Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


That could have been the earlier kills respawning one after another and for some reason picking the exact same spot to respawn on each time.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rei Hino.5961

Rei Hino.5961

well if the mobs re spawn in the same location were you just killed it IE timers are irrelevant that monster is seen as the same one as it is in the same place, it has the same effect of getting in your way, But this game should put less emphasis as having spawn points as a more random spawn in it’s area to make it look more natural way things spawn now look like a general placed them on a map and switch the timers based off of x numbers of monsters in a area with a secondary timmer to act as a emergency re population spawner for that whole area hm 50 mobs on map 2 are killed timmer 1 see’s 50 is not met and respawns 2 more. suddenly 30+ are killed timmer 2 is like not enough mobs for people and pop’s them back randomly on the map can be a 3rd script for proximity to players for respawn so you don’t have monsters spawning on people foreheads. although that was just a example as it basically has the tendency to do the same as the issue is now. but mobs that respawn in the same spot you have just killed something else the spawn timer might as well be 0 seconds when the spawn point is fixed. Well typing this has given me a new outlook on respawn timers in any open based world as gw’s 2 is trying to stay away from camping but camping is more of a camping for x monster that drops X item though right? if that is so monsters in gw’s 2 all drop random loot the champions drop more but even that is random so camping is not so much of a issue really so gw’s2 might wana switch to a more traditional respawn system.

Although on another note just for humor that elite Sylvary group npc’s with the awesome guns near orr was fun to play with in one of the missions the respawn rate was irrelevant there and was fun to watch them annihilate all in our path but I nearly died laughing when a undead appeared and was like “Death good” and they blew him away instantly leaving me standing there shaking my head noding agreeing to what the undead just said thinking “Yes..yes it is” + 1 to that golden moment

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korval.2197


The default respawn rate is 95-120 seconds, so if you’re seeing locations where they respawn much faster, please report it with specific info! Event creatures will often appear more quickly (so the event doesn’t look dead if players kill them immediately) and if players were killing things in the same area, they might respawn near you. (i.e. if a group ran through and cleared an area a minute ago, a lone player might be in the area when their respawn timer comes up.)

A respawn time of 95 to 120 seconds is in general very fast if not too fast. I.e. Lotro has a minimum respawn time of 180 seconds and WoW is also in that area (modulo its dynamic spawn timer adjustments) as far as I remember from my tests back in TBC. Also Lotro tries to avoid respawning mobs in the same location in which they died which has the nice side effect that it creates the impression on the player that his action did have a consequence: namely that the mob would be gone for good (although in actual reality it respawns, but likely out of his sight).

The problem by the way is observable all over Tyria and gets compounded by high mob density in areas like caves, skill point locations or Orr.

One reason why the current respawn rate feels so bad is, because it means that if you want to kill a veteran/champion mob and you proceed to clear out the place around that mob, then those mobs that you cleared out will respawn at least once and potentially more than once while you try to down the veteran. This is especially annoying if the veteran is part of a skill challenge. It is even more annoying when you remember the fact that we are supposed to actively avoid incoming damage via dodging and other skills because there is no RNG-based passive avoidance system in the game. But to be able to actively avoid I need space and thus a high respawn rate and a high mob density on top of that is a problem and can get aggravating fast. And that’s one big reason why so many players dislike Orr.

But even if you want to do just trivial things like reading a sign after you have killed a mob that was standing right beside the sign is something that often does not work because the mob respawns on top of you while you are still reading the sign. Or just looking into the map can be enough to get you killed because the mob that you killed seconds ago before you pulled up the map respawned so fast.

So what should be done to improve this is:

a) increase the minimum respawn time to at least 150 seconds.

b) a mob that has been killed should preferably not respawn in the same location where it died. Instead the spawn generator should try to find a location somewhat away from the point where the last mob died. Only if no such alternative point can’t be found should the new mob spawn where the old one died.

In technical terms: the spawn generator covers a disk with radius R. The last mob death point is stored by the generator on the death event and a radius r << R is associated with the death point. Spawning a mob means computing a random coordinate inside R but outside r. For every attempt at generating a valid spawn location that fails, r is halved. If N attempts have been made then r is set to 0.

c) the mob density in caves and other confined spaces should be lowered.

d) the mob density around veteran/champion/skill challenge mobs and/or the respawn time of regular mobs around them should be higher than the standard respawn rate so that players can kill veterans while getting at most one wave of respawns of the surrounding mobs. You may also want to increase the leash distance of veterans/champions in the open world.

