Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?
…or they could just not lower people’s access levels. I’ve been thinking about this most of the day and I’m just not seeing the benefit.
They want to cut access to fractals over level 50 hard? Fine. Go ahead and do that. People with personal fractal level 80 will still have it show up as their personal reward level, but they can’t start a fractal over scale 50. The harm is, what, personal reward scale?
Players with current access to fractal 50 not being able to handle the new version? Who cares? Grandfather them in, let them access it anyway. Let them beat their heads against it and fail, and go back to an earlier one if they’re having difficulty.
I see two arguments against this:
1). They haven’t earned access to the new fractal scale. This argument hinges on access to a fractal scale is in fact a reward, and you never take a player’s rewards away. So I find this angle less than compelling.
2). Players grandfathered in will be liabilities to groups that achieved a given scale under the new system, as they aren’t prepared for it. This I find more compelling. At the same time, now that groups are limited only by the highest fractal level of any member of the group, I find this angle lacking as well – it’s not like the player couldn’t join those groups anyway.
You don’t want to grandfather people in to leaderboards? Totally fine; treat leaderboards the same way you do with players playing at a fractal scale higher than their current max scale. Everyone > 30 only shows up as level 30 on the leaderboard, but completing any fractal difficulty greater than your current rank moves you up. Only want to ever do rank 50 any you’re grandfathered in? Great! You’ll show at 30 at reset on the leaderboard, and gain a rank on the boards every time you hit a 50.
Where are the pitfalls? What’s wrong with this suggestion? Where is setting everyone to a maximum of scale 30 preferable to this?
I agree. I don’t understand the argument of “30-50 is new content so you need to do that first” as soon as one person is at level 50 and brings in someone who is only at 30 to do a level 50 fractal, the entire argument is invalidated.
what’s to stop a person at 30 from answering a lfg for a 50? Heck, that’s how I leveled up originally. After I tried my first high level fractal I never went back to the lower ones…and just leveled up going into 48 fractal groups…I liked the higher fractals, which is why I jumped at the chance to do 70+ whenever I could!
After some more thought about it, here’s how I feel regarding the level reset from a different standpoint:
Imagine a new game with this scenario: You buy the game because it promises “unlimited stages!” and “Increasing difficulty with each stage, how high can you get?” After playing the game for a while, you realize that there are two forms of difficulty, a number modifier and actual game difficulty. After you hit stage 50, you realize that the number modifier stops working. But you keep playing until you get to stage 85, then turn the game off. The next time you turn it on, for some reason you’re on stage 80 again. “But I thought there was unlimited stages?” Then you notice that it still says your “highest stage reached” was 85. Okay, so there’s a buffer. The high score is unlimited, but 80 is the highest starting point. So you play around and the max number you ever get to is 92, because that’s how skilled you are and stage 93 is just too hard for you.
Then all of a sudden the makers of the game tell you “Sorry, we didn’t realize that people were going to take the term unlimited stages seriously. The maximum stage right now is supposed to be 50. We’ll fix the later stages eventually, but for now, stop at 50. But if you passed 50, we’re not taking away what you’ve already done, we’re just stopping progress by only letting you play odd numbered stages past 48.” So you continue playing on stage 79, because that’s the highest level you can actually play anymore, but you’re much more skilled than stage 49, so you don’t want to go back to such a low stage.
Then the game makers tell you. “Okay, we fixed the problem with the stages. 50 really truly is the max now, and we’re getting rid of all the high scores of people that got past 30, because you weren’t supposed to go past 50. But we’re changing levels 31-50 to make to make up for it.” So all of a sudden, your high score is gone. All record of your progress to stage 92 and all the hard work you spent is just gone. And to make matters worse, you play the new levels 31-50 and they’re so easy for you that you can’t even enjoy it, and there’s no way to increase the difficulty.
What really is the issue here? In my opinion, the real issue is the false advertising and going back on their word. It was supposed to be a game with “Unlimited levels” that caters to everyone because you can pick your own difficulty. But really, there was two hidden level caps, one at 50 and one at 80. So now they’re getting rid of that and making something with a finite end. That’s not what they promised when they made the game, they promised an endless challenge.
This is exactly the scenario that Arena Net did. Attached is proof- a screenshot of the initial November 2012 update where Fotm first came into existence. The fact that they’re changing this means that their word can’t be trusted, and this isn’t the only occurrence of this- it’s happened repeatedly. They also promised there would be no more sudden changes that affected the economy without warning (When karma jugs were changed), and then just recently Champion boxes were nerfed without warning- without even mention of it in the patch notes. So before you say “it’s just fotm, it doesn’t affect me” That’s bullkitten. It affects all of us, because the issue is that they lie to us, stating facts and making promises and then going back on their word. Then they compliment that by taking away progress of players who go against what their new decisions are.
Reposting for truth, and I want to add two more things.
1. They’re STILL saying it’s an unlimited dungeon.
2. Another factor, for me personally, is difficulty. The devs have stated that the difficulty curve 1-50 is decreasing. One of the whole reasons I leveled to 80 is because I wanted a challenge. If these new instabilities aren’t challenging, why would I relevel to 50? I’ll probably test them out next week to give ANET the benefit of the doubt, but I really think this is a terrible decision on their part.
For those that are arguing for the reset. How will you be affected?
Seeing as how there’s no difference between even or odd fractals now, I’d say we all got bumped to the equivalent of lvl 60 next patch. Seeing how the only way to get past 60 -was- through and ’’exploit’’ and cant be done anymore because it was patched i’d say we mostly all got bumped up, some more than others.
Seeing as how there’s no difference between even or odd fractals now, I’d say we all got bumped to the equivalent of lvl 60 next patch. Seeing how the only way to get past 60 -was- through and ’’exploit’’ and cant be done anymore because it was patched i’d say we mostly all got bumped up, some more than others.
For those that are arguing for the reset. How will you be affected?
They aren’t and if they “are” it’s a very minimal amount.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
(edited by Lunar Sunset.8742)
The difficulty of fractal level 50 is now level 30, rewards from level 30-50 will now be rewards from level 10-30
That part is actually incorrect.
