GW2: my personal opinion.
Progression beyond numbers? Well if you already have an armor and weapon that you think looks the best and have all BIS gears statwise there is no reason for you do do anything at all other than fun factor.
I have all my items crafted and transmuted to get the skins I want and consider legendaries ugly. There is no reason for me to set foot into the dungeon ever again and karma/badges/tokens all are completely and utterly useless to me. The ONLY thing I ever need is gold and it is not that difficult to get. When you have everything you don’t even need that because there are no worthwhile gold sinks.
If I had no guild & friends and desire to try other classes I would no longer be playing.
First thing I want to say so no one can say I’m wow thinking is one I came from GW1 not wow. 2 unless your level 80 do not talk about the taxes as way points cost too much, so does armor repair(note this is to the point I have been walking across multiple maps to get where I am going to keep from paying the fee). I agree with them this pushes people to play WVW or spvp unlike GW1 in gw1 you could chose to play pvp, ab, gvg, and jq just to name a few, but you did not have to. That is not the case here today i was in the world as a level 80 and did not gain very much gold it just did not happen. Before the dungeon patch I did different dungeons and had some of my favorites two. I was able to maintain my equipment, and have fun with friends, but now I find myself watching to see if there is a chance of dying before helping someone as the repair bill makes it not worth helping. This also makes me not want to go to lower level areas as I still have to pay the repair bill as a level 80 even if I was to die in a level 5 area. Where the level 5 I am helping only pays a few copper, and the coinage I get there does not match the bill not even close. The issue is that there needs to be balance as I know today I did not even clear making a gold, but I know people that where getting 1g drops in wvw. Yes I know about the repair bill there as well. You might ask why post all this my point is I hop the developers see then understand that it not just new players that are having issues, and will work on the economy balance between wvw and pve as not everyone want to wvw all the time. Some of us this bought this game that has lots of potential, and is a lot of fun to do things in the pve side. I will continue to play hoping that these changes will come in time. I will also like thank the developers for all the time they have put in this game as it show yes there is bugs, but that takes time to fix.
Back in the day, mmo’s weren’t all about loot.. then one day an mmo arrived to rule them all.. and 7/8 years later players of these kinds of games have become so used to that standardised way of playing that they can’t accept anything else.
Get over it, or go play something else.
when OP said “working hard” i cracked.
game is just fun, and isnt about “working hard” or “stronger gear”.
imo its about exploration and pvp and action gameplay.
i am very surprised to see how many people are gear addicts and play the game as a “job” just because there is better gear available.
but yeah… some people redo the dreaded d3 act 3 more than a thousand time… for gear :/
i am so HAPPY that anet is breaking this mold.
and breaking the blizzardified zombies grinders to death.
Back in the day, mmo’s weren’t all about loot.. then one day an mmo arrived to rule them all.. and 7/8 years later players of these kinds of games have become so used to that standardised way of playing that they can’t accept anything else.
Get over it, or go play something else.
so TRUE,
remember ultima online? that was glorious, and not that much about loot!
spell reagents were it there was no “better sword with +1 power”.
anyway… yeah… i have to admit, WoW really created a new breed of players.
they must be the same players that are enjoying D3… gosh, redo redo redo redo redo…
maybe the fun ISNT LOOT?
but try to tell them that. they are like risens!
when OP said “working hard” i cracked.
game is just fun, and isnt about “working hard” or “stronger gear”.
imo its about exploration and pvp and action gameplay.
i am very surprised to see how many people are gear addicts and play the game as a “job” just because there is better gear available.
but yeah… some people redo the dreaded d3 act 3 more than a thousand time… for gear :/i am so HAPPY that anet is breaking this mold.
and breaking the blizzardified zombies grinders to death.
Yeah its amazing how much WoW has conditioned players to tolerate medicore/bad/ gameplay to chase after the carrot on a stick. Skinner’s Box is sure effective. Now I’m not trying to bash these kinds of players. If this is truly what they enjoy, all the more power to them. I just wish they’d take a step back sometimes and ask themselves if they genuinely enjoying the gameplay, not mindlessly repeating something for a reward like a gambling addict.
I find it amusing when people claim tham mmos are about loot.It’s clear they’ve never played an MMO like Ultima Online that gave you the freedom to be or do anything you want inside a virtual world.People used to set up their own events by actions and reactions.PKs would kill miners,next day anti-pks guarded the miners.UO had real dynamic events with zero code implemented for them.I once spent an afternoon taking my noob friend to the chaos shrine so he can res because he was “dishonorable” (If you were a thief or murderer there was only ONE place in the world you could res).Just trying to avoid brigands on the was was more fun than any dungeon in a gear grind game ever.
Wow was and is a great game and I had lots of good memories but I think it has done more bad than good to the genre in the end.It’s the mcdonalds of mmos.
I just realized I spent my years in wow wishing it was something like guild wars 2.Most of the time I’d explore to see cool things in the world,never cared about repeating raids for gear.
I hope guild wars 2 tries to keep as many people happy as possible but without compromising its design philosophy in any way.
First thing I want to say so no one can say I’m wow thinking is one I came from GW1 not wow. 2 unless your level 80 do not talk about the taxes as way points cost too much, so does armor repair(note this is to the point I have been walking across multiple maps to get where I am going to keep from paying the fee). I agree with them this pushes people to play WVW or spvp unlike GW1 in gw1 you could chose to play pvp, ab, gvg, and jq just to name a few, but you did not have to. That is not the case here today i was in the world as a level 80 and did not gain very much gold it just did not happen. Before the dungeon patch I did different dungeons and had some of my favorites two. I was able to maintain my equipment, and have fun with friends, but now I find myself watching to see if there is a chance of dying before helping someone as the repair bill makes it not worth helping. This also makes me not want to go to lower level areas as I still have to pay the repair bill as a level 80 even if I was to die in a level 5 area. Where the level 5 I am helping only pays a few copper, and the coinage I get there does not match the bill not even close. The issue is that there needs to be balance as I know today I did not even clear making a gold, but I know people that where getting 1g drops in wvw. Yes I know about the repair bill there as well. You might ask why post all this my point is I hop the developers see then understand that it not just new players that are having issues, and will work on the economy balance between wvw and pve as not everyone want to wvw all the time. Some of us this bought this game that has lots of potential, and is a lot of fun to do things in the pve side. I will continue to play hoping that these changes will come in time. I will also like thank the developers for all the time they have put in this game as it show yes there is bugs, but that takes time to fix.
You will always have fanboys who are not level 80 or geared up trying to tell you how to play your level.
