Evolution of Guild Wars 2 in The First Year
Yeah, but then I expect to hear about how “I did The Crystal Dunes in Hard Mode and all I got was this T-shirt” from the forums.
Or not… Look at how dungeons and elite dungeons worked in GW1. They were challenging, and offered cosmetic rewards that were selleable so people that completed them could make some money out of it. Trash mobs also dropped unique crafting materials etc, making killing trash actually worthwhile in some places.
People were still doing UW, FoW, DoA, Deep and Urgoz in 2012, 6 years after they got released, that says quite a few things about how well they were designed.
Not to mention, the only thing that you missed out on if you didn’t do the elite areas were some HoM achievement points. Other than that, it didn’t matter in the slightest if you did them or not.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
(edited by Bright.9160)
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
The best reason to play in my opinion. This is what makes this game better than every other MMO. Thank you so much for sharing this positive opinion.
I don’t enjoy endgame, therefor, they shouldn’t put it in the game, because this game is just for me.
Got it.
You’re quite close. Let’s look at this closer.
I don’t enjoy end game. Other people besides me ALSO don’t enjoy end game. We don’t know how big a percentage that is, but clearly other people do feel the same way. There are whole lot of MMOs out there already focused on end game. There are relatively few MMOs (none of the ones I’ve tried) that don’t focus around end game.
Some posters feel ALL the MMOs should be for them. Some of us feel it’s about time that at least one AAA title was for us.
I don’t really see that as unreasonable. It’s far more unreasonable to say that all MMOs should be the same.
So you accuse us of feeling that an MMO should be made just for us, while at the same time expecting the exact same thing from this one? I’m sorry, but you’re being quite the hypocrite.
Not to mention, it wouldn’t hurt your gaming experience in the slightest if they added elite end-game content for the people who enjoy it, seeing how they won’t make a gear treadmill out of it anyway, and the rewards would be purely cosmetics.
You have no idea what would hurt my gaming experience…but the truth is, I didn’t design this game, Anet did. And they said from the very beginning they weren’t focused on traditional end game stuff. That what you do at max level would be the same sorts of things you did at leveling.
You’re saying you want a different game and I’m saying I’m satisified with the game. You should be careful with the H word. People and glass houses at all.
Yes, the focus of a company could completely ruin the game for those of us who don’t like it. Rift was a perfect example. So much potential in the open world, and so squandered because the focus on the company was raids and dungeons. I didn’t want to raid, so Rift ceased to be the game for me. Why? Because they were focused on raids and dungeons. They didn’t understand what players like me wanted at all. And there were many of us on the forums who said roughly the same things…and wanted roughly the same things.
Actually Guild Wars 2 only fulfills part of what I want in an MMO, but it’s closer than any other MMO, so I’ll stay with it for now. I hope in the future that other MMOs come out that are closer to what I want.
Lol, you’re pretending that I’m asking Anet to do a complete overhaul of their focus and stop doing LS stuff and focus completely on dungeons, which I’m not. I wouldn’t mind if they did, but I’m realistic enough not to expect anything remotely close to that.
All I’m asking for (and I’m not alone in those regards) is a small focus on some elite end-game content for those of us that like doing it. I don’t see how it would ruin your experience because it wouldn’t change anything to the open-world, daily, Living Story, happy dandy fluffy boring content that they’re releasing like clockwork (no pun intended). How would it affect you if they brought back UW and FoW and tied in some cosmetic rewards that might or might not be sellable?
Like I’ve said in another post that was meant for you a while ago (which you so elegantly ignored again, because it didn’t agree with you), until your interests in this game have been defecated on for almost 10 months straight, you have no right to be condescending towards the people that enjoy end-game content and pretend that we have no right to complain.
Also, don’t pretend you’re some kind of saint, I might be a hypocrite sometimes as well, but I’m not even going to try to get to your level, because the competition is too much for that.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Everybody expects the game to cater to themselves and them alone. The fact that others like some of the same things you do and are therefore like-minded is merely convenient, but gives no higher qualification than “I want”.
People should talk more in “I want” and “I feel”…it would make these discussions a lot more honest in the end.
Okay, but bear with me for a moment: The game needs some focus on what ANet wants to improve on.
Right now, the more I think of it and sit here listening, the more I realize there are all these parts here of a game many many people want to play. Except for some reason there’s this lack of focus on these parts. This is all from just . . . listening, and trying to grasp what people are saying.
- There are dungeons, but they’re either too easy to run for rewards or not rewarding enough to bother with for the difficulty. Every time they work on it, the gap gets wider. People still gravitate to Citadel of Flames Path 1, as you can do it quickly. People don’t do a lot of the other dungeons due to them being too difficult, too weird, or just too much of a hassle.
- There are World Boss events, but a lot of them scale poorly and have evolved into a rote pattern where the players (in massive numbers) cause the “death of a thousand cuts”. Then they collect their loot, check the timers, and move to the next one they want.
- There is sPvP, but a lot of people just plain don’t like it. From listening to people, nobody likes it. They do like the “Locker” and wish it was in PvE.
- There is WvW but it’s in a strange balance of “siege vs zerg vs nightcapping” if you listen to enough people. The tactics are usually simply “zerg it til it falls” and if that fails “zerg where they’re not at until they come defend, then go somewhere else”. Also, nobody likes it either and it’s a waste of time and server space.
- There is nothing to do as a guild unit. There was the option of Guild Missions to work towards but as they require a lot of resources pooled together it was determined they aren’t meant to be played. More concerns are a lack of fine controls with guild leadership, and the fact “guild halls” were mentioned once and have not been seen or heard from since other than “we’re still thinking on it”.
- PvE is uninteresting and poorly balanced; either it is impossible to do in a small group (1-3 people) or it is trivialized by bringing a larger group (25+ people). The rewards are either unnecessary or too much of a crapshoot (i.e. “we’re not getting exotics but we’re getting blues”) to bother with.
- There’s no point to doing anything, since it can’t cause permanent effects on the world. Lost Shores happened, and poorly thought-out timing issues combined with underestimation of what traffic would be pulled into one zone all at once across all the servers caused issues. Everyone wants to avoid a repeat of Lost Shores, but still apparently wants the same sort of thing to happen.
- Living Story is badly written, badly acted, and just plain bad. Except for the Molten Facility. Which was only sort of bad. Nobody can agree on how to fix it, other than to stop trying. Also, it may be sexist towards females. And sexist towards males. And racist against charr.
- Class X is broken, and will always be useless. Class X changes depending on the latest patch, but is never Warrior or Guardian. The only one mostly agreed upon is engineer, which is agreed to be useless by the majority of players. To a lesser extent, people want rangers to roll warriors instead.
- Precursors are too expensive to buy from other players and too difficult to get via “normal play”. This means Legendaries are “impossible” to achieve for the average player. People not amused by the idea Legendary weapons may be easier to attain than Ascended weapons.
