(edited by Nimarrna.5924)
Feedback/Questions: The Wardrobe System
Could we possibly get a refund for those that bought Amor skins twice from the gem store? One for PVP and one for PVE? Would be appreciated.
I think the problem really boils down to them having to kitten the business impact of overhauling the transmutation system to make it 1 bind on initial unlock and free to use after instead of what they proposed. They can’t just change it back once they changed it, so of it leads to a significant decrease in profits, someone’s going to have to answer some tough questions from the top.
I was really expecting something more along the lines of unlockable armor pages. We spend gems to unlock pretty much everything else, I’m actually a bit puzzled as to why this hasn’t been done yet.
Anyway, we would get just the first one for free, and then spend gems to unlock additional pages. The transmutation and skin system would have been exactly the same, but you’d be able to switch your look and/or armor, weapon and trinket stats instantly when not in combat. To my mind, this would have generated additional gem sales and still maintained a bit of a gold sink because we would still need multiple sets of gear. On the upside players get better options for build diversity – there’d be a page for dungeon gear, WvW etc. and would be able to equip different looks for each set.
If I were to include a locker at all, it would be for gem store skins only.
Am I missing something here? Is there a gold fee attached as well? I think most players have well over 100 stones in storage and many crystals as well. Is the gripe about having to use another skin to transmute to?
It boils down to lv79 and below characters having to spend the same amount of charges as a lv80. As a result, people who were wanting to use those stones will effectively loose two thirds of them. The cost to switch their gear will be tripled.
kitten straight they lose transforms. This whole system needs more work and the cost of the transmutation items to charges should have been:
- 1 Transmutation Stone = 1 charge (no left over stones this way)
- 1 Transmutation Crystal = 3 charges
- 1 Transmutation Splitter = 5 charges
Realistically they should not have even considered trans-charges to change your look. It’s just as limiting as the old system. It would have been better to have paid for unlocking a skin with charges for it to become universal, if payment was needed at all (which comes off greedy on anets part).
Games like DCUO have the ability to unlock an item’s look when you first find it and equip it, then you can change ANY other item to the same look for free as often as you want, including coloring it too of course. THAT is a Fantastic costume system right there.
DCUO Manages to make money in their cash shop selling skins/toys and other things without being a p2w and still player friendly/
Games are about the full package though and companies have different models. If you think DCUO’s costume system is amazing to the point of ranking the enitre game above GW2, and start playing DCUO as your main game, GW2 isn’t really p2p or something.
Otherwise, I am liking the changes and appreciate Anet’s changes. We are going into the right direction, now let’s just keep the good work and we will see huge improvments.
Am I missing something here? Is there a gold fee attached as well? I think most players have well over 100 stones in storage and many crystals as well. Is the gripe about having to use another skin to transmute to?
It boils down to lv79 and below characters having to spend the same amount of charges as a lv80. As a result, people who were wanting to use those stones will effectively loose two thirds of them. The cost to switch their gear will be tripled.
kitten straight they lose transforms. This whole system needs more work and the cost of the transmutation items to charges should have been:
- 1 Transmutation Stone = 1 charge (no left over stones this way)
- 1 Transmutation Crystal = 3 charges
- 1 Transmutation Splitter = 5 charges
Realistically they should not have even considered trans-charges to change your look. It’s just as limiting as the old system. It would have been better to have paid for unlocking a skin with charges for it to become universal, if payment was needed at all (which comes off greedy on anets part).
Games like DCUO have the ability to unlock an item’s look when you first find it and equip it, then you can change ANY other item to the same look for free as often as you want, including coloring it too of course. THAT is a Fantastic costume system right there.
DCUO Manages to make money in their cash shop selling skins/toys and other things without being a p2w and still player friendly/
Games are about the full package though and companies have different models. If you think DCUO’s costume system is amazing to the point of ranking the enitre game above GW2, and start playing DCUO as your main game, GW2 isn’t really p2p or something.
Otherwise, I am liking the changes and appreciate Anet’s changes. We are going into the right direction, now let’s just keep the good work and we will see huge improvments.
Hyperbole much? I never said the rest of the game was better then GW2. I said their costume system BLOWS gw2’s out of the water and they still make money off of it.
Also DCUO isn’t currently (and hasn’t been for some time) p2p if you did any research, which you obviously haven’t.
(edited by Imaginos.3756)
A couple of questions:
1. Variant named items with the same skin – In the Wardrobe system, how will naming for an item work where there are different name variants for the same skin (including special/unique named variants of items such as from Personal Story rewards)? There apparently won’t be a mechanism after the change to retain and transmute the specifically named item as transmutations will be based on what the skin in the Wardrobe is.
2. Starter Elementalist Headgear – It’s assumed that those who kept them (or start a new Elementalist character and have them) will open up the starter gear skins. Is the Starter Elementalist Headgear going to be fixed so that the skin works after it’s transmuted? (Obviously, it’ll be available to any light-armored profession, not just Elementalists.)
A couple of questions:
1. Variant named items with the same skin – In the Wardrobe system, how will naming for an item work where there are different name variants for the same skin (including special/unique named variants of items such as from Personal Story rewards)? There apparently won’t be a mechanism after the change to retain and transmute the specifically named item as transmutations will be based on what the skin in the Wardrobe is.2. Starter Elementalist Headgear – It’s assumed that those who kept them (or start a new Elementalist character and have them) will open up the starter gear skins. Is the Starter Elementalist Headgear going to be fixed so that the skin works after it’s transmuted? (Obviously, it’ll be available to any light-armored profession, not just Elementalists.)
Good points made here. I’d be keen to know as well.
why do you suddenly find paying for transmutation abnormal?
Actually, this is a misunderstanding. I should have been more clear about what I meant; I apologize.
To clarify:
1. I don’t “suddenly” find it abnormal, I’ve thought for a long time that it should be different. The new “wardrobe” made a lot of people think it was going to be different until they read about transmutation charges and were disappointed.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.
3. All the changes that will be made in the wardrobe are things I’m honestly excited about. I will continue to advocate for a “pay to unlock” system rather than a continuation of the current “pay to change” system, but even if that does not happen I am excited about the way in which the wardrobe will make it easier to find gear skins you like. I am not bashing the April feature pack, just suggestion that, in addition to the other changes they’re making, ANet should take this opportunity to finally fix the annoying transmutation system that, in my opinion, has always been a bit broken.
