Exceptional request from a devastated guild

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Give the option for a “wall of champions” like the one in heart of the mists. The statue, the fire, the monument.

Most players will never beat a major PvP tournament and get their name on the one in heart of the mists. But if its in their guild hall, any important person to the guild can be remembered and celebrated. This fits with the theme of the game, and is neutral.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Derigar.7810


As tragic as this is… I think it is a little bit presumptious to ask developers to do something because someone dear to you died.

Many people that play this game die. If the dev’s had to build a monument for every one of them, we’d soon be called GraveWars 2…

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

As tragic as this is… I think it is a little bit presumptious to ask developers to do something because someone dear to you died.

Many people that play this game die. If the dev’s had to build a monument for every one of them, we’d soon be called GraveWars 2…

You are misunderstanding the thread. No one is asking for the Devs build monuments for individual people. People are asking for guilds to have the tools to make plaques with an inscription, or something similar to that, inside a guild hall.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: broFenix.1632


My heart goes out to you all in this guild. You all seem to genuinely care for this person, quite inspiring to read about your love for him. I hope Anet does something to commemorate him to you all, and God bless.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slyfer.6478


Perhaps if this customizable guild hall feature doesn’t fly for whatever reason, perhaps one of the countless gravestones in gw2 could be renamed to commemorate him.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danse Macarbe.9027

Danse Macarbe.9027

I met Tao and the crew in GW1 and had some of the best dungeon and elite area runs in the game ever, to this day I think of those times and the fun that was had by all with a smile. I shall miss the drunken-monken’ and allthereddotsonthecompass-dot-com. I think of you all fondly, and above all I remember the friendship. From those of us from [MMAD] thinking of you all.

Popcorn – delicious and also useful as a projectile

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Helst.7263


My deepest sympathies go out to everyone affected by his loss. He sounds like a wonderful man.

I’m in full support of the idea of a personalised monument within your (future) Guild Hall. It’s personal to you, private and if it is customisable you could write your own inscription – as you are the best people to pay tribute to him. I also think many Guilds would appreciate this feature.

Please make this happen Anet!

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrostSpectre.4198


Sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace…

Well, it does sound like a nice idea, to commemorate some one great and who will be missed, either by tragic end or had to move on due to some other reasons…

I’m a casual PvE adventurer, I enjoy combat, adventure and helping, but not farming.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209

Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209

Sorry for your loss.

If something small like this can be done to add a memorial, and allow a name or names to be added to it, in a Guild Hall for those players who have lost a friend or loved one…please make it so, ANet Devs.

If in doing this, we as a community(including the Devs at ANet) can make someone smile at a happy memory during a time of loss and beyond, then we have done something well and good.

I’m all for that.

I do because I can
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shogei.8015


Given the guild reveal and the idea of member decorations, I think a memorial decoration would be brilliant. It could be something the guild itself could buy or craft and place where they wish.

Guild warrior for life!

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HenleyLegoMan.4987


This is heart wrenching! So sorry for your loss. So very sad. He sounds like the sort of chap we would all enjoy the company of, so a loss not just for yourselves but the gw2 community as a whole.

I would love to see you get this, or at the very least a plaque for all of our fallen.

Also, your guild sounds like the sort of guild I’d enjoy, so when the time is right I would love to become a part of your guild.

There has never been a good war, or a bad peace.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atonement.8021


So so sorry to hear about this, an incredibly tragic loss – thoughts are with Doug’s family and all of his friends and loved ones RIP Doug <3
Really hope Arenanet implement this for your guild.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sylvnfox.7086


first, my condolences for your loss.
second, those of you saying a memorial isn’t deserved shame on you.
the deves have done this for other people, those mentioned by other posts as well as Taimi. she was named after a personal friend of one of the devs who died. also they are not asking you to pay for it in any way, nor will you have to go look at it. why can’t the deves design a guild ahll decoration that you unlock just like anything else, it being a banner, statue, monument, something on that order that the guild can tittle and place names on. it can be used for anything then, a place of honor for accomplishments guild members achieve, a memorial for friends, ect. even if they use something similar to ventari’s tablet in the pail tree that anyone can walk up to and interact with to read whatever the guild leader decides to put on it.
again i’m so sorry for your loss, be strong, and take care

A shadow of darkness falls, there is nothing you can do but watch.
The clear blue sky turns a dark sickening green and swirls with corruption.
A dark laugh of evil echo’s in your mind!

