great again)
You know what ? I’m tired with people who don’t have any basic knowledge about economy systems like you . You don’t even know what’s good or bad for the game , you only care about yourself . Correct me if i’m wrong , please . Or else , please be quite and let’s Anet do their jobs , they know what’s they’ve done and the result .
(edited by IcyTear.6378)
However, the reason for the lower price today ultimately hurts those who don’t multiloot, because for the same effort they used to put in, they end up with less coin while those who do multiloot continue to rake it in.
I just can’t get aboard that argument. Silverwaste dropped the price of several item. Did that hurts people who didn’t do silverwaste??
Sure, SW farm had that effect too. Which is why it kept getting nerfed. First time happened within weeks of release (when they decreased the number of chests), and then they just kept introducing some minor and major tweaks over time (adjusting downward the chest drop rates, and chances of obtaining shovels from events). They kind of stopped doing that when Hot launched, but it was likely just because their focus shifted.
Apparently, Anet thought that SW was so good that it deserved the nerfs. AB multiloot is in many ways even more lucrative now. Think about it.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
You know what ? I’m tired with people who don’t have any basic knowledge about economy systems like you . You don’t even know what’s good or bad for the game , you only care about yourself . Correct me if i’m wrong , please . Or else , please be quite and let’s Anet do their jobs , they know what’s they’ve done and the result .
How is falling prices exactly good? Sure prices of ectos are dropping but prices for lots of other items remain basically the same, for example AB Multi loot does very little for t2/t3/t4 mats, which ARE the major sink for Ascended items. Linen price hasn’t dropped at all, Seasoned Wood price hasn’t dropped at all, Platinum Ore price hasn’t dropped at all, just some examples.
So the more AB Multi loot players do, the worse it becomes for everyone not doing it AND for the multi looters themselves in the long run. When you did a full AB Multi loot in June you got X gold, now you get a very small fraction of it, while prices of all other things are the same. How is that good even for the AB multi looters themselves????
You are only see this from the view of the buyer, “omg cheaper ectos, that’s good for me, I can buy and do staff with them!” and never from the seller who loses gold every day AB Multi loot is active.
Those people who said “horde them in your bank” while I said sell them. Now I’m enjoying all the gold I have received from them (literally hundreds) while they are worried at the stock price plummeting and their items being useless.
However, the reason for the lower price today ultimately hurts those who don’t multiloot, because for the same effort they used to put in, they end up with less coin while those who do multiloot continue to rake it in.
I just can’t get aboard that argument. Silverwaste dropped the price of several item. Did that hurts people who didn’t do silverwaste??
Sure, SW farm had that effect too. Which is why it kept getting nerfed. First time happened within weeks of release (when they decreased the number of chests), and then they just kept introducing some minor and major tweaks over time (adjusting downward the chest drop rates, and chances of obtaining shovels from events). They kind of stopped doing that when Hot launched, but it was likely just because their focus shifted.
Apparently, Anet thought that SW was so good that it deserved the nerfs. AB multiloot is in many ways even more lucrative now. Think about it.
sw is still dropping the price of items to this very day. yet here you are complaining about ab.
You know what ? I’m tired with people who don’t have any basic knowledge about economy systems like you . You don’t even know what’s good or bad for the game , you only care about yourself . Correct me if i’m wrong , please . Or else , please be quite and let’s Anet do their jobs , they know what’s they’ve done and the result .
How is falling prices exactly good? Sure prices of ectos are dropping but prices for lots of other items remain basically the same, for example AB Multi loot does very little for t2/t3/t4 mats, which ARE the major sink for Ascended items. Linen price hasn’t dropped at all, Seasoned Wood price hasn’t dropped at all, Platinum Ore price hasn’t dropped at all, just some examples.
So the more AB Multi loot players do, the worse it becomes for everyone not doing it AND for the multi looters themselves in the long run. When you did a full AB Multi loot in June you got X gold, now you get a very small fraction of it, while prices of all other things are the same. How is that good even for the AB multi looters themselves????