(edited by Korval.2197)

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ybrahim.2084


I’ve seen monsters respawn right after I’ve killed them, so the timers are often 30 seconds or less. This combined with the broken leash code makes PvE kind of annoying. :P As a side effect, it kills any kind of immersion since it reinforces the whole “duck hunt” aspect of the game, reminding you that nothing you do has any significant impact in the world.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


“breakout” events instead of mob respawning would be fantastic. Roaming groups you had to avoid (or a large part of the zone had to group up to fight) causing the respawns would be so cool.

When I first heard about DEs i thought that enemies would come from some stronghold and attempt to take the map piece by piece, and if they were pushed back the battle lines would move with it.

Alas that’s not the case, but the system definitely supports it, I love straits of devastation for that very reason, I wish every zone was like that.

Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Cannot be reproduced on test servers so it isn’t happening.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


I don’t know anything about timers but I got my rear handed to me after about a 5 min fight with risen near the SP east of Balth’s temple earlier. I finally cleared the area around the SP, got it, and headed for the WP nearby. Which is about the time a DE involving an enemy meant to be attacked by mortars coupled with about 3 mobs jumping me meant I went down fast. The respawn rate in Orr only had a marginal effect here. I’m sure a DPS warrior likely would have had a better time (I was pseudo bunker eng).

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Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenth.2408


I’m working on getting my 5th character to level 80, yet I’ve never been bothered by respawn timers. They’ve never held me back.

Sure there were times when I went into a cave to get a skillpoint challenge and had to fight some on the way back out. That’s not a big deal and how often does that happen?

Since the majority of players are level 80 and not playing alts much on lower level maps, I can see respawns being more noticeable – there’s less people “clearing the way”.

But I fear if they increase respawn timers too much, leveling is going to be that much slower. Mob kills probably make up at least 40% of experience (assuming you’re not mastering more than 2 crafts on your way to 80).

The % is different for everyone of course because some prefer skipping “trash” mobs and just methodically do map completions. I prefer killing as I go these days because less people killing things = larger bonus xp.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krojack.4920


I’m working on getting my 5th character to level 80, yet I’ve never been bothered by respawn timers. They’ve never held me back.

Sure there were times when I went into a cave to get a skillpoint challenge and had to fight some on the way back out. That’s not a big deal and how often does that happen?

I’ve only had problems with the fast respawn time in level 80 zones.

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Bear’s….Bear’s in that area by CoE(cant remember name) they spawn like every 20-30 seconds

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Salacious.7358


in some cases I agree with this thread – they can respawn to fast. in other cases – they respawn to slowly. We do need some kind of balance here.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JohnLShannonhouse.1820


I’ve seen monsters respawn right after I’ve killed them, so the timers are often 30 seconds or less.

I think the timer is independent of kill time. I have seen this as well, but after defeating the respawn, nothing appear again. So, for example, an enemy on a 100s timer:
9:00:00 – repsawn if defeated
9:01:40 – repsawn if defeated
9:03:20 – repsawn if defeated

If you defeat it at 9:01:35, it respawns right away. If you defeat the second at 9:02:15, you don’t see the next enemy for 65 seconds. If, on the other hand, you defeated it at 9:01:45, you would not see another enemy for 95 seconds. This is consistent with my experiences in almost every non-dynamic event part of the game.

I did notice the Inquest seem to respawn much faster, as Jeff confirmed early in the thread.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaqalope.6175


I’ve seen this maybe a handful of times in hundreds of hours of play, and clearing the map.
I’ve never had to group for a heart.
I guess I can’t relate to the OP’s situation, since I’ve never experienced it first hand or heard of anyone who has had similar issues.

Maybe leave Orr?

Charr Legionaire

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arrow.4619


I’ve seen monsters respawn right after I’ve killed them, so the timers are often 30 seconds or less.

I think the timer is independent of kill time. I have seen this as well, but after defeating the respawn, nothing appear again. So, for example, an enemy on a 100s timer:
9:00:00 – repsawn if defeated
9:01:40 – repsawn if defeated
9:03:20 – repsawn if defeated

If you defeat it at 9:01:35, it respawns right away. If you defeat the second at 9:02:15, you don’t see the next enemy for 65 seconds. If, on the other hand, you defeated it at 9:01:45, you would not see another enemy for 95 seconds. This is consistent with my experiences in almost every non-dynamic event part of the game.

