Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!
I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.
I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.
With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.
With no time constrains and content available to anyone at any skill level, they are aiming this game at ppl who have a wife and possibly kids, gamers who don’t have that much time in the day to actually play games in general, in another term casual players who don’t have all the hours in the day to play. That isn’t me i’m not a casual gamer, I have hours for college work (not uni), and games. I’m not constrain by casual hours.
I’m not looking for an arcade game or an adventure game to play, a 8 bit platformer or a platformer in general. I’m looking to play an mmorpg. Mini games are fun but when the bulk of my fun from the game is coming from mini games, i might aswell be playing a real adventure, platformer or arcade game than a water downed version of such in an MMORPG.
Did it really take this long to realise gw2 was aimed at busy people :p Even then there’s still more variety than in those raid grinding purple pixel chasers.
27 here and I love this game more and more with every patch :p I think devs like to make the kind of games they like to play – and there aren’t that many youngsters in the industry atm.
Still, hope you find a game more your taste, there are many.
Yup and they use The Dreamer to target bronies, Necros for all the emo people out there, engies for steampunk lovers, rangers for animal lovers, and the Kraitkin for anime lovers.
My gawd, they got all their bases covered O.o
I’m 25 and I love this game more with every patch.
Am I seriously the only 22 year old who has played and enjoyed 8 bit classics AND seen those “so terrible it’s hilarious” commercials?
I shed a tear for my generation.
…bad american commercials…
Yeah, because America has the monopoly on bad video game commercials. Oh, wait…
Am I seriously the only 22 year old who has played and enjoyed 8 bit classics?
I shed a tear for my generation.
If you were born in the 80s 1989 then yes.
I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.
I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.
With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.
Did you grow up in the middle ages when there were witches and wizards and saints would slay dragrons, the kings and queens would stay in their castles and the knights of the land would go forth and do their bidding?
Surely you must be too old to still be gaming….
21 here and loving the game more everyday
Do you have your 2nd legendary? If not, your not hardcore enough.
But yes, you are right. GW2 is a casual gamer’s game with content to do for the skilled (jumping puzzles) and the hardcore (legendaries, ascended tier, and achievement leaderboards).
The only difference is that being hardcore in GW2 does not (generally) make you better than a casual Can be argued that ascended gear breaks that rule, but unless two zerkers or tanks are going up against each other 1v1 – 3v3 in WvW, it’s not usually an issue.
I, being a hardcore-ish gamer who loves horizontal progression, will be working on earning those kitten skins. SUPER SWORD
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.
I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.
With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.
Did you grow up in the middle ages when there were witches and wizards and saints would slay dragrons, the kings and queens would stay in their castles and the knights of the land would go forth and do their bidding?
Surely you must be too old to still be gaming….
No, I’m not even in my 20s
I’m 31 and while I find the Super Adventure Box to be a fun addition, I don’t really love it. I have a love/hate relationship with GW2 myself. If I had to pay a sub I’d have been gone long ago, but since I don’t I’ll stick around and enjoy things they add.
As I fall into the 35-40 demo, allow me to speak for my brethren that think super adventure box is the most kitten thing I have ever seen in my life.
This is supposed to be a game of epic world vs world pvp.. instead we get hello kitty adventure island.
Character balance needs work, the engineer class is crud, WvW is about as interesting as a game of leap frog.. or watching people jog... and we already have a pointless mini-game; it’s called S-pvp.
My father taught me that you don’t start a new project you finish the last one.
Anet never finishes anything they start, and the fact that our "expansion’s worth of content" is super adventure box, makes me want to stab babies with a coat hanger.
If you need me, I’ll be watching Game of Thrones. I can’t take any more of this kids stuff.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
No, I’m not even in my 20s
My apologies then, far too young for sarcasm…
I think it’s nice they haven’t forgotten that we “seasoned” gamers are actually still alive and breathing. You can have a company that targets the “KungkittenPanda” only crowd, or one that remembers the whole history of gaming and all the players from all generations.
… rant …
If you need me, I’ll be watching Game of Thrones. I can’t take any more of this kids stuff.
Would you mind sending me your excess gold and crafting materials before you go? I could use them.