You are only see this from the view of the buyer, “omg cheaper ectos, that’s good for me, I can buy and do staff with them!” and never from the seller who loses gold every day AB Multi loot is active.
As a seller , you should accept the risk when you invest to something .
" So the more AB Multi loot players do, the worse it becomes for everyone not doing it AND for the multi looters themselves in the long run. When you did a full AB Multi loot in June you got X gold, now you get a very small fraction of it, while prices of all other things are the same. How is that good even for the AB multi looters themselves???? "
Really ? Someone please explain for him . I don’t want to talk anymore .
As a seller , you should accept the risk when you invest to something .
Not talking about investments. Talking about selling things after a simple run, which becomes less and less profitable with every day passing, which means you make less gold with every day passing, while prices of many important materials are the same. But I guess the AB Multi looters have no idea of economics, they just watch the ecto price go down and think that it is good for them. Ignorance is bliss
I totally agree,never seen ecto price going so low,i don’t get why this Multiloot it’s not nerfed yet,i remember when it popped up sw cf it got nerfed like 1 hour later when people jumped from map to map and it was no less profitable than multiloot.Multiloot instead is going on for MONTHS and nobody in Anet takes action against it,it’s breaking the ecto price,the sigil/runes price/the rare items price/the materials for ascends etc,it’s just destroying the market.
So if some item’s price drop that mean " destroying the market " . Wow , such wow . Let’s me tell you what exactly destroy the economy , that’s is RAW GOLD , and do you know where’s it come from ? Daily ( 2 gold ) , Sell item to NPC , TEQ ( 1 gold ) , open chest ( few Silver ) , Convert gem to gold …
Now , looking back at AB/ML , does it generate any RAW gold or just items that you can sell on TP for gold ? And each times you sell somethings on TP , 15% gold vanished from game forever ? Is it good or bad ?
Do you remember when gem price was 150 gold / 400 gem ? Now it’s 100 gold / 400 gem . Your game is saved by AB/ML . So stop blaming and sell all your stack of ectos , you greedy skirt .
it’s just opinions right?everyone comes here talking about opinions,what i’ve saw so far is that since multiloot is up important materials dropped drastically in price and i don’t like that,now about the RAW gold,let’s say i farm 50s of junk items i sell to the merchant doing the multiloot and multiplied for thousands of people doing it daily,where’s ur god now?
The thing is my dear “skirt” that multiloot isn’t helping at all the whole economy,but HEY that’s just my opinion.Edit : and i didn’t quite mention the amount of RAW gold you get by selling green/blue/white to merchant.
The salvage cost is much more than raw gold you received from AB/ML . You only receive “raw gold” from chest ( Noxious Pod ,Heirloom …. ) , and it’s just few silver . Now answer me , What’s kind of junk item which you can sell for 50 silvers from AB/ML ? Because the last times i checked on wiki , there’s no junk item drop from " Grand Exalted Chest " .
Oh , i forgot . You can create a huge amount of " Raw gold " by selling everything you received to NPC , sell White , Blue , Green , Yellow items , sell ectos after salvage yellow item , sell exotics item , sell Orb , Diamon …. SELL EVERYTHINGS TO NPC . What’s a smart ideal . I suggest that you should sell your ascended gear and legendary weapon to NPC , it will make our game great again)
You know what ? I’m tired with people who don’t have any basic knowledge about economy systems like you . You don’t even know what’s good or bad for the game , you only care about yourself . Correct me if i’m wrong , please . Or else , please be quite and let’s Anet do their jobs , they know what’s they’ve done and the result .
Do you sell greens white and blue on TP or Merchant to avoid the permablock happening right after u sell around 15 items on tp so fast?That for me is 100% Raw gold.
As a seller , you should accept the risk when you invest to something .
Not talking about investments. Talking about selling things after a simple run, which becomes less and less profitable with every day passing, which means you make less gold with every day passing, while prices of many important materials are the same. But I guess the AB Multi looters have no idea of economics, they just watch the ecto price go down and think that it is good for them. Ignorance is bliss
So i suggest they should do AB/ML with us ? What do you expect from " Simple run " ? tons of gold , exotic , precusor …. ? =)) Please , how old are you ?