Yeah, but then I expect to hear about how “I did The Crystal Dunes in Hard Mode and all I got was this T-shirt” from the forums.
Or not… Look at how dungeons and elite dungeons worked in GW1. They were challenging, and offered cosmetic rewards that were selleable so people that completed them could make some money out of it. Trash mobs also dropped unique crafting materials etc, making killing trash actually worthwhile in some places.
People were still doing UW, FoW, DoA, Deep and Urgoz in 2012, 6 years after they got released, that says quite a few things about how well they were designed.
Not to mention, the only thing that you missed out on if you didn’t do the elite areas were some HoM achievement points. Other than that, it didn’t matter in the slightest if you did them or not.
This is very true, except the point where some of those were well-designed. I really ran into people who said specifically the Foundry of Failed Creations (DoA) was one of the worst experiences they tried. I ran into people who railed against Underworld runs due to some of the fail conditions kicking the group out. It, and Fissure of Woe, cost money to attempt each time where later ones did not.
Notably, part of the insanity in the GW1 economy came from the demand and supply of those cosmetic items. Seriously, no fooling around, how many people could make bank on a couple Elemental Swords (Req 9)? Or a Froggy? How about that ugly skull-on-a-stick Saurian Scythe? That’s before we get to the minis where it was even crazier what a Mini Polar Bear was going for when I stopped.
Also, trash mobs dropping “unique crafting materials” is kind of not entirely true unless you’re talking about the Obsidian Shards and Globs of Ectoplasm. I suppose you could make a case for Glacial Stones, Destroyer Cores, Diessa Chalices, and Golden Rin Relics . . . it was almost never worthwhile to kill certain groups for what they “might” drop, especially running HM. Kathandrax kinda was a bit problematic that way, if I recall. Also Slaver’s Exile.
(By the way, Slaver’s Exile was both an interesting design and incredibly frustrating to deal with the mobs inside. I applaud the difficulty but hoo boy . . . )
But you’re right about one thing. If you didn’t want to do them, you didn’t have to and there was nothing worth going in there for. But if you did happen to go in there and get lucky you could make bank for years off a lucky chest drop. Which was why people felt forced to do certain ones even if they didn’t like it.
Because if you wanted anything worthwhile in GW1 late-in-cycle? 100 plat to start, or start talking ectos.
Lol, you’re pretending that I’m asking Anet to do a complete overhaul of their focus and stop doing LS stuff and focus completely on dungeons, which I’m not. I wouldn’t mind if they did, but I’m realistic enough not to expect anything remotely close to that.
All I’m asking for (and I’m not alone in those regards) is a small focus on some elite end-game content for those of us that like doing it. I don’t see how it would ruin your experience because it wouldn’t change anything to the open-world, daily, Living Story, happy dandy fluffy boring content that they’re releasing like clockwork (no pun intended). How would it affect you if they brought back UW and FoW and tied in some cosmetic rewards that might or might not be sellable?
Like I’ve said in another post that was meant for you a while ago (which you so elegantly ignored again, because it didn’t agree with you), until your interests in this game have been defecated on for almost 10 months straight, you have no right to be condescending towards the people that enjoy end-game content and pretend that we have no right to complain.
Also, don’t pretend you’re some kind of saint, I might be a hypocrite sometimes as well, but I’m not even going to try to get to your level, because the competition is too much for that.
I’ve never claimed to be a saint. My position is very simple.
Anet created a game. I like most of the game the way it is (with some caveats). I generally what Anet has done with the living story and I think they have included some harder content, including the Queens Gauntlet and the Aetherblade dungeon (neither of which I loved). I don’t mind that Anet is doing those things. As you say it doesn’t affect my game play.
But when a specific group of people derides a game that I (and others like me) enjoy, just because it doesn’t kowtow to what they want, on a consistent basis, without thought at all to how they phrase things….those people are asking others to comment on what they’re saying and how they’re saying it.
I don’t care if you think I’m a hypocrite. It doesn’t matter to me one whit. I’ve neither confirmed or denied this, since no one on these forums knows me well enough to judge such things. This is your own ego thinking you can know someone from even ten thousand posts. You can’t. You don’t get me at all, and that’s perfectly all right. I don’t expect you to.
But I’m not personally calling you names or judging you for your opinions. You can’t say the same for yourself.
snipped for length
As much as I might agree with your individual assessments (and I largely do agree), I am not convinced that we represent a majority of players here.
Why do I think that?
Well, most players who left and think this game is crap are not posting here. Just a few like myself who still have an interest in the discussions. Also most people who are positive about the game do not post here, they are playing the game.
So as much as I know that I would need some changes for me to play this game again, I do not presume that I am part of some majority. In fact I consider myself a minority compared to the people who are enjoying the game as it is.
Perhaps on the total of the 3.5 million copies sold I might be part of a majority who got disenchanted with the game, but that’s a guess. And even if more than half of the players quit, most of them have moved on and stopped caring about GW2 entirely. So they don’t matter for GW2 anymore because they are mostly lost for good.
In spite of the big numbers posted, the current numbers are smaller. Smaller sales in 2013, lower concurrency, slow growth of player numbers after the big dip etc. It’s all about stabilising what is there now.
The next big numbers will come from China and if they stay big they will determine the future of the game more than we do. Dunno if you ever considered this, but if China is a success then that’s where the money will be for them and the opinions of those customers will inevitably have to become leading. Not yours or mine. So China could be a great thing for the game, but could be a bad thing for the players depending. I’m not sure yet either way.
snipped for length
As much as I might agree with your individual assessments (and I largely do agree), I am not convinced that we represent a majority of players here.
Why do I think that?
Well, most players who left and think this game is crap are not posting here. Just a few like myself who still have an interest in the discussions. Also most people who are positive about the game do not post here, they are playing the game.
So as much as I know that I would need some changes for me to play this game again, I do not presume that I am part of some majority. In fact I consider myself a minority compared to the people who are enjoying the game as it is.
Perhaps on the total of the 3.5 million copies sold I might be part of a majority who got disenchanted with the game, but that’s a guess. And even if more than half of the players quit, most of them have moved on and stopped caring about GW2 entirely. So they don’t matter for GW2 anymore because they are mostly lost for good.
In spite of the big numbers posted, the current numbers are smaller. Smaller sales in 2013, lower concurrency, slow growth of player numbers after the big dip etc. It’s all about stabilising what is there now.
The next big numbers will come from China and if they stay big they will determine the future of the game more than we do. Dunno if you ever considered this, but if China is a success then that’s where the money will be for them and the opinions of those customers will inevitably have to become leading. Not yours or mine. So China could be a great thing for the game, but could be a bad thing for the players depending. I’m not sure yet either way.
I know I’m not in the majority, I just read, listen, and try to collate what I can get. So far that’s a losing battle because every time I think I know what the deal is, someone goes and drops a load of crazy mutterings on me.
