Giving Up
I really don’t think it’s constructive to tell people to leave the game. I don’t think it’s particularly constructive to get feedback from people who’ve already left and aren’t playing but that’s another issue. I’m not sure how you can judge a game you’re no longer playing, because the experience keeps changing.
However, asking people to leave the game is pretty rude even if their comments annoy you.
Suggesting that they aren’t in the target audience if you feel that way is about as far as I’d personally go.
However, asking people to leave the game is pretty rude even if their comments annoy you.
Nah, let’s just all hate each other and tell each other to leave the game/forums. It’s totally constructive.
Did you even read the person’s rant I was responding to before “fixing” my quote?
Indeed I did. It was a complainer complaining about someone else complaining. It’s all very circular, and even more so because your response to him was exactly the same as his response to the OP…
Man up, guys and gals. If you don’t like where GW2 is going, LEAVE. Just like I did with EQ II, SW and Conan. LEAVE.
if you don’t like what a thread has to say then just leave…that’s all just leave.
“If you don’t like something, or where it is going, just leave it.” As I stated before, it’s always nice and fun when the same argument can/is being used on both sides.
That was the entire point of why I posted what I did, I don’t actually think he should leave the forums. His suggestion that a person should leave the game rather than post their (in this case constructive and well formatted) criticism is just ridiculous.
I wish Anet would dump or lock all the “I QUIT” threads. They bring nothing to the table but negativity. The very nature of these posts is divisive and their intent is to stir up angst among everyone.
I seriously doubt even 10% of them are actually leaving. Even if they do they will be back after they have tried a few other games. Gamers are gamers. They dont die. They dont suddenly take up gardening. Even with all the changes, this game is still the best out there and I think it will remain so and hold up well against the new releases. After the ranting exodus of a few disgruntled people happens and they go to the other true P2W games, they will be back. Count on it.
I wish Anet would dump or lock all the “I QUIT” threads. They bring nothing to the table but negativity. The very nature of these posts is divisive and their intent is to stir up angst among everyone.
That’s what a dictator would do. You know, like Kim Jong-un?
People don’t just post “I quit”. They post "I quit because of…
(edited by Straylight.7529)
I wish Anet would dump or lock all the “I QUIT” threads. They bring nothing to the table but negativity. The very nature of these posts is divisive and their intent is to stir up angst among everyone.
That’s what a dictator would do. You know, like Kim Jong-un?
People don’t just post “I quit”. They post "I quit because of…
Sorry – they post “I Quit” because they reel they are ‘ENTITLED’ to do so. I left D3 – I didn’t post anything – I just left – done. Same with Rift. Why do these people feel the need to say, "Put in the game what I want or I will not play’ is a childish and immature attitude born on the backs of getting everything they want and never working for it. It is really a spoilt child mentality. What are they going to do next, hold their breaths until they get what they want or throw a temper tantrum? (oh wait that is what the OP did).
A.Net already got you to buy the box. They have no reason to expect you to spend any more money than that. You should also expect no more than that either besides bug fixes, etc. Also, they are still putting patches out free – people never complained when Apple charges for patches to their OS, they just pay and gleefully.
I wish Anet would dump or lock all the “I QUIT” threads. They bring nothing to the table but negativity. The very nature of these posts is divisive and their intent is to stir up angst among everyone.
That’s what a dictator would do. You know, like Kim Jong-un?
People don’t just post “I quit”. They post "I quit because of…
Sorry – they post “I Quit” because they reel they are ‘ENTITLED’ to do so. I left D3 – I didn’t post anything – I just left – done. Same with Rift. Why do these people feel the need to say, "Put in the game what I want or I will not play’ is a childish and immature attitude born on the backs of getting everything they want and never working for it. It is really a spoilt child mentality. What are they going to do next, hold their breaths until they get what they want or throw a temper tantrum? (oh wait that is what the OP did).
A.Net already got you to buy the box. They have no reason to expect you to spend any more money than that. You should also expect no more than that either besides bug fixes, etc. Also, they are still putting patches out free – people never complained when Apple charges for patches to their OS, they just pay and gleefully.
Bla bla bla
People are upset about changes. They leave. They give reasons why they leave. That will give Arenanet some feedback. End of discussion.
I’m pretty sure anet’s internal politics are a mess. I bet a lot of people working there would love to work on dungeons or other fun content, but their upper management won’t give them the go ahead. I don’t know how you fix that. Pool our money and buy out the company, maybe?
LMAO! Yes, I’m sure that would work.
But what do you do if you get into the company and find most people don’t run dungeons? I’m not saying they do or they don’t…but what would you do if that were the case?