My question is:
“What are the unlocks for dyes going to be?”
The market awaits this answer. If the unlocks are going to be difficult, dye prices will rise, if not, they will probably fall.
They announced a wardrobe..okay..everyone believed that it will be like the PvP locker where u can switch your clothes to your hearts content.
But nope it’s the same renting system we had before.
I know,that I won’t buy any charges in the future…why? Because it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to spend charges every time i want to change the skin on my armor. I would rather spend 5 charges on 1 skin and unlock it for free use later on. I would buy gems and stuff this companies pockets with money if they would allow me to change my skins any time i want..even in the middle of a dungeon run without paying for it every time.
I can only talk for myself (and for my boyfriend lol) but i would spend a lot more charges (like 5-6 charges for a skin) to unlock the 800-900 skins that i like. I don’t want the skins for free so i can use them for free,i am willing to pay for them when i unlock them.
I have played many games and just to give you an example : I played PWI for a few years.This game has a lot of fashion to offer,a set is being sold for around 20-25 $.
I bought fashion in worth of over 400- 500 $ on my characters…why? Because i love fashion i switched my fashion every hour……..or in the middle of a dungeon run…Now, my behaviour changed in GW2…….i look for a combination of skins i like…transmute it ONCE on my character and thats it!
My boyfriend runs around with 3 sets of the same armor in his inventory,all of them have a different skin.He switches between them every few hours.
The point is, that people won’t buy more crystals or charges than they did before the patch.
This system isn’t as flexible and doesn’t encourage people to collect many skins, cuz they will never use 90% of those skins.They will have 1 set they really like and then sit on it.So instead of spending 4.000- 4.500 charges in the future i will just use around 50.And i know i am not the only one who thinks like this.
I will rather buy some more inventory space and carry 2-3 sets of armor at a time with different skins so i can change my looks at will. Its cheaper than paying for crystals every time you would like to change your looks.
I’m in the same boat. I LOVE to change my characters look but in GW2 I’ve avoided it b/c of the cost. This “new system” does nothing for me. It’s too temporary. If it was an unlock system instead of a rental system I’d be all in. As it stands now, I’m not spending a cent on it.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.
I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
We complain because we still care about Guild Wars 2. We want to be part of Tyria and we want the players experience to be improved. We also want to see Arena Net to do well. That is why so many are willing to compromise with a pay-to-unlock system instead of just demanding it be entirely free.
(edited by Prophet.6257)
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
Everyone wants to be able to change their looks around for free. What does that do to Anet? Cut their sales. What does that do for us? Cut our new content. Part of running a business is giving customers what they want without sacrificing the company for it.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
For all you that wants it to be completely free:
What do you suggest ArenaNet adds to the game that will replace the most likely major stream of revenue that they are getting from Transmutation?
Or are you simply thinking that they should not replace it and somehow make the game survive with a major cut in revenue?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
For all you that wants it to be completely free:
What do you suggest ArenaNet adds to the game that will replace the most likely major stream of revenue that they are getting from Transmutation?
Or are you simply thinking that they should not replace it and somehow make the game survive with a major cut in revenue?
Not just on transmutation, I’m going to point out (again).
They are also going to experience a reduction in revenue from their gem shop armors and weapons too. People won’t need to purchase multiple copies anymore. Just one, which they can now use across their entire account as much as they like.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
Everyone wants to be able to change their looks around for free. What does that do to Anet? Cut their sales. What does that do for us? Cut our new content. Part of running a business is giving customers what they want without sacrificing the company for it.
Please go back and read previous post. The majority of reasonable people are asking for a PAY-to-unlock system not a absolutely free wardrobe. We know they need to make money and are willing to give them money but for a better deal than what was offered.
When it comes to our purchases I can only speak for myself just like you can only speak for yourself. I am not going to buy a single Wardrobe Charge under their currently released model. You sound like you will.
Would you also buy a Wardrobe unlock charge?
(edited by Prophet.6257)
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
Im unhappy because its improving a bad system.
Its like if someone decided to make a car to go underwater, and it sucked so they improved it by making water resistant ulpholstery, a drop down gas mask, a place to store a wetsuit.
Yes they improved the cars ability to go underwater, however the car is from the beginning a bad solution for underwater travel.
The biggest problem with the current system is it doesnt not encourage obtaining and collecting multiple looks. In a game that from the start said they wanted to have cosmetic progression THIS IS A HUGE FLAW. This flaw actually effects their sales on every cosmetic item, it effects the value of cosmetics in game. The new system has the exact same flaw. I think at first people will be hyped, then after they realize they have to pay per change, their overall play habits will stay the same.
they will pick one look per charachter spending anywhere from 6-15 stones (depending on weapons) and stay with those looks until something that is new and exciting comes along.
In an unlock system you make essentially the same money, but increase the desirability of getting multiple armors drastically.
This system will also clash with further systems they should work on down the line. Like armor/trait/skill build tabs.
seperating armor stat collection from visuals
Its just not a good design solution, it has problems now, and it will have problems later, and i dont believe it will make more money for anet overall. I point out again no where have i seen a pay per change system storage/convience system with fees of anywhere from 200% to 10% of the cost of the item stored/made convienent be more profitable. Its not a good monetization strategy. It only profits more than unlocks on someone who repeatedly unlocks the same looks. But the very system discourages players from doing that. Most people who want to repeatedly use the same looks, get a new set of armor to hold it.
Its just a bad system, it has always been a bad system, making it smoother doesnt help.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
Everyone wants to be able to change their looks around for free. What does that do to Anet? Cut their sales. What does that do for us? Cut our new content. Part of running a business is giving customers what they want without sacrificing the company for it.
Please go back and read previous post. The majority of reasonable people are asking for a PAY-to-unlock system not a absolutely free wardrobe. We know they need to make money and are willing to give them money but for a better deal than what was offered.
When it comes to our purchases I can only speak for myself just like you can only speak for yourself. I am not going to buy a single Wardrobe Charge under their currently released model. You sound like you will.
Would you also buy a Wardrobe unlock charge?
