Join the Rainbow Pride
Gates of Arah the New Lyssa
Join the Rainbow Pride
Well, had ANet not been systematically nerfing any decent farming spot, thing like this wouldn’t happen. You can thank them for one more in a series of dumb kitten design choices. So glad I started playing RIFT.
Well, had ANet not been systematically nerfing any decent farming spot, thing like this wouldn’t happen. You can thank them for one more in a series of dumb kitten design choices. So glad I started playing RIFT.
it’s not arenanet fault 8it’s always easy to blame them for everybody, but the fault is ours, of the players), how else would you stop this from happening? they only changed it so you have an actual reward for completing the event.
can you imagine if people stopped farming having the loot plus the reward?
but since this is not going to happen we can’t have nice things.
Join the Rainbow Pride
Well, had ANet not been systematically nerfing any decent farming spot, thing like this wouldn’t happen. You can thank them for one more in a series of dumb kitten design choices. So glad I started playing RIFT.
it’s not arenanet fault 8it’s always easy to blame them for everybody, but the fault is ours, of the players), how else would you stop this from happening? they only changed it so you have an actual reward for completing the event.
can you imagine if people stopped farming having the loot plus the reward?
but since this is not going to happen we can’t have nice things.
Hate to break it to you, but they have been systematically nerfing every single farm spot, even ones literally designed for farming.
I agree with Lyssa getting nerfed, because really it was bad design and unintentional in the first place. Then they started nerfing actual farming spots with no quests there that were literally purposed to farm in. Now we have people doing the most efficient farming route atm, which is Arah. Its not our fault thakittens the most efficient place to get gold, lol.
Garbage at every profession 2015
Are there any european servers farming this? I’ve always farmed the Crusader Angaria pre event but never thought to farm the adds at the giant.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Well, had ANet not been systematically nerfing any decent farming spot, thing like this wouldn’t happen. You can thank them for one more in a series of dumb kitten design choices. So glad I started playing RIFT.
it’s not arenanet fault 8it’s always easy to blame them for everybody, but the fault is ours, of the players), how else would you stop this from happening? they only changed it so you have an actual reward for completing the event.
can you imagine if people stopped farming having the loot plus the reward?
but since this is not going to happen we can’t have nice things.
How would I stop this from happening? Easy; remove DR, standardize loot table by zone and mob type, normalize drops by mob dificulty (normal/veteren/champion). Done and done, no more even farming issuses.
to get gold for what anyway? and why do you need all this farming?
i have a legendary and i never failed an event on purpose, not any people i know did, and some of them have legendaries or almost too.
what’s the point than in creating another event without loot just for farming before this happen?
i think i made it clear why i think it’s players fault and not arenanet fault, that can be only my opinion but i guess some other people thinks exactly alike, but of course we have just to rage at them because we cannot fail events like grenth, lyssa, arah, balthazar, melandru… oh it is so unfair arenanet!!
can you guys pay the rent and the bills with the gold from gw2? because if that is possible, i could start farming too
Join the Rainbow Pride
Well, had ANet not been systematically nerfing any decent farming spot, thing like this wouldn’t happen. You can thank them for one more in a series of dumb kitten design choices. So glad I started playing RIFT.
it’s not arenanet fault 8it’s always easy to blame them for everybody, but the fault is ours, of the players), how else would you stop this from happening? they only changed it so you have an actual reward for completing the event.
can you imagine if people stopped farming having the loot plus the reward?
but since this is not going to happen we can’t have nice things.How would I stop this from happening? Easy; remove DR, standardize loot table by zone and mob type, normalize drops by mob dificulty (normal/veteren/champion). Done and done, no more even farming issuses.
well apparently this is exactly what they addressed recently. and as far as i know every champion world bosses gives you at least a rare. also if DR is such a pain, what the hell are all these farmers doing for hours at the very same spot for the very same event?
Join the Rainbow Pride
to get gold for what anyway? and why do you need all this farming?
i have a legendary and i never failed an event on purpose, not any people i know did, and some of them have legendaries or almost too.what’s the point than in creating another event without loot just for farming before this happen?
i think i made it clear why i think it’s players fault and not arenanet fault, that can be only my opinion but i guess some other people thinks exactly alike, but of course we have just to rage at them because we cannot fail events like grenth, lyssa, arah, balthazar, melandru… oh it is so unfair arenanet!!
can you guys pay the rent and the bills with the gold from gw2? because if that is possible, i could start farming too
Shh, calm down dear. All this anger is bad for your skin.