I did notice the Inquest seem to respawn much faster, as Jeff confirmed early in the thread.

I think you’ve hit on the core of the respawn problem and I’ve noticed it particularly in the level 80 areas: Respawn timers completely unlinked to the actual defeat of the monster. So many times I’ve killed something to literally watch it respawn in the exact same location less than a handful of seconds later. Annoying and ridiculous. There needs to be some kind of link between the defeat of an opponent and the length of time before the enemy respawns – for example in the above they would simply have something like:

9:00:00 – repsawn in +80 if defeated
9:01:40 – repsawn in +80 if defeated
9:03:20 – repsawn in +80 if defeated

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to them for $50. Brilliant! – ghost of P.T. Barnum

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kashrlyyk.5364


Wayfarer Foothills: Two Jotuns standing close to each other. Lured one away with a longbow and killed him, switched to Mace to get the weapon skills and autoattacked the Jotun. BEFORE he was dead the first one respawned!

Killed a single Minotaur in the same area: 102 seconds until respawn AFTER it died.

After that I went back to the two Jotuns and tried it again. But they were different types of Jotun. Could it be that EACH type of enemies have their own respawn timer?

Basically this: Two minutes before I killed the second Jotun somewhere on the map a Jotun of a different Type than the first Jotun was killed. The respawn timer for that type runs out and the server now looks for a vacant spot to respawn that type of Jotun and finds one next to me. Could that be the problem?

(edited by Kashrlyyk.5364)

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kashrlyyk.5364


Just killed a veteran cave spider in the north east of Wayfarer Foothills. Then I killed a normal spider and after that I killed the three spawned hatchling from the veteran I killed. And then the veteran cave spider respawned. That was definitely NOT 95 seconds between death and respawn. Even guardians deal enough damage to kill one normal spider and three hatchlings within 30 seconds.

In fact I just checked my hammer guardian kills a veteran cave spider in 30 seconds.

(edited by Kashrlyyk.5364)

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AnimatedWolf.9213


You know what’s fun? The Breached Wall vista and skill point. The timer on mob respawns is completely ridiculous. The wall was already hard enough for me as is without mobs respawning so fast.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


This has made some places no fun in a way. Particularly in some caves where you are are constantly surrounded as the respawns are very very fast, you never clear it actually. I just got tired of these places and stopped going. It is good for kill exp as you simply never stop, but it gets tedious.

Brisbane Wildlands: Hidden Lake. This is an open area, not a cave. There is a Seraph camp. It is good example of the phenomenon.

I have never seen the place not totally flooded with bandits. They spawn constantly. If you want to go on a kill exp outing, this is the place! The merchants and Seraph are almost always dead hehehehe! It it is fun in it’s own way, but very “anti-immersive”.

The irritating ones are in caves. It just becomes tedium. For some, it will be fun. But I can find them really annoying. I go to Hidden Lake for a kill fest, but aside from that it is pointless.

I have noted that some areas seem to have long respawn rates, in stark contrast to these super rapid respawn places.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolkien.6317


I’m in Kessex Hills trying to do the Cereboth Canyon, and the respawn rate makes it really not fun.

95-120 is way too short a standard respawn. It’s not fun to have to grind through mobs you just killed again and again to do anything meaningful. Please rethink this. Enough people have made the point here to warrant revisiting this design decision surely.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eurhetemec.9052


The default respawn rate is 95-120 seconds, so if you’re seeing locations where they respawn much faster, please report it with specific info! Event creatures will often appear more quickly (so the event doesn’t look dead if players kill them immediately) and if players were killing things in the same area, they might respawn near you. (i.e. if a group ran through and cleared an area a minute ago, a lone player might be in the area when their respawn timer comes up.)

It would be really good if you could clarify WHEN the the 95-120 seconds starts. Is it from the death of the monster, or is it some sort of “server tick” or what?

Also, could you clarify what sort of range you mean when you’re talking about mobs being killed “nearby”? 10 yards? 30 yards? Map distance? If it’s closer to the latter than the former that might explain some of this insta-pop stuff.