As I fall into the 35-40 demo, allow me to speak for my brethren that think super adventure box is the most kitten thing I have ever seen in my life.
This is supposed to be a game of epic world vs world pvp.. instead we get hello kitty adventure island.
Character balance needs work, the engineer class is crud, WvW is about as interesting as a game of leap frog.. or watching people jog… and we already have a pointless mini-game; it’s called S-pvp.
My father taught me that you don’t start a new project you finish the last one.
Anet never finishes anything they start, and the fact that our “expansion’s worth of content” is super adventure box, makes me want to stab babies with a coat hanger.
If you need me, I’ll be watching Game of Thrones. I can’t take any more of this kids stuff.
WvW is a game of leap frog. Or it’s kill the smaller number with the bigger number. While I don’t hate the Adventure Box, I have to agree with you. This game needs a lot of work before they should work on stuff like this.
Cool, story bro?…
You’re right, this 1 event sums up the whole demographic.
You’re right, this 1 event sums up the whole demographic.
Did you even read my opening post? :S
Maybe OP should spend more time on his schoolwork and less time being “hardcore” in a video game.
I’m 35 and this thread is making me feel like it.
My characters think I’m crazy.
Maybe OP should spend more time on his schoolwork and less time being “hardcore” in a video game.
Didn’t even mention the word hardcore. And is that an attempt at belittling me?
If you couldn’t figure out this was a game aimed at young adults/adults until now, then I do worry what demographic you are in. Most of the people I meet are young adults, some are older.
I know a lot of people in college like myself that enjoy this sort of thing and also play the game. Also, I am 21, where did the late 20s figure come from? I easily reconize its resemblance to Zelda among other things.
I’m 35 and this thread is making me feel like it.
I’m sorry I didn’t want to make anyone feel bad, just saying that GW2 has a lot of things that show people like me weren’t their focus when designing said things
(if that makes sense)
If anything the 35+ demographic is the least catered to. My first game was pong. Glad they didn’t go that far back. :P
OP it’s great you have a few years with all that extra time but RL will creep up. If you don’t have a job already, you will. Then comes a more demanding job and so on. Not even going to mention a partner or a family since that is down the road. At some point you’ll realize that the next time you’ll have that kind of free time is when you retire. Which can still be a long way away for some.
You won’t always have the kind of time you do now, so enjoy it. And don’t waste all of it on video games. It’s nice to have a game made for people that have lives outside of Tyria. I still feel behind most of the time but at least it’s not impossible to catch back up.
And VOLKON said it best below me. It’s a focus that is spread across demographics giving something for everyone.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
(edited by Infernia.9847)
I’m 35 and this thread is making me feel like it.
I’m sorry
I didn’t want to make anyone feel bad, just saying that GW2 has a lot of things that show people like me weren’t their focus when designing said things
(if that makes sense)
I think a more correct assumption would be that “people like you” aren’t their only focus. There are a myriad of types of gamers out there. Generations are being spanned these days. I’m extremely pleased with the “something for everyone” approach as opposed to the “all for one demographic” approach.
Now quit worrying about your particular demographic and go play and have fun! Danged kids…
I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.
I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.
With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.
With no time constrains and content available to anyone at any skill level, they are aiming this game at ppl who have a wife and possibly kids, gamers who don’t have that much time in the day to actually play games in general, in another term casual players who don’t have all the hours in the day to play. That isn’t me i’m not a casual gamer, I have hours for college work (not uni), and games. I’m not constrain by casual hours.
I’m not looking for an arcade game or an adventure game to play, a 8 bit platformer or a platformer in general. I’m looking to play an mmorpg. Mini games are fun but when the bulk of my fun from the game is coming from mini games, i might aswell be playing a real adventure, platformer or arcade game than a water downed version of such in an MMORPG.
37 year old nostalgic 8 bit (and lower… atari anyone?) with a (non gamer) wife, kid and job checking in and loving it..
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Maybe OP should spend more time on his schoolwork and less time being “hardcore” in a video game.
Didn’t even mention the word hardcore. And is that an attempt at belittling me?