(edited by IcyTear.6378)
the argument that people who dont do wont make the same gold is not a valid argument. no one has ever made insane profit from a majority of the maps. there is always 1 or 2 farm maps. nerf ab you will still have a farm map everyone will go there nothing will change.
So i suggest they should do AB/ML with us ? What do you expect from " Simple run " ? tons of gold , exotic , precusor …. ? =)) Please , how old are you ?
To lower the prices further and make things even worse? So you want the devs to remove all other content in the game and just leave AB/ML because it is so over-rewarding compared to everything else. Great suggestion there! Come do AB/ML with us! As I said, ignorance is bliss.
the argument that people who dont do wont make the same gold is not a valid argument. no one has ever made insane profit from a majority of the maps. there is always 1 or 2 farm maps. nerf ab you will still have a farm map everyone will go there nothing will change.
I suspect this is why anet hasn’t changed anything yet tbh.
Coupled with if you take away the farm spots – what do the people who enjoy it do? find another spot, or quit?
Ultimately, nerfing changes very little. While potentially having negative effects. I’m pretty sure anet is already aware of this.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
Do you sell greens white and blue on TP or Merchant to avoid the permablock happening right after u sell around 15 items on tp so fast?That for me is 100% Raw gold.
Ok , let’s make it clear . For example : I open 50 grand chest , i have 50 rares item . If salvage all i might received 50 ectos ( Calculating based on wiki https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glob_of_Ectoplasm/salvage_research )
Now with the price of ectos on TP is 30 silvers ( avarage ),
50 × 0.30 = 15 gold
The tax is 15% so i received 12.75 gold from other player .
2.25 Gold vanished forever from economy system.
Now , the main question : how many green , blue , white item you must sell to create 2.25 RAW GOLD ? Let’s say that all blue , white and green item can sell for 1 silver , you have to sell 225 items to create 2.25 gold . Do you think you can get 225 green , blue , white items in a simple run AB/ML ?
Please , help me create more than 2.25 raw gold so i can see the fallen of the market , the dark side of Trading Port , the end of GW2 ….. !
P/S : i alway salvage all white , blue , green items with Copper-Fed-Salvage Kit . Someone said that if you combine green items in Mystic Forge you could get some rares item but i don’t care , i don’t want to waste time . I think you should buy a Copper-Fed-Salvage Kit , it’s good for your knowledge =))
(edited by IcyTear.6378)
the argument that people who dont do wont make the same gold is not a valid argument. no one has ever made insane profit from a majority of the maps. there is always 1 or 2 farm maps. nerf ab you will still have a farm map everyone will go there nothing will change.
It’s not about earning the same gold, it’s about negatively affecting other types of content. Let’s say I do guild missions regularly and sell ectos/sigils/runes on the TP once I’m finished. Pre-AB/ML I would make an X amount of gold by what type of content I play. After AB/ML the value of all that dropped significantly so what I make from Guild Missions is lowered by a significant amount.
SW chest farming, Frostgorge champion runs, Cursed Shore trains etc never affected the economical value of other types of content as much as AB/ML. It’s not about how much AB/ML users make, it’s about how much other players make. Sadly as the value of ectos and rares is dropping it’s affecting other types of content way more than AB/ML
Do you sell greens white and blue on TP or Merchant to avoid the permablock happening right after u sell around 15 items on tp so fast?That for me is 100% Raw gold.
Ok , let’s make it clear . For example : I open 50 grand chest , i have 50 rares item . If salvage all i might received 50 ectos ( Calculating based on wiki https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glob_of_Ectoplasm/salvage_research )
Now with the price of ectos on TP is 30 silvers ( avarage ),
50 × 0.30 = 15 gold
The tax is 15% so i received 12.75 gold from other player .
