GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


If you’re all just going to cry over a new tier of items, why even have god kitten items in this game? Why have fine, masterwork, rare, or exotic tiers? It’s too unfair for those who only have lower tier items! We should just eliminate all items for ever so the babies don’t have to collect a single piece of gear forever.

That is a very valid concern, even if stated in a very childish manner.

Childish? Look at all these other posts by the people crying over ascended. They want everything handed to them and when things went in a different direction they all act like its the end of the world. I swear some of these people are crying themselves to sleep.

Compared to some of the posts by all these other people this was hardly childish.

Standard MMO community procedures, did you not receive the manual?

Out of all the MMOs I’ve ever played, even in the most Pay to win F2P MMOs, I’ve NEVER seen a MMO community more selfish and pathetic as this one.

Well, my friend. Our job here is to set the bar as low as possible and I believe if we work together we can achieve this grand task.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daizengar.9836


We understand that you feel entitled to a gear grind game.

Just as I understand you feel entitled to having everything handed to you. Moving on.

What you don’t understand is that these “few words from the past” as you call it – were the main reason many people were interested in this game in the first place.

Everyone has their reasons why they picked up this game. You can’t please everyone. Some will eventually learn to accept the change. Some will not and will leave. Their choice.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daizengar.9836


If you’re all just going to cry over a new tier of items, why even have god kitten items in this game? Why have fine, masterwork, rare, or exotic tiers? It’s too unfair for those who only have lower tier items! We should just eliminate all items for ever so the babies don’t have to collect a single piece of gear forever.

That is a very valid concern, even if stated in a very childish manner.

Childish? Look at all these other posts by the people crying over ascended. They want everything handed to them and when things went in a different direction they all act like its the end of the world. I swear some of these people are crying themselves to sleep.

Compared to some of the posts by all these other people this was hardly childish.

Standard MMO community procedures, did you not receive the manual?

Out of all the MMOs I’ve ever played, even in the most Pay to win F2P MMOs, I’ve NEVER seen a MMO community more selfish and pathetic as this one.

Well, my friend. Our job here is to set the bar as low as possible and I believe if we work together we can achieve this grand task.

I’m not even kidding. These people think THEY’RE betrayed? They haven’t played a F2P MMO with a cash shop yet. They have it lucky.

I’ll say their tears are justified when ANet makes it so some random rich kid can buy the best gear from the Tradepost by paying real money and proceed to take on an army singlehandedly and win. Now that is betraying the fan base.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


If you’re all just going to cry over a new tier of items, why even have god kitten items in this game? Why have fine, masterwork, rare, or exotic tiers? It’s too unfair for those who only have lower tier items! We should just eliminate all items for ever so the babies don’t have to collect a single piece of gear forever.

That is a very valid concern, even if stated in a very childish manner.

Childish? Look at all these other posts by the people crying over ascended. They want everything handed to them and when things went in a different direction they all act like its the end of the world. I swear some of these people are crying themselves to sleep.

Compared to some of the posts by all these other people this was hardly childish.

Standard MMO community procedures, did you not receive the manual?

Out of all the MMOs I’ve ever played, even in the most Pay to win F2P MMOs, I’ve NEVER seen a MMO community more selfish and pathetic as this one.

Well, my friend. Our job here is to set the bar as low as possible and I believe if we work together we can achieve this grand task.

I’m not even kidding. These people think THEY’RE betrayed? They haven’t played a F2P MMO with a cash shop yet. They have it lucky.

Well it seems like these days when a new game comes out people have this set vision of that the game will be like, and if the actual game doesn’t match their vision then it’s time to launch an attention attack and cry as much as possible.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elricht Kaltwind.8796

Elricht Kaltwind.8796

Out of all the MMOs I’ve ever played, even in the most Pay to win F2P MMOs, I’ve NEVER seen a MMO community more selfish and pathetic as this one.

I am so deeply embarrassed to say that this is sadly true. This is a dark day for the community. Not because of some new gear… but because we now see just how many awful, irrational people are in it.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daizengar.9836


If you’re all just going to cry over a new tier of items, why even have god kitten items in this game? Why have fine, masterwork, rare, or exotic tiers? It’s too unfair for those who only have lower tier items! We should just eliminate all items for ever so the babies don’t have to collect a single piece of gear forever.

That is a very valid concern, even if stated in a very childish manner.

Childish? Look at all these other posts by the people crying over ascended. They want everything handed to them and when things went in a different direction they all act like its the end of the world. I swear some of these people are crying themselves to sleep.

Compared to some of the posts by all these other people this was hardly childish.

Standard MMO community procedures, did you not receive the manual?

Out of all the MMOs I’ve ever played, even in the most Pay to win F2P MMOs, I’ve NEVER seen a MMO community more selfish and pathetic as this one.

Well, my friend. Our job here is to set the bar as low as possible and I believe if we work together we can achieve this grand task.

I’m not even kidding. These people think THEY’RE betrayed? They haven’t played a F2P MMO with a cash shop yet. They have it lucky.

Well it seems like these days when a new game comes out people have this set vision of that the game will be like, and if the actual game doesn’t match their vision then it’s time to launch an attention attack and cry as much as possible.

It’s fine to be upset, but all I can see are people who can’t deal with change. GW2 was never supposed to be a static game. It was an evolving MMO. It has to move in a direction, and it’s not always going to be one that everyone will like. If they can’t learn to accept that then its simply their loss.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


Childish? Look at all these other posts by the people crying over ascended. They want everything handed to them and when things went in a different direction they all act like its the end of the world. I swear some of these people are crying themselves to sleep.

Compared to some of the posts by all these other people this was hardly childish.

Expressing outrage when a betrayal has been relieved is not childish. Many times when this happens there are much more harsh repercussions than a few words of text.

If, let’s say, Tetris implemented a gear treadmill, and somehow was able to deny anyone from playing the previous iterations of the game, do you think that the fans of the game should be happy because they “got new content for free?”. Of course not, that is just crazy, Tetris isn’t a kind of game where you implement some sort of gear treadmill.. How about the game of Chess?… what if everyone was forced to play chess where those that played more started out with an extra Bishop, Knight, or hell, even second King just because they played the game for longer? What about if Quake, Unreal Tournament, or Counter Strike added a gear treadmill?… do you think that the fans of those games would like any of these changes, especially if they are forced to either accept these changes or forever abandon these games.

Those examples might sound ridiculous because those games are skill based games. Guild Wars 2 was advertised as being similar, similar to many non-MMO games… and advertised to many non-MMO gamers where skill is what is valued most.

If you try to look at this from the perspective of the non-MMO player, who picked up GW2 because of it’s stated difference from other MMO’s and it’s similarity to many non-MMO games, you can see that this really wasn’t what many people wanted.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


It’s only the forum community that acts like this though, I love in game community.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xtorma.1283


They’re “moving away” from it because they introduced new items? rofl you people are ridiculous.

You’re ridiculous. If you had read any of the old interviews or even the manifesto you wouldn’t even need to doubt this.
But please, by all means, keep your head in the clouds.

I’m ridiculous? Why’s that, because I’m being pretty kitten honest and not jumping on this bizarre bandwagon of butthurt with you and everyone else? Because I’m not linking screenshots of me asking for a refund over the addition of new items and calling for others to do the same, as if it proves some point? Rofl this is unbelievable.

Seriously man, take a step back for a second and look at what it is you’re crying yourself to sleep over. The addition of a few new items that aren’t even as good as other items that already exist in the game. I mean are you joking?

No. They are moving away from it because they introduced an amazingly incredible grind for gear. I spent 6+ hours in the new instance with 3 different groups. I got 25 relics for my time and 1 rare ring.

Mind telling me why exactly you’re doing a completely optional grind if you don’t want to and don’t have to? Seems like a bit of a weird thing to do.

If you like this grind, more power to you. I’m happy that you have a game that you can enjoy for a few weeks before the next WoW patch.

Okay well first off, don’t insult me by implying that I’m a WoW player, because the only MMO I ever played in my life besides Guild Wars 2 is Guild Wars. And second, yes, if I like the grind for Ascended gear, more power to me. You have basically summarised my entire point. If I want to do an optional grind, more power to me. Just like if I wanted to do the already-existing optional grind for a Legendary weapon, more power to me. If you don’t want to do an optional grind, then don’t. Because a skilled player with a Weaponsmith sword will beat a crap player with a max-stat Ascended sword any day of the week, with his eyes closed.

What about two equally skilled players one with uber sword , one with crap sword.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krookie.6378


Well it seems like these days when a new game comes out people have this set vision of that the game will be like, and if the actual game doesn’t match their vision then it’s time to launch an attention attack and cry as much as possible.

No. It’s not that we had this “set vision of what the game will be like.” This “set vision” was actively advertized by ArenaNet absolutely everywhere. Comic-cons, gaming-cons, magazines, preview articles. Hell, even ArenaNet’s own blog, Twitter and Facebook.

This vision lasted about 3 months and now we got dungeon gear grinding and hot pink gear. Both of which are a complete contradiction of what was advertized prior to game’s release. I know I purchased the game specifically because it was advertized to not be what it is now, as of this patch.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


Well it seems like these days when a new game comes out people have this set vision of that the game will be like, and if the actual game doesn’t match their vision then it’s time to launch an attention attack and cry as much as possible.

No. It’s not that we had this “set vision of what the game will be like.” This “set vision” was actively advertized by ArenaNet absolutely everywhere. Comic-cons, gaming-cons, magazines, preview articles. Hell, even ArenaNet’s own blog, Twitter and Facebook.

This vision lasted about 3 months and now we got dungeon gear grinding and hot pink gear. Both of which are a complete contradiction of what was advertized prior to game’s release. I know I purchased the game specifically because it was advertized to not be what it is now, as of this patch.

Dungeon gear grinding was out since release…?

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Columba.9730


These new items are must haves to compete in wvwvw, and there is only one way to get them – crappy dungeon grinds that many of us Hate.

Wow, it’s not very often that I would do this, but I’m actually going to encourage you to quit the game. Please.

Weird that players of any decent skill can compete in WvW with level 20 characters, and level 20 gear, but apparently you can’t even compete without top-tier weapons.

If you actually examine the game’s mechanics, I think an enormous facepalm would be in order. I mean you do realise that the majority of stats are actually innate to a character based on the distribution of attribute points, right? All gear actually does is let you further specialise your stats in whatever direction you want to take. I have no doubt whatsoever that I would be able to beat a less-skilled player than me with gear that isn’t even max level, let alone top-tier. A big part of that is my character’s innate stats and being able to distribute my attributes into a well-thought-out build, and an even bigger part of that is player skill. The idea that someone could care so kitten much about a tiny difference in gear stats says to me that that person probably doesn’t even understand how this game fundamentally works, let alone have any skill at it.

lol have you closely examined the stats of these items? they aren’t small improvements. Yes, stats Do matter.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elricht Kaltwind.8796

Elricht Kaltwind.8796

What about two equally skilled players one with uber sword , one with crap sword.

Too many variables. In this case, whichever player’s build is more effective against the other player’s would be the winner. One player could (and this is nearly always the case) have a great build, but be unable to use it to effectively counter the enemy’s which happens to be better at countering his own. This is the way Guild Wars worked, and it is the way Guild Wars 2 works. Guild Wars 2 is actually more open-ended in that sense, because in Guild Wars, some professions were inherently more effective against other professions; a limitation that is no longer present in Guild Wars 2.

At any rate, you can be sure as hell that an extra 20 DPS or an extra 100 HP is not going to make one ounce of a difference in the equation. What will make the difference is build, each player’s ability to dodge, prediction, and not only an insightful selection of skills but also using them at the right time.

lol have you closely examined the stats of these items? they aren’t small improvements. Yes, stats Do matter.

No, I haven’t. Know why? Because we don’t know what they are yet.

We also don’t know how Legendaries are going to be buffed yet.

(edited by Elricht Kaltwind.8796)

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krookie.6378


Mind telling me why exactly you’re doing a completely optional grind if you don’t want to and don’t have to? Seems like a bit of a weird thing to do.

It’s not an optional grind. The items have better stats and are pretty much a requirement.

Okay well first off, don’t insult me by implying that I’m a WoW player, because the only MMO I ever played in my life besides Guild Wars 2 is Guild Wars. And second, yes, if I like the grind for Ascended gear, more power to me. You have basically summarised my entire point. If I want to do an optional grind, more power to me. Just like if I wanted to do the already-existing optional grind for a Legendary weapon, more power to me. If you don’t want to do an optional grind, then don’t. Because a skilled player with a Weaponsmith sword will beat a crap player with a max-stat Ascended sword any day of the week, with his eyes closed.

What about two equally skilled players one with uber sword , one with crap sword.

Stop being so sensitive. The issue is not skilled player vs noob player. It’s skilled player with exotics vs skilled player with ascended armor/weapons. We can hypothesize about this all day. The fact is that the superior quality items are pretty much a requirement simply because they are better.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


These new items are must haves to compete in wvwvw, and there is only one way to get them – crappy dungeon grinds that many of us Hate.

Wow, it’s not very often that I would do this, but I’m actually going to encourage you to quit the game. Please.

Weird that players of any decent skill can compete in WvW with level 20 characters, and level 20 gear, but apparently you can’t even compete without top-tier weapons.

If you actually examine the game’s mechanics, I think an enormous facepalm would be in order. I mean you do realise that the majority of stats are actually innate to a character based on the distribution of attribute points, right? All gear actually does is let you further specialise your stats in whatever direction you want to take. I have no doubt whatsoever that I would be able to beat a less-skilled player than me with gear that isn’t even max level, let alone top-tier. A big part of that is my character’s innate stats and being able to distribute my attributes into a well-thought-out build, and an even bigger part of that is player skill. The idea that someone could care so kitten much about a tiny difference in gear stats says to me that that person probably doesn’t even understand how this game fundamentally works, let alone have any skill at it.

lol have you closely examined the stats of these items? they aren’t small improvements. Yes, stats Do matter.

Not in a zerg against a zerg they don’t

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Columba.9730


not all of us zerg in wvwvw. lol.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


not all of us zerg in wvwvw. lol.

Unless you run solo then it won’t matter either

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krookie.6378


not all of us zerg in wvwvw. lol.

Unless you run solo then it won’t matter either

Seems like you haven’t done much WvW. You should try it some time, it’s pretty fun.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


not all of us zerg in wvwvw. lol.

Unless you run solo then it won’t matter either

Seems like you haven’t done much WvW. You should try it some time, it’s pretty fun.

Oh, care to enlighten me with your knowledge?

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krookie.6378


Not until you explain that “unless you run solo” nonsense. I’d like to see your reasoning.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


Not until you explain that “unless you run solo” nonsense. I’d like to see your reasoning.

Run solo meaning you go around looking for 1vsX fights.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Columba.9730


I think he’d like you to prove that stats never matter unless you run solo. can you share your monte carlo simulations please?

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: captaincrash.6528


This really isn’t that big a deal, people claim this is the first step down the ‘slippery slope’ but I reckon that’s pretty stupid, like saying in development when they decided they’d have both rare and exotic items that that is what started the ‘fall’

Im thinking with the new upgrade mechanic (name eludes me) they felt that it wasnt appropriate to attatch it to the already existing exotic items so they needed to create a new tier and felt this was the best way to introduce it. Ascendant items are different from exotics because of the upgrade and if you think theyre gonna keep pumping in new ways to upgrade stuff like this (thus creating more tiers) youre crying for the sake of crying

Anet felt this was the proper direction to go in for the kind of items they wanted in the game, it’s not setting off a chain of events leading to tier upon tier, that wont happen, im almost positive. Its hardly even a grind and if you dont like the way this is handled then go find a new game, youre not paying them monthly so they dont have to please you in particular with every update. Go play something else.

Crash ~ Charr Reaper

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krookie.6378


Not until you explain that “unless you run solo” nonsense. I’d like to see your reasoning.

Run solo meaning you go around looking for 1vsX fights.

No, I mean how do stats only matter if you run solo? What if with another person against 15 enemies, do stats not matter anymore because there are 2 of us?

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


Anet felt this was the proper direction to go…

You act as if chasing after the WoW user base hasn’t killed off many MMO’s in the past. Sure Anet might feel this is best for the game right now, they are probably just as confident all those other failures did when they were chasing after WoW locusts.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xtorma.1283


It’s done. This is how they believe they can best raise revenue, and they went with it. If it works, they win, if it doesn’t they look for another way. Anyone who thinks anet is of the gamer, for the gamer, by the gamer, is living in fantasyland.

Bottomline is they will be just as quick to throw any contingent under the bus, if it means bigger profits. The manefesto crowd is just the first contingent they chose.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


Not until you explain that “unless you run solo” nonsense. I’d like to see your reasoning.

Run solo meaning you go around looking for 1vsX fights.

No, I mean how do stats only matter if you run solo? What if with another person against 15 enemies, do stats not matter anymore because there are 2 of us?

Yes, in that example stats don’t matter either because you are dead either way.

Oh and to expand, the enemy team is not the only team that will have these items, your teammates will also have them.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xtorma.1283


Mind telling me why exactly you’re doing a completely optional grind if you don’t want to and don’t have to? Seems like a bit of a weird thing to do.

It’s not an optional grind. The items have better stats and are pretty much a requirement.

Okay well first off, don’t insult me by implying that I’m a WoW player, because the only MMO I ever played in my life besides Guild Wars 2 is Guild Wars. And second, yes, if I like the grind for Ascended gear, more power to me. You have basically summarised my entire point. If I want to do an optional grind, more power to me. Just like if I wanted to do the already-existing optional grind for a Legendary weapon, more power to me. If you don’t want to do an optional grind, then don’t. Because a skilled player with a Weaponsmith sword will beat a crap player with a max-stat Ascended sword any day of the week, with his eyes closed.

What about two equally skilled players one with uber sword , one with crap sword.

Stop being so sensitive. The issue is not skilled player vs noob player. It’s skilled player with exotics vs skilled player with ascended armor/weapons. We can hypothesize about this all day. The fact is that the superior quality items are pretty much a requirement simply because they are better.

I didn’t insult anyone, i just asked a question.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krookie.6378


Mind telling me why exactly you’re doing a completely optional grind if you don’t want to and don’t have to? Seems like a bit of a weird thing to do.

It’s not an optional grind. The items have better stats and are pretty much a requirement.

Okay well first off, don’t insult me by implying that I’m a WoW player, because the only MMO I ever played in my life besides Guild Wars 2 is Guild Wars. And second, yes, if I like the grind for Ascended gear, more power to me. You have basically summarised my entire point. If I want to do an optional grind, more power to me. Just like if I wanted to do the already-existing optional grind for a Legendary weapon, more power to me. If you don’t want to do an optional grind, then don’t. Because a skilled player with a Weaponsmith sword will beat a crap player with a max-stat Ascended sword any day of the week, with his eyes closed.

What about two equally skilled players one with uber sword , one with crap sword.

Stop being so sensitive. The issue is not skilled player vs noob player. It’s skilled player with exotics vs skilled player with ascended armor/weapons. We can hypothesize about this all day. The fact is that the superior quality items are pretty much a requirement simply because they are better.

I didn’t insult anyone, i just asked a question.

No, you said that I somehow insulted you. That’s why I asked you to stop being so sensitive because my intention wasn’t to insult someone.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: captaincrash.6528


Anet felt this was the proper direction to go…

You act as if chasing after the WoW user base hasn’t killed off many MMO’s in the past. Sure Anet might feel this is best for the game right now, they are probably just as confident all those other failures did when they were chasing after WoW locusts.

I played WoW for 5 years and I can’t see how this is chasing the WoW model. Ascended gear is a new style of gear while in WoW they offer purple gear with extra stats. The same thing but ‘bigger, better.’ This isn’t that

Crash ~ Charr Reaper

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Space Cow.2431

Space Cow.2431

It’s actually a process of grieving that everyone is going through right now.

I think that sums it up nicely.

GW1 was lovely, for me. I could happily head off and adventure on my own (with heroes to accompany me), or join a team of players and cooperatively tackle a dungeon or such like, or hop into some PvP. I could spend cash with the certainty of getting the thing I wanted for it. I didn’t need Obsidian Armor to be able to beat up Dhuum (but the option to pose in it was there if I wanted to grind for it). If I wanted to survive Spectral Agony, I just needed to run through half a mission to get my whole armor set Infused.

Maybe I’m looking at all of this through rose-tinted glasses, and things aren’t all that bad. All I know is that, up until the experiences of today, I’d be in-game right now, rather than here, mourning.

This is exactly how I feel.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xtorma.1283


It still is a shining beacon of hope. It’s just now a beacon for wow players that don’t want to pay a monthly subscription.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadow Blade.1324

Shadow Blade.1324

Yes, in that example stats don’t matter either because you are dead either way.

actually they matter more, that extra +vitality could keep you alive long enough to pop mistform and swap to air to out run the the group if you are an ele or use similar skills as another class

i wish the devs had a consistent vision and didn’t push out content they know is flawed

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


I dont think 100 more hp will help you live that much longer against 15 people.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eijolend.2485


Why have fine, masterwork, rare, or exotic tiers? It’s too unfair for those who only have lower tier items! We should just eliminate all items for ever so the babies don’t have to collect a single piece of gear forever.

While you meant this as taunting, actually that would be even better than the current system. We just kinda put up with the exotics (which some people already thought are too much because dungeons are still a little bit about gear and you aren’t immediately at the point where only skill matters), because they were there from the beginning, the amount of time to get them was kinda reasonable and most importantly there was an end in sight.

Personally I would be perfectly content when every armor in the game had the same stats as the stuff you can buy from a vendor for a few copper and get started with the interesting dungeons without ever having to worry about stats anymore. – Because the dungeons and the looks are the fun part, not the better stats on the items.
If I’m not good enough to complete a dungeon – so be it, but I don’t want to come back later with better gear and steamroll it just because of stats, there are enough other games that offer that experience, which I consciously don’t choose to play anymore.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Missy.7356


From my personal view I played GW1 for 6yrs on and off, I had my times where I went to look for something better/different. I always ended up going back. I tried WoW Aion, hey I even tried PWI… usually for 3mths and this is the stage im at with GW2

Someone said to me, this isnt GW1 this is GW2, a different game, so after being told/hyped that this would be GW1 with all the things they couldnt do with the old engine, dont hate on the people that have reacted the way they have.

The difference is after being away for 3mths at a time, I could just jump back into GW1, if i take a break from GW2 will I be able to do that? Highly doubtful, so the chances are some wont be back.. the difference from what they left to whatever present will be to vast, they wont be able to just jump back into any new content.

I personally dont care about legendary/dungeon armour being hard to obtain, that is something for someone to work for as long it it give no extra benefits over an armour I can obtain differently, if i like an amour/weapon I wilI work for it.. but I dont want to work for something because I have too..

In all honesty GW1 spoilt us, and this is not GW1.

I have to agree, some of us are mourning, going thro all the stages that entails, before we take that step to move on.
I do hope in a couple of months when some of these people havent logged in I hope Anet actually asks them why. Forums are not a good place to get your point across and I would prefer another way of expressing why I feel let down.

On another note some of my friends are still having fun.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


I know. Let’s remove item drops from the game altogether. Everyone starts out with the same weapon and gear, and nobody ever gets to upgrade anything ever through the whole storyline.

The GW1 elitists will clap and cheer the simplicity of this notion, but I think any serious MMO player will understand that this wouldn’t promote a fun environment at all.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tempest.1254


My god, the things people say over a few new items. I’ve never seen crying this pathetic ever, over such kittening little things.

I think you’ve entirely missed the point.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ballistic.4531


My god, the things people say over a few new items. I’ve never seen crying this pathetic ever, over such kittening little things.

I think you’ve entirely missed the point.

Yeah he did.

This world needs more people being frank and less people being offended.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


They added a new tier of gear trough dungeons – This is WoW 2.0 now and it will not end.
They dint add WvW rewards on par with new PvE tier – much confusion in the WvW community.

No matter how you look at GW2 we where promised to quit the game log back in 6 months later and not forced to play the catchup to new tier grind.
Behold 3 months down the lane…

WvW has alot of problems……so many problems…i do not see fixes 3 months down the lane….
Call me a doomsayer or a hater, i ve had nothing but love for Anet, but i feel left out.
Still i have 600 hours down in WvW so it was worth every euro spend for sure.

But it ends when Planetside 2 is our in 3 days, might come back to see what changed in WvW.
Wait and see i gues from here on, but not playing GW2 after this weekend.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


I know. Let’s remove item drops from the game altogether. Everyone starts out with the same weapon and gear, and nobody ever gets to upgrade anything ever through the whole storyline.

The GW1 elitists will clap and cheer the simplicity of this notion, but I think any serious MMO player will understand that this wouldn’t promote a fun environment at all.

False. Perpetually escalating stats do nothing positive for a game, they just give insecure people a way to feel more elite in a fantasy world. Oh, sure, there has to be a sense of progression, but there are a 1000 better ways to do it that encourage the development of player skill and strategy over separating people out by how much grinding they’ve done.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Look guys, I am not trying to whine here.

The massive amount of untested content / bugs were fine, the ramptant hacking / botting / cheatting was ok, but the day Arenanet turned on their manifesto I actually felt pretty terrible.

This isn’t supposed to be a whining thread, its about a gamer who was let down big time not because a company failed to deliver, but because they turned on what they believed in so vocally. I know how MMO launches go, not always the smoothest. This isn’t an MMO launch issue.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lagrangeify.5641


I’m going to adopt the tiniest voice possible when I say that there is another way of looking at this – ANet have already been far more active in trying to evolve the game with stuff than any other MMO operator that I’ve ever known. Perhaps only Trion are similarly proactive when it comes to their game, and they charge a sub.

I’m not saying you should suck up what you don’t approve of, just bear in mind that what this isn’t a case of, is a hands off developer operating a policy of fire and forget, post launch. Anything but.

My pint is half-full. I paid £40 for a game that contains an absolute ton of stuff for me to do, some 2 months after purchase. Most devs would have charged a micro-transaction for this latest set of events…..and frankly had ANet done that then I’d be joining the bloody revolution. But they didn’t, the gave it to us for free, warts and all.

The sense of drama on this forum far out-strips what I would personally think of as verging on hysteria, over a game that makes no financial demands of you whatsoever in order that you can take part….or indeed to not take part.

Some perspective gently offered, though I’ve no doubt I’ll get my face chewed off.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ballistic.4531


The massive amount of untested content / bugs were fine, the ramptant hacking / botting / cheatting was ok, but the day Arenanet turned on their manifesto I actually felt pretty terrible.

This! I was actually here to stay. I would look away from those problems this game has in hope they would eventually fix them, but this is just plain wrong and goes against everything they stood for.

This world needs more people being frank and less people being offended.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sundial.9015


I’m going to adopt the tiniest voice possible when I say that there is another way of looking at this – ANet have already been far more active in trying to evolve the game with stuff than any other MMO operator that I’ve ever known. Perhaps only Trion are similarly proactive when it comes to their game, and they charge a sub.

I’m not saying you should suck up what you don’t approve of, just bear in mind that what this isn’t a case of, is a hands off developer operating a policy of fire and forget, post launch. Anything but.

My pint is half-full. I paid £40 for a game that contains an absolute ton of stuff for me to do, some 2 months after purchase. Most devs would have charged a micro-transaction for this latest set of events…..and frankly had ANet done that then I’d be joining the bloody revolution. But they didn’t, the gave it to us for free, warts and all.

The sense of drama on this forum far out-strips what I would personally think of as verging on hysteria, over a game that makes no financial demands of you whatsoever in order that you can take part….or indeed to not take part.

Some perspective gently offered, though I’ve no doubt I’ll get my face chewed off.

Like I said, this isn’t it even about the money. This is about a broken promise. Sub or not, I just want what they promised me in the manifesto back.

I don’t think money should ever be used as a way to justify this kind of thing.

Are we gamers really so shallow that all we can think with is our wallets and not our love for a game?

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ballistic.4531


Are we gamers really so shallow that all we can think with is our wallets and not our love for a game?

The gaming companies only think with their wallets. I honestly thought Anet would be different. So why not give them a taste of their own medicine?

This world needs more people being frank and less people being offended.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tetsuo.7318


Are we gamers really so shallow that all we can think with is our wallets and not our love for a game?

The gaming companies only think with their wallets. I honestly thought Anet would be different. So why not give them a taste of their own medicine?

Every company in existence is like this, and has to be thats how our economy works you know welcome to reality my friend.

(edited by tetsuo.7318)

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dalendria.3762


Usually when a company makes a radical change in direction, it is because a new leader has joined or stepped into a new role. That person has a completely different vision and sells executive leadership or the board of directors on the idea that their approach is better and will increase revenue/profit.

I suspect that has happened here. It seems like someone new has taken over or has a stronger voice. That person probably believes that gear progression (treadmill) is the only way to retain customers and attract new ones.

Here is the sad part. Even if my above speculation is true, what proof do you have of that? The best evidence is WOW, a subscription-based game. And it has more than just new gear. It has the holy trinity, raids, griefing, and elitism. It has a toxic community that frequently insults people in map chat (ranging from “noob” to racial/sexist remarks). Do you really want to overhaul your game design/vision in order to capture a percentage of WOW-like customers?

Where is the evidence that a buy-once MMO retains customers by using a gear treadmill? More importantly, how does this achieve the goals of your business model?

What incentive do people that love “gear treadmills or griefing” have to purchase items in the cash shop? Are you going to start adding “pay to win” items in the store? That is the only reason I see those type of players buying anything.

Gear treadmills are not fun. People who love that style of play do not care about having fun (just enjoying a game for the content, exploration, etc). People who are truly enjoying your game are more likely to spend money in the cash shop. Unfortunately, with this radical change in direction, those people will stop buying items, possibly stop playing and avoid any expansion, especially if it introduces a new gear tier.

Can you feel it? HOT HOT HOT

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ballistic.4531


Are we gamers really so shallow that all we can think with is our wallets and not our love for a game?

The gaming companies only think with their wallets. I honestly thought Anet would be different. So why not give them a taste of their own medicine?

Every company i n existence is like this thats how our economy works you know welcome to reality my friend,.

I know, but thinking only with their wallet isn’t the same as wanting profit. Two completely different things, my friend.

This world needs more people being frank and less people being offended.

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lagrangeify.5641


Like I said, this isn’t it even about the money. This is about a broken promise. Sub or not, I just want what they promised me in the manifesto back.

I don’t think money should ever be used as a way to justify this kind of thing.

Are we gamers really so shallow that all we can think with is our wallets and not our love for a game?

It’s not that I don’t see where you’re coming from. Believe me when I say that as a ranger I have my own frustrations beyond the frustrations with a sudden unveiling of further gear grind. I just think the general outpouring of unbelievably high strength vitriol dwarfs the issues themselves, by an absolute country mile.

And as for the money aspect, many less progressive MMOs come with a subscription charge in order to provide you what ANet has given for free in a mere two months of being live. You may wish to pass this off as an irrelevance, but if we’re going to talk about shining beacons then for me anyway, that qualifies.

I know, I know. Calling on people to try to keep in perspective is not the done thing. Maybe it’s my age, but I’m patently less inclined to throw the baby out with the bath water than many of the “that’s it! I QUIT!” people out there…I mean, seriously? Quitting a game that’s already been paid for but continues to provide stuff to do for many? I admit it, I just don’t get it.