1.They said that the 1-30 difficulty curve will be easier than it is now. If getting to 30 will be easier, than getting to 30 now, it will obviously be also easier than getting to 50 now. So, no, future level 30 will not be equal to current level 50.
2. They did say that fractal skins will drop from levels 10+, but they also said that it’s not a change (because according to Anet they already have a chance of dropping from those levels). They also did not say if the drop chances will increase, decrease or stay the same. They certainly have not said anything about drops of new level 30 being equal to current level 50, or anything that could be interpreted that way.
Why is this so bleeding hard to understand?
Perhaps because what you are stating is conflicting with the informations we have already received.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
My thoughts,..
There is a lot of anger (rightly so) in the player base who have spent much time and effort to get from FoTM 30-> 48 for there progress to be reset down to lvl30.
I understand the frustration and anger from people who lot higher levels and spend a lot of time and effort in doing so (both before the Jan AR change at maw and after).
This has to be one of the most repressive changes I have ever seen in a MMO little consultation with the players. The players asked for new fractals, changes in length (fix volcano, dredge etc) so they could be completed within the 20 min/fractal time. Don’t get me started on invincible harpies, bugs and the rubbish we put up with to get to the higher FoTM. We all hate getting cliff or volcano at lvl 48 as the last fractal before maw.
As a casual player – it takes me 2-4 hrs (pug groups can easily be very bad) to complete a fractal beyond level 30 (I only recently hit FoTM personal 43). In a good group it is possible to do a FoTM 48 run in about an hour (organised guilds) and have done on several occasions. I often ran FoTM 48s as it was easier to find a group and I had the AR and skill to be able to do so to watch my personal reward level up slowly. It has cost me personally repair canisters, res orbs which all = gems for this progress to be reset back to lvl 30.
I was hoping to be lvl 48 by Xmas 2014! (On my main character) then work on more of my alts. This will definitely put this goal back by 6-7 months and I’m loathed to have to restart from lvl 30 again (it was painful going above lvl 30 with some bad/long groups/runs).
Being a casual player who could only find the time to do 1xFoTM at a weekend or very other weekend it will take me a very long time to get back to this level again (approx 26 weeks by my estimation!!). My drop chance rate will suffer for the high end items for much longer than the hardcore crowd and I feel that this is a punishment for playing the game to get back to lvl 48 (when I should be enjoying it).
The revamp of rewards to a single daily chest (was prior once/range/character) will mean players do this less frequently than they already did – it was already hard enough to get into a group. This change may make it even harder as people who previously did multiple high level runs will now only run once/day.
The ability to run multiple accounts at low levels for daily chests was essential so I could get the backpiece/tokens required for the ascended backpack was nice at lvl 10 using alts – nothing too hard and could help lots of other pug players. This will now become even harder for new players (casuals and new Hardcore players) to get as the rewards are becoming more time-gated. This will ensure that hardcore players are even more limited in the rewards they can get from FoTM.
I can see this being something people do at reset then forget about it until the next reset (Like Teqflop – don’t get me started on this topic !)
This is fine for NA people on a NA server (EU/APAC players get hit hard if on a NA server – I am a EU player on a NA server).
I cannot describe in words how disappointed I am with the changes that have been proposed. My feelings about this change are as follows: betrayed, angry, lied to (it’s a feeling) and a complete loss of trust in the principles of this MMO and potentially the organisation that runs it. This is not an attack on any people who work in making this game or the company itself. This is just how I feel.
There are feelings and each person will have different feelings about this change which has been announced. Talking to other guildies it has become obvious that many people are extremely disappointed with the patch announcement. I have major concerns that this could happen to PvP, WvW (account bound lvls and a reset – would be a killer) just like other players do.
These major disruptive changes really needed talking through with the gw2 player base before the change or implemented a lot sooner when FoTM was released.
Communication around fractals could have been a lot sooner and better – this is a majorly disruptive change and emotions will be strong about this topic.
I like many others do not understand why these changes could not have been introduced from lvl 50.
Given that this is the feedback before the patch is released – I expect it will be even stronger when the patch happens and people realise what has just happened. Many people currently are blissfully unaware of the incoming change to fractals. I am sure ANET has numbers of how many people who are > FoTM lvl 30 and who will be affected.
I was burnt my the MF patch change (long story), harvesting tool change and will be by fractal patch.
I hope that communication with players will improve drastically In the future and a greater use of in-game questions can be used to ensure the entire player base is represented if these major changes are going to happen with better explanations of how it will change exactly.
That’s not exactly what is happening, in fact it’s not even close.
The difficulty of fractal level 50 is now level 30, rewards from level 30-50 will now be rewards from level 10-30, and a new mechanic, new rewards, and new difficulty level is all being placed in level 31-50 with a reward and difficulty curve leaning more heavily towards the end of the scale, rewarding topped out players much more than they were previously.
Not exactly
We fixed a number of bugs and made lots of balance changes to existing fractals. Also the difficulty scaling has been tweaked overall to create a slightly less difficult curve up to 50.
This means that the new lvl50 fractals will be easier than the current ones.
If anything can make the content challenging, that’s Mistlock Instability not being part of the statement (We don’t know if this is true, I just hope it is. No reason at all for Leadeboards when something easier than the current 49 is the cap).
OK, This this exactly what Anet did for FOTM.
You guys really should think about this way.
What about Anet told you:
We are having a change about the char levels, the char levels would up to infinity level. We are going to change a new exp reward system which you need a lot more exps to level when you get higher level. And also, we are going to put your level of characters on leaderboard. However, because we think it might be unfair for the people just bought the game, we are going to reset all you characters’ level to level 0. So it would be fair to everyone.What do you feel about this?
They just used fractal level instead you character level.Another thing, hope this topic won’t be ban again.
I didn’t use any abused words, I didn’t has negative mood, and I didn’t post anything that unreleased.
I didn’t break any rules in the forum, i don’t even know where are those rules in forum comes from, although it breaks the free speech law, but i am not going to sue you, someone else may.
