Guardian has no alternative :)
Eternity color changing
Tinypaws / Tiny The Charrdian / Marko The Guardian
Guardian has no alternative :)
Guardian has no alternative :)
I cried because I had no shoes.
Then I met a man who had shoes, but whose laces weren’t sparkly.
takes a drink
Why not just use Twilight, then?
Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I’m not sure that Eternity can show both Twilight and Sunrise at the same time- it’s either one or the other. Would it not take A-net a lot of work to design some kind of overlay of the two to make it look realistic, good-looking and still recognisably both Twilight+Sunrise? I’d imagine the slider to be transparency for one and opacity for the other, but then you’d just have an awful mish-mash of colour and texture…
To get it right, it seems like a lot of work for just one legendary…
New legendary announced