I will be buying more charges under the new system than I would for an “unlock” charge. Why? Because when I switch an armor set, the likelihood that I go back to the old one is low. The reason I don’t change my armors now is because the skins and stats are too expensive to sacrifice either. With charges, if on a whim I do happen to want to change back, it will cost me a few charges.
I personally think that anet would not make enough on wardrobe “unlock” to justify getting rid of the single charge.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
Everyone wants to be able to change their looks around for free. What does that do to Anet? Cut their sales. What does that do for us? Cut our new content. Part of running a business is giving customers what they want without sacrificing the company for it.
Please go back and read previous post. The majority of reasonable people are asking for a PAY-to-unlock system not a absolutely free wardrobe. We know they need to make money and are willing to give them money but for a better deal than what was offered.
When it comes to our purchases I can only speak for myself just like you can only speak for yourself. I am not going to buy a single Wardrobe Charge under their currently released model. You sound like you will.
Would you also buy a Wardrobe unlock charge?
I will be buying more charges under the new system than I would for an “unlock” charge. Why? Because when I switch an armor set, the likelihood that I go back to the old one is low. The reason I don’t change my armors now is because the skins and stats are too expensive to sacrifice either. With charges, if on a whim I do happen to want to change back, it will cost me a few charges.
I personally think that anet would not make enough on wardrobe “unlock” to justify getting rid of the single charge.
But you still would buy the unlock if everything else was equal. As would I. The difference is I will not buy a single “charge”. With just the two of us considered using an unlock system has double Anet’s sales. In fact if it was unlockable I would attempt to unlock every outfit just to have the freedom to change whenever I wanted. The current system gives me no incentive at all. I think you will find several members our our community that feel the same way.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
Everyone wants to be able to change their looks around for free. What does that do to Anet? Cut their sales. What does that do for us? Cut our new content. Part of running a business is giving customers what they want without sacrificing the company for it.
part of running a business is figuring out how to monetize in a way that maximizes your profits. This system does not. i will point out again.
The only time this system increases profit over an unlock system is when a player uses returns to a previously used look. Under the current system, people almost never do that. For any look that they think they may use again, they create a new set of items to store that look.
Even that case is rare, because most people just only go with one look.
If i want to monetize 2000 of the prints of my pictures, one of the worst ways i can do it, is to sell them a service where every time the bring back one of my pictures, i give them a new print. People will almost never use/buy 1999 of my print. I may make money one time per 6 months. Instead of customer potentially buying 6 or 7 pieces of art, they buy 1, they keep it until i can make something that is so much better they pay again to switch.
not to mention, even in my example, i dont charge the initial item costs that the game charges to obtain the item the first time.
Right now, the changes are ok. However, I’m not feeling any more incentivised to change up my characters’ looks any more than I do now. Sure, I will a bit because I already do, but I’m not desperate to get into the wardrobe and start switching my gear around.
I AM, however, a bit of a collector. But I’m good at ignoring that urge. With a pay to use system, I am not bothered about how many greyed out spots I have in my bank collection – to me, I won’t use them anyway because I don’t want to pay the charges, so why bother collecting them when it’s pointless?
BUT, if it were pay to unlock, then free usage afterwards … I’d be trying to collect every skin in game. And that’s a LOT of skins, that’s a LOT of money. I am willing to put money on the fact there are a lot of other people who are collectors too – just look at the mini market.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
Everyone wants to be able to change their looks around for free. What does that do to Anet? Cut their sales. What does that do for us? Cut our new content. Part of running a business is giving customers what they want without sacrificing the company for it.
Please go back and read previous post. The majority of reasonable people are asking for a PAY-to-unlock system not a absolutely free wardrobe. We know they need to make money and are willing to give them money but for a better deal than what was offered.
When it comes to our purchases I can only speak for myself just like you can only speak for yourself. I am not going to buy a single Wardrobe Charge under their currently released model. You sound like you will.
Would you also buy a Wardrobe unlock charge?
I will be buying more charges under the new system than I would for an “unlock” charge. Why? Because when I switch an armor set, the likelihood that I go back to the old one is low. The reason I don’t change my armors now is because the skins and stats are too expensive to sacrifice either. With charges, if on a whim I do happen to want to change back, it will cost me a few charges.
I personally think that anet would not make enough on wardrobe “unlock” to justify getting rid of the single charge.
But you still would buy the unlock if everything else was equal. As would I. The difference is I will not buy a single “charge”. With just the two of us considered using an unlock system has double Anet’s sales. In fact if it was unlockable I would attempt to unlock every outfit just to have the freedom to change whenever I wanted. The current system gives me no incentive at all. I think you will find several members our our community that feel the same way.
And for every person who won’t buy a single charge, there’ll be a person who’ll be a ton of charges. A lot of people have been conditioned to pay for this sort of thing. People will pay.
It my opinion enough people will pay to make it irrelevant if a percentage of people don’t.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
Everyone wants to be able to change their looks around for free. What does that do to Anet? Cut their sales. What does that do for us? Cut our new content. Part of running a business is giving customers what they want without sacrificing the company for it.
part of running a business is figuring out how to monetize in a way that maximizes your profits. This system does not. i will point out again.
The only time this system increases profit over an unlock system is when a player uses returns to a previously used look. Under the current system, people almost never do that. For any look that they think they may use again, they create a new set of items to store that look.
Even that case is rare, because most people just only go with one look.If i want to monetize 2000 of the prints of my pictures, one of the worst ways i can do it, is to sell them a service where every time the bring back one of my pictures, i give them a new print. People will almost never use/buy 1999 of my print. I may make money one time per 6 months. Instead of customer potentially buying 6 or 7 pieces of art, they buy 1, they keep it until i can make something that is so much better they pay again to switch.
not to mention, even in my example, i dont charge the initial item costs that the game charges to obtain the item the first time.
To be honest I’m not entirely sure you know exactly what anet’s business situation is. I usually respect you as a poster, but I honestly feel like you are assuming you know a lot more about the system than you do. Anet had options, they knew their options. They chose this system, one which the very vocal minority of the forums dislikes because of x reason or y. It doesn’t matter, though, because it’s what Anet chose.
Myself, and all of my friends I have discussed this with, are excited about the new system. They will buy more charges than they buy crystals currently. To the casual player, it isn’t about “I want account unlocks!” Or “anet is taking my money! Shame them into submission!” It’s about “wow, that cultural armor I bought for gold that took me a year to farm because I play casually will be added to my wardrobe so I can try new armor sets without feeling like I’m sacrificing anything significant outside of a couple dollars.”
