Hi there,
everyone and their grandmother, i talked to, said about gliding and asked :" Hey great stuff, but can i use it in central tyria?"
And every time, i put on my best trollface and said: “nope!”
That was very sad for most of them, so i took my time and came up with an idea.
First i sum up all the question, that came up in my mind:
If gliding comes to central tyria…
what happens to jumping puzzles?
what happens to all the POIs and other stuff that should be reach by jumping down?
what happens to PvP?
what happens to WvW?
AND when it comes to central tyria should it be there trained with red masteriepoints instead of green?
AND wouldn ’kitten be unfair for those without HoT?
And here are my conclusions:
If we want to glinde there, we need to protect the original stuff from being pointless! So i would suggest a new condition “disturbing winds”.
What doess “disturbing winds” do? Well it deactivates the glider and disables him for the duration of the condition. Of course, this condition cant be cleansed or something and is NOT timebased. It is based on the area. And the “dustrbing winds”- area is invisible, because you cant see wind, directly.
These “disturbing winds”-areas should of course only be put around those Jps or POIs and stuff.
So all the original PvE stuff is save and not pointless.
So PvP-Zone:
As far as i know, activating glinding in PvP doesnt make any difference. So i would just activate it to make the whole thing constant.
And WvW-Zone:
For this i have 2 suggestions:
1. Just activated it and give everything with a wall a “disturbing winds” area. So they are save!
2. Make it a weapon. Put a switch in everything with a wall to activate the area at will.
AND when it comes to central tyria should it be there trained with red masteriepoints instead of green?
Well…that is arguable, but i would say, nope it should stay where it is for the following reason.
First, it was designed for HoT. So i only NEEDS to be used THERE. So i think, it is right if you need to train it in HoT-areas.
AND woulnd it be unfair for those without HoT?
Well…Nope, again! -Why?
Easy, its a “nice to have” feature for the core-game. Something like the auto-loot. It is needed NOWHERE, but nice to have. So it would be great and easy to show those guys without HoT and make them, maybe, wanne buy HoT.
At last a little programming stuff, that might be useful, or not.
I would add a boolean attribut to the charakter, “disturbing winds” if true => deactivate glider and cant be activated. For the effect of course a new method.
For those graphic guys, i would put a invisible cylinder or quarder in the middle of every POI or JP and scale it big. Then everything, that gets inside those objects gets the bool, mentioned above, set to true and when it leave its will be set back to false again.
I would only add one or at maximum three of those invisible objects to a JP or POI, to make sure that there will only maybe just thirty objects added to a map, so it makes no performing difference. And i am sure, that its better that some people complain about being a little disturbed to much, than having no gliding at all.
I hope someone reads this. And maybe someone likes it, too.