Good day everyone,
First of all if you don’t really wanna go into a read, you can pretty much skip the entire post and go back to browsing other topics, as I’m gonna be talking about myself.
I discovered about the gold transfer changes as they were announced yesterday, when a guildie copy-pasted Gaile’s post in guild chat. At first I was like meh, sounds like an April fool’s, but then again why would they go on that topic, they could have just announced guild capes :>
Then, as I read the topic and people’s answers, the first thing that surprised me was the amount of people that think 500g is an enormous amount of gold. I’m very spoiled as I’m a PvE player (dungeon runner) and I also play the TP when my boredom reaches the next level, but yeah to me 500g is what everyone makes on a weekly basis.
Let’s recapitulate the changes :
- can’t receive more than 500g from mails/withdraw more than 500g from guild bank on a weekly timer,
- this limit appears to be shared.
Now Chris Cleary, someone I really respect for being direct about data and doing his job kitten right gave the following figures regarding impacted players (the ones moving more than 500g/week via mail) : 0.175% out of which 98.228% would be gold sellers. Please note that this figure is extended on a month and more people could hit the weekly limit once in a month then not hitting it the rest of the month.
That is actually my case, and here is a sum up of my weekly activities so you guys can see where i’m coming from :
- I sell legendaries that I make with friends/viewers of my stream,
- I loan gold to friends/guildies over a 48hours window (generally),
- I sell dungeons sometimes when craving for solo/duo action and wanting to make it worthwhile for my partner and I.
And here is some other stuff I’ve done that would also trigger the limit :
- Organizing birthday presents (usually in the 1K gold range),
- Trading precursors (with guildies/friends).
Now, while this new limit is created to fight gold sellers, it could impact me and impact YOU as well. 500g is NOTHING in comparison to the amount of gold you can make in a week. 500g is nothing in comparison to the value of items that get heavily mail traded (legendaries, precursors, expensive skins, …).
Over the last 30 days (the month time considered by ANet), here is a breakdown of my major mail actions :
- Bought The Moot from a viewer for 1550 something gold,
- Sold this Moot to a guildie for 1600g (yes I profit on my guildies, I’m evil),
- Sold Meteorlogicus to a guildie for 2300g (lost some coin, no kittens given).
Now accounting for for the new limits, the guy I bought the leggie from would have needed to receive 4 mails and waited 4 weeks to get the gold, hoping he doesn’t receive other mails with gold (in which case his mailbox gets cluttered and game is unplayable). Then for me it would take 9 mails of 500g or less to get my gold SENT to me, and TWO MONTHS to get it in my wallet. Brilliant right ? I’m a streamer and a member of a community guild that teaches dungeons and I take pride in the fact that I’ll answer each and every mail sent to me. With an uptime of 6 hours playing the game a day, that means what ? If during the 18 hours I’m not here I get 2 mails, then no more mails. Just stuck. For 2 months I can’t sell dungeons, can’t receive any other gold, not even presents people could want to make. Just nothing.
I see only 4 outcomes with that new system on players like myself, as I won’t do like some others and pull the “gonna uninstall you won’t get a kitten cent from me” card :
- I deal with it like a man and grow a longer beard to compensate for the hole in my heart,
- This was all an April’s fools and we’re getting hardcore trolled (would be GG ANet but highly unlikely),
- ANet decides to increase the amount of mails you can receive over the 10 limit. Would take some management and goign through a long list but whutevs, a bit more work on my end to get rid of gold sellers is a sacrifice i’m fine with making,
- ANet introduces a player to player trading system. I’m not really believing this would ever happen as they like the gold sink on the TP. This option would be kitten cool doe.
Now if you’ve read through this all you either hate me for being middle class (I ain"t that rich), or you are starting to feel concerned about this issue.
Thanks for reading, enjoy your day o7