A) you stated that you are not a casual gamer
B) you listed off multiple characteristics of what you consider a casual gamer
C) through terms like “watered down” and stating that those who fall into your definitions love "bad American commercials, you set the stage yourself.
1) Eve is that way —→
If you have so much time to play video-games and be not-casual, you can earn isk in game and play for free via their PLEX system.
The super Adventure box is aimed at people who enjoy having a little fun who don’t take life to serious all the time and can appreciate some creativity out of left field. The thing is and GW1 was like this as well, they had your lore and all that for the “serious setting” they had their little puns, then they had stuff like this.
If you really want ERMAHGERD SURPUR SURRRISSS gameplay go play EvE. On second thought, don’t. Wouldn’t want you complaining it’s too hard for ya know would we?
Seriously, have a little fun now and again.
I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.
I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.
With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.
With no time constrains and content available to anyone at any skill level, they are aiming this game at ppl who have a wife and possibly kids, gamers who don’t have that much time in the day to actually play games in general, in another term casual players who don’t have all the hours in the day to play. That isn’t me i’m not a casual gamer, I have hours for college work (not uni), and games. I’m not constrain by casual hours.
I’m not looking for an arcade game or an adventure game to play, a 8 bit platformer or a platformer in general. I’m looking to play an mmorpg. Mini games are fun but when the bulk of my fun from the game is coming from mini games, i might aswell be playing a real adventure, platformer or arcade game than a water downed version of such in an MMORPG.
37 year old nostalgic 8 bit (and lower… atari anyone?) with a (non gamer) wife, kid and job checking in and loving it..
Am I seriously the only 22 year old who has played and enjoyed 8 bit classics?
I shed a tear for my generation.
If you were born in the 80s 1989 then yes.
I graduated high school in 1989. I’m old.
Nonetheless, I’ve played MANY games over the years and I still say that GW2 is one of the best that I’ve ever played.
I think a more correct assumption would be that “people like you” aren’t their only focus. There are a myriad of types of gamers out there. Generations are being spanned these days. I’m extremely pleased with the “something for everyone” approach as opposed to the “all for one demographic” approach.
Now quit worrying about your particular demographic and go play and have fun! Danged kids…
I think that this is the best way to look at GW2. I agree with the OP that when it comes to lore and the rest of the game, they could stand to be a little more serious and dark but, stuff like this that is completely outside of the story is just fine. It’s a tradition that has been going on since GW1.
If you want seriousness, Flame and Frost is that way —>
Sure it’s not complete doom and gloom, but it’s definitely less corny than the personal story, which is a step in the right direction IMO.
I think that GW2 is not intended to be the sort of game/MMO you spend hours upon hours playing straight through. I think it fits more of a niche as a game that you go back to when you get burned out of your “hardcore” games. It took me a bit of time to come to that conclusion, and I enjoy the game more now because of it.
You have what you have because you do what you do.
I saw this more as Super Mario Brothers Galaxy or whatever it is with Minecraft graphics all to appeal to the younger kinds.
Born in 78, took my mario cartridge for my nes and skipped it across the drive way and blew on my simons quest cartridge several times, popped it in, rage subsided.
Felt bad for skipping mario across the driveway, I blew on the cartridge, and popped it in, after several minutes I removed it, and fired it off the bank next to my house for a glorious 40 foot drop to the hard gravel beach below. Picked up Faxanadu, blew on the cartridge, popped it in, entered my save code, and rage subsided.
I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.
I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.
With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.
With no time constrains and content available to anyone at any skill level, they are aiming this game at ppl who have a wife and possibly kids, gamers who don’t have that much time in the day to actually play games in general, in another term casual players who don’t have all the hours in the day to play. That isn’t me i’m not a casual gamer, I have hours for college work (not uni), and games. I’m not constrain by casual hours.
I’m not looking for an arcade game or an adventure game to play, a 8 bit platformer or a platformer in general. I’m looking to play an mmorpg. Mini games are fun but when the bulk of my fun from the game is coming from mini games, i might aswell be playing a real adventure, platformer or arcade game than a water downed version of such in an MMORPG.
