Last night I finished the Jumping puzzle which is not a jumping puzzle but a gliding puzzle. Had a good time doing it but no because was a fun puzzle but because I was doing it with some guildies. The puzzle is not “fun” cos you don’t know where your next step should be. Gliding blindly around rocks hoping to find a spot to land is not fun. The old puzzles are much better. The one in Mistlock Observatory is much more fun even if it’s (too) easy and small.
I really love jumping puzzles, especially the hard ones but this one is just meh.Can I also add onto this that there were several parts of the JP that were frustrating, not because they were hard but because it felt like a stroke of luck that you would “catch” on the rock or slab that you had to land on and stick.
They were either slightly too high or slightly to close to the wall and I felt more like I was randomly flailing around and hoping I didn’t fall rather then making a calculated jump to get to a hard place.
The end result was rather then having fun with a challenging puzzle and feeling like I accomplished something I just felt relieved that it was over with and I wouldn’t have to do it again.
I felt the same way about this. Funnily enough, while completing it – someone in the same instance mockingly regarded it as “Glide & Slide”.
These are the reasons why I deplore jumping puzzles in this game: the collision boxes on the geometry used fight against the controls and there’s no intuitive way to know that what you see is what you get. Either the collision geometry needs to be improved to real platformer quality or GW2 needs to stop pretending that it’s good at doing what’s done well in actual platformers.
This exactly. The JP design itself was amazing (I loved wandering around in the center of a volcano it felt fun and dangerous), but once I got to the actual jumping part it was little more then endless frustration and annoyance.
It’s the same problem I had with all the jumping and gliding in the HoT maps. I hated taking a risk that the platform I was trying to hit wouldn’t actually be there and I would fall right through, or the slope that looked like I should be able to land on it had me slide right off to my death. There were parts of the JP that had me landing on rock sides that looked like it should have been too steep to hold me and had I not used a guide I would have never known I should go there.
There’s no real good way to know what areas will hold you and which will slide you right off of them and with a JP that requires checkpoints because it’s so long and difficult that makes it really really frustrating rather then challenging. People can say what they will about the Aetherblade or Clocktower JPs, but at least it was better telegraphed which platforms would hold you.
Also the camera is a huge problem. Again it’s not fun to try and make tiny specific jumps on uncertain platforms while having to look through the back of your head.