Yes we may have an upswing now, but when this Ascended stuff gets added that upswing may very well change direction, its happened once it’ll happen again..
Very possible. We don’t really know. There is the possibility that the ones that have stuck around, which pretty well know it was coming, in conjunction with Anet releasing more information well before any actual implementation, and asking for feedback in regards to these things, that we may not. I don’t have a crystal ball, and I’m not going to make assumptions at this point. I can only look at the current trend, and base my thoughts on that.
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
No end game that meets your criteria or standards. You aren’t happy with what you got, and that’s fine.
Personally, I don’t need (or want) a gear treadmill, or time locked raids as an endgame. For me, Anet’s initial statement that the ‘entire game is endgame’ is true, and I like it. At 80, I can go anywhere and do anything. I can go back to Caledon Forest, or another lower level area and not one shot everything. Yes, it’s easier because I’m fully traited and have stronger armor/weapons, but it’s still not a walk in the park. It’s still enjoyable for me, because I’m not just facerolling through.
Now, this does not mean that I would not also welcome ‘end game’ type content like we had in GW1. I would love to see something similar to FoW, UW, or Urgoz be introduced. Not those actual zones, since they wouldn’t fit the lore or story currently, but something equally as challenging. Something that requires strategic, larger team play. Something like this might be on their todo list, might be something they are working on as one of their ‘larger background projects;’ however we don’t know because we don’t work there and they aren’t ready to share yet. This type of development, again, takes time, so I am perfectly happy to ‘wait and see.’
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
This is very true, except the point where some of those were well-designed. I really ran into people who said specifically the Foundry of Failed Creations (DoA) was one of the worst experiences they tried. I ran into people who railed against Underworld runs due to some of the fail conditions kicking the group out. It, and Fissure of Woe, cost money to attempt each time where later ones did not.
Foundry was hard if you attempted to balance-way it, this is true. I was a very prominent DoASC’er and was involved in the record scene as well, so my position regarding DoA is completely biased in every single way possible. I knew every mob, every spawn, every glitch, every exploit etc in that area, so to me personally, it was an easy area. But yes, I can imagine that Foundry was hard for people that didn’t know what was going on.
As for the UW and FoW entry cost, I think it was fair, especially since it was so little and there was much to gain. DoA required you to complete the Nightfall Campaign, whereas UW and FoW only required you to be ascended. Deep and Urgoz (initially) required a ferry or you to own the capitals. So, all of them had some requirements.
Notably, part of the insanity in the GW1 economy came from the demand and supply of those cosmetic items. Seriously, no fooling around, how many people could make bank on a couple Elemental Swords (Req 9)? Or a Froggy? How about that ugly skull-on-a-stick Saurian Scythe? That’s before we get to the minis where it was even crazier what a Mini Polar Bear was going for when I stopped.
Elemental swords were only insanely expensive when Nightfall launched. When EotN launched, they very quickly became worthless to the point where a q9 sold for like 10-15k. The dungeon skins were expensive, but that was the entire idea. Same went for Eternal Blades and Obsidian Blades. Mini Polar Bear wasn’t attached to dungeons though, only to wintersday.
I personally think those items were a good part of the economy, because they fueled supply-demand, which caused people to go out of their way to do harder dungeons. Imagine BDS dropping in Arah, don’t you think that more people would attempt doing Arah instead of not touching it with a 10 foot pole.
Also, trash mobs dropping “unique crafting materials” is kind of not entirely true unless you’re talking about the Obsidian Shards and Globs of Ectoplasm. I suppose you could make a case for Glacial Stones, Destroyer Cores, Diessa Chalices, and Golden Rin Relics . . . it was almost never worthwhile to kill certain groups for what they “might” drop, especially running HM. Kathandrax kinda was a bit problematic that way, if I recall. Also Slaver’s Exile.
Globs of Ectoplasm, Obsidian Shards, Jadeite Shards, Amber Chunks, Rin Relics, Chalices, … There were plenty of examples. In EotN they weren’t worth killing yes, but in FoW and UW there was a reason why people farmed trash mobs when they were waiting for other terra’s to be done.
Because if you wanted anything worthwhile in GW1 late-in-cycle? 100 plat to start, or start talking ectos.
Actually, no. A lot of skins were nigh-worthless. q9 storm daggers were like 15-20e, Froggies and BDS’es, unless in the right attribute with the right req were like 30e. Pretty much all the skins dropped a lot. The only thing that kept their value were the uninscribable shields from GW:Factions and some from Prophecies (Magma’s, Deldrimor Warlord etc) with good stats.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Mini Polar Bear wasn’t attached to dungeons though, only to wintersday.
Still was connected to the instanced dungeon runs, so I count it.
I personally think those items were a good part of the economy, because they fueled supply-demand, which caused people to go out of their way to do harder dungeons. Imagine BDS dropping in Arah, don’t you think that more people would attempt doing Arah instead of not touching it with a 10 foot pole.
Not sure what “BDS” is meaning here? I first thought “blue dragon scale” then the part of my brain which tried to kill memories of NetHack rose up and told me to drink again.
And to be honest, I would love for the sort of dungeon skin drop we had in GW1 if only because of what you cited here. Because it would drive people to run those dungeons more. On the other hand, given the kind of nasty behavior we’ve seen called out on Arah runs . . .
I think it could make it worse.
Also, trash mobs dropping “unique crafting materials” is kind of not entirely true unless you’re talking about the Obsidian Shards and Globs of Ectoplasm. I suppose you could make a case for Glacial Stones, Destroyer Cores, Diessa Chalices, and Golden Rin Relics . . . it was almost never worthwhile to kill certain groups for what they “might” drop, especially running HM. Kathandrax kinda was a bit problematic that way, if I recall. Also Slaver’s Exile.
Globs of Ectoplasm, Obsidian Shards, Jadeite Shards, Amber Chunks, Rin Relics, Chalices, … There were plenty of examples. In EotN they weren’t worth killing yes, but in FoW and UW there was a reason why people farmed trash mobs when they were waiting for other terra’s to be done.
See, if you had just said Shards/Ecto I would have understood. And yes, we wiped everything on our trips I attended. Except smite crawlers, those things we tried to kill ONLY as many as we needed to.
Because if you wanted anything worthwhile in GW1 late-in-cycle? 100 plat to start, or start talking ectos.
Actually, no. A lot of skins were nigh-worthless. q9 storm daggers were like 15-20e, Froggies and BDS’es, unless in the right attribute with the right req were like 30e. Pretty much all the skins dropped a lot. The only thing that kept their value were the uninscribable shields from GW:Factions and some from Prophecies (Magma’s, Deldrimor Warlord etc) with good stats.
Depending on where Ecto was at at the time, 30e could translate to 50-70 platinum. Far more precise were Armbraces, but that’s a whole ’nother can of worms. From what I recall, good inscribable Zodiac weapons could fetch a decent price.
. . . but this is getting far afield in remembering things. Point is, by the standards of the economy back then it was roughly on par with getting anything except a Precursor/Legendary in the GW2 economy.