You’re asking questions that have obvious answers. People want gold for shinies or stats, and this is the fastest way to get shinies or stats. You’re the only one raging here.
Garbage at every profession 2015
So player behavior has absolutely NO impact on ArenaNet’s decisions? They just make their decisions in a vacuum to screw over players and to prevent us from making money? I find that very difficult to believe.
i’m “raging” only because many other players as well as i are in the middle of loot nerf even if we didn’t do anything to deserve it.
i will still do events, but i will loot nothing from them even if i never failed them on purpose.
anyway i’m gay, my skin is always perfect, and rage make me even better^^
edit: what make my anger rise was reading at the chat boxes someone up from here posted, how can you think it’s fair?
Join the Rainbow Pride
i’m “raging” only because many other players as well as i are in the middle of loot nerf even if we didn’t do anything to deserve it.
i will still do events, but i will loot nothing from them even if i never failed them on purpose.anyway i’m gay, my skin is always perfect, and rage make me even better^^
This doesn’t mean its time to rage, we all got punished not because we abused exploits, but the exploit was there. We simply called attention to it. ANet would not have let Lyssa keep dropping infinite amounts of crystal dust even if large numbers of people didn’t do it. They will not keep an exploit in the game because “oh, well not many people are using this one!”. We did not get our drops punished because of exploiting, but because of poor decisions. ANet removing crystalline dust completely from the market was not the fault of the players who found and used this exploit, it was poor decision-making to panic nerf the tables. If one person had found the Lyssa exploit and informed ANet, it would still be gone because its an exploit that shouldn’t be there, not because its an exploit that people are exploiting.
Garbage at every profession 2015
Exploiters are completely innocent when it comes to any and all nerfs to loot drops. It’s all about ArenaNet’s poor decision making. The player is within his or her right to exploit anything in the game for profit and any negative consequences are only the fault of ArenaNet’s poor decisions and not the players’ for choosing to take advantage of said exploits. Is that what you’re saying? Because that’s what I’m getting from this discussion.
if you fail an event so it can stat again and you can have more loot by failing it it’s an exploit of the event as far as my opinion is concerned, and you don’t need to do this to have anything in this game.
i have everything i wanted in this game and i never needed to do this!
i can agree that the means to exploit shouldn’t be there in the first place, but that is not an excuse, let me put this with an example:
if you find a shop open with no cameras and no owner are you free to take whatever you like because well the owner should have thought it better?
in my opinion, if you do you are a thief never the less.
edit: anyway, i think i made my point clear, you can accept it or not, but i see no point in writing here anymore
Join the Rainbow Pride
Exploiters are completely innocent when it comes to any and all nerfs to loot drops. It’s all about ArenaNet’s poor decision making. The player is within his or her right to exploit anything in the game for profit and any negative consequences are only the fault of ArenaNet’s poor decisions and not the players’ for choosing to take advantage of said exploits. Is that what you’re saying? Because that’s what I’m getting from this discussion.
I’m saying that if you’re mad that the loot tables were nerfed because of exploits, its not simply because exploiters were farming the hell out of it. Its because its an exploit that shouldn’t be there that ANet wasn’t aware of. They weren’t going to keep it if no one farmed it because its still an unintentional exploit that shouldn’t be there. I’m not hating on ANet or praising exploiters here, I’m saying that because people were exploiting it was not the reason it was removed, it was removed because it wasn’t supposed to be there.
Garbage at every profession 2015
The guest and stop alerting Anet of our farming spots? It’s always open somewhere.
if you fail an event so it can stat again and you can have more loot by failing it it’s an exploit of the event as far as my opinion is concerned, and you don’t need to do this to have anything in this game.
i have everything i wanted in this game and i never needed to do this!i can agree that the means to exploit shouldn’t be there in the first place, but that is not an excuse, let me put this with an example:
if you find a shop open with no cameras and no owner are you free to take whatever you like because well the owner should have thought it better?
in my opinion, if you do you are a thief never the less.edit: anyway, i think i made my point clear, you can accept it or not, but i see no point in writing here anymore
I’m not defending exploiters and saying what they do is right. I’m saying that you people shouldn’t be angry at them for getting something removed that wasn’t supposed to be there.