What does Fractal give you besides a number at the top right and represents reward and difficultly level? This comparison that everyone is making is comparing apples to oranges. The best comparison is fractal level versus spvp level since both give you nothing really except rewards and some number. Say they reset spvp levels and you get to keep what you have already like fractals where you kept what you got as rewards. Only downside of spvp reset is that you can’t access high level merchants. But does it represent skill? No. If you are skilled in spvp you are skilled regardless of rank and you prove that through your plays. sPvP level is as worthless as fractal level beyond reward structure. Why? People exploited sPvP level ups so there is no way to tell if someone is truly level 60 in sPvP. The only way you can tell is how well they play, how known they are among other non recorded stats. In the same way for Fractals what if they were the first group of individuals to get level 80. Are they better or worse than those who just got it in the past 2-3 months. How about people who know people at 80 scale and got buddies to do Fractal 79 for progression. At the end of the day it is just a number that doesn’t really represent anything of value like sPvP due to questionable ways that people used to acquire these levels (not to say everyone did this).
Now if you got fractal upgrades and those are gone then sure. For example: complete Fractal 50+ for each completion you get 1 Fractal skill point. 30 skill points = 1 Fractal ability. Fractal ability: Block 1 Agony attack (ICD: 60 seconds). Now if they take away that by resetting then yeah sure be up in arms about it. But I think people are adding way too much value into a number that doesn’t represent much of anything. This is similar to sPvP level where it is just a number that unlocks certain rewards. But in terms of representing something of value like determine skill not really. I’m sure you can talk to high level tPvP players and they would say just that.
My personal fractal level is only 17, however I am very disturbed by the way Anet is handling the reset. One of the pillars of an MMORPG is character progression. If that progression can be reset, then it becomes uncertain and potentially meaningless. Anyone who wants to progress in an MMO, whether it be by accumulating gold, going up in PVP or WVW ranks, or accumulating gear, needs to know that any progress achieved is secure. Anet’s reset here undermines my trust in the security of any progress, not just that in fractals.
There is a good article on this concept here, which the author refers to as equity:
I first worried about this when they removed magic find from celestial rings and trinkets with no compensation (despite allowing it for other types of magic find gear). This indicated that Anet was prepared to remove player progress (or equity) without compensation. The fractal reset shows they are prepared to go further. My fear is that in the future they will go further still. What is the point of trying to progress, to accomplish something, if it can all be taken away? And let’s face it, it is the progression which keeps people repeating the same content, not the intrinsic appeal of that content (champion farm anyone?).
I can understand Anet’s desire to reset fractal levels, but they need to do so in a way that maintains player equity. Not just for the sake of high level fractal runners, but for the sake of all players. I think that awarding titles to fractal players with more than a 30+ PR level would be a good way to do this.
For those that are arguing for the reset. How will you be affected?
They aren’t and if they “are” it’s a very minimal amount.
Exactly my point. The biggest supporter of the change that I’ve seen in this thread has been volkon who already admited he is level 28/29, so therefore he will lose nothing.
I posted this because I didnt want it to get lost in the other thread.
So they are resetting level 80 fractal to 30. So what?
It is just a number. Much ado about nothing.
They are just saying that anything over 50 now equals 30 and there are new levels with new mechanics being added.
Most people “skipped” the odd levels anyway because of the extra chest the even ones gave. Now we wont have to repeat to gain levels.
You lost nothing but a number.
Did they take fractal relics from your account? No
Did they take ascended items got? No
Did they take any gold you earned? No
Did they take any loot you found? No
Did they take anything besides a number? No
It wasnt even a number anyone but you could see.
So sorry but I just dont get the big deal with this.
Threatening to quit the game over this is just plan silly.
You had alot of fun doing those fractals and now you have new ones to enjoy.
I am looking forward to not having to level alts any more.
I had a necro that was in the 20s but guess what necros arent good for high levels so I had to level another class. Big deal, now I can play any of them I want. As far as the account bound rewards. Most days except weekends I dont have time to run more than one set of fractals a day any way and most of the time I dont want to anyway.
If they decided to make the overall level cap for characters 60 instead of 80 but you still kept all the XP, the gold, the loot etc you got along the way, but now its 60 instead of 80, would you still be this upset? My guess is that people would rejoice that its no longer so long to get to level cap than it was before, and now leveling alts is much shorter.
(edited by Katahdin.8714)
Anyone who wants to progress in an MMO, whether it be by accumulating gold, going up in PVP or WVW ranks, or accumulating gear, needs to know that any progress achieved is secure. Anet’s reset here undermines my trust in the security of any progress, not just that in fractals.
There is a good article on this concept here, which the author refers to as equity:
Pretty good article, and it’s quite right about this subject.
Anyone who wants to progress in an MMO, whether it be by accumulating gold, going up in PVP or WVW ranks, or accumulating gear, needs to know that any progress achieved is secure. Anet’s reset here undermines my trust in the security of any progress, not just that in fractals.
There is a good article on this concept here, which the author refers to as equity:
Pretty good article, and it’s quite right about this subject.
Wow, that described it really well. I hope at least one pesron on Anet staff reads that.
If only the hard cap would have been at 30 instead of 80 it would have helped alot.
But advertising the fractal levels as “infinite” in tha past, made players progress as far as they could get…. to 81.
And taking away progression is the worst.
Abramelin posted a very great article about it:
There is a good article on this concept here, which the author refers to as equity:
Progression could as well be:
- character level
- achievements / achievement points
- items/gold
- pvp rank
- wvw rank
It’s more like if ANet reduced everyone’s level down to 60 and kept the level 80 content the same; so activities you should have had access to in the first place are now out of your reach.
Leader of [GASM] #ELEtism
(Retired) Commander [2500+ tPvP Matches Won]
i pugged to 49…. i have to pug it again with trolls and probably more gimmicky stupid 1 shot crap ??!! great… suddenly i feel like doing more pvp
[Teef] guild :>
It’s more like if ANet reduced everyone’s level down to 60 and kept the level 80 content the same; so activities you should have had access to in the first place are now out of your reach.
Errr…no it isn’t.
It would be more like if they reduced everyone to 60 and then changed the core mechanics from level 60 to 80. Fractals aren’t remaining the same past 30 level…..
