GW1 Winds of Change and GW2
Captain Hao Luen is a Canthan, but he does say much to you except go “Yarr!”
I’m talking about the Winds of Change storyline, and how it connects to GW2.
Actually, OP, you sort of not right. Guild Wars Beyond, all of it, sets the stage for Guild Wars 2. Some of it more directly than others. For example, War in Kryta is part of Guild Wars Beyond and that’s more directly related to Guild Wars 2. Winds of change is only one small part of Guild Wars Beyond.
The only thing I can think of that directly affects Guild Wars 2 is that the boss at the end is introduces the new style mesmer.
I’m talking about the Winds of Change storyline, and how it connects to GW2.
Indeed. Their response really does not have any relation to the question that was posed…
It basically equates to your asking for a list of the ingredients in a McDonald’s hamburger and their responding with giving you a10% off coupon for a hamburger at Wendy’s that is expired. Both the question and the coupon involve the word hamburger so it’s relevant! -_-
I’m sorry, Penguin, I have not seen anything related to the Winds of Change storyline from GW1 in GW2. Not yet, anyway.
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I do recall a Dev discussing the fight as how GW2 Mesmer fights would be. But ultimately, if the Winds of Change was just a story about how or why Cantha became closed off, I’ll be quite disappointed.
I like finding little pieces of lore that connect the two games together. I didn’t spend 8 years of my life playing a game, only to forget about it.
I’m talking about the Winds of Change storyline, and how it connects to GW2.
Yeah, just saying, that thread is probably where this thread is headed to, given the precedence.
I do recall a Dev discussing the fight as how GW2 Mesmer fights would be. But ultimately, if the Winds of Change was just a story about how or why Cantha became closed off, I’ll be quite disappointed.
I like finding little pieces of lore that connect the two games together. I didn’t spend 8 years of my life playing a game, only to forget about it.
That’s all it is, sorry to disappoint you.
I do recall a Dev discussing the fight as how GW2 Mesmer fights would be. But ultimately, if the Winds of Change was just a story about how or why Cantha became closed off, I’ll be quite disappointed.
I like finding little pieces of lore that connect the two games together. I didn’t spend 8 years of my life playing a game, only to forget about it.
That’s all it is, sorry to disappoint you.
If I could, I would demand Mike O’Brien give us back a part of the GW universe that is sorely missed.
Edit – I’d prefer the Mods lock this thread than to merge it with one that’s 3 years old and forgotten.
(edited by Smooth Penguin.5294)
If it weren’t for “Winds of Change” in GW1, would there be a Dominion of Winds in GW2? There’s one of your connections. Though it has yet to bear much fruit, I’m sure that the tengu will eventually have their day in the sun in the GW2 story.
As you yourself already said, Winds of Change only serves to show us why Cantha has closed itself off from outsiders. It also serves to show that the Tengu have all kind of converged on the same area (Dominion of Winds).
But ultimately, if the Winds of Change was just a story about how or why Cantha became closed off, I’ll be quite disappointed.
Yeah, I think that’s what they meant. At the time WoC was in progress, GW2 was still under development but we’d heard about Cantha closing its borders and so forth. I believe the stage-setting done by WoC was showing how that came to pass (or at least the early stages of it).
Cantha is one of those things I just don’t get my hopes up on It hasn’t been worth it.
Stormbluff Isle ( http://www.stormbluffisle.com )
Captain Hao Luen is a Canthan, but he does say much to you except go “Yarr!”
Canthan naval war expansion confirmed.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
If it weren’t for “Winds of Change” in GW1, would there be a Dominion of Winds in GW2?
Probably, yes:
When Zhaitan awoke in 1219 AE, in an event the tengu call the Great Tsunami, the tengu of the world saw it as a sign to return to Tyria. It was a descendant of Talon Silverwing that led the charge through Zhaitan’s risen forces, and when the tengu reached land, they built their Dominion atop the island once known as Sanctum Cay, and unified their clans into the four modern houses, one for each of the winds. Out of fear of a repeated past, they constructed a great wall to encircle their city, and non-tengu are not permitted to enter.
(source: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tengu#Great_Tsunami)
Anet had said previously that the Winds of Change story sets the stage for Guild Wars 2.
They said that the events of Guild Wars Beyond set the stage for GW2…and it did. We meet Keiran Thackeray, and see how he & his true love (everyone’s favorite child mesmer, Gwen) evolved and how they found the Ebonhawke.
Since they are Logan’s ancestors, I’m not sure what more you could ask in terms of a lore connection, especially since Logan was a founder of Destiny’s Edge.
Winds of Change was set primarily in Cantha.
Or entirely in Cantha.
But the connection to GW2 ends there, as we all know that Cantha was removed from Tyrian lore entirely.
Cantha wasn’t removed from Tyrian lore — the entire continent isolated itself and with no news leaving their shores, there just isn’t much to say.
Divinity’s Reach even had a Canthan district, before it was turn into the Great Collapse.
DR never had a Canthan district. The early design included one, but the actual game that launched on 28 August 2012 did not; within the game, it was always the Great Collapse (and now, the Crown Pavilion).
Cantha wasn’t removed from Tyrian lore — the entire continent isolated itself and with no news leaving their shores, there just isn’t much to say.
It’s the same thing. Cantha’s isolation and Palwala Joko/Krahlkawhatever sitting in the desert linking Tyria and Elona are both plot devices specifically intended to signify why they have no bearing on the events of the game.
No new news has come out of either area and so much time has passed that both the cultures and landscapes are no longer even remotely close to the Elona and Cantha of GW1. The Luxons and Kurzicks don’t even exist anymore as vassal states and most of Elona is now a desert filled with undead with Vabbi and Kourna likely in ruins.
Until the barriers are lifted, they can both be considered to have floated off the ground and into space for all the difference it makes.
DR never had a Canthan district. The early design included one, but the actual game that launched on 28 August 2012 did not; within the game, it was always the Great Collapse (and now, the Crown Pavilion).
There were demo shots of the Canthan district that got released before the game launched. It did exist in a real form but not in the live game.
(edited by Substance E.4852)
DR never had a Canthan district. The early design included one, but the actual game that launched on 28 August 2012 did not; within the game, it was always the Great Collapse (and now, the Crown Pavilion).
There were demo shots of the Canthan district that got released before the game launched. It did exist in a real form but not in the live game.
I think Illconceived’s point was that since the Canthan district was never there at launch (and not mentioned in dialogue) it is not canon that the Canthan district ever existed, even if it was planned to be the Canthan district before launch. In lore the Great Collapse was the art district.
DR never had a Canthan district. The early design included one, but the actual game that launched on 28 August 2012 did not; within the game, it was always the Great Collapse (and now, the Crown Pavilion).
There were demo shots of the Canthan district that got released before the game launched. It did exist in a real form but not in the live game.
I think Illconceived’s point was that since the Canthan district was never there at launch (and not mentioned in dialogue) it is not canon that the Canthan district ever existed, even if it was planned to be the Canthan district before launch. In lore the Great Collapse was the art district.
Exactly so. Demos aren’t part of the “real form.”