I mean, for my part, especially dealing with Grawl in the 20-40 areas (and Centaurs from 20-50-ish), I’ve seen some bonkers respawns – literally kill one Grawl, and it respawns before I can even finish mining the node next to it. Now maybe that’s because I killed another Grawl 60 yards away 2 minutes ago, and it just picked this spot, or maybe it’s because the respawn is a server tick, or maybe it’s because something unexpected is happening with respawns. Obviously I cannot say, but I can say that, when you kill a mob on a spot, and another mob spawns there within seconds, it is intensely frustrating and feels very unrewarding.

It is obviously particularly frustrating with Veterans and Champions. Veterans certainly seem to be on 95-120 timers, at most, and some Champions may well be too, and really prevents looking at how cool a lot of the areas they are in are. I mean, my wife and I bust up a half-dozen normal ghosts and a couple of veterans, and literally we had time to open the chest by them and my wife was halfway through saying “Wow this place is so cool-looking…” before we started getting multiple respawns.

I really hope you take a look at respawn rates in interior areas, particularly narrow ones like caves and corridors, and think about reducing them – I think we could cope with 190-240 timers on most mobs in caves, for example, without the game suffering. Indeed I actually think the experience for the vast majority of players would improve.

In general having more varied respawn (faster and slower) rates might help give challenge where needed, and keep it under control where exploration is the main goal, especially when you have all these beautiful locations that one can barely look at because monsters are constantly making you fight them.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UndeadRufus.6832


…I can say that, when you kill a mob on a spot, and another mob spawns there within seconds, it is intensely frustrating and feels very unrewarding.

I have recently been on the verge of rage-quit multiple times in Dredgehaunt Cliffs. The respawning dredge, particularly in a certain cave while trying to get the vista at the end of a glitchy jumping puzzle, are beyond irritating.

Earlier tonight, I cleared the dredge out of another cave, the one with the tomb harboring the veteran destroyer. Before another player and I could kill the destroyer (which took less than a minute), a veteran dredge and a handful of his buddies respawned on top of us.

This sort of thing happens everywhere, but I’ve really noticed it in Dredgehaunt these last few days. Often, you can’t really run around while fighting, because anything you’ve expended effort on dispatching is just going to pop out of the ground behind you seconds later. A tactical retreat can turn into a blundering suicide run, and this isn’t fair to a player who has already cleared the area behind him or her.

Regardless of what the default respawn is or is supposed to be, the respawn mechanics, in practice, have a pronounced negative impact on the PvE experience.

“Fickle, wild, irrational apes aren’t qualified to boss each other around….”

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Its a action mmo, all action mmo have a fast paced mob respawn….

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UndeadRufus.6832


Its a action mmo, all action mmo have a fast paced mob respawn….

I think that is a grossly simplistic dismissal of the issue.

“Fickle, wild, irrational apes aren’t qualified to boss each other around….”

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


I see here that Jefferey says most have a 95-120 sec timer (what is a bid strange, I would think is was dynamically depending on the type of mob, number of people and so on) but if you look how it works it is almost like if there is a buffer for the mobs to spawn. Because you have some that indeed seem to spawn immediately however after having them killed for example 3 times they don’t show up anymore for a much longer time. So it’s like if there are 5 spawn-places it is possible there are 10 mobs that spawn but will only spawn if the current mobs on the 5 locations are dead, so you get like 5 in a buffer and as soon as you kill one, one from the buffer spawns until you cleared the whole buffer and then it will take some time for them to spawn again. I don’t say this is how it works as I don’t know the code they use but it almost looks like it works this way.

Besides that, even if your with a big group you don’t want to kill the same mob multiple times. You should not really see them spanning so yeah they should spawn sooner if there are more people in the area but at the same time you should try to only let them spawn if they (the spawn-locations) are in nobody’s line of side. This will not always work, but you could work with a max time trying to wait for a moment the spawn-point is in nobody’s line of sight, if the max time is over you spawn them anyway. This would solve most problems and gives a more natural look. So for example there are 100 people in the area the spawn-time gets reduced to 0 sec, but then the “not in light of sight”-timer starts that is for example 1 min. That means that as soon as the location is not in any body’s line of sight they will spawn or else they will spawn after 1 min.