2.25 Gold vanished forever from economy system.
Now , the main question : how many green , blue , white item you must sell to create 2.25 RAW GOLD ? Let’s say that all blue , white and green item can sell for 1 silver , you have to sell 225 items to create 2.25 gold . Do you think you can get 225 green , blue , white items in a simple run AB/ML ?
Please , help me create more than 2.25 raw gold so i can see the fallen of the market , the dark side of Trading Port , the end of GW2 ….. !
P/S : i alway salvage all white , blue , green items with Copper-Fed-Salvage Kit . Someone said that if you combine green items in Mystic Forge you could get some rares item but i don’t care , i don’t want to waste time . I think you should buy a Copper-Fed-Salvage Kit , it’s good for your knowledge =))
Bro listen…a lot of players carry with them merchant express which is more likely seen at the endchest in every ABML,do you know what it means?it means that tons of players sell green/blue and white right to the merchant for RAW gold(like sw cf),and nope,green items are not just 1 silver very often they’re a little bit less than the price on TP so it’s around 1.6×.
Ps: I have copper fed salvage kit along with 13k gold cash in my wallet but yeah,thanks for your advice.and for your info i’ve done ab like 10 times in a life,stopped right after realizing it’s broken and totally unlegit.
(edited by AuTomA.2459)
the argument that people who dont do wont make the same gold is not a valid argument. no one has ever made insane profit from a majority of the maps. there is always 1 or 2 farm maps. nerf ab you will still have a farm map everyone will go there nothing will change.
Indeed… in this whole discussion, what amazes me most is that everyone is hating on AB multiloot, and no one is complaining about cleric farm :P That one throws rares at you like they’re candy, AND on top of that it adds stuff like lower level cloth and leather…
the argument that people who dont do wont make the same gold is not a valid argument. no one has ever made insane profit from a majority of the maps. there is always 1 or 2 farm maps. nerf ab you will still have a farm map everyone will go there nothing will change.
Indeed… in this whole discussion, what amazes me most is that everyone is hating on AB multiloot, and no one is complaining about cleric farm :P That one throws rares at you like they’re candy, AND on top of that it adds stuff like lower level cloth and leather…
Funny how lower level cloth and leather prices haven’t seen a drop in months even after Ember Bay / Bloodstone Fen started rewarding them with their events. Either not enough people are there or the supply/demand are at such a good place that there is no issue.
the argument that people who dont do wont make the same gold is not a valid argument. no one has ever made insane profit from a majority of the maps. there is always 1 or 2 farm maps. nerf ab you will still have a farm map everyone will go there nothing will change.
Indeed… in this whole discussion, what amazes me most is that everyone is hating on AB multiloot, and no one is complaining about cleric farm :P That one throws rares at you like they’re candy, AND on top of that it adds stuff like lower level cloth and leather…
Funny how lower level cloth and leather prices haven’t seen a drop in months even after Ember Bay / Bloodstone Fen started rewarding them with their events. Either not enough people are there or the supply/demand are at such a good place that there is no issue.
probably because silver wastes already lowered them a ton. every think of that? or is ab your only devil?
probably because silver wastes already lowered them a ton. every think of that? or is ab your only devil?
It is actually my only devil.
Let’s take a look at the effect of SW CF on the economy!
Wool is fluctuating a lot but on average it’s the same price as it was before SW CF even started. There was a huge spike just before SW was released so it’s a bit harder to view the data, but Pre CF: 2s 77c, now: 2s 62c
Cotton had a massive spike on November 2015 (totally unrelated to the 2014 SW CF) then a massive drop soon after in December. Otherwise it’s mostly around the price since long before SW CF was a thing. Pre CF: 3s 16c, now: 3s 28c
Linen price mostly stable since SW CF started without any significant fluctuations. Pre CF: 5s 09c, now: 4s 99c
Did SW CF affect the prices of cloth???? Answer: it did not actually affect the prices of Cloth!
Note: The values I used are average of about November 2014 just before Silverwastes was released. Other than Wool because November of that month Wool had a massive spike (that was lowered soon after) so I used a bit earlier value.
