Festival of the Four Winds!
Recycle—-can’t wait! ;-)
Rebuild Lion’s Arch – can’t wait!
The Festival of the Four Winds arrives on May 20th for North American and European players, who will “get the opportunity to help rebuild the beloved city of Lion’s Arch that was destroyed by Scarlet [Briar] in Season 1.”
My only concern is will the Champs from Pavillion be nerfed? Cursed Shore used to be great farming, and now its a sea of horrible Elite/Veteran/Unkillable Buffed Champ mobs with increased respawn timers, less loot, less mobs.
If they keep it like it was, great but I have my suspicsions about nerfs. I really hope they left it as it used to be, the recycled content can actually be better than the new revamped content. Sometimes, new isnt always better
Another content recycle.
It’s all they’ve done.
So what exactly is there to be excited about? Someone inform me please.
Here’s hoping the Gauntlet will have some new fights. Liadri and the 8 orb achievement were fun and challenging, but I’ve done them, and the game needs more challenging content. Who am I kidding, there won’t be any additional fights, just a standard recycle.
PvP modes are the “endgame” in all MMOs.
Stop failing at PvE, and fix WvW/SPvP. Thank you.
They’ve won. Bazaar of the Four Winds is the best content IMHO, I’ll enjoy this thing all week long!
I can’t wait. People are going to farm the hell out of it and bring the prices of mats down temporarily.
Loved both of these when they first came out. Will be nice to go back to them for a visit.
what also would be good to bring back..
RIP City of Heroes
Another content recycle.
It’s all they’ve done.
So what exactly is there to be excited about? Someone inform me please.
Here’s hoping the Gauntlet will have some new fights. Liadri and the 8 orb achievement were fun and challenging, but I’ve done them, and the game needs more challenging content. Who am I kidding, there won’t be any additional fights, just a standard recycle.
Yearly festivals are a Guild Wars standard and have been since the first game. In all honesty you’d be surprised at how many people look forward to stuff like this.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
So they knocked Lion’s Arch down just so we could build it back up?
Talk about a waste of development resources.
So they knocked Lion’s Arch down just so we could build it back up?
Talk about a waste of development resources.
Yay, Crystal Collecting game!
Hell yes, I don’t care if it’s recycled content, Bazaar of the Four Winds was hands down the best thing that came out of the living story. I cannot wait to get back to it. Thank you ANet.
We knew when these events were withdrawn that they would be coming back later. It’s the right time. Let it happen.
Hell yes, I don’t care if it’s recycled content, Bazaar of the Four Winds was hands down the best thing that came out of the living story. I cannot wait to get back to it. Thank you ANet.
Agreed! Thank you Anet <3
Only had a few days to enjoy it last time so yey!
I personal can’t wait till the festival. I like stuff like this. Thou i hope they’ll ad at least something new.
Knew it was too good to be true, prepare for the return of scarlet briar
I got used to GW1’s cyclic events, and because of that, I thought the new events they brought out in GW2 was cyclic as well. Well, even if they were not cyclic, to be honest I lost interest in the game some time ago, so I didn’t care. Nonetheless, as a returning player who missed this event, I appreciate that they put this event/content back again.
Awesome….might be able to afford Celestial gear for my Ele…..WOOT!
There is nothing wrong with annual content returning….the assumption that it is fully due to lazy development (not discounting that it IS EASY for the devs), is quite pessimistic (but that’s par for the course on this forum).
This content had quite a few GOOD things associated with it:
- Easy access to ALL Karma related cooking materials (STOCK UP!).
- Access to Celestial recipes (unless you have an Ele, maybe not that big a deal).
- Some decent Jumping Related activities (not for everyone, I get that).
On a side note, I would imagine this news will make the existing Celestial recipes on the TP plummet in price (but why rush to buy them when you could wait a week or so and get them for some relatively easy effort….or much cheaper when the supply increases).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Dont tell me that the yare bringing LA for permanent ??And when i remember when Anet said how they want to make story here that develops like story in Game of Thrones lol…In game of thrones what is destroyed it STAYS destroyed.I hope though that this little reminder is just to introduce chines with season 1 LS and that after its over everything is same as it was before (meaning – LA is dead)
So they knocked Lion’s Arch down just so we could build it back up?
Talk about a waste of development resources.
Zuh? I don’t think that has to do with this post, but even so:
I can’t think of any city, that if devastated by destruction, natural or from war, would not rebuild. Why would you not expect Lion’s Arch to be rebuilt? It would make less sense if they didn’t rebuild the city. I mean. That’s like NY being destroyed and then everyone going “Well, guess we’ll just leave this all rubble and move somewhere else”. They would clean it up and rebuild it. Every time.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Another content recycle.
