Getting A legendary
I recommend you have a read through there and the linked pages to what the different ingredients require.
I’d say a good first step is to start saving up your gold and karma, because you’ll need a lot of both. Plus you can do it at the same time as the other stuff.
Also it’s a good idea to work on getting the Mystic Clovers before the T6 mats because if you are ‘unsuccessful’ with the Clover recipe you’ll get T6 materials instead.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Map completion is a good start, but I would also start getting your mystic clovers as well (as these are RNG, it depends on your personal luck). All recipes can be found on the wiki.
It’s a good idea to hoard karma. Try not to spend karma on things other than obsidian shards until you get all of your clovers and your 250 obsidian shards for gift of mastery.
Don’t sell Tier 6 mats or ectos. Don’t spend karma. Save gold.
I am a relativity new player who at the moment is levelling a warrior and I will be going on the long grind for Twilight when I hit level 80 along side my friend who wants Sunrise and personally I look forward to it.
Maybe I will change my mind later but at this point in time I find the idea of getting one of the best weapons should take months of farming and grinding because if it was easy to get what’s the point of calling it a “legendary”
Also If anyone has any advice on getting the Twilight or Sunrise please could you let me know? I was thinking of getting 100% map completion first.
I would suggest avoiding the mystic forge and save your gold for a precursor, i like many others wave wasted a lot more that a precursor would cost from the tp, perhaps even for some the price of a legendary.
I agree with Lepton. get your 77 clovers. then get 250 obsidian shards. then after you get those 2 done and out of the way you can continue to do the 10 mystic clover recipe to get most of your mats. that’s what i did and how i got my legendary in a month. now working on my 2nd. A good way to get karma is Fractals 10 levels below your personal level. you will need 200 skill points for your bloodstone shard, a good way to get SP is by doing the champ train in frostgorge, you can get scrolls of knowledge from the champ boxes along with mats and lodestones which is also needed. Work on getting your pre cursor last. get everything you need and make the gifts first.
Personal advice don’t go for the legendary right away after you hit level 80. Making a legendary take between 1 month and 1 year depending on your play time. Its usually a long term project even for people that play for a long time now, know where to get most stuff and already have a minimum of crafting material already in their bank when they start. You risk to lose focus on your goal since way more stuff need to be done for someone just hitting level 80. In my case I started on my legendary after 6 months in the game. Here some preliminary tips that you can use to prepare you for your legendary.
- Save Gold
- Save Karma (Level up Fractal as high as you could, after when you play fractal 10 level lower you can big time karma, if you dislike fractal there is other way to get karma that you can do without preparation).
- Do Dungeon Master or at least a big part and especially do all Story Mode so you can start whatever dungeon you want. (not all paths will help you, but dungeon in general will be a great tools for you Legendary so learn how they work as much as you can to latter speed run them)
- Learn what to sell, what not to sell, where to sell and what to salvage. I won’t go in detail you can find this information. The worst for me was to find that a couple months earlier i sold a bunch of material at low price and now i have to buy them at an higher price.
- Do all daily and monthly. Laurel are a powerful currency. You will use it for ascended gear at first, but when you will be near completion of you legendary you can buy Tier 6 crafting material with laurel saving a lot of gold (about 1 gold per laurel).
- Level up crafting profession. All of them if you want, but only the two you need for you legendary is good enough.
I suggest you get your map completion in order too. At the minimum, you should get your WvW completion as soon as possible. You don’t have to actively WvW – you just need to explore your server’s side of the map each week and hope you change color.
Also try to set a map completion goal everyday. A reasonable one would be 2%.
Don’t sell Tier 6 mats or ectos. Don’t spend karma. Save gold.
Oh wait, he forgot: “Play the game and enjoy.” Do all those, and you’ll get whatever you want in the game in time.
When making a legendary go for the most expensive item first the precursor. You can slowly get everything else along the way. Saving up the money for mystic forge attempts(500g worth of attempts in one day) or buying the precursor from TP are both expensive.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
When making a legendary go for the most expensive item first the precursor. You can slowly get everything else along the way. Saving up the money for mystic forge attempts(500g worth of attempts in one day) or buying the precursor from TP are both expensive.
I wouldn’t recommend doing this since precursor crafting will come before he will finish his other components.
I wouldn’t recommend doing this since precursor crafting will come before he will finish his other components.