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
Everyone wants to be able to change their looks around for free. What does that do to Anet? Cut their sales. What does that do for us? Cut our new content. Part of running a business is giving customers what they want without sacrificing the company for it.
Please go back and read previous post. The majority of reasonable people are asking for a PAY-to-unlock system not a absolutely free wardrobe. We know they need to make money and are willing to give them money but for a better deal than what was offered.
When it comes to our purchases I can only speak for myself just like you can only speak for yourself. I am not going to buy a single Wardrobe Charge under their currently released model. You sound like you will.
Would you also buy a Wardrobe unlock charge?
I will be buying more charges under the new system than I would for an “unlock” charge. Why? Because when I switch an armor set, the likelihood that I go back to the old one is low. The reason I don’t change my armors now is because the skins and stats are too expensive to sacrifice either. With charges, if on a whim I do happen to want to change back, it will cost me a few charges.
I personally think that anet would not make enough on wardrobe “unlock” to justify getting rid of the single charge.
no, from what you said you would spend the exact same amount of charges in an unlock system as a change system.
Unlock system, you spend 1 charge to change your chest to cultural teir III
Change system you spend 1 charge to change your chest to cultural teir III
now lets say you decide to try a new look
unlock system you spend 1 charge on New fractal armor
Change system you spend 1 charge on New Frcatal armor
difference is, under change system you decide, nah, i will never use a charge on Tier II armor, i only feel like wearing it once a month, then ill have to pay to go back to New Fractal armor.
“The reason I don’t change my armors now is because the skins and stats are too expensive to sacrifice either. With charges, if on a whim I do happen to want to change back, it will cost me a few charges. "
exactly. This system still creates a barrier to purchase based on having to sacrifice charges. Every time you make a change you must decide, Do i want to spend 50 gold/$6.00 (current prices) if i want to come back to my old look?
whereas unlock will make you feel like its worth it, because you are increasing your options, AND it would only cost you 25 gold to do so.
A question, if I may. I’m not sure if this issue has already been addressed, but I’m curious because my situation seems to be a bit different than what was described in the wardrobe patch overview.
I bought the aetherblade medium armor set some time ago and accidentally transmuted the gloves into a different skin. I then accidentally salvaged these gloves in a mix up.
Will the entire set be unlocked for me again because I had purchased this skin set from the gemstore, or will I be missing this one piece (the gloves) of the skin set because I accidentally salvaged it.
The answer to that is, yes, I will spend (not 6 dollars, more like, 3.50) to change armors. Probably once a week at least once I get through my existing stash of crystals. And I will do it willingly, happily, and without a single regret. And many others will too, and thus they will make more money, and the game will live on longer.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
Everyone wants to be able to change their looks around for free. What does that do to Anet? Cut their sales. What does that do for us? Cut our new content. Part of running a business is giving customers what they want without sacrificing the company for it.
part of running a business is figuring out how to monetize in a way that maximizes your profits. This system does not. i will point out again.
The only time this system increases profit over an unlock system is when a player uses returns to a previously used look. Under the current system, people almost never do that. For any look that they think they may use again, they create a new set of items to store that look.
Even that case is rare, because most people just only go with one look.If i want to monetize 2000 of the prints of my pictures, one of the worst ways i can do it, is to sell them a service where every time the bring back one of my pictures, i give them a new print. People will almost never use/buy 1999 of my print. I may make money one time per 6 months. Instead of customer potentially buying 6 or 7 pieces of art, they buy 1, they keep it until i can make something that is so much better they pay again to switch.
not to mention, even in my example, i dont charge the initial item costs that the game charges to obtain the item the first time.
To be honest I’m not entirely sure you know exactly what anet’s business situation is. I usually respect you as a poster, but I honestly feel like you are assuming you know a lot more about the system than you do. Anet had options, they knew their options. They chose this system, one which the very vocal minority of the forums dislikes because of x reason or y. It doesn’t matter, though, because it’s what Anet chose.
Myself, and all of my friends I have discussed this with, are excited about the new system. They will buy more charges than they buy crystals currently. To the casual player, it isn’t about “I want account unlocks!” Or “anet is taking my money! Shame them into submission!” It’s about “wow, that cultural armor I bought for gold that took me a year to farm because I play casually will be added to my wardrobe so I can try new armor sets without feeling like I’m sacrificing anything significant outside of a couple dollars.”
And I think it’s a very vocal minority who actual support it. Everyone I have spoken to hates the current implementation of the wardrobe system. It just does nothing for us.
We aren’t upset about giving Anet money. I love this brand. We just feel like the Wardrobe system is not a good deal. Now that can be fine and we just sit back and keep our money or we can suggest improvements. Specifically ones that we are willing to spend a lot of money on.
The changes are good because the previous system was horrendously bad to the point of being unusable, at least for me. (I’ve used 3 transmutation crystals in almost 2 years.)
The new system removes the destruction component, which is a HUGE and important change.
However, it still doesn’t facilitate frequent armor changes. It still incentivises a playstyle where you pick one look for a character, transmute it, and then stay that way forever. I don’t think many players will swap their outfits around freely and frequently if it costs them 6$ to do so.
I hope that at some point we might make the transition to an unlock system, where you are truly free in your customization choices. I feel like wearing Tier 2 today? Then I’ll wear Tier 2! I feel like wearing this battle amazon set today? Then I’ll wear it! This is not currently possible without a spending a huge amount of money, beyond what most players would be willing to spend. (Sure, some are, but there are also people who buy legendaries with real money. Most people aren’t excessively rich and / or willing to spend hundred dollars per month on a video game.)
I would buy the heck out of transmutation crystals if they allowed me to permanently unlock armor pieces and weapons. I would also buy the heck out of whatever I needed to permanently unlock hairstyles to my account. I’m the sort of player who loves to change her look daily, I dislike settling on permanent choices. Permanent choices feel static and boring. It’s like if you’d have to pay 6$ whenever you wanted to change your traits — that would suck, wouldn’kitten
To be honest I’m not entirely sure you know exactly what anet’s business situation is. I usually respect you as a poster, but I honestly feel like you are assuming you know a lot more about the system than you do. Anet had options, they knew their options. They chose this system, one which the very vocal minority of the forums dislikes because of x reason or y. It doesn’t matter, though, because it’s what Anet chose.