(edited by maddoctor.2738)
Those people who said “horde them in your bank” while I said sell them. Now I’m enjoying all the gold I have received from them (literally hundreds) while they are worried at the stock price plummeting and their items being useless.
I hedged my bets and sold half of them and stashed the other half in my bank so I came out ahead regardless of what happened.
I also bought one of those 250-ecto gamble boxes only to realize the achievement required me to buy 100 of them. I turned 250 ectos into 50 ectos and 50 gold, which after the trading post tax turned out to be current market price.
A solution to the ecto glut exists:
Those people who said “horde them in your bank” while I said sell them. Now I’m enjoying all the gold I have received from them (literally hundreds) while they are worried at the stock price plummeting and their items being useless.
I hedged my bets and sold half of them and stashed the other half in my bank so I came out ahead regardless of what happened.
I also bought one of those 250-ecto gamble boxes only to realize the achievement required me to buy 100 of them. I turned 250 ectos into 50 ectos and 50 gold, which after the trading post tax turned out to be current market price.
A solution to the ecto glut exists:
it’s gamble,and it’s not a solution.
Bro listen…a lot of players carry with them merchant express which is more likely seen at the endchest in every ABML,do you know what it means?it means that tons of players sell green/blue and white right to the merchant for RAW gold(like sw cf),and nope,green items are not just 1 silver very often they’re a little bit less than the price on TP so it’s around 1.6×.
Ps: I have copper fed salvage kit along with 13k gold cash in my wallet but yeah,thanks for your advice.and for your info i’ve done ab like 10 times in a life,stopped right after realizing it’s broken and totally unlegit.
Who care if you have 13k gold , and a copper salvage kit ? Doing AB 10 times in a life and still worry about RAW GOLD in AB/ML . You must be very good at school bro .
Now , i’m the one who doing homework so answer my question : How can you create more than 2.25 RAW GOLD for me from 50 Grand Exalted Chest ?
Answer it or correct me if i’m wrong and we’ll continous discuss .
(edited by IcyTear.6378)
sw is still dropping the price of items to this very day. yet here you are complaining about ab.
I’d be stupid to complain about secondary farms while ignoring the one having the greatest impact.
probably because silver wastes already lowered them a ton.
Yeah, sw had so much impact on the prices of lower level cloth and leather that they didn’t change at all. Exactly the same as ABML impact on ecto.
…oh wait.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
It is pretty clear that ML is becoming a real cancer in this game. It should have been removed a long time ago but for some reason they let it continue. Hopefully they will remove it soon before the damage is long lasting.
It is pretty obvious that getting 60 rares in 20 minutes is over the top.
And what is your reasoning for this aside from “muh feels” and/or “Muh ecto hoard value”?
His reasoning is a simple comparison of every other activity in the game. Unless you have incredible luck at SW chest farm you won’t get this, but its guaranteed from ML. And just forget about the rewards from any other activity (fractals, dungeons, world bosses, WvW, PvP…..). Thats a pretty kitten good reason to say that the rewards from ABML are extremely unbalanced and need to be brought in line.
It’s evidence that the rewards from AB Multiloot far exceed that from any other farm. It is not a reason that they “need to be brought into line.” That would require explaining why imbalance is bad for the game in general and in this specific case.
Market destabilization happens all the time — there’s nothing special about this one, other than it was created by the genius of players working together to efficiently farm an event chain rather than the genius of the folks at ANet.
ANet doesn’t seem to think it’s urgent — the farm’s been available for ~six months already. The game is still running fine, the marketplace still works efficiently at trading goods from those who don’t want to those who do, and lots of items that people found expensive are cheaper.
I believe ANet will change the mechanics, but only because they have done similar things in the past, not because I think they must.
My point doesn’t revolve around market destabilization but on gameplay itself. When the rewards from a single activity outshine those from other activities by such a large amount, it causes players to abandon other game types. The fact that ABML is so much more lucrative means that players will forego other parts of the game in order to farm gold at ABML. This is not a healthy mentality for the game and it needs to be brought in line by ANet asap
Ecto supply and price seem to be stabilizing. I don’t think there is a problem.