I have one right now.
And yes the ingame tax is insane.
I miss the trinity too. I miss healing gameplay.
This isn’t that game. I don’t expect everygame I play to be the same. Who would want that?
There’s an old saying which ends with ‘You can’t please all of the people all of the time’
Unfortunatley the OP and others in this thread aren’t pleased with GW2 which is fine and as others have pointed out it just means this isn’t the game for you.
If you enjoy things this game doesn’t have but others cater for then why waste time trying to shape GW2 into something it was never designed to be?
Arena Net have done (in my opinion) an amazing job in creating a world to explore and ‘live’ in and yet here we are, a few weeks into launch arguing that there’s ‘nothing to do’ or ’it’s not what i want! i feel cheated!’
Have you just set out in a direction and seen what happens without chasing a goal?(and 100% map completion doesn’t = explored the entire map btw)
Have an adventure, forget about ‘acheivments’ for awhile and just …play.
If you’ve reached level 80 and got the best items available then great! thats one less thing to worry about, now you have time to soak up the world thats been created for you to play in.
Go play
I wonder if we’ll ever see a thread in which people can disagree without calling each other “fanboys” or “wow zombies”. Probably not.
Anyway, I agree that there is probably a lot of people coming to GW2 with a WoW-mindset and, yes, this mindset should be left at the door because this game isn’t World of Warcraft or any of the assorted WoW-clones. Nonetheless, there seems to be a clique on these forums that derides anyone that even remotely criticizes ArenaNet over its reward policy or thinks differently to them.
This game isn’t GW1. GW1 was far more of a niche game than this. GW2 already has a massive amount of box sales and players. Anyone that actually thinks nerfing the rewards across the board was a good idea is the sort of person who I can’t take seriously. Like it or not but a large demographic of the MMO community likes rewards. A lot. Assuming that this is a mindset that is entirely Blizzard’s fault is infantile. People like to obtain things, that’s basic human nature. I would venture to say that those that don’t care about rewards are very much in the minority. It’s fine for these people to say “go back to WoW” but I assure you even if this is something some players want, ArenaNet and NCSoft certainly don’t want it to happen.
I saw a screenshot on these boards where someone who had been doing DE-chains had ended up getting something ridiculous like 31XP. Who cares if they want to farm DE’s endlessly? It’s their game. They enjoy it. Who cares! Why is this an issue? Why are people childishly ranting over it and calling each other names? Personally it’s not my thing but I don’t see why ArenaNet should nerf the rewards so hard that doing it becomes pointless. If the monetary rewards were too high in comparison to doing other things then fine, they needed to be toned down, but I don’t get these XP nerfs, or monetary nerfs in dungeons that are so harsh that people wanting to farm the same path can’t even pay for their repairs (if true). No, I’m not supporting easy-mode 20 minute runs of Cathedral of Flames or other dungeons. Certainly, make the dungeons harder! But if someone likes one path more than another or one is minimally easier than another and they want to farm it then why is it an issue? ArenaNet is never going to be able to balance all the dungeons paths so that they are of equal difficulty. And this punishing of anyone who finds the easiest route and uses it seems draconian.
Another thing I don’t get is the nerfs to Story modes. I always sort of thought of Story modes as the easy playthrough of a dungeon and explorable as, let’s say for arguments sake, the “heroic” version. Why should people be penalised for repeating story mode? I’ve heard they get no rewards now whatsoever if they repeat them. Or at least nothing worth mentioning. Perhaps they just aren’t good enough to do explorable or maybe they just don’t want to. That’s fine and of course the rewards for explorable mode should be far greater, but I don’t understand ArenaNet’s reasoning in just nerfing any rewards from the dungeon into the ground because people aren’t conforming to what the company wants them to do. Exerting this amount of control over the playerbase isn’t going to be taken well.
There are some players out there that can farm the same dungeon over and over with a long-term goal. Even if they don’t get rewarded per dungeon, they know that eventually they are going to get an awesome set of armor. Most people don’t work like that though.
Maybe some poster out there can persuade me and others out there that may think the same way as I that these changes are actually a good thing. I’m always willing to listen to a rational argument. Trolls and the customary insults of “omg go back to wow you noob” will be ignored however.
Sun Tzu said that, and I think he knows a little more about fighting than you do, pal.
Then what is the point of Anet making an MMO? Since this game isnt based around loot rewards, why didnt they just save themselves the money on production and just make an arena based game? Your answer makes no sense. People play MMO’s for LOOT.
People play mmos for loot? Really? Are you so sure about that? I can see it now a trailer stating, “Well if you play this game you may get this loot or this loot or you may have the chance for this loot so don’t wait play today”.. (rolls eyes) I hardly doubt that loot is the luster the drawn them to a mmo. I think maybe you need to research a little more.. Most people play mmos for the fun it gives… The loot is just a bonus. Whatever… It goes to show you that loot isn’t what draws people to mmos and your reason people play is really lame.
I don’t want to bash either side, but different players enjoy different aspects. Since GW 2 is perfectly catered toward me, I thought I would explain why and how I may differ from those desiring a gear treadmill.
I grew up playing Nintendo, then Sega Genesis. Believe it or not, to a lot of you whippersnappers out there, we never had the magical ability to “save” our progress. Nothing we earned would stick. No gear, no achievements.
And yet, I still spent hours and hours playing Streets of Rage over and over again. Why? Because I enjoyed the gameplay!
There used to be a day when FPSs also didn’t have a reward system. Ok, maybe you’d unlock some things like new weapons, but as soon as the console turned off you had to start from scratch again. I played a lot of Team Fortress Classic on the PC, and nothing ever saved. I wasn’t playing for gear, I was playing for fun.
So granted, when Everquest and Asheron’s Call came out, I was stoked. This concept of an RPG where you constantly enhance your character was fresh and wonderful. I can play to have fun AND save my rewards? Amazing!
This continued even through WoW. However, after a while, I started to realize a painful truth. I started to hate “playing” WoW. I mean, sure, it was fun at first. But then when the instances and raids continued, I realized I was excited NOT by “playing” the raids, but at the hopefulness of getting better gear. I started to hate the gameplay, but wanted the rewards. 2 Expansions later, I truly realized that at the end of the day, this treadmill would never end. It was the same stale gameplay, but they just keep putting more carrots on a stick for me to chase.
Now some of you still love this idea. GREAT! WoW is a FABULOUS game, and caters perfectly for you. But for people like me, who are sick of constantly trying to get “that better piece of gear” and want the gameplay, this is our game.
