First 3 HOT legendaries revealed
I imagine when you swing that staff, the bird poops will splash everywhere. It’s so gross! LMAO
I would so love a One handed Sword with Astralaria’s visual effects.
So beautiful, the deep blue is much nicer than twilight.
The Staff looks really cool… when sheathed. The blue energy raven is too much, I was hoping for something a bit more muted.
Disappointment ensues.
People who didn’t catch it, Rubi said in reddit that there will be a guild cast this Friday about Legendaries.
I love how this new grind system works… Less reason for me to buy expansion now. I will wait for $10 sale.
That staff has a severe lack of rainbows. Hopefully they get on that and add more before it launches.
Odd that pistol and axe are the next two (i expected hammer or GS), but the pistol looks cool, if only mesmers had a real use for one it would go great with bolt.
You expected another GS even though there are already 3 GS vs 1 of everything else?
That staff has a severe lack of rainbows. Hopefully they get on that and add more before it launches.
Odd that pistol and axe are the next two (i expected hammer or GS), but the pistol looks cool, if only mesmers had a real use for one it would go great with bolt.
You expected another GS even though there are already 3 GS vs 1 of everything else?
As a GS lover, I expect there should be more GS legendary skin in game. Nothing wrong with that!
That staff has a severe lack of rainbows. Hopefully they get on that and add more before it launches.
Odd that pistol and axe are the next two (i expected hammer or GS), but the pistol looks cool, if only mesmers had a real use for one it would go great with bolt.
You expected another GS even though there are already 3 GS vs 1 of everything else?
As a GS lover, I expect there should be more GS legendary skin in game. Nothing wrong with that!
There’s already 4 of them. Twilight, Sunrise, Eternity and Belinda’s Greatsword. #4 being the best.
At first I was I was really excited about seeing the first new legendaries, I still am excited about the axe and pistol to a certain extent. The staff, however, lost its points in my eyes when I found out it was something that had been datamined from the game years ago… I was expecting all of the legendaries to be brand new and made from scratch, not something that was made years ago and now decided to be slapped into the game together with the expansion with some minor tweaks to it or as it was.
Eh, I’m being a bit too nitpicky but the new legendaries were one of the reasons I’m getting HoT, so it struck to me as Anet taking the easy way out on one of the legendaries by using some old skin that was gathering dust godknowswhere.
Eh, I’m being a bit too nitpicky but the new legendaries were one of the reasons I’m getting HoT, so it struck to me as Anet taking the easy way out on one of the legendaries by using some old skin that was gathering dust godknowswhere.
I wouldn’t think of it like that. They’ve wanted to revamp the legendary acquisition system for a long time, they said long ago they intended to bring us new legendaries. So they must have had some people start working on those before realizing they weren’t ready to debut new legendaries given what else they wanted to do with the system.
Thus it’s not a random skin they pulled out of storage, it’s a dedicated piece of art that is finally seeing the light of day for its intended purpose
That’s probably why it isn’t a melee style staff, in fact, it was likely designed before they were thinking about Revenants and Daredevils.
I’ll still take Bifrost before Nevermore thanks to my own personal aesthetic preferences (unless the Nevermore effects look reaaaal pretty in action, we’ll see on Friday), but art being old doesn’t reduce the merits of the art. … then again, I am partial to Beethoven symphonies and don’t object that the orchestra is dusting off some ancient thing instead of playing something written last month, so my thinking may be skewed.
At first I was I was really excited about seeing the first new legendaries, I still am excited about the axe and pistol to a certain extent. The staff, however, lost its points in my eyes when I found out it was something that had been datamined from the game years ago… I was expecting all of the legendaries to be brand new and made from scratch, not something that was made years ago and now decided to be slapped into the game together with the expansion with some minor tweaks to it or as it was.
Eh, I’m being a bit too nitpicky but the new legendaries were one of the reasons I’m getting HoT, so it struck to me as Anet taking the easy way out on one of the legendaries by using some old skin that was gathering dust godknowswhere.
This is one of the pettiest things I’ve ever read on this forum, and that’s an achievement.
It’s your own fault for looking at datamined stuff- a lot of things were probably mocked up early in development and have been waiting to be implemented for years, for whatever reason. That staff has just as much work and care (probably more, given how harried Anet has been this past year) put into it as anything made “from scratch” since. I seriously don’t understand how you can consider something old or “dusty” when it’s actual months from ever getting into a player’s hands.
In other news, I’m looking forward to unveiling my The Birds themed ranger at some point in the next couple of years- Nevermore, Falconer’s Coat, dual pet birds, raven mini/mail carriers, a full set of Mad King runes, and Hunter’s Call spam for days…
Eh, I’m being a bit too nitpicky but the new legendaries were one of the reasons I’m getting HoT, so it struck to me as Anet taking the easy way out on one of the legendaries by using some old skin that was gathering dust godknowswhere.