ANet doesn’t seem to think it’s urgent — the farm’s been available for ~six months already.
There is an interesting factor to consider here. Big AB ML farming started in June 2016, that’s also when posts asking to nerf it appeared, the actual farm started earlier but it wasn’t as widespread until June.
It’s interesting to note that before AB ML the ecto price was increasing at a slow but steady pace. This is my speculation that they didn’t see AB ML as bad for the economy because it was balancing out the extra demand for ectos which was driving their price higher. At that point in time AB ML was actually a good thing, because ectos were increasing in price for 8 months straight which means there WAS something wrong between Supply / Demand and with the AB ML the price was finally going down.
What I believe is that they wanted to introduce other methods of acquiring ectos (or rares) that’s why in BSF and EB we get extra event chests, or the WvW tracks, or the extra Raid wings that all reward extra rares. Are those extra supplies of ectos enough to keep the ecto price steady?
Because let’s suppose they nerf it tomorrow. The ecto price will spike high for a while (it’s normal people will start buying like crazy) but then what? Will it go to pre June 2016 always up direction or will it balance out?
tl;dr AB ML was a good thing to balance out the supply/demand of ectos because before it the ecto price was running wild. Now that they introduced more varied ways of earning rares/ectos it’s time for it to go because now it’s hurting instead of helping.
Bro listen…a lot of players carry with them merchant express which is more likely seen at the endchest in every ABML,do you know what it means?it means that tons of players sell green/blue and white right to the merchant for RAW gold(like sw cf),and nope,green items are not just 1 silver very often they’re a little bit less than the price on TP so it’s around 1.6×.
Ps: I have copper fed salvage kit along with 13k gold cash in my wallet but yeah,thanks for your advice.and for your info i’ve done ab like 10 times in a life,stopped right after realizing it’s broken and totally unlegit.Who care if you have 13k gold , and a copper salvage kit ? Doing AB 10 times in a life and still worry about RAW GOLD in AB/ML . You must be very good at school bro .
Now , i’m the one who doing homework so answer my question : How can you create more than 2.25 RAW GOLD for me from 50 Grand Exalted Chest ?
Answer it or correct me if i’m wrong and we’ll continous discuss .
I already answered you about making raw gold from :
Random piece of equipment of at least Masterwork rarity.
Random piece of equipment of at least Fine rarity.
Let’s do a game,tonight i will go for a run of 50 chests and tell u how much raw gold i make from selling all the crap to merchant.
About the gold and kit i had to post it to stop you from being such a kitten
Done,opened 45 chests (9 maps) and got around 4.5g selling green and blue to merchant but i guess i’m the only one that does this instead of salvaging them in mats right?
so basically let’s say i’m just the 10% of people doing this through multiloot,need to make 10 runs to get 4g and 5 runs to make 2g.there u are ur raw gold.
(edited by AuTomA.2459)
On average salvaging is better than merchant
On average salvaging is better than merchant
on average salvage is still gamble which people do not like to do.
On average salvaging is better than merchant
on average salvage is still gamble which people do not like to do.
It does not really matter considering the sheer mass of items you salvage on a daily basis. Especially wood items are a 100% waste to merchant.
I think the problem here is that many people think or expect that ectos SHOULD be considered a high value item. Why is this I wonder? Is it because they were THE item for this in GW1? Perhaps people need to let go of that and realise that this is a different game and things have changed?
Lets face it, in THIS game Ectos are just “another” material just like the many of others that are needed for crafting. Perhaps it’s a change of view that people need here and a different way of looking at it?
I’m of the same mind on this topic. In GW1 we had player-to-player trading, and Ectoplasm was a form of currency used to facilitate trades of higher value than our pockets would hold in just Plat alone.
Ecto doesn’t need to be a rare and valuable resource in this game like it was in GW1 because we do not have player trading, nor are we so limited on wallet size that our currencies need to be split in order to accommodate the trader’s economy.