Garbage at every profession 2015
I am on one of the servers that farms this event (or attempts to) and in the guild that is usually responsible for starting it. I realize that for a lot of people it seems unfair that we ask them not to kill the giant, which in turn delays the opening of the Arah dungeon, but you need to take a minute to look at it from our perspective as well.
We’re a huge PvE guild that focuses on group activities. We were a large part of the other significant farm locations (Union, etc). Time and time again we’ve seen every viable farm location nerfed into the ground, leaving only CoF and CoE as steady sources of gold farming. And really, who wants to run one of those dungeons for the thousandth time?
So what do we do? We look for events such as this one that have high amounts of mobs to kill which drop good loot (bags, t6, rares, etc). When we find one we get our entire guild together, run the event through its pre-event chain, and start farming.
Unfortunately this event shows up on the gw2stuff world boss list for the High Wizard. So what happens is our guild puts a good hour into the pre events to start the farming, then as soon as it appears on the site tons of randoms show up to get their daily loot chest. They start auto attacking the giant and we kindly ask them to stop and farm with us for awhile or simply hop to another server if they’re looking to do Arah. But no, they instead tell us to kitten off and continue killing the giant.
So it goes both ways. We realize that this event more than likely isn’t meant to be farmed and that people want to complete it. But at the same time we’re the ones putting all the work into setting it up for us and others who want to farm. The giant will die in time from the NPCs attacking it, stray AOEs, and so on. Just give us our hour or two of farming before that happens
No it doesn’t go both ways. They are playing the game as it was intended. You want to abuse game mechanics. There is a world of difference. You have no right to farm that event chain. They have every right to complete it.
And the worst part is you even say you realize that. If I see this happening I’ll go out of my way to kill the stupid thing. It’s people like who you abuse the kitten out of game mechanics that are responsible for them getting nerfed.
I like to farm events like this. I say farm it while you can but if someone comes along and wants to clear the event then you should either help or shut the kitten up and go farm somewhere else. You do realize that by being a prick and harassing the people trying to complete the chain will only end in them filing a complaint and Anet nerfing the kitten out of yet another good farm. Be courteous and we might all be able to enjoy it for a while longer.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
I was farming the event… If people showed up that wanted to complete I even helped finishing the giant off and moving to a new server.
People abusing players who want to complete the event is unacceptable and they should be punished. But punishment for farming this event? That would be ridiculous, it’s not a bug….
Anyway, it will be nerfed tomorrow anyway. Hope they just stop the giant resetting and don’t remove the loot. Wouldn’t be fair for people just completing the event!
I am on one of the servers that farms this event (or attempts to) and in the guild that is usually responsible for starting it. I realize that for a lot of people it seems unfair that we ask them not to kill the giant, which in turn delays the opening of the Arah dungeon, but you need to take a minute to look at it from our perspective as well.
We’re a huge PvE guild that focuses on group activities. We were a large part of the other significant farm locations (Union, etc). Time and time again we’ve seen every viable farm location nerfed into the ground, leaving only CoF and CoE as steady sources of gold farming. And really, who wants to run one of those dungeons for the thousandth time?
So what do we do? We look for events such as this one that have high amounts of mobs to kill which drop good loot (bags, t6, rares, etc). When we find one we get our entire guild together, run the event through its pre-event chain, and start farming.
Unfortunately this event shows up on the gw2stuff world boss list for the High Wizard. So what happens is our guild puts a good hour into the pre events to start the farming, then as soon as it appears on the site tons of randoms show up to get their daily loot chest. They start auto attacking the giant and we kindly ask them to stop and farm with us for awhile or simply hop to another server if they’re looking to do Arah. But no, they instead tell us to kitten off and continue killing the giant.
So it goes both ways. We realize that this event more than likely isn’t meant to be farmed and that people want to complete it. But at the same time we’re the ones putting all the work into setting it up for us and others who want to farm. The giant will die in time from the NPCs attacking it, stray AOEs, and so on. Just give us our hour or two of farming before that happens
could you give me your guild roster so I can put every single one of you on my blacklist.
And lol @ comparing killing the same mobs over and over at the same spot to farming dungeons
I was farming the event… If people showed up that wanted to complete I even helped finishing the giant off and moving to a new server.
People abusing players who want to complete the event is unacceptable and they should be punished. But punishment for farming this event? That would be ridiculous, it’s not a bug….