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Forstral.3752


I started playing Guild Wars at release. It took some time but I convinced my friend of almost 30 years to play. Between that time period I tried to get comfortable playing with others but I am an extreme introvert. That is why it has taken me this long to post my story. After Farrish started playing, I had someone I knew that I could run around and play the game with. I still did not join a guild because of it being very hard for me to open up to people or meet new people. Somehow Farrish found this guild and talked me into joining it as well. These people were fun, supportive, and caring. We’ve joked and picked but it was and has never been of a personal nature to where anyone’s self esteem has been assaulted. Somehow they were able to accept me with my quirks and extreme introversion. They became close friends over time and then somehow without me even realizing it, they have become my online family. I love and respect each and every one of them. Farrish has been fortunate enough to meet them in real life. So please, grant this request to memorialize my online family member. Thank you.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Despite all the bullkitten that has been going on in the forums I am glad to see this thread is still on the first page. I feel for you guys, facing such a loss is never easy. I hope Anet pulls through and does something special for guys.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jordo.5913


Despite all the bullkitten that has been going on in the forums I am glad to see this thread is still on the first page. I feel for you guys, facing such a loss is never easy. I hope Anet pulls through and does something special for guys.

The GW2 community is an extremely nice community. However, we are very passionate about our game, so much so that I think we are more passionate about it than the devs to a point haha. We tend to voice our thoughts a lot more than some other communities if we feel wronged or we don’t like the way the game is going.

To the OP, I am sorry for your loss, and I too would like you to get a memorial for your guild hall.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


The idea of adding a memorial stone GH decoration, one that a guild leader could edit so that anyone interacting with it could read a short message, to the gemstore seems like a nice flexible option IMO.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

See you in the mists brother… RIP

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546



I’m sorry for your lost ><.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Let’s put this back on the first page where it belongs.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brostrodon.1657


I hope Anet could do this for you. Sorry for your loss

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Yeah, I don’t understand how a guild hall decoration equates to the open world overrun by gravestones commemorating passed on players.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Control.8154


Hopefully ANet comes through with this request. It would be nice to have a “Fallen Heroes” type of monument dedicated to this person. It seems like Guild Wars was a big part of his life.

A statue of him in Lions Arch would be really really awesome. I support this thread.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keziah.2653


Yeah, I don’t understand how a guild hall decoration equates to the open world overrun by gravestones commemorating passed on players.


The OP asked for a way to add a gravestone or memorial to their GUILD HALL. Not the explorable world viewable by everyone who passes through. That makes a huge difference.

If Anet decides to add this feature, and if a guild wishes to fill their hall with gravemarkers and memorials to the point that it looks like a cemetery, more power to them. Heck, some guilds might use grave markers and memorials to create a creepy gothic vibe/necromancer hang-out for their hall while others may use it as a means to honor a dear friend who has passed.

I’m all for letting guilds have the option for their guild hall.

@ OP: I’m sorry for your loss.

Kiz Nyx (Ele) | Kressida Nyx (Guar) | Phaedra Nyx (Mes) | Ylva Nyx (Ran) | Ghanima Nyx (Nec)
[GCI] Calamitous Intent | Sanctum of Rall

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zahld.4956


My condolences to the family and guild. Very sorry to hear about it. Very sad and tragic. I support this request.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Hopefully ANet comes through with this request. It would be nice to have a “Fallen Heroes” type of monument dedicated to this person. It seems like Guild Wars was a big part of his life.

A statue of him in Lions Arch would be really really awesome. I support this thread.