Myself, and all of my friends I have discussed this with, are excited about the new system. They will buy more charges than they buy crystals currently. To the casual player, it isn’t about “I want account unlocks!” Or “anet is taking my money! Shame them into submission!” It’s about “wow, that cultural armor I bought for gold that took me a year to farm because I play casually will be added to my wardrobe so I can try new armor sets without feeling like I’m sacrificing anything significant outside of a couple dollars.”
I think you know, as well as i do, that anet is not infallible, and they make mistakes. I think many people are excited about the new system, because its better, but i dont think it will change peoples overall behavior much, because when it comes down to it, its a pretty similar system. Not only that, but you realize the prices of gems will increase in gold value. right now, it costs way more to transmute a teir II armor than it does to buy it. It costs way more to transmute duelist(popular medium armor than it does to buy it) It costs about 4 to 5 runs (in gold profit) to transmute a dungeon armor, and it costs 3-5 runs (in dunegeon tokens) to get a new pair.
If the cost associated with making a change was stopping changes(and by that, sales of transmutation stones) It will still impede people from making changes.
I believe you and your friends may buy more than they would before, the total costs are the same, and the safety cost if you return is lower. but i believe you and your friends would unlock so much more if the cost of return is zero. Then you would unlock based totally on how cool you think something looks rather than how much it will cost you if you go back to your old look.
Right now, new look has to defeat old look in coolness, instead of working with it. If incinerator is a 9/10 and komalie dagger is 8/10 you wont get komalie dagger. in unlock system you probably get both.
Now, I could be wrong with my profit projections, but i wouldnt assume so just because anet is a company. Many companies have made mistakes, its only human.
The answer to that is, yes, I will spend (not 6 dollars, more like, 3.50) to change armors. Probably once a week at least once I get through my existing stash of crystals. And I will do it willingly, happily, and without a single regret. And many others will too, and thus they will make more money, and the game will live on longer.
but will you spend 3.50 to go back to an old look once a week? because thats the only time they lose money in an unlock system.
@Joarvan.1468 (from the FAQ: http://dulfy.net/2014/03/26/gw2-dyes-wardrobe-and-town-clothing-faq/)
“How does Wardrobe affect my Gem Store purchases?
If any of your characters are wearing or own any piece of an armor set (such as the Profane armor set or the Magitech armor set), all of the remaining pieces will be unlocked in your Wardrobe in addition to any pieces currently on your character or in your inventory. Any newly purchased armor sets will need to be taken from the in-game delivery mail and the bundle then will need to be used in order to unlock the full armor set. Please note that skins or partials skins that you previously purchased but which you no longer possess will not be unlocked on your account. The Guild Wars 2 Support Team cannot unlock skins that fall into this category."
You’ll be covered.
2. The fact that transmutation exists at all is fantastic and is one of the reasons GW2
is so progressive and awesome. We’re just saying that, while it’s better than other MMOs, the transmutation system is still flawed and is not enough for a game that claims to be revolutionary.I just want to point this comment out…. I feel like this defines exactly why everyone is so unhappy: super high ultra expectations.
The bottom line is this: Anet needs to make money somehow, this is their way. Luckily, they are improving upon the system, so that even though they still make money, we get more. To be unhappy with it because “it isn’t enough” is actually sickening to me. Since when do we need to get everything we want? We’re getting something we didn’t need to have.
This is part of running a business. They have to be able to negotiate with their customers. Anet doesn’t need to be coddled they are perfectly capable handling their business. If what we are asking is just too much for them and they can’t do it then we are just at an impasse. No hard feeling no anger but it is just another thing too add to what is wrong (in our eyes) with this game.
Everyone wants to be able to change their looks around for free. What does that do to Anet? Cut their sales. What does that do for us? Cut our new content. Part of running a business is giving customers what they want without sacrificing the company for it.
part of running a business is figuring out how to monetize in a way that maximizes your profits. This system does not. i will point out again.
The only time this system increases profit over an unlock system is when a player uses returns to a previously used look. Under the current system, people almost never do that. For any look that they think they may use again, they create a new set of items to store that look.
Even that case is rare, because most people just only go with one look.If i want to monetize 2000 of the prints of my pictures, one of the worst ways i can do it, is to sell them a service where every time the bring back one of my pictures, i give them a new print. People will almost never use/buy 1999 of my print. I may make money one time per 6 months. Instead of customer potentially buying 6 or 7 pieces of art, they buy 1, they keep it until i can make something that is so much better they pay again to switch.
not to mention, even in my example, i dont charge the initial item costs that the game charges to obtain the item the first time.
To be honest I’m not entirely sure you know exactly what anet’s business situation is. I usually respect you as a poster, but I honestly feel like you are assuming you know a lot more about the system than you do. Anet had options, they knew their options. They chose this system, one which the very vocal minority of the forums dislikes because of x reason or y. It doesn’t matter, though, because it’s what Anet chose.
Myself, and all of my friends I have discussed this with, are excited about the new system. They will buy more charges than they buy crystals currently. To the casual player, it isn’t about “I want account unlocks!” Or “anet is taking my money! Shame them into submission!” It’s about “wow, that cultural armor I bought for gold that took me a year to farm because I play casually will be added to my wardrobe so I can try new armor sets without feeling like I’m sacrificing anything significant outside of a couple dollars.”
I’m a casual player and I don’t think that favourably on it. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of it I like, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t expecting something a little different to what we’re getting.
Clearly ANet have reasons for making the decisions they do. I’m not questioning that, or even saying they’re bad decisions because I don’t know what they’re working with. The ONLY thing we, as forum users, can do, is say what we do and what we don’t like.
The answer to that is, yes, I will spend (not 6 dollars, more like, 3.50) to change armors. Probably once a week at least once I get through my existing stash of crystals. And I will do it willingly, happily, and without a single regret. And many others will too, and thus they will make more money, and the game will live on longer.
but will you spend 3.50 to go back to an old look once a week? because thats the only time they lose money in an unlock system.
