Food to OP
Honestly, I think food is fine as is.
Also, when I read the title, I was sort of expecting to see a post where the OP was requesting food.. like, we send food.. to the OP… Food to OP.
Food buffs are probably the most consistent aspect that needs absolutely no changes to its functionality.
TL;DR Guise let’s add RNG + $$$ to consumables in PvE
You just suggested two aspects of the game that people complain about in every other thread here, I don’t think you’ll get much if any support from others lol.
I was thinking about it today and I think food in its current form is way to overpowered. I was thinking of a way to balance food out so that its more viable for everyone.
Basically you would have 50% chance to get the food buff, A 25% chance to get the buff x2 and a 25% chance to get a debuff called food poisoning. Food poisoning would give a reduction of stats for 1hr. The only way to remove it would be to take antidote that would be a cash shop exclusive item.
What do you guys think?
I think those are completely appalling ideas and you should get a three day ban for even suggesting them. The last thing we need is something in the cash shop that gives a competitive edge, and the next to the last thing we need in the game is more kittening RNG.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
I’m smelling a troll.
+1 this idea needs to be implemented.
although 25% is a bit hight for x2 buff. I think it should be 50% to get nothing, 5% to get double and 45% to get posion
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
First of all, the Suggestions forum is that-a way.
Second, your suggestion ties the availability of game stats to the cash shop, which is literally pay2win. Debuffs that can only be removed by a cash shop item have been tried in other games, and they horribly failed.
amazing idea. double the food stats is really balanced!!
AND cash shop exclusive? i love it!
+1 Anet add this pls
combine the antidote with the new halloween healing skill after the event is over. Then that skill would be at least somewhat useful. In general I don’t like your idea but some people might.
I was thinking about it today and I think food in its current form is way to overpowered. I was thinking of a way to balance food out so that its more viable for everyone.
Basically you would have 50% chance to get the food buff, A 25% chance to get the buff x2 and a 25% chance to get a debuff called food poisoning. Food poisoning would give a reduction of stats for 1hr. The only way to remove it would be to take antidote that would be a cash shop exclusive item.
What do you guys think?
haha, nice parody you have there. I give you a 7/10 for that parody.
Why on earth would I eat something that might poison me, with the only means of removing the poison being the gem store?
pay to win = bad
Food poisoning? Cash shop antidote? gtfo
You just have nothing better else to do but find something to kitten about something.
I always forget to use it tbh and when I use it they don’t change much, just help me survive a bit more too depending on what Im eating.
this game really has one of the brightest communities ever. and im not talking about the troll op
this game really has one of the brightest communities ever. and im not talking about the troll op
You obviously think the OP is trolling. He already started a move on this on LA Map chat. It is unacceptable. Some people need to get a life.
Yes please… more RNG in this game. It doesn’t have enough yet.
But seriously. Food is fine as it is. I’d like to get some perm food though, that would be nice.
Honestly, I think food is fine as is.
Also, when I read the title, I was sort of expecting to see a post where the OP was requesting food.. like, we send food.. to the OP… Food to OP.
Kinda thought the same thing.
Stay in school kids.
HUGE problem: do any of the other crafting stations randomly give you weapons or armor that might cause negative stats? no? then don’t change cooking. it’s out-of-ordinary enough as is.
Yak’s Bend
27 silver for 30 minutes of -40% condition duration and 70 vitality
Yeah, they are indeed very powerful, but I would never consider buying them even if condition users keep kicking my kitten for a year
Some ppl should receive a preventive slap when entering the forums, just for the case……
… this.
Idk what your all on about this is the best idea that has entered the forums since Gw2 idea was thought of in someones mothers basement +5 billion to OP Also I will send you food when I log in
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The