Personally, I love WvW. I played Planetside for years, and for the longest time I was at max level and never gained a THING…I played it because I loved it. WvW is the same way, I play it because I love it. It’s also wonderful to know that since max level gear is so easy to get (even if the easy stuff looks like crap lol) there is a level playing field. Anyone that played on PvP servers in WoW and enjoyed griefing lower level players, you probably aren’t even reading this because you left GW 2 already.
Now the stuff I farm for is gear that has a cooler look to it. However, I’m not running on a treadmill…I’m playing the game I want to play, saving the rewards I get, and using them to buy cooler skins. A game is done right when I can play for several days, and not only do I completely IGNORE my level bar (I thought I was 74 for a couple days when really I hit 80, I never even bothered to look), I’ll play WvW for hours, and never even check how many badges I’ve gotten. I can do this because I’m not in a WoW battleground getting insta-stomped by someone with better gear than me, and I’m just counting the amount of honor I have to purchase more gear while dredging through the battlegrounds before I have enough rewards to have fun in them.
TL-DR Version: We are all different people, who should be respected, and while I prefer GW 2’s gameplay, it is understandable why you would prefer WoW. But please don’t try to turn GW 2 into WoW, and never think your dreams and desires are the same as everyone else’s.
If you set a man on fire he will be warm for the rest of his life.”
(edited by Draknar.8604)
I started to hate the gameplay, but wanted the rewards.
So basically, you couldn’t be bothered actually spending the time to get the gear, or to enhance your skills/strategies so that you could get the gear more quickly, and so you gave up.
Poignant, really, and it’s what so many of us have been arguing here. This game is for casuals who can’t be bothered, and would rather just buy the stuff with gems.
Your post is almost too good to be true.
I came to this game from SWTOR by way of D3.
Compared to those steaming turds, this game is amazing. I had discounted any possibility that a WoW killer would arise before WoW killed itself, until I bought and played this game.
My only complaints at this point would be that dynamic events should be solo oriented outside of the few “world” events (Claw of Jormag or the Orr temples, for example), and that dungeons seem to be too tightly tuned for level 80s (debolstered 80s in the sub-80 dungeons).
The DE issue seems like something they didn’t put enough thought into. For the most part, they improved upon WAR’s PQ system, but it really collapses in the Orr zones. Those zones are relative ghost towns compared to Frostgorge Sound simply because there’s little or no convenient solo content there. It doesn’t help that Orr is ugly, and only gets uglier as you go deeper (seriously; these magically blasted lands I find in every fantasy MMO just suck, no matter the back story).
As for the dungeons… well, I’ve given up on finding fun dungeons since TBC turned every instance in every MMO into a boring corridor. At least they tried to do something here, even if the “path” system turns otherwise possibly interesting dungeons into the same boring corridors I left behind in WoW 5+ years ago.
I guess I’m just not feeling the OP’s QQ. Total stat parity seems like an e-sport move that Blizzard was too shortsighted to take. As for gear, maybe I’m lucky in that I dumped most of my gold into dyes, and most of the remaining into keep upgrades in WvWvW, only allowing me to afford primarily rare 80 armor/weapons (I’m still using heart quest accessories ranging from levels 5X-77).
While it’s probably not optimal, I’ve been dumping my karma into gear from the temple vendors. I hear crafting offers slightly stronger gear, but at as high or higher a time investment as karma farming.
Speaking of, there’s plenty of karma to be had in WvWvW, and passable amounts of gold, discounting for any random drops you might get. Granted, I’m not looking to actively farm gold, and I get the impression that it may be distinctly not fun to do so in this game, but what do I really need gold for? I’ll replace my accessories with exotics over time, farm up enough karma to fill out my armor, and maybe one day pick up the exotic bases items for legendary weapons I’ll probably never even attempt to forge.
As for the soft trinity they use, there’s room for healers and tanks alike. It’s just different from filling those roles in other games. I know that at least some mob AIs can be tanked, but that’s only based off experiences in WvWvW and some select PvE mobs.
Who cares if they want to farm DE’s endlessly? It’s their game. They enjoy it. Who cares! Why is this an issue? Why are people childishly ranting over it and calling each other names?
Gold farmers.
Well, that’s not the cause for the silliness you mention, but certainly the cause for the nerfs.
Gem buying is silly when gold farmers can give you a much better exchange rate for real currency.
(edited by Ansultares.1567)
The very fact that GW2 is not like WoW and many other MMos in terms of game mechanics is, as it was with the prequel, exactly why I played GW1 from its Prophecies launch, on through all the expansions, right up to the present (since it too is still a good game). I will probably do the same with GW2 for that reason too. That is of course not what everyone will do, and not everyone will like GW as much as some people do, but there you go. Speaking from personal experience, if you like the concept, it has enough mileage for literally years of gameplay.
However, if someone prefers the kind of game concept that WoW offers, and that is what floats their personal boat, then good luck to them, I’m glad there is a game to suit what they prefer; it isn’t my preference, but each to their own. So it is important to note if the traditional WoW MMO mechanic is a person’s preference, then GW is almost certainly not going to fit their preferred parameters for how a game is at its core. From the very outset Arenanet determined to plough their own furrow and be different.
Thus Guild Wars is about exploring the choices you are presented with, employing thoughtful, creative and cooperative gameplay, all coupled with careful selection of your skill choices, rather than defined ‘trinity’ of player types. It is not – and never really was even in GW1 where there was a Monk – about totally clear-cut roles, nor about getting the best gear in order that you can ‘pwn’ other people who have not got that gear.
Frankly, I’m amazed that the core concept is still eluding some people, particularly given that even the whole PVE character storyline is written around the concept of bands of people teaming up with what they’ve got, cooperating in order to defeat a common enemy; i.e. short of having flashing neon signs all over the scenery, the concept could not have been made more obvious to anyone who has even come close to completing at least part of the storyline, because the storyline itself is in fact a parable of how and why you play the game. In others words, GW is about ‘We, We, We!’ rather than ‘Me, Me, Me!’
As far as traditional endgames and content are concerned, anyone who played the original GW will be aware that the game is about trying all the characters (which will take even a dedicated player a long time) and by the time one has done that, being in good shape for the expansions that are forthcoming, where if previous history is anything to go by, there will not only be new terrain and stories, but also new character types to experiment with. Thus giving players who do like the mechanics, more of what they like.