Anyway, it will be nerfed tomorrow anyway. Hope they just stop the giant resetting and don’t remove the loot. Wouldn’t be fair for people just completing the event!
I’m glad you’ve clarified your position on this, mate. I was afraid we going to have to boot you!
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
So player behavior has absolutely NO impact on ArenaNet’s decisions? They just make their decisions in a vacuum to screw over players and to prevent us from making money? I find that very difficult to believe.
They make decisions to increase their revenue by forcing players towards the cash shop including such means as making it much harder to farm. There is no actual justification for DR in the game any more just for example.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Well, had ANet not been systematically nerfing any decent farming spot, thing like this wouldn’t happen.
this pretty much is whats happened
and the darn daily rewards
some events take up to what 3-6 hours to spawn why do players get punished for beating the event more than once they are punishing players for putting effort into their game and actually working for their rewards.
(edited by Rezzet.3614)
So when Anet nerfs the drops from that particular spot, because some people like to farm it all day and night, thus ruining the game for other people, are the farmers going to blame Anet or their own behavior.
If the behavior of farmers is causing issues with people trying to do the hardest dungeon in the game, Anet will eventually just nerf the loot. Then farmers will complain the loot was nerfed, but it’s their own behavior that leads to it.
Obviously the event was meant to be beaten, because it unlocks a dungeon entrance…and that’s sort of the whole point of the zone. Getting the dungeon unlocked.
Now, if Anet wanted to, they could make it so the dungeon didn’t close and you could enter it whether people were farming there or not, but that actually goes against the design intention.
The idea is to fight your way into Arah. The entire personal story is centered around that fight.
Now some people are yelling at people for trying to play the game, yes, as intended.
When Anet does nerf those drops, I hope the farmers, particularly the rude ones, take responsibility for being part of the cause.
So when Anet nerfs the drops from that particular spot, because some people like to farm it all day and night, thus ruining the game for other people, are the farmers going to blame Anet or their own behavior.
If the behavior of farmers is causing issues with people trying to do the hardest dungeon in the game, Anet will eventually just nerf the loot. Then farmers will complain the loot was nerfed, but it’s their own behavior that leads to it.
Obviously the event was meant to be beaten, because it unlocks a dungeon entrance…and that’s sort of the whole point of the zone. Getting the dungeon unlocked.
Now, if Anet wanted to, they could make it so the dungeon didn’t close and you could enter it whether people were farming there or not, but that actually goes against the design intention.
The idea is to fight your way into Arah. The entire personal story is centered around that fight.
Now some people are yelling at people for trying to play the game, yes, as intended.
When Anet does nerf those drops, I hope the farmers, particularly the rude ones, take responsibility for being part of the cause.
this people wouldnt be farming arah if all potential farming spots werent nerfed to oblivion along with even events .
but yes gotta admit farmers are ridiculously rude
and that something has to be done about it
well we all know this will be patched soon lol
I remembered when the karka queen thing first came out everyone was doing the pre events to spawn it for the achievements. There was one overflow with some moron who kept screaming at people not to complete the pre event so he could farm. I wish I have taken a screenshot of how much rage he put out in map chat when everyone ignored him.
I was farming the event… If people showed up that wanted to complete I even helped finishing the giant off and moving to a new server.
People abusing players who want to complete the event is unacceptable and they should be punished. But punishment for farming this event? That would be ridiculous, it’s not a bug….
Anyway, it will be nerfed tomorrow anyway. Hope they just stop the giant resetting and don’t remove the loot. Wouldn’t be fair for people just completing the event!
I’m glad you’ve clarified your position on this, mate. I was afraid we going to have to boot you!
Well that would be tragic… :P
I remember he aetherblade cache in Vexa’s lab. I wanted to run the puzzle, but got asked not to because people were farming the cache and didn’t want to be kicked from the puzzle when it reset. So I sat down and farmed the cache with them. But once I got my 50 kills I went ahead and finished the puzzle.
This is extremely straightforward. Nobody owns any open world mobs at all anywhere. Nobody owns any open world events anywhere. Nobody owns any open world resources anywhere. Anyone who wants to kill a mob can do so and anyone who wants to join in can share the credit. Anyone who wants to start/finish an event can do so and anyone who wants to join in can share the credit. Anyone who wants to harvest resources can do so. End of story.
