GW2 Efficiency to screen raiders has begun.
And it’s dev supported and dev approved and optional…
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Unless you were planning on pugging raids and they’re screening pugs, I’m not sure what the problem is. If you don’t like how these people play, don’t play with them.
What guild is that?
I’ve seen another guild ask for your gw2 api key so this isn’t a gw2 efficiency thing, it is a gw2 api v2 thing.
Remember when people raised concerns about this website, some months back, and were told “that’ll never happen”?
Turns out they were right.
No one said, “that’ll never happen.” People said it wouldn’t be an issue — and I don’t see this as one.
In fact, isn’t this closer to what people want?
- Folks who think gear-checks matter can group up with other folks who agree that it matters.
- Folks who don’t care about gear-checks can form their own LFGs without worrying about getting people who do care.
If it’s a guild application and the guild is either separating their members into raid teams or getting new members to flesh out existing raid teams (or make new raid teams) it makes sense to make sure everyone who comes in doesn’t want to do the exact same role.
It wouldn’t make much sense to put the 10 players wanting to be a raid leader in the same group and the other 90 players who don’t want to be a raid leader in another group for instance.
And you’d want to make sure that your group would have all of the skills and what not. So it would make sense to see what builds people have.
I don’t see what’s so evil about a raiding guild or a guild creating initial raid teams being selective and/or using information gathered from the api.
So people want to plan ahead and succeed. Outrageous.
This isn’t really a problem for a guild, since the main thing is knowing what people can play what roles so you can build effective comps (we just have a google docs spreadsheet \o/). It gets harder for larger guilds is all. I don’t see the value in necessarily ‘gear checking’ everyone though. If you don’t trust someone enough to believe that they’re running, say, celestial if they say they are, then you probably don’t someone as flaky in your raid group anyway! Unless you’re super paranoid, then that’s probably not a good mentality to have towards your guildees either.
Nobody said it would never happen.
Everyone agreed only elitist bellends would make such demands on a PuG. More power to them, they have had zero effect on my game…since forever. It’s not pug friendly. For every noddy demanding such things there is a a lot more who don’t, and won’t.
Don’t you see…this is actually great.
They can do their “max gear and stat need monk..oh crap mean druid then go oh wait need warrior oh need druid with +100 cond wait need zerker please change gear thing ping then we go then oh wait need ascended carrion oh wait then oh what dude change you trinkets to zerker then go oh wait…” rubbish and I can just add them to my “noddy” list.
I dont see any problem here, i guess thats a guild application ? if a guild is looking for meta zerk players its a great way to check if that person really has the eq he needs
if you dont play meta and dont care about speedclear and optimal builds , why do you want to join the guild?
if you are a causual then look for causual guilds that dont care about dps and meta builds
guess today we will see, if u NEED this. maybe they turned on the enrage timer, maybe they raised the timer, maybe they lowerd it. maybe the speedshrooms will make a heavy difference to the dmg u deal+ the time u need to place 4 players ases into the blue aoe. maybe maybe.
I don’t understand that people not get that raiding itself is simply a very elitist
form of gaming, and not something you can do in a PUG.
Do you really think people will form a PUG Raid, then ask every person for their
API key and then decide if they fit into their PUG ?
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
If raids are PUGgable in general, this won’t be a problem.
If raids are not PUGgable, this won’t be a problem.
I don’t understand that people not get that raiding itself is simply a very elitist
form of gaming, and not something you can do in a PUG.Do you really think people will form a PUG Raid, then ask every person for their
API key and then decide if they fit into their PUG ?
What makes you think GW2 won’t be the same as WOW, Rift and most others in which PUG leaders demand to know your Gearscore (if such a mechanic exists), or else your AP total, demand certain achievements, etc?
Of course GW2’s raiding ‘scene’ will degenerate in exactly the same way, because many raiders are of the same mentality no matter which game they’re playing.
I don’t understand that people not get that raiding itself is simply a very elitist
form of gaming, and not something you can do in a PUG.Do you really think people will form a PUG Raid, then ask every person for their
API key and then decide if they fit into their PUG ?What makes you think GW2 won’t be the same as WOW, Rift and most others in which PUG leaders demand to know your Gearscore (if such a mechanic exists), or else your AP total, demand certain achievements, etc?
Of course GW2’s raiding ‘scene’ will degenerate in exactly the same way, because many raiders are of the same mentality no matter which game they’re playing.
I hate raiding .. i was one who was always vocal against raiding in GW2, but now
you have got it, and people who want to raid have to live with all that stuff that
comes with it.
Thats all i think about it.