In the original GW, the mechanics of the concept were limited by the physical capabilities of internet connection speeds and what computers could handle graphically, these limitations necessitating the use of smaller group sizes and employing instances and NPC allies in order to steer around such physical boundaries. With the advent of better computing horsepower, the concept has been driven forward to make the notion more player-oriented, but it is still the same cooperative concept at heart, and if you didn’t like it in GW1, then you won’t like it in GW2 unless you get into the idea that this is.
It never was intended to be like other MMOs and that’s just the way it is, and you are either going to like that, or you aren’t. But that is the game, and that is how it works.
I started to hate the gameplay, but wanted the rewards.
So basically, you couldn’t be bothered actually spending the time to get the gear, or to enhance your skills/strategies so that you could get the gear more quickly, and so you gave up.
Poignant, really, and it’s what so many of us have been arguing here. This game is for casuals who can’t be bothered, and would rather just buy the stuff with gems.
Your post is almost too good to be true.
Oh, I still bothered. I remember frequently going to work on only a couple hours of sleep because I bothered to stay in the raids, mainly because I was young and stupid. If the gameplay itself is a bother, why then continue to play it?
GW 2 is skill dependent, not gear dependent. Victory comes because I take the time to learn my character, test different builds and methods. It comes because I take the time to learn my opponents characters, and how to best exploit their weaknesses. Bringing in friends is even better when you learn the synergy of your respective classes. I enjoy that I can go to work and do my family duties then when I have only an hour of game time I don’t have to suffer through kiddies who spent all afternoon getting better gear after school.
A friend of mine thinks just the way you do, and he is a dear friend of mine. However, he has no girlfriend, no kids, and enjoys the time commitment required to get access to better equipment in those games because he knows he has the advantage over the average player. Works out well for me when we queue a battleground as a party =). I have to respect that mentality, because he’s sacrificed a lot for it.
If you set a man on fire he will be warm for the rest of his life.”
I read the OPs section about them equalizing gear and levels as
“im way too use to using gear as my crutch in PvP and its unfair that someone who only plays a little can still beat me even though i play more”
This is why i love gw2
I don’t want to bash either side, but different players enjoy different aspects. Since GW 2 is perfectly catered toward me, I thought I would explain why and how I may differ from those desiring a gear treadmill.
I grew up playing Nintendo, then Sega Genesis. Believe it or not, to a lot of you whippersnappers out there, we never had the magical ability to “save” our progress. Nothing we earned would stick. No gear, no achievements.
And yet, I still spent hours and hours playing Streets of Rage over and over again. Why? Because I enjoyed the gameplay!
There used to be a day when FPSs also didn’t have a reward system. Ok, maybe you’d unlock some things like new weapons, but as soon as the console turned off you had to start from scratch again. I played a lot of Team Fortress Classic on the PC, and nothing ever saved. I wasn’t playing for gear, I was playing for fun.
So granted, when Everquest and Asheron’s Call came out, I was stoked. This concept of an RPG where you constantly enhance your character was fresh and wonderful. I can play to have fun AND save my rewards? Amazing!
This continued even through WoW. However, after a while, I started to realize a painful truth. I started to hate “playing” WoW. I mean, sure, it was fun at first. But then when the instances and raids continued, I realized I was excited NOT by “playing” the raids, but at the hopefulness of getting better gear. I started to hate the gameplay, but wanted the rewards. 2 Expansions later, I truly realized that at the end of the day, this treadmill would never end. It was the same stale gameplay, but they just keep putting more carrots on a stick for me to chase.
Now some of you still love this idea. GREAT! WoW is a FABULOUS game, and caters perfectly for you. But for people like me, who are sick of constantly trying to get “that better piece of gear” and want the gameplay, this is our game.
Personally, I love WvW. I played Planetside for years, and for the longest time I was at max level and never gained a THING…I played it because I loved it. WvW is the same way, I play it because I love it. It’s also wonderful to know that since max level gear is so easy to get (even if the easy stuff looks like crap lol) there is a level playing field. Anyone that played on PvP servers in WoW and enjoyed griefing lower level players, you probably aren’t even reading this because you left GW 2 already.
Now the stuff I farm for is gear that has a cooler look to it. However, I’m not running on a treadmill…I’m playing the game I want to play, saving the rewards I get, and using them to buy cooler skins. A game is done right when I can play for several days, and not only do I completely IGNORE my level bar (I thought I was 74 for a couple days when really I hit 80, I never even bothered to look), I’ll play WvW for hours, and never even check how many badges I’ve gotten. I can do this because I’m not in a WoW battleground getting insta-stomped by someone with better gear than me, and I’m just counting the amount of honor I have to purchase more gear while dredging through the battlegrounds before I have enough rewards to have fun in them.
TL-DR Version: We are all different people, who should be respected, and while I prefer GW 2’s gameplay, it is understandable why you would prefer WoW. But please don’t try to turn GW 2 into WoW, and never think your dreams and desires are the same as everyone else’s.
Yup I hate the WOW go get that gear
Thats why we have the exotic set from Crafting in GW2
Because at level 80 this is supposed to be yor baseline set.
Don’t believe me? Check out the stats for the 2. Quite a big difference if you add up all 6 parts + 2 weapons, those dungeon gears? Yeah they’re the aesthetic skins.
Now if Rares and Exotics were akin to Guildwars’s Elite and Non elite armours whereby Elite and Non Elite share EXACTLY the same baseline stats and where elite is just a fanciful skin, That’s fine. Perfectly fine.
But this is not the case, now the problem people are having is that its really hard for them to get the baseline set, even the crafted ones which costs in the range of 16gold for materials.
Id say its a valid concern for them.
There wasn’t even an inflation at the time a now we have a massive recession.
Newly turned 80s cant spend older 80s wont spend.
Just gonna post this link here:
This is for you Dgenerate.1948 and people that think like you/play MMORPG’s like you, read it and think about it
WvW Roaming movies!
Just gonna post this link here: is for you, read it and think about it
Well, if we’re self-referencing, let’s revisit a post by you, Mozart:
It’s a game where we don’t have to do anything at all, to do everything there is in the game.
And again my eyes glaze over as I contemplate the fact that you were trying to say this as a compliment to the game.
when OP said “working hard” i cracked.
game is just fun, and isnt about “working hard” or “stronger gear”.
working hard and having fun are not oposite things. When you do sports for fun, you can work hard. When you are an artist and.. lets say paint for fun, you can work hard.