PVE leaderboards are pointless as many ppl know. They can also be ignored, which is what a lot of ppl will do to no negative harm. I understand the frustration ppl have for the reset of fractals lvl, I also understand why they did it. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a huge deal. Just an annoyance. It is in no way the same as a full lvl reset as that would affect everyone. The ppl above lvl 30 in FOTM is unlikely to be more than a minority (altho that is speculation based on this being a casual game).
ALso, no free speech laws were broken. This is a private forum and doesn’t fall under a country’s governing free speech laws.
it is not a private forum. If it’s private, you can not post anything on it. This is a public forum for sure.
And we should have the right to seek information and ideas; the right to receive information and ideas; and the right to impart information and ideas.
No, this is a private forum owned an operated bay Anet. You are a guest here and have to register in order to use it. Anet can revoke your membership at any time for any reason, or no reason at all. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with these forums. If you say something on a public street, that is free speech. If you come in to my home and say something I do not like, I have the right to tell you to get out. BTW, talking about law suits and suing is also against the rules and can not only lose your access to the forums, but also ban you from getting any help from support at all.
The rules are on the main page, right where they always have been. Upper right hand corner, “Learn more about the Forums”. Please read them before making any future posts to avoid issues.
OK, This this exactly what Anet did for FOTM.
You guys really should think about this way.
What about Anet told you:
We are having a change about the char levels, the char levels would up to infinity level. We are going to change a new exp reward system which you need a lot more exps to level when you get higher level. And also, we are going to put your level of characters on leaderboard. However, because we think it might be unfair for the people just bought the game, we are going to reset all you characters’ level to level 0. So it would be fair to everyone.What do you feel about this?
They just used fractal level instead you character level.Another thing, hope this topic won’t be ban again.
I didn’t use any abused words, I didn’t has negative mood, and I didn’t post anything that unreleased.
I didn’t break any rules in the forum, i don’t even know where are those rules in forum comes from, although it breaks the free speech law, but i am not going to sue you, someone else may.
I fear that you lost your ways. I wish you well
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
I understand what is driving this – 50 levels seemed to have proved to be too much and they do want ppl to be above 30 in order to experience “instabilities”.
But a more elegant solution might had been to delete odd lvls from the game and from everyone/everything and preserve evens exactly as they are in terms of difficulty and drops (before applying the changes on drops)- basically to just renumber them. So lvl 10 becomes lvl 5 and lvl 40 becomes lvl 20. Max lvl would be 24 and you could start your instabilities from 25. Pristines and agony start from lvl 5 which gives the amount of relics that the old 10 used to give.
It is still a “delvling” of sorts but more in name than in practical sense because it applies to everything and hence preserves the “pecking order” and the effort ppl have already put into lvling. You are making it faster for new people to lvl, but you are not requiring ppl who have already lvl’ed to lvl again.
PS: My highest lvl is 30, so I am not personally losing anything from upcoming change. But it does not feel right that I will suddenly find myself at the same lvl with those used to doing 18 lvl above me. And from a practical standpoint, I am not sure it will produce good parties mixing everything together in one pot. The lfg is already painful as is.
PS2: There is a precedent to this: the reset/cap of achievement points for agent of entropy and dungeon hobbyist when the leader boards were introduced. That nerf made sense though and affected much fewer ppl. The equivalent that would make sense here would be deleting the above 50.
I think I might prefer that the just knock everyone back to 1. Its a new line up. It has new mechanics. Lets have a fresh start for everybody .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
That’s not exactly what is happening, in fact it’s not even close.
The difficulty of fractal level 50 is now level 30, rewards from level 30-50 will now be rewards from level 10-30, and a new mechanic, new rewards, and new difficulty level is all being placed in level 31-50 with a reward and difficulty curve leaning more heavily towards the end of the scale, rewarding topped out players much more than they were previously.
Not exactly
We fixed a number of bugs and made lots of balance changes to existing fractals. Also the difficulty scaling has been tweaked overall to create a slightly less difficult curve up to 50.
This means that the new lvl50 fractals will be easier than the current ones.
If anything can make the content challenging, that’s Mistlock Instability not being part of the statement (We don’t know if this is true, I just hope it is. No reason at all for Leadeboards when something easier than the current 49 is the cap).
Huh, there’s another dev post contradicting that. Still that doesn’t say where it tops out, merely what the gradation is. They have already stated that rewards will be scaled up a lot more at the higher levels now than they were before. It’s unheard of for ANet to make content easier and have it give better rewards, if anything they’re known for doing just the opposite.
I think I might prefer that the just knock everyone back to 1. Its a new line up. It has new mechanics. Lets have a fresh start for everybody
They have already done damage to the community… at this point the best thing they could do is just let people keep there current levels and apologize. They seriously wanted to make up for it they could remove the current person who is in charge of leading the design teams.
I think, the anger is not only about the reducing from 80/50 to 30, it s only the last piece in a row time where the FotM – community get a slap in the face from the Devs.
The community ask nearly ONE year for many things:
bug-fixing, new lvl, shorten the drege, let display the AR for the group, possibility to choose the FotM-Weapons instead to get one we don t want, let us buy usefull things with the relics, change the instance-opener-system, more loot/gold for the amount of time for high-lvl runs, and many many more.
What do the community get? NOTHING
They changed the dungeons, they changed the open world, they changed PvP/WvW, they even changed crafting, but nothing for FotM.
And now, ANET announced ONE week before the patch, something so drastic.
Why lvl up to 80 when there is nothing better?
Because it is/was the hardest content of the game for top PVE players.
Personally i only do lvl 28/38 or 48 (depends on how many time i had) one or two times the week, but facing lvl50+ is the hardest u can do in PVE. Arah is a joke against FotM lvl50+.
But the community should get over it. Only another hard slap in the face, but we will bearing it again.
Well If people above 30 are being reset to 30, what about people below 30 being reset to 0, they haven’t done the new fractals and should get some practice.
I understand what is driving this – 50 levels seemed to have proved to be too much and they do want ppl to be above 30 in order to experience “instabilities”.