Spawning times was already one of the big issue’s you saw back in the beta-forums, same as mobs that suddenly run back to there location and regenerate heath and are invulnerable until they are back at the “home” location. Both have not yet been solved.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perry Wolf.3925

Perry Wolf.3925

I totally agree with you that they respawn too fast, it could at least go a minute or two. Otherwise GW2 is great.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


The problem, for me, is that yes, I can probably mow through most (but not all) mobs fast enough to avoid respawns; but I enjoy a longer fight against a vet or champion. It feels more epic and more relevant.
Random mobs respawning left and right and stabbing me in the back can quite easily tip the scales AND kill the fun.

I don’t want to just blast through a cave as quickly as possible, I would prefer to be able to stop once in a while and enjoy the beautiful landscape, explore, solve a mystery. With respawns being this fast, I barely have the time to do anything other than fight. I don’t object to fighting at all, but the balance seems off.

(I am aware that there are vistas, jumping puzzles etc. where you’re safe from mobs – but the next best random dredge mine (etc.) usually doesn’t have these.)

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DropTrigger.5217


I experienced this as well and it makes me rage quit, especially after reading through this thread and seeing the developers basically say “It’s not broke so deal with it”. There is absolutely no point in clearing an area if the mobs respawn before I move on. I mean really, just sit in one spot and grind until your heart’s content.

The most recent problem area I encountered was near Skill Challenge #8 – Thaumanova Reactor

The jungle skelk lurkers were respawning faster than I could kill them, which made getting to the actual skill challenge nearly impossible solo. Once there I tried to fight the fire elementals but the skelks respawned at my back, immediately drawing aggro and forcing me to hastily retreat through what I had already “cleared”.

If this many people are complaining about this specific aspect of your game, chances are it could benefit greatly from a little change. Anyway guess I’ll just have to keep complaining here until a developer notices. It’s not like I’m the only one who wants this problem resolved.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


Been seeing this more and more.

Last night I killed an npc that guards a door; it respawned immediately. Not in 2 seconds, and most likely in under 1 second…it was basically an immediate respawn of the same exact npc ( the only one that stands on this particular spot).

I have seen lots of this. I am certain that the 95-120 second thing is somehow not working in all cases, and in some locations it is never working.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perry Wolf.3925

Perry Wolf.3925

I totally agree with Orion Templar (smart man or woman), change the respawn type, or at least increase the time between the respawns.
And like Chase wrote: I too tried to free the prisoners in Kessex hills (Water), when I had killed one, picked up the bar and tried to open the cage, some Krait respawned nearby and used ranged weapons to shoot at me, so I had to go and kill it again, then, when I was about to return to the cage, the krait there had respawn, and so It went on until I decided to leave the area and ignore the event (solo anyway).
Zantetzuken and Teofa Tsavo had good arguments too. Why doesn´t anything happen when you get so many complaints about this issue? When I worked in a radiostation, we knew that if someoone contacted us, it mean’t that at least a 100 more had the same oppinion (they just didn´t took the time to contact us). I should believe that the rate in GW2 is at least 2000 for everyóne that take contact with you.
Eventually people will grow tired of constantly fighting the same mobs and not getting to enjoy other parts of the game because of that. Finally they stop playng GW2 and start playing games with better respawn rates and better respond to their fans.
It is time you do something about these respawn issues even if it means that the GW2 has to be off-line for a couple of days.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Spawn rates in the game are fine. If you can’t kill things quick enough in the times the dev mentioned, you should look at your build and gear.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Spawn rates in the game are fine. If you can’t kill things quick enough in the times the dev mentioned, you should look at your build and gear.

I’ve had mobs respawn a second after killing them. Not commonly, true, but often enough to be annoying. And heaven forbid you and a couple of others should tackle a champion, unless you enjoy repeatedly killing the surrounding mobs several times during the fight.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Gave is too easy, needs a faster respawn with harder mobs in my opinion.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blissified.8369


respawn rate isn’t high enough this game is already way too easy.

people need to learn 2 play every area is already super easy when playing solo.

lets not ruin the game more by making open world pve even MORE easy

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zinky.6573


They definitely respawn way, way too fast for a solo player in many areas. The repop is often so fast you can get jumped by something you killed seconds ago while working on the next thing in line. It makes progressing into an area really tough a lot of the time.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KrakenAZ.9367


Nothing has changed, MONTHS after being reported. This waypoint is perpetually contested.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alacrity.4312


I wish the respawn rate would slow down, considerably.