Considering how much I actually spend on the gem store, yeah, the 3.50 I spend will be inconsequential. Per week. For whatever I want. But again, I have to bleed through my 250 charges as it stands before I need to purchase more for myself (however I will gift charges to friends who struggle to get these before the patch and after so ultimately yeah, they’ll make the money, I promise you.)
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I guess the problem with an unlock system is that, similar to account wide dyes, at some point most players will have unlocked all the skins that they want. In order for people to continue buying crystals, new armor and weapons would have to be introduced regularly (or a bunch of it at once).
I think this would be great, because the game does need more new armor and weapons (that don’t come in BLC). However, I find it understandable that this might not be something the dev team is currently willing to do or invest a huge chunk of time and effort into. In the long run though, I think it will be necessary to keep the game interesting.
Just imagine the huge run to collect all armors, if they were truly unlockable! The new changes don’t incentivise it all that much (though of course still much more than the previous system). Why would I want to run Honor of the Waves to gather those dungeon sets, if those are not my absolute favorite pieces of armor? What use is it for me to have them in my wardrobe, if I’d have to pay money to equip them, and then again pay money when I want to put my preferred set back on?
With an unlock system, I’d farm Honor of the Waves to have that set at my free disposal. I could change into it freely whenever I wanted to, say if I was fighting Jormag, just to set the mood — and then change back to another set I like. I would unlock all sets that I find in any way slightly interesting, just to have all these options and freedoms.
I guess the problem with an unlock system is that, similar to account wide dyes, at some point most players will have unlocked all the skins that they want. In order for people to continue buying crystals, new armor and weapons would have to be introduced regularly (or a bunch of it at once).
I think this would be great, because the game does need more new armor and weapons (that don’t come in BLC). However, I find it understandable that this might not be something the dev team is currently willing to do or invest a huge chunk of time and effort into. In the long run though, I think it will be necessary to keep the game interesting.
Just imagine the huge run to collect all armors, if they were truly unlockable! The new changes don’t incentivise it all that much (though of course still much more than the previous system). Why would I want to run Honor of the Waves to gather those dungeon sets, if those are not my absolute favorite pieces of armor? What use is it for me to have them in my wardrobe, if I’d have to pay money to equip them, and then again pay money when I want to put my preferred set back on?
With an unlock system, I’d farm Honor of the Waves to have that set at my free disposal. I could change into it freely whenever I wanted to, say if I was fighting Jormag, just to set the mood — and then change back to another set I like. I would unlock all sets that I find in any way slightly interesting, just to have all these options and freedoms.
yes, this is the type of behavior i feel the cosmetic system should encourage. I can tell you now, for many customers they will never use as many transmutation stones in this system versus unlock system.
even if they lose on the change back to same armor a lot crowd, i think the i got to unlock them all crowd will more than pay for them.
i think i probably have like 30 stones saved up. With this change i may use like 3 or 4 stones i wouldnt have used otherwise. With an unlock system i would use all 30 of my stones, and i might buy some more from the store (because gold is actually harder to obtain than gems).
I think many of the people i know would think similarly.
Not only that, but id start actively hunting any skin i think is cool, which gives me more to do in game, whereas now, theres still no reason unless i want to EQ it on some character right now.
While I can understand why people who switch their looks very often would prefer a charge to unlock model, I think they are overlooking 2 aspects when they try to argue why the charge to unlock would give a larger revenue for the company:
1) Long term investment. The charge to unlock would most likely give them a massive spike in their revenue after the release of the feature. But once everyone is done with their unlocks? Apart from new players or the occasionally added new skin to hunt down their revenue from this aspect would flatline.
The system they chose to go with allows for a long term revenue. Sure we can’t predict the exact lifetime of the game, but I dare predict that this long term revenue will exceed any possible spike the charge to unlock system will generate.
2) Inhibition threshold. Anyone who just wants to alter their look less often will be hard pressed to go for the increased charge to unlock because it would require the equivalent of let’s say 30 trasnmutation just to change your look once. (The example uses 5 charges to unlock and is for a full set of 6 armour pieces. In case it is unclear how I got to the 30 transmutations.)
That is a considerably larger amount of gold/money to invest than 6 charges. So someone who has found a new look and isn’t into changing it very often will certainly be much happier with the charge to change system up to the point where someone like that might decide “It’s not worth all that.” and keep their current looks. Thus making zero revenue compared to the smaller revenue they will get if he has the option to just go with 6 charges.
The additional problem we have is that none of us have numbers on the mindset of the larger playerbase. Both sides argue that “everyone they have spoken to” likes their version better. Both sides argue that the other side might be just a “vocal minority”. But neither of us has actual numbers to back that up especially compared to the number of actually existing players and what their behaviour might entail.
Because how large o a portion of the playerbase have you actually spoken to? And in addition: Isn’t it likely that most people you talk about this will agree with you because you are most likely to discuss something like this with the people you usually play with? People with an alike mindset to yours? So of course in your gaming circle you will find mostly people who agree to your particular point of view.
Those two aspects somewhat diminish the actual value of those statements.
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
The additional problem we have is that none of us have numbers on the mindset of the larger playerbase. Both sides argue that “everyone they have spoken to” likes their version better. Both sides argue that the other side might be just a “vocal minority”. But neither of us has actual numbers to back that up especially compared to the number of actually existing players and what their behaviour might entail.
Because how large o a portion of the playerbase have you actually spoken to? And in addition: Isn’t it likely that most people you talk about this will agree with you because you are most likely to discuss something like this with the people you usually play with? People with an alike mindset to yours? So of course in your gaming circle you will find mostly people who agree to your particular point of view.
Those two aspects somewhat diminish the actual value of those statements.
I agree with you. That is why we should look at some basic economic principles. Specifically what will incentivize players as well as Arena Net.
Anet wants the game to do well. They want lots of players and a lot of money
Players want the game to do well. They want lots of players and to keep lots of their money.
The players want the best value and Anet wants the largest profit. Anet also wants to offer the best value compared to its competition. The better that value becomes the more people are willing to buy the game and spend money in it. The less valuable each feature is the less valuable the game is.
With the current system Anet is betting on a smaller player base and hope to get more from them. If they were to use a Pay-to-unlock model they would be betting on growth and most importantly betting on themselves to release better content (like armor skins).