Ecto being expensive just makes crafting necessary or desired gear more costly, which doesn’t really help one person out, but rather hamper an entire playerbase from creating more resources for themselves to enjoy. It’s not a 1-to-1 trade currency, it doesn’t need to be held in such high regard simply because of GW1.
My point doesn’t revolve around market destabilization but on gameplay itself. When the rewards from a single activity outshine those from other activities by such a large amount, it causes players to abandon other game types. The fact that ABML is so much more lucrative means that players will forego other parts of the game in order to farm gold at ABML. This is not a healthy mentality for the game and it needs to be brought in line by ANet asap
My point is that it hasn’t hurt the game, despite it being hugely popular for months. You can only multiloot for 20 minutes every couple of hours, unlike Silverwastes (which could be 24/7).
There’s no question it has changed markets and there’s no question it has changed people’s farming and playing habits. But that’s a far cry from establishing a reason for suggesting that anything needs to be done “soon” let alone “ASAP.”
I think the problem here is that many people think or expect that ectos SHOULD be considered a high value item. Why is this I wonder? Is it because they were THE item for this in GW1? Perhaps people need to let go of that and realise that this is a different game and things have changed?
Lets face it, in THIS game Ectos are just “another” material just like the many of others that are needed for crafting. Perhaps it’s a change of view that people need here and a different way of looking at it?
I’m of the same mind on this topic. In GW1 we had player-to-player trading, and Ectoplasm was a form of currency used to facilitate trades of higher value than our pockets would hold in just Plat alone.
Ecto doesn’t need to be a rare and valuable resource in this game like it was in GW1 because we do not have player trading, nor are we so limited on wallet size that our currencies need to be split in order to accommodate the trader’s economy.
Ecto being expensive just makes crafting necessary or desired gear more costly, which doesn’t really help one person out, but rather hamper an entire playerbase from creating more resources for themselves to enjoy. It’s not a 1-to-1 trade currency, it doesn’t need to be held in such high regard simply because of GW1.
Given past comments made by ANet directly and what ecto is used for and what it salvages into, it’s not meant to be a cheap mat.
The drop in ecto prices has cascaded down to crystalline dust. It now costs 50% less than other T6 mats.
AB is not the sole reason for the price drop. Demand hasn’t changed and fewer people need ecto on average over time. There are also other farms that give good sources of ecto. However it is the primary reason for the rate of the price drop and for how far down the price has come. Given prices haven’t stabilized, the equilibrium price hasn’t been met and ANet may be waiting for that before upsetting the cart.
I already answered you about making raw gold from :
Random piece of equipment of at least Masterwork rarity.
Random piece of equipment of at least Fine rarity.Let’s do a game,tonight i will go for a run of 50 chests and tell u how much raw gold i make from selling all the crap to merchant.
About the gold and kit i had to post it to stop you from being such a kitten
so basically let’s say i’m just the 10% of people doing this through multiloot,need to make 10 runs to get 4g and 5 runs to make 2g.there u are ur raw gold.
I don’t believe you , 4,5 gold by selling Blue , Green items to merchant from 45 Grand Exalted Chest . Let’s do the math : Blue item sell for few coin , Green sell for 1,5 Silver each ( average ) but let’s just say that you alway get green item when open chest . You must have :
4.5 / 0.015 = 300 ( Green Items ) .
So if i count blue item , The number will be above 300 because i don’t have data of blue , green drop . I think you must have 350 items including green and blue to get 4.5 gold from merchant .
(edited by IcyTear.6378)
4,5g from 45 chests by selling to vendor? Sounds bs to me. That would mean you get 5 2s greens per chest which is far from reality.
what is that .. .like 7 greens per grand chest? plus the rare you get? GG!
what is that .. .like 7 greens per grand chest? plus the rare you get? GG!
Maybe the Santa Claus give him 7 greens because he’s a good liar kid =))
(edited by IcyTear.6378)