But a more elegant solution might had been to delete odd lvls from the game and from everyone/everything and preserve evens exactly as they are in terms of difficulty and drops (before applying the changes on drops)- basically to just renumber them. So lvl 10 becomes lvl 5 and lvl 40 becomes lvl 20. Max lvl would be 24 and you could start your instabilities from 25. Pristines and agony start from lvl 5 which gives the amount of relics that the old 10 used to give.It is still a “delvling” of sorts but more in name than in practical sense because it applies to everything and hence preserves the “pecking order” and the effort ppl have already put into lvling. You are making it faster for new people to lvl, but you are not requiring ppl who have already lvl’ed to lvl again.
PS: My highest lvl is 30, so I am not personally losing anything from upcoming change. But it does not feel right that I will suddenly find myself at the same lvl with those used to doing 18 lvl above me. And from a practical standpoint, I am not sure it will produce good parties mixing everything together in one pot. The lfg is already painful as is.
PS2: There is a precedent to this: the reset/cap of achievement points for agent of entropy and dungeon hobbyist when the leader boards were introduced. That nerf made sense though and affected much fewer ppl. The equivalent that would make sense here would be deleting the above 50.
Nope nope nope… sorry but I might be most angry cause I’m one of the few that is most affected by the patch. If you do this I will get reseted to lvl 40 and I will loose 41 Levels… this is still the double that average ppl loose now… just Keep to some perspective:
I am at 81 I loose 51 Levels 51 Levels aren’t just 51 fractals those are about 353 fractals. done calculating with about 1/2 hour each fractal this is 150 hour of gametime DELETED! No matter what work here are some numbers:
With Gambit farming : 4500 Gold deleted
an average Job in my contry after you finished highschool: 3000 Dollars taken away
Now ppl will say… but you had fun? NO
What was exciting on Progressing was that we assumed that we can go infinite → We really thought we can get to our Limits. For the last 6 scales we played through all night because we were excited to finally see first lvl 85 Mobs ingame… not because it was a super hard challenge but because we wanted to go further push the boundries…
I can’t tell how hard slap it was in the face beeing at 81 looking at each other and sayyy eeehhhhh this was it? this was your hardest infinite dungeon Content? So the Content we have overcome wasn’t hard it was mostly repetitive. The reason we played so hardcore was because we were looking for HARD Content… wich we never found.
End of the Story: 3 of our Group quit with the hardcap in january 1 stayed for another week and a half to farm up a legendary in the time we spent usually to do our runs. than left the game as well.
So I stood played on the game and was continually waiting for some hard Content. some of my former Group came back for guildcontent to be dissapointed again and left cause it wasn’t hard. So there I stood playing the game some fractals now and than hoarding about 300 + laurels and other stuff. I don’t even have asc weapons or legendaries with my 3.5k playhours and 14k achievmentspoint just waiting to spend Money and laurels and Karma on gear that I would Need cause it’s finallly needed for a dungeon( Don’t get me wrong here not because I Need infusions but because I Need the right stats in order to have enough dmg def depending on bossmechanics).
Long Version short: I wasted for the Initial lvl up above 30 at least 150 hours. this is about 4500 Gold Gambit farming or 3000 Dollar in a Job in my Country. I only leveled up because I wanted to get to my Limits to reacch the scale that fits for me in order to just wipe and die and realize … hey the game beat me… so the Level up wasn’t about having fun and enjoying some stuff it was more like.. hey we Need to do this in order to get hard Content let’s do it. Since I expect the new Content as every so called hardcore Content they brought out for examples liadri that I beat in 1 day to not be hard at all.. and that They force me to loose all my Levels just that they can let me grind again to a cap of 50 so I can realize heeeeyyy… this cap is even poorer and easier than if I just made 60-70.
But you cant really expect them to keep what amounts to a dev bugged zone as the standard.
I would be inclined to agree if ANet refunded the money spent on gems to access the “bugged zone.”
why should they refund you gems for accessing the bugged zone? no one ever asked you to try to break the wall via gems? If we found out using the speed boost item allowed you to run through certain walls, and behind these walls was an unfinished dungeon, should they refund your gems for buying this item?
When they closed this use, and you only had access because you unlocked what amounted to a waypoint, didnt you figure hey guys we are in a bugged zone that isnt currently accessible except by us and the people we choose to invite.
Should they make everyone now do everything you did, when they never intended you to break through the wall?
They mislabeled it an infinite dungeon, it was not that. But you guys had to realize you werent where you were supposed to be some time ago. You enjoyed being there, but dont expect the game to cater to you, or refund you money for the tool you used to break the mode.
You are making an inaccurate assumption.
I have not played Fractals at the mentioned levels and do not know anyone who has.
ANet sold a product to people knowing that the product was being used to progress in certain content. I would tend to agree that the refunds should not cover purchases made after they, “closed this use,” though.
no game company, or producer of items covers refunds for improper use of an item. People sell lockpicks, if i use it to break into an abandoned building, i cant expect to get a refund if the company decides to fix the locks. The res orb exists outside of fractals it was not marketed as a fractal tool, it existed before fractals. People chose to use it to get around a game mechanic, and get to the forbidden zone. Thats what they wanted out of it, its what they got. They closed the hole, thats all really
In order for something to be forbidden it must be forbade. Such was not the case here (initially). Players announced that they were using res orbs in this manner and asked if it was intended or allowed. Anet opted to not respond initially. They chose to allow people to continue to spend money to access content. If they are going to remove the benefits of the purchase they should refund the purchase price. Again I do believe that such refunds should not be extended to those who continued after zone became forbidden.
You mention getting around a mechanic….res orbs are designed, intended, and sold for just that purpose, to get around a game mechanic.
I posted this because I didnt want it to get lost in the other thread.
So they are resetting level 80 fractal to 30. So what?
It is just a number. Much ado about nothing.They are just saying that anything over 50 now equals 30 and there are new levels with new mechanics being added.
Most people “skipped” the odd levels anyway because of the extra chest the even ones gave. Now we wont have to repeat to gain levels.
You lost nothing but a number.
Did they take fractal relics from your account? No
Did they take ascended items got? No
Did they take any gold you earned? No
Did they take any loot you found? No
Did they take anything besides a number? NoIt wasnt even a number anyone but you could see.
So sorry but I just dont get the big deal with this.
Threatening to quit the game over this is just plan silly.
You had alot of fun doing those fractals and now you have new ones to enjoy.I am looking forward to not having to level alts any more.