One thing I miss from GW1 is being able to exterminate everything in an area, allowing interruption-free enjoyment of the scenery.

Slowing down the respawn would also help deter botters/farmers, so maybe we can be rid of DR too.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


I did some experimenting on this recently, and i wonder if the problem is not so much spawn time (i got the claimed 90-120 seconds when testing in out of the way places where all spawn points were clearly populated) but that the game do not consider proximity or characters or how recently a spawn point was cleared.

Say that i am clearing a path through a bunch of mobs of the same kind. What can happen is that the mob i killed back around the start of the path spawns where i recently killed another of its kind, because simply it was a clear spawn point for it.

And because they are of the same kind, it is impossible to tell them apart. And so it will appear as if the same mob spawned within seconds of the kill.

I am guessing this happens because the game tries to avoid spawn camping, or farming loops.

If possible, places like the spider cave in Harati Hinterlands should have its spawn points isolated from the nearby mobs so that only those related to the cave can spawn there. Then a proper debate about the spawn times for anything related to those specific events can be had.

(edited by digiowl.9620)

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


I did some experimenting on this recently, and i wonder if the problem is not so much spawn time (i got the claimed 90-120 seconds when testing in out of the way places where all spawn points were clearly populated) but that the game do not consider proximity or characters or how recently a spawn point was cleared.

Say that i am clearing a path through a bunch of mobs of the same kind. What can happen is that the mob i killed back around the start of the path spawns where i recently killed another of its kind, because simply it was a clear spawn point for it.

And because they are of the same kind, it is impossible to tell them apart. And so it will appear as if the same mob spawned within seconds of the kill.

I am guessing this happens because the game tries to avoid spawn camping, or farming loops.

If possible, places like the spider cave in Harati Hinterlands should have its spawn points isolated from the nearby mobs so that only those related to the cave can spawn there. Then a proper debate about the spawn times for anything related to those specific events can be had.

Since when are farming loops bad? Being able to farm is what many people ask. Or this this one of those thinks where they try to do something against that because of the gem-store focus (no farming, means gold-driven, means they might hope people buy gold with gems) and so also make another aspect of the game bad.

The bad spawning and the “suddenly running back (when to far away?) and regeneration” has been a pain in this game since the beta.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bladedancer.1237


In total agreement with the OP, re-spawn rate combined with the mob density in many areas for me, make this game ridiculous as a solo player. And for all the “You or your gear are crap” type responses, I have played WOW, LOTRO, AoC, DDO, SWTOR and recently Neverwinter and have never had a problem soloing normal areas with any class in any of those games, often above my level.

Mostly, because I enjoy the challenge of soloing. It is very satisfying clearing your way to a Boss and then taking him out in a long hard fight, partly due to the fact that I am an Aussie playing on U.S. servers and play at times when there simply might not be many people on in a given area.

I have only been playing GW2 for a few weeks, and love nearly every aspect of this game, especially the combat. They just got so many things right. What I do not enjoy is the nigh impossible task of getting Skill Points in some areas. Being killed by endless re-spawn when trying to clear an area just to get to a Skill Point, or whilst fighting a veteran mob is not challenging. It is not fun. It is simply a pain in the neck.

Oh and trying to kite anything outside of some miniscule radius often just runs into a carpet of other mobs/re-spawns.

This is the one HUGE negative factor that makes me wonder if I will continue playing what is otherwise, in almost every aspect, the best MMO I have played yet. It does not reward solo play, completely destroys immersion, and turns what could be interesting, fun and challenging places and fights into a relentless and tedious ‘Zerg and GTFO before you die from re-spawn’ scenarios.

Anyway, that’s my two cents worth and probably my one forum post, (outside of guild) for the year.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vaerth.3589


Sorry if there is a more recent thread about this, but the search function on the forums doesn’t seem to do anything for me so I just went with the first google result.

I will attest to having this problem as well with respawn rates being far too high in some areas. I was attempting to do a skill jumping puzzle in the southern end of Diessa Plateau, specifically the Breached Wall, with my wife.

We got to a small area that had something like 3-4 regular mobs and a veteran. Before we could even kill the veteran all of the regular mobs had respawned, and the veteran was back by the time they were dead once again. We could not even continue the puzzle because of the endless onslaught of mobs respawning on us. It got so bad that we ended up giving up completely. I can safely bet that the respawn was no where near 60 seconds even, and there was not an event going on in this area.