The PTU crowd is willing to bet on growth because we love this game and have confidence it it’s ability to bring in new players which will in tern spend more money on the game.
(edited by Prophet.6257)
Re: 1) A ‘charge to unlock. system still allows long term revenue. It would take the average player months to collect just the skins they want. Then you have to take into account players rolling alts, maybe they’d want completely different looks for them too and hunt down new skins. In addition, there’s new weapon skins released just about every month and armour every 8 – 12 weeks (rough estimate)
Re: 2) I disagree with this as well, players who don’t wish to change their looks often aren’t the target of this system anyway. They can still use the limited transmutation charge if they want, while players who would spend the extra for an unlock appear to be losing out because it isn’t offered.
Based on the previews though, I think unlockable cosmetic tabs would be an ideal solution to this.
While I can understand why people who switch their looks very often would prefer a charge to unlock model, I think they are overlooking 2 aspects when they try to argue why the charge to unlock would give a larger revenue for the company:
1) Long term investment. The charge to unlock would most likely give them a massive spike in their revenue after the release of the feature. But once everyone is done with their unlocks? Apart from new players or the occasionally added new skin to hunt down their revenue from this aspect would flatline.
The system they chose to go with allows for a long term revenue. Sure we can’t predict the exact lifetime of the game, but I dare predict that this long term revenue will exceed any possible spike the charge to unlock system will generate.2) Inhibition threshold. Anyone who just wants to alter their look less often will be hard pressed to go for the increased charge to unlock because it would require the equivalent of let’s say 30 trasnmutation just to change your look once. (The example uses 5 charges to unlock and is for a full set of 6 armour pieces. In case it is unclear how I got to the 30 transmutations.)
That is a considerably larger amount of gold/money to invest than 6 charges. So someone who has found a new look and isn’t into changing it very often will certainly be much happier with the charge to change system up to the point where someone like that might decide “It’s not worth all that.” and keep their current looks. Thus making zero revenue compared to the smaller revenue they will get if he has the option to just go with 6 charges.The additional problem we have is that none of us have numbers on the mindset of the larger playerbase. Both sides argue that “everyone they have spoken to” likes their version better. Both sides argue that the other side might be just a “vocal minority”. But neither of us has actual numbers to back that up especially compared to the number of actually existing players and what their behaviour might entail.
Because how large o a portion of the playerbase have you actually spoken to? And in addition: Isn’t it likely that most people you talk about this will agree with you because you are most likely to discuss something like this with the people you usually play with? People with an alike mindset to yours? So of course in your gaming circle you will find mostly people who agree to your particular point of view.
Those two aspects somewhat diminish the actual value of those statements.
1st of all the shouldnt charge more for a permant unlock than a change, the cost is already to prohibitive to be worth it. It costs more for like 60% of the gear to transmute it than to obtain it. For dunegon armor, its currently almost even in earnings per run, and even for most upper mid tier items it is 20-50% of the cost of item.
long term they lose very little, because unlock only loses money on people going back to old looks.
2nd of all if the charge is the same cost as change, in the long term they still will make more money.
in an unlock system any NEW change generates the same revenue as in a change system
the fact is with a cost to return to look being so great, people dont return to looks. They either get a set of items to hold a new look, or they simply dont bother.
So they are trading the very minimal long term gains of multiple returns to one look, versus the much greater gains of people essentially buying a transmutation for every piece of gear they like even a little bit, in gemstore OR in game.
They have already tried the cost per change system, and i think almost everyone here knows, they dont change their look back to an old look just about ever. Even though they are lowering the cost (by not destroying items) its still way too expensive for a per change charge to encourage collection and incentivize.
Perhaps if they lower the costs of transmutation crystals greatly, then people may feel like its an ignorable cost, and over time they make more money, but with current costs i dont see that happening.
Maybe a compromise?
The Wardrobe works the same way it does now, but when you use Charges to apply skins to a specific item, you can then freely swap back to this skin (and any other unlocked skin), on that item forever? For example:
1. I craft a Zojja’s Greatsword. It has the Zojja skin unlocked on it by default.
2. I use a Transmutation Charge and apply the AC Greatsword skin to it. It now has both the Zojja and AC skins unlocked on it, and I can freely swap between those two skins whenever I want.
3. If I then craft a new Keeper’s Greatsword, but wanted to use the Zojja’s and AC skins on this new weapon, then I’d need to spend 2 more Charges applying those two skins to my Keeper’s GS. (Alternatively, I could use 1 Charge and apply the Keeper’s skin to my old GS, which would now have 3 skins unlocked on it.)
Its not really a compromise when it entirely benefits the player .
The system is better for players than the current arrangement by a wide margin, but its still going to make ArenaNet some money.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Maybe a compromise?
The Wardrobe works the same way it does now, but when you use Charges to apply skins to a specific item, you can then freely swap back to this skin (and any other unlocked skin), on that item forever? For example:
1. I craft a Zojja’s Greatsword. It has the Zojja skin unlocked on it by default.
2. I use a Transmutation Charge and apply the AC Greatsword skin to it. It now has both the Zojja and AC skins unlocked on it, and I can freely swap between those two skins whenever I want.
3. If I then craft a new Keeper’s Greatsword, but wanted to use the Zojja’s and AC skins on this new weapon, then I’d need to spend 2 more Charges applying those two skins to my Keeper’s GS. (Alternatively, I could use 1 Charge and apply the Keeper’s skin to my old GS, which would now have 3 skins unlocked on it.)Its not really a compromise when it entirely benefits the player
The system is better for players than the current arrangement by a wide margin, but its still going to make ArenaNet some money.
forget comprimises, look for mutal winning.
the system they are making hurts everyone equally.
Anet will make less profit with a per change system overall
Players will feel more oppressed when it comes to changing looks
Current system ingame doesnt encourage hunting multiple armors which diminishes the value of ingame rewards/goals that arent going to add more gold to the system.
Unlock is a win for everyone. I stand behind this. More profits, more customer satisfaction, better in game mechanics.
Anet can fire me if im wrong.
Anet can fire me if im wrong.
Do…do you work for ANet? ARE YOU A DEV. IN DISGUISE?
Because we’ve been waiting for some developer feedback here.
Anet can fire me if im wrong.
Do…do you work for ANet? ARE YOU A DEV. IN DISGUISE?