I had a necro that was in the 20s but guess what necros arent good for high levels so I had to level another class. Big deal, now I can play any of them I want. As far as the account bound rewards. Most days except weekends I dont have time to run more than one set of fractals a day any way and most of the time I dont want to anyway.If they decided to make the overall level cap for characters 60 instead of 80 but you still kept all the XP, the gold, the loot etc you got along the way, but now its 60 instead of 80, would you still be this upset? My guess is that people would rejoice that its no longer so long to get to level cap than it was before, and now leveling alts is much shorter.
It doesn’t matter to you and so it should not matter to anyone else and they are silly for not having the same priorities in their fun as you ?
I posted this because I didnt want it to get lost in the other thread.
So they are resetting level 80 fractal to 30. So what?
It is just a number. Much ado about nothing.They are just saying that anything over 50 now equals 30 and there are new levels with new mechanics being added.
Most people “skipped” the odd levels anyway because of the extra chest the even ones gave. Now we wont have to repeat to gain levels.
You lost nothing but a number.
Did they take fractal relics from your account? No
Did they take ascended items got? No
Did they take any gold you earned? No
Did they take any loot you found? No
Did they take anything besides a number? NoIt wasnt even a number anyone but you could see.
So sorry but I just dont get the big deal with this.
Threatening to quit the game over this is just plan silly.
You had alot of fun doing those fractals and now you have new ones to enjoy.I am looking forward to not having to level alts any more.
I had a necro that was in the 20s but guess what necros arent good for high levels so I had to level another class. Big deal, now I can play any of them I want. As far as the account bound rewards. Most days except weekends I dont have time to run more than one set of fractals a day any way and most of the time I dont want to anyway.If they decided to make the overall level cap for characters 60 instead of 80 but you still kept all the XP, the gold, the loot etc you got along the way, but now its 60 instead of 80, would you still be this upset? My guess is that people would rejoice that its no longer so long to get to level cap than it was before, and now leveling alts is much shorter.
This number is rarer in my case than an item ingame or any minipet that is there that is sold for 1000 Dollars on ebay.. and no it’s not just a number it’s 10k Karma as well
Yeah this QQing is ridiculous. Why to play to fractals 50+ anyways. They changed now a lot of it, so just enjoy the update. In 2-3 weeks no one will complain.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
So they are resetting level 80 fractal to 30. So what? They are resetting scale 81 as well..
witch means they take away the rarest Thing ingame rare than minipets sold on ebay for 1000 Dollars
You lost nothing but a number. No
Did they take fractal relics from your account? Yes since I won’t be getting 15 each daily chests now
Did they take ascended items got? Yes the Chance to get multiple rings per day on multiple characters through accountbinding
Did they take any gold you earned? Yes, I invested my earned Gold in rez orbs in order to advance this Gold is than lost
Did they take any loot you found? Yes, I would get 10k Karma if I complete lvl + my loot tables are better
Did they take anything besides a number? Yes, all of the above + 150 hours of my hard work to get it.
It wasnt even a number anyone but you could see. -> Again simply not True everyone could see it as soon as they enter your Party
How dare you to post so many lies?
Sidemark I loose more Levels (51 ) than I will be able to Play 1-50 ( 50)
(edited by Patrikan Habaton.2548)
Next step: remove all ascended gear people accumulated to set everyone on even footing.
You heard it first here.
That’s not exactly what is happening, in fact it’s not even close.
The difficulty of fractal level 50 is now level 30, rewards from level 30-50 will now be rewards from level 10-30, and a new mechanic, new rewards, and new difficulty level is all being placed in level 31-50 with a reward and difficulty curve leaning more heavily towards the end of the scale, rewarding topped out players much more than they were previously.
Why is this so bleeding hard to understand?
So old 50 = new 30 but old 30 = new 30 as well? Hmm something is weird with this math.
People need to stop saying 30 will be the same as the old 50. It has been stated previously that the new 1-50 will be easier than the current 1-50, let alone the current 50-80.
“We fixed a number of bugs and made lots of balance changes to existing fractals. Also the difficulty scaling has been tweaked overall to create a slightly less difficult curve up to 50.” (
Also, in other news, it seems there are some new PvP game modes in the works. I guess that means we’ll see everybody’s PvP ranks downgraded to 10, since they didn’t earn any glory using the new maps.
I think I might prefer that the just knock everyone back to 1. Its a new line up. It has new mechanics. Lets have a fresh start for everybody
They have already done damage to the community… at this point the best thing they could do is just let people keep there current levels and apologize. They seriously wanted to make up for it they could remove the current person who is in charge of leading the design teams.
Or just remove fractals from the game entirely (you know like the rest of the LS) and then in a few months release it with a bunch of new features, levels, mechanics, name and say “have at it” anything to stop the entitled whining at this point, there’s people demanding 3 legendaries as compensation for their level being reduced….the entitlement is over the top.
You lost nothing but a number. No
Did they take fractal relics from your account? Yes since I won’t be getting 15 each daily chests now
Did they take ascended items got? Yes the Chance to get multiple rings per day on multiple characters through accountbinding
Did they take any gold you earned? Yes, I invested my earned Gold in rez orbs in order to advance this Gold is than lost
Did they take any loot you found? Yes, I would get 10k Karma if I complete lvl + my loot tables are better
Did they take anything besides a number? Yes, all of the above + 150 hours of my hard work to get it.I can see english isn’t your first language but you appear to understand and are being obtuse.
Things changing so you can’t do it in the future (15 relics, multiple rings) is not the same as them being taken away from your account. Things change in MMO’s all the time, this includes rewards, acting like those things are being taken from your account is juvenile and comes across like a 5 year olds tantrum.
The account binding thing has occurred to EVERYONE in pretty much EVERYTHING in game from world bosses, dungeons, etc it was pretty obvious it was going to happen to fractals also.