My guess is that if more people ran dungeons, more work would be done on them, because it’s just logical.
People ran the dungeons in gw1 constantly for fun and profit. Something changed. Something is different about the dungeons here than there. I ran the ones in gw1 for fun. Guildies were always asking for us to do a FOW run and it was a blast. Took a long time commitment. If some goof got the NPCs killed on us it would all fail. But it was FUN. It was fun even when it failed. We would all say, oh no! the mesmer did it again, going after that chest. (we had one specific mesmer notorious for that).
Lots of dungeons were popular and done often. For fun. I wish I could make a list that said.. here is how you make the current dungeons as fun as the ones in gw1 but fun is very subjective.
I don’t know why the dungeons here don’t feel as fun to me. I have done them some, and they were ok sometimes but I don’t know, they seemed a bit tedious and less fun. More like a job than fun but I don’t know why.
I often get the feeling here that decisions are made without fun being the primary consideration. I play games to have fun.
As for people just leaving silently without leaving feedback, I’m sure there are lots of people that do that. In fact, there are a bunch in my guild that left silently.
The business I work in puts a lot of effort in getting people (customers and employees) who leave to give them feedback. They told us that it is better economically to keep the customers and employees you have than to have retention problems. I would think most businesses would welcome feedback.
(edited by Katz.5143)
The problem is we can no longer play the game we paid for – fundamental parts of it have been changed beyond recognition. Bug fixes and enhancements are fine but the whole process of leveling and developing a character have been mangled and needlessly hampered. The story has been chopped up, starting areas are boring and many parts of it have been neutered. And all of this for more new player retention based on some metrics. (I’d like to know who was polled.)
Can Anet, or whoever, really think that players who were used to a certain amount of freedom in choosing how to play would be happy with such restrictive changes that also drained all the fun out of leveling and developing a character? Because the game for a new character seems so much more boring will these changes really result in retention of new players? A simple tutorial would have helped more I think and would not have ruined the existing game and alienated their established customers.
I have no idea why some of you are harping on the player for making this decision and writing about it, at least he makes good valid points and addresses them with calm and ration, unlike a lot of the ragequit posts we see so often. I honestly hope someone from the Anet higher-ups somehow stumbles upon this and sees it, as it’s not just the voice of one player but something a lot of the current playerbase will agree on.
There’s been good and bad with every patch for the >1 year I’ve been playing this game and I don’t expect to it be perfect either, but it constantly feels like they’re taking a step in the wrong direction since spring. The OP is right, there’s little to no reward in the game.
Take dailies for instance. You get a measly 5s a day. At 80 that barely covers 3 close waypoints. I hate to draw comparisons so I’ll avoid names, but I’m playing another MMO where completing a set of dailies 3 days in a row pretty much warrants you enough gold at exchange that you can buy yourself something nice in the item store. And that’s even a F2P, you don’t even need a boxed copy to play it, so please don’t try to defend this and tell me the game needs the gemstore to survive. I’ve spent plenty on the gemstore before spring 2014, it all probably rounds up to a good few hundreds of real euro, but I stopped trying to be supportive of this new item-store model they’re promoting the moment they went from 800gem armor-sets to 400gems per single armor piece and from 3-pack minis for 400 to single minis for 500.
Coupled with the removal of guaranteed unique items for the 2nd season of LS in favor of more RNG stuff. Somehow one backpiece serving as a huge mat sink, some goggles skin or monkey mini that may or may not drop from hundreds of locked chests in Dry Top doesn’t really compare to the more rewarding season 1 LS that had a guaranteed unique item as a meta reward. I personally did not care for half of them that much, matter of taste after all, but it was nice to get some sort of meaningful reward after completing a set of tie-in achievements, and not just some seed that’s completely useless until you farm for hundreds of geodes to put it in a pot and spend a fortune in mats for weeks crafting food to feed it to turn it into something remotely meaningful.
Dungeons we do really need more of! I’m not an avid dungeon runner, I only run them every now and then but I’m already burnt out on the content. There’s only so many times you can repeat the same dungeon, fight the same mobs before it gets repetitive and boring. While I enjoy all facets of the game, which helps keep some semblance of diversity, they need to also focus on all aspects of the game. PvE gets living story chapters, WvW gets competitive seasons, PvP has tournaments and rumored new maps. Time to shine a light on instances for a change. But I get a feeling something like a dungeon may come at the end of this story chapter, where we fight the dragon similar to Arah/Zaithan fight… but hopefully more engaging than sitting behind a turret.
I find it funny that people are saying things like 5 zerker warriors running a dungeon must be perfect when we’re basically playing a game that allows a single class to run 5 mans and sell boss kill slots, guess which class they choose to accomplish this. Warriors.