Telling people that they cannot kill a mob, harvest a resource, or start/finish an event is going against the game ethos. Preventing them from doing so is griefing.
So, has this been nerfed? At work and haven’t been able to play since update?
This problem is especially bad on Sea of Sorrows where more often than not the farmers will verbally abuse those who are simply trying to complete the event. I understand the need to farm but these farmer’s misplaced belief that they own the entire event is getting out of hand.
This problem is especially bad on Sea of Sorrows where more often than not the farmers will verbally abuse those who are simply trying to complete the event. I understand the need to farm but these farmer’s misplaced belief that they own the entire event is getting out of hand.
How odd , When I was there on SoS it was the opposite it wasn’t the farmers that were doing the abusing , in fact Farmers announced that they would change XX server to let the champion die and they were told “we will follow you to XX and kill the champ there too”
Go figure.
People really need to get a life
Farmers aren’t the problem here. Rude people are the problem.
Farmers are a group are like anyone else. Some are considerate, some are idiots. That same is true of PvPers, PvE’ers and Kindergarten teachers. It’s true for any group.
The problem is people being rude, not people farming.
And those rude people are giving the rest of the farmers, I daresay most farmers, a bad name.
So it hasn’t been nerfed?
farming =/= exploiting?
Op is a little baby kitten.
No one wants to do Arah. Also, guest if you REALLY want to (For whatever reason…) The reason people farm it is because it’s currently the only place in the game to actually make money, and it’s not incredibly boring. Not stupid 0.5% profits with crafting or CoF P1 spamming or pure blind luck. The game NEEDS stuff like this, with DIMINISHING RETURNS REMOVED FROM THE GAME IN ALL ASPECTS. Your whinging is utterly pathetic. Why you don’t join in is beyond me. Do you get enjoyment out of being a dud to everybody and ruining things for other people?
I’ve personally told people which server has Arah open to guest to and do the dungeon, but people like you just want to be complete kittening kittenwits to everybody around them, and you PROFUSELY REFUSE to guest to the server that YOU HAVE BEEN KINDLY TOLD has Arah open.
The problem isn’t the farmers. It’s the rude trolls like OP who come along to deliberately be a kitten.
Go figure you little troll.
(edited by Have No Faith In Me.1840)
farming =/= exploiting?
Op is a little baby kitten.
No one wants to do Arah. Also, guest if you REALLY want to (For whatever reason…) The reason people farm it is because it’s currently the only place in the game to actually make money, and it’s not incredibly boring. Not stupid 0.5% profits with crafting or CoF P1 spamming or pure blind luck. The game NEEDS stuff like this, with DIMINISHING RETURNS REMOVED FROM THE GAME IN ALL ASPECTS. Your whinging is utterly pathetic. Why you don’t join in is beyond me. Do you get enjoyment out of being a dud to everybody and ruining things for other people?
I’ve personally told people which server has Arah open to guest to and do the dungeon, but people like you just want to be complete kittening kittenwits to everybody around them, and you PROFUSELY REFUSE to guest to the server that YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD has Arah open.
Go figure you little troll.
I want to to Arah..a whole lot more than I’d like to farm.
You mean Anet made dungeons and no one wants to do them? Ummmm wrong. And there’s no reason to be rude.
Here are my experiences when farming this event:
-People initiate the event, and begin farming it.
-Others join.
-Some people want to go to Arah, but heaven forbid they guest!
-Farmers inform the people wanting to finish the event that it is open on X server, and they can guest there to enter Arah.
-Dungeon runners refuse, demanding that people finish the event.
-Farmers keep farming, tensions are high.
-Event completer dies, spurts abuse, gets revived by farmers.
-Abuse is traded back and forth between the two groups.
Here’s the thing.
CoF is good to make money (it’s pretty much exactly on par with this from my experience), but I’ve seriously gotten sick of CoF. (Would have completed it about 200 times by now…). Nothing else gives quite as much money.
The farmers have always been polite about requesting the others that they don’t attack the giant, and that they guest to X server where Arah is open, but they don’t want to! This is when abuse starts getting flung around.
True, sometimes it’s the farmers who become rude first, but other times, it is the “completors”.
What really gets me is when “white knights” decide to end the farm just because. There is a particular guild on Sea of Sorrows who will decide they just want to stop the farming. They don’t want to do Arah, they do not care about the chest event after, they just want to stop the people farming it. So they recruit in Lion’s Arch, and the event soon ends. After this? Sea of Sorrows people move to a low population server, and begin the event chain from scratch.