Tell me 1 MMO where it happened that ppl lost Progress in lvl after 1 year ? just Name me 1 ? where Progress was reseted out of the blue?
and man this with the 3 legnedarie… learn to read I told that 3 legendaries is the time I put into it I’m NOT ASKING FOR 3 LEGNDARIES FOR IT, BECAUSE 3 LEGENDARIES WOULND’T MAKE UP FOR IT. man the Point is if they take away the rarest Thing ingame eve if it is a number.. you Need if you want to make up for the loose reward things that are equaly rare… and legendaries even 5 woulnd not be equaly rare so there Need to be a Special 1 time reward…. if you don’t read the Posts entirly don’t just pick Little parts of it and put em together in your mind to complete nonsence … whats your Problem with me keeping my Level 81? see any Problem in this? tell me 1 good reason and 1 good MMO that has reseted Level Progress.
I think I might prefer that the just knock everyone back to 1. Its a new line up. It has new mechanics. Lets have a fresh start for everybody
They have already done damage to the community… at this point the best thing they could do is just let people keep there current levels and apologize. They seriously wanted to make up for it they could remove the current person who is in charge of leading the design teams.
Or just remove fractals from the game entirely (you know like the rest of the LS) and then in a few months release it with a bunch of new features, levels, mechanics, name and say “have at it” anything to stop the entitled whining at this point, there’s people demanding 3 legendaries as compensation for their level being reduced….the entitlement is over the top.
You lost nothing but a number. No
Did they take fractal relics from your account? Yes since I won’t be getting 15 each daily chests now
Did they take ascended items got? Yes the Chance to get multiple rings per day on multiple characters through accountbinding
Did they take any gold you earned? Yes, I invested my earned Gold in rez orbs in order to advance this Gold is than lost
Did they take any loot you found? Yes, I would get 10k Karma if I complete lvl + my loot tables are better
Did they take anything besides a number? Yes, all of the above + 150 hours of my hard work to get it.I can see english isn’t your first language but you appear to understand and are being obtuse.
Things changing so you can’t do it in the future (15 relics, multiple rings) is not the same as them being taken away from your account. Things change in MMO’s all the time, this includes rewards, acting like those things are being taken from your account is juvenile and comes across like a 5 year olds tantrum.
The account binding thing has occurred to EVERYONE in pretty much EVERYTHING in game from world bosses, dungeons, etc it was pretty obvious it was going to happen to fractals also.
Yes, things changes in mmo all the time. However, pve wise, i can’t remember for the life of me any major devs that actually wipe out progression. Old things are usually phased out and their rewards become cheaper and easier to obtain.
Account binding is not a good thing, it shows on the current dungeon. Ppl who doesn’t play near peak time and reset, will be usually, left with not many to play with, indeed the odds to meet scrubs increases.
Wiping progression defeats the whole purpose of gamers playing mmorpg in the first place, yes, to progress.
Things change in MMO’s all the time, this includes rewards, acting like those things are being taken from your account is juvenile and comes across like a 5 year olds tantrum.
This has already been posted a bit earlier, but i suggest to read it, and you’ll hopefully understand why we react this way.
In extreme circumstances, as an example, if aanet decided to revamp all bosses, dungeons, fractals, open world and pvp encouter structure, does it mean it’s ok to drop every one’s level just to have a fresh start? You know equal footing.
Leaderboard is crap, no1 gives a crap about it. Been there done that, RIFT. No1 gives a jack.
Explaining the process of how they are going to wipe the bloody progressions, after players spending hours on it, is not going to make it all right to wipe it. No matter how.
Branding players exploiting while aanet basically abandon fractal for a year, is just go kitten awful to treat your players. We were forced to be creative on how to play the kitten fractal for challenges, while you sit and watch doing nothing.
Best solution is to leave the current fractal as it is and open new one with different scale. So be it the old fractals is done.
Wrap up the current fractals, hand out whatever rewards for those reach top level, special skins, cool title or whatever. And wrap it up, leave it as it is. And for once, come out in public, aanet, and admit “we FAIL on this fractal” … let’s start a new one and promise not to abandon the new 1 for freaking whole year.
(edited by Pino.5209)
I think I might prefer that the just knock everyone back to 1. Its a new line up. It has new mechanics. Lets have a fresh start for everybody
They have already done damage to the community… at this point the best thing they could do is just let people keep there current levels and apologize. They seriously wanted to make up for it they could remove the current person who is in charge of leading the design teams.
Or just remove fractals from the game entirely (you know like the rest of the LS) and then in a few months release it with a bunch of new features, levels, mechanics, name and say “have at it” anything to stop the entitled whining at this point, there’s people demanding 3 legendaries as compensation for their level being reduced….the entitlement is over the top.
You lost nothing but a number. No
Did they take fractal relics from your account? Yes since I won’t be getting 15 each daily chests now
Did they take ascended items got? Yes the Chance to get multiple rings per day on multiple characters through accountbinding
Did they take any gold you earned? Yes, I invested my earned Gold in rez orbs in order to advance this Gold is than lost
Did they take any loot you found? Yes, I would get 10k Karma if I complete lvl + my loot tables are better
Did they take anything besides a number? Yes, all of the above + 150 hours of my hard work to get it.I can see english isn’t your first language but you appear to understand and are being obtuse.
Things changing so you can’t do it in the future (15 relics, multiple rings) is not the same as them being taken away from your account. Things change in MMO’s all the time, this includes rewards, acting like those things are being taken from your account is juvenile and comes across like a 5 year olds tantrum.
The account binding thing has occurred to EVERYONE in pretty much EVERYTHING in game from world bosses, dungeons, etc it was pretty obvious it was going to happen to fractals also.
Yes, things changes in mmo all the time. However, pve wise, i can’t remember for the life of me any major devs that actually wipe out progression. Old things are usually phased out and their rewards become cheaper and easier to obtain.
Account binding is not a good thing, it shows on the current dungeon. Ppl who doesn’t play near peak time and reset, will be usually, left with not many to play with, indeed the odds to meet scrubs increases.
Wiping progression defeats the whole purpose of gamers playing mmorpg in the first place, yes, to progress.
The thing is, players progress in this game has already previously been wiped for the greater good of the community.
Do you know how many people had maxed out magic find only for it to be striped from their gear, their magic find reduced to zero and be made account wide for everyone….and no one went on the entitlement rampage some are now even though magic find gear was far more obviously intended than 50+ fractals….if you need to rely on a cash store item to progress, that’s pay to win…what are anet against?