Crown Pav gave a ridiculous amount of gold, what are you talking about? Everyone made thousands of gold during this event.
As for everything else I can only conclude that you trust the forums too much. A lot of what you wrote is laughable.
Like TP ruining player experience or “People say new LS has better writing but I cba to check it out therefore it’s bad”. What, are you serious?
People are upset about changes. They leave. They give reasons why they leave. That will give Arenanet some feedback. End of discussion.
They tend to have vastly over-the-top senses of their own importance though. Anybody who’s been on any form of the internet for any more than a tiny amount of time should have learned contempt for ‘I quit’ flounce threads.
There was a pretty good description of the sate of this game currently on Reddit :
Get Gold, Get Gems, Get Pretty, Repeat.
Basically. Guild Wars 2, where super models fight dragons and zombies and spend their downtime getting manicures and makeovers. Welcome to Tyria where everyone’s had at least one nose job.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
There was a pretty good description of the sate of this game currently on Reddit :
Get Gold, Get Gems, Get Pretty, Repeat.Basically. Guild Wars 2, where super models fight dragons and zombies and spend their downtime getting manicures and makeovers. Welcome to Tyria where everyone’s had at least one nose job.
Theres nothing better than stomp some noob after freshly done nails.
Or listen people whine when you tickle them with (sky)hammer with a brand new and awesome haircut.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
I’m pretty sure anet’s internal politics are a mess. I bet a lot of people working there would love to work on dungeons or other fun content, but their upper management won’t give them the go ahead. I don’t know how you fix that. Pool our money and buy out the company, maybe?
LMAO! Yes, I’m sure that would work.
But what do you do if you get into the company and find most people don’t run dungeons? I’m not saying they do or they don’t…but what would you do if that were the case?
My guess is that if more people ran dungeons, more work would be done on them, because it’s just logical.
People ran the dungeons in gw1 constantly for fun and profit. Something changed. Something is different about the dungeons here than there. I ran the ones in gw1 for fun. Guildies were always asking for us to do a FOW run and it was a blast. Took a long time commitment. If some goof got the NPCs killed on us it would all fail. But it was FUN. It was fun even when it failed. We would all say, oh no! the mesmer did it again, going after that chest. (we had one specific mesmer notorious for that).
Lots of dungeons were popular and done often. For fun. I wish I could make a list that said.. here is how you make the current dungeons as fun as the ones in gw1 but fun is very subjective.
I don’t know why the dungeons here don’t feel as fun to me. I have done them some, and they were ok sometimes but I don’t know, they seemed a bit tedious and less fun. More like a job than fun but I don’t know why.
I often get the feeling here that decisions are made without fun being the primary consideration. I play games to have fun.
As for people just leaving silently without leaving feedback, I’m sure there are lots of people that do that. In fact, there are a bunch in my guild that left silently.
The business I work in puts a lot of effort in getting people (customers and employees) who leave to give them feedback. They told us that it is better economically to keep the customers and employees you have than to have retention problems. I would think most businesses would welcome feedback.
When you say people ran dungeons in Guild Wars 1, what percent of the population? Do you know? Do you have any idea at all?
People run dungeons here all the time. I have people in my guild who live in dungeons. They like it. But it’s only a small percentage of my guild.
The thing is, just because you and your friends run dungeons and just because a lot of dungeons are being run doesn’t mean that most people run dungeons ever. I suspect less people run dungeons than most people think. That’s just a guess.
Because I suspect most people avoid harder combat and I believe many more people solo than most people think. Particularly in Guild Wars 2 where soloing a dungeon without heroes is very hard, less people are going to run them, but even in Guild Wars 1, I knew a whole lot of people who never set foot in a dungeon.
Totally agree with your post Lunaire. I’ve really tried the last couple weeks to squeeze some enjoyment out of this game, but there just isn’t any. I’m sick of grinding and the lack of mature/helpful players (Though it is better than most other MMOs).
I hope to come back in a couple months and see all of the needed changes the community is asking for, but I won’t hold my breath.
OP is spot on. GW2 is nothing but a lazy, cheap, minimal effort way on the part of ArenaNet to part people from their money. Nothing wrong with business, and of course they need to make a profit, but they don’t even pretend anymore to be making a good product for it.
They’ve ridden the GW2 hype since it was announced when the EotN expansion to GW came out. But note that the GW2 they delivered is in NO WAY the GW2 they sold us.
I had hope that it was all just a case of poor, but innocent, mismanagement, and with all the feedback they’ve got about it, they’d eventually get GW2 back on track.
