Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits
Don’t know what you guys are complaining about. The transmutation system didn’t change. They didn’t suddenly want to make it a charity. They streamlined it.
And you can still equip multiple sets of armor. Those claiming you require charges to do so need to look closely at what they are doing because you certainly do not need charges to equip a different set of armor.
the price did change dramatically for people who are playing low levels alts. previously, you could keep your alts skinned the way you liked simply by playing them and clearing maps.
One thing that needs improving, having issue with my guild being sent into many diffrent servers of harathi hinterlands…and as an rp guild this makes life hard as hell.
Why isn’t there a drop down list to let us choose which one we want to go to so we can stick with our freinds when the sorting out fails like it did in harathi
What really blows my mind, other than what I already stated in a previous post, is that this patch completely screws over options and aesthetics in a game where the entire endgame comes down to options and aesthetics. Why turn clothing into tonics? Why block out some of the unique rewards from PVPing, especially in the same move giving them to a very select few who don’t care about using them in the PVE world and basically giving the people who were bummed about using them in the rest of the game the finger? What kind of logic is this?
Also the join freind in party in other server thing…is to working what so ever, and has really mucked up one rp event in our guild, ta
Just a quick question, cuz reading through 9 pages is quite a lot:
If i got Skins in the past but dont longer obtain them are they showing up in the wardrobe? I didnt transmute em, i simply deleted em, but they have been soulbound to a character.
If you deleted them, and did not have them on you at the time of the patch, you don’t get the skins.
The only skins you get are the skins you are wearing, the skins of whatever items you might have transmuted those skins over and the skins of the PvP gear you were wearing. When you enter the Heart of the Mist for the first time you should also unlock any skins that were in your locker. By going to a Black Lion Armor, near the BLTC outpost in each of the starter cities you can also unlock any town clothes you had, if they’re available as skins, which most aren’t.
All other skins you must re-obtain by either wearing them again, or salvaging them.
Yeah, a lot of the stuff in the patch did not need doing…as it mucks few working things up, and in my opinion was a bit of a waste of you devs time
Most of the updates are okay but I have to agree with a lot of the others here. I am not a fan of how town clothes are being handled now. Potions, transmutation charges to wear my Santa hat, it is all much less user friendly and with new clunky UI to boot!
Not quite the “quality of life” change that was advertised. Do not get me wrong, most of the other changes are fine but how town clothes are now handled, from my point of view that was a major leap backwards.
Ah right, just got stuck on a server during a rollout..was very odd
I cannot find my “Celebration Hat” (baseball cap for launch) even after logging into every one of my toons, checking their backpacks for tonics, checking the wardrobe for unlocks, and after visiting the Black Lion Armor merchant to trigger conversions. The wiki says it is a consumable but isn’t specific. I’ve looked through my bank and bags and cannot find it.
1. Where should it be located? (Wardrobe vault, bags, bank, etc.?)
2. What form does it take now? (tonic, headgear, etc.?)
3. Does it still have the name “Celebration Hat?”
Will those of us who unlocked the Mad Memoires Complete Edition get access to the normal MM skin?
I cannot find my “Celebration Hat” (baseball cap for launch) even after logging into every one of my toons, checking their backpacks for tonics, checking the wardrobe for unlocks, and after visiting the Black Lion Armor merchant to trigger conversions. The wiki says it is a consumable but isn’t specific. I’ve looked through my bank and bags and cannot find it.
1. Where should it be located? (Wardrobe vault, bags, bank, etc.?)
2. What form does it take now? (tonic, headgear, etc.?)
3. Does it still have the name “Celebration Hat?”
Good point! I’m also missing some gem store glasses that I bought. I put in a support ticket for that one, though.
Don’t know what you guys are complaining about. The transmutation system didn’t change. They didn’t suddenly want to make it a charity. They streamlined it.
I’m complaining because my Firebringer will now be called Zojja’s Blade, my Entropy, Zojja’s Warhammer.. . In fact every single unique item I have is now Zojja’s [random weapon/armor piece].
There was a guy with Wings of Dwayna skin. It’s called Molten Longbow now.. akward isn’kitten
Reposting here per moderator instruction:
The new wardrobe transmutation costs disadvantage new and leveling players.
With the exchange rate for old Transmutation Stones to new Transmutation Charges being 3:1, and each transmute costing 1 Charge, players who are not level 80 are now paying 3 times as much to transmute their gear.
This is especially disadvantageous since leveling is when you are most likely to want frequent transmutes, since you’re constantly swapping out old gear for new.
The change is great for vets and people not leveling alts; now your stack of 200 Transmutation Charges are still good for something after level 79!
But I’m kind of bummed about the change, since my highest-level toon is 32 at this moment. The old system accounted for this with cheaper transmutes for leveling players. Why did this go away?
(Original post, along with some good discussion, at
All I have to say:
Build hype, hopes broken, deal with it.
The outfits… they’re not as bad as I thought they’d be, but the stuff I bought with real money being turned into 15 minute tonics?
How I feel about that:
I put them in the bank. Didn’t play Guild Wars 2 aside from finishing my daily.
Fairly disappointed.
If you ask me its not cheap. With all the changes done, and like what I said a few post ago, The money that I may use to get transmutes is the same amount of money I can use to pay for Realm Reborn 60 day subs. Difference? The wardrobe skins there work way better than what happened here.
The changes to town clothes were basically as pathetic as I was afraid they would be. The colors used are dingy and dirty looking, which I find just astonishing from a company that claims to be as much about art as ArenaNet. I can’t imagine spending either real money or time spent in game (ie. game gold) to purchase either of the outfits I now have as tonics.
So, off to navigate the support area to get my gems back. Not that there’s anything in the shop worth buying this week. <sighs> I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished that the early promise that we would have access to all outfits seen on NPCs ingame was true.
I feel like ArenaNet decided to ditch the town clothes because they weren’t selling as well as hoped, when they never even put very many out to start with. Y’know, when all you’re selling is lemons and limes, you can’t blame all the folks who prefer apples, cherries, strawberries, canteloupe, watermelon, bananas, quinces, papaya, mango and pineapples for not liking fruit. If there had been a profusion of nice looking slacks, pants, skirts (long and short), shirts, hats, etc., I would likely have bought a bunch of ‘em. As it was, I found only two that I liked enough to spend money on. And now I want them to take those back because they’ve taken those away from me too.
All I have to say:
Build hype, hopes broken, deal with it.
More like “build broken hope. then break hope. deal with it”.
Reposting here per moderator instruction:
The new wardrobe transmutation costs disadvantage new and leveling players.
With the exchange rate for old Transmutation Stones to new Transmutation Charges being 3:1, and each transmute costing 1 Charge, players who are not level 80 are now paying 3 times as much to transmute their gear.
This is especially disadvantageous since leveling is when you are most likely to want frequent transmutes, since you’re constantly swapping out old gear for new.
The change is great for vets and people not leveling alts; now your stack of 200 Transmutation Charges are still good for something after level 79!
But I’m kind of bummed about the change, since my highest-level toon is 32 at this moment. The old system accounted for this with cheaper transmutes for leveling players. Why did this go away?
(Original post, along with some good discussion, at
Since you’re still low level, you have many opportunity to get Trans. Charge for free just by doing map completion. As for those who have 100% map completion, we’re SoL unless we roll another alt or forked up the money to buy some gems.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Wish they’d made the vault more like the pvp locker where armors were grouped by sets instead of by gloves, boots, etc. and then given us the option to separate them that way if we wanted to. It’s kinda of annoying now to look through armors as complete sets since you have to be typing and erasing each set name into the search bar (or going through and searching manually which is also a pain).
I don’t know how difficult it would be to implement a “group by set” option since that’s pretty much how the pvp locker already worked, but I think it’d be a nice QoL improvement.
Another thing is that the hero panel, as it is now, seems a bit clunky. Having to click back then on the equipment, wardrobe, or dye tab doesn’t seem as streamlined as just clicking once to switch from the equipment to the dye tab pre-patch. It’s not a huge problem, but I also don’t think it’d need a huge fix.
(edited by Georc.2958)
Town clothing I’ve bought with real money basically is now (more) useless (than ever) for me, since I can’t mix and match the pieces anymore. Tonic clothes can’t be colored, unless I’ve overlooked something. It would have been smart, and much more consequent, to simply scrap the whole town clothes category and instead make the town clothes pieces applicable to normal gear. In the end, we want to play in style everywhere, be it city, be it dungeon etc.
Also, the wardrobe system isn’t fun, with the transmutation charges in place. I know, you want to make money, but you could manage with all the other stuff you sell, I’m certain. After all, we have to pay for new skins, so why charge doubly, triply, … ? For kittens sake, sell us expansion packs already! … In any case, that’s somehow not the Anet I spent money on with a smile on the face, during GW1 times.
At the moment, I’m disappointed.
(edited by Natsu.2589)
Y’know, when all you’re selling is lemons and limes, you can’t blame all the folks who prefer apples, cherries, strawberries, canteloupe, watermelon, bananas, quinces, papaya, mango and pineapples for not liking fruit.
If there had been a profusion of nice looking slacks, pants, skirts (long and short), shirts, hats, etc., I would likely have bought a bunch of ’em. As it was, I found only two that I liked enough to spend money on..
Thats exactly why I never bought many. there were few items that I actually liked such as the khaki shorts and cherry blossom shirt. But that was it. Anet never put out anything decent to buy. Now, the two things I did like are useless tonics.
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]
“If you ask me its not cheap. With all the changes done, and like what I said a few post ago, The money that I may use to get transmutes is the same amount of money I can use to pay for Realm Reborn 60 day subs. Difference? The wardrobe skins there work way better than what happened here.”
My point exactly.
Most MMOs have a $15 a month subscription. For that, you get the whole enchilada. …In fact, many MMOs at free-to-play level, STILL give you an UNLIMITED ability to switch out your appearance.
Fifteen bucks worth of transmutation charges gets you the ability to switch the appearance of a full set of gear, what, twelve times? Fifteen? …Cripes, it could be fifty, and still would be a terrible value compared to $15 for being able to change the appearance of your armor an UNLIMITED number of times.
This game desperately needs to ditch transmutation charges, and add slots that store a set of gear (just the look, not the actual set) that you’ve pre-dyed, and pre selected. …And then charge for those slots.
Please let us use our Town Clothes Tonics in combat. Make them function like the Halo Tonic, and please let us use them!
Also, the Pilot Uniform REALLY should’ve been an outfit…
“If you ask me its not cheap. With all the changes done, and like what I said a few post ago, The money that I may use to get transmutes is the same amount of money I can use to pay for Realm Reborn 60 day subs. Difference? The wardrobe skins there work way better than what happened here.”
My point exactly.
Most MMOs have a $15 a month subscription. For that, you get the whole enchilada.
You get the whole enchilada playing a free-to-play Aion. They use in-game currency for transmutation.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
i have the Mad Memoires Complete Edition ( but didn’t get the Mad Memoires (
the wiki states that the Mad Memoires “was required to create Mad Memoires: Complete Edition.” and the patchnotes say that “Items that have gone through skin progression (…) will unlock all the skins in their direct progression line”
though i think i once had both and destroyed one(??), is it a bug? :/
i really would love to have the Mad Memoires Version as well…
This is my request for returning mix and matching and unique dye panels functionality to townclothes/costumes/outfits. The video displays my personal favorite combinations.
“If you ask me its not cheap. With all the changes done, and like what I said a few post ago, The money that I may use to get transmutes is the same amount of money I can use to pay for Realm Reborn 60 day subs. Difference? The wardrobe skins there work way better than what happened here.”
My point exactly.
Most MMOs have a $15 a month subscription. For that, you get the whole enchilada.
You get the whole enchilada playing a free-to-play Aion. They use in-game currency for transmutation.
yeah, that and a LOT of other newer-wave MMOs have it as a feature for free/in game currency
the thing is, anything with the guild wars name on it should be the leader of that pack. the first game was practically revolutionary for allowing you to by whatever set you wanted with whatever stats. Granted it’s not the same as ‘reskinning’ exactly, but even now you can log on to GW1 and by a top-armor rating set of the starter armor with whatever stats for relatively cheap. You could salvage that set to make room and rebuy for pretty cheap as long as it wasn’t elite or FoW armor.
Now of course the wardrobe system is more complex than that- AS IT SHOULD BE, for a game that is much newer. But it really should stay in the Guild Wars tradition of stats =/= skins. This is sort of true still but it’s not exactly when there are level restrictions and rarities.
But completely free isn’t even what I’m asking for THOUGH BY ALL MEANS I WOULD TAKE IT (and still spend money in the shop on skins). I just want it to be a little more affordable for my low level alts. I want to still get three charges for clearing an area or doing a story quest. It works FINE for a level 80 character, as far as I’m concerned, the the obvious exception of town clothes and a few other buggy things. I just want to be able to have the SAME FEATURES as before on my low level characters.
This patch has been upset.. :C Town clothes with dyes, ruined… Lose of items… Glasses! <3 I’ll miss them.. when I’ve already paid for them!
The armorsmith in the Trading Post should be able to give you your glasses back. Talk to him using the toon that wore them, then check your wardrobe. They should appear.
I just had a problem with the new transmutation/wardrobe system. I have been upgrading my equipment from exotic to ascended. My exotic armor is Orr temple PVT armor purchased with karma and has superior runes of the traveler (about 8.5 gold each). Previously I could craft an ascended piece and combine it with the exotic via a level 80 transmutation crystal to transfer the rune. This is no longer possible. The temple armor cannot be salvaged with a Black Lion salvage kit (100 percent upgrade recovery) since it was purchased with karma. An upgrade extractor might or might not work on karma armor but it is pointless since it costs over twice what the rune is worth. The new wardrobe system accounts for the skins but the runes and sigils cannot be transferred. If the item cannot be salvaged then the rune or sigil is lost.
There is a lot of confusion about how some things are working – and that’s upsetting people. Here is some info I have discovered, but it would be helpful if an “official” voice confirmed or expanded on it.
1. Your town clothes are not gone just because you can’t find them. Go to the trading post and talk to a guy standing there, I think he is labeled “armorsmith”. Tell him you want to convert your town clothes. POP, they will appear in your inventory. You will need to do this for each and every toon.
2. Unlocking outfits – Oddly enough, you will get one “set” of outfit for each piece you used to have. The pirate outfit had 4 pieces – you will get a stack of 4 pirate outfits. I think this is just a kludge to get it to work as applying outfits is free and the multiples don’t do you any good. Anyhow, double-click the outfit pile and it will be unlocked for you.
3. There are 3 tabs in the wardrobe. The equipment tab is for swapping in physical items. The wardrobe tab is for swapping in skins. The dye tab is, well, dyes. It is a little confusing but something we will need to get used to.
4. Outfits are applied using the wardrobe tab.
5. The wardrobe in your hero panel is character specific and will only show possible skins for items on your paper doll. The wardrobe in the bank will show everything account wide.
6. The PvP unlocks behave a little strangely. My guildies got them to work by going to Heart of the Mists, going to character select screen, then opening the same character again. Just traveling to HotM doesn’t do it.
(edited by shogei.8015)
Seriously. I built 2 incinerators. At the current tradepost price, the incinerator is worth about 3100g or so. At current exchange rate of 1 g to 0.18 USD, just one cost about 558 USD in gold.
I finished my legendary 2 weeks before the announcement of the wardrobe. And now I seriously wish I hadn’t. I wish I waited another 2 weeks, deleted my gift of incinerator, sold my spark, and used the fortune and mastery gift on something else.
I didn’t spend the thousands of hours to grind a weapon that can swap stats on the fly, I spent all that time to have matching skins.
That time is now useless.
Ascended gear can be given to other characters, so I didn’t pay 3100g to have that skill.
Stat-swapping is a poor, bullkitten excuse to pay even close to that much for the legendary. It costs me 62g to craft another one. 22g for the Deldrimor steel required, 2 for the dusts, and about 38g for the Inscription. Even if I used the feature, the dagger comes with 18 unique stat combos. Each would, again, run me about 62g. 18*62=1116g. Assuming I cared about having access to each and every dagger combo in the game, which I don’t, I would still be shafted out of around 2000g.
All I wanted was the skin.
And now all I want is to delete my second Incinerator, because it’s now useless and worthless to own. My only hope is that Arenenet recognizes this injustice and does something. Anything to fix this issue. Arenanet has been good about this sort of thing in the past by adding extra effects to Eternity over Twilight and Sunrise.
So please, please recognize that just because only a couple dozen players have accomplished this goal, does not mean that we should be ignored.
Please make it so that transmuted items are named after the skin that is used, rather than of the weapon/armor which supplied the stats. It doesn’t make sense that a weapon that looks like a Tormented Staff is called a Berserker’s Pearl Quarterstaff
This x 1000. The name should correspond to the skin used, not the original piece.
the one thing i don’t like is that everyone who has a set of town clothing now has about 3 useless items in a stack, they are already unlocked so what the frack man?
would be nice if we could get something out of it, it’s already a rip-off to turn a set that can be used per piece in a 1 costume item.
when i buy a set i expect to be able to mix, now i have 2 sets turned to a mush of glued costume with no mix ability.
i ether want a portion of the gems back (like 60% of the full original cost) or a coupon for an armor skin set of choice, it’s only fair and shows real backbone to your customers.
The outfits… they’re not as bad as I thought they’d be, but the stuff I bought with real money being turned into 15 minute tonics?
How I feel about that:
I put them in the bank. Didn’t play Guild Wars 2 aside from finishing my daily.
Fairly disappointed.
If you aren’t going to use them, Anet has already offered to refund the gems.
The wardrobe system is a complete mess. I like almost everything else in the patch, but this feature is so deeply flawed I have no idea how it ever made it to live in it’s current state.
Now that content updates are split off from feature updates, I think you really need to take advantage of that and have a public test server to test feature updates well in advance of them entering live.
As far as I can tell, the only reason you guys went with this confusing, complicated and dysfunctional implementation of a wardrobe system, (which other games do with zero fuss), is that you wanted to find a way to maximize revenue from wardrobe changes. I think this system is so flawed that it will destroy revenue once derived via transformation crystals and will probably have a serious impact on armor skin sales. Not to mention that you killed any revenue from town clothes!
What needs to change?
1. Town clothes need to be pieced back out as individual parts and be dye-able. To uncomplicate this, allow what once were town clothes to be used as combat skins, or have two wardrobe tabs, one for combat wardrobe and one for town wardrobe. (I honestly don’t get why they can’t just be combat enabled).
2. Players should only have to pay 1 transformation charge per skin, per piece, per character, to unlock that skin for that character in the wardrobe system. Once a piece has been unlocked for that character, they should be able to switch to and from it in wardrobe with out any further cost. This would almost certainly increase sales of gem store skins, as they would be unlocks on a flexible, easy to use system feature, rather than a hassle not worth the effort. Skins purchased from the gem store would be available to all characters on the account, but the skin would only come with enough included transformation charges to unlock it for one character. (This preserves revenue, while making gem store skins more usable across characters than under the previous system).
3.) Once skins become permanent unlocks, as detailed in the second point, then it should be easy to allow a system for saving one’s favorite wardrobe outfits, including dye choices, for easy swapping. This would also increase sales of gem store skins, as easy swapping, with no additional cost, would incentivize variety, unlike the current system, which encourages players to establish one outfit and stick with it until they are completely bored with it. (You could even monetize outfit saves. Maybe allowing each character two or three outfit save slots and selling additional slots via the cash shop).
These three changes would address most complaints, make the wardrobe system much more user friendly and, best of all for you guys, would maximize wardrobe and skin related revenue with out producing the impression of being unnecessarily greedy.
Win, win, vs. the current system which is lose, lose.
The outfits… they’re not as bad as I thought they’d be, but the stuff I bought with real money being turned into 15 minute tonics?
How I feel about that:
I put them in the bank. Didn’t play Guild Wars 2 aside from finishing my daily.
Fairly disappointed.If you aren’t going to use them, Anet has already offered to refund the gems.
It’s better than nothing, but indicative of how bad the new system really is. I honestly don’t get how destroying town clothes revenue and then having to refund money already spent on town clothes makes any financial sense. A few changes to the system could greatly facilitate armor and town clothes revenue, rather than killing revenue and requiring refunds.
In fact, the biggest business advantage of a wardrobe system could and should have been to greatly increase the appeal of gem store skins by making them much easier to use and cutting down on unnecessary nickle and dime costs every time a player wants to change their look.
The only logical explanation for such a flawed feature is that someone tried too hard to build added costs into it, to the actual likely detriment of future revenue, by completely missing the mark!
Retroactive should be applied to Wardrobe, if you ever had x skin/armor/weapon/etc on your possession, it should appear in your wardrobe regardless of what happened with that item, example, sold, salvaged, deleted, transmuted, etc
I guarantee you they have no database that has a record of every item that has ever been worn by each and every toon in every account. This is not a realistic request.
This is probably the best change in the game, and the only one I am excited about.
Good job, now fix the rest of the game.
If I don’t immediately put in a ticket for a refund of a few gem store town clothes pieces, will it still be possible to get a refund later? I would like to hold out some hope that there’s a better option.
I really would like the khaki shorts and cherry blossom top as skins instead of the tonics. Frankly, the top that is now paired with the khaki shorts is hideous, and the skirt matched with the cherry blossom top is just… boring.
I know everyone has their own favorite pieces, but come on. In the ~18 months since launch, the number of individual town clothes pieces released from the gem store was very minimal (especially since most of it was headgear/helm/hat of some sort and isn’t relevant to this point). I fully accept that there could be clipping issues if these items were converted to skins – I don’t think that is a major hurdle, and I doubt I’m alone in thinking this. Can we have at least one pass through the individual town clothes pieces and see what could be easily converted to real wardrobe skins?
On the whole, the wardrobe system is great. I think the interface is a bit unintuitive in places, but not a big deal. I don’t like that my feelings for the system as a whole are really soured by the few skins I no longer have access to that I quite liked.
(edited by Tamasan.6457)
The whole wardrobe system is just another money grab – you can only equip items if you have bought charges for gems.
This patch effectively kills off equipment variety, and I expect a dye charge is coming in shortly. Why dont you just charge me a sub and be done with it?
I have never bought a single transmutation stone and I ended up with over 300 charges. I get them from exploring maps, doing dailies and monthlies, and achievement chests.
There is no dye charge coming.
If I don’t immediately put in a ticket for a refund of a few gem store town clothes pieces, will it still be possible to get a refund later? I would like to hold out some hope that there’s a better option.
It will be possible until May 6th. I will keep my stuff, hoping for a fix sooner or later.
This is probably the best change in the game, and the only one I am excited about.
Good job, now fix the rest of the game.
I… I think we don’t play the same game.
Aelius Brightmane (Charr, Zerk Grenade Engineer, 80) |
Tilaw Stainsoul (Charr, Zerk Staff Elementalist, 80) | Evi Shadowstep (Charr, Zerk Ranger 80) |
To me, many of these changes are dangerously close to game breaking. I think you have made many mistakes with this update, but the biggest one is that you introduced all these changes at once. There are just too many, too big ones at the same time, which makes it harder for people to adjust.
The removal of town clothes is awful. The few outfits we get have too few dye channels, and the ones we have are oddly placed; for example, you cannot get the trim on the top of the Wintersday outfit to match the trim of the bottom at the same set. Who would design it like that? It is a terrible choice. I have already spoken about my feelings concerning the overall changes to town clothes in the other thread, and I feel even worse now than I did then. I have given this new system a chance, and I cannot find a single positive thing to say about it. As a replacement for town clothes, it is very underwhelming and a huge disappointment.
Please just give us a town clothes tab in addition to armour and outfits. Clothes that are not wearable in battle, just something we can have fun to mix and match with, and dye to suit our taste. Can you please explain why a separate town clothes tab, with separate wardrobe spaces, are not possible? It seems like the most logical solution to make people happy.
The tonics are terrible. All they do is make me wonder; why did you not add the tonic outfits to the outfits tab? They are full outfits already! Then, at least we would be able to dye them.
I also feel we were misled in the other thread as you said things like we would be surprised about how many skins would became wearable in battle, leading us to think that maybe, maybe we would get more converted to armour than what you stated in the post (headgear and outfits), but no. There was nothing to be surprised about, what became available was the things you had already stated would be. What little trust I had for you as a company is now completely gone.
Aside from the fashion disasters, I am displeased by the new UI. It is a clunky, clumsy thing. It requires more clicks to get where you want to go, which is never an improvement. I would go so far to say that it is honestly actively user hostile, and I am shocked that anyone would consider it streamlined. It needs work. A lot of work.
The changes to dailies are bad as well. They were a great source for exp, and now that leveling characters are even more of a pain due to the fact that we do not get traits until level 30, we could really have used that boost of extra daily exp.
The new trait system is a bit of a disaster. Clunky, confusing UI; how is this supposed to be less confusing to new players? The old concept was simple; you got a point for each level, and the points you put in helped to boost your character a lot. I really have nothing good to say about this. It might be fun to hunt the new traits, but I would not know since I have yet to encounter one challenge that is not bugged.
Please, please reconsider these choices. Getting one trait point per level but having to unlock the big ones would be fine, but this? You have moved all the fun to a higher levels, and it will lock players out of content since they cannot be traited for duneons at lower levels.
The megaserver is the most game breaking thing for me. Different servers do have different attitudes; my experience is that Tarnished Coast is a lot more friendly to women, for example. Logging in to a megaserver left me in a very uncomfortable environment with constant sexist remarks and jokes of a level I have not seen since before I transferred in from Borlis Pass long ago. Yes, I can block people, but it affects my gaming experience when I have to block most of map chat, and turning map chat off is not always a viable option. I enjoyed logging in to a map that was not filled with demeaning comments, and that enjoyment is gone, now.
The cities are swarmed, and has become an unfriendly environment for roleplayers. We get mocked, have emotes of laughing and pointing directed to us, and it is destroying our enjoyment since emotes cannot be blocked.
I am disappointed that you have started to introduce megaservers at a faster pace than implied earlier; adding Straits of Devastation without warning, for example. It is incredibly difficult to arrange temple runs with this new system. Getting obsidian shards was enough of a chore as it was.
It is nice that we can unlock skins and dyes, and it was very nice and surprising of you to refund us out duplicate dyes, but this update has left me questioning if this game is one I want to stick with. I usually play a lot, but today I just did my dailies and a dungeon and logged out.
EDIT: In addition, loading times and lag has increased to insane levels. A lot of these things were really nice as a concept, but the execution has left much to be desired. The UI, please. Please.
(edited by Combination NC.9813)
Two things tick me off. 1st, town cloths. you TOOK my gem store purchased items. yep, they are gone! not happy. and not able to dye towncloths? whats the purpose of this?
2nd. you renamed all my skins!!!!!!!!!! hardly anything I wear is original. several are gemstore armors and the rest are other lvl armors or karma armors skinned over 80 armors. I wear ALOT of armors on my main, and now they are all messed up? I gotta go thru and try to figure out what is what! this one REALLY has me upset.
I am really not to thrilled with how this patch came out, all fluff and no bang. and the fluff is messed up. I think you all shoulda got some input from the gamers before you went ahead on this one.
and I would like to repeat everything Combination NC.9813 said in the above post. I whole heartedly agree with everything said in that post
Outfits? What a joke. I wasted money on town clothes which were really cool especially dyed and mixed and matched and now they are replaced with this disgusting outfit system? I didn’t want to use them in combat I wanted to be able to toggle them on in cities where they fit in.
Also why does Koss on Koss unlock a skin but not my Book of Secrets? I know you guys hate zerker but seriously that book was hard to make we should get our skin from it.
Before I get upset, has anyone seen where the racial town clothes went? I assumed they would be an outfit like the other sets but… They appear to have just been removed entirely. If this is the case, I’m very disappointed.
Also, let me just say now that I do not like the changes to town clothes. I would have been excited to buy town clothes if they had their own toggle-able wardrobe tab (similar to outfits but with swappable parts). As is, I don’t see much use for them. I like to make unique outfits, not wear Halloween costumes (and frankly I don’t mind not being able to wear them in combat, I just liked having a fun change of clothes on hand). They said ‘try the new system before judging it.’ Well, now I have. And I really hope someone is considering 1. giving me my racial clothes back, 2. letting me mix and match outfits or whatever they are now or at least 3. letting me have multiple armor sets to switch between.
I apologize if that came off a little ranty. I just hate to see features that I was excited about before the game came out get removed from the game for apparently no reason.
My main beef with the update is the fact that now lvl <80 items are treated the same as level 80 items. The way the system was set up before was, while, yes, overbearing and flawed, nice in the respect that at least you weren’t going to waste a transmutation crystal on a lower level character’s gear. As it is now, I’m pretty much going to be just using whatever I can get or HoM skins on my lower levels because they’re free and I’m not wasting charges on that.