I wouldn’t think of it like that. They’ve wanted to revamp the legendary acquisition system for a long time, they said long ago they intended to bring us new legendaries. So they must have had some people start working on those before realizing they weren’t ready to debut new legendaries given what else they wanted to do with the system.
Thus it’s not a random skin they pulled out of storage, it’s a dedicated piece of art that is finally seeing the light of day for its intended purpose
That’s probably why it isn’t a melee style staff, in fact, it was likely designed before they were thinking about Revenants and Daredevils.
I’ll still take Bifrost before Nevermore thanks to my own personal aesthetic preferences (unless the Nevermore effects look reaaaal pretty in action, we’ll see on Friday), but art being old doesn’t reduce the merits of the art. … then again, I am partial to Beethoven symphonies and don’t object that the orchestra is dusting off some ancient thing instead of playing something written last month, so my thinking may be skewed.
Hmm, well when you put it like that I can understand why they now used the skin that was datamined to ‘exist’ at least somewhere in their datafiles, now it’ll become more of a unique skin in a sense when people really have to do some work for it.
And in fact no, your thinking isn’t skewed rather it is how people’s minds work, mine too except in this case I just didn’t see it that way since I only now saw the datamined video of Nevermore and jumped into own hasty conclusions.
Making the new Legendarys requires PvP, now I know I don’t need to even bother with it.
Making the new Legendarys requires PvP, now I know I don’t need to even bother with it.
Except they stated that the items obtainable through PvP/WvW will be tradeable, thus you can still keep on doing PvE only and buy the PvP things from TP.
Omg the pistol
Making the new Legendarys requires PvP, now I know I don’t need to even bother with it.
Except they stated that the items obtainable through PvP/WvW will be tradeable, thus you can still keep on doing PvE only and buy the PvP things from TP.
Yep you’re right, it’s tradable, I had to go back and reread it Shards of Glory, no way I would ever PvP. Thanks
At first I was I was really excited about seeing the first new legendaries, I still am excited about the axe and pistol to a certain extent. The staff, however, lost its points in my eyes when I found out it was something that had been datamined from the game years ago… I was expecting all of the legendaries to be brand new and made from scratch, not something that was made years ago and now decided to be slapped into the game together with the expansion with some minor tweaks to it or as it was.
Eh, I’m being a bit too nitpicky but the new legendaries were one of the reasons I’m getting HoT, so it struck to me as Anet taking the easy way out on one of the legendaries by using some old skin that was gathering dust godknowswhere.
Considering that we were supposed to be getting new legendaries in 2013, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was designed back then before they decided to lock said legendaries behind a paywall.
Making the new Legendarys requires PvP, now I know I don’t need to even bother with it.
Except they stated that the items obtainable through PvP/WvW will be tradeable, thus you can still keep on doing PvE only and buy the PvP things from TP.
Yep you’re right, it’s tradable, I had to go back and reread it
Shards of Glory, no way I would ever PvP. Thanks
No Problem, tbh I was a bit worried at first of the PvP and WvW aspect, also the fact that we don’t know exactly how much will we need of the Shards of Glory as an example and how much will players put value onto them (like will they be new Foxfire Clusters or Giant Eyes), either way it’s still good they’re not account bound and gives a chance for PvPers to make more money out of their reward tracks.
Anything that has a bird on it is a win. – GW2 – A world of wonder
pistol that doesn’t look like troll toy….ommmgghfgghkgjsdgklhdfsghhmnnnggggg must have
[Teef] guild :>
The bows really need different legendary skins. Rainbow unicorns and flowers don’t cut it.
The staff is good, save for the glowing effect. Make it more like mist, swirling feathers/leaves or crimson and I’ll get behind it.
The axe… is an axe…
The pistol looks alright, but not fond of the colour.
Either way, I’ll probably never get any of them considering I still have a hard time holding onto 10 gold…
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
Making the new Legendarys requires PvP, now I know I don’t need to even bother with it.
Except they stated that the items obtainable through PvP/WvW will be tradeable, thus you can still keep on doing PvE only and buy the PvP things from TP.
Please tell me the PvE items will be tradeable
Is it just me that felt uncomfortable to the effect on arm? Whats if it is fire or icy effect that looks like your arm is burning or frozen?
Look at the legendary staff, there are raven feathers growing out of the user’s arm… it is not my taste really.
really expected a melee staff but it looks like its just another caster staff. I’m gonna play a rev and a daredevil with staff so much disappoint
Making the new Legendarys requires PvP, now I know I don’t need to even bother with it.
Isnt guild wars focused around pvp? I have no idea why people hate fighting players and prefer fighting computer AI… Will always blow my mind
These look bad and show a general lack of ideas. Maybe anet should finally let the community design weapons again.