It’s all they’ve done.
So what exactly is there to be excited about? Someone inform me please.
Personally, I’m excited to see it again. For comparison, Halloween was disappointingly low in new content, and even had some significant content removed, but I still enjoyed the return of the Labyrinth, Clocktower, and Lunatic Inquisition. (I wasn’t happy about some of the changes this year, but the point is that I still had a good time, when I wasn’t foaming at the mouth over Candy Corn Cob numbers.)
With the Zephyr Sanctum, my favorite bit, Sanctum Sprint, has been around in the activity rotation, so it’s not a big return, but I’m still looking forward to running around in the Cliffs zone, which is a pretty attractive place. As for the Divinity’s Reach portion of the update, I never had any interest in the Gauntlet, but I know some people will be happy to see it again (or for the first time,) and I’ll be happy to see the Crown Pavilion again.
While I certainly hope they add some new story, skins, events, or other content, if it gets as much new content as Wintersday (not much, but without Halloween’s removals,) then there’s still something to be excited about. Returns like this break new content into three categories: Permanent, Temporary, and Seasonal, and that’s not a bad thing.
So they knocked Lion’s Arch down just so we could build it back up?
Talk about a waste of development resources.
Zuh? I don’t think that has to do with this post, but even so:
I can’t think of any city, that if devastated by destruction, natural or from war, would not rebuild. Why would you not expect Lion’s Arch to be rebuilt? It would make less sense if they didn’t rebuild the city. I mean. That’s like NY being destroyed and then everyone going “Well, guess we’ll just leave this all rubble and move somewhere else”. They would clean it up and rebuild it. Every time.
Yeah but rebuilding takes tame.We cant just rebuild entire city in a week.That should last for months!
Yeah but rebuilding takes tame.We cant just rebuild entire city in a week.That should last for months!
How long did it take to rebuild the Lion Statue after Mad King Thorn destroyed it? While rebuilding a living city is higher priority than a statue, I’d wait and see how the dev team handles the roll out of the rebuilding before getting worked up over it.
Even once it’s rebuilt, it’s likely to have a lot of changes to it. Even Kessex Hills still has aftereffects of the Tower of Nightmares.
As long as rebuilt lion’s arch looks a lot different than before the scarlet incident, I am ok with this.
I’m fine with -repopulating- Lion’s Arch. Moving back the bankers, the trading post, the mystic toilet, et cetera, to more or less their original spots. Dunno if a full rebuild is needed though. Fix and clean up certain areas to make it traversable, but it would still for the most part be a wrecked ruin. Just a ruin that people have started to reclaim.
I wont presume to know if this will just be a content recycle but it can very well be and that’s kind of discouraging. While the mini-games were fun… I’m just hoping we get more story this time around. It feels like so long since we have had a significant event that wasn’t just check lists. LS season 1 had its plot issues but at least it was entertaining for a lot of us to see the story of Tyria moving forward.
Finally I get to finish working on beating Liadri! I have two stacks of gauntlet tickets and a desire to kill her -_- (serious face time)
So they knocked Lion’s Arch down just so we could build it back up?
Talk about a waste of development resources.
Zuh? I don’t think that has to do with this post, but even so:
I can’t think of any city, that if devastated by destruction, natural or from war, would not rebuild. Why would you not expect Lion’s Arch to be rebuilt? It would make less sense if they didn’t rebuild the city. I mean. That’s like NY being destroyed and then everyone going “Well, guess we’ll just leave this all rubble and move somewhere else”. They would clean it up and rebuild it. Every time.
Yeah but rebuilding takes tame.We cant just rebuild entire city in a week.That should last for months!
Where does it say it will take one week? There hasn’t even been an announcement about how long this release will run, much less that the rebuilding will only take place in this release.
Finally I get to finish working on beating Liadri! I have two stacks of gauntlet tickets and a desire to kill her -_- (serious face time)
On that note….PLEASE let me sell my tickets…..I have tons and have no desire to do any of those battles….at least let me vendor them!
Can I ask for anyone to explain to me what the return of the Festival of 4 Winds and the Crown Pavilion have to do with rebuilding Lions Arch? EDIT: Never mind I see. I’m guessing this will be a “donation” type drive that will replace the LA council seat voting that took place during the last Festival. I don’t think this event will do any actual change / rebuild to Lions Arch at all (just “prepare” for it).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Ah the Queen’s Pavilion. Can’t wait to see how much megaserver exacerbates the constant bickering and flaming that goes on in map chat over how to best attack a given champion. :roll eyes:
Finally. looking forward to trading in my blade shards.
