Can we have different sitting emotes? Kinda tired of my female characters lounging about all seductively.
Can we have different sitting emotes? Kinda tired of my female characters lounging about all seductively.
I would also like an emote for them actually standing up and not just springing up. I think that would be nice. Oh and now everyone who reads this is breathing manually.
add a target for cower, cry, and ponder
Can’t you already target someone and do that?
Thought it was:
“/cower @”
And whoever was targeted would be the one you cower from.
Change: /laugh @
I don’t want to laugh with the person. I want to laugh at them! -_-
(in a nice way, of course)
/violin – ____ is playing the worlds smallest violin.
/facepalm(@) – ______ facepalms (at___)
All I really really REALLY want, is character animation when you /say something
In Aion, a cloud appears for you to sleep on (…when you use the sleep emote).
But I think we really need a /lemmetakeaselfie. It doesn’t have to actually take a picture. It just lets the characters around you come together to smile at an imaginary phone. :P
/twerk ?
This game pails in comparison of other game’s emotes.
Then again they took away one of the female auto stances and refuse to explain why….
This game pails in comparison of other game’s emotes.
Then again they took away one of the female auto stances and refuse to explain why….
They did explain why but it was a terrible reason. The explaination is someone complained when certain idle animations were playing during cutscenes. Namely during the one cutscene back during LS Season 1 at the Breachmaker. Some players felt it made their character silly during a serious scene.
So they took out that idle animation. Which is funny cause fast forward to LS Season 2 where our MINIs ruin another scene involving Caithe.
This game pails in comparison of other game’s emotes.
Then again they took away one of the female auto stances and refuse to explain why….
They did explain why but it was a terrible reason. The explaination is someone complained when certain idle animations were playing during cutscenes. Namely during the one cutscene back during LS Season 1 at the Breachmaker. Some players felt it made their character silly during a serious scene.
So they took out that idle animation. Which is funny cause fast forward to LS Season 2 where our MINIs ruin another scene involving Caithe.
Reminds me of Guild Wars 1, where if you had a Minion Master in your group, their minions would be attacking things, usually NPCs, during the cutscenes.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Why isn’t emotes affected by suppression, but everything else in the game is? Im tired of the people spamming it in HoTM. I know you can just block them, but when people have those weird accents on the names it makes it a bit hard to block.
(/o_o)/ |_|
hype over.
How did you not include this one?
I’d like /yawn (not at anyone) and /hug (at a target), but nothing that can be used in a bad way.
The WoW /spit isn’t exactly pleasant, for example. :/
Even things like /facepalm and /violin are better avoided.
Change: /laugh @
I don’t want to laugh with the person. I want to laugh at them! -_-
(in a nice way, of course)
Other people might not be as nice as you, though.
Better to stick with “with”.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
In Aion, a cloud appears for you to sleep on (…when you use the sleep emote).
But I think we really need a /lemmetakeaselfie. It doesn’t have to actually take a picture. It just lets the characters around you come together to smile at an imaginary phone. :P
/twerk ?
I think the last thing I want to see is hipster pretentious nonsense like twerking and selfie-taking in-game.
I searched for the word emote and got zero results. I can’t believe no one has ever talked about this before.
that is because the search is broken on the forums. you have to use google instead.
Yeah sadly, broken search.
RIP City of Heroes
Oh! And in Aion your character actually laughs when you type lol or something, even if it was in the middle of a sentence, or it nods if you typed kk. Basically, the character responds to what he’s saying.
“Triggered by: Laugh,Haha,Hahaha,Hoho,Hohoho,hehe,giggle,lol,rofl,roflmao,heh,Heehee,/lol,/rofl,/giggle”
They have quite the variety of emotes! http://www.aiondatabase.com/emote/list
/chewbubblegum /blowbubbles /birthday /hugme /lookmirror /paperairplane ……….
the list goes on!
(edited by Flakkenmarsh.6573)
In Aion, a cloud appears for you to sleep on (…when you use the sleep emote).
But I think we really need a /lemmetakeaselfie. It doesn’t have to actually take a picture. It just lets the characters around you come together to smile at an imaginary phone. :P
/twerk ?
I think the last thing I want to see is hipster pretentious nonsense like twerking and selfie-taking in-game.
But can you imagine what a twerking asura or charr would look like! XD
In Aion, a cloud appears for you to sleep on (…when you use the sleep emote).
But I think we really need a /lemmetakeaselfie. It doesn’t have to actually take a picture. It just lets the characters around you come together to smile at an imaginary phone. :P
/twerk ?
I think the last thing I want to see is hipster pretentious nonsense like twerking and selfie-taking in-game.
But can you imagine what a twerking asura or charr would look like! XD
I’m trying my best not to!
In Aion, a cloud appears for you to sleep on (…when you use the sleep emote).
But I think we really need a /lemmetakeaselfie. It doesn’t have to actually take a picture. It just lets the characters around you come together to smile at an imaginary phone. :P
/twerk ?
I think the last thing I want to see is hipster pretentious nonsense like twerking and selfie-taking in-game.
But can you imagine what a twerking asura or charr would look like! XD
I’m trying my best not to!
Yeah, you know people talk about “longing for a simpler time”, when life was less complicated?
I’m starting to long for a more complicated time, where impressing people took a little more than twerking… xD
need this so bad.
Yes, I really want more emotes too and that since the beginning of GW2 but sadly anet doesn’t deliver.
I hope with HOT they implement more emotes.
In GW we had so many, they could just copy pasta it.
I would love to see /guitar or /paper etc. again </3
More Emotes have been requested since launch.
Sadly, it’s a low priority – obviously, as almost 3 years have passed and not one single new emote has been added. Kitten tragic, seriously.