You know a solution to this entire thing?
Implement multiple ways around the game to earn ~10g an hour at 80. This is what you get from CoF and Gates. With only 2? Of course this is gonna happen.
Oh yeah, look forward to the CoF P1 nerf incoming soon. No more gold from repeated runs!
One more note: I like it how the person with the screenshots from page 1 actually had their bags full, and then empty in different screenshots, indicating that they were participating in the farm too. Nice one!
(edited by RumStein.6859)
farming =/= exploiting?
Op is a little baby kitten.
No one wants to do Arah. Also, guest if you REALLY want to (For whatever reason…) The reason people farm it is because it’s currently the only place in the game to actually make money, and it’s not incredibly boring. Not stupid 0.5% profits with crafting or CoF P1 spamming or pure blind luck. The game NEEDS stuff like this, with DIMINISHING RETURNS REMOVED FROM THE GAME IN ALL ASPECTS. Your whinging is utterly pathetic. Why you don’t join in is beyond me. Do you get enjoyment out of being a dud to everybody and ruining things for other people?
I’ve personally told people which server has Arah open to guest to and do the dungeon, but people like you just want to be complete kittening kittenwits to everybody around them, and you PROFUSELY REFUSE to guest to the server that YOU HAVE BEEN KINDLY TOLD has Arah open.
The problem isn’t the farmers. It’s the rude trolls like OP who come along to deliberately be a kitten.
Go figure you little troll.
Exactly! I agree with everything you said except part between farming and troll.
Events are designed to be completed. Not designed so that people purposefully fail them so you can farm it. That is abusing game mechanics to the max and can get you banned. It also gets event chains nerfed for everyone else who doesn’t abuse them.
You have 0 right to get on anyone’s case or tell them to go leave when they want to complete an event the way that was intended. So if you want to farm it go to a server that isn’t open until some people that are playing the game they way it was meant to be come along of course. Pretty simple stuff.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Here are my experiences when farming this event:
-People initiate the event, and begin farming it.
-Others join.
-Some people want to go to Arah, but heaven forbid they guest!
-Farmers inform the people wanting to finish the event that it is open on X server, and they can guest there to enter Arah.
-Dungeon runners refuse, demanding that people finish the event.
-Farmers keep farming, tensions are high.
-Event completer dies, spurts abuse, gets revived by farmers.
-Abuse is traded back and forth between the two groups.Here’s the thing.
CoF is good to make money (it’s pretty much exactly on par with this from my experience), but I’ve seriously gotten sick of CoF. (Would have completed it about 200 times by now…). Nothing else gives quite as much money.
The farmers have always been polite about requesting the others that they don’t attack the giant, and that they guest to X server where Arah is open, but they don’t want to! This is when abuse starts getting flung around.True, sometimes it’s the farmers who become rude first, but other times, it is the “completors”.
What really gets me is when “white knights” decide to end the farm just because. There is a particular guild on Sea of Sorrows who will decide they just want to stop the farming. They don’t want to do Arah, they do not care about the chest event after, they just want to stop the people farming it. So they recruit in Lion’s Arch, and the event soon ends. After this? Sea of Sorrows people move to a low population server, and begin the event chain from scratch.
You know a solution to this entire thing?
Implement multiple ways around the game to earn ~10g an hour at 80. This is what you get from CoF and Gates. With only 2? Of course this is gonna happen.Oh yeah, look forward to the CoF P1 nerf incoming soon. No more gold from repeated runs!
One more note: I like it how the person with the screenshots from page 1 actually had their bags full, and then empty in different screenshots, indicating that they were participating in the farm too. Nice one!
Listen to what you’re saying. Heaven forbid they guest. What if the next server they have has the same farmers? And the next server? And the next?
Anet designed Arah to be opened by completing an event. These people are playing the game AS INTENDED. Those who farm, while not “exploiting” in the negative sense of the word, are exploiting in the english definition of the word. They’re taking advantage of something that was never meant to be taken advantage of. Clearly Anet wants people to fight to open the dungeon. Clearly the person who wants to do that is the one playing the game as intended.
Since this is apparently happening on multiple servers, where would you personally suggest they guest to.
I think they should do the event, kill the guy and the farmers can go guest to another server.
Exactly! I agree with everything you said except part between farming and troll.