Pretty easy to figure out. Free To Play MMO requires revenues other than box sales to stay afloat…teens and youger adults aren’t the ones with the pockets deep enough to keep buying stuff to remain competitive. Older folks also lack the time younger people have to be able to get it freely in game.
So of course they are going to try to appeal to the older, more resourceful ($) gamers!!!
I’m 51. When I was growing up, a computer game was a book. Well, not quite that bad, but you get the idea.
However, because I worked in the industry for a while (I managed a computer store and did the game buying), I sorta got roped into the whole thing. Terrible job, having to play games to decide whether I wanted to buy them for the store or not. All the free demos from distributors and developers….yep, it was a tough life. lol
Edit: Even though I’m older, I love this stuff. I’m all for it.
Well I’m 50. What some of you “younger” players forget is we older players have a lot more disposable income to pour in to gaming.
No game will manage to ensure that every feature put into the game will appeal to every player. This does not mean they should not put features into the game. It does mean they should put in as many as possible that will appeal to a broad swath of players, and others that will appeal to the rest, when possible.
GW2 is not aimed at any one demographic. Explorable Dungeons, for instance, are not aimed at the relaxed experience, just want to kill a few things to unwind crowd. Open world PvE is not aimed at those who prefer PvP only. Super Adventure box is not aimed at those who prefer serious game play only. Neither was Tyxx, for that matter.
People need to start their posts stating that it’s their experience or opinion rather than adding it on at the end. It seems like instead of adding to the discussion in a meaningful way you are just saying here’s what i say it’s right because I say it is.
Just saying…..
I find that you can always put everything into a nice little box, there is no grey area, it’s always black and white.
I’m having a lot of fun zerging my characters through this single file. And I hate jumping puzzles.
I’m 20 and I love this game.
I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.
I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.
With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.
With no time constrains and content available to anyone at any skill level, they are aiming this game at ppl who have a wife and possibly kids, gamers who don’t have that much time in the day to actually play games in general, in another term casual players who don’t have all the hours in the day to play. That isn’t me i’m not a casual gamer, I have hours for college work (not uni), and games. I’m not constrain by casual hours.
I’m not looking for an arcade game or an adventure game to play, a 8 bit platformer or a platformer in general. I’m looking to play an mmorpg. Mini games are fun but when the bulk of my fun from the game is coming from mini games, i might aswell be playing a real adventure, platformer or arcade game than a water downed version of such in an MMORPG.
Lol so they make 1 mini game that you can’t relate to and the whole game is crap. This is a casual game. There are numerous <20 year old people in my guild that are loving the game, if they cannot relate to or do not like an aspect of the game they do not do it. Pretty simple. How is the bulk of your fun coming from mini games. Do you not like the dungeons or fractals?? Are you past Frac 50 yet? Do you have 2+ legendaries. It sounds like you want to grind. I would suggest TERA for you then. That is a hardcore Korean Grindfest.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
Congrats. You have realized the world doesn’t revolve and you and your tastes. Now move along.
And focus on what’s really wrong with the game.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Am I seriously the only 22 year old who has played and enjoyed 8 bit classics?
I shed a tear for my generation.
If you were born in the 80s 1989 then yes.
I graduated high school in 1989. I’m old.
Nonetheless, I’ve played MANY games over the years and I still say that GW2 is one of the best that I’ve ever played.
Yeah, ‘85 here, so don’t feel bad. I have socks older than some of these posters.
I’m just glad human nature hasn’t failed. We have 1 month long side event that you do not have to partake in, and you complain about it. The devs must suck because of it. But, next month when they add something you do enjoy doing the devs and the game will be great again.
Look there is a tired saying but it is so true, “If you don’t enjoy the game you are playing, don’t play it”. Simple really.
If this is the case, than ANet has a paradox on their hands. The game mechanics foster the caffeinated youth demographic yet the tone and style targets the older gamers?
People in their 30s have more money than you.
It’s possible that this is the case. However, I think the guild wars team tries to create unique content that will appeal to a wide variety of people. The Super Whatever dungeon is an April fools joke, I think it’s clever and funny.
Also, the new dungeon takes FOREVER to go through. It’s not intended for casuals.