Not sure what “BDS” is meaning here? I first thought “blue dragon scale” then the part of my brain which tried to kill memories of NetHack rose up and told me to drink again.
And to be honest, I would love for the sort of dungeon skin drop we had in GW1 if only because of what you cited here. Because it would drive people to run those dungeons more. On the other hand, given the kind of nasty behavior we’ve seen called out on Arah runs . . .
I think it could make it worse.
BDS = Bone Dragon Staff it was probably one of the most popular and expensive staff skins in GW1, except for the Dragon Staff, Platinum Staff (uninscribable), Bo Staff, Celestial Staff or Zodiac Staff (uninscribable) from Factions with perfect stats.
Well, it’s funny that you bring the ‘PUG kicking at the end of the dungeon to sell spots’ thing up. Because, we’ve had a lot of complaints in the dungeon forum about it, while a lot of us are actually legit Arah runners that solo/duo/trio the dungeon in order to sell extra spots. The funny thing is that the wave of people being kicked in PUG runs didn’t start until people started regularly complaining about it, i.e. the fact that people complain about it is making it worse. To be honest, I don’t believe any of the stories unless they are accompanied by proof, and I honestly think that the first examples of said behavior were because the people getting kicked were just terrible and they wanted to blame someone else for the fact that they’re bad players.
What’s even worse is that some of us have been getting people that join the party, only to kick the people duo’ing, because they believe they kicked PUGs to sell the spots, making all their efforts in vain.
See, if you had just said Shards/Ecto I would have understood.
And yes, we wiped everything on our trips I attended. Except smite crawlers, those things we tried to kill ONLY as many as we needed to.
Lol, Smite Crawlers had some of the highest ecto drop rates in all of UW. You probably missed out on a lot of ecto’s because of that.
Depending on where Ecto was at at the time, 30e could translate to 50-70 platinum. Far more precise were Armbraces, but that’s a whole ’nother can of worms. From what I recall, good inscribable Zodiac weapons could fetch a decent price.
. . . but this is getting far afield in remembering things. Point is, by the standards of the economy back then it was roughly on par with getting anything except a Precursor/Legendary in the GW2 economy.
Armbraces were around 25e at the end of GW1, which translated to about 220k depending on ecto prices.
Good inscribable zodiac weapons never broke 80k or something like that, because they were inscribable. A good uninscribable zodiac weapon could fetch a whole lot more. A q9 divine 20/20 prot zodiac staff could easily get like 250-300e.
I have no idea what you mean by that last sentence though.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
You have such a soft, nice voice. Like the genuine good guy type of person². I’ve got the feeling you’re constantly trying not to cheer out as a rabid fanboy
² (as compared to the frustrated misogynists that usually self-identify as good guys)
Are you talking about the guy with the American accent in the video or the one with the New Zealand(its like the Australian accent but less evil) accent?
The one at the start, the first to speak.
I don’t perceive Australians as evil. Love the accent.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I guess it’s also my own fault I can’t afford a big gaming rig and have to play on a 3 year old laptop with the worst graphical setting imaginable that needs a fan on it just so my graphical card won’t melt?
I need to play on lowest setting of everything just to be able to break 10 FPS. So no, it’s not because I don’t know how to change my graphical setting.
But hey, keep the assumptions coming, whatever makes you feel superior I guess.
Here’s an assumption:
There’s only one type of person who can’t afford a new computer and is forced to play on a three years old laptop.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I have no idea what you mean by that last sentence though.
Sorry, what I should unpack and say is:
Setting the two economies side by side, it’s almost comparable to see the really desirable items in either trading system have comparably high prices based on what you could realistically earn with what could be considered “casual play”.
The sticking point mentally is how Gold/Plat (1/1000) in GW1 was a different scale than Copper/Silver/Gold (1/100/10000) in GW2. Considering what the average gold (rare) item would sell for in GW1 to a vendor (where they usually would wind up, unless you were selling “Un-ID Golds” to people) it was usually 7-8 per Plat.
In GW2 Rares can be salvaged into Ecto, which can fill you roughly 4-6 to a Gold depending on what the market is at that day. But truthfully, I find I can fill up on Blues/Greens to a Gold much faster if I sell them all to the vendor. Each Blue for level 75-80 is roughly 69c to 99c, each Green can go from at least 1s to 1s99c so it seems. And if you’re in a high-loot environment this isn’t hard to fill up. Even before invasions and the Pavilion, getting in with some dedicated people doing a Temple run could net you full bags awfully quick. Or, barring that, WvW zerging. Especially since you can sell blueprints now.
I present my opinion based on these two paragraphs the two economies are roughly equivalent when it comes to getting your top-requested gear for looks. The amount of time required to “farm up the cash” is about the same.
Here’s an assumption:
There’s only one type of person who can’t afford a new computer and is forced to play on a three years old laptop.
Someone who just spent a lot of his savings on a roadtrip through Africa?
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Here’s an assumption:
There’s only one type of person who can’t afford a new computer and is forced to play on a three years old laptop.
Someone who just spent a lot of his savings on a roadtrip through Africa?
How about someone who had to move (twice) with minimal warning and blow savings to manage the moves? That’s why I’ve still got my poor little Intel Mac Mini
Here’s an assumption:
There’s only one type of person who can’t afford a new computer and is forced to play on a three years old laptop.
Someone who just spent a lot of his savings on a roadtrip through Africa?
Even someone who did that, should have the 600 euros necessary to buy a Guild Wars 2 capable notebook.
Maybe you want to save up for a really decent pc, but Guild Wars 2 running at 10fps, and you not being able to see the mobs is not A.net’s fault in this case.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Here’s an assumption:
There’s only one type of person who can’t afford a new computer and is forced to play on a three years old laptop.
Someone who just spent a lot of his savings on a roadtrip through Africa?
Even someone who did that, should have the 600 euros necessary to buy a Guild Wars 2 capable notebook.
Maybe you want to save up for a really decent pc, but Guild Wars 2 running at 10fps, and you not being able to see the mobs is not A.net’s fault in this case.
I’m not going to explain to you my reasons why I don’t have money to spare on a gaming rig. Not to mention there are more important things that I need to pay for, like, you know, a place to stay. It’s not because I have 600 euro’s saved up that I have to spend it. My parents luckily taught me how to handle money better than that.
As for it not being Anet’s fault, to me it is. Because their priority should have been the culling of enemies, not the culling of players. If you honestly believe that it’s the other way around, you’re delusional in my opinion.
I don’t blame them for my crappy computer. I can however blame them for their skewed priorities and worthless updates.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
There is no evolution of Guild Wars 2. Nothing useful has been done to the game, and barely anything was changed for the better. GW2 hasn’t come far, it hasn’t gone anywhere at all actually. And yes, I love how Anet addressed a ton of bugs in the beginning of the game – oh wait. Aren’t there still bugs left over from beta? Please save your “congratulations” for when Anet truly does something that improves the game.