A statue in Lions arch really…

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zurchin.8479


Sorry to hear about your loss its just a horrible sad thing to hear happen to one of our gaming brethren and even more so for those directly effected, I think this would be a wonderful idea as well, its not to much work Anet, people would be very appreciative if you made the gesture of making a guildhall addon for this kind of purpose.

Zee Bear Claw [GLAD]
Aurora Glade

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HenleyLegoMan.4987


I posted ok this thread the other day and just want to remind people what playing guild wars is about:

It’s about meeting new people, getting to know them and classing them as a friend even if you don’t see them in real life. It’s about the fun that strangers in the beginning can have together at boss fights, jumping puzzles and wvw. It’s about helping those new found friends in game and before you know it, it’s about the TS chat, the jokes the moans, the good times and the bad. It’s about realising that you actually care for someone you may not have or ever will meet in real life.

It’s about meeting them in real life and continuing the friendship on the real world. It’s about sharing the highs and the lows with them, knowing you are always there for them and they for you.

It’s about realising that one thing and one thing alone made such wonderful friendships possible:

Guild wars.

So I for one can think of no better way to remember and celebrate the life of the fallen than by having something put into game. If you want to have a great community then you need this. How many of you since gw1 wonder about how an old friend is that wasn’t on Facebook before he vanished? I bet you all have at least one old gw buddy that you would love to see again!

I do and if they are still with us or not, I miss you and I remember you Rhianne Wren from guild wars 1!

A monument please anet…….that’s all.

There has never been a good war, or a bad peace.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clerigo.9475


Im really sorry for your loss, and my heart goes to everyone that is going through such times now.

I think the OP request is nothing out of the ordinary. It has been done in other games. Games like WoW are ofc filled with such events. I remember a little boy that had leuchemia and when he sadly passed away, the devs added his hunter avatar to the world map, with a quest for players to take, and at the end you can read the poem that the boy wrote about the game.

Playing a game is reaching out for something greater, that sometimes escapes those who call such acts of “escapism”. If calling to our inner children, trying to grab bits of hopes and dreams in a world of fantastic creatures, where many times we find the foundations that lead to character, honor, respect, friendship, integrity, present in the game, is escapism, than im a member of that club.

I have done better and lasting relations while playing Guild Wars and other games than i have in real life, with some exceptions ofc.

Providing a tool to honor the memory of a friend in the privacy of your guild hall is not an out of the ordinary request.

See you all in the Tyria

“When in doubt, choose change.” Leung
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” Chopra
‘No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world’ Robin Williams

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Please, Mr/Mrs Moderator, I know that bumping is frowned upon but I believe this is an exceptional case. I’m only giving an opportunity for those who haven’t seen it yet to offer their condolences and pay their respects.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209

Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209

Definately don’t want this to fall off the radar.

Perhaps a Mod can merge this threadand the new one from another Guild(from the HoT discussion sub-forum) who has tragically lost a couple of members very suddenly:


This is something that would make GW2 players all very happy.

I do because I can
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Foghladha.2506


Repost from:

Greetings ArenaNet & Community,
I have a suggestion if it’s not already in the works. I would recommend that there be a way to place statues within a guild hall. Choose from each of the races and perhaps even classes.

As many of you know Gaiscioch suffered the loss of Roger “Oldroar” Rall before the game was even released. ArenaNet was kind enough to name Sanctum of Rall in his honor and place an NPC in game that shares his legend.

What many of you probably are unaware of is that we also have suffered the loss of two more very influential people in our community. Jexia.2406 passed away two weeks ago after fighting throat cancer for the past 2 years and last night we lost Frugster.3265. It would be wonderful if we can place statues within our halls to remember each of these members.

It would go the extra mile if we were able to have a plaque that we could customize to go with each statue. Allow people to enter it in a text field so that they could place messages on certain clickable placeable items.

Gaiscioch plans to build a memorial for these three members once HoT goes live. It would be wonderful if we were able to place statues for each of these members.

