On the other note, the amount of mistakes, condescending comments and trigger happy responses from the black post mods at times is disappointing. There have been plenty of times I have seen threads closed when they were not doing any harm or worse, when developers were posting and discussing things with users…
If you want to achieve a better community environment, it needs to come from both sides and ensuring those mods treat customers with respect. Sure, a game forum harbors negative attitudes, but Chris’s posts from last week are defiantly an improvement. Look at my post history for example – I was ‘infracted’ for posting a thread saying that on my server, gold sellers had gotten around your flood control and had been spamming for hours on end even after being reported frequently. The entire mapchat was, for hours, gold seller spam. My thread was infracted and deleted for including an image as proof that it was occuring. How is that supposed to make someone feel? They go out of their way to try to let you know a problem and that is how your mods respond? Even if including a picture was bad in their eyes, removing it would have taken far less time than it does to delete a thread/infract/post notification etc.
Common respect goes both ways. Posting ‘you have been warned’ does not exemplify a respectful or mature environment. Please don’t ban me for having an opinion. I go out of my way to try to help you guys out (I made the original suggestion for the way of gathering feedback on the forum Chris said they are looking to implement), but sometimes trying to be calm and respectful is hard with the nature of how your mods treat people…
It is explicitly against the forum Code of Conduct to report in-game violations on the forums. While we appreciate the assistance, reports about gold sellers should go through the proper channels, through Customer Support, and not on the forums. Forum moderators are not able to ban gold sellers from the game. I understand that it can be upsetting to receive a warning when you were just trying to help. We need to keep the forums clean so that discussion can take place and it’s not disrupted by reports that don’t belong there. I’m sorry that you were upset, but it is the moderators’ role to remove threads that go against the Code of Conduct. Providing a warning to forum users is just a heads-up to not do it again.
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra