Gems price after a year of release

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


Will anyone bother buying them when they hit 10g per 100 gems? It seems really stupid how it just keeps going up and up. I should of had a cap at 5g. I know there are ppl with money buying gems all the time but that just makes buying something from the gem store for in game gold a dream for new/poor players.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


lol inflation.

Invasions are currently making a massive amount of currency to players.

some will probably use it to convert Gems to Gold causing it to rise.

Do what other people do and use real life money buy gems.

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


Will anyone bother buying them when they hit 10g per 100 gems? It seems really stupid how it just keeps going up and up. I should of had a cap at 5g. I know there are ppl with money buying gems all the time but that just makes buying something from the gem store for in game gold a dream for new/poor players.

They harder they are to come by with ingame funds, the more likely you are to spend real money. Technically they can say “you don’t have to spend real money to get gems”, but you can see where that’s less than ideal if they can make it a big grind.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: champ.7021


Who sets the prices…ANET..well no kitten thakittens actually NCSOFT. So i dont really think its inflation which pushes these prices up. And if it is:

Edit/ i like how it censors when you put “that” next to “its”

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


80 gold to transfer servers………………… screw that. >=[

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obby Shards.9365

Obby Shards.9365

Obviously the higher they cost gold wise, the more tempted you will be to give them all your actual money. It’s pretty simple to understand.

Obby Shards – 80 Warrior / Aura Of Faith – 80 Guardian. Fanboys & Hate mail [FnH]

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eliyahu.1467


It’s just inflation. At launch you could buy Dusk for 10 gold. Gold was simply much more valuable back then because there was less of it.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I am sad because I ran out of transmutation crystals.

Oceanic [LOD]

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heizero.9183


^It is inflation. the more players that spend gold for gems, the more it rises. the more that buy gems with money, the more the exchange rate drops…simple.

Commander Unyielding Shadow – Human Thief
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Right now the price is going to be very high because we’ve had multiple weeks of very profitable farms (first the Pavilion now the world events) and they’ve been promising sales and limited time items returning to the gem store. So a lot of players have more gold to spend and more of an incentive to exchange it for gems. After the end of August the price will probably drop.

Having said that I don’t think it will ever go all the way back down to what it was at launch because like other people said inflation is a factor too. It happens in all MMOs, probably all economies, real or virtual. People still talk about when GW1 first started when ectos were worth about 700g each (in GW1 money that’s very cheap) and everyone thought it wouldn’t matter that trading was capped at 100k because no one would ever charge more than that for an item.

As long as it doesn’t get as bad as Ultima Online before they added gold sinks, when I was selling common mounts for a small fortune each and a decent sized house cost you 10 million I think we’re ok.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

The thing with the inflation is that gold also becomes easier to get as well. Although gems are more expensive than ever, I have more gold than ever.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Well as box sales are dropping they need to encourage people to spend real money on gems. It’s been known from the start that the currency exchange is not just a matter of supply and demand but Anet setting thresholds. Don’t forget gems sales are key to this game’s success. The box sales alone will never be enough to maintain the game.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Well as box sales are dropping they need to encourage people to spend real money on gems. It’s been known from the start that the currency exchange is not just a matter of supply and demand but Anet setting thresholds. Don’t forget gems sales are key to this game’s success. The box sales alone will never be enough to maintain the game.

or is all this just speculation on your part?
As far as I understated Anet is making so much money from the gem-shop that they do not need to release a paid expansion
Sales are also not falling off as far as I know
Gems- exchanged for gold puts gems in the game to be bought with gold.
People are farming like crazy and making a bazillion gold- they exchange it for gems.

Gunnar’s Hold

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaulDousen.2619


3 hours per day 37 gold =/

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Well as box sales are dropping they need to encourage people to spend real money on gems. It’s been known from the start that the currency exchange is not just a matter of supply and demand but Anet setting thresholds. Don’t forget gems sales are key to this game’s success. The box sales alone will never be enough to maintain the game.

or is all this just speculation on your part?
As far as I understated Anet is making so much money from the gem-shop that they do not need to release a paid expansion
Sales are also not falling off as far as I know
Gems- exchanged for gold puts gems in the game to be bought with gold.
People are farming like crazy and making a bazillion gold- they exchange it for gems.

Sorry, thought this was common knowledge. Here you can see the financial reports and in comparison see that GW2 is selling less than the previous quarter and a lot less than the quarter before that when the game released.

I’d like to see a link that shows that they don’t make an expansion because they make enough money as you say. Because I don’t think that’s true. I think they prefer not to make an expansion period, but only if they have to.

Don’t foget they are releasing the game in China soon, which could bring in a lot of cash for them. That will allow them to on as well without expansions or anything else. But it will allow them to build an expansion for the future. Let’s say a year after the China release if things have slowed down there as well.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that the game is dying, but sales are definitely down and getting close to Aion sales, which is a game that certainly bombed in the west but still does fine in Korea. You might find that over time GW2 might go the same with if it scores in China. If it flops there, then it becomes a very different story.

I do wonder if the Chinese would really like such an easy mode game…time will tell.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

right now its 18 gems for 1g… At these prices people defending gem store with their bs comments such as “Anet is giving you choice of buying stuff with dollars or in game money” becomes irrelevant, completely irrelevant. wtf will happen in 4 months? 3 gems for 1g? i mean what in the kittend of bullkitten is this? Anet is pretty much forcing you to spend real dollars if you want to buy anything on their store.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


right now its 18 gems for 1g… At these prices people defending gem store with their bs comments such as “Anet is giving you choice of buying stuff with dollars or in game money” becomes irrelevant, completely irrelevant. wtf will happen in 4 months? 3 gems for 1g? i mean what in the kittend of bullkitten is this? Anet is pretty much forcing you to spend real dollars if you want to buy anything on their store.

Spend real cash or grind your kitten off….sounds about right.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyr.1965


Nothing’s really changed about gem prices. Sure, the cost in gold for 100 gems has certainly gone up, but so has the amount of gold you can make in the game. Before champ farming, people were grinding T6 mats or whatever for their gold. Either way, they were spending time playing the game to make gold to buy gems. In the same amount of time it used to take to make 10g, you can now make triple or more. And gem prices reflect that. But time is the real currency here. All the other numbers are meaningless. Either way, you’re still spending about the same amount of time to make the gold to buy 100 gems whether those gems cost 1g or 10g. Of course, if you’re not willing to grind events like everyone else, you’re screwed, but the lazy will always be poor in this game.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


The recent injection of LOTS of gold into the economy is why gem prices have reached 1g=18gems…

All those players who complained about lack of loot, don’t understand economics, more gold is a illusion, because of inflation even through you have more gold it will buy you less…

Anet have not changed how gems/gold work at all.

What’s changed is loads of players have more money and a lot of them have choosen to buy gems with it…

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Nothing’s really changed about gem prices. Sure, the cost in gold for 100 gems has certainly gone up, but so has the amount of gold you can make in the game. Before champ farming, people were grinding T6 mats or whatever for their gold. Either way, they were spending time playing the game to make gold to buy gems. In the same amount of time it used to take to make 10g, you can now make triple or more. And gem prices reflect that. But time is the real currency here. All the other numbers are meaningless. Either way, you’re still spending about the same amount of time to make the gold to buy 100 gems whether those gems cost 1g or 10g. Of course, if you’re not willing to grind events like everyone else, you’re screwed, but the lazy will always be poor in this game.

I don’t think that’s right. It seems to me the gem prices are higher in comparison still and I most certainly don’t think everybody else is willing to grind events.

And the lazy will not be poor in this game. They could have real cash or they can be smart at the TP. Grinding events is the poor man’s game in fact.

The game allows people with a bit of savvy to become extremely rich. In the first month of this game we already had people who had hundreds of golds. Gold is a more accessible to more players at the moment, but if you want to get 800 gems with gold, I’ve got the feeling that takes an average player more time now than before.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heizero.9183


In queen’s gauntlet players were making 100g+ a day EASY. Now that new sales are up in gem store, they are USING that gold to convert to gems, therefore causing the xchange rate to rise. It is basic economics. The more gold that enters the market, the less it is worth. How do people not understand this?

Commander Unyielding Shadow – Human Thief
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Piscore.6934


in 2014… 1g=1gem


We need a minimum price like 1g=20 gem because new players vs old player’s economy is huge difference (thx gauntlet farm for broken the economy)

Today 1g=17 gem’s

PD: Sorry for my poor English I hope you understand what I mean.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


In queen’s gauntlet players were making 100g+ a day EASY. Now that new sales are up in gem store, they are USING that gold to convert to gems, therefore causing the xchange rate to rise. It is basic economics. The more gold that enters the market, the less it is worth. How do people not understand this?

It’s not about understanding.

SOME players were making 100g per day. The rest got shafterd. Also Anet has control over the market so they can manipulate it as they see fit. That’s fair enough but that also means the prices don’t have to be so high for gems. Sadly in this game, gold can buy you everything.

I would’ve found it much more interesting if a it would take a currency like karma to get gems. That would be much easier to control. Gold is just out of control in this game but it means that a number of people have way too much of it and it punishes the people who are not as tuned into TP uptrading or grinding champions all day long every day.

Too bad really.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Question: how are people making 10 gold / hour with the invasions? You can only do one invasion per hour. Are you selling everything you get? Even if I sold everything from those events, it still wouldnt be close to 10 gold per hour. I mean…even champs typically drop junk anyways. Karma, 5-10 silver, maybe an orichalcum ore.

I just dont see how people are doing 30+ in 3 hours, 10 in 1 hour.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


I suspect ‘something’ is coming that the vast majority of players want but will be expensive to get and that will act as big balance on the economy…I have seen dev hints at this…

The ‘something’ is at a guess going to be very, very expensive ascended armour/weapons and possibly new skills/traits that are also going to be expensive to acquire…

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Question: how are people making 10 gold / hour with the invasions? You can only do one invasion per hour. Are you selling everything you get? I mean…even champs typically drop junk anyways. Karma, 5-10 silver, maybe an orichalcum ore.

I just dont see how people are doing 30+ in 3 hours, 10 in 1 hour.

I haven’t done these, so a question to you: Is it one invasion per hour per account or per character?

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Question: how are people making 10 gold / hour with the invasions? You can only do one invasion per hour. Are you selling everything you get? I mean…even champs typically drop junk anyways. Karma, 5-10 silver, maybe an orichalcum ore.

I just dont see how people are doing 30+ in 3 hours, 10 in 1 hour.

I haven’t done these, so a question to you: Is it one invasion per hour per account or per character?

The invasions themselves only spawn once per hour. They take between 30-40 minutes to complete.

Its gated by arenanet, once per hour. You can do them every hour if you want to.

Even Pavilion farming, I didnt see half of the profit some people are boasting.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taerik.3405


Since there are so few things to actually spend all your gold on, and no real gold sink (a normal function that takes your gold away), Players end up with LARGE amounts of gold, I hit 5000gold at once point.

Ever since launch I have just been throwing my excess gold into gems, its a sound investment since gem prices will always rise, the only thing that could ever make it go down is if EVERYONE starting giving anet money and then convert gems to gold, im sure there are players that do this but there arent enough of them to stop the gem price rise. Im currently sitting at 20k gems, its down from 39k but I blew a lot of gems recently, I have a minipet addiction…

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

right now its 18 gems for 1g… At these prices people defending gem store with their bs comments such as “Anet is giving you choice of buying stuff with dollars or in game money” becomes irrelevant, completely irrelevant. wtf will happen in 4 months? 3 gems for 1g? i mean what in the kittend of bullkitten is this? Anet is pretty much forcing you to spend real dollars if you want to buy anything on their store.

Spend real cash or grind your kitten off….sounds about right.

I already spent $60 for the game and if they want more it’ll be for an expansion, not the overpriced gem store where they’re selling you an ugly mini for $5. I remember when 1g was over 100 gems and when it got under 100 gem i was like wtf? Now its 18 gem for 1g, now i can really say wtf and where is this going? will this seriously reach 1gem=1g and they will allow this to happen? that’s funny

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zeromius.1604


right now its 18 gems for 1g… At these prices people defending gem store with their bs comments such as “Anet is giving you choice of buying stuff with dollars or in game money” becomes irrelevant, completely irrelevant. wtf will happen in 4 months? 3 gems for 1g? i mean what in the kittend of bullkitten is this? Anet is pretty much forcing you to spend real dollars if you want to buy anything on their store.

You do realize that you’re buying gems from other players that are buying gold with those gems right? You’re not buying gems from ArenaNet.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unleashed.6195


right now its 18 gems for 1g… At these prices people defending gem store with their bs comments such as “Anet is giving you choice of buying stuff with dollars or in game money” becomes irrelevant, completely irrelevant. wtf will happen in 4 months? 3 gems for 1g? i mean what in the kittend of bullkitten is this? Anet is pretty much forcing you to spend real dollars if you want to buy anything on their store.

You do realize that you’re buying gems from other players that are buying gold with those gems right? You’re not buying gems from ArenaNet.

Players do affect the exchange rate, but no, this is not what is happening. If no one traded in gold for gems, players would not suddenly be unable to purchase gems for lack of inventory. If players stopped buying gems for cash, players would not suddenly be unable to trade in their gold for gems.

Pricing is just one issue though. The bigger issue is the release of content that would be otherwise fun to achieve by completing new dungeons (like the Zodiac skins) attached to RNG gem shop items. The Chest/BLC Key system is cancerous.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


let’kitten that 1g = 1gem ratio
c’mon guildwars2 heros, i know you can do it!

Not only that, they will do it and if you dare complain, they’ll tell you life is much easier if you just accept it.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lopez.7369


The thing with the inflation is that gold also becomes easier to get as well. Although gems are more expensive than ever, I have more gold than ever.

It’s sad how long it took someone to explain basic economics in this thread.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


The thing with the inflation is that gold also becomes easier to get as well. Although gems are more expensive than ever, I have more gold than ever.

It’s sad how long it took someone to explain basic economics in this thread.

Except that it’s not a free market and Anet can set their own thresholds regardless of the basic economics you refer to. From the start they’ve said this, so I don’t know why people would think it’s just basic economics going on here.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Let’s go over how John Smith outlined the Gem Exchange again.

It was founded with a extremely large but finite supply of Gems and a much smaller amount of gold. The Gems you get when buying comes from this supply and Gold you get by selling gems come from this supply.

The exchange rate is the ratio between the amount of exchange Gems and exchange Gold. At the start to was around 100 Gems for every 25s. The Gold to Gems rate is this ratio divided by 0.85 while Gems to Gold rate is this ratio multiplied by 0.85.

As Gems are bought the amount of Gems in the exchange goes down while the amount of Gold at the exchange increases which makes the rate go up. Conversely buying Gold with Gems decreases the amount of Gold at the exchange while increasing the amount of Gems at the exchange which makes the rate go down.

This means the more Gems we buy, the more the rate increases. And since it’s a ratio it will increase at a faster and faster pace as the number of Gems in the exchange dwindle. The theory is that at some point the Gem to Gold rate, which increases at the same rate as Gold to Gems, will become attractive enough for players to by Gems with cash and exchange them for Gold. And once Gems entering the exchange balances the Gems leaving the exchange, the rates will stabilize.