Because we’ve been waiting for some developer feedback here.
the beauty of getting fired for a job you dont have is quite great.
I dont think anet would want a guy like me, I’d be stepping outside my lane way too often, commenting all over the place, and telling a bunch of departments what i think they should do.
Re: 1) A ‘charge to unlock. system still allows long term revenue. It would take the average player months to collect just the skins they want. Then you have to take into account players rolling alts, maybe they’d want completely different looks for them too and hunt down new skins. In addition, there’s new weapon skins released just about every month and armour every 8 – 12 weeks (rough estimate)
Re: 2) I disagree with this as well, players who don’t wish to change their looks often aren’t the target of this system anyway. They can still use the limited transmutation charge if they want, while players who would spend the extra for an unlock appear to be losing out because it isn’t offered.
Based on the previews though, I think unlockable cosmetic tabs would be an ideal solution to this.
Re 1) I think hunting down the skins wouldn’t take that long, especially since quite a few people already have the skins they really want.
Investing gold/money to unlock those, that might take time, I have to agree. But that soley depends on how much people can/are willing to spend. Still that is a finite amount of revenue, because once unlocked, it’s over. Charge to change isn’t a finite concept.
And I don’t think the comparatively small amount of new skins added that would require charge to unlock are competitive with the continous charges to change in terms of revenue.
Although I’m currently falling into the same trap that I tried to point out in the second part of my entry. None of us have actual numbers to support our theories.
Re 2) That would advocate both systems to be used parallelly (that word sounds weird…). With that notion I would have no problem at all.
But I think this system is to some degree still pointed at people who don’t change their looks often. Because it takes away the edge off of either loosing expensive stats on an ascended piece of equipment or loosing an expensive skin like infinite light when they wish to switch to something else.
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
While I can understand why people who switch their looks very often would prefer a charge to unlock model, I think they are overlooking 2 aspects when they try to argue why the charge to unlock would give a larger revenue for the company:
1) Long term investment. The charge to unlock would most likely give them a massive spike in their revenue after the release of the feature. But once everyone is done with their unlocks? Apart from new players or the occasionally added new skin to hunt down their revenue from this aspect would flatline.
The system they chose to go with allows for a long term revenue. Sure we can’t predict the exact lifetime of the game, but I dare predict that this long term revenue will exceed any possible spike the charge to unlock system will generate.2) Inhibition threshold. Anyone who just wants to alter their look less often will be hard pressed to go for the increased charge to unlock because it would require the equivalent of let’s say 30 trasnmutation just to change your look once. (The example uses 5 charges to unlock and is for a full set of 6 armour pieces. In case it is unclear how I got to the 30 transmutations.)
That is a considerably larger amount of gold/money to invest than 6 charges. So someone who has found a new look and isn’t into changing it very often will certainly be much happier with the charge to change system up to the point where someone like that might decide “It’s not worth all that.” and keep their current looks. Thus making zero revenue compared to the smaller revenue they will get if he has the option to just go with 6 charges.The additional problem we have is that none of us have numbers on the mindset of the larger playerbase. Both sides argue that “everyone they have spoken to” likes their version better. Both sides argue that the other side might be just a “vocal minority”. But neither of us has actual numbers to back that up especially compared to the number of actually existing players and what their behaviour might entail.
Because how large o a portion of the playerbase have you actually spoken to? And in addition: Isn’t it likely that most people you talk about this will agree with you because you are most likely to discuss something like this with the people you usually play with? People with an alike mindset to yours? So of course in your gaming circle you will find mostly people who agree to your particular point of view.
Those two aspects somewhat diminish the actual value of those statements.1st of all the shouldnt charge more for a permant unlock than a change, the cost is already to prohibitive to be worth it. It costs more for like 60% of the gear to transmute it than to obtain it. For dunegon armor, its currently almost even in earnings per run, and even for most upper mid tier items it is 20-50% of the cost of item.
long term they lose very little, because unlock only loses money on people going back to old looks.2nd of all if the charge is the same cost as change, in the long term they still will make more money.
in an unlock system any NEW change generates the same revenue as in a change system
the fact is with a cost to return to look being so great, people dont return to looks. They either get a set of items to hold a new look, or they simply dont bother.
So they are trading the very minimal long term gains of multiple returns to one look, versus the much greater gains of people essentially buying a transmutation for every piece of gear they like even a little bit, in gemstore OR in game.
They have already tried the cost per change system, and i think almost everyone here knows, they dont change their look back to an old look just about ever. Even though they are lowering the cost (by not destroying items) its still way too expensive for a per change charge to encourage collection and incentivize.
Perhaps if they lower the costs of transmutation crystals greatly, then people may feel like its an ignorable cost, and over time they make more money, but with current costs i dont see that happening.
I think you are sill overlooking 2 aspects.
1) Yes Every NEW unlock is the same as a charge to change. But even with new skins every now and then, it is a finite number of charges. Charge for Change is not a finite number of charges.
2 (and possibly minor)) You are forgetting alts. Every unlock means I have that skin for any and all of my characters. In a charge for chage system you can still make money of alts. In a charge to unlock system all that is lost.
Unless you are advocating unlocks to be character based and not account based. But I don’t think so.
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
So it’s a smart idea to continue keeping my consumable backpiece skins after the patch since I can apply them without needing to transmute?
But I think this system is to some degree still pointed at people who don’t change their looks often. Because it takes away the edge off of either loosing expensive stats on an ascended piece of equipment or loosing an expensive skin like infinite light when they wish to switch to something else.
And that’s the inherent flaw in its design, the main purpose of an in-game wardrobe is to facilitate changing your look freely, and often.
I will be buying more charges under the new system than I would for an “unlock” charge. Why? Because when I switch an armor set, the likelihood that I go back to the old one is low.
…please, read what you wrote, and think for a while.
The cost difference between unlock system and “per change” system lies in returning to old looks. If you do not return to old looks, then you pay more in unlock system. Only if you keep returning to the old skins constantly is the “per change” system better for Anet.
By your claim, you belong to the first category, not the second.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Their video for the release showed a pvp only armor on a character standing in divinity’s reach… is that for real or did they overlook that the “PvP Masquerade” armor set can only currently be taken to pve in DevLand?
tldr whether this was answered before btw