Events are designed to be completed. Not designed so that people purposefully fail them so you can farm it. That is abusing game mechanics to the max and can get you banned. It also gets event chains nerfed for everyone else who doesn’t abuse them.
You have 0 right to get on anyone’s case or tell them to go leave when they want to complete an event the way that was intended. So if you want to farm it go to a server that isn’t open until some people that are playing the game they way it was meant to be come along of course. Pretty simple stuff.
Your opinion is wrong and you should be ashamed. No one said anything about having ‘rights and stuff’, so stop putting words where they don’t belong. Courtesy goes 2 ways, these trolls that show up to the event show none, even when supplied with a solution, the farmers show plenty of courtesy.
Also, read rumstein’s post, it sums up the [AUNZ] troll guild and how disgustingly disrespectful these ‘completers’ and trolls are. You must be one of them, I see, nothing you say is valid.
Here are my experiences when farming this event:
-People initiate the event, and begin farming it.
-Others join.
-Some people want to go to Arah, but heaven forbid they guest!
-Farmers inform the people wanting to finish the event that it is open on X server, and they can guest there to enter Arah.
-Dungeon runners refuse, demanding that people finish the event.
-Farmers keep farming, tensions are high.
-Event completer dies, spurts abuse, gets revived by farmers.
-Abuse is traded back and forth between the two groups.Here’s the thing.
CoF is good to make money (it’s pretty much exactly on par with this from my experience), but I’ve seriously gotten sick of CoF. (Would have completed it about 200 times by now…). Nothing else gives quite as much money.
The farmers have always been polite about requesting the others that they don’t attack the giant, and that they guest to X server where Arah is open, but they don’t want to! This is when abuse starts getting flung around.True, sometimes it’s the farmers who become rude first, but other times, it is the “completors”.
What really gets me is when “white knights” decide to end the farm just because. There is a particular guild on Sea of Sorrows who will decide they just want to stop the farming. They don’t want to do Arah, they do not care about the chest event after, they just want to stop the people farming it. So they recruit in Lion’s Arch, and the event soon ends. After this? Sea of Sorrows people move to a low population server, and begin the event chain from scratch.
You know a solution to this entire thing?
Implement multiple ways around the game to earn ~10g an hour at 80. This is what you get from CoF and Gates. With only 2? Of course this is gonna happen.Oh yeah, look forward to the CoF P1 nerf incoming soon. No more gold from repeated runs!
One more note: I like it how the person with the screenshots from page 1 actually had their bags full, and then empty in different screenshots, indicating that they were participating in the farm too. Nice one!
from what you describe the main problem seems to be people demanding that other players have to comply with their intention. No, dungeon runners should not have to guest, irrelevant what happens on other servers. The dungeon runners themselves are in no place to demand of anyone to finish the event, if they cannot complete by themselves, tough luck, farmers can farm however they like to. Well, and the exchange of “nice words” needs no commenting I guess.
Are there any EU servers who farm this?
I had a nice 15 mins on ruins of sumaria, got about 72 bags, would be nice to find a server that coordinates not to kill the giant.
BTW thanks OP, wouldn’t have known about this farm if not for you.
Exactly! I agree with everything you said except part between farming and troll.
Events are designed to be completed. Not designed so that people purposefully fail them so you can farm it. That is abusing game mechanics to the max and can get you banned. It also gets event chains nerfed for everyone else who doesn’t abuse them.
You have 0 right to get on anyone’s case or tell them to go leave when they want to complete an event the way that was intended. So if you want to farm it go to a server that isn’t open until some people that are playing the game they way it was meant to be come along of course. Pretty simple stuff.
Your opinion is wrong and you should be ashamed. No one said anything about having ‘rights and stuff’, so stop putting words where they don’t belong. Courtesy goes 2 ways, these trolls that show up to the event show none, even when supplied with a solution, the farmers show plenty of courtesy.
Also, read rumstein’s post, it sums up the [AUNZ] troll guild and how disgustingly disrespectful these ‘completers’ and trolls are. You must be one of them, I see, nothing you say is valid. They don’t need to show anyone who is abusing game mechanics any courtesy. Sorry.
People playing the game regularly > people abusing game mechanics to maximize loot.
I’ll take their side any and every time even though I’ve never heard of them over some one who thinks they are entitled to brokenly farm an event that wasn’t intended to be farmed.
You seem to imply that since you were there first you are entitled to do as you please and that is simply not the case. As I said before people who want to play the game as was intended have the right to trample over these so called farmers if they want to.
Now don’t get me wrong, no one has the right to be mean to other players, that’s not what I’m saying at all so don’t think I am.
Also, your opinion is wrong and you should be ashamed. I’m not the one telling people who are trying to play the game the way it was designed that they need to go else where.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Here are my experiences when farming this event:
-People initiate the event, and begin farming it.
-Others join.
-Some people want to go to Arah, but heaven forbid they guest!
-Farmers inform the people wanting to finish the event that it is open on X server, and they can guest there to enter Arah.
-Dungeon runners refuse, demanding that people finish the event.
-Farmers keep farming, tensions are high.
-Event completer dies, spurts abuse, gets revived by farmers.
-Abuse is traded back and forth between the two groups.Here’s the thing.
CoF is good to make money (it’s pretty much exactly on par with this from my experience), but I’ve seriously gotten sick of CoF. (Would have completed it about 200 times by now…). Nothing else gives quite as much money.
The farmers have always been polite about requesting the others that they don’t attack the giant, and that they guest to X server where Arah is open, but they don’t want to! This is when abuse starts getting flung around.True, sometimes it’s the farmers who become rude first, but other times, it is the “completors”.
What really gets me is when “white knights” decide to end the farm just because. There is a particular guild on Sea of Sorrows who will decide they just want to stop the farming. They don’t want to do Arah, they do not care about the chest event after, they just want to stop the people farming it. So they recruit in Lion’s Arch, and the event soon ends. After this? Sea of Sorrows people move to a low population server, and begin the event chain from scratch.
You know a solution to this entire thing?
Implement multiple ways around the game to earn ~10g an hour at 80. This is what you get from CoF and Gates. With only 2? Of course this is gonna happen.Oh yeah, look forward to the CoF P1 nerf incoming soon. No more gold from repeated runs!
One more note: I like it how the person with the screenshots from page 1 actually had their bags full, and then empty in different screenshots, indicating that they were participating in the farm too. Nice one!
Wait so why do people playing the game as intended need to guest? While the farmers get to free farm for hours on end?
I am on SoS and I have not seen farmers act politely at all. And if you actually bothered to look at the screenshots they don’t res the people who want to finish the event.
So people wanting to complete a event normally is wrong? You obviously have a few screws loose.
No. There are a few low pop servers where the Arah gates tend to be closed more than open and where fewer people are attempting the dungeon. Farmers should go there.
There is a critical path that players take in PvE from tutorial to end-game. Trying to prevent completion of an event that gates the final dungeon and harassing players that are trying to progress is directly conflicting with or blocking that path. The farmers are the ones that need to get off of it, not those that are trying to walk it as it was designed for them.
Anyways, this topic will be moot soon enough. I’m sure devs have been in here to read it, and seen the negative behavior players farming are exhibiting towards players that are just trying to play through their story or do dungeons as intended. There may have even already been a meeting note on how to resolve the issue. In the end, farmers being kittens will have only ruined it for themselves. Rewards will be scaled down and the people doing the event to get into Arah will hardly notice because that’s not what they were there for to begin with. Bravo farmers, you’ve kittened yourselves again.
I agree the open world needs better loot and at least some farming spots. It is just that this one is particularly bad since by not completing it blocks a dungeon (and the completion of the personal story). However, if people want to farm it before it get nerfed, I guess go ahead, nothing stopping you. If people want the dungeon open or to complete the event, then can just kill the giant. Those people can just block anyone who gives you excessive grief, and report anyone who uses reportable language. we all know there is no way this spot remains unchanged for long.
Honestly people need to stop raging on each other, isn’t Anet responsible for ruining EVERY farm spot that gets discovered?
Diminishing Returns was not enough for them….
Dynamic Scaling was not enough for them….
They didn’t stop there, they had to set the timers to where you could actually sit for 30m without any DE’s popping.
So it’s no surprise farmers get frustrated when I group comes to interfere with their farming. Let me stress I am not defending those who are excessively rude and/or idiotic.
But lets try to look at it from the farmers perspective…Anet has done everything short of flipping the bird to the farming community. It’s has been very frustrating.
But again…dungeon runners should not be raged on, nor should farmers have to deal with people who will purposely ruin their farm just for the hell of it.