Problem is too many players believe that Gold to Gems is the primary way to buy items from the Gem store. IT’s NOT, NEVER WAS. ANet need players to buy Gems with cash. That’s what pays the bills. The exchange has multiple purposes. First it’s ANet rewarding those who figured out a way to make a lot of gold in the game since they are driving the economy. Second, it allowed players early on a taste of what’s available at the Gem store with out needing to invest anymore money into the game. That’s the true purpose of BLTCs, it’s a Whitman sampler of Gem store items. Third, the exchange is also a way for ANet to sell gold without creating anymore other than the initial small exchange supply, the rest being player funded. Same is true with resupplying the exchange with Gems, it’s up to the players to sell Gems to the exchange. ANet will only create Gems for cold hard cash. So at some point in the future the Gems that are being bought for Gold WILL BE Gems that players once bought for cash. The exchange is truly an exchange.

The question now is does this method, as oppose to determining the rate of the proxy currency on an open market like it’s done in EVE or Wildstar is better or worse than the automated system we have. Of course in those games all the supply is player driven, there was/will be no seeding the supply of the proxy currency. So is our method encouraging players to adopt playing styles that focus solely on gold generation, which is self defeating in the long run as the rate goes up faster as more gems are bought than sold, independent of the actual change in money supply?

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fungihoujo.8476


So at the moment, I notice for 100 gems I can get 3g66s72c, or for 5g11s0c I can get 100gems.

I have to admit- they must be making a killing and a half on what they’re taxing.

That said- the prices don’t seem all that different from the past few months.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


The purpose there is to prevent players from playing the gem exchange as they do with the TP.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukral.2870


The first year of an MMO will always face market fluctuations in the in-game economy. Part of this is due to players finding unique and unexpected methods of playing the system to maximize returns on any of their investment, whether it real money, gold, crafting materials, etc etc. The market takes time and does stabilize however. The primary reason for the gems like so many have stated is as a method of cash inflow to supplement for lack of subscription fees. Arenanet has done well in making everything gem-based cosmetic or non-game breaking. Services such as name changes, server transfers, and so on have always traditionally been pure cash services in MMO’s, and even allowing for the use of ingame currency as an option to players was a generous choice on their part.

That said, let’s compare the current gem market with a smaller scale MMO that is still fairly recent. Three Ring’s Spiral Knights (SK) worked on a similar platform, allowing players to transfer ingame currency for crystal energy (CE), which in turn was used for resurrections, gear crafting, and dungeon exploration after the daily usage of mist energy. In the early days of the release of SK, crystal energy would commonly see buy orders as low as 3500 crowns per hundred units, crowns being the ingame currency. Crowns in these early stages were scarce, CE was available from fresh players eager to amass early fortunes and with deep wallets and so there was little worry at the time. As those early riches were attained though, and the playerbase generated more crowns, the cost of CE would grow slowly every few weeks by a few hundred crowns. As the playerbase shrunk and fewer suppliers of CE remained, it begun to rise quite dramatically, almost doubling in value. People panicked and wondered just how far it would rise as prices of 8000 and 9000 crowns per 100 CE were viewed. The market however began to stabilize after this dramatic rise. For months now, CE has been levelled off at a value of 7.5k crowns per hundred CE. Is this the ideal cheap price we initially had? Absolutely not. Is the price rising further into unobtainable reaches? Again, absolutely not. This is not perfectly reflective of GW2, which boasts a much larger playerbase and uses for the paid premium currency that are different from SK, but is something to take into consideration.

As the playerbase stabilizes, and methods of gold generation become more stable, the market will in turn reflect this. We will at some point see Gems tapering off at a price higher than what we were used to in the first few months of release, but likely never to a point where we have 1g=1gem. Economies are not formed overnight, and very much of the Guild Wars 2 economy is still working towards that stabilization.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sky.7610


create a major gold sink = problem solve. But Anet made a system that a small minority of players have most of the gold, and the majority of players broke as hell.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


Let’s go over how John Smith outlined the Gem Exchange again.

It was founded with a extremely large but finite supply of Gems and a much smaller amount of gold. The Gems you get when buying comes from this supply and Gold you get by selling gems come from this supply.