Saying he works hard for something in the game doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it for fun. Stop making things out like if you were reading between lines. That’s just lack of arguments: “lol, if I copypaste 3 words of what he said it means this!”
pls do not make this game ever a gear treadmill, there’s a lot of us who enjoy the game as it is gear-wise atm and most of us don’t come to the forums because we are playing. also the making gear “worthless” in pvp has always been my dream in MMO’s, finally it happened! thank you Anet!
pls do not make this game ever a gear treadmill, there’s a lot of us who enjoy the game as it is gear-wise atm and most of us don’t come to the forums because we are playing.
also the making gear “worthless” in pvp has always been my dream in MMO’s, finally it happened! thank you Anet!
It wont be a gear treadmill, Exotics are going to be the baseline gear and its going to have standardized stats.
Wether it be Rampager, Berserker, Traveller, Carrion, Valkyrie to indicate which stats they boost.
Everything beyond Exotic is for visual aesthetics.
pls do not make this game ever a gear treadmill, there’s a lot of us who enjoy the game as it is gear-wise atm and most of us don’t come to the forums because we are playing.
also the making gear “worthless” in pvp has always been my dream in MMO’s, finally it happened! thank you Anet!
It wont be a gear treadmill, Exotics are going to be the baseline gear and its going to have standardized stats.
Wether it be Rampager, Berserker, Traveller, Carrion, Valkyrie to indicate which stats they boost.
this is what I hoped and I also hope we won’t get “stronger” gear for years.
Well, if we’re self-referencing, let’s revisit a post by you, Mozart:
It’s a game where we don’t have to do anything at all, to do everything there is in the game.
And again my eyes glaze over as I contemplate the fact that you were trying to say this as a compliment to the game.
It is a compliment: I don’t want to be forced to farm and work “hard” to get some “gear with big numbers” so I can go do new content “so I can get new gear again with even higher numbers”. I can log in, and do whatever I want, if I want to do something hard there is plenty of options where I have to work hard to do it. But it will be a matter of skill and not the number of my gear. I can see why you can misunderstand what I try to say it that sentence, and I’m sorry for that, but English ain’t my mother language. But the point with that sentence is:
I don’t want to be forced into farming for gear or other kind of “rewards” before I can log in and have fun. There shouldn’t be a “sorry you haven’t used enough time doing things you don’t want to do yet” message when I try to do what I feel like. The world should be open to do everything you want when you fell like it, for fun.
WvW Roaming movies!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
Lack of trinity and giving everybody equal chances is what makes GW2 better then any other MMO. How many times do dedicated classes get bashed because they “didn’t do their job”, or how many times you got kicked out a party because you had “lame” gear? Happened to me way too often. For players who like to play casual and hardcore, there is challenge in this game. The only thing I dislike is the eventual lack of reward in the chests, like the one in plains of ashford where you die a zillion times before you get to open a splendid chest – got only lame blues
I’m amazed by the number of people who bought this game thinking it will be like every other MMO. I guess not informing yourself beforehand is the right thing to do. Not like you had several years to do that lol.
P.S. lack of roles is not boring. If you pay attention you can make quite a use of other people’s skills on the battlefield, thing I was doing from start, and it’s heck of a fun.
(edited by CharrGirl.7896)
I started to hate the gameplay, but wanted the rewards.
So basically, you couldn’t be bothered actually spending the time to get the gear, or to enhance your skills/strategies so that you could get the gear more quickly, and so you gave up.
Poignant, really, and it’s what so many of us have been arguing here. This game is for casuals who can’t be bothered, and would rather just buy the stuff with gems.
Your post is almost too good to be true.
I think you have it wrong, this game is designed around PvP from the ground up, the PvE is not really why most of us play it but it is there to give you a general idea of how to play your character in end game, which is WvWvW and tPvP.
It is the same as Eve Online, why would you play Eve for the PvE, it is horrible, the end game is in 0.0 space fighting for resources and control which makes the PvP unmatched in any game.
WoW PvP on the other hand is tacked onto a PvE game and so reflects the type of game it is, a time sink of grinding based on a subscription business model, to keep you paying the monthly subscription you have to grind mindlessly to actually get gear that is competitive, all of a sudden you have a new expansion that they charge a premium for, your character is now non viable and the grind starts again.
Personally I know which type of game I prefer.
Before you ask, yes I have played WoW, started about 7 months ago and realised how expensive and pointless it is to play a game that has the most laughable PvP in the history of gaming, it is a shame really as WoW PvP could be brilliant but to do that would really break Blizzards business model.
(edited by snadge.2483)
Lack of trinity and giving everybody equal chances is what makes GW2 better then any other MMO. How many times do dedicated classes get bashed because they “didn’t do their job”, or how many times you got kicked out a party because you had “lame” gear? Happened to me way too often. For players who like to play casual and hardcore, there is challenge in this game. The only thing I dislike is the eventual lack of reward in the chests, like the one in plains of ashford where you die a zillion times before you get to open a splendid chest – got only lame blues
I’m amazed by the number of people who bought this game thinking it will be like every other MMO. I guess not informing yourself beforehand is the right thing to do. Not like you had several years to do that lol.
P.S. lack of roles is not boring. If you pay attention you can make quite a use of other people’s skills on the battlefield, thing I was doing from start, and it’s heck of a fun.
Especially when you ran a dungeon with 5 players of the same profession, but since dungeons arent rewarding…. not gonna touch those.
I started to hate the gameplay, but wanted the rewards.
So basically, you couldn’t be bothered actually spending the time to get the gear, or to enhance your skills/strategies so that you could get the gear more quickly, and so you gave up.
Poignant, really, and it’s what so many of us have been arguing here. This game is for casuals who can’t be bothered, and would rather just buy the stuff with gems.
Your post is almost too good to be true.
I think you have it wrong, this game is designed around PvP from the ground up, the PvE is not really why most of us play it but it is there to give you a general idea of how to play your character in end game, which is WvWvW and tPvP.
It is the same as Eve Online, why would you play Eve for the PvE, it is horrible, the end game is in 0.0 space fighting for resources and control which makes the PvP unmatched in any game.
WoW PvP on the other hand is tacked onto a PvE game and so reflects the type of game it is, a time sink of grinding based on a subscription business model, to keep you paying the monthly subscription you have to grind mindlessly to actually get gear that is competitive.
Personally I know which type of game I prefer.
Before you ask, yes I have played WoW, started about 7 months ago and realised how expensive it is to play a game that has the most laughable PvP in the history of gaming, it is a shame really as WoW PvP could be brilliant but to do that would really break Blizzards business model.