Well it will take time to save up 500g. A-net has said precursor crafting would be coming out for months and nothing yet. If anything the price of crafting a precursor will be similar to current cost of buying one. I know some players that saved their precursor last but finally gave in and bought a precursor to finish their legendary.
I hope that the price of legendaries does not increase anymore. The current cost of a legendary compared to when I made my legendaries has increased by 30%. The item that has always increase the most in value was the precursor. So I saved a ton of gold by getting my precursors first.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Getting A Legendary… [is impossible]
I wouldn’t recommend doing this since precursor crafting will come before he will finish his other components.
Well it will take time to save up 500g. A-net has said precursor crafting would be coming out for months and nothing yet. If anything the price of crafting a precursor will be similar to current cost of buying one. I know some players that saved their precursor last but finally gave in and bought a precursor to finish their legendary.
I hope that the price of legendaries does not increase anymore. The current cost of a legendary compared to when I made my legendaries has increased by 30%. The item that has always increase the most in value was the precursor. So I saved a ton of gold by getting my precursors first.
The price of precursor crafting could definitely be the same as buying one, but this will affect other component prices due to new entrants in their legendary quests. T6, etcos, lodes will all go up. It’s better to invest the gold into that and then make/buy the precursor after the prices have went down.
Getting gold is easy, the issue is people spend it on lots of bits of crap they don’t need, instead of just saving for the pre.
Make gold, don’t spend any of it and save for the pre.
As far as pre crafting goes, think of the recent time gating, now imagine how much time gating is going to be involved in any pre crafting. Yeah, just make the gold and buy one.
Have everything ready for the final craft, and then realise you don’t care to grind enough gold for the precursor.
[MERC] – Oceanic
I just finished Bifrost.
Would never do it again. Trust me when i say spending 3000 gold on a skin is not worth it at all.
I have 2 legendaries. Avoid the mystic forge, it’s a waste of money. All materials can be gather through farming (killing high lvl mobs for treasures), best of course is champ farm or farm Temple events. Do dungeons runs for gold. Since you want twilight, do AC runs. Of course CoF path 1 is good to do daily as it’s quick and easy. The hardest part to crafting a legendary is the precursor. It is hella expensive. So save gold. But if you are lucky, you might get a precursor drop. I got a precursor drop once. That’s once in a year and half of playing. So don’t be surprise if it never happens, so most likely you’ll have to grind out for enough gold to buy the precursor from TP.
However, if you really want to know the secret to getting a legendary fast is to make good friends in the game. I couldn’t have gotten 2 legendary if not for a few people giving me ingredients. One person even gave me a precursor to craft my first legendary.
I just finished Bifrost.
Would never do it again. Trust me when i say spending 3000 gold on a skin is not worth it at all.
I don’t think so. Crafted my twilight months ago, and that’s still the most satisfactory thing I think i ever do. The skin is uber good, animation is great, and the most useful thing is that swap-able stats. When ascended weapon was released and people spend their bloody time farming, I can just sit around and play like normal because my Legendary stat already adjusted with the best.
Craft it I say, its worth it
Your first goal should be the precursor for the legendary your interested in. Get that RNG outta the way ASAP >.<. Also, don’t be afraid to vocalize your goal to your guildmates/friends after you obtain the precursor. There are some AWESOME people out there ^^. Hell, last thing I needed was 90 runestones and a person who I’ve known for 15 minutes sent 90g to me.
Paid him back asap for his kindness, and it also appeared karma was in his favor… 3 days later he got a dusk drop from a world event (The day he gave me 90g he mentioned his goal of twilight, but only having 120g) xD.
I just finished Bifrost.
Would never do it again. Trust me when i say spending 3000 gold on a skin is not worth it at all.
You finished crafting bifrost yet it costed as much as BUYING it straight off the trade post? Bifrost barely costs HALF of 3000g to make yourself >.>
I’m personally putting getting my precursor off until the end. I could get it as a drop while obtaining my other materials.
Once I get all of my materials that need for mine that can be got through salvaging or from gold short of the precursor, I will take any exotic sceptors that I get in drops and mystic forge them in an attempt to get Storm. All while earning gold to buy it. If precursor crafting has come out, I’ll probably go that route over buying it or using the mystic forge.
I’m personally putting getting my precursor off until the end. I could get it as a drop while obtaining my other materials.
Once I get all of my materials that need for mine that can be got through salvaging or from gold short of the precursor, I will take any exotic sceptors that I get in drops and mystic forge them in an attempt to get Storm. All while earning gold to buy it. If precursor crafting has come out, I’ll probably go that route over buying it or using the mystic forge.
Having exotics drop are rare enough, but expecting specific exotic types are as rare as getting a precursor.
If you do plan on dumping stuff into the forge, remember it’s better to gamble on an expensive precursor, sell it and have funds remaining to buy the one you want + have other gold available
I’m personally putting getting my precursor off until the end. I could get it as a drop while obtaining my other materials.
Once I get all of my materials that need for mine that can be got through salvaging or from gold short of the precursor, I will take any exotic sceptors that I get in drops and mystic forge them in an attempt to get Storm. All while earning gold to buy it. If precursor crafting has come out, I’ll probably go that route over buying it or using the mystic forge.
Having exotics drop are rare enough, but expecting specific exotic types are as rare as getting a precursor.
If you do plan on dumping stuff into the forge, remember it’s better to gamble on an expensive precursor, sell it and have funds remaining to buy the one you want + have other gold available
I plan on selling the other drops and expect to buy it than receive it from the mystic forge. And I’d rather try for Storm than the others. I’m in no huge rush to get my legendary. I still have to finish up WvW map completion, get my 500 dungeon tokens, 100 icy runestones, the 77 mystic clovers, and I’m still missing a fair number of T6 mats. Chances are crafting will come out before I get to getting my precursor XD
I just finished Bifrost.
Would never do it again. Trust me when i say spending 3000 gold on a skin is not worth it at all.
You finished crafting bifrost yet it costed as much as BUYING it straight off the trade post? Bifrost barely costs HALF of 3000g to make yourself >.>
Well the precursor was 700g and I could have sold it outright at creation for at least 2.3k. In reality it would probably sell easily for 2.8k.
Close enough.
I just finished Bifrost.
Would never do it again. Trust me when i say spending 3000 gold on a skin is not worth it at all.
You finished crafting bifrost yet it costed as much as BUYING it straight off the trade post? Bifrost barely costs HALF of 3000g to make yourself >.>
Well the precursor was 700g and I could have sold it outright at creation for at least 2.3k. In reality it would probably sell easily for 2.8k.
Close enough.
Yeah… I just loved the bifrost so much. I could never sell it. Then I made dreamer, and I thought about selling it, but really loved that too much too.
I don’t think I could ever pour as much as I do into my legendaries and sell them. I get them for a reason, and that is to complete my character. No regrets, at all.
I just finished Bifrost.
Would never do it again. Trust me when i say spending 3000 gold on a skin is not worth it at all.
You finished crafting bifrost yet it costed as much as BUYING it straight off the trade post? Bifrost barely costs HALF of 3000g to make yourself >.>
Well the precursor was 700g and I could have sold it outright at creation for at least 2.3k. In reality it would probably sell easily for 2.8k.
Close enough.
Yeah… I just loved the bifrost so much. I could never sell it. Then I made dreamer, and I thought about selling it, but really loved that too much too.
I don’t think I could ever pour as much as I do into my legendaries and sell them. I get them for a reason, and that is to complete my character. No regrets, at all.
Yes I wouldnt want to discourage people from playing how they want to. If you have your heart set on a legy by all means please make it.
Just in my experience of playing a ton of this game since launch and finally 1.4 years later making one i was kinda let down.
Also after i soulbound it I just started thinking about how much gold I coudl make with the sale of Bifrost.
Well at least i have the achievement now……………..what 4 more tiers! Noooooooooo
Loll I’m unsure of the next legendary I want….. Mystic forge skins, IMO, are so much nicer… I’m looking at you, whisper blade, Ilya, lyss, etc etc
Why don’t they have a purple dagger darn it!
Since finding out what the “legendary” weapons were, soon after launch, i realised i didnt want any of them.
The designs are far too Kitsch and Comical.
I dont understand why half the player base craves them for their particle spam and the other half wants a tickbox to turn them off.
That said, if it’s a goal you want to aim for, go ahead.
Just dont be surprised that you wont feel odd being in a clique that all wields the exact same weapons.
I much prefer the named exotics, at least they have more than a single weapon option in each weapon category.
world completion is a time consuming one, good to get out of the way for sure. i saved the money for my precursor (don’t even bother with the toilet) and bought it when i was about 80% done the rest of the mats. make sure you put in a buy order instead of filling a sell order to save some gold. like others have said, mystic clovers are a good place to start once you finish map completion. along with the clover recipe, i bought some t6 mats with laurels.