And no matter if we have such a side or not, and if we have gearscore or not,
that will not change anything .. if you want to play with the elitists you have
to live with elitist behaviour.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
u can PUG everything. even if only 0,1% of people are able to clear the raids, pugs can always beat them. sure, it will be very rare, but its not impossible. even pug groups can coordinate with ts. i had soooo many raidgroups on wow. many formed by pugs. sure they are not the best groups most of the time, but u can get lucky and hit a very skilled group. (i dont mean 9 guildmates and 1 random)
Nothing against it, and should be in-game IMHO.
If you want to be part of a hardcore challenge group, you in the very least need to be equally geared and skilled as the other people in your team, otherwise you are just being carried.
On other hand, you are not locked out of it, since you can jsut creat your own “Non-elitist” group, and run happily on it. No one block you to do that, and the game actually is very helpfull to let you try out it.
As others have touched a bit on, everyone should want to know that each raid member is up to par gearwise. We all have busy lives and why waste potential hours because someone was trolling.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
kitten players with uber gears will still remain kitten. It’s not that you suddenly become a good player if you have good gears or a high AP. Silly people these days.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Do you know that these kind of guild exists from the beginning?
There are even guilds from day one that want you to log only for them from 5PM to 5AM!
Nothing new there… Just ignore them as before.
What makes you think GW2 won’t be the same as WOW, Rift and most others in which PUG leaders demand to know your Gearscore (if such a mechanic exists), or else your AP total, demand certain achievements, etc?
Of course GW2’s raiding ‘scene’ will degenerate in exactly the same way, because many raiders are of the same mentality no matter which game they’re playing.
Dungeons had the same issue with gear checks, and the solution is the same: Play with people who play the way you do. People complained about dungeon speedrunners the same way for years, and the answer was always to start your own, more relaxed group.
No telling if unprepared PUGs will be able to do raids yet, but even the worst case scenario (in terms of gear checks) doesn’t seem any worse than dungeons, which have been tolerable if you recognize that people want different experiences.
It’s opt in. You are not forced to share anything. If people require it (like before with “ping gear”) for their group/guild and you dont want to, there is an easy fix…
… you don’t join! There is countless groups and guilds. Choose one that fits your playstyle, and you will be happier in the long run.
Folks who think gear-checks matter can group up with other folks who agree that it matters.
Folks who don’t care about gear-checks can form their own LFGs without worrying about getting people who do care.
This is exactly what I was thinking. Maybe I should put this somewhere as a disclaimer.
raids in gw2 is just not a good ideal it’s not what the majority dose or we would all be still playing EQ2 or WoW best thing they could of done was had a easy mode like WoW has
now all they get is raid guilds logging in once a week for raid day then off line the 6 other days – good luck getting them to buy gems
+ what’s stopping some one in all blue making a profile in all legendary’s /shrug
It’s not a problem unless it gets to the point where it’s impossible to find a group for raids that doesn’t require some type of check.
There’s been people in the game since launch who wanted to ‘pre-screen’ their group members for all kinds of things. I first encountered it during the first Halloween when someone was demanding that anyone who joined them for the Mad King dungeon had to ping a full set of exotics to get an invite.
The result was that everyone ignored him and carried on forming groups with their friends or based on their own criteria.
It’s the same now with the dungeon speed clear groups demanding only level 80’s of specific professions in full beserkers gear. It’s never stopped other people from forming a group, and therefore never really been a problem.
If it gets to be like the Underworld and Fissure of Woe in GW1 where it was impossible to find a group that wasn’t speed clearing it using a strict set of builds and a strict method within the instance then yes it is a problem. (Although I think that was more of an issue with the instance design – you either did it that one way or you had to spend literally hours in there, there was no in-between like there is with dungeon PUGs in GW2.)
For now thought?
I’m fully intending to make a Raid PUG group later tonight for anyone who wants to check it out – no gear/profession/mastery requirements (although I think you might need gliding to get in). I’d encourage anyone else who wants to do the same.
Naturally there’s no guarantee of success, I’ll probably die horribly and repeatedly, but that’s never put me off other things in games.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
This isn’t really a problem for a guild, since the main thing is knowing what people can play what roles so you can build effective comps (we just have a google docs spreadsheet \o/). It gets harder for larger guilds is all. I don’t see the value in necessarily ‘gear checking’ everyone though. If you don’t trust someone enough to believe that they’re running, say, celestial if they say they are, then you probably don’t someone as flaky in your raid group anyway! Unless you’re super paranoid, then that’s probably not a good mentality to have towards your guildees either.
But having it written down somewhere is a good way to make sure a large guild can split up the players into good raid groups instead of having to write it down and catch it in guild chat and catch players who may not be online at the time the question was asked.
And if it’s a guild application, then it’s just fine because guilds can be as choosy as they want in letting people join.
Easy fix, don’t play with those people.