Benjamin “Foghladha.2506” Foley
Founder, Gaiscioch Community [GSCH] | Gaiscioch Magazine | Twitch | YouTube | Twitter
Proud Resident of Mercenary Server Sanctum of Rall | 6 Year Extra-Life Charity Event Participant

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jeezlaweez.6810


As a person who has already lost 2 of my best friends in tragic situations, I totally support this request. Statues and plaques. That would be perfect. A stone wall should work too, I guess.

Samuel Hart – lvl 80 Necro and 20 more toons… well. Yeah.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maelzrael.8142


I’d just like to bump this for support. Came here from facebook. Very sorry for your loss, hope Anet hooks you guys up.

Enlightening the minds of the youth.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Provost.6210


My deepest sympathies to you and your extended family. What a world we live in that allows us to be connected to so many wonderful people we may never have otherwise met, befriended, and loved.

I’m very sorry to hear of this loss. My heart goes out to his family, friends, and guild members. To know that his wife is facing health challenges at this time makes his death especially poignant.

I don’t know all of the plans for guild halls. But I think your suggestion has a lot of merit and I will be passing it along today in the hopes that this is something that we can add in the future.

Again, sincere sympathy on this sad event. Our hearts are with you all.

This is really touching, Gaile. Thank you on behalf of the GW2 community for showing such compassion.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Never seen one of these threads last this long.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tao.7693


i know this has been sitting for some time now, and our guild is slowly moving on and playing together again. it’ll never be quite the same but it’s brought us even closer than we already were.

i just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their support and kind words. i understand that not everyone will agree with this kind of request and i respect that, but i know that Doug would have made this exact same request for me were the roles reversed.

So, whatever comes of this thread, I’m super happy to be a part of this community.

Tao [Bird]

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907



Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tao.7693


we see what you did there… well played Anet… well played.

thank you, sincerely, thank you.


Tao [Bird]

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Arhan Warmark.7098

Lord Arhan Warmark.7098

Out of curiousity. Is this something they’ve added with the Scribe and guild hall decorations? Or did they do something specifically for your friend?

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ooshi.8607


Whatever it was that they have done I’m really happy that they have made you guys happy.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


I support scribe craftable gravestones.

There are already many gravestone marker assets in the game, so hopefully the team can push these to scribe recipies in the future.

That said, there are many ways to configure things in the new decoration system, and it shouldn’t be too difficult to design a memorial befitting your fallen guild mate in a section of the hall you know they’d appreciate.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tao.7693


Out of curiousity. Is this something they’ve added with the Scribe and guild hall decorations? Or did they do something specifically for your friend?

we don’t know if it was done purposely or if it’s coincidence and we probably never will, you can decide for yourself, our guild already has

There is an NPC that you can get for your guild hall, he is a scribe and his name is Douglas Bird. Our friend that passed was named Doug, and our guild tag is [BIRD].

Coincidentally, there are also many famous Douglas Bird’s in the world so could he be named for one of them? sure… but in game, he’ll be ours <3

Tao [Bird]

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ToT.7018


That’s a lovely coincidence if indeed it is one. I think he was named after Doug to and that’s really special, well done anet <3

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kiba.9743


I think that is lovely. I am glad something was placed in the game to remember your friend

“Nothing clears a troubled mind better than shooting a bow”

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

Well done Anet, well done.

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brullyra.1592


Please accept our sympathy from everyone in [HiP].

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fox.3469


Deepest sympathy from me and my guild (LWW)

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Arhan Warmark.7098

Lord Arhan Warmark.7098

Out of curiousity. Is this something they’ve added with the Scribe and guild hall decorations? Or did they do something specifically for your friend?

we don’t know if it was done purposely or if it’s coincidence and we probably never will, you can decide for yourself, our guild already has

There is an NPC that you can get for your guild hall, he is a scribe and his name is Douglas Bird. Our friend that passed was named Doug, and our guild tag is [BIRD].

Coincidentally, there are also many famous Douglas Bird’s in the world so could he be named for one of them? sure… but in game, he’ll be ours <3

That’s amazing… I’m going to go with your belief. .

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

I literally was choked up at work reading about tgis touching tribute… well done Anet… I’m so happy you all have a way to remember him now. I know I will remember his moving story every time I interact with his npc