And yup, still no end-game. Every single mmorpg should have end-game, because it’s what keeps you playing. The living story sure as hell doesn’t keep me playing. Add some end-game and then you might be able to call this an mmorpg.
There is no evolution of Guild Wars 2. Nothing useful has been done to the game, and barely anything was changed for the better. GW2 hasn’t come far, it hasn’t gone anywhere at all actually. And yes, I love how Anet addressed a ton of bugs in the beginning of the game – oh wait. Aren’t there still bugs left over from beta? Please save your “congratulations” for when Anet truly does something that improves the game.
And yup, still no end-game. Every single mmorpg should have end-game, because it’s what keeps you playing. The living story sure as hell doesn’t keep me playing. Add some end-game and then you might be able to call this an mmorpg.
Yep, another self-serving statement. Anet has done nothing. The game is the same.
Well fractals weren’t nothing, new PvP maps weren’t nothing, quality of life issues like AoE looting, the wallet, market place preview and more, weren’t nothing, and that’s completely leaving out how many bugs have actually been fixed. You’re obviously not keeping track.
There have been new jumping puzzles, new dynamic events (the skritt burglar wasn’t hear at launch if you recall) new mini games, new armor and weapon skins…it may not be content you like but to say the game is unchanged is simply incorrect.
There is no evolution of Guild Wars 2. Nothing useful has been done to the game, and barely anything was changed for the better. GW2 hasn’t come far, it hasn’t gone anywhere at all actually. And yes, I love how Anet addressed a ton of bugs in the beginning of the game – oh wait. Aren’t there still bugs left over from beta? Please save your “congratulations” for when Anet truly does something that improves the game.
And yup, still no end-game. Every single mmorpg should have end-game, because it’s what keeps you playing. The living story sure as hell doesn’t keep me playing. Add some end-game and then you might be able to call this an mmorpg.
Yep, another self-serving statement. Anet has done nothing. The game is the same.
Well fractals weren’t nothing, new PvP maps weren’t nothing, quality of life issues like AoE looting, the wallet, market place preview and more, weren’t nothing, and that’s completely leaving out how many bugs have actually been fixed. You’re obviously not keeping track.
There have been new jumping puzzles, new dynamic events (the skritt burglar wasn’t hear at launch if you recall) new mini games, new armor and weapon skins…it may not be content you like but to say the game is unchanged is simply incorrect.
Notice that I said nothing “useful” changed? Oh my goodness! New mini-games? Oh! Let me go get my 5 year old so he can play that. New armor and weapon skins? Oh! What was the point of putting those in again? Fractals might as well not be there anymore, the PvP maps were junk, and so few bugs have actually been fixed that I can’t tell the difference. I’m still getting no sound when I log in right away for about 5 minutes, and that bug has been there since beta.
The jumping puzzles were actually pretty fun, I enjoyed those, but every single other addition wasn’t wanted or needed.
The game pretty much is the same. You didn’t name a single major change in that entire paragraph. You apparently think I dislike and even hate GW2, but I want to see it thrive because I enjoyed a lot about the game. Anet, however, seems determined to throw it into a grave by keeping it the same when countless amazing suggestions have been made that would improve the game, yet nothing is being done.
There is no evolution of Guild Wars 2. Nothing useful has been done to the game, and barely anything was changed for the better. GW2 hasn’t come far, it hasn’t gone anywhere at all actually. And yes, I love how Anet addressed a ton of bugs in the beginning of the game – oh wait. Aren’t there still bugs left over from beta? Please save your “congratulations” for when Anet truly does something that improves the game.
And yup, still no end-game. Every single mmorpg should have end-game, because it’s what keeps you playing. The living story sure as hell doesn’t keep me playing. Add some end-game and then you might be able to call this an mmorpg.
Yep, another self-serving statement. Anet has done nothing. The game is the same.
Well fractals weren’t nothing, new PvP maps weren’t nothing, quality of life issues like AoE looting, the wallet, market place preview and more, weren’t nothing, and that’s completely leaving out how many bugs have actually been fixed. You’re obviously not keeping track.
There have been new jumping puzzles, new dynamic events (the skritt burglar wasn’t hear at launch if you recall) new mini games, new armor and weapon skins…it may not be content you like but to say the game is unchanged is simply incorrect.
Notice that I said nothing “useful” changed? Oh my goodness! New mini-games? Oh! Let me go get my 5 year old so he can play that. New armor and weapon skins? Oh! What was the point of putting those in again? Fractals might as well not be there anymore, the PvP maps were junk, and so few bugs have actually been fixed that I can’t tell the difference. I’m still getting no sound when I log in right away for about 5 minutes, and that bug has been there since beta.
The jumping puzzles were actually pretty fun, I enjoyed those, but every single other addition wasn’t wanted or needed.
The game pretty much is the same. You didn’t name a single major change in that entire paragraph. You apparently think I dislike and even hate GW2, but I want to see it thrive because I enjoyed a lot about the game. Anet, however, seems determined to throw it into a grave by keeping it the same when countless amazing suggestions have been made that would improve the game, yet nothing is being done.
Oh no USEFUL changes. What you really mean is changes you personally have no use for. How about no changes you like…but it’s changed.
You say Guild Wars 2 hasn’t gone far. I say it’s come a long long way. They’re both true from different perspectives.
You know what? I’m tired of the countless bugs, the fact that Guild Wars 2 is just a collection of over-glorified mini-games and activities, the fact that nothing impressive has been added and probably will never be added, and the fact that Anet continues to throw pointless content at us without even thinking of the consequences.
I stuck with this game through the good times, and the tough times. There was a bug where I lost 600 gold in the TP, and I didn’t receive my item that I bought. I sent in a support ticket to Anet, and they basically said, “Oh, that sucks. You’re screwed. We can’t help you so goodbye”.
Even after that freak show I decided to continue on and start over. Then came Southsun. I was neutral about the content, It was fun, but it wasn’t at the same time. I try to do an event, but a mob of about a thousand monsters comes to attack me and I die in milliseconds. I ask in map chat, “What the heck was that?”, to which someone replied that every single event in Southsun was bugged like that. There were about 16 events there, and to have all 16 bugged is insane and ludicrous.
Moving on to the Zephyr Sanctum…. I had a bug where I couldn’t pick up any Catcher skins from the chest at the end of the Sanctum Sprint. Actually, I couldn’t pick up anything from that chest. Again, same thing, I send in a support ticket, and Anet gets back to me with, “We can’t help you, so you might as well go play WoW”. I finally am able to pick up the wind catcher after I reinstalled the game, and then I try to equip it. I could not believe my eyes when it freaking deletes itself from my inventory.
I played Guild Wars 1 for years. Those were years that I enjoyed very much, and then to come here, and to be given so much garbage that’s passed off as a game nowadays is just immensely sad. On top of that, players actually accept this garbage with open hands and with nothing but smiles on their faces, and it makes me utterly sick. Those people are single-handedly killing Guild Wars 2 by saying everything is alright.