Honestly, they made a form you have to fill out? What’s next a written test and an instructional video you must watch first?
Screw gear check, add in system check, can’t let anyone on a sub-par computer to participate because they may lag behind and drag down the group.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Oh no. Some people have a way of doing things and you don’t like it.
You don’t have to play with them.
Problem solved!
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Oh no… some people might not want to play with you. Read my sig.
We are not friends.
Oh no. Some people have a way of doing things and you don’t like it.
You don’t have to play with them.
Problem solved!
Even better: those people have made it easy so that you won’t be playing with them (and they won’t be joining your LFGs).
Oh no. Some people have a way of doing things and you don’t like it.
You don’t have to play with them.
Problem solved!
Umm you did hear leg armor is raid only right ? so yes we have to play with the idiots of gw2 that scream at kids like a bad kitten and force ppl to play THERE way with the skills they want
Oh no. Some people have a way of doing things and you don’t like it.
You don’t have to play with them.
Problem solved!
Umm you did hear leg armor is raid only right ? so yes we have to play with the idiots of gw2 that scream at kids like a bad kitten and force ppl to play THERE way with the skills they want
And here I thought legendary armor stats were those of ascended, making it completely optional.
Oh no. Some people have a way of doing things and you don’t like it.
You don’t have to play with them.
Problem solved!
Umm you did hear leg armor is raid only right ? so yes we have to play with the idiots of gw2 that scream at kids like a bad kitten and force ppl to play THERE way with the skills they want
Funny, I don’t think I saw a requirement of entering a raid that you had to be with someone who plays like that.
Organize a group from your guild and/or friends list. Then you don’t have to deal with players who play like that.
Oh no. Some people have a way of doing things and you don’t like it.
You don’t have to play with them.
Problem solved!
Umm you did hear leg armor is raid only right ? so yes we have to play with the idiots of gw2 that scream at kids like a bad kitten and force ppl to play THERE way with the skills they want
And here I thought legendary armor stats were those of ascended, making it completely optional.
It is optional, but since raiding is the only way to get it, people will have to raid to get it. And people will want it for its looks and stat swapping.
Oh no. Some people have a way of doing things and you don’t like it.
You don’t have to play with them.
Problem solved!
Umm you did hear leg armor is raid only right ? so yes we have to play with the idiots of gw2 that scream at kids like a bad kitten and force ppl to play THERE way with the skills they want
Organize a group from your guild and/or friends list. Then you don’t have to deal with players who play like that.
if this is even possible to do tho . i will say this would be a very good way to take this back out of the hands of Guilds all together . which doing all this is just going to make a lot of people not want a thing to do with guilds as far as it comes to raids . but this is a good way you have pointed out to fix it and keep it all out of the hands of guild.s and i do hope that is possible and able to be done. so if some one does not want a thing at all to do will guilds . they still can do raids with out the need of a guild . i will also say too on this topic any guild ask me for a key of any kind . would find them selfs down a person . no matter what kind of key it is just is not going to happen
Remember when people raised concerns about this website, some months back, and were told “that’ll never happen”?
Turns out they were right.
You’re linking a shot from a form designed for the progression groups.
API checks are just a tool. Use them or not. Run with people who use them or not.
And I know people who signed up with
(edited by Crell.6401)
This is fine – people have a right to choose the people they play with.
If raids are hard people will want to know that if they’re giving it their all others are too – and that the people they play with are up to spec.
So yes – if it wasn’t GW2 efficiency I’m sure other tools would be used. This is not an issue.
- if it wasn’t GW2 efficiency I’m sure other tools would be used. This is not an issue.
no matter what tool it is it is a major issue . just some people are too blind to see it as such . but still it is a major problem and one a lot of people want not a thing to do with at all. and this with scribing will only hurt guilds. as some will see this and say hey no thanks and not take a invite or anything and they just might even block you .
Nothing against it, and should be in-game IMHO.
If you want to be part of a hardcore …
I had no idea Ron Jeremy played MMOs.
But also, looking at the screenshot, why are they looking for Tanks? For Guild Wars 2?
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
It is a potential issue.
People can say it’s not, as much as they like, but the truth is that if something like this is available, most people will require people to use it (especially for PUGs, or whatever) and it’s a slippery slope.
It’s the same with DPS meters.
If they are available, even if only to the player, people will require people to post their DPS.
Sometimes that might be a good thing, with certain unfairly maligned classes, but more often than not, it will not be.
I’ve been through all this in WoW.
Allowing inspection, measuring and third party stuff never seems to end well and turns the game into paint by numbers.
It is a potential issue.
People can say it’s not, as much as they like, but the truth is that if something like this is available, most people will require people to use it (especially for PUGs, or whatever) and it’s a slippery slope.