I just hope it’s not a letdown like the ‘return’ of the Halloween event.
I really liked the BotFW LS patch back then, the map is gorgeous, fun to travel and the skins you could get were nice too (maybe this time I’ll get the rucksack skin ).
So yes, recycled or not, as long as it is as fun as last time, I’m all looking forward to it.
As for the Pavillon. Eh. A huge neverending megazerg grindfest. The gauntlet was alright, albeit some classes/builds just flatout stomped through it (like my Warrior, what else) while it was nigh impossible for others. But I don’t have to visit it, so what of it.
But will the Zephyrites be accepting payments in ascended materials?
I wouldn’t be surprised if they added it to the traders, only to add more sinks the next month.
Recycled content? Hell yeah! Way to go with a stagnant, 2-year-old game! /sarcasm
So let me get this right we know Anet from GW1 dose festivals season events every year about the same over and over yet its wrong to do this in GW2? That and by redoing old content that content no longer becomes temporally. Liston to your self as a forum community if the content is there for a temp. time you complain about it being nothing more then temp. content if that content comes back then you complain about it being recycle it cant be both and you cant have it both ways.
At this point ppl are complaining at ANY THING new it not important what it is there are some real “fools” (i mean true fool as in doing all they can to stay dumb and not know see there own views before saying them.) They truly how there views at this point and are best not to respond to them because they are not talking to ppl they are talking to them self and it is imposable to get any worlds to them because they are simply trapped in there own foolishness.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
So they knocked Lion’s Arch down just so we could build it back up?
Talk about a waste of development resources.
Zuh? I don’t think that has to do with this post, but even so:
I can’t think of any city, that if devastated by destruction, natural or from war, would not rebuild. Why would you not expect Lion’s Arch to be rebuilt? It would make less sense if they didn’t rebuild the city. I mean. That’s like NY being destroyed and then everyone going “Well, guess we’ll just leave this all rubble and move somewhere else”. They would clean it up and rebuild it. Every time.
Yeah but rebuilding takes tame.We cant just rebuild entire city in a week.That should last for months!
Pretty sure they would spread it out in stages, a la typical LS stuff. Considering that LA wasn’t that big of a city (mostly re-purposed ships really), it wouldn’t be crazy to think that a big crew working around the clock could rebuild it in a few months.
One week no, but I don’t think they are going to toggle it on like that. I’m sure one patch you would see partially built buildings, maybe constructions supplies scattered around, NPCs hammering, sawing, etc. Next month’s patch, more construction, still NPCs working, and then the final unveiling.
Heck the Nightmare Tower was sorta done this way, why wouldn’t they do LA that way.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
What backpack pieces were only available in the Festival of the Four Winds? Could somebody tell me the backpieces that were only available in the Festival of the Four Winds? I’m going to hoard those backpieces just in case Festival of the Four Winds won’t return ever again.
Take that, whoever’s been spiking the wind catcher prices!
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye
What backpack pieces were only available in the Festival of the Four Winds? Could somebody tell me the backpieces that were only available in the Festival of the Four Winds?
I’m going to hoard those backpieces just in case Festival of the Four Winds won’t return ever again.
Recycled content? Hell yeah! Way to go with a stagnant, 2-year-old game! /sarcasm
What’s the problem here? Would you rather get nothing until Living Story 2 releases? No content they have re-released has ever been exactly the same and I doubt this one will either. Take a breath and enjoy it. My god.
Finally! No more 60g wind catcher backpack, lol.
Aww… no Dragon Bash this year?
They removed one holiday and consolidated two more. It seems they expect us to be busy the rest of the summer with something else… I wonder why that could be?
For those complaining about “recycled content”, we ALWAYS knew these events were coming back. It makes sense to do it now before S2 gets started so they don’t distract from it, and it’s an event that keeps us busy, and enhances rather than distracts the new China players from their launch month.
It’s a good move. S2 will come soon enough.
Looking forward to it :-)
I was not expecting anything till June, so this is great news…
Personally I loved gauntlet, so I can’t wait to fight those ‘bosses’ again. Also please, please let us swap all our useless ascended materials for something good. I will love the Zephyrites forever if they can take all my stacks of ascended rubbish!
Aww… no Dragon Bash this year?
Expect Dragon Bash later this year, I think Anet want the Chinese/Asia market to take part in Dragon Bash. Rumour has it Chinese LOVE dragons…
(edited by Meglobob.8620)
Last time we took a Ship to the Zephyrites. With the Lions Arch Port gone I wonder what port we will be taking this time.
Last time we took a Ship to the Zephyrites. With the Lions Arch Port gone I wonder what port we will be taking this time.
Probably a balloon in DR