The game changes things and peoples progress gets lost, this wasn’t the first time, it wasn’t even the second and it won’t be the last.
Things change in MMO’s all the time, this includes rewards, acting like those things are being taken from your account is juvenile and comes across like a 5 year olds tantrum.
This has already been posted a bit earlier, but i suggest to read it, and you’ll hopefully understand why we react this way.
read it, don’t agree with it (the only thing I do agree with in that article is how eve got crafting resources right). The whole article basically stems down to players wanting to be “special” and will do things they don’t even like to be “special” (why people do things they don’t enjoy beyond the bragging right of it is beyond me) which probably translates to a self confidence issue in the real world which isn’t about enjoying the game or the play style but about bragging rights which in itself isn’t a desirable personality trait or something that should be encouraged with a community that’s trying to be fostered into a friendly one.
(edited by Protoavis.9107)
Heres the real deal. Fractals were not designed perfectly, It was imo, one of the better game designs they did, the ideas were good, the content is very scalable and expandable, most of the fractals were fun.
But, it didnt really feel like you were going to see much new, or meet new challenges as you started to level. After you hit 20+ it mostly felt like it was going to get less forgiving and longer time wise. Which did offer a certain level of challenge, but it was a bit shallow.
The difference from one level to another was generally small, and the odd fractals felt useless reward wise.
In order to fix it, they needed to make the content change or expand as you get higher. People complain about difficulty that is simply more dmg/health, so they wanted to add something a little more interesting.
Placing this at 50 would have been bad, it would require even more grinding than before, because now, odd fractals will have bosses, not only that but its highly likely the boss fractal will be way harder than the very easy, and even relaxing jade maw. Where as before getting from 31-50 required beating 70 fractals, 10 of which were super easy, now it would require 80 fractals, 20 of which could end up being a lot harder. And, its still basically no qualitative changes from 20-50.
It would still be bad design, so the new stuff has to come in smaller increments.
Point of post is, regardless of if they should they give you access above 30, fractals is changing for the better, some new interesting challenges past 30, new fractals, so more variety in general, better balancing of which fractals you get. more boss possibilities. In the future they should have new mechanics in each level range, more fractals, maybe even some rare fractals which give better rewards (like a skritt treasure hunting fractal) More unpredictability. But now such things can be better structured.
So yeah, putting new challenges at 51+ or 81+ would essentially not solve the monotony of 20+-50+ fractals
Could you guys explain what so big and important you are going to lose if we get to keep your progress?
Do you know how many people had maxed out magic find only for it to be striped from their gear, their magic find reduced to zero and be made account wide for everyone….and no one went on the entitlement rampage some are now even though magic find gear was far more obviously intended than 50+ fractals….if you need to rely on a cash store item to progress, that’s pay to win…what are anet against?
And people got compensated for losing MF-gear which has also been repeated multiple times. I seriously hope you are trolling.
read it, don’t agree with it (the only thing I do agree with in that article is how eve got crafting resources right). The whole article basically stems down to players wanting to be “special” and will do things they don’t even like to be “special” (why people do things they don’t enjoy beyond the bragging right of it is beyond me) which probably translates to a self confidence issue in the real world which isn’t about enjoying the game or the play style but about bragging rights which in itself isn’t a desirable personality trait or something that should be encouraged with a community that’s trying to be fostered into a friendly one.
Lol, that’s an awful reponse, you’ve to be kidding yourself.
Yes, majority off ppl playing mmorpg is not geek/nerds. There is no point to feel special in mmorpg and every1 should just do group hug @ lion arch. <sarcastic>
Explaining the process of how they are going to wipe the bloody progressions, after players spending hours on it, is not going to make it all right to wipe it. No matter how.
Branding players exploiting while aanet basically abandon fractal for a year, is just go kitten awful to treat your players. We were forced to be creative on how to play the kitten fractal for challenges, while you sit and watch doing nothing.
Best solution is to leave the current fractal as it is and open new one with different scale. So be it the old fractals is done.
Wrap up the current fractals, hand out whatever rewards for those reach top level, special skins, cool title or whatever. And wrap it up, leave it as it is. And for once, come out in public, aanet, and admit “we FAIL on this fractal” … let’s start a new one and promise not to abandon the new 1 for freaking whole year.
most MMOs do not change or expand content much for a year, i think you are used to anet doing something every 2 weeks now. In fact many games dont change or expand until an expansion.
I do agree that they could have made the next fractals a different set, and kept access to the old, however that would probably further delay the changes to fractals, personally i would rather be reset to 1 then wait another 6 months for changes, but thats just my opinion.
To be honest i think people are more upset about the idea than the reality.
It makes sense that they reset to 30 because they are introducing instabilities and leadersboards at lvl 30. It doesnt make sense that they are introducing instabilities and leaderboards at lvl 30 instead of lvl 50. Which is why the reset is kitten ing a lot of people off.
Could you guys explain what so big and important you are going to lose if we get to keep your progress?
Do you know how many people had maxed out magic find only for it to be striped from their gear, their magic find reduced to zero and be made account wide for everyone….and no one went on the entitlement rampage some are now even though magic find gear was far more obviously intended than 50+ fractals….if you need to rely on a cash store item to progress, that’s pay to win…what are anet against?
—And people got compensated for losing MF-gear which has also been repeated multiple times. I seriously hope you are trolling.
i honestly dont care if you kept your progress up till 50, even though to be honest, you havent really earned the new 50. I just dont really care if you did or you didnt.
The truth is, your old game mode died, 31+ fractals that you used to play no longer exist. They wont have the same amounts of monsters, they wont hit as hard or have as much defense, the boss will be harder some of the time, and they will have new conditions to challenge you. The records you have no longer apply.
Now if you, to deal with this loss get some personal advantage and get to skip to the end of the new game, i dont really care. If it makes you feel better for your loss, fine. But dont act like you earned these levels, you wouldnt really be keeping your level, you would be getting access to a new level, a shortcut.
Personally, i would only want achievements i earned, not the ability to skip ahead, but since you did lose your game mode, whatevers clever. For me its more about actually achieving or doing something than the mechanical number next to my name, or skipping ahead to the things i didnt earn, but some people like to go straight to the end of the game.