I’ve noticed some other areas like this, but this is the only one that I have specifics on right now. I have to say it is probably my biggest complaint with the game so far. I can understand some areas having a high respawn, but it tends to happen quite often when I am doing things I thought I could do on my own that don’t specify they are large group activities.

If more specifics are wanted I can more heavily look into some of these problematic areas and post some actual measurements of how long the respawn is on some of these mobs.

TL;DR Mobs respawn FAR too quickly in some places that they don’t seem like they should. Please fix. :P

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toroquin.3605


Just ran into this issue again when trying to level up my engy. As soon as there is a Veteran involved things begins to respawn faster than you can take them down. I was trying to get the chest at Wyrmblood Lake in Dredgehaunt Cliffs, but when everything started to respawn over and over again I ended up popping Snow Leopard form and using its 5 sec stealth to open the chest without being attacked.
A simple fix for this issue would be if you could make the respawn rate scale depending on the number of players present, or at least tune down the respawn rate for mobs guarding chests and skill points.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mhamilton.3095


I agree with most of these comments on this topic , Respawn times are way too fast
especially when your killing dredge in dredgehaunt cliffs. Games are about fun and this
game is certainly no fun at times , I Never recommend this game to my friends way too hard .

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


I agree with most of these comments on this topic , Respawn times are way too fast
especially when your killing dredge in dredgehaunt cliffs.

I had to ask for help getting the chest at Wormhowl Spikes with my level 30 Mesmer. The Sons of Svanir respawn rate there is ridiculous. It almost felt like I was killing one and two would come back at times.

Anet should should scale the respawn timers the same way they do with the champion difficulty etc. If there is only one player the respawn rate is slow but speeds up if more players show up.

(edited by Paul.4081)

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alacrity.4312


one of the things I liked most about GW1 is that we could clear an area and leave it nice n peaceful, allowing us to admire the scenery unmolested.
Here in GW2, the gorgeous settings are kinda spoiled because we can’t stop to smell the flowers, so to speak.

If the respawn timers were say, doubled, that would help deter botting and maybe DR could be eased a bit.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JDGumby.7685


Can’t stop to smell the flowers? It’d be nice to be able to stop and even check our bags after clearing an area… :/ Though what would be really nice would be to not have to fight our way out of every cave we fight our way into. :/

Frankly, I’d suspect that the respawn timers were meant as a subtle way to increase gold sink usage (ie, making the choice into paying transit costs for getting out of the abformentioned cave or repair costs + transit because you’ve been swarmed by respawners), but that would be too subtle for ArenaNet (as the old saying goes, “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.”).

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Is the mob density comparable to other MMOs? I’ve never played another one so I don’t know. But they do seem pretty thick on the ground.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Is the mob density comparable to other MMOs? I’ve never played another one so I don’t know. But they do seem pretty thick on the ground.

Lol you have no idea. You should have cleared orr alone last year around launch like I did. There literally wasn’t time to go to map and waypoint before you were in combat. It was insane. They thinned them out after that.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fergus.4208


Respawn rate is generally a bit high, and it is certainly way to high in certain areas. Some areas are made difficult because the spawn rate is incredibly high and the density of mobs is high. They also have CC skills to force you to fight them.

In my opiynion this is a bad way to introduce difficulty. Challenging areas does not mean that you must be constantly forced into fights across the entire map.

Challenging areas should have mobs with more abilities, faster attack rate, but only a minor increase in health/armor.
The mobs should typically be in smaller groups, attacking together, and possibly have some group synergy.
Veterans, should be replaced with lieutenants.
It should be possible to run through most areas without drawing aggro, particulary by following roads, but challenging areas are more cruel, and hence you may run into ambushes. These ambushes have the skills to pose a threat, and a solo player will need some survivability skills to escape.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Is the mob density comparable to other MMOs? I’ve never played another one so I don’t know. But they do seem pretty thick on the ground.

Lol you have no idea. You should have cleared orr alone last year around launch like I did. There literally wasn’t time to go to map and waypoint before you were in combat. It was insane. They thinned them out after that.

This is so true. What made it worse was when you were a Ranger, and all the Risen would IGNORE your pet. It turned into a real “ignore enemies and run for your life!” scenario.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Well ANet claimed that the Orr spawn points were bugged back then, producing at least twice the spawns they were supposed to.