The exchange rate is the ratio between the amount of exchange Gems and exchange Gold. At the start to was around 100 Gems for every 25s. The Gold to Gems rate is this ratio divided by 0.85 while Gems to Gold rate is this ratio multiplied by 0.85.

As Gems are bought the amount of Gems in the exchange goes down while the amount of Gold at the exchange increases which makes the rate go up. Conversely buying Gold with Gems decreases the amount of Gold at the exchange while increasing the amount of Gems at the exchange which makes the rate go down.

This means the more Gems we buy, the more the rate increases. And since it’s a ratio it will increase at a faster and faster pace as the number of Gems in the exchange dwindle. The theory is that at some point the Gem to Gold rate, which increases at the same rate as Gold to Gems, will become attractive enough for players to by Gems with cash and exchange them for Gold. And once Gems entering the exchange balances the Gems leaving the exchange, the rates will stabilize.

Problem is too many players believe that Gold to Gems is the primary way to buy items from the Gem store. IT’s NOT, NEVER WAS. ANet need players to buy Gems with cash. That’s what pays the bills. The exchange has multiple purposes. First it’s ANet rewarding those who figured out a way to make a lot of gold in the game since they are driving the economy. Second, it allowed players early on a taste of what’s available at the Gem store with out needing to invest anymore money into the game. That’s the true purpose of BLTCs, it’s a Whitman sampler of Gem store items. Third, the exchange is also a way for ANet to sell gold without creating anymore other than the initial small exchange supply, the rest being player funded. Same is true with resupplying the exchange with Gems, it’s up to the players to sell Gems to the exchange. ANet will only create Gems for cold hard cash. So at some point in the future the Gems that are being bought for Gold WILL BE Gems that players once bought for cash. The exchange is truly an exchange.

The question now is does this method, as oppose to determining the rate of the proxy currency on an open market like it’s done in EVE or Wildstar is better or worse than the automated system we have. Of course in those games all the supply is player driven, there was/will be no seeding the supply of the proxy currency. So is our method encouraging players to adopt playing styles that focus solely on gold generation, which is self defeating in the long run as the rate goes up faster as more gems are bought than sold, independent of the actual change in money supply?

No one will understand the truth here.

It’s far easier for the dumbs to blame ANet or NCSoft.

To the uninformed masses someone at ANet or NCSoft is just sitting at a computer cranking a slider up laughing maniacally…

It’s funny, but I could just work an hour of overtime and make more gold converting gems to gold than I could possibly farm in that hour and this rate is only getting better for me.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


No one will understand the truth here.

It’s far easier for the dumbs to blame ANet or NCSoft.

To the uninformed masses someone at ANet or NCSoft is just sitting at a computer cranking a slider up laughing maniacally…

It’s funny, but I could just work an hour of overtime and make more gold converting gems to gold than I could possibly farm in that hour and this rate is only getting better for me.

I think that a lot of people, perhaps even most, do understand this. I expect that even those whining about exchange rates and the like understand it. But it is easier to complain for changes to benefit themselves than it is for them to adapt and overcome.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zeromius.1604


No one will understand the truth here.

It’s far easier for the dumbs to blame ANet or NCSoft.

To the uninformed masses someone at ANet or NCSoft is just sitting at a computer cranking a slider up laughing maniacally…

It’s funny, but I could just work an hour of overtime and make more gold converting gems to gold than I could possibly farm in that hour and this rate is only getting better for me.

I think that a lot of people, perhaps even most, do understand this. I expect that even those whining about exchange rates and the like understand it. But it is easier to complain for changes to benefit themselves than it is for them to adapt and overcome.

Some of them probably do understand it. I think most are part of the ignorant masses though. If they fail to look at things from the other side then they fail to grasp how things work. If they thought outside the box they would see that gold is actually really cheap right now.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


Why would Arenanet limit how high gem prices can go? That means that the people who buy gems to turn them into gold can’t make enough gold down the line. It also means players never have to buy gems with real money, which they do not want.

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Priorities, what to do?
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Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nialiss.6459


B-but I thought everyone was saying, “CoF P1 Farming was causing all the infwation and it needed nerfed to save the economy!” Gosh, they couldn’t have been wrong could they? Surely people wouldn’t have been so kitten over one single dungeon path they didn’t like that they made unfounded accusations!?

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Will anyone bother buying them when they hit 10g per 100 gems? It seems really stupid how it just keeps going up and up. I should of had a cap at 5g. I know there are ppl with money buying gems all the time but that just makes buying something from the gem store for in game gold a dream for new/poor players.

They harder they are to come by with ingame funds, the more likely you are to spend real money. Technically they can say “you don’t have to spend real money to get gems”, but you can see where that’s less than ideal if they can make it a big grind.

Not technically true, the harder they are to come by the more players leave because they cannot get anything, this will bite Anet in the populations sooner or later..

If you cannot afford anything in game, most do not whip out their Credit Card, many leave.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zeromius.1604


Will anyone bother buying them when they hit 10g per 100 gems? It seems really stupid how it just keeps going up and up. I should of had a cap at 5g. I know there are ppl with money buying gems all the time but that just makes buying something from the gem store for in game gold a dream for new/poor players.

They harder they are to come by with ingame funds, the more likely you are to spend real money. Technically they can say “you don’t have to spend real money to get gems”, but you can see where that’s less than ideal if they can make it a big grind.

Not technically true, the harder they are to come by the more players leave because they cannot get anything, this will bite Anet in the populations sooner or later..

If you cannot afford anything in game, most do not whip out their Credit Card, many leave.

By your argument, free to play games should not have any players at all since you wouldn’t be able to purchase anything from their cash shops without paying real money. Yet, they do have players playing their games still. At least in GW2 you have the option of using in-game money to purchase things that are in the cash shop.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azizul.8469


it’s all inflation.

current event are farming fest, you could at least get 4g (gold only, not including possible new exotic weapon) per invasion. this makes many people richer, and most take this opportunity to stock up gems.

in the early days, roughly when gems was 100gems=65s, i did warn my guild mate to stock up gems, but not many listened.

luckily i unlocked all my bank slots and bought 2 extra character slots with all the gems i gathered prior to that. then i bought gems again when it was 100gems=2g. now i’m left with 3600….

not sure what ANET future plan is, but as long as the farming fest stays, gems price will continue to rise…

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Archeage = Farmville with PK

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Everything in the cash shop is optional and not required.

Paying gold for cash shop items isn’t possible in many games, especially considering all items in cash shop are useless.

I am a PvP player and I have over 200 gold, earning gold in this game is not that difficult.

ArenaNet does not set the prices of gems, the players do. If less players trade their gems for gold, the price of gems goes up until players start selling their gems again.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Will anyone bother buying them when they hit 10g per 100 gems? It seems really stupid how it just keeps going up and up. I should of had a cap at 5g. I know there are ppl with money buying gems all the time but that just makes buying something from the gem store for in game gold a dream for new/poor players.

They harder they are to come by with ingame funds, the more likely you are to spend real money. Technically they can say “you don’t have to spend real money to get gems”, but you can see where that’s less than ideal if they can make it a big grind.

Not technically true, the harder they are to come by the more players leave because they cannot get anything, this will bite Anet in the populations sooner or later..

If you cannot afford anything in game, most do not whip out their Credit Card, many leave.

By your argument, free to play games should not have any players at all since you wouldn’t be able to purchase anything from their cash shops without paying real money. Yet, they do have players playing their games still. At least in GW2 you have the option of using in-game money to purchase things that are in the cash shop.

Just to emphasize the point, Nexon makes over a billion dollars US a year with F2P.

There is nothing in the Gem shop that’s a must have to play this game. Minor boosters, convenience and vanity items only.

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Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASaturnus.4980


Except that it’s not a free market and Anet can set their own thresholds regardless of the basic economics you refer to. From the start they’ve said this, so I don’t know why people would think it’s just basic economics going on here.

On the contrary, ArenaNet always said that it’s the players who determine the price of gems.