Anet also keeps shoving RNG boxes in our faces expecting us to pay for them. I would rather just buy the tickets from the boxes outright, yet Anet continues to push them onto us. I’ve never seen a company that’s so persistent about making us spend money at every chance we get. I’m extremely tolerant when it comes to game mistakes, and I tend to overlook a lot of the major things wrong with the games, but there are so many things wrong with this game that it would take months to list them all out.
I’ve been the victim of so many bugs that I just can’t take Guild Wars 2 seriously anymore. The bugs I listed weren’t even 30% of the bugs I’ve experienced in my 3,000 hours of gameplay. So, I’m done. Done with Anet, done with NCSoft, done with Guild Wars 2. You can take my share of the bugs, I’ll happily give them to you, and so will Anet. Have fun destroying the game I actually care about, Vayne.
(edited by Galtrix.7369)
Arguing with Vayne is always a lost cause. I’ve never seen him even concede to other point of view, change his mind about anything, or admit that someone else may have a point. Save your fingers.
Actually, I can probably dig up and show you posts where I’ve admitted someone was right, and changed my opinion,. but I doubt you’d pay any attention to that.
Of course, that would make your comments above a direct lie.
You know what? I’m tired of the countless bugs, the fact that Guild Wars 2 is just a collection of over-glorified mini-games and activities, the fact that nothing impressive has been added and probably will never be added, and the fact that Anet continues to throw pointless content at us without even thinking of the consequences.
I stuck with this game through the good times, and the tough times. There was a bug where I lost 600 gold in the TP, and I didn’t receive my item that I bought. I sent in a support ticket to Anet, and they basically said, “Oh, that sucks. You’re screwed. We can’t help you so goodbye”.
Even after that freak show I decided to continue on and start over. Then came Southsun. I was neutral about the content, It was fun, but it wasn’t at the same time. I try to do an event, but a mob of about a thousand monsters comes to attack me and I die in milliseconds. I ask in map chat, “What the heck was that?”, to which someone replied that every single event in Southsun was bugged like that. There were about 16 events there, and to have all 16 bugged is insane and ludicrous.
Moving on to the Zephyr Sanctum…. I had a bug where I couldn’t pick up any Catcher skins from the chest at the end of the Sanctum Sprint. Actually, I couldn’t pick up anything from that chest. Again, same thing, I send in a support ticket, and Anet gets back to me with, “We can’t help you, so you might as well go play WoW”. I finally am able to pick up the wind catcher after I reinstalled the game, and then I try to equip it. I could not believe my eyes when it freaking deletes itself from my inventory.
I played Guild Wars 1 for years. Those were years that I enjoyed very much, and then to come here, and to be given so much garbage that’s passed off as a game nowadays is just immensely sad. On top of that, players actually accept this garbage with open hands and with nothing but smiles on their faces, and it makes me utterly sick. Those people are single-handedly killing Guild Wars 2 by saying everything is alright.
Anet also keeps shoving RNG boxes in our faces expecting us to pay for them. I would rather just buy the tickets from the boxes outright, yet Anet continues to push them onto us. I’ve never seen a company that’s so persistent about making us spend money at every chance we get. I’m extremely tolerant when it comes to game mistakes, and I tend to overlook a lot of the major things wrong with the games, but there are so many things wrong with this game that it would take months to list them all out.
I’ve been the victim of so many bugs that I just can’t take Guild Wars 2 seriously anymore. The bugs I listed weren’t even 30% of the bugs I’ve experienced in my 3,000 hours of gameplay. So, I’m done. Done with Anet, done with NCSoft, done with Guild Wars 2. You can take my share of the bugs, I’ll happily give them to you, and so will Anet. Have fun destroying the game I actually care about, Vayne.
I played Guild Wars 1 for years too. I think Guild Wars 2 is a better game.
I’ve been the victim of so much hyperbole, I can’t many of the posts on this forum seriously anymore.
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
The best reason to play in my opinion. This is what makes this game better than every other MMO. Thank you so much for sharing this positive opinion.
Yeah, well, not everyone enjoys standing in LA telling others how much they enjoy gw2. I want TO PLAY, not stand in a city. In how many games do you stand in a city as endgame? I don’t know many rofl.
Arguing with Vayne is always a lost cause. I’ve never seen him even concede to other point of view, change his mind about anything, or admit that someone else may have a point. Save your fingers.
Actually, I can probably dig up and show you posts where I’ve admitted someone was right, and changed my opinion,. but I doubt you’d pay any attention to that.
Of course, that would make your comments above a direct lie.
Lie is a strong word of course….
If he had said you never conceded to another point of view it might be a lie….but what he actually said is that he’s never seen you concede to a point. So it may not make his comment a lie…. he might’ve just missed it or even forgotten about it if he did see it. Just a thought.
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
The best reason to play in my opinion. This is what makes this game better than every other MMO. Thank you so much for sharing this positive opinion.
I don’t enjoy endgame, therefor, they shouldn’t put it in the game, because this game is just for me.
Got it.
He doesn’t enjoy anything but buying musical instruments on gem store and spam them in Lion’s Arch while talking to others how he dislike rng BL chests which NO ONE FORCES YOU TO BUY. Vayne doesn’t play the game, that’s the main reason he’s all well and happy about current gw2 endgame. I bet he haven’t even done half the dungeons or even reached lev20 fotm. So to him, he has all dat content left to do cuz he’s doing one dungeon path per month and the rest is spent in LA talking about his new irl haircut.
I think it’s refreshing not to have a given “end-game”. Although it’s only partial true since the LS is starting to shape up to be a bit like that in my opinion. But it still lies within myself what I make of it. I do however miss certain leisure activities – I know this sounds silly and I’ve said it before, but a relaxing “hobby” within the game – like fishing, is something I do miss every now and then. The closest to that would be JP’s perhaps, pretty much all activities are … hectic.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
The best reason to play in my opinion. This is what makes this game better than every other MMO. Thank you so much for sharing this positive opinion.
I don’t enjoy endgame, therefor, they shouldn’t put it in the game, because this game is just for me.
Got it.
You’re quite close. Let’s look at this closer.
I don’t enjoy end game. Other people besides me ALSO don’t enjoy end game. We don’t know how big a percentage that is, but clearly other people do feel the same way. There are whole lot of MMOs out there already focused on end game. There are relatively few MMOs (none of the ones I’ve tried) that don’t focus around end game.
Some posters feel ALL the MMOs should be for them. Some of us feel it’s about time that at least one AAA title was for us.
I don’t really see that as unreasonable. It’s far more unreasonable to say that all MMOs should be the same.
So you accuse us of feeling that an MMO should be made just for us, while at the same time expecting the exact same thing from this one? I’m sorry, but you’re being quite the hypocrite.