The thing is, I don’t find the PvP in this game to be, well, good right now, for a variety of reasons. The biggest are probably that with all the pets running around its more of a chaotic PvE than an organized PvP, that the capture system currently encourages zerging, that the burst damage/CC is out of control, and that it is pretty far from balanced at this point (though that will hopefully improve over time). I previously played SWtOR, which a lot of people complained had horrible PvP fro imbalance and too much CC, but I think its worlds better than what we have right now.
This is pretty disappointing, given that I bought this game exclusively for the PvP.
The thing is, I don’t find the PvP in this game to be, well, good right now, for a variety of reasons. The biggest are probably that with all the pets running around its more of a chaotic PvE than an organized PvP, that the capture system currently encourages zerging, that the burst damage/CC is out of control, and that it is pretty far from balanced at this point (though that will hopefully improve over time). I previously played SWtOR, which a lot of people complained had horrible PvP fro imbalance and too much CC, but I think its worlds better than what we have right now.
This is pretty disappointing, given that I bought this game exclusively for the PvP.
Yes, the PvP needs work but I have every faith in the Dev’s to do it, saying that, the PvP in GW2 has HUGE potential to be great, the signs are already there.
pls do not make this game ever a gear treadmill, there’s a lot of us who enjoy the game as it is gear-wise atm and most of us don’t come to the forums because we are playing.
also the making gear “worthless” in pvp has always been my dream in MMO’s, finally it happened! thank you Anet!
Why don’t you just stick with LoL then? The PvP is much more polished because… it’s a PvP game.
If Anet wanted to make this a quasi RTS they should have stipulated that from the beginning. I sure as hell wouldn’t have purchased it.
Lack of trinity and giving everybody equal chances is what makes GW2 better then any other MMO. How many times do dedicated classes get bashed because they “didn’t do their job”, or how many times you got kicked out a party because you had “lame” gear? Happened to me way too often. For players who like to play casual and hardcore, there is challenge in this game. The only thing I dislike is the eventual lack of reward in the chests, like the one in plains of ashford where you die a zillion times before you get to open a splendid chest – got only lame blues
I’m amazed by the number of people who bought this game thinking it will be like every other MMO. I guess not informing yourself beforehand is the right thing to do. Not like you had several years to do that lol.
P.S. lack of roles is not boring. If you pay attention you can make quite a use of other people’s skills on the battlefield, thing I was doing from start, and it’s heck of a fun.
Especially when you ran a dungeon with 5 players of the same profession, but since dungeons arent rewarding…. not gonna touch those.
Protip: You don’t have to run them.
Protip, since dungeon sucks now, thats exactly what I said
Protip: improve comprehension skills
Protip: stop trying to act smart
Why don’t you just stick with LoL then? The PvP is much more polished because… it’s a PvP game.
If Anet wanted to make this a quasi RTS they should have stipulated that from the beginning. I sure as hell wouldn’t have purchased it.
Why don’t you stick with all the other MMORPG’s like Rift, WoW or SWTOR? And many others? Because they are the typical brain dead controlled by rewards games you want.
If you had read just a little about the game or followed up on what the design would be on this game, you would have known what you brought. It only makes you stand out like a little kid that didn’t do his homework, that you brought a game without knowing what it was about!
WvW Roaming movies!
pls do not make this game ever a gear treadmill, there’s a lot of us who enjoy the game as it is gear-wise atm and most of us don’t come to the forums because we are playing.
also the making gear “worthless” in pvp has always been my dream in MMO’s, finally it happened! thank you Anet!
Why don’t you just stick with LoL then? The PvP is much more polished because… it’s a PvP game.
If Anet wanted to make this a quasi RTS they should have stipulated that from the beginning. I sure as hell wouldn’t have purchased it.
Thank goodness for sPVP or i woulda flipped a table so hard, It’d flip twice.
Why don’t you just stick with LoL then? The PvP is much more polished because… it’s a PvP game.
If Anet wanted to make this a quasi RTS they should have stipulated that from the beginning. I sure as hell wouldn’t have purchased it.
Why don’t you stick with all the other MMORPG’s like Rift, WoW or SWTOR? And many others? Because they are the typical brain dead controlled by rewards games you want.
If you had read just a little about the game or followed up on what the design would be on this game, you would have known what you brought. It only makes you stand out like a little kid that didn’t do his homework, that you brought a game without knowing what it was about!
Why dont you let her play what game she wats to play and respect the fact that she paid for the game and is entitled to as much enjoyable content as you are?
And stop saying “dont buy a game you didnt know what it was about” Like people lack the common sense to check out the game and what it was about.
We were told this was an MMORPG with PVP and PVE both equally catered for but when we got it and played it, it felt like PVE was a boring drag and PVP is the only thing worth doing.
UNLESS. You watched a different Guildwars2 Manifesto video and read different guildwars2 blogs and dev interviews?
Now kindly stop acting like the official “Fun” officer.
(edited by Rizzy.8293)
Why dont you let her play what game she wats to play and respect the fact that she paid for the game and is entitled to as much enjoyable content as you are?
Because she, and others like you, are trying to change and ruin, one of the core selling points of the game I and other players brought. We knew what we brought, we got what we brought, and we are happy about what we brought. It’s not a matter about I don’t want to let her play what she wants, in fact that exactly what I’m telling her to do. What you, and her, is misunderstanding is: This is not one of these games, and you should to to try force changes to the core functions of the game “just because you brought it aswell”. It’s the same when I don’t go, to Rift, or SWTOR or WoW, games I all brought and complain and DEMAND they change into something they never was meant to be.
To fell like you have every single right in the world to DEMAND whatever that please you in a MMO, just because you paid as well. It is Our word against your’s, the difference being we want the game as it was created, and not changed it into something the game designers didn’t want to create. Is it really that hard to understand? If you want to play GW II, that’s fine, but stop trying to changed it into the standard dull and boring MMORPG, because that ain’t what it was made for!
and I’m having a blast of fun in both PvE and PvP. The PvE in this game is by far more fun for my taste. It’s an opinion, and they are different.
WvW Roaming movies!
pls do not make this game ever a gear treadmill, there’s a lot of us who enjoy the game as it is gear-wise atm and most of us don’t come to the forums because we are playing.
also the making gear “worthless” in pvp has always been my dream in MMO’s, finally it happened! thank you Anet!
Why don’t you just stick with LoL then? The PvP is much more polished because… it’s a PvP game.
If Anet wanted to make this a quasi RTS they should have stipulated that from the beginning. I sure as hell wouldn’t have purchased it.
well, i would say “why you dont stick with the other MMOs where you can win because you have better gear and not because you play better”
while i don’t see the sPvp in GW2 as a “quasi RTS” i ask you:
you want power from gear on pvp? why?
you want to win because of your gear, and not because of your skills?