What i like about the new legendary staff is its reference to edgar allan poe’s poem the raven, i was thinking that ive heard the word before somewhere and thanks to google for confirmation that it was the only word that the raven says in the poem, pretty epic imo so im def. Gonna be getting it, but the gift req.s are a bit confusing i dont wanna be forced to pvp just so i can make one...wvw i can handle but forced pvp is like putting a bad taste in my mouth-_-...
Axe is very cool, like the idea and shape a lot, sadly im not really that much of an axe user.. would go to waste to make it at this point, pistol is a win for me, love the zappy gun theme going on, seems a-net remembered for once they got engineers who use firearms, i certainly gonna make this beast, staff is too busy with the spirit, not ugly but certainly not on my list for crafting.
New Staff is Mad King/Necromancer themed-we do have a share of good Necro-type Staves (though I assume there will be animations.) The Bi-Frost is more attractive for “regular” mage types. It also doesn’t fit the Druid/Ranger that well (regardless raven) though it may, depending character concept.
I like the new pistol way more than the Quip (no offense!), especially for an Asura Engineer or Pact pistol user.
The Axe is “weird” except my Charr Ranger is Iron Legion, and it would perfectly fit his character concept (tech/watchwork-axe… not adoring the effect it has on your arm, though, which I assume is everybody else’s appeal for it.)
Making the new Legendarys requires PvP, now I know I don’t need to even bother with it.
Isnt guild wars focused around pvp? I have no idea why people hate fighting players and prefer fighting computer AI… Will always blow my mind
Same as I assume PvE players have no idea why you hate going on adventures slaying monsters, discovering treasures, exploring, and solving mysteries, while assisting fellow teammates/adventurers.
And yet some players can do both, no prob., without the need to criticize or belittle each “faction” for their playing preferences.
i quite like the look of the axe, i have sort of being working towards frostfang but depending what the skill effects turn out to be i could easily be swayed to this new one.
pistol looks more like a rifle to me and i dont like the staff.
oh well cant please everyone but still 1/3 with 13 more to go is not too bad… cant wait to see the rest
I really H.O.P.E I get the pistol first XD
“Just save both your gifts” they said. “They’ll have new and even better-looking weapons when HoT comes” they said. “Eternity’s great, but I’m sure there’ll be something even cooler”.
Community members, please. Not to disrespect the fine, sexy people from ArenaNet’s art department who probably spent endless hours creating those three beauties, cause, let’s face it, they’re anything but ugly, but come on, a weapon that looks better than Eternity? Absolute heresy.
I really H.O.P.E I get the pistol first XD
Tyria’s Comedy Award Of The Year.
no stat information what so ever at all . sigh meaning not even worth bothering with at all. till stat info comes to light in the mean time just keep money in the bank and enjoy the game . and make more game money .
Stats? They are legendary! They can change stats….
That big blue raven kills it for quite a few players. ANet please let us dye weapons & let that staff’s blue light be dye-able.
Also having a legendary effect going up to the arm is not something I expected and is pretty unique.
Not really new. Frostfang gives you an icy effect on your arms, and i think Incinerator
has a similiar fire effect.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Opinion: The new staff is fantastic, the axe is nice, and the pistol is unimpressive
I bet the pistol will be more interesting once we see its animations though
Please for the love of god, the staff better give footprints when walking!!
… yes, and they will be shaped like bird-foodprints …
Just kidding :P
While I like the revealed design to a certain extent, I really hope they will add more martial skins for the other legendaries.
As some user said on page 1: just try for “male”, or more martial designs.
Maybe go into some museum of medieval art and actually have a look at them weapons…
I don’t wanna wield something, which also could be found in a womans handbag or be a prop for some circus clown
You Are Crowfood Now [KRAA]
Any pistol is better than the clown skin they have now.
Crystal Desert
Oh, the horrors of code if legendaries could be colored.
Crystal Desert
I was excited about the staff… ravens, sweet! It’ll match my reaper…
I saw it being held and there was that blue light…
Why not the colour scheme from the reaper’s shroud?
All I want is a dark, brutally metal staff with awesome effects for my necro. That’s all I want for Wintersday, Anet. ;_;
See, I was thinking that it should be able to be dyed and the aura being matched to the dye colour.
H.O.P.E. is the first legendary I like, since ever. I’m so sad is not a rifle.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Imagine the staff had like tiny baby Ravens following behind you as footprints and when you stopped moving all of them would take to the air and start flying in an ominous circle above you.
Imagine the staff had like tiny baby Ravens following behind you as footprints and when you stopped moving all of them would take to the air and start flying in an ominous circle above you.
That would be cool, yes.
I want a finisher like that actually.