Not to mention, it wouldn’t hurt your gaming experience in the slightest if they added elite end-game content for the people who enjoy it, seeing how they won’t make a gear treadmill out of it anyway, and the rewards would be purely cosmetics.
Yeah, but then I expect to hear about how “I did The Crystal Dunes in Hard Mode and all I got was this T-shirt” from the forums.
and its supposed to be gamer’s fault? Blame anet and their braindead dungeon reward system, not the player.
snipped for length
As much as I might agree with your individual assessments (and I largely do agree), I am not convinced that we represent a majority of players here.
Why do I think that?
Well, most players who left and think this game is crap are not posting here. Just a few like myself who still have an interest in the discussions. Also most people who are positive about the game do not post here, they are playing the game.
So as much as I know that I would need some changes for me to play this game again, I do not presume that I am part of some majority. In fact I consider myself a minority compared to the people who are enjoying the game as it is.
Perhaps on the total of the 3.5 million copies sold I might be part of a majority who got disenchanted with the game, but that’s a guess. And even if more than half of the players quit, most of them have moved on and stopped caring about GW2 entirely. So they don’t matter for GW2 anymore because they are mostly lost for good.
In spite of the big numbers posted, the current numbers are smaller. Smaller sales in 2013, lower concurrency, slow growth of player numbers after the big dip etc. It’s all about stabilising what is there now.
The next big numbers will come from China and if they stay big they will determine the future of the game more than we do. Dunno if you ever considered this, but if China is a success then that’s where the money will be for them and the opinions of those customers will inevitably have to become leading. Not yours or mine. So China could be a great thing for the game, but could be a bad thing for the players depending. I’m not sure yet either way.
Then we will be getting a lot of endgame/difficult content because i don’t see Chinese players standing in a city for months and tell others how they enjoy standing in it.
— snip —
Can’t tell if troll or just ignorant.
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
— snip —
Can’t tell if troll or just ignorant.
im not sure about which subject you’ve quoted me but if its about Chinese gamers then neither. They won’t stand the casual crap anet brings every two weeks. Anet will be forced to add end game if they want to keep those players happy. Just wait and you’ll see in couple of months after game is released in China.
im not sure about which subject you’ve quoted me but if its about Chinese gamers then neither. They won’t stand the casual crap anet brings every two weeks. Anet will be forced to add end game if they want to keep those players happy. Just wait and you’ll see in couple of months after game is released in China.
It’s everything you’ve posted recently. You sound like a highly discontent player that is trying to convince the rest of us the game is doomed and that we shouldn’t like it anymore.
Now I’m not saying the game is perfect. It has flaws that I do point out on a daily basis, though not in the forums. But the game isn’t as doom-and-gloom as you keep trying to portray it as.
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
The best reason to play in my opinion. This is what makes this game better than every other MMO. Thank you so much for sharing this positive opinion.
I don’t enjoy endgame, therefor, they shouldn’t put it in the game, because this game is just for me.
Got it.
You’re quite close. Let’s look at this closer.
I don’t enjoy end game. Other people besides me ALSO don’t enjoy end game. We don’t know how big a percentage that is, but clearly other people do feel the same way. There are whole lot of MMOs out there already focused on end game. There are relatively few MMOs (none of the ones I’ve tried) that don’t focus around end game.
Some posters feel ALL the MMOs should be for them. Some of us feel it’s about time that at least one AAA title was for us.
I don’t really see that as unreasonable. It’s far more unreasonable to say that all MMOs should be the same.
So you accuse us of feeling that an MMO should be made just for us, while at the same time expecting the exact same thing from this one? I’m sorry, but you’re being quite the hypocrite.
Not to mention, it wouldn’t hurt your gaming experience in the slightest if they added elite end-game content for the people who enjoy it, seeing how they won’t make a gear treadmill out of it anyway, and the rewards would be purely cosmetics.
Yeah, but then I expect to hear about how “I did The Crystal Dunes in Hard Mode and all I got was this T-shirt” from the forums.
and its supposed to be gamer’s fault? Blame anet and their braindead dungeon reward system, not the player.
I blame who I please, which wasn’t the player there.
im not sure about which subject you’ve quoted me but if its about Chinese gamers then neither. They won’t stand the casual crap anet brings every two weeks. Anet will be forced to add end game if they want to keep those players happy. Just wait and you’ll see in couple of months after game is released in China.
It’s everything you’ve posted recently. You sound like a highly discontent player that is trying to convince the rest of us the game is doomed and that we shouldn’t like it anymore.
Now I’m not saying the game is perfect. It has flaws that I do point out on a daily basis, though not in the forums. But the game isn’t as doom-and-gloom as you keep trying to portray it as.
No one is trying to convince you with anything. Im saying it as i see it, some just don’t want to accept it as it is. You like the facebook direction gw2 is going? Good for you, i don’t. Cover your little eyes when you see my posts if you’re stunned by my omfgbbq posts or ignore me… do wtf you want its not important.
It’s everything you’ve posted recently. You sound like a highly discontent player that is trying to convince the rest of us the game is doomed and that we shouldn’t like it anymore.
Now I’m not saying the game is perfect. It has flaws that I do point out on a daily basis, though not in the forums. But the game isn’t as doom-and-gloom as you keep trying to portray it as.
No one is trying to convince you with anything. Im saying it as i see it, some just don’t want to accept it as it is. You like the facebook direction gw2 is going? Good for you, i don’t. Cover your little eyes when you see my posts if you’re stunned by my omfgbbq posts or ignore me… do wtf you want its not important.
No. We accept what we see as well. We don’t see the the direction in as myopic a view as you are trying to push. Dungeon rewards aren’t terribad since the dungeon reward revamp. So long as you aren’t farming the same dungeon path multiple times a day the rewards are pretty strong. And many of us are happy enough with the current state of the game to keep playing.
And before you accuse me, as well, of not playing much of the game as you done towards Bright … I have completed all non-PvP content this game has offered me. All paths of all dungeons. All LS, including all achievements (except Liadri, but that’s next on my agenda). All JPs. Even a fair bit of WvW, though I don’t prefer it.
It’s not a ‘Facebook’ direction. Last I checked Facebook doesn’t have half the stuff we have here. It’s just a direction you don’t like so you’re openly insulting both it and those that don’t hate it as much as you do.
And I’d lay of the belittling of other players. It undermines any valid points you might make and just makes you look like a kitten (self-censored).
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
You have such a soft, nice voice. Like the genuine good guy type of person². I’ve got the feeling you’re constantly trying not to cheer out as a rabid fanboy
² (as compared to the frustrated misogynists that usually self-identify as good guys)
Are you talking about the guy with the American accent in the video or the one with the New Zealand(its like the Australian accent but less evil) accent?
The one at the start, the first to speak.
I don’t perceive Australians as evil. Love the accent.