Why dont you let her play what game she wats to play and respect the fact that she paid for the game and is entitled to as much enjoyable content as you are?
Because she, and others like you, are trying to change and ruin, one of the core selling points of the game I and other players brought. We knew what we brought, we got what we brought, and we are happy about what we brought. It’s not a matter about I don’t want to let her play what she wants, in fact that exactly what I’m telling her to do. What you, and her, is misunderstanding is: This is not one of these games, and you should to to try force changes to the core functions of the game “just because you brought it aswell”. It’s the same when I don’t go, to Rift, or SWTOR or WoW, games I all brought and complain and DEMAND they change into something they never was meant to be.
To fell like you have every single right in the world to DEMAND whatever that please you in a MMO, just because you paid as well. It is Our word against your’s, the difference being we want the game as it was created, and not changed it into something the game designers didn’t want to create. Is it really that hard to understand? If you want to play GW II, that’s fine, but stop trying to changed it into the standard dull and boring MMORPG, because that ain’t what it was made for!
and I’m having a blast of fun in both PvE and PvP. The PvE in this game is by far more fun for my taste. It’s an opinion, and they are different.
You’re missing the point. This game was marketed as an MMORPG, it was all about continuing the story yada yada yada. I didn’t spend hours researching it. All i knew is that i loved GW1, and this was called Guild Wars 2. Can I be faulted for expecting it to be at least similar?
I’ve never played any other MMOs, ever. Guild Wars was the first, and obviously the last. again, if I wanted gear to be irrelevant, I’d play dota or LoL. otherwise, they need to re-market this is an RTS and refund everybody who bought it for the MMO element, IMO.
what you said about the Gear and level equalization i agree 1000000% i cant stand how this was set up. the fact that you can craft the best gear in the game is just a bad move on Anet, they should of made the gear in the dungeons much better that could of been there end game. am i right or am i right?
Finally a game where the whole game is endgame and you can do hard stuff and appreciate it instead of complaining cause you didn’t get uber op high stat gear to show off to people who can careless about your gear(*Cough…WoW…Cough). This is first MMO in a LONG time that is actually fun to play.
Also I love the way gear is setup in this game, finally something different now we can actually look around the game and enjoy it instead of “tunnel visioning purple gear that is greater than the last gear”.
(edited by Zenith.1234)
pls do not make this game ever a gear treadmill, there’s a lot of us who enjoy the game as it is gear-wise atm and most of us don’t come to the forums because we are playing.
also the making gear “worthless” in pvp has always been my dream in MMO’s, finally it happened! thank you Anet!
Why don’t you just stick with LoL then? The PvP is much more polished because… it’s a PvP game.
If Anet wanted to make this a quasi RTS they should have stipulated that from the beginning. I sure as hell wouldn’t have purchased it.
well, i would say “why you dont stick with the other MMOs where you can win because you have better gear and not because you play better”
while i don’t see the sPvp in GW2 as a “quasi RTS” i ask you:
you want power from gear on pvp? why?
you want to win because of your gear, and not because of your skills?
Dude, please don’t insult the gaming skills of everybody on here by suggesting it requires skill to play GW2. You have number 1, which is your autoattack. Then you have cookiecutter 2-5 that you have no control over and any other players of the same class and the same wep have THE EXACT SAME THING, so there’s no tinkering. then you have 6-10 which are going to be nearly identical to everybody else, because anet was too lazy to make a plethora of skills like gw1.
so, click 1, auto attack, spam the other skills. and before you tell me i’m playing it wrong, I was like, 80-3 in WvW in less than 40 mins. this game requires no skill, just an ability to click, press 1, then alt tab while you go read something/watch something more interesting.
again, if they had said from the beginning they were making a pvp quasi-rts, then i’d have had this coming. but this was an MMORPG-branded sequel to another MMORPG. Don’t act like I had unrealistic expectations.
You’re missing the point. This game was marketed as an MMORPG, it was all about continuing the story yada yada yada. I didn’t spend hours researching it. All i knew is that i loved GW1, and this was called Guild Wars 2. Can I be faulted for expecting it to be at least similar?
I’ve never played any other MMOs, ever. Guild Wars was the first, and obviously the last. again, if I wanted gear to be irrelevant, I’d play dota or LoL. otherwise, they need to re-market this is an RTS and refund everybody who bought it for the MMO element, IMO.
It’s stands no where that an MMORPG is a game where the time you spent there = a reward. Just because an MMORPG got a strong focus on PvP, ain’t it suddenly Dota or LoL, it’s and MMORPG with PvP. And yes, it is your fault to expect it to be like GW I, because you know what? They made it clear all ready in the beginning that it wouldn’t be anything like GW I. If you like to rush mindless out and buy stuff without reading about it. Then it’s your problem, just don’t come here complaining you didn’t get what you “thought” you would get.
Really? no skill, come face me in a 1vs1 Elysian Rose.5283:, and we will see if it’s just a matter of “spamming”
WvW Roaming movies!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
it felt like PVE was a boring drag and PVP is the only thing worth doing.
PvP is the ONLY thing worth doing in any game.
To me it is, PvE is just scripted Ai that anyone can beat, I knew that this game was basically a balanced PvP game with a PvE social element.
This was after a short search on the game.
Having said that I find the PvE to be quite enjoyable, similar to WoW type questing but different enough to be it’s own system, not better, just different, I have been playing since prelaunch and I still have to get a character above lvl 25.
Why dont you let her play what game she wats to play and respect the fact that she paid for the game and is entitled to as much enjoyable content as you are?
Because she, and others like you, are trying to change and ruin, one of the core selling points of the game I and other players brought. We knew what we brought, we got what we brought, and we are happy about what we brought. It’s not a matter about I don’t want to let her play what she wants, in fact that exactly what I’m telling her to do. What you, and her, is misunderstanding is: This is not one of these games, and you should to to try force changes to the core functions of the game “just because you brought it aswell”. It’s the same when I don’t go, to Rift, or SWTOR or WoW, games I all brought and complain and DEMAND they change into something they never was meant to be.
To fell like you have every single right in the world to DEMAND whatever that please you in a MMO, just because you paid as well. It is Our word against your’s, the difference being we want the game as it was created, and not changed it into something the game designers didn’t want to create. Is it really that hard to understand? If you want to play GW II, that’s fine, but stop trying to changed it into the standard dull and boring MMORPG, because that ain’t what it was made for!