It’s the same with DPS meters.
If they are available, even if only to the player, people will require people to post their DPS.
Sometimes that might be a good thing, with certain unfairly maligned classes, but more often than not, it will not be.
I’ve been through all this in WoW.
Allowing inspection, measuring and third party stuff never seems to end well and turns the game into paint by numbers.
i agree with you on this and yes it is something that will not end well. and i think it will make more people leave the game . i mean if i want a paint by numbers game i will open paint shop and play with that instead of this .
It saddens me to see this because I know what coming next from years of experience.
Friendly groups of players who have enjoyed playing together for years doing dungeons and fractals are now going to have to decide between playing with the people they like, and success in the raid zones.
The latter is going to be the choice for most players who won’t see the long term damage they’re doing to the years of community and friendship by excluding some of the lesser skilled players they have been carrying at times in the past.
When the first boss gets to the third phase of the fight and a player goes down it’s pretty much GG. While some may think this is the difficulty they have been wanting from GW2 please remember that a few months down the road when you’re guilded with jerks and there is zero sense of community that it’s because GW2 became another MMO that requires elitism instead of just playfully catering to it.
~Dr. Seuss
OP, I think it’s highly disingenuous of you to post this when the exact same guild in your screenshot offer runs solely for teaching purposes which anybody can join.
- if it wasn’t GW2 efficiency I’m sure other tools would be used. This is not an issue.
no matter what tool it is it is a major issue . just some people are too blind to see it as such . but still it is a major problem and one a lot of people want not a thing to do with at all. and this with scribing will only hurt guilds. as some will see this and say hey no thanks and not take a invite or anything and they just might even block you .
I have a feeling a guild who recruits and requires GW2 efficiency in order to clear you for raids is going to not have a problem with players that feel offended by that not joining.
It’s about looking for a certain type of player – if you’re not that type of player you don’t matter really.
It is a potential issue.
People can say it’s not, as much as they like, but the truth is that if something like this is available, most people will require people to use it (especially for PUGs, or whatever) and it’s a slippery slope.
It’s the same with DPS meters.
If they are available, even if only to the player, people will require people to post their DPS.
Sometimes that might be a good thing, with certain unfairly maligned classes, but more often than not, it will not be.
I’ve been through all this in WoW.
Allowing inspection, measuring and third party stuff never seems to end well and turns the game into paint by numbers.
Maybe people want to play paint by numbers – that’s not your call to make.
How dare they be up front with you on their requirements, giving you the option to play with them or not based on your own personal preferences!! MONSTERS!!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The solution sounds simple enough to me. Make a group to do raids that takes in anyone, doesn’t matter what gear they’re wearing, and go do the raids. I bet you’d get lots of people signing up and both you and the gear check people will never encounter each other and both sides will be happy.
ANet may give it to you.
The solution sounds simple enough to me. Make a group to do raids that takes in anyone, doesn’t matter what gear they’re wearing, and go do the raids. I bet you’d get lots of people signing up and both you and the gear check people will never encounter each other and both sides will be happy.
Too bad that you won’t get very far with that setup.
The solution sounds simple enough to me. Make a group to do raids that takes in anyone, doesn’t matter what gear they’re wearing, and go do the raids. I bet you’d get lots of people signing up and both you and the gear check people will never encounter each other and both sides will be happy.
Too bad that you won’t get very far with that setup.
BS, give it time and all will clear it, the only thing that is certain is ALL will wipe learning Raids
The solution sounds simple enough to me. Make a group to do raids that takes in anyone, doesn’t matter what gear they’re wearing, and go do the raids. I bet you’d get lots of people signing up and both you and the gear check people will never encounter each other and both sides will be happy.
Too bad that you won’t get very far with that setup.
Waiting for the push back when some realize raids aren’t profitable. Sure you get stuff to craft legendary armor precursors, ascended gear and exclusive minis but if you are expecting a huge payoff for all the time you spent, the old time vs reward metric, there is going to be a lot of disappointed people.
You want to do it because it’s fun? a challenge? not a loot pinata? Then pugs could work. And as more players run it with their guild mates decide to pug, the experience of the team goes up and pugging becomes a possibility in a few months.
RIP City of Heroes
The solution sounds simple enough to me. Make a group to do raids that takes in anyone, doesn’t matter what gear they’re wearing, and go do the raids. I bet you’d get lots of people signing up and both you and the gear check people will never encounter each other and both sides will be happy.
Too bad that you won’t get very far with that setup.
Obviously. However getting very far with pugs wearing whatever gear they wanted wasn’t the point of the OP’s post. He doesn’t want gear checks, he doesn’t have to get in with a group that has gear checks. Whether they can do the content is another story altogether.
ANet may give it to you.