Ah cool you actually had us both wondering which one of us was the soft one which made for some entertaining conversations on mumble
For those who haven’t watched it yet id just like to note that both me and bird have heaps of experience in game in all areas of the game. I almost have 4k hours game time myself and i am still loving the game
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
The best reason to play in my opinion. This is what makes this game better than every other MMO. Thank you so much for sharing this positive opinion.
I don’t enjoy endgame, therefor, they shouldn’t put it in the game, because this game is just for me.
Got it.
He doesn’t enjoy anything but buying musical instruments on gem store and spam them in Lion’s Arch while talking to others how he dislike rng BL chests which NO ONE FORCES YOU TO BUY. Vayne doesn’t play the game, that’s the main reason he’s all well and happy about current gw2 endgame. I bet he haven’t even done half the dungeons or even reached lev20 fotm. So to him, he has all dat content left to do cuz he’s doing one dungeon path per month and the rest is spent in LA talking about his new irl haircut.
So my dungeon master title is an illusion? Wrong again, as usual.
Edit: Level 21 in the fractals too. Mostly not higher because most of my guild isn’t and I don’t pug.
(edited by Vayne.8563)
Here’s an assumption:
There’s only one type of person who can’t afford a new computer and is forced to play on a three years old laptop.
Someone who just spent a lot of his savings on a roadtrip through Africa?
Even someone who did that, should have the 600 euros necessary to buy a Guild Wars 2 capable notebook.
Maybe you want to save up for a really decent pc, but Guild Wars 2 running at 10fps, and you not being able to see the mobs is not A.net’s fault in this case.
I’m not going to explain to you my reasons why I don’t have money to spare on a gaming rig. Not to mention there are more important things that I need to pay for, like, you know, a place to stay. It’s not because I have 600 euro’s saved up that I have to spend it. My parents luckily taught me how to handle money better than that.
If you don’t have a decent hobby budget, your parents thought you to waste money some place else.
As for it not being Anet’s fault, to me it is. Because their priority should have been the culling of enemies, not the culling of players. If you honestly believe that it’s the other way around, you’re delusional in my opinion.
I do believe it’s your fault to play on a computer that obviously can’t handle the game. I don’t know how your parents raised you, but mine told me that I should buckle up and take responsibility for my own mistakes. Blaming others won’t help one bit.
I don’t blame them for my crappy computer. I can however blame them for their skewed priorities and worthless updates.
And yet culled enemies have been fixed. I’ve got no idea what you’re on about. If you’d try on a Guild Wars 2 capable pc, you might have noticed that.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
The best reason to play in my opinion. This is what makes this game better than every other MMO. Thank you so much for sharing this positive opinion.
I don’t enjoy endgame, therefor, they shouldn’t put it in the game, because this game is just for me.
Got it.
He doesn’t enjoy anything but buying musical instruments on gem store and spam them in Lion’s Arch while talking to others how he dislike rng BL chests which NO ONE FORCES YOU TO BUY. Vayne doesn’t play the game, that’s the main reason he’s all well and happy about current gw2 endgame. I bet he haven’t even done half the dungeons or even reached lev20 fotm. So to him, he has all dat content left to do cuz he’s doing one dungeon path per month and the rest is spent in LA talking about his new irl haircut.
I’m literally laughing out loud at this post. You’re such a funny jester, almost thought you were serious.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
If you don’t have a decent hobby budget, your parents thought you to waste money some place else.
Yeah, food and shelter… What a waste.
I do believe it’s your fault to play on a computer that obviously can’t handle the game. I don’t know how your parents raised you, but mine told me that I should buckle up and take responsibility for my own mistakes. Blaming others won’t help one bit.
So I shouldn’t blame the company for their lack of service? Sure thing dude.
If I get into a car accident and it’s because the company decided they thought it was more important to put sparkly butterflies on my windshield than to put in rear mirrors, I sure as hell know who’s to blame.
And yet culled enemies have been fixed. I’ve got no idea what you’re on about. If you’d try on a Guild Wars 2 capable pc, you might have noticed that.
To you maybe, but not to me. And I’d like an option included where I can go back to culling allies if that means I can actually see my foes.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
GW1 best endgame ever rofl
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
If you don’t have a decent hobby budget, your parents thought you to waste money some place else.
That’s some serious mind over matter.
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
The best reason to play in my opinion. This is what makes this game better than every other MMO. Thank you so much for sharing this positive opinion.
I don’t enjoy endgame, therefor, they shouldn’t put it in the game, because this game is just for me.
Got it.
He doesn’t enjoy anything but buying musical instruments on gem store and spam them in Lion’s Arch while talking to others how he dislike rng BL chests which NO ONE FORCES YOU TO BUY. Vayne doesn’t play the game, that’s the main reason he’s all well and happy about current gw2 endgame. I bet he haven’t even done half the dungeons or even reached lev20 fotm. So to him, he has all dat content left to do cuz he’s doing one dungeon path per month and the rest is spent in LA talking about his new irl haircut.
So my dungeon master title is an illusion? Wrong again, as usual.
Edit: Level 21 in the fractals too. Mostly not higher because most of my guild isn’t and I don’t pug.
That is amazing!
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
GW1 best endgame ever rofl
not sure if you’re sarcastic or not but gw1 end game WAS good. This is a sequel to that game, released over half a decade later and its not on par, not worst, not significantly worst than what we had in gw1 but a royal joke…
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
The best reason to play in my opinion. This is what makes this game better than every other MMO. Thank you so much for sharing this positive opinion.
I don’t enjoy endgame, therefor, they shouldn’t put it in the game, because this game is just for me.
Got it.
He doesn’t enjoy anything but buying musical instruments on gem store and spam them in Lion’s Arch while talking to others how he dislike rng BL chests which NO ONE FORCES YOU TO BUY. Vayne doesn’t play the game, that’s the main reason he’s all well and happy about current gw2 endgame. I bet he haven’t even done half the dungeons or even reached lev20 fotm. So to him, he has all dat content left to do cuz he’s doing one dungeon path per month and the rest is spent in LA talking about his new irl haircut.
So my dungeon master title is an illusion? Wrong again, as usual.
Edit: Level 21 in the fractals too. Mostly not higher because most of my guild isn’t and I don’t pug.
That is amazing!
I know, isn’t it.
I’m not trying to impress you. In fact, I think if you were impressed by something I was doing, I’d have to stop. lol
No endgame August 28th 2012, no endgame August 29th 2013.
GW1 best endgame ever rofl
not sure if you’re sarcastic or not but gw1 end game WAS good. This is a sequel to that game, released over half a decade later and its not on par, not worst, not significantly worst than what we had in gw1 but a royal joke…
Agreed GW1 endgame was good because they got the balance right, not perfect for sure but when you got something it usually was because you put some work in it and you could feel that satisfaction.
An ascended trinket is gained by logging in and doing a daily that is easy and doing that 20 times and a monthly which you buil up as you go along your dailies. I don’t get much satisfaction from that because it’s all easy.