Because you are the only one allowed to have fun in this game?
Do you know how selfish and self centered you sound?
Personally I have NOTHING in PVE to do anymore.
I want the content of what I was told was going to be delivered, to do what I want in PVE when I want it.
sPVP is amazing and is where they really delivered.
Just because someone finds fault with one part of the game, doesnt give you the right to say, GO PLAY ANOTHER GAME AND LEAVE MY PERFECT GAME ALONE!!!!!!! Like you’re the only one who deserves the fun content.
Listen try to understand you’re playing an MMORPG you’re not going to be alone, MM stands for Massively *MULTIPLAYER *
If what they were doing got nerfed and it doesn’t effect you or your game play, stop butting into their discussions saying amazingly ignorant and self centered down right idiotic statements about how its just for you.
Explain how people wanting to dungeons to give rewards that match the effort put in would hurt you or how treasure hunters wanting their magic find to be effective and is being hurt by anti farming feature is going to hurt you
And if the one thing you absolutly loved doing in guildwars 2 got hurt will you promise me you wont come to the forum and start complaining about it?
What people are doing is voicing out their issues with a game they paid for, and they are entitled to, YOU however are not entitled to tell them to go play another game driving away ArenaNet’s customer base.
I’ve tried to be nice and civil with you, but everytime you come into one of these threads you contribute nothing but pointless banter and try to start flamewars with, “Not the game for you go play something else” Im giving you a fair warning, You seem a somewhat decent person, if you move make another pointless worthless post that disrespects and disregards another person post I will personally bring this matter up with a moderator as you are contributing nothing but flames.
Thank you.
(edited by Rizzy.8293)
You’re missing the point. This game was marketed as an MMORPG, it was all about continuing the story yada yada yada. I didn’t spend hours researching it. All i knew is that i loved GW1, and this was called Guild Wars 2. Can I be faulted for expecting it to be at least similar?
I’ve never played any other MMOs, ever. Guild Wars was the first, and obviously the last. again, if I wanted gear to be irrelevant, I’d play dota or LoL. otherwise, they need to re-market this is an RTS and refund everybody who bought it for the MMO element, IMO.
It’s stands no where that an MMORPG is a game where the time you spent there = a reward. Just because an MMORPG got a strong focus on PvP, ain’t it suddenly Dota or LoL, it’s and MMORPG with PvP. And yes, it is your fault to expect it to be like GW I, because you know what? They made it clear all ready in the beginning that it wouldn’t be anything like GW I. If you like to rush mindless out and buy stuff without reading about it. Then it’s your problem, just don’t come here complaining you didn’t get what you “thought” you would get.
Really? no skill, come face me in a 1vs1 Elysian Rose.5283:, and we will see if it’s just a matter of “spamming”
So basically you’re telling me they (insert oldest profession in the world in the verb past tense because kittens) the Guild Wars name to sell a game that was nothing like it. Shame on them then.
it felt like PVE was a boring drag and PVP is the only thing worth doing.
PvP is the ONLY thing worth doing in any game.
To me it is, PvE is just scripted Ai that anyone can beat, I knew that this game was basically a balanced PvP game with a PvE social element.
This was after a short search on the game.
Having said that I find the PvE to be quite enjoyable, similar to WoW type questing but different enough to be it’s own system, not better, just different, I have been playing since prelaunch and I still have to get a character above lvl 25.
This much was true until I tried the dungeons I mean sure its scripted but it was pretty different, its like playing a single player game with other people with no dedicated roles. And it was kinda fun to see the cross profession combos at work.
But yeah since the dungeon patch and low rewards, the high risk, the high ingame tax…. it totally become not worth the time or effort put in, so yeah right now PVP is about the only thing enjoyable to me.
Which ironically is the same fate as the first Guildwars.
You’re missing the point. This game was marketed as an MMORPG, it was all about continuing the story yada yada yada. I didn’t spend hours researching it. All i knew is that i loved GW1, and this was called Guild Wars 2. Can I be faulted for expecting it to be at least similar?
I’ve never played any other MMOs, ever. Guild Wars was the first, and obviously the last. again, if I wanted gear to be irrelevant, I’d play dota or LoL. otherwise, they need to re-market this is an RTS and refund everybody who bought it for the MMO element, IMO.
You do know what MMO means I take it?
You also should know what an RTS is
Eve Online is also marketed as a MMO, yet that has no PvE to speak off, the MMO comes in PvP.
There are group activities all through GW2, both PvP AND PvE.
If you don’t like the game, fair enough but to say it isn’t a MMO is ignorant to say the least.
If you think MMO means mindless gear grinding so you can own new players, well you know where to go.
(edited by snadge.2483)
pls do not make this game ever a gear treadmill, there’s a lot of us who enjoy the game as it is gear-wise atm and most of us don’t come to the forums because we are playing.
also the making gear “worthless” in pvp has always been my dream in MMO’s, finally it happened! thank you Anet!
Why don’t you just stick with LoL then? The PvP is much more polished because… it’s a PvP game.
If Anet wanted to make this a quasi RTS they should have stipulated that from the beginning. I sure as hell wouldn’t have purchased it.
well, i would say “why you dont stick with the other MMOs where you can win because you have better gear and not because you play better”
while i don’t see the sPvp in GW2 as a “quasi RTS” i ask you:
you want power from gear on pvp? why?
you want to win because of your gear, and not because of your skills?Dude, please don’t insult the gaming skills of everybody on here by suggesting it requires skill to play GW2. You have number 1, which is your autoattack. Then you have cookiecutter 2-5 that you have no control over and any other players of the same class and the same wep have THE EXACT SAME THING, so there’s no tinkering. then you have 6-10 which are going to be nearly identical to everybody else, because anet was too lazy to make a plethora of skills like gw1.
so, click 1, auto attack, spam the other skills. and before you tell me i’m playing it wrong, I was like, 80-3 in WvW in less than 40 mins. this game requires no skill, just an ability to click, press 1, then alt tab while you go read something/watch something more interesting.
again, if they had said from the beginning they were making a pvp quasi-rts, then i’d have had this coming. but this was an MMORPG-branded sequel to another MMORPG. Don’t act like I had unrealistic expectations.
you are comparing general pvp with WvW? WvW is about strategy, not your combat skills, it sure helps but yeah, you are not wrong when you say that you can win WvW just playing 1 (since you will just got carry but the zerg)
have you ever tried a dungeon or a SPvp match? you don’t seem like someone that have done it alot (or sucessful)