Yet all I see is more of the same, and the problem growing worse. I lost almost all my respect for ArenaNet in November 2012, and the rest has finally gone in September 2014 (shame on me for taking so long to see the light).
I don’t think ArenaNet care for quality at all. They’re just looking for the easiest way to get into your wallet.
I, for one, am quite happy to take my disposable income somewhere actually fun. I’m tired of this crap.
Thanks, OP – well said. It’s a crying shame that the only people listening are the playerbase.
Grinding achievements you have no hold on (Mad Court Victory during Halloween) to progress the story. This was my final nail in the coffin back in October 2013, I dumped this game never to return again. Looks like I was right on my money, GW2 has been doing downhill ever since.
Wait…you quit the game a year ago and you’re STILL on the forums??
I always assumed the ones that quit and stayed on the forums to high-five other people that quit were recent quitters, not people that quit a year ago.
I have to admire your dedication to the game. I can’t think of any game I’ve quit that I care enough about to post on the forums a year later lol.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I agree with OP… I just wanted to say that if one game doesn’t provide what you want but it’s the closest, there will always be another one coming out to further fulfill your needs.
See, I was about to give up playing MMOs, then GW2 came out and I fell for it although I still believe the game lacks intelligent challenge content.
(you’ll be back when they release an Expansion).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
- Half of the points – working as intended. Encouraging non-braindead group work, giving sense of progression, flexible economy, absence of trinity constraints, new content in small intervals, etc. I still have no problems getting money – and I even rarely “play TP”; the new content gave me more ways to make money. Understanding it, though, requires to step up from a “I’m the only gamer in the world” point of view towards the “I’m a developer who makes products which entertain hundreds of thousands of different players”.
- Another half of the points – give them time, you’ll get content you want (SAB, dungeons) in due course.
- And just a bit – things they really overdid and will have to fix soon.
Overall, that’s just another “this game is not what I want, so I leave!” thread. Nothing really wrong with it – only the tone which says that it’s “truth”, while it’s just an “opinion”.
I’m pretty sure anet’s internal politics are a mess. I bet a lot of people working there would love to work on dungeons or other fun content, but their upper management won’t give them the go ahead. I don’t know how you fix that. Pool our money and buy out the company, maybe?
LMAO! Yes, I’m sure that would work.
But what do you do if you get into the company and find most people don’t run dungeons? I’m not saying they do or they don’t…but what would you do if that were the case?
My guess is that if more people ran dungeons, more work would be done on them, because it’s just logical.
Than, do tell what are most ppl doing in this game?
WvW is obviously big, popular and endgame to many folks. Just how much work has anet bothered putting into WvW? minimal. More than dungs, sure, but still minimal work
sPvP is also massive and a big reason why a lot of us bought GW2, because GW1 was reknown for its PvP system. How much work has anet put into sPvP? again, minimal.
Logically, there is no point to putting work into new dungs, instead they should tackle the reason why so few people run dungs in the first place – pathethic reward system. it needs to be revamped along with fracs, but again, anet could care less…..
I dunno what metrics they use to determine what ppl are doing, but logically, they haven’t had any big changes to WvW,spvp , fracs, dungs, etc for a ton of time, so what exactly do they want to work on? its pretty obvious a ton of players do WvW, sPvP, etc. So i’m sorry, but anet does not follow the logic of “making changes to things players are actually playing”. all of anets focus has been on LS+gemstore junk. not about issues that plague WvW,sPvP, endgame pve …
(you’ll be back when they release an Expansion).
God I can only hope an xpac is soon…
This game has the biggest difference between forum and in-game opinion I’ve ever seen.
Here you’d think that this is the worst MMO ever created.
In game, when you mention the forums most people will reply with “Pff, kittenfest, ignore it”.
To be fair it’s kid of stupid because on one hand people ask for big changes and on the other, complain when something is changed.
See, that’s all really funny, because I’m having a great time playing, and I’ve been playing since beta.
I must be having badwrongfun somehow.
This game has the biggest difference between forum and in-game opinion I’ve ever seen.
Here you’d think that this is the worst MMO ever created.
In game, when you mention the forums most people will reply with “Pff, kittenfest, ignore it”.
To be fair it’s kid of stupid because on one hand people ask for big changes and on the other, complain when something is changed.
Its really not, but its one of the reasons more people dont use the forums, either its so policed that its only rainbows and unicorns (SWTOR), or its more free and you end up with few disgruntleded “fans” littering every thread proclaiming they are “community” and must be listened or game is doomed.
But in the grand scheme of things – forums dont matter